Example #1
/* XTERM MOUSE suport by M.Laak */
void xtermmouse_get_event (Bit8u **kbp, int *kbcount)
	int btn;
	static int last_btn = 0;
	int x_pos, y_pos;
	/* Decode Xterm mouse information to a GPM style event */

	if (*kbcount >= 3) {

		x_pos = (*kbp)[1] - 32;
		y_pos = (*kbp)[2] - 32;
		mouse_move_absolute(x_pos-1, y_pos-1, vga.text_width, vga.text_height);
		m_printf("XTERM MOUSE: movement (click follows) detected to pos x=%d: y=%d\n", x_pos, y_pos);

		/* Variable btn has following meaning: */
		/* 0 = btn1 dn, 1 = btn2 dn, 2 = btn3 dn, 3 = btn up */
		btn = (*kbp)[0] & 3;
		/* There seems to be no way of knowing which button was released */
		/* So we assume all the buttons were released */
		if (btn == 3){
			if (last_btn) {
				mouse_move_buttons(0, 0, 0);
				m_printf("XTERM MOUSE: button release detected\n");
				last_btn = 0;
		} else {
			switch (btn) {
			case 0:
				mouse_move_buttons(1, 0, 0);
				m_printf("XTERM MOUSE: left button click detected\n");
				last_btn = 1;
			case 1:
				mouse_move_buttons(0, 1, 0);
				m_printf("XTERM MOUSE: middle button click detected\n");
				last_btn = 2;
			case 2:
				mouse_move_buttons(0, 0, 1);
				m_printf("XTERM MOUSE: right button click detected\n");
				last_btn = 3;
		*kbcount -= 3;	/* update count */
		*kbp += 3;

Example #2
void printBodies(const body *bodies, int body_count) {
	int i;
	for (i = 0; i < body_count; i++)
		m_printf("%i> Mass: %Le , Position: (%Le,%Le) , Velocity: (%Le,%Le)\n",i,
			bodies[i].mass, bodies[i].x, bodies[i].y, bodies[i].vx, bodies[i].vy);
Example #3
File: apby.cpp Project: yngccc/apby
bool read_file_into_memory_arena(const char *file_path, memory_arena *memory_arena, void **file_data_ptr, uint *file_size_ptr) {
  HANDLE file_handle = CreateFileA(file_path, GENERIC_READ, 0, nullptr, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, nullptr);
  if (file_handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
    m_printf("%s", err);
    return false;
  DWORD file_size = GetFileSize(file_handle, nullptr);
  if (file_size == INVALID_FILE_SIZE) {
    return false;
  uint64 memory_arena_size = memory_arena->size;
  char *file_data = memory_arena_allocate<char>(memory_arena, file_size);
  DWORD cur_size = 0;
  for (;;) {
    DWORD n_to_read = file_size - cur_size;
    DWORD n_read;
    if (ReadFile(file_handle, file_data + cur_size, n_to_read, &n_read, nullptr) == FALSE) {
      memory_arena->size = memory_arena_size;
      return false;
    if (n_read == 0) {
      if (cur_size != file_size) {
        memory_arena->size = memory_arena_size;
        return false;
    cur_size += n_read;
  *file_data_ptr = file_data;
  *file_size_ptr = file_size;
  return true;
Example #4
static void xterm_mouse_close(void)
	/* disable mouse tracking */
	/* restore old highlight mouse tracking */

	m_printf("XTERM MOUSE: Mouse tracking deinitialized\n");
Example #5
static int SDL_mouse_init(void)
  mouse_t *mice = &config.mouse;
  if (Video != &Video_SDL)
    return FALSE;

  mice->type = MOUSE_SDL;
  /* we have the X cursor, but if we start fullscreen, grab by default */
  m_printf("MOUSE: SDL Mouse being set\n");
  return TRUE;
void NetworkUpdate(lua_State* L)
	if (peer != NULL) {
		for (packet = peer->Receive(); packet; peer->DeallocatePacket(packet), packet = peer->Receive()) {
			if (pRemoteFn[packet->data[0]] != NULL) {
				lua_rawgeti(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, pRemoteFn[packet->data[0]]);
				if (lua_isfunction(L, -1))
					if (isServer)
						lua_pushinteger(L, packet->systemAddress.systemIndex + 1);
					RakNet::BitStream stream(packet->data, packet->length, false);
					lua_pushlightuserdata(L, &stream);
					if (isServer) {
						if (lua_pcall(L, 2, 0, 0) != 0)
							m_printf("%s", lua_tostring(L, -1));
					else {
						if (lua_pcall(L, 1, 0, 0) != 0)
							m_printf("%s", lua_tostring(L, -1));
					lua_remove(L, -1);

	if (tcp != NULL && isServer) {
		if (tcp->ReceiveHasPackets()) {
			for (packet = tcp->Receive(); packet; tcp->DeallocatePacket(packet), packet = tcp->Receive()) {
				lua_getglobal(L, "onHTTP");
				if (lua_isfunction(L, -1))
					lua_pushstring(L, (const char*)packet->data);
					lua_pushstring(L, (const char*)packet->systemAddress.ToString(false));
					if (lua_pcall(L, 2, 1, 0) != 0) {
						m_printf("%s", lua_tostring(L, -1));
					else {
						const char* szResp = lua_tostring(L, -1);
						sprintf(szWebResponse, "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\nServer: RakNetLua_by_Pabloko\nConnection: close\nContent-Type: text/html; charset = UTF-8\nContent-Length: %d\n\n%s", strlen(szResp), szResp);
						tcp->Send(szWebResponse, strlen(szWebResponse), packet->systemAddress, false);
					lua_remove(L, -1);

	if (isExecutable) {
		int ch;
		while (_kbhit())
			ch = _getch();
			if (ch == 0x0D) {
				//m_printf("%s", szCmd);
				lua_getglobal(L, "onCmd");
				if (lua_isfunction(L, -1))
					lua_pushstring(L, szCmd);
					if (lua_pcall(L, 1, 0, 0) != 0)
						m_printf("%s", lua_tostring(L, -1));
					lua_remove(L, -1);
				sprintf(szCmd, "");
			else {
				printf("%c", ch);
				sprintf(szCmd, "%s%c", szCmd, ch);
Example #7
File: apby.cpp Project: yngccc/apby
DWORD game_loop_main(LPVOID thread_input) {
  struct common_vars common_vars = *(struct common_vars *)thread_input;
  profiler profiler = {};
  LARGE_INTEGER performance_frequency = {};
  memory_arena memory_arena = {};
  if (!virtual_alloc_memory_arena(m_megabytes(16), common_vars.system_info.dwPageSize, &memory_arena)) {
    m_die("call to \"virtual_alloc_memory_arena\" failed(event_render_loop_thread memory arena)");
  vulkan vulkan = {};
    string info_string = { memory_arena_allocate<char>(&memory_arena, m_kilobytes(4)), 0, m_kilobytes(2) };
    string err_string = { memory_arena_allocate<char>(&memory_arena, m_kilobytes(1)), 0, m_kilobytes(1) };
    vulkan_create_info vulkan_create_info = {};
    vulkan_create_info.win32_instance = common_vars.instance;
    vulkan_create_info.win32_window = common_vars.window;
    const char *shader_file_paths[] = { "shaders\\swap_chain_pipeline_image.vert.spv", "shaders\\swap_chain_pipeline_image.frag.spv" };
    if (!read_file_into_memory_arena(shader_file_paths[0], &memory_arena, &vulkan_create_info.swap_chain_pipeline_image_code[0], &vulkan_create_info.swap_chain_pipeline_image_code_sizes[0]) ||
        !read_file_into_memory_arena(shader_file_paths[1], &memory_arena, &vulkan_create_info.swap_chain_pipeline_image_code[1], &vulkan_create_info.swap_chain_pipeline_image_code_sizes[1])) {
      m_die("call to \"read_file_into_memory_arena\" failed(swap_chain_pipeline_image shaders)");
    if (!vulkan_create(vulkan_create_info, &memory_arena, &info_string, &err_string, &vulkan)) {
      m_die("%s", err_string.buf);
    else {
      m_printf("%s", info_string.buf);
  game_buffer game_buffer = {};
  vec4 game_buffer_viewport = {};
  HANDLE game_buffer_gpk_file_handle = nullptr;
  HANDLE game_buffer_gpk_file_mapping = nullptr;
  void *game_buffer_gpk_file_mapping_ptr = nullptr;
  HANDLE game_buffer_mpk_import_shared_memory_mapping = nullptr;
  void *game_buffer_mpk_import_shared_memory_mapping_ptr = nullptr;
  HANDLE game_buffer_mpk_import_shared_memory_semaphore = nullptr;
    game_buffer_create_info game_buffer_create_info = {};
    if (!virtual_alloc_memory_arena(m_megabytes(512), common_vars.system_info.dwPageSize, &game_buffer_create_info.memory_arena)) {
      m_die("call to \"virtual_alloc_memory_arena\" failed(game buffer memory arena)");
    game_buffer_create_info.vulkan = &vulkan;
    game_buffer_create_info.vulkan_framebuffer_width = 1920;
    game_buffer_create_info.vulkan_framebuffer_height = 1080;
    if (!game_buffer_create(game_buffer_create_info, &game_buffer)) {
      m_die("call to \"game_buffer_create\" failed");
    game_buffer_editor_create_info game_buffer_editor_create_info = {};
    game_buffer_editor_create_info.game_buffer = &game_buffer;
    game_buffer_editor_create_info.vulkan = &vulkan;
    game_buffer_editor_create_info.imgui_init_file = "assets\\gpks\\example.gpk.imgui.ini";
    game_buffer_editor_create_info.imgui_font_file = "assets\\fonts\\OpenSans-Regular.ttf";
    game_buffer_editor_create_info.imgui_font_size = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN) / 150;
    game_buffer_editor_create_info.set_imgui_keymap = [] (ImGuiIO *imgui_io) {
      imgui_io->KeyMap[ImGuiKey_Tab] = VK_TAB;
      imgui_io->KeyMap[ImGuiKey_LeftArrow] = VK_LEFT;
      imgui_io->KeyMap[ImGuiKey_RightArrow] = VK_RIGHT;
      imgui_io->KeyMap[ImGuiKey_UpArrow] = VK_UP;
      imgui_io->KeyMap[ImGuiKey_DownArrow] = VK_DOWN;
      imgui_io->KeyMap[ImGuiKey_PageUp] = VK_PRIOR;
      imgui_io->KeyMap[ImGuiKey_PageDown] = VK_NEXT;
      imgui_io->KeyMap[ImGuiKey_Home] = VK_HOME;
      imgui_io->KeyMap[ImGuiKey_End] = VK_END;
      imgui_io->KeyMap[ImGuiKey_Backspace] = VK_BACK;
      imgui_io->KeyMap[ImGuiKey_Enter] = VK_RETURN;
      imgui_io->KeyMap[ImGuiKey_Escape] = VK_ESCAPE;
      imgui_io->KeyMap[ImGuiKey_A] = 'A';
      imgui_io->KeyMap[ImGuiKey_C] = 'C';
      imgui_io->KeyMap[ImGuiKey_V] = 'V';
      imgui_io->KeyMap[ImGuiKey_X] = 'X';
      imgui_io->KeyMap[ImGuiKey_Y] = 'Y';
      imgui_io->KeyMap[ImGuiKey_Z] = 'Z';
      const char *file_paths[] = { "shaders\\imgui.vert.spv", "shaders\\imgui.frag.spv" };
      VkShaderModule shader_modules[m_countof(file_paths)] = {};
      for (uint i = 0; i < m_countof(file_paths); i += 1) {
        void *file_data;
        uint file_size;
        if (!read_file_into_memory_arena(file_paths[i], &memory_arena, &file_data, &file_size)) {
          m_die("call to \"read_file_into_memory_arena\" failed(game buffer shader files)");
        VkShaderModuleCreateInfo shader_module_info = { VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_SHADER_MODULE_CREATE_INFO };
        shader_module_info.codeSize = file_size;
        shader_module_info.pCode = (const uint32_t *)file_data;
        if(vkCreateShaderModule(vulkan.device, &shader_module_info, nullptr, &shader_modules[i]) != VK_SUCCESS) {
          m_die("game buffer creation failed\ncall to \"vkCreateShaderModule\" failed for shader file %s", file_paths[i]);
      game_buffer_editor_create_info.imgui_vulkan_shaders[0] = shader_modules[0];
      game_buffer_editor_create_info.imgui_vulkan_shaders[1] = shader_modules[1];
    game_buffer.editor = memory_arena_allocate<game_buffer_editor>(&game_buffer.memory_arena, 1);
    *game_buffer.editor = {};
    if (!game_buffer_editor_create(&game_buffer_editor_create_info, game_buffer.editor)) {
      m_die("call to \"game_buffer_editor_create\" failed");
      uint shared_memory_size = m_megabytes(32);
      HANDLE shared_memory_mapping = CreateFileMappingA(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, nullptr, PAGE_READWRITE | SEC_COMMIT, 0, shared_memory_size, m_mpk_import_shared_memory_name);
      if (!shared_memory_mapping) {
        m_die("call to \"CreateFileMappingA\" failed\nfile: %s\nerr: %s", m_mpk_import_shared_memory_name, err_str);
      void *shared_memory_mapping_ptr = MapViewOfFile(shared_memory_mapping, FILE_MAP_WRITE, 0, 0, shared_memory_size);
      if (!shared_memory_mapping_ptr) {
        m_die("call to \"MapViewOfFile\" failed\nfile: %s\nerr: %s", m_mpk_import_shared_memory_name, err_str);
      ((mpk_import_shared_memory_header *)shared_memory_mapping_ptr)->total_size = shared_memory_size;
      ((mpk_import_shared_memory_header *)shared_memory_mapping_ptr)->mpk_size = shared_memory_size - sizeof(struct mpk_import_shared_memory_header);
      HANDLE shared_memory_semaphore = CreateSemaphore(nullptr, 1, 1, m_mpk_import_shared_memory_semaphore_name);
      if (!shared_memory_semaphore) {
        m_die("call to \"CreateSemaphore\" failed\nsemaphore: %s\nerr: %s", m_mpk_import_shared_memory_semaphore_name, err_str);
      if (GetLastError() == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) {
        m_die("call to \"CreateSemaphore\" failed\nsemaphore: %s\nerr: %s", m_mpk_import_shared_memory_semaphore_name, "named semaphore already exist");
      game_buffer_mpk_import_shared_memory_mapping = shared_memory_mapping;
      game_buffer_mpk_import_shared_memory_mapping_ptr = shared_memory_mapping_ptr;
      game_buffer_mpk_import_shared_memory_semaphore = shared_memory_semaphore;
      game_buffer_editor_job *new_job = nullptr;
      if (game_buffer_editor_add_mpk_job(&game_buffer, &new_job)) {
        mpk_import_command_line cmdl = m_mpk_import_command_line_default;
        cmdl.job_id = new_job->id;
        cmdl.import_type = mpk_import_type_fbx;
        strcpy(cmdl.fbx_file_path, "assets\\models\\simple_man\\simple_man.fbx");
        mpk_import_create_process(&cmdl, common_vars.process_group, &memory_arena);
      char gpk_file_name[] = "assets\\gpks\\example.gpk";
      HANDLE gpk_file_handle = CreateFileA(gpk_file_name, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, nullptr, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, nullptr);
      if (gpk_file_handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
        m_die("call to \"CreateFile\" failed\nfile: %s\nerr: %s", gpk_file_name, err_str);
      uint file_size = m_megabytes(32);
      SetFilePointer(gpk_file_handle, file_size, nullptr, FILE_BEGIN);
      if (!SetEndOfFile(gpk_file_handle)) {
        m_die("call to \"SetEndOfFile\" failed\nfile: %s\nsize: %d\nerr: %s", gpk_file_name, file_size, err_str);
      HANDLE gpk_file_mapping = CreateFileMappingA(gpk_file_handle, nullptr, PAGE_READWRITE, 0, 0, nullptr);
      if (!gpk_file_mapping) {
        m_die("call to \"CreateFileMappingA\" failed\nfile: %s\nerr: %s", gpk_file_name, err_str);
      void *gpk_file_mapping_ptr = MapViewOfFile(gpk_file_mapping, FILE_MAP_WRITE, 0, 0, file_size);
      if (!gpk_file_mapping_ptr) {
        m_die("call to \"MapViewOfFile\" failed\nfile: %s\nerr: %s", gpk_file_name, err_str);
      uint gpk_file_initial_state_size = 0;
      if (!gpk_write_initial_state(gpk_file_mapping_ptr, file_size, &gpk_file_initial_state_size)) {
        m_die("call to \"gpk_write_initial_state\" failed");
      if (!FlushViewOfFile(gpk_file_mapping_ptr, gpk_file_initial_state_size)) {
        m_die("call to \"FlushViewOfFile\" failed\nfile: %s\nerr: %s", gpk_file_name, err_str);
      game_buffer_gpk_file_handle = gpk_file_handle;
      game_buffer_gpk_file_mapping = gpk_file_mapping;
      game_buffer_gpk_file_mapping_ptr = gpk_file_mapping_ptr;
      game_buffer_update_vulkan_swap_chain_image(&game_buffer, &vulkan);
      game_buffer_viewport = rectangle_fit_into_viewport((float)vulkan.swap_chain_info.imageExtent.width, (float)vulkan.swap_chain_info.imageExtent.height, (float)game_buffer.vulkan_framebuffer_image_width, (float)game_buffer.vulkan_framebuffer_image_height);
  uint64 last_frame_time_microsecs = 0;
  bool mouse_down_up_same_frame[3] = {};
  for (;;) {
    LARGE_INTEGER frame_begin_performance_count;
      LARGE_INTEGER frame_end_performance_count;
      last_frame_time_microsecs = (frame_end_performance_count.QuadPart - frame_begin_performance_count.QuadPart) * 1000000 / performance_frequency.QuadPart;
      bool mouse_down_this_frame[3] = {};
      for (uint i = 0; i < 3; i += 1) {
        if (mouse_down_up_same_frame[i]) {
          mouse_down_up_same_frame[i] = false;
          game_buffer_editor_handle_mouse_up(&game_buffer, i);
      HANDLE iocp = common_vars.io_completion_port;
      DWORD iocp_num_bytes = 0;
      ULONG_PTR iocp_completion_key = 0;
      LPOVERLAPPED iocp_overlapped = nullptr;
      DWORD iocp_time_out = 0;
      while (GetQueuedCompletionStatus(iocp, &iocp_num_bytes, &iocp_completion_key, &iocp_overlapped, iocp_time_out) == TRUE) {
        switch (iocp_completion_key) {
          case quit_win_main_event : {
          } break;
          case window_resize_event : {
            uint32 new_width = LOWORD((LPARAM)iocp_overlapped);
            uint32 new_height = HIWORD((LPARAM)iocp_overlapped);
            if (vulkan.swap_chain_info.imageExtent.width != new_width || vulkan.swap_chain_info.imageExtent.height != new_height) {
              if (!vulkan_resize_swap_chain_images(&vulkan, new_width, new_height)) {
                m_die("call to \"vulkan_resize_swap_chain_images\" failed");
              game_buffer_viewport = rectangle_fit_into_viewport((float)vulkan.swap_chain_info.imageExtent.width, (float)vulkan.swap_chain_info.imageExtent.height, (float)game_buffer.vulkan_framebuffer_image_width, (float)game_buffer.vulkan_framebuffer_image_height);
          } break;
          case key_down_event : {
          } break;
          case key_up_event : {
          } break;
          case mouse_move_event : {
            game_buffer_editor_handle_mouse_move(&game_buffer, game_buffer_viewport, LOWORD((LPARAM)iocp_overlapped), HIWORD((LPARAM)iocp_overlapped));
          } break;
          case mouse_lbutton_down_event : {
            mouse_down_this_frame[0] = true;
            game_buffer_editor_handle_mouse_down(&game_buffer, 0);
          } break;
          case mouse_lbutton_up_event : {
            if (mouse_down_this_frame[0]) {
              mouse_down_up_same_frame[0] = true;
            else {
              game_buffer_editor_handle_mouse_up(&game_buffer, 0);
          } break;
          case mouse_rbutton_down_event : {
            mouse_down_this_frame[1] = true;
            game_buffer_editor_handle_mouse_down(&game_buffer, 1);
          } break;
          case mouse_rbutton_up_event : {
            if (mouse_down_this_frame[1]) {
              mouse_down_up_same_frame[1] = true;
            else {
              game_buffer_editor_handle_mouse_up(&game_buffer, 1);
          } break;
          case mpk_import_named_pipe_event : {
            mpk_import_named_pipe_instance *named_pipe_instance = (mpk_import_named_pipe_instance *)iocp_overlapped;
            if (named_pipe_instance->connected) {
              m_printf("got message %d bytes: %s\n", iocp_num_bytes, named_pipe_instance->message.msg);
              game_buffer_editor_handle_mpk_import_message(&game_buffer, &named_pipe_instance->message);
              if (named_pipe_instance->message.type == mpk_import_named_pipe_message_type_done) {
                void *mpk_ptr = ((struct mpk_import_shared_memory_header *)game_buffer_mpk_import_shared_memory_mapping_ptr) + 1;
                struct mpk_header *mpk_header_ptr = (struct mpk_header *)mpk_ptr;
                ReleaseSemaphore(game_buffer_mpk_import_shared_memory_semaphore, 1, nullptr);
              ReadFile(named_pipe_instance->handle, &named_pipe_instance->message, sizeof(named_pipe_instance->message), nullptr, &named_pipe_instance->overlapped);
            else {
              m_printf("new named pipe instance connected\n");
              named_pipe_instance->connected = true;
              ReadFile(named_pipe_instance->handle, &named_pipe_instance->message, sizeof(named_pipe_instance->message), nullptr, &named_pipe_instance->overlapped);
            m_die("game loop main: received event \"mpk_import_named_pipe_event\", but editor is not enabled");
          } break;
          default : {
            m_die("game loop main: call to \"GetQueuedCompletionStatus\" returned an invalid event");
          } break;
    game_buffer.editor->imgui_io->DeltaTime = (float)(last_frame_time_microsecs / 1000000.0);
    game_buffer_editor_imgui_new_frame(&game_buffer, &vulkan);
      VkResult vk_result = {};
      vkWaitForFences(vulkan.device, 1, &vulkan.swap_chain_fence, VK_TRUE, UINT64_MAX);
      vkResetFences(vulkan.device, 1, &vulkan.swap_chain_fence);
      uint swap_chain_image_index = 0;
      if ((vk_result = vkAcquireNextImageKHR(vulkan.device, vulkan.swap_chain, UINT64_MAX, vulkan.swap_chain_image_semaphore, VK_NULL_HANDLE, &swap_chain_image_index)) != VK_SUCCESS) {
        m_die("call to \"vkAcquireNextImageKHR\" failed");
      VkCommandBufferBeginInfo cmd_buffer_begin_info = { VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_COMMAND_BUFFER_BEGIN_INFO };
      cmd_buffer_begin_info.flags = VK_COMMAND_BUFFER_USAGE_ONE_TIME_SUBMIT_BIT;
      vkBeginCommandBuffer(vulkan.swap_chain_cmd_buffer, &cmd_buffer_begin_info);
      game_buffer_record_vulkan_commands(&game_buffer, &vulkan);
      vulkan_record_swap_chain_commands(&vulkan, swap_chain_image_index, game_buffer_viewport);
      VkSubmitInfo queue_submit_info = { VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_SUBMIT_INFO };
      queue_submit_info.waitSemaphoreCount = 1;
      queue_submit_info.pWaitSemaphores = &vulkan.swap_chain_image_semaphore;
      VkPipelineStageFlags wait_dst_stage_mask = VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_FRAGMENT_SHADER_BIT;
      queue_submit_info.pWaitDstStageMask = &wait_dst_stage_mask;
      queue_submit_info.commandBufferCount = 1;
      queue_submit_info.pCommandBuffers = &vulkan.swap_chain_cmd_buffer;
      queue_submit_info.signalSemaphoreCount = 1;
      queue_submit_info.pSignalSemaphores = &vulkan.swap_chain_queue_semaphore;
      if ((vk_result = vkQueueSubmit(vulkan.device_queue, 1, &queue_submit_info, vulkan.swap_chain_fence)) != VK_SUCCESS) {
        m_die("call to \"vkQueueSubmit\" failed");
      VkPresentInfoKHR device_queue_present_info = { VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_PRESENT_INFO_KHR };
      device_queue_present_info.waitSemaphoreCount = 1;
      device_queue_present_info.pWaitSemaphores = &vulkan.swap_chain_queue_semaphore;
      device_queue_present_info.swapchainCount = 1;
      device_queue_present_info.pSwapchains = &vulkan.swap_chain;
      device_queue_present_info.pImageIndices = &swap_chain_image_index;
      if ((vk_result = vkQueuePresentKHR(vulkan.device_queue, &device_queue_present_info)) != VK_SUCCESS) {
        m_die("call to \"vkQueuePresentKHR\" failed");
Example #8
void printhelp() {
	m_printf("-f  Input path of initial setting (DEFAULT: init.dat)\n");
	m_printf("-i  Prefix for image creation (DEFAULT: PBM)\n");
	m_printf("-o  Output path for saving the resulting state of bodies. (DEFAULT: result.dat)\n");
	m_printf("-p  BOOL	Parallel execution using OpenMP. (DEFAULT: false)\n");
	m_printf("-s  INT	Number of simulation steps (DEFAULT: 365)\n");
	m_printf("-d  INT	Step size of the simulation (DEFAULT: 1)\n");
	m_printf("-g  BOOL	Generate PBM images of intermediate results. (DEFAULT: false)\n");
	m_printf("-x  INT	Generate a PBM image of the current setting every x simulation steps (DEFAULT: 1000)\n");
	m_printf("-m  INT	Used in conjunction with -p. Parallel execution using OpenMP + MPI by locally applying Newton's Third Law for every MPI process.\n");
	m_printf("-n  INT	Used in conjunction with -p and -m. Parallel execution using OpenMP + MPI by globally applying Newton's Third Law across all MPI processes, thus halfing the required computations.\n");
	m_printf("-h  This message\n");
Example #9
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
	int option, steps = 365, delta = 1, body_count;
	char *input = "init.dat", *output = "result.dat";
	bool parallel = false, mpi = false, global_newton = false;
	long double start;
	long double px, py;
	imggen_info img_info;
	body *bodies = NULL;
	/* PBM default values */
	img_info.gen_img = false;
	img_info.img_steps = 1000;
	img_info.img_prefix = "PBM";
	img_info.offset = 2;
	img_info.width = 600;
	img_info.heigth = 600;
	/* Read cmdline params */
	while ((option = getopt(argc,argv,"phs:d:f:o:i:x:gmn")) != -1) {
		switch(option) {
		case 'p': parallel = true; break;
		case 's': steps = atoi(optarg); break;
		case 'd': delta = atoi(optarg); break;
		case 'f': input = optarg; break;
		case 'o': output = optarg; break;
		case 'i': img_info.img_prefix = optarg; break;
		case 'x': img_info.img_steps = atoi(optarg); break;
		case 'g': img_info.gen_img = true; break;
		case 'm': mpi = true; break;
		case 'n': global_newton = true; break;
			return 1;
	/* Init MPI */
	MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
	MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &mpi_processors);
	MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &mpi_self);
	/* Validate params */
	if (steps < 0 || delta < 1 || img_info.img_steps < 1) {
		m_printf("Wrong parameter value! Will exit!\n Steps: %i | Delta: %i | Input Filepath: %s", steps, delta, input);
	bodies = readBodies(fopen(input,"r"), &body_count);
	if (bodies == NULL) {
		m_printf("Error while reading input file %s. Will exit now!\n", input);
		return 1;
	/* Assert that all masses > 0 and any two particles do not share the same position */
	if (!examineBodies(bodies, body_count, &img_info.max_x, &img_info.max_y)) {
		m_printf("Error while reading input file %s. Some value are not permitted!\n", input);
		printBodies(bodies, body_count);
		return 1;
	totalImpulse(bodies, body_count, &px, &py);
	m_printf("Initial total impulse: px = %Le , py = %Le\n", px, py);
	start = seconds();
	if (parallel) {
		if (mpi) {
			if (global_newton) {
				m_printf("GLOBAL NEWTON\n");
				solve_parallel_mpi_global_newton(bodies, body_count, steps, delta, img_info);
			} else {
				solve_parallel_mpi(bodies, body_count, steps, delta, img_info);
		} else {
			solve_parallel(bodies, body_count, steps, delta, img_info);
	} else {
		solve_sequential(bodies, body_count, steps, delta, img_info);
	long double elapsed = seconds() - start;
	m_printf("Rate of interactions: %Lf\n", interactions(body_count, steps, elapsed));
	m_printf("Elapsed time: %Lf\n", elapsed);
	totalImpulse(bodies, body_count, &px, &py);
	m_printf("Resulting total impulse: px = %Le , py = %Le\n", px, py);
	/* Write result to file */
	FILE *f = fopen(output,"w");
	if (f == NULL) {
		m_printf("Error while opening output file %s.\n", output);
		return 1;
	writeBodies(f, bodies, body_count);
	return 0;
Example #10
inline void solve_parallel_mpi_global_newton(body *bodies, int body_count, int steps, int delta, imggen_info img_info) {
	int x, i, j, reduce_send_c = body_count*2, computations = (body_count) * (body_count-1) / 2,comp_sum = 0,
		low[mpi_processors], high[mpi_processors], recvcounts[mpi_processors], high_s, low_s, gather_sendcount;
	long double tmp1, tmp2, tmp3, tmp4, constants[body_count][body_count], 
		delta_tmp = delta * 0.5, meters = MAX(img_info.max_x, img_info.max_y);
	vector *mutual_f = (vector *) malloc(sizeof(vector) * body_count);
	vector *combined_f = (vector *) malloc(sizeof(vector) * body_count);
	MPI_Datatype body_t;
	void *gather_base;
	* New datatype for positions within body struct.
	int t_xblens[] = {1,2,1};
	MPI_Aint t_xdispls[] = {0,12,sizeof(body)};
	MPI_Datatype t_xtypes[] = {MPI_LB, MPI_LONG_DOUBLE,MPI_UB};
	MPI_Datatype pos_t;
	MPI_Type_create_struct(3, t_xblens, t_xdispls, t_xtypes, &pos_t);
	* New datatype for body struct.
	MPI_Type_contiguous(5, MPI_LONG_DOUBLE, &body_t);
	* New datatype for vector struct.
	//MPI_Type_contiguous(2, MPI_LONG_DOUBLE, &vector_t);
	//MPI_Op_create(vectorSum, true, &vectorSumOp);
	if (body_count < mpi_processors) {
		m_printf("bodies < processes - Will exit now!\n");
	* Distribution params.
	j = 0;
	for(i = 0; i < mpi_processors; i++) {
		comp_sum = 0;
		low[i] = j;
		for (; j < body_count && comp_sum <= computations / mpi_processors; j++) {
			comp_sum += body_count - j+1;
		high[i] = j;
		if(i == mpi_processors - 1) high[i] = body_count;
		recvcounts[i] = high[i] - low[i];
		//m_printf("Process %i gets rows %i to %i with %i computations\n", i, low[i],high[i], comp_sum);
	high_s = high[mpi_self];
	low_s = low[mpi_self];
	gather_base = bodies + low_s;
	gather_sendcount = recvcounts[mpi_self];
	#pragma omp parallel for private (j)
	for (i = low_s; i < high_s; i++)
		for (j = i+1; j < body_count; j++)
			constants[i][j] =  G * bodies[j].mass * bodies[i].mass * delta;
	for (x = 0; x < steps; x++) {
		for (i = 0; i < body_count; i++) {
			mutual_f[i].x = 0;
			mutual_f[i].y = 0;
		#pragma omp parallel private (i, j, tmp1, tmp2, tmp3, tmp4)
			vector sum[body_count];
			for (i = 0; i < body_count; i++) {
				sum[i].x = 0;
				sum[i].y = 0;
				mutual_f[i].x = 0;
				mutual_f[i].y = 0;
			#pragma omp for nowait
			for (i = low_s; i < high_s; i++) {
				for(j = i+1; j < body_count; j++) {
					tmp2 = bodies[j].x - bodies[i].x;
					tmp3 = bodies[j].y - bodies[i].y;
					tmp4 = tmp2*tmp2 + tmp3*tmp3;
					tmp4 *= sqrtl(tmp4);
					tmp1 = constants[i][j]/tmp4;
					long double tmp_x = tmp1*tmp2;
					long double tmp_y = tmp1*tmp3;
					sum[i].x += tmp_x;
					sum[i].y += tmp_y;
					sum[j].x -= tmp_x;
					sum[j].y -= tmp_y;
			for (i = 0; i < body_count; i++) {
				#pragma omp critical
					mutual_f[i].x += sum[i].x;
					mutual_f[i].y += sum[i].y;
		/* Reduce partial sums */
		MPI_Allreduce(mutual_f, combined_f, reduce_send_c, MPI_LONG_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
		#pragma omp parallel for private (tmp2, tmp3)
		for (i = low_s; i < high_s; i++) {
			tmp2 = combined_f[i].x;
			tmp3 = combined_f[i].y;
			/* Acceleration */
			long double m = bodies[i].mass;
			tmp2 /= m;
			tmp3 /= m;
			/* Update position and velocity */
			long double vx = bodies[i].vx;
			long double vy = bodies[i].vy;
			bodies[i].x = bodies[i].x + vx  * delta + tmp2 * delta_tmp;
			bodies[i].y = bodies[i].y + vy  * delta + tmp3 * delta_tmp;
			bodies[i].vx = vx + tmp2;
			bodies[i].vy = vy + tmp3;
		/* Exchange positions */
		MPI_Allgatherv(gather_base, gather_sendcount, pos_t, bodies, recvcounts, low, pos_t, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
		/* Save an image of intermediate results. */
		if (img_info.gen_img && x % img_info.img_steps == 0 && mpi_self == MASTER) {
			saveImage(x, bodies, body_count, img_info.offset * meters,
			img_info.offset * meters, img_info.width, img_info.heigth, img_info.img_prefix);
	/* Consolidate data */
	MPI_Allgatherv(gather_base, gather_sendcount, body_t, bodies, recvcounts, low, body_t, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
	/* Free custom MPI datatype */
Example #11
inline void solve_parallel_mpi(body *bodies, int body_count, int steps, int delta, imggen_info img_info) {
	int x, i, j,
	low[mpi_processors], high[mpi_processors], recvcounts[mpi_processors], high_s, low_s, gather_sendcount,
		computations = (body_count) * (body_count-1) / 2, comp_sum = 0;
	long double tmp2, tmp3, tmp4, constants[body_count][body_count], 
		delta_tmp = delta * 0.5, meters = MAX(img_info.max_x, img_info.max_y);
	vector mutual_f[body_count][body_count];
	MPI_Datatype body_t;
	void *gather_base;
	* New datatype for positions within body struct.
	int t_xblens[] = {1,2,1};
	MPI_Aint t_xdispls[] = {0,12,sizeof(body)};
	MPI_Datatype t_xtypes[] = {MPI_LB, MPI_LONG_DOUBLE,MPI_UB};
	MPI_Datatype pos_t;
	MPI_Type_create_struct(3, t_xblens, t_xdispls, t_xtypes, &pos_t);
	* New datatype for body struct.
	MPI_Type_contiguous(5, MPI_LONG_DOUBLE, &body_t);
	if (body_count < mpi_processors) {
		m_printf("bodies < processes - Will exit now!\n");
	* Distribution params.
	j = 0;
	for(i = 0; i < mpi_processors; i++) {
		comp_sum = 0;
		low[i] = j;
		for (; j < body_count && comp_sum <= computations / mpi_processors; j++) {
			comp_sum += body_count - j+1;
		high[i] = j;
		if(i == mpi_processors - 1) high[i] = body_count;
		recvcounts[i] = high[i] - low[i];
		//m_printf("Process %i gets rows %i to %i with %i computations\n", i, low[i],high[i], comp_sum);
	high_s = high[mpi_self];
	low_s = low[mpi_self];
	gather_base = bodies + low_s;
	gather_sendcount = recvcounts[mpi_self];
	#pragma omp parallel for private (j)
	for (i = low_s; i < high_s; i++)
		for (j = 0; j < body_count; j++)
			constants[i][j] =  G * bodies[j].mass * bodies[i].mass * delta;
	for (x = 0; x < steps; x++) {
		#pragma omp parallel for private (j, tmp2, tmp3, tmp4)
		for (i = low_s; i < high_s; i++) {
			for(j = 0; j < body_count; j++) {
				if (j < low_s || j > i) {
					tmp2 = bodies[j].x - bodies[i].x;
					tmp3 = bodies[j].y - bodies[i].y;
					tmp4 = tmp2*tmp2 + tmp3*tmp3;
					tmp4 *= sqrtl(tmp4);
					long double tmp1 = constants[i][j]/tmp4;
					mutual_f[i][j].x = tmp1 * tmp2;
					mutual_f[i][j].y = tmp1 * tmp3;
		#pragma omp parallel for private (j, tmp2, tmp3)
		for (i = low_s; i < high_s; i++) {
			tmp2 = 0;
			tmp3 = 0;
			for(j = 0; j < body_count; j++) {
				if (j < low_s || j > i) {
					tmp2 += mutual_f[i][j].x;
					tmp3 += mutual_f[i][j].y;
				} else if (i != j) {
					tmp2 -= mutual_f[j][i].x;
					tmp3 -= mutual_f[j][i].y;
			/* Acceleration */
			tmp2 /= bodies[i].mass;
			tmp3 /= bodies[i].mass;
			/* Update position and velocity */
			bodies[i].x = bodies[i].x + bodies[i].vx  * delta + tmp2 * delta_tmp;
			bodies[i].y = bodies[i].y + bodies[i].vy  * delta + tmp3 * delta_tmp;
			bodies[i].vx = bodies[i].vx + tmp2;
			bodies[i].vy = bodies[i].vy + tmp3;	
		/* Exchange positions */
		MPI_Allgatherv(gather_base, gather_sendcount, pos_t, bodies, recvcounts, low, pos_t, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
		/* Save an image of intermediate results. */
		if (img_info.gen_img && x % img_info.img_steps == 0 && mpi_self == MASTER) {
			saveImage(x, bodies, body_count, img_info.offset * meters,
			img_info.offset * meters, img_info.width, img_info.heigth, img_info.img_prefix);
	/* Consolidate data */
	MPI_Allgatherv(gather_base, gather_sendcount, body_t, bodies, recvcounts, low, body_t, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
	/* Free custom MPI datatype */
Example #12
int main( void) {
    FILE *fp;
    MATRIX_T *a, *b, *c, *d, *inverse, *test, *x, *ainv;
    double D;

    /* initialize all MATRIX_T pointers to NULL */
    a = NULL;
    b = NULL;
    c = NULL;
    d = NULL;
    inverse = NULL;
    test = NULL;
    x = NULL;
    ainv = NULL;

    /* it is good practice to reset the error code
       before doing matrix calculations */

    /* open matrix file to initialize matrix variables */
    if ((fp = fopen("mtest1.mat","r"))==NULL) {
        printf("cannot open file mtest1.mat\n");

    /* use m_printf functions here */

    /* test matrix addition */
    a = m_fnew( fp);
    m_printf( "\n# matrix a from file: mtest1.mat", "%6.2f", a);
    b = m_fnew( fp);
    m_printf( "\n# matrix b from: mtest1.mat", "%6.2f", b);
    c = m_new( 3, 2);
    c = m_add( c, a, b);
    m_printf( "\n# sum of a and b", "%6.2f", c);

    /* test matrix subtraction */
    c = m_sub( c, a, b);
    m_printf( "\n# difference of a and b", "%6.2f", c);

    /* change to using comma separated format output */

    /* multiply matrix by a constant */
    printf( "\ncomma separated format: matrix a\n");
    printf( "\ncomma separated format: matrix c\n");
    m_mupconst( c, 2.5, a);
    printf( "\ncsv format: 2.5 times matrix c\n");

    /* find maximum element in matrix */
    printf( "\nmax element in c is %f\n", m_max_abs_element(c));

    /* test euclidean norm */
    d = m_fnew( fp);
    printf( "\ncsv format: matrix d\n");
    printf( "\neuclidean norm of d is %f\n", m_e_norm( d));

    /* test assignment of identity matrix to a square matrix */
    inverse = m_new( d->rows, d->cols);
    m_assign_identity( inverse);
    m_printf( "\nidentity matrix", "%6.2f", inverse);

    /* test matrix inversion */
    inverse = m_inverse( inverse, d, &D, 0.0001);
    test = m_new(d->rows,d->cols);
    test = m_mup( test, d, inverse);
    m_printf( "\nmatrix d", "%6.2f", d);
    m_printf( "\nmatrix inverse", "%6.2f", inverse);
    m_printf( "\nproduct of d and d-inverse", "%6.2f", test);

    /* test solution of linear equations */

    /* start by getting new values for matrices a and b
       note: b is a 1 by n vector (as is x) */
    if ((a = m_fnew( fp)) == NULL) exit(0);
    if ((b = m_fnew( fp)) == NULL) exit(0);
    if ((x = m_new(b->rows,b->cols)) == NULL) exit(0);
    printf("\ncsv: a\n");
    printf("\ncsv: b\n");
    x = m_solve( x, a, b, 0.0000001);
    printf("\n\nx=ab\ncsv: solution x\n");

    /* close files and clean up */