static DerivedMesh *applyModifier( ModifierData *md, Object *ob, DerivedMesh *dm, ModifierApplyFlag UNUSED(flag)) { DerivedMesh *result; const SolidifyModifierData *smd = (SolidifyModifierData *) md; MVert *mv, *mvert, *orig_mvert; MEdge *ed, *medge, *orig_medge; MLoop *ml, *mloop, *orig_mloop; MPoly *mp, *mpoly, *orig_mpoly; const unsigned int numVerts = (unsigned int)dm->getNumVerts(dm); const unsigned int numEdges = (unsigned int)dm->getNumEdges(dm); const unsigned int numFaces = (unsigned int)dm->getNumPolys(dm); const unsigned int numLoops = (unsigned int)dm->getNumLoops(dm); unsigned int newLoops = 0, newFaces = 0, newEdges = 0, newVerts = 0, rimVerts = 0; /* only use material offsets if we have 2 or more materials */ const short mat_nr_max = ob->totcol > 1 ? ob->totcol - 1 : 0; const short mat_ofs = mat_nr_max ? smd->mat_ofs : 0; const short mat_ofs_rim = mat_nr_max ? smd->mat_ofs_rim : 0; /* use for edges */ /* over-alloc new_vert_arr, old_vert_arr */ unsigned int *new_vert_arr = NULL; STACK_DECLARE(new_vert_arr); unsigned int *new_edge_arr = NULL; STACK_DECLARE(new_edge_arr); unsigned int *old_vert_arr = MEM_callocN(sizeof(*old_vert_arr) * (size_t)numVerts, "old_vert_arr in solidify"); unsigned int *edge_users = NULL; char *edge_order = NULL; float (*vert_nors)[3] = NULL; float (*face_nors)[3] = NULL; const bool need_face_normals = (smd->flag & MOD_SOLIDIFY_NORMAL_CALC) || (smd->flag & MOD_SOLIDIFY_EVEN); const float ofs_orig = -(((-smd->offset_fac + 1.0f) * 0.5f) * smd->offset); const float ofs_new = smd->offset + ofs_orig; const float offset_fac_vg = smd->offset_fac_vg; const float offset_fac_vg_inv = 1.0f - smd->offset_fac_vg; const bool do_flip = (smd->flag & MOD_SOLIDIFY_FLIP) != 0; const bool do_clamp = (smd->offset_clamp != 0.0f); const bool do_shell = ((smd->flag & MOD_SOLIDIFY_RIM) && (smd->flag & MOD_SOLIDIFY_NOSHELL)) == 0; /* weights */ MDeformVert *dvert; const bool defgrp_invert = (smd->flag & MOD_SOLIDIFY_VGROUP_INV) != 0; int defgrp_index; /* array size is doubled in case of using a shell */ const unsigned int stride = do_shell ? 2 : 1; modifier_get_vgroup(ob, dm, smd->defgrp_name, &dvert, &defgrp_index); orig_mvert = dm->getVertArray(dm); orig_medge = dm->getEdgeArray(dm); orig_mloop = dm->getLoopArray(dm); orig_mpoly = dm->getPolyArray(dm); if (need_face_normals) { /* calculate only face normals */ face_nors = MEM_mallocN(sizeof(*face_nors) * (size_t)numFaces, __func__); BKE_mesh_calc_normals_poly( orig_mvert, NULL, (int)numVerts, orig_mloop, orig_mpoly, (int)numLoops, (int)numFaces, face_nors, true); } STACK_INIT(new_vert_arr, numVerts * 2); STACK_INIT(new_edge_arr, numEdges * 2); if (smd->flag & MOD_SOLIDIFY_RIM) { BLI_bitmap *orig_mvert_tag = BLI_BITMAP_NEW(numVerts, __func__); unsigned int eidx; unsigned int i; #define INVALID_UNUSED ((unsigned int)-1) #define INVALID_PAIR ((unsigned int)-2) new_vert_arr = MEM_mallocN(sizeof(*new_vert_arr) * (size_t)(numVerts * 2), __func__); new_edge_arr = MEM_mallocN(sizeof(*new_edge_arr) * (size_t)((numEdges * 2) + numVerts), __func__); edge_users = MEM_mallocN(sizeof(*edge_users) * (size_t)numEdges, "solid_mod edges"); edge_order = MEM_mallocN(sizeof(*edge_order) * (size_t)numEdges, "solid_mod eorder"); /* save doing 2 loops here... */ #if 0 copy_vn_i(edge_users, numEdges, INVALID_UNUSED); #endif for (eidx = 0, ed = orig_medge; eidx < numEdges; eidx++, ed++) { edge_users[eidx] = INVALID_UNUSED; } for (i = 0, mp = orig_mpoly; i < numFaces; i++, mp++) { MLoop *ml_prev; int j; ml = orig_mloop + mp->loopstart; ml_prev = ml + (mp->totloop - 1); for (j = 0; j < mp->totloop; j++, ml++) { /* add edge user */ eidx = ml_prev->e; if (edge_users[eidx] == INVALID_UNUSED) { ed = orig_medge + eidx; BLI_assert(ELEM(ml_prev->v, ed->v1, ed->v2) && ELEM(ml->v, ed->v1, ed->v2)); edge_users[eidx] = (ml_prev->v > ml->v) == (ed->v1 < ed->v2) ? i : (i + numFaces); edge_order[eidx] = j; } else { edge_users[eidx] = INVALID_PAIR; } ml_prev = ml; } } for (eidx = 0, ed = orig_medge; eidx < numEdges; eidx++, ed++) { if (!ELEM(edge_users[eidx], INVALID_UNUSED, INVALID_PAIR)) { BLI_BITMAP_ENABLE(orig_mvert_tag, ed->v1); BLI_BITMAP_ENABLE(orig_mvert_tag, ed->v2); STACK_PUSH(new_edge_arr, eidx); newFaces++; newLoops += 4; } } for (i = 0; i < numVerts; i++) { if (BLI_BITMAP_TEST(orig_mvert_tag, i)) { old_vert_arr[i] = STACK_SIZE(new_vert_arr); STACK_PUSH(new_vert_arr, i); rimVerts++; } else { old_vert_arr[i] = INVALID_UNUSED; } } MEM_freeN(orig_mvert_tag); } if (do_shell == false) { /* only add rim vertices */ newVerts = rimVerts; /* each extruded face needs an opposite edge */ newEdges = newFaces; } else { /* (stride == 2) in this case, so no need to add newVerts/newEdges */ BLI_assert(newVerts == 0); BLI_assert(newEdges == 0); } if (smd->flag & MOD_SOLIDIFY_NORMAL_CALC) { vert_nors = MEM_callocN(sizeof(float) * (size_t)numVerts * 3, "mod_solid_vno_hq"); dm_calc_normal(dm, face_nors, vert_nors); } result = CDDM_from_template(dm, (int)((numVerts * stride) + newVerts), (int)((numEdges * stride) + newEdges + rimVerts), 0, (int)((numLoops * stride) + newLoops), (int)((numFaces * stride) + newFaces)); mpoly = CDDM_get_polys(result); mloop = CDDM_get_loops(result); medge = CDDM_get_edges(result); mvert = CDDM_get_verts(result); if (do_shell) { DM_copy_vert_data(dm, result, 0, 0, (int)numVerts); DM_copy_vert_data(dm, result, 0, (int)numVerts, (int)numVerts); DM_copy_edge_data(dm, result, 0, 0, (int)numEdges); DM_copy_edge_data(dm, result, 0, (int)numEdges, (int)numEdges); DM_copy_loop_data(dm, result, 0, 0, (int)numLoops); DM_copy_loop_data(dm, result, 0, (int)numLoops, (int)numLoops); DM_copy_poly_data(dm, result, 0, 0, (int)numFaces); DM_copy_poly_data(dm, result, 0, (int)numFaces, (int)numFaces); } else { int i, j; DM_copy_vert_data(dm, result, 0, 0, (int)numVerts); for (i = 0, j = (int)numVerts; i < numVerts; i++) { if (old_vert_arr[i] != INVALID_UNUSED) { DM_copy_vert_data(dm, result, i, j, 1); j++; } } DM_copy_edge_data(dm, result, 0, 0, (int)numEdges); for (i = 0, j = (int)numEdges; i < numEdges; i++) { if (!ELEM(edge_users[i], INVALID_UNUSED, INVALID_PAIR)) { MEdge *ed_src, *ed_dst; DM_copy_edge_data(dm, result, i, j, 1); ed_src = &medge[i]; ed_dst = &medge[j]; ed_dst->v1 = old_vert_arr[ed_src->v1] + numVerts; ed_dst->v2 = old_vert_arr[ed_src->v2] + numVerts; j++; } } /* will be created later */ DM_copy_loop_data(dm, result, 0, 0, (int)numLoops); DM_copy_poly_data(dm, result, 0, 0, (int)numFaces); } #undef INVALID_UNUSED #undef INVALID_PAIR /* initializes: (i_end, do_shell_align, mv) */ #define INIT_VERT_ARRAY_OFFSETS(test) \ if (((ofs_new >= ofs_orig) == do_flip) == test) { \ i_end = numVerts; \ do_shell_align = true; \ mv = mvert; \ } \ else { \ if (do_shell) { \ i_end = numVerts; \ do_shell_align = true; \ } \ else { \ i_end = newVerts ; \ do_shell_align = false; \ } \ mv = &mvert[numVerts]; \ } (void)0 /* flip normals */ if (do_shell) { unsigned int i; mp = mpoly + numFaces; for (i = 0; i < dm->numPolyData; i++, mp++) { MLoop *ml2; unsigned int e; int j; /* reverses the loop direction (MLoop.v as well as custom-data) * MLoop.e also needs to be corrected too, done in a separate loop below. */ ml2 = mloop + mp->loopstart + dm->numLoopData; for (j = 0; j < mp->totloop; j++) { CustomData_copy_data(&dm->loopData, &result->loopData, mp->loopstart + j, mp->loopstart + (mp->totloop - j - 1) + dm->numLoopData, 1); } if (mat_ofs) { mp->mat_nr += mat_ofs; CLAMP(mp->mat_nr, 0, mat_nr_max); } e = ml2[0].e; for (j = 0; j < mp->totloop - 1; j++) { ml2[j].e = ml2[j + 1].e; } ml2[mp->totloop - 1].e = e; mp->loopstart += dm->numLoopData; for (j = 0; j < mp->totloop; j++) { ml2[j].e += numEdges; ml2[j].v += numVerts; } } for (i = 0, ed = medge + numEdges; i < numEdges; i++, ed++) { ed->v1 += numVerts; ed->v2 += numVerts; } } /* note, copied vertex layers don't have flipped normals yet. do this after applying offset */ if ((smd->flag & MOD_SOLIDIFY_EVEN) == 0) { /* no even thickness, very simple */ float scalar_short; float scalar_short_vgroup; /* for clamping */ float *vert_lens = NULL; const float offset = fabsf(smd->offset) * smd->offset_clamp; const float offset_sq = offset * offset; if (do_clamp) { unsigned int i; vert_lens = MEM_mallocN(sizeof(float) * numVerts, "vert_lens"); copy_vn_fl(vert_lens, (int)numVerts, FLT_MAX); for (i = 0; i < numEdges; i++) { const float ed_len_sq = len_squared_v3v3(mvert[medge[i].v1].co, mvert[medge[i].v2].co); vert_lens[medge[i].v1] = min_ff(vert_lens[medge[i].v1], ed_len_sq); vert_lens[medge[i].v2] = min_ff(vert_lens[medge[i].v2], ed_len_sq); } } if (ofs_new != 0.0f) { unsigned int i_orig, i_end; bool do_shell_align; scalar_short = scalar_short_vgroup = ofs_new / 32767.0f; INIT_VERT_ARRAY_OFFSETS(false); for (i_orig = 0; i_orig < i_end; i_orig++, mv++) { const unsigned int i = do_shell_align ? i_orig : new_vert_arr[i_orig]; if (dvert) { MDeformVert *dv = &dvert[i]; if (defgrp_invert) scalar_short_vgroup = 1.0f - defvert_find_weight(dv, defgrp_index); else scalar_short_vgroup = defvert_find_weight(dv, defgrp_index); scalar_short_vgroup = (offset_fac_vg + (scalar_short_vgroup * offset_fac_vg_inv)) * scalar_short; } if (do_clamp) { /* always reset becaise we may have set before */ if (dvert == NULL) { scalar_short_vgroup = scalar_short; } if (vert_lens[i] < offset_sq) { float scalar = sqrtf(vert_lens[i]) / offset; scalar_short_vgroup *= scalar; } } madd_v3v3short_fl(mv->co, mv->no, scalar_short_vgroup); } } if (ofs_orig != 0.0f) { unsigned int i_orig, i_end; bool do_shell_align; scalar_short = scalar_short_vgroup = ofs_orig / 32767.0f; /* as above but swapped */ INIT_VERT_ARRAY_OFFSETS(true); for (i_orig = 0; i_orig < i_end; i_orig++, mv++) { const unsigned int i = do_shell_align ? i_orig : new_vert_arr[i_orig]; if (dvert) { MDeformVert *dv = &dvert[i]; if (defgrp_invert) scalar_short_vgroup = 1.0f - defvert_find_weight(dv, defgrp_index); else scalar_short_vgroup = defvert_find_weight(dv, defgrp_index); scalar_short_vgroup = (offset_fac_vg + (scalar_short_vgroup * offset_fac_vg_inv)) * scalar_short; } if (do_clamp) { /* always reset becaise we may have set before */ if (dvert == NULL) { scalar_short_vgroup = scalar_short; } if (vert_lens[i] < offset_sq) { float scalar = sqrtf(vert_lens[i]) / offset; scalar_short_vgroup *= scalar; } } madd_v3v3short_fl(mv->co, mv->no, scalar_short_vgroup); } } if (do_clamp) { MEM_freeN(vert_lens); } } else { #ifdef USE_NONMANIFOLD_WORKAROUND const bool check_non_manifold = (smd->flag & MOD_SOLIDIFY_NORMAL_CALC) != 0; #endif /* same as EM_solidify() in editmesh_lib.c */ float *vert_angles = MEM_callocN(sizeof(float) * numVerts * 2, "mod_solid_pair"); /* 2 in 1 */ float *vert_accum = vert_angles + numVerts; unsigned int vidx; unsigned int i; if (vert_nors == NULL) { vert_nors = MEM_mallocN(sizeof(float) * numVerts * 3, "mod_solid_vno"); for (i = 0, mv = mvert; i < numVerts; i++, mv++) { normal_short_to_float_v3(vert_nors[i], mv->no); } } for (i = 0, mp = mpoly; i < numFaces; i++, mp++) { /* #BKE_mesh_calc_poly_angles logic is inlined here */ float nor_prev[3]; float nor_next[3]; int i_curr = mp->totloop - 1; int i_next = 0; ml = &mloop[mp->loopstart]; sub_v3_v3v3(nor_prev, mvert[ml[i_curr - 1].v].co, mvert[ml[i_curr].v].co); normalize_v3(nor_prev); while (i_next < mp->totloop) { float angle; sub_v3_v3v3(nor_next, mvert[ml[i_curr].v].co, mvert[ml[i_next].v].co); normalize_v3(nor_next); angle = angle_normalized_v3v3(nor_prev, nor_next); /* --- not related to angle calc --- */ if (angle < FLT_EPSILON) { angle = FLT_EPSILON; } vidx = ml[i_curr].v; vert_accum[vidx] += angle; #ifdef USE_NONMANIFOLD_WORKAROUND /* skip 3+ face user edges */ if ((check_non_manifold == false) || LIKELY(((orig_medge[ml[i_curr].e].flag & ME_EDGE_TMP_TAG) == 0) && ((orig_medge[ml[i_next].e].flag & ME_EDGE_TMP_TAG) == 0))) { vert_angles[vidx] += shell_v3v3_normalized_to_dist(vert_nors[vidx], face_nors[i]) * angle; } else { vert_angles[vidx] += angle; } #else vert_angles[vidx] += shell_v3v3_normalized_to_dist(vert_nors[vidx], face_nors[i]) * angle; #endif /* --- end non-angle-calc section --- */ /* step */ copy_v3_v3(nor_prev, nor_next); i_curr = i_next; i_next++; } } /* vertex group support */ if (dvert) { MDeformVert *dv = dvert; float scalar; if (defgrp_invert) { for (i = 0; i < numVerts; i++, dv++) { scalar = 1.0f - defvert_find_weight(dv, defgrp_index); scalar = offset_fac_vg + (scalar * offset_fac_vg_inv); vert_angles[i] *= scalar; } } else { for (i = 0; i < numVerts; i++, dv++) { scalar = defvert_find_weight(dv, defgrp_index); scalar = offset_fac_vg + (scalar * offset_fac_vg_inv); vert_angles[i] *= scalar; } } } if (do_clamp) { float *vert_lens_sq = MEM_mallocN(sizeof(float) * numVerts, "vert_lens"); const float offset = fabsf(smd->offset) * smd->offset_clamp; const float offset_sq = offset * offset; copy_vn_fl(vert_lens_sq, (int)numVerts, FLT_MAX); for (i = 0; i < numEdges; i++) { const float ed_len = len_squared_v3v3(mvert[medge[i].v1].co, mvert[medge[i].v2].co); vert_lens_sq[medge[i].v1] = min_ff(vert_lens_sq[medge[i].v1], ed_len); vert_lens_sq[medge[i].v2] = min_ff(vert_lens_sq[medge[i].v2], ed_len); } for (i = 0; i < numVerts; i++) { if (vert_lens_sq[i] < offset_sq) { float scalar = sqrtf(vert_lens_sq[i]) / offset; vert_angles[i] *= scalar; } } MEM_freeN(vert_lens_sq); } if (ofs_new != 0.0f) { unsigned int i_orig, i_end; bool do_shell_align; INIT_VERT_ARRAY_OFFSETS(false); for (i_orig = 0; i_orig < i_end; i_orig++, mv++) { const unsigned int i_other = do_shell_align ? i_orig : new_vert_arr[i_orig]; if (vert_accum[i_other]) { /* zero if unselected */ madd_v3_v3fl(mv->co, vert_nors[i_other], ofs_new * (vert_angles[i_other] / vert_accum[i_other])); } } } if (ofs_orig != 0.0f) { unsigned int i_orig, i_end; bool do_shell_align; /* same as above but swapped, intentional use of 'ofs_new' */ INIT_VERT_ARRAY_OFFSETS(true); for (i_orig = 0; i_orig < i_end; i_orig++, mv++) { const unsigned int i_other = do_shell_align ? i_orig : new_vert_arr[i_orig]; if (vert_accum[i_other]) { /* zero if unselected */ madd_v3_v3fl(mv->co, vert_nors[i_other], ofs_orig * (vert_angles[i_other] / vert_accum[i_other])); } } } MEM_freeN(vert_angles); } if (vert_nors) MEM_freeN(vert_nors); /* must recalculate normals with vgroups since they can displace unevenly [#26888] */ if ((dm->dirty & DM_DIRTY_NORMALS) || (smd->flag & MOD_SOLIDIFY_RIM) || dvert) { result->dirty |= DM_DIRTY_NORMALS; } else if (do_shell) { unsigned int i; /* flip vertex normals for copied verts */ mv = mvert + numVerts; for (i = 0; i < numVerts; i++, mv++) { negate_v3_short(mv->no); } } if (smd->flag & MOD_SOLIDIFY_RIM) { unsigned int i; /* bugger, need to re-calculate the normals for the new edge faces. * This could be done in many ways, but probably the quickest way * is to calculate the average normals for side faces only. * Then blend them with the normals of the edge verts. * * at the moment its easiest to allocate an entire array for every vertex, * even though we only need edge verts - campbell */ #define SOLIDIFY_SIDE_NORMALS #ifdef SOLIDIFY_SIDE_NORMALS const bool do_side_normals = !(result->dirty & DM_DIRTY_NORMALS); /* annoying to allocate these since we only need the edge verts, */ float (*edge_vert_nos)[3] = do_side_normals ? MEM_callocN(sizeof(float) * numVerts * 3, __func__) : NULL; float nor[3]; #endif const unsigned char crease_rim = smd->crease_rim * 255.0f; const unsigned char crease_outer = smd->crease_outer * 255.0f; const unsigned char crease_inner = smd->crease_inner * 255.0f; int *origindex_edge; int *orig_ed; unsigned int j; if (crease_rim || crease_outer || crease_inner) { result->cd_flag |= ME_CDFLAG_EDGE_CREASE; } /* add faces & edges */ origindex_edge = result->getEdgeDataArray(result, CD_ORIGINDEX); ed = &medge[(numEdges * stride) + newEdges]; /* start after copied edges */ orig_ed = &origindex_edge[(numEdges * stride) + newEdges]; for (i = 0; i < rimVerts; i++, ed++, orig_ed++) { ed->v1 = new_vert_arr[i]; ed->v2 = (do_shell ? new_vert_arr[i] : i) + numVerts; ed->flag |= ME_EDGEDRAW; *orig_ed = ORIGINDEX_NONE; if (crease_rim) { ed->crease = crease_rim; } } /* faces */ mp = mpoly + (numFaces * stride); ml = mloop + (numLoops * stride); j = 0; for (i = 0; i < newFaces; i++, mp++) { unsigned int eidx = new_edge_arr[i]; unsigned int fidx = edge_users[eidx]; int k1, k2; bool flip; if (fidx >= numFaces) { fidx -= numFaces; flip = true; } else { flip = false; } ed = medge + eidx; /* copy most of the face settings */ DM_copy_poly_data(dm, result, (int)fidx, (int)((numFaces * stride) + i), 1); mp->loopstart = (int)(j + (numLoops * stride)); mp->flag = mpoly[fidx].flag; /* notice we use 'mp->totloop' which is later overwritten, * we could lookup the original face but theres no point since this is a copy * and will have the same value, just take care when changing order of assignment */ k1 = mpoly[fidx].loopstart + (((edge_order[eidx] - 1) + mp->totloop) % mp->totloop); /* prev loop */ k2 = mpoly[fidx].loopstart + (edge_order[eidx]); mp->totloop = 4; CustomData_copy_data(&dm->loopData, &result->loopData, k2, (int)((numLoops * stride) + j + 0), 1); CustomData_copy_data(&dm->loopData, &result->loopData, k1, (int)((numLoops * stride) + j + 1), 1); CustomData_copy_data(&dm->loopData, &result->loopData, k1, (int)((numLoops * stride) + j + 2), 1); CustomData_copy_data(&dm->loopData, &result->loopData, k2, (int)((numLoops * stride) + j + 3), 1); if (flip == false) { ml[j].v = ed->v1; ml[j++].e = eidx; ml[j].v = ed->v2; ml[j++].e = (numEdges * stride) + old_vert_arr[ed->v2] + newEdges; ml[j].v = (do_shell ? ed->v2 : old_vert_arr[ed->v2]) + numVerts; ml[j++].e = (do_shell ? eidx : i) + numEdges; ml[j].v = (do_shell ? ed->v1 : old_vert_arr[ed->v1]) + numVerts; ml[j++].e = (numEdges * stride) + old_vert_arr[ed->v1] + newEdges; } else { ml[j].v = ed->v2; ml[j++].e = eidx; ml[j].v = ed->v1; ml[j++].e = (numEdges * stride) + old_vert_arr[ed->v1] + newEdges; ml[j].v = (do_shell ? ed->v1 : old_vert_arr[ed->v1]) + numVerts; ml[j++].e = (do_shell ? eidx : i) + numEdges; ml[j].v = (do_shell ? ed->v2 : old_vert_arr[ed->v2]) + numVerts; ml[j++].e = (numEdges * stride) + old_vert_arr[ed->v2] + newEdges; } origindex_edge[ml[j - 3].e] = ORIGINDEX_NONE; origindex_edge[ml[j - 1].e] = ORIGINDEX_NONE; /* use the next material index if option enabled */ if (mat_ofs_rim) { mp->mat_nr += mat_ofs_rim; CLAMP(mp->mat_nr, 0, mat_nr_max); } if (crease_outer) { /* crease += crease_outer; without wrapping */ char *cr = &(ed->crease); int tcr = *cr + crease_outer; *cr = tcr > 255 ? 255 : tcr; } if (crease_inner) { /* crease += crease_inner; without wrapping */ char *cr = &(medge[numEdges + (do_shell ? eidx : i)].crease); int tcr = *cr + crease_inner; *cr = tcr > 255 ? 255 : tcr; } #ifdef SOLIDIFY_SIDE_NORMALS if (do_side_normals) { normal_quad_v3(nor, mvert[ml[j - 4].v].co, mvert[ml[j - 3].v].co, mvert[ml[j - 2].v].co, mvert[ml[j - 1].v].co); add_v3_v3(edge_vert_nos[ed->v1], nor); add_v3_v3(edge_vert_nos[ed->v2], nor); } #endif } #ifdef SOLIDIFY_SIDE_NORMALS if (do_side_normals) { ed = medge + (numEdges * stride); for (i = 0; i < rimVerts; i++, ed++) { float nor_cpy[3]; short *nor_short; int k; /* note, only the first vertex (lower half of the index) is calculated */ normalize_v3_v3(nor_cpy, edge_vert_nos[ed->v1]); for (k = 0; k < 2; k++) { /* loop over both verts of the edge */ nor_short = mvert[*(&ed->v1 + k)].no; normal_short_to_float_v3(nor, nor_short); add_v3_v3(nor, nor_cpy); normalize_v3(nor); normal_float_to_short_v3(nor_short, nor); } } MEM_freeN(edge_vert_nos); } #endif MEM_freeN(new_vert_arr); MEM_freeN(new_edge_arr); MEM_freeN(edge_users); MEM_freeN(edge_order); } if (old_vert_arr) MEM_freeN(old_vert_arr); if (face_nors) MEM_freeN(face_nors); if (numFaces == 0 && numEdges != 0) { modifier_setError(md, "Faces needed for useful output"); } return result; }
/* only valid for perspective cameras */ bool BKE_camera_view_frame_fit_to_scene(Scene *scene, struct View3D *v3d, Object *camera_ob, float r_co[3]) { float shift[2]; float plane_tx[4][3]; float rot_obmat[3][3]; const float zero[3] = {0, 0, 0}; CameraViewFrameData data_cb; unsigned int i; BKE_camera_view_frame(scene, camera_ob->data, data_cb.frame_tx); copy_m3_m4(rot_obmat, camera_ob->obmat); normalize_m3(rot_obmat); for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { /* normalize so Z is always 1.0f*/ mul_v3_fl(data_cb.frame_tx[i], 1.0f / data_cb.frame_tx[i][2]); } /* get the shift back out of the frame */ shift[0] = (data_cb.frame_tx[0][0] + data_cb.frame_tx[1][0] + data_cb.frame_tx[2][0] + data_cb.frame_tx[3][0]) / 4.0f; shift[1] = (data_cb.frame_tx[0][1] + data_cb.frame_tx[1][1] + data_cb.frame_tx[2][1] + data_cb.frame_tx[3][1]) / 4.0f; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { mul_m3_v3(rot_obmat, data_cb.frame_tx[i]); } for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { normal_tri_v3(data_cb.normal_tx[i], zero, data_cb.frame_tx[i], data_cb.frame_tx[(i + 1) % 4]); plane_from_point_normal_v3(data_cb.plane_tx[i], data_cb.frame_tx[i], data_cb.normal_tx[i]); } /* initialize callback data */ copy_v4_fl(data_cb.dist_vals_sq, FLT_MAX); data_cb.tot = 0; /* run callback on all visible points */ BKE_scene_foreach_display_point(scene, v3d, BA_SELECT, camera_to_frame_view_cb, &data_cb); if (data_cb.tot <= 1) { return false; } else { float plane_isect_1[3], plane_isect_1_no[3], plane_isect_1_other[3]; float plane_isect_2[3], plane_isect_2_no[3], plane_isect_2_other[3]; float plane_isect_pt_1[3], plane_isect_pt_2[3]; /* apply the dist-from-plane's to the transformed plane points */ for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { mul_v3_v3fl(plane_tx[i], data_cb.normal_tx[i], sqrtf_signed(data_cb.dist_vals_sq[i])); } if ((!isect_plane_plane_v3(plane_isect_1, plane_isect_1_no, plane_tx[0], data_cb.normal_tx[0], plane_tx[2], data_cb.normal_tx[2])) || (!isect_plane_plane_v3(plane_isect_2, plane_isect_2_no, plane_tx[1], data_cb.normal_tx[1], plane_tx[3], data_cb.normal_tx[3]))) { return false; } add_v3_v3v3(plane_isect_1_other, plane_isect_1, plane_isect_1_no); add_v3_v3v3(plane_isect_2_other, plane_isect_2, plane_isect_2_no); if (isect_line_line_v3(plane_isect_1, plane_isect_1_other, plane_isect_2, plane_isect_2_other, plane_isect_pt_1, plane_isect_pt_2) == 0) { return false; } else { float cam_plane_no[3] = {0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f}; float plane_isect_delta[3]; float plane_isect_delta_len; mul_m3_v3(rot_obmat, cam_plane_no); sub_v3_v3v3(plane_isect_delta, plane_isect_pt_2, plane_isect_pt_1); plane_isect_delta_len = len_v3(plane_isect_delta); if (dot_v3v3(plane_isect_delta, cam_plane_no) > 0.0f) { copy_v3_v3(r_co, plane_isect_pt_1); /* offset shift */ normalize_v3(plane_isect_1_no); madd_v3_v3fl(r_co, plane_isect_1_no, shift[1] * -plane_isect_delta_len); } else { copy_v3_v3(r_co, plane_isect_pt_2); /* offset shift */ normalize_v3(plane_isect_2_no); madd_v3_v3fl(r_co, plane_isect_2_no, shift[0] * -plane_isect_delta_len); } return true; } } }
static void do_bake_shade(void *handle, int x, int y, float u, float v) { BakeShade *bs = handle; VlakRen *vlr = bs->vlr; ObjectInstanceRen *obi = bs->obi; Object *ob = obi->obr->ob; float l, *v1, *v2, *v3, tvn[3], ttang[4]; int quad; ShadeSample *ssamp = &bs->ssamp; ShadeInput *shi = ssamp->shi; /* fast threadsafe break test */ if (R.test_break(R.tbh)) return; /* setup render coordinates */ if (bs->quad) { v1 = vlr->v1->co; v2 = vlr->v3->co; v3 = vlr->v4->co; } else { v1 = vlr->v1->co; v2 = vlr->v2->co; v3 = vlr->v3->co; } l = 1.0f - u - v; /* shrink barycentric coordinates inwards slightly to avoid some issues * where baking selected to active might just miss the other face at the * near the edge of a face */ if (bs->actob) { const float eps = 1.0f - 1e-4f; float invsum; u = (u - 0.5f) * eps + 0.5f; v = (v - 0.5f) * eps + 0.5f; l = (l - 0.5f) * eps + 0.5f; invsum = 1.0f / (u + v + l); u *= invsum; v *= invsum; l *= invsum; } /* renderco */ shi->co[0] = l * v3[0] + u * v1[0] + v * v2[0]; shi->co[1] = l * v3[1] + u * v1[1] + v * v2[1]; shi->co[2] = l * v3[2] + u * v1[2] + v * v2[2]; /* avoid self shadow with vertex bake from adjacent faces [#33729] */ if ((bs->vcol != NULL) && (bs->actob == NULL)) { madd_v3_v3fl(shi->co, vlr->n, 0.0001f); } if (obi->flag & R_TRANSFORMED) mul_m4_v3(obi->mat, shi->co); copy_v3_v3(shi->dxco, bs->dxco); copy_v3_v3(shi->dyco, bs->dyco); quad = bs->quad; bake_set_shade_input(obi, vlr, shi, quad, 0, x, y, u, v); if (bs->type == RE_BAKE_NORMALS && R.r.bake_normal_space == R_BAKE_SPACE_TANGENT) { shade_input_set_shade_texco(shi); copy_v3_v3(tvn, shi->nmapnorm); copy_v4_v4(ttang, shi->nmaptang); } /* if we are doing selected to active baking, find point on other face */ if (bs->actob) { Isect isec, minisec; float co[3], minco[3], dist, mindist = 0.0f; int hit, sign, dir = 1; /* intersect with ray going forward and backward*/ hit = 0; memset(&minisec, 0, sizeof(minisec)); minco[0] = minco[1] = minco[2] = 0.0f; copy_v3_v3(bs->dir, shi->vn); for (sign = -1; sign <= 1; sign += 2) { memset(&isec, 0, sizeof(isec)); isec.mode = RE_RAY_MIRROR; isec.orig.ob = obi; isec.orig.face = vlr; isec.userdata = bs->actob; isec.check = RE_CHECK_VLR_BAKE; isec.skip = RE_SKIP_VLR_NEIGHBOUR; if (bake_intersect_tree(R.raytree, &isec, shi->co, shi->vn, sign, co, &dist)) { if (!hit || len_squared_v3v3(shi->co, co) < len_squared_v3v3(shi->co, minco)) { minisec = isec; mindist = dist; copy_v3_v3(minco, co); hit = 1; dir = sign; } } } if (ELEM(bs->type, RE_BAKE_DISPLACEMENT, RE_BAKE_DERIVATIVE)) { if (hit) bake_displacement(handle, shi, (dir == -1) ? mindist : -mindist, x, y); else bake_displacement(handle, shi, 0.0f, x, y); return; } /* if hit, we shade from the new point, otherwise from point one starting face */ if (hit) { obi = (ObjectInstanceRen *)minisec.hit.ob; vlr = (VlakRen *)minisec.hit.face; quad = (minisec.isect == 2); copy_v3_v3(shi->co, minco); u = -minisec.u; v = -minisec.v; bake_set_shade_input(obi, vlr, shi, quad, 1, x, y, u, v); } } if (bs->type == RE_BAKE_NORMALS && R.r.bake_normal_space == R_BAKE_SPACE_TANGENT) bake_shade(handle, ob, shi, quad, x, y, u, v, tvn, ttang); else bake_shade(handle, ob, shi, quad, x, y, u, v, NULL, NULL); }
void calc_latt_deform(Object *ob, float co[3], float weight) { Lattice *lt = ob->data; float u, v, w, tu[4], tv[4], tw[4]; float vec[3]; int idx_w, idx_v, idx_u; int ui, vi, wi, uu, vv, ww; /* vgroup influence */ int defgrp_index = -1; float co_prev[3], weight_blend = 0.0f; MDeformVert *dvert = BKE_lattice_deform_verts_get(ob); if (lt->editlatt) lt = lt->editlatt->latt; if (lt->latticedata == NULL) return; if (lt->vgroup[0] && dvert) { defgrp_index = defgroup_name_index(ob, lt->vgroup); copy_v3_v3(co_prev, co); } /* co is in local coords, treat with latmat */ mul_v3_m4v3(vec, lt->latmat, co); /* u v w coords */ if (lt->pntsu > 1) { u = (vec[0] - lt->fu) / lt->du; ui = (int)floor(u); u -= ui; key_curve_position_weights(u, tu, lt->typeu); } else { tu[0] = tu[2] = tu[3] = 0.0; tu[1] = 1.0; ui = 0; } if (lt->pntsv > 1) { v = (vec[1] - lt->fv) / lt->dv; vi = (int)floor(v); v -= vi; key_curve_position_weights(v, tv, lt->typev); } else { tv[0] = tv[2] = tv[3] = 0.0; tv[1] = 1.0; vi = 0; } if (lt->pntsw > 1) { w = (vec[2] - lt->fw) / lt->dw; wi = (int)floor(w); w -= wi; key_curve_position_weights(w, tw, lt->typew); } else { tw[0] = tw[2] = tw[3] = 0.0; tw[1] = 1.0; wi = 0; } for (ww = wi - 1; ww <= wi + 2; ww++) { w = tw[ww - wi + 1]; if (w != 0.0f) { if (ww > 0) { if (ww < lt->pntsw) idx_w = ww * lt->pntsu * lt->pntsv; else idx_w = (lt->pntsw - 1) * lt->pntsu * lt->pntsv; } else idx_w = 0; for (vv = vi - 1; vv <= vi + 2; vv++) { v = w * tv[vv - vi + 1]; if (v != 0.0f) { if (vv > 0) { if (vv < lt->pntsv) idx_v = idx_w + vv * lt->pntsu; else idx_v = idx_w + (lt->pntsv - 1) * lt->pntsu; } else idx_v = idx_w; for (uu = ui - 1; uu <= ui + 2; uu++) { u = weight * v * tu[uu - ui + 1]; if (u != 0.0f) { if (uu > 0) { if (uu < lt->pntsu) idx_u = idx_v + uu; else idx_u = idx_v + (lt->pntsu - 1); } else idx_u = idx_v; madd_v3_v3fl(co, <->latticedata[idx_u * 3], u); if (defgrp_index != -1) weight_blend += (u * defvert_find_weight(dvert + idx_u, defgrp_index)); } } } } } } if (defgrp_index != -1) interp_v3_v3v3(co, co_prev, co, weight_blend); }
static int rule_avoid_collision(BoidRule *rule, BoidBrainData *bbd, BoidValues *val, ParticleData *pa) { BoidRuleAvoidCollision *acbr = (BoidRuleAvoidCollision*) rule; KDTreeNearest *ptn = NULL; ParticleTarget *pt; BoidParticle *bpa = pa->boid; ColliderCache *coll; float vec[3] = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}, loc[3] = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}; float co1[3], vel1[3], co2[3], vel2[3]; float len, t, inp, t_min = 2.0f; int n, neighbors = 0, nearest = 0; int ret = 0; //check deflector objects first if(acbr->options & BRULE_ACOLL_WITH_DEFLECTORS && bbd->sim->colliders) { ParticleCollision col; BVHTreeRayHit hit; float radius = val->personal_space * pa->size, ray_dir[3]; copy_v3_v3(col.co1, pa->; add_v3_v3v3(col.co2, pa->, pa->prev_state.vel); sub_v3_v3v3(ray_dir, col.co2, col.co1); mul_v3_fl(ray_dir, acbr->look_ahead); col.f = 0.0f; hit.index = -1; hit.dist = col.original_ray_length = len_v3(ray_dir); /* find out closest deflector object */ for(coll = bbd->sim->colliders->first; coll; coll=coll->next) { /* don't check with current ground object */ if(coll->ob == bpa->ground) continue; col.current = coll->ob; = coll->collmd; if( &&>bvhtree) BLI_bvhtree_ray_cast(>bvhtree, col.co1, ray_dir, radius, &hit, BKE_psys_collision_neartest_cb, &col); } /* then avoid that object */ if(hit.index>=0) { t = hit.dist/col.original_ray_length; /* avoid head-on collision */ if(dot_v3v3(col.pce.nor, pa->prev_state.ave) < -0.99f) { /* don't know why, but uneven range [0.0,1.0] */ /* works much better than even [-1.0,1.0] */ bbd->wanted_co[0] = BLI_frand(); bbd->wanted_co[1] = BLI_frand(); bbd->wanted_co[2] = BLI_frand(); } else { copy_v3_v3(bbd->wanted_co, col.pce.nor); } mul_v3_fl(bbd->wanted_co, (1.0f - t) * val->personal_space * pa->size); bbd->wanted_speed = sqrtf(t) * len_v3(pa->prev_state.vel); bbd->wanted_speed = MAX2(bbd->wanted_speed, val->min_speed); return 1; } } //check boids in own system if(acbr->options & BRULE_ACOLL_WITH_BOIDS) { neighbors = BLI_kdtree_range_search(bbd->sim->psys->tree, acbr->look_ahead * len_v3(pa->prev_state.vel), pa->, pa->prev_state.ave, &ptn); if(neighbors > 1) for(n=1; n<neighbors; n++) { copy_v3_v3(co1, pa->; copy_v3_v3(vel1, pa->prev_state.vel); copy_v3_v3(co2, (bbd->sim->psys->particles + ptn[n].index)->; copy_v3_v3(vel2, (bbd->sim->psys->particles + ptn[n].index)->prev_state.vel); sub_v3_v3v3(loc, co1, co2); sub_v3_v3v3(vec, vel1, vel2); inp = dot_v3v3(vec,vec); /* velocities not parallel */ if(inp != 0.0f) { t = -dot_v3v3(loc, vec)/inp; /* cpa is not too far in the future so investigate further */ if(t > 0.0f && t < t_min) { madd_v3_v3fl(co1, vel1, t); madd_v3_v3fl(co2, vel2, t); sub_v3_v3v3(vec, co2, co1); len = normalize_v3(vec); /* distance of cpa is close enough */ if(len < 2.0f * val->personal_space * pa->size) { t_min = t; mul_v3_fl(vec, len_v3(vel1)); mul_v3_fl(vec, (2.0f - t)/2.0f); sub_v3_v3v3(bbd->wanted_co, vel1, vec); bbd->wanted_speed = len_v3(bbd->wanted_co); ret = 1; } } } } } if(ptn){ MEM_freeN(ptn); ptn=NULL; } /* check boids in other systems */ for(pt=bbd->sim->psys->targets.first; pt; pt=pt->next) { ParticleSystem *epsys = psys_get_target_system(bbd->sim->ob, pt); if(epsys) { neighbors = BLI_kdtree_range_search(epsys->tree, acbr->look_ahead * len_v3(pa->prev_state.vel), pa->, pa->prev_state.ave, &ptn); if(neighbors > 0) for(n=0; n<neighbors; n++) { copy_v3_v3(co1, pa->; copy_v3_v3(vel1, pa->prev_state.vel); copy_v3_v3(co2, (epsys->particles + ptn[n].index)->; copy_v3_v3(vel2, (epsys->particles + ptn[n].index)->prev_state.vel); sub_v3_v3v3(loc, co1, co2); sub_v3_v3v3(vec, vel1, vel2); inp = dot_v3v3(vec,vec); /* velocities not parallel */ if(inp != 0.0f) { t = -dot_v3v3(loc, vec)/inp; /* cpa is not too far in the future so investigate further */ if(t > 0.0f && t < t_min) { madd_v3_v3fl(co1, vel1, t); madd_v3_v3fl(co2, vel2, t); sub_v3_v3v3(vec, co2, co1); len = normalize_v3(vec); /* distance of cpa is close enough */ if(len < 2.0f * val->personal_space * pa->size) { t_min = t; mul_v3_fl(vec, len_v3(vel1)); mul_v3_fl(vec, (2.0f - t)/2.0f); sub_v3_v3v3(bbd->wanted_co, vel1, vec); bbd->wanted_speed = len_v3(bbd->wanted_co); ret = 1; } } } } if(ptn){ MEM_freeN(ptn); ptn=NULL; } } } if(ptn && nearest==0) MEM_freeN(ptn); return ret; }
static void occ_shade(ShadeSample *ssamp, ObjectInstanceRen *obi, VlakRen *vlr, float *rad) { ShadeInput *shi= ssamp->shi; ShadeResult *shr= ssamp->shr; float l, u, v, *v1, *v2, *v3; /* init */ if(vlr->v4) { shi->u= u= 0.5f; shi->v= v= 0.5f; } else { shi->u= u= 1.0f/3.0f; shi->v= v= 1.0f/3.0f; } /* setup render coordinates */ v1= vlr->v1->co; v2= vlr->v2->co; v3= vlr->v3->co; /* renderco */ l= 1.0f-u-v; shi->co[0]= l*v3[0]+u*v1[0]+v*v2[0]; shi->co[1]= l*v3[1]+u*v1[1]+v*v2[1]; shi->co[2]= l*v3[2]+u*v1[2]+v*v2[2]; shade_input_set_triangle_i(shi, obi, vlr, 0, 1, 2); /* set up view vector */ copy_v3_v3(shi->view, shi->co); normalize_v3(shi->view); /* cache for shadow */ shi->samplenr++; shi->xs= 0; // TODO shi->ys= 0; shade_input_set_normals(shi); /* no normal flip */ if(shi->flippednor) shade_input_flip_normals(shi); madd_v3_v3fl(shi->co, shi->vn, 0.0001f); /* ugly.. */ /* not a pretty solution, but fixes common cases */ if(shi->obr->ob && shi->obr->ob->transflag & OB_NEG_SCALE) { negate_v3(shi->vn); negate_v3(shi->vno); negate_v3(shi->nmapnorm); } /* init material vars */ // note, keep this synced with render_types.h memcpy(&shi->r, &shi->mat->r, 23*sizeof(float)); shi->har= shi->mat->har; /* render */ shade_input_set_shade_texco(shi); shade_material_loop(shi, shr); /* todo: nodes */ copy_v3_v3(rad, shr->combined); }
static void do_physical_effector(EffectorCache *eff, EffectorData *efd, EffectedPoint *point, float *total_force) { PartDeflect *pd = eff->pd; RNG *rng = pd->rng; float force[3] = {0, 0, 0}; float temp[3]; float fac; float strength = pd->f_strength; float damp = pd->f_damp; float noise_factor = pd->f_noise; if (noise_factor > 0.0f) { strength += wind_func(rng, noise_factor); if (ELEM(pd->forcefield, PFIELD_HARMONIC, PFIELD_DRAG)) damp += wind_func(rng, noise_factor); } copy_v3_v3(force, efd->vec_to_point); switch (pd->forcefield) { case PFIELD_WIND: copy_v3_v3(force, efd->nor); mul_v3_fl(force, strength * efd->falloff); break; case PFIELD_FORCE: normalize_v3(force); mul_v3_fl(force, strength * efd->falloff); break; case PFIELD_VORTEX: /* old vortex force */ if (pd->shape == PFIELD_SHAPE_POINT) { cross_v3_v3v3(force, efd->nor, efd->vec_to_point); normalize_v3(force); mul_v3_fl(force, strength * efd->distance * efd->falloff); } else { /* new vortex force */ cross_v3_v3v3(temp, efd->nor2, efd->vec_to_point2); mul_v3_fl(temp, strength * efd->falloff); cross_v3_v3v3(force, efd->nor2, temp); mul_v3_fl(force, strength * efd->falloff); madd_v3_v3fl(temp, point->vel, -point->vel_to_sec); add_v3_v3(force, temp); } break; case PFIELD_MAGNET: if (eff->pd->shape == PFIELD_SHAPE_POINT) /* magnetic field of a moving charge */ cross_v3_v3v3(temp, efd->nor, efd->vec_to_point); else copy_v3_v3(temp, efd->nor); normalize_v3(temp); mul_v3_fl(temp, strength * efd->falloff); cross_v3_v3v3(force, point->vel, temp); mul_v3_fl(force, point->vel_to_sec); break; case PFIELD_HARMONIC: mul_v3_fl(force, -strength * efd->falloff); copy_v3_v3(temp, point->vel); mul_v3_fl(temp, -damp * 2.0f * (float)sqrt(fabs(strength)) * point->vel_to_sec); add_v3_v3(force, temp); break; case PFIELD_CHARGE: mul_v3_fl(force, point->charge * strength * efd->falloff); break; case PFIELD_LENNARDJ: fac = pow((efd->size + point->size) / efd->distance, 6.0); fac = - fac * (1.0f - fac) / efd->distance; /* limit the repulsive term drastically to avoid huge forces */ fac = ((fac>2.0f) ? 2.0f : fac); mul_v3_fl(force, strength * fac); break; case PFIELD_BOID: /* Boid field is handled completely in boids code. */ return; case PFIELD_TURBULENCE: if (pd->flag & PFIELD_GLOBAL_CO) { copy_v3_v3(temp, point->loc); } else { add_v3_v3v3(temp, efd->vec_to_point2, efd->nor2); } force[0] = -1.0f + 2.0f * BLI_gTurbulence(pd->f_size, temp[0], temp[1], temp[2], 2, 0, 2); force[1] = -1.0f + 2.0f * BLI_gTurbulence(pd->f_size, temp[1], temp[2], temp[0], 2, 0, 2); force[2] = -1.0f + 2.0f * BLI_gTurbulence(pd->f_size, temp[2], temp[0], temp[1], 2, 0, 2); mul_v3_fl(force, strength * efd->falloff); break; case PFIELD_DRAG: copy_v3_v3(force, point->vel); fac = normalize_v3(force) * point->vel_to_sec; strength = MIN2(strength, 2.0f); damp = MIN2(damp, 2.0f); mul_v3_fl(force, -efd->falloff * fac * (strength * fac + damp)); break; case PFIELD_SMOKEFLOW: zero_v3(force); if (pd->f_source) { float density; if ((density = smoke_get_velocity_at(pd->f_source, point->loc, force)) >= 0.0f) { float influence = strength * efd->falloff; if (pd->flag & PFIELD_SMOKE_DENSITY) influence *= density; mul_v3_fl(force, influence); /* apply flow */ madd_v3_v3fl(total_force, point->vel, -pd->f_flow * influence); } } break; } if (pd->flag & PFIELD_DO_LOCATION) { madd_v3_v3fl(total_force, force, 1.0f/point->vel_to_sec); if (ELEM3(pd->forcefield, PFIELD_HARMONIC, PFIELD_DRAG, PFIELD_SMOKEFLOW)==0 && pd->f_flow != 0.0f) { madd_v3_v3fl(total_force, point->vel, -pd->f_flow * efd->falloff); } } if (point->ave) zero_v3(point->ave); if (pd->flag & PFIELD_DO_ROTATION && point->ave && point->rot) { float xvec[3] = {1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}; float dave[3]; mul_qt_v3(point->rot, xvec); cross_v3_v3v3(dave, xvec, force); if (pd->f_flow != 0.0f) { madd_v3_v3fl(dave, point->ave, -pd->f_flow * efd->falloff); } add_v3_v3(point->ave, dave); } }
void GlareStreaksOperation::generateGlare(float *data, MemoryBuffer *inputTile, NodeGlare *settings) { int x, y, n; unsigned int nump = 0; float c1[4], c2[4], c3[4], c4[4]; float a, ang = DEG2RADF(360.0f) / (float)settings->streaks; int size = inputTile->getWidth() * inputTile->getHeight(); int size4 = size * 4; bool breaked = false; MemoryBuffer *tsrc = inputTile->duplicate(); MemoryBuffer *tdst = new MemoryBuffer(COM_DT_COLOR, inputTile->getRect()); tdst->clear(); memset(data, 0, size4 * sizeof(float)); for (a = 0.0f; a < DEG2RADF(360.0f) && (!breaked); a += ang) { const float an = a + settings->angle_ofs; const float vx = cos((double)an), vy = sin((double)an); for (n = 0; n < settings->iter && (!breaked); ++n) { const float p4 = pow(4.0, (double)n); const float vxp = vx * p4, vyp = vy * p4; const float wt = pow((double)settings->fade, (double)p4); const float cmo = 1.0f - (float)pow((double)settings->colmod, (double)n + 1); // colormodulation amount relative to current pass float *tdstcol = tdst->getBuffer(); for (y = 0; y < tsrc->getHeight() && (!breaked); ++y) { for (x = 0; x < tsrc->getWidth(); ++x, tdstcol += 4) { // first pass no offset, always same for every pass, exact copy, // otherwise results in uneven brightness, only need once if (n == 0) tsrc->read(c1, x, y); else c1[0] = c1[1] = c1[2] = 0; tsrc->readBilinear(c2, x + vxp, y + vyp); tsrc->readBilinear(c3, x + vxp * 2.0f, y + vyp * 2.0f); tsrc->readBilinear(c4, x + vxp * 3.0f, y + vyp * 3.0f); // modulate color to look vaguely similar to a color spectrum c2[1] *= cmo; c2[2] *= cmo; c3[0] *= cmo; c3[1] *= cmo; c4[0] *= cmo; c4[2] *= cmo; tdstcol[0] = 0.5f * (tdstcol[0] + c1[0] + wt * (c2[0] + wt * (c3[0] + wt * c4[0]))); tdstcol[1] = 0.5f * (tdstcol[1] + c1[1] + wt * (c2[1] + wt * (c3[1] + wt * c4[1]))); tdstcol[2] = 0.5f * (tdstcol[2] + c1[2] + wt * (c2[2] + wt * (c3[2] + wt * c4[2]))); tdstcol[3] = 1.0f; } if (isBreaked()) { breaked = true; } } memcpy(tsrc->getBuffer(), tdst->getBuffer(), sizeof(float) * size4); } float *sourcebuffer = tsrc->getBuffer(); float factor = 1.0f / (float)(6 - settings->iter); for (int i = 0; i < size4; i += 4) { madd_v3_v3fl(&data[i], &sourcebuffer[i], factor); data[i + 3] = 1.0f; } tdst->clear(); memcpy(tsrc->getBuffer(), inputTile->getBuffer(), sizeof(float) * size4); nump++; } delete tsrc; delete tdst; }
static void meshdeformModifier_do( ModifierData *md, Object *ob, DerivedMesh *dm, float (*vertexCos)[3], int numVerts) { MeshDeformModifierData *mmd = (MeshDeformModifierData *) md; struct Mesh *me = (mmd->object) ? mmd->object->data : NULL; BMEditMesh *em = me ? me->edit_btmesh : NULL; DerivedMesh *tmpdm, *cagedm; MDeformVert *dvert = NULL; MDefInfluence *influences; int *offsets; float imat[4][4], cagemat[4][4], iobmat[4][4], icagemat[3][3], cmat[4][4]; float weight, totweight, fac, co[3], (*dco)[3], (*bindcagecos)[3]; int a, b, totvert, totcagevert, defgrp_index; float (*cagecos)[3]; if (!mmd->object || (!mmd->bindcagecos && !mmd->bindfunc)) return; /* get cage derivedmesh */ if (em) { tmpdm = editbmesh_get_derived_cage_and_final(md->scene, ob, em, &cagedm, 0); if (tmpdm) tmpdm->release(tmpdm); } else cagedm = mmd->object->derivedFinal; /* if we don't have one computed, use derivedmesh from data * without any modifiers */ if (!cagedm) { cagedm = get_dm(mmd->object, NULL, NULL, NULL, false, false); if (cagedm) cagedm->needsFree = 1; } if (!cagedm) { modifier_setError(md, "Cannot get mesh from cage object"); return; } /* compute matrices to go in and out of cage object space */ invert_m4_m4(imat, mmd->object->obmat); mul_m4_m4m4(cagemat, imat, ob->obmat); mul_m4_m4m4(cmat, mmd->bindmat, cagemat); invert_m4_m4(iobmat, cmat); copy_m3_m4(icagemat, iobmat); /* bind weights if needed */ if (!mmd->bindcagecos) { static int recursive = 0; /* progress bar redraw can make this recursive .. */ if (!recursive) { recursive = 1; mmd->bindfunc(md->scene, mmd, (float *)vertexCos, numVerts, cagemat); recursive = 0; } } /* verify we have compatible weights */ totvert = numVerts; totcagevert = cagedm->getNumVerts(cagedm); if (mmd->totvert != totvert) { modifier_setError(md, "Verts changed from %d to %d", mmd->totvert, totvert); cagedm->release(cagedm); return; } else if (mmd->totcagevert != totcagevert) { modifier_setError(md, "Cage verts changed from %d to %d", mmd->totcagevert, totcagevert); cagedm->release(cagedm); return; } else if (mmd->bindcagecos == NULL) { modifier_setError(md, "Bind data missing"); cagedm->release(cagedm); return; } cagecos = MEM_callocN(sizeof(*cagecos) * totcagevert, "meshdeformModifier vertCos"); /* setup deformation data */ cagedm->getVertCos(cagedm, cagecos); influences = mmd->bindinfluences; offsets = mmd->bindoffsets; bindcagecos = (float(*)[3])mmd->bindcagecos; dco = MEM_callocN(sizeof(*dco) * totcagevert, "MDefDco"); for (a = 0; a < totcagevert; a++) { /* get cage vertex in world space with binding transform */ copy_v3_v3(co, cagecos[a]); if (G.debug_value != 527) { mul_m4_v3(mmd->bindmat, co); /* compute difference with world space bind coord */ sub_v3_v3v3(dco[a], co, bindcagecos[a]); } else copy_v3_v3(dco[a], co); } modifier_get_vgroup(ob, dm, mmd->defgrp_name, &dvert, &defgrp_index); /* do deformation */ fac = 1.0f; for (b = 0; b < totvert; b++) { if (mmd->flag & MOD_MDEF_DYNAMIC_BIND) if (!mmd->dynverts[b]) continue; if (dvert) { fac = defvert_find_weight(&dvert[b], defgrp_index); if (mmd->flag & MOD_MDEF_INVERT_VGROUP) { fac = 1.0f - fac; } if (fac <= 0.0f) { continue; } } if (mmd->flag & MOD_MDEF_DYNAMIC_BIND) { /* transform coordinate into cage's local space */ mul_v3_m4v3(co, cagemat, vertexCos[b]); totweight = meshdeform_dynamic_bind(mmd, dco, co); } else { totweight = 0.0f; zero_v3(co); for (a = offsets[b]; a < offsets[b + 1]; a++) { weight = influences[a].weight; madd_v3_v3fl(co, dco[influences[a].vertex], weight); totweight += weight; } } if (totweight > 0.0f) { mul_v3_fl(co, fac / totweight); mul_m3_v3(icagemat, co); if (G.debug_value != 527) add_v3_v3(vertexCos[b], co); else copy_v3_v3(vertexCos[b], co); } } /* release cage derivedmesh */ MEM_freeN(dco); MEM_freeN(cagecos); cagedm->release(cagedm); }
void ConvolutionEdgeFilterOperation::executePixel(float output[4], int x, int y, void *data) { float in1[4], in2[4], res1[4] = {0.0}, res2[4] = {0.0}; int x1 = x - 1; int x2 = x; int x3 = x + 1; int y1 = y - 1; int y2 = y; int y3 = y + 1; CLAMP(x1, 0, getWidth() - 1); CLAMP(x2, 0, getWidth() - 1); CLAMP(x3, 0, getWidth() - 1); CLAMP(y1, 0, getHeight() - 1); CLAMP(y2, 0, getHeight() - 1); CLAMP(y3, 0, getHeight() - 1); float value[4]; this->m_inputValueOperation->read(value, x2, y2, NULL); float mval = 1.0f - value[0]; this->m_inputOperation->read(in1, x1, y1, NULL); madd_v3_v3fl(res1, in1, this->m_filter[0]); madd_v3_v3fl(res2, in1, this->m_filter[0]); this->m_inputOperation->read(in1, x2, y1, NULL); madd_v3_v3fl(res1, in1, this->m_filter[1]); madd_v3_v3fl(res2, in1, this->m_filter[3]); this->m_inputOperation->read(in1, x3, y1, NULL); madd_v3_v3fl(res1, in1, this->m_filter[2]); madd_v3_v3fl(res2, in1, this->m_filter[6]); this->m_inputOperation->read(in1, x1, y2, NULL); madd_v3_v3fl(res1, in1, this->m_filter[3]); madd_v3_v3fl(res2, in1, this->m_filter[1]); this->m_inputOperation->read(in2, x2, y2, NULL); madd_v3_v3fl(res1, in2, this->m_filter[4]); madd_v3_v3fl(res2, in2, this->m_filter[4]); this->m_inputOperation->read(in1, x3, y2, NULL); madd_v3_v3fl(res1, in1, this->m_filter[5]); madd_v3_v3fl(res2, in1, this->m_filter[7]); this->m_inputOperation->read(in1, x1, y3, NULL); madd_v3_v3fl(res1, in1, this->m_filter[6]); madd_v3_v3fl(res2, in1, this->m_filter[2]); this->m_inputOperation->read(in1, x2, y3, NULL); madd_v3_v3fl(res1, in1, this->m_filter[7]); madd_v3_v3fl(res2, in1, this->m_filter[5]); this->m_inputOperation->read(in1, x3, y3, NULL); madd_v3_v3fl(res1, in1, this->m_filter[8]); madd_v3_v3fl(res2, in1, this->m_filter[8]); output[0] = sqrt(res1[0] * res1[0] + res2[0] * res2[0]); output[1] = sqrt(res1[1] * res1[1] + res2[1] * res2[1]); output[2] = sqrt(res1[2] * res1[2] + res2[2] * res2[2]); output[0] = output[0] * value[0] + in2[0] * mval; output[1] = output[1] * value[0] + in2[1] * mval; output[2] = output[2] * value[0] + in2[2] * mval; output[3] = in2[3]; }
static bool camera_frame_fit_calc_from_data( CameraParams *params, CameraViewFrameData *data, float r_co[3], float *r_scale) { float plane_tx[CAMERA_VIEWFRAME_NUM_PLANES][3]; unsigned int i; if (data->tot <= 1) { return false; } if (params->is_ortho) { const float *cam_axis_x = data->camera_rotmat[0]; const float *cam_axis_y = data->camera_rotmat[1]; const float *cam_axis_z = data->camera_rotmat[2]; float dists[CAMERA_VIEWFRAME_NUM_PLANES]; float scale_diff; /* apply the dist-from-plane's to the transformed plane points */ for (i = 0; i < CAMERA_VIEWFRAME_NUM_PLANES; i++) { dists[i] = sqrtf_signed(data->dist_vals_sq[i]); } if ((dists[0] + dists[2]) > (dists[1] + dists[3])) { scale_diff = (dists[1] + dists[3]) * (BLI_rctf_size_x(¶ms->viewplane) / BLI_rctf_size_y(¶ms->viewplane)); } else { scale_diff = (dists[0] + dists[2]) * (BLI_rctf_size_y(¶ms->viewplane) / BLI_rctf_size_x(¶ms->viewplane)); } *r_scale = params->ortho_scale - scale_diff; zero_v3(r_co); madd_v3_v3fl(r_co, cam_axis_x, (dists[2] - dists[0]) * 0.5f + params->shiftx * scale_diff); madd_v3_v3fl(r_co, cam_axis_y, (dists[1] - dists[3]) * 0.5f + params->shifty * scale_diff); madd_v3_v3fl(r_co, cam_axis_z, -(data->dist_to_cam - 1.0f - params->clipsta)); return true; } else { float plane_isect_1[3], plane_isect_1_no[3], plane_isect_1_other[3]; float plane_isect_2[3], plane_isect_2_no[3], plane_isect_2_other[3]; float plane_isect_pt_1[3], plane_isect_pt_2[3]; /* apply the dist-from-plane's to the transformed plane points */ for (i = 0; i < CAMERA_VIEWFRAME_NUM_PLANES; i++) { mul_v3_v3fl(plane_tx[i], data->normal_tx[i], sqrtf_signed(data->dist_vals_sq[i])); } if ((!isect_plane_plane_v3(plane_isect_1, plane_isect_1_no, plane_tx[0], data->normal_tx[0], plane_tx[2], data->normal_tx[2])) || (!isect_plane_plane_v3(plane_isect_2, plane_isect_2_no, plane_tx[1], data->normal_tx[1], plane_tx[3], data->normal_tx[3]))) { return false; } add_v3_v3v3(plane_isect_1_other, plane_isect_1, plane_isect_1_no); add_v3_v3v3(plane_isect_2_other, plane_isect_2, plane_isect_2_no); if (isect_line_line_v3(plane_isect_1, plane_isect_1_other, plane_isect_2, plane_isect_2_other, plane_isect_pt_1, plane_isect_pt_2) != 0) { float cam_plane_no[3]; float plane_isect_delta[3]; float plane_isect_delta_len; float shift_fac = BKE_camera_sensor_size(params->sensor_fit, params->sensor_x, params->sensor_y) / params->lens; /* we want (0, 0, -1) transformed by camera_rotmat, this is a quicker shortcut. */ negate_v3_v3(cam_plane_no, data->camera_rotmat[2]); sub_v3_v3v3(plane_isect_delta, plane_isect_pt_2, plane_isect_pt_1); plane_isect_delta_len = len_v3(plane_isect_delta); if (dot_v3v3(plane_isect_delta, cam_plane_no) > 0.0f) { copy_v3_v3(r_co, plane_isect_pt_1); /* offset shift */ normalize_v3(plane_isect_1_no); madd_v3_v3fl(r_co, plane_isect_1_no, params->shifty * plane_isect_delta_len * shift_fac); } else { copy_v3_v3(r_co, plane_isect_pt_2); /* offset shift */ normalize_v3(plane_isect_2_no); madd_v3_v3fl(r_co, plane_isect_2_no, params->shiftx * plane_isect_delta_len * shift_fac); } return true; } } return false; }
void do_kink(ParticleKey *state, const float par_co[3], const float par_vel[3], const float par_rot[4], float time, float freq, float shape, float amplitude, float flat, short type, short axis, float obmat[4][4], int smooth_start) { float kink[3] = {1.f, 0.f, 0.f}, par_vec[3], q1[4] = {1.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f}; float t, dt = 1.f, result[3]; if (ELEM(type, PART_KINK_NO, PART_KINK_SPIRAL)) return; CLAMP(time, 0.f, 1.f); if (shape != 0.0f && !ELEM(type, PART_KINK_BRAID)) { if (shape < 0.0f) time = (float)pow(time, 1.f + shape); else time = (float)pow(time, 1.f / (1.f - shape)); } t = time * freq * (float)M_PI; if (smooth_start) { dt = fabsf(t); /* smooth the beginning of kink */ CLAMP(dt, 0.f, (float)M_PI); dt = sinf(dt / 2.f); } if (!ELEM(type, PART_KINK_RADIAL)) { float temp[3]; kink[axis] = 1.f; if (obmat) mul_mat3_m4_v3(obmat, kink); mul_qt_v3(par_rot, kink); /* make sure kink is normal to strand */ project_v3_v3v3(temp, kink, par_vel); sub_v3_v3(kink, temp); normalize_v3(kink); } copy_v3_v3(result, state->co); sub_v3_v3v3(par_vec, par_co, state->co); switch (type) { case PART_KINK_CURL: { float curl_offset[3]; /* rotate kink vector around strand tangent */ mul_v3_v3fl(curl_offset, kink, amplitude); axis_angle_to_quat(q1, par_vel, t); mul_qt_v3(q1, curl_offset); interp_v3_v3v3(par_vec, state->co, par_co, flat); add_v3_v3v3(result, par_vec, curl_offset); break; } case PART_KINK_RADIAL: { if (flat > 0.f) { float proj[3]; /* flatten along strand */ project_v3_v3v3(proj, par_vec, par_vel); madd_v3_v3fl(result, proj, flat); } madd_v3_v3fl(result, par_vec, -amplitude * sinf(t)); break; } case PART_KINK_WAVE: { madd_v3_v3fl(result, kink, amplitude * sinf(t)); if (flat > 0.f) { float proj[3]; /* flatten along wave */ project_v3_v3v3(proj, par_vec, kink); madd_v3_v3fl(result, proj, flat); /* flatten along strand */ project_v3_v3v3(proj, par_vec, par_vel); madd_v3_v3fl(result, proj, flat); } break; } case PART_KINK_BRAID: { float y_vec[3] = {0.f, 1.f, 0.f}; float z_vec[3] = {0.f, 0.f, 1.f}; float vec_one[3], state_co[3]; float inp_y, inp_z, length; if (par_rot) { mul_qt_v3(par_rot, y_vec); mul_qt_v3(par_rot, z_vec); } negate_v3(par_vec); normalize_v3_v3(vec_one, par_vec); inp_y = dot_v3v3(y_vec, vec_one); inp_z = dot_v3v3(z_vec, vec_one); if (inp_y > 0.5f) { copy_v3_v3(state_co, y_vec); mul_v3_fl(y_vec, amplitude * cosf(t)); mul_v3_fl(z_vec, amplitude / 2.f * sinf(2.f * t)); } else if (inp_z > 0.0f) { mul_v3_v3fl(state_co, z_vec, sinf((float)M_PI / 3.f)); madd_v3_v3fl(state_co, y_vec, -0.5f); mul_v3_fl(y_vec, -amplitude * cosf(t + (float)M_PI / 3.f)); mul_v3_fl(z_vec, amplitude / 2.f * cosf(2.f * t + (float)M_PI / 6.f)); } else { mul_v3_v3fl(state_co, z_vec, -sinf((float)M_PI / 3.f)); madd_v3_v3fl(state_co, y_vec, -0.5f); mul_v3_fl(y_vec, amplitude * -sinf(t + (float)M_PI / 6.f)); mul_v3_fl(z_vec, amplitude / 2.f * -sinf(2.f * t + (float)M_PI / 3.f)); } mul_v3_fl(state_co, amplitude); add_v3_v3(state_co, par_co); sub_v3_v3v3(par_vec, state->co, state_co); length = normalize_v3(par_vec); mul_v3_fl(par_vec, MIN2(length, amplitude / 2.f)); add_v3_v3v3(state_co, par_co, y_vec); add_v3_v3(state_co, z_vec); add_v3_v3(state_co, par_vec); shape = 2.f * (float)M_PI * (1.f + shape); if (t < shape) { shape = t / shape; shape = (float)sqrt((double)shape); interp_v3_v3v3(result, result, state_co, shape); } else { copy_v3_v3(result, state_co); } break; } } /* blend the start of the kink */ if (dt < 1.f) interp_v3_v3v3(state->co, state->co, result, dt); else copy_v3_v3(state->co, result); }
static void occ_build_recursive(OcclusionTree *tree, OccNode *node, int begin, int end, int depth) { ListBase threads; OcclusionBuildThread othreads[BLENDER_MAX_THREADS]; OccNode *child, tmpnode; /* OccFace *face; */ int a, b, totthread = 0, offset[TOTCHILD], count[TOTCHILD]; /* add a new node */ node->occlusion = 1.0f; /* leaf node with only children */ if (end - begin <= TOTCHILD) { for (a = begin, b = 0; a < end; a++, b++) { /* face= &tree->face[a]; */ node->child[b].face = a; node->childflag |= (1 << b); } } else { /* order faces */ occ_build_8_split(tree, begin, end, offset, count); if (depth == 1 && tree->dothreadedbuild) BLI_init_threads(&threads, exec_occ_build, tree->totbuildthread); for (b = 0; b < TOTCHILD; b++) { if (count[b] == 0) { node->child[b].node = NULL; } else if (count[b] == 1) { /* face= &tree->face[offset[b]]; */ node->child[b].face = offset[b]; node->childflag |= (1 << b); } else { if (tree->dothreadedbuild) BLI_lock_thread(LOCK_CUSTOM1); child = BLI_memarena_alloc(tree->arena, sizeof(OccNode)); node->child[b].node = child; /* keep track of maximum depth for stack */ if (depth >= tree->maxdepth) tree->maxdepth = depth + 1; if (tree->dothreadedbuild) BLI_unlock_thread(LOCK_CUSTOM1); if (depth == 1 && tree->dothreadedbuild) { othreads[totthread].tree = tree; othreads[totthread].node = child; othreads[totthread].begin = offset[b]; othreads[totthread].end = offset[b] + count[b]; othreads[totthread].depth = depth + 1; BLI_insert_thread(&threads, &othreads[totthread]); totthread++; } else occ_build_recursive(tree, child, offset[b], offset[b] + count[b], depth + 1); } } if (depth == 1 && tree->dothreadedbuild) BLI_end_threads(&threads); } /* combine area, position and sh */ for (b = 0; b < TOTCHILD; b++) { if (node->childflag & (1 << b)) { child = &tmpnode; occ_node_from_face(tree->face + node->child[b].face, &tmpnode); } else { child = node->child[b].node; } if (child) { node->area += child->area; sh_add(node->sh, node->sh, child->sh); madd_v3_v3fl(node->co, child->co, child->area); } } if (node->area != 0.0f) mul_v3_fl(node->co, 1.0f / node->area); /* compute maximum distance from center */ node->dco = 0.0f; if (node->area > 0.0f) occ_build_dco(tree, node, node->co, &node->dco); }
static int rule_follow_leader(BoidRule *rule, BoidBrainData *bbd, BoidValues *val, ParticleData *pa) { BoidRuleFollowLeader *flbr = (BoidRuleFollowLeader*) rule; float vec[3] = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}, loc[3] = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}; float mul, len; int n = (flbr->queue_size <= 1) ? bbd->sim->psys->totpart : flbr->queue_size; int i, ret = 0, p = pa - bbd->sim->psys->particles; if(flbr->ob) { float vec2[3], t; /* first check we're not blocking the leader*/ sub_v3_v3v3(vec, flbr->loc, flbr->oloc); mul_v3_fl(vec, 1.0f/bbd->timestep); sub_v3_v3v3(loc, pa->, flbr->oloc); mul = dot_v3v3(vec, vec); /* leader is not moving */ if(mul < 0.01f) { len = len_v3(loc); /* too close to leader */ if(len < 2.0f * val->personal_space * pa->size) { copy_v3_v3(bbd->wanted_co, loc); bbd->wanted_speed = val->max_speed; return 1; } } else { t = dot_v3v3(loc, vec)/mul; /* possible blocking of leader in near future */ if(t > 0.0f && t < 3.0f) { copy_v3_v3(vec2, vec); mul_v3_fl(vec2, t); sub_v3_v3v3(vec2, loc, vec2); len = len_v3(vec2); if(len < 2.0f * val->personal_space * pa->size) { copy_v3_v3(bbd->wanted_co, vec2); bbd->wanted_speed = val->max_speed * (3.0f - t)/3.0f; return 1; } } } /* not blocking so try to follow leader */ if(p && flbr->options & BRULE_LEADER_IN_LINE) { copy_v3_v3(vec, bbd->sim->psys->particles[p-1].prev_state.vel); copy_v3_v3(loc, bbd->sim->psys->particles[p-1]; } else { copy_v3_v3(loc, flbr->oloc); sub_v3_v3v3(vec, flbr->loc, flbr->oloc); mul_v3_fl(vec, 1.0f/bbd->timestep); } /* fac is seconds behind leader */ madd_v3_v3fl(loc, vec, -flbr->distance); sub_v3_v3v3(bbd->wanted_co, loc, pa->; bbd->wanted_speed = len_v3(bbd->wanted_co); ret = 1; } else if(p % n) { float vec2[3], t, t_min = 3.0f; /* first check we're not blocking any leaders */ for(i = 0; i< bbd->sim->psys->totpart; i+=n){ copy_v3_v3(vec, bbd->sim->psys->particles[i].prev_state.vel); sub_v3_v3v3(loc, pa->, bbd->sim->psys->particles[i]; mul = dot_v3v3(vec, vec); /* leader is not moving */ if(mul < 0.01f) { len = len_v3(loc); /* too close to leader */ if(len < 2.0f * val->personal_space * pa->size) { copy_v3_v3(bbd->wanted_co, loc); bbd->wanted_speed = val->max_speed; return 1; } } else { t = dot_v3v3(loc, vec)/mul; /* possible blocking of leader in near future */ if(t > 0.0f && t < t_min) { copy_v3_v3(vec2, vec); mul_v3_fl(vec2, t); sub_v3_v3v3(vec2, loc, vec2); len = len_v3(vec2); if(len < 2.0f * val->personal_space * pa->size) { t_min = t; copy_v3_v3(bbd->wanted_co, loc); bbd->wanted_speed = val->max_speed * (3.0f - t)/3.0f; ret = 1; } } } } if(ret) return 1; /* not blocking so try to follow leader */ if(flbr->options & BRULE_LEADER_IN_LINE) { copy_v3_v3(vec, bbd->sim->psys->particles[p-1].prev_state.vel); copy_v3_v3(loc, bbd->sim->psys->particles[p-1]; } else { copy_v3_v3(vec, bbd->sim->psys->particles[p - p%n].prev_state.vel); copy_v3_v3(loc, bbd->sim->psys->particles[p - p%n]; } /* fac is seconds behind leader */ madd_v3_v3fl(loc, vec, -flbr->distance); sub_v3_v3v3(bbd->wanted_co, loc, pa->; bbd->wanted_speed = len_v3(bbd->wanted_co); ret = 1; } return ret; }
/** * \return a face index in \a faces and set \a r_is_flip if the face is flipped away from the center. */ static int recalc_face_normals_find_index(BMesh *bm, BMFace **faces, const int faces_len, bool *r_is_flip) { const float eps = FLT_EPSILON; float cent_area_accum = 0.0f; float cent[3]; const float cent_fac = 1.0f / (float)faces_len; bool is_flip = false; int f_start_index; int i; /* Search for the best loop. Members are compared in-order defined here. */ struct { /* Squared distance from the center to the loops vertex 'l->v'. * The normalized direction between the center and this vertex is also used for the dot-products below. */ float dist_sq; /* Signed dot product using the normalized edge vector, * (best of 'l->prev->v' or 'l->next->v'). */ float edge_dot; /* Unsigned dot product using the loop-normal * (sign is used to check if we need to flip) */ float loop_dot; } best, test; UNUSED_VARS_NDEBUG(bm); zero_v3(cent); /* first calculate the center */ for (i = 0; i < faces_len; i++) { float f_cent[3]; const float f_area = BM_face_calc_area(faces[i]); BM_face_calc_center_mean_weighted(faces[i], f_cent); madd_v3_v3fl(cent, f_cent, cent_fac * f_area); cent_area_accum += f_area; BLI_assert(BMO_face_flag_test(bm, faces[i], FACE_TEMP) == 0); BLI_assert(BM_face_is_normal_valid(faces[i])); } if (cent_area_accum != 0.0f) { mul_v3_fl(cent, 1.0f / cent_area_accum); } /* Distances must start above zero, * or we can't do meaningful calculations based on the direction to the center */ best.dist_sq = eps; best.edge_dot = best.loop_dot = -FLT_MAX; /* used in degenerate cases only */ f_start_index = 0; /** * Find the outer-most vertex, comparing distance to the center, * then the outer-most loop attached to that vertex. * * Important this is correctly detected, * where casting a ray from the center wont hit any loops past this one. * Otherwise the result may be incorrect. */ for (i = 0; i < faces_len; i++) { BMLoop *l_iter, *l_first; l_iter = l_first = BM_FACE_FIRST_LOOP(faces[i]); do { bool is_best_dist_sq; float dir[3]; sub_v3_v3v3(dir, l_iter->v->co, cent); test.dist_sq = len_squared_v3(dir); is_best_dist_sq = (test.dist_sq > best.dist_sq); if (is_best_dist_sq || (test.dist_sq == best.dist_sq)) { float edge_dir_pair[2][3]; mul_v3_fl(dir, 1.0f / sqrtf(test.dist_sq)); sub_v3_v3v3(edge_dir_pair[0], l_iter->next->v->co, l_iter->v->co); sub_v3_v3v3(edge_dir_pair[1], l_iter->prev->v->co, l_iter->v->co); if ((normalize_v3(edge_dir_pair[0]) > eps) && (normalize_v3(edge_dir_pair[1]) > eps)) { bool is_best_edge_dot; test.edge_dot = max_ff(dot_v3v3(dir, edge_dir_pair[0]), dot_v3v3(dir, edge_dir_pair[1])); is_best_edge_dot = (test.edge_dot > best.edge_dot); if (is_best_dist_sq || is_best_edge_dot || (test.edge_dot == best.edge_dot)) { float loop_dir[3]; cross_v3_v3v3(loop_dir, edge_dir_pair[0], edge_dir_pair[1]); if (normalize_v3(loop_dir) > eps) { float loop_dir_dot; /* Highly unlikely the furthest loop is also the concave part of an ngon, * but it can be contrived with _very_ non-planar faces - so better check. */ if (UNLIKELY(dot_v3v3(loop_dir, l_iter->f->no) < 0.0f)) { negate_v3(loop_dir); } loop_dir_dot = dot_v3v3(dir, loop_dir); test.loop_dot = fabsf(loop_dir_dot); if (is_best_dist_sq || is_best_edge_dot || (test.loop_dot > best.loop_dot)) { best = test; f_start_index = i; is_flip = (loop_dir_dot < 0.0f); } } } } } } while ((l_iter = l_iter->next) != l_first); } *r_is_flip = is_flip; return f_start_index; }
/* Simple Weighted Smoothing * * (average of surrounding verts) */ static void smooth_iter__simple( CorrectiveSmoothModifierData *csmd, DerivedMesh *dm, float (*vertexCos)[3], unsigned int numVerts, const float *smooth_weights, unsigned int iterations) { const float lambda = csmd->lambda; unsigned int i; const unsigned int numEdges = (unsigned int)dm->getNumEdges(dm); const MEdge *edges = dm->getEdgeArray(dm); float *vertex_edge_count_div; struct SmoothingData_Simple { float delta[3]; } *smooth_data = MEM_callocN((size_t)numVerts * sizeof(*smooth_data), __func__); vertex_edge_count_div = MEM_callocN((size_t)numVerts * sizeof(float), __func__); /* calculate as floats to avoid int->float conversion in #smooth_iter */ for (i = 0; i < numEdges; i++) { vertex_edge_count_div[edges[i].v1] += 1.0f; vertex_edge_count_div[edges[i].v2] += 1.0f; } /* a little confusing, but we can include 'lambda' and smoothing weight * here to avoid multiplying for every iteration */ if (smooth_weights == NULL) { for (i = 0; i < numVerts; i++) { vertex_edge_count_div[i] = lambda * (vertex_edge_count_div[i] ? (1.0f / vertex_edge_count_div[i]) : 1.0f); } } else { for (i = 0; i < numVerts; i++) { vertex_edge_count_div[i] = smooth_weights[i] * lambda * (vertex_edge_count_div[i] ? (1.0f / vertex_edge_count_div[i]) : 1.0f); } } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Main Smoothing Loop */ while (iterations--) { for (i = 0; i < numEdges; i++) { struct SmoothingData_Simple *sd_v1; struct SmoothingData_Simple *sd_v2; float edge_dir[3]; sub_v3_v3v3(edge_dir, vertexCos[edges[i].v2], vertexCos[edges[i].v1]); sd_v1 = &smooth_data[edges[i].v1]; sd_v2 = &smooth_data[edges[i].v2]; add_v3_v3(sd_v1->delta, edge_dir); sub_v3_v3(sd_v2->delta, edge_dir); } for (i = 0; i < numVerts; i++) { struct SmoothingData_Simple *sd = &smooth_data[i]; madd_v3_v3fl(vertexCos[i], sd->delta, vertex_edge_count_div[i]); /* zero for the next iteration (saves memset on entire array) */ memset(sd, 0, sizeof(*sd)); } } MEM_freeN(vertex_edge_count_div); MEM_freeN(smooth_data); }
/** * Sets the depth from #StrokeElem.mval */ static bool stroke_elem_project( const struct CurveDrawData *cdd, const int mval_i[2], const float mval_fl[2], float surface_offset, const float radius, float r_location_world[3], float r_normal_world[3]) { View3D *v3d = cdd->vc.v3d; ARegion *ar = cdd->; RegionView3D *rv3d = cdd->vc.rv3d; bool is_location_world_set = false; /* project to 'location_world' */ if (cdd->project.use_plane) { /* get the view vector to 'location' */ float ray_origin[3], ray_direction[3]; ED_view3d_win_to_ray(cdd->, v3d, mval_fl, ray_origin, ray_direction, false); float lambda; if (isect_ray_plane_v3(ray_origin, ray_direction, cdd->project.plane, &lambda, true)) { madd_v3_v3v3fl(r_location_world, ray_origin, ray_direction, lambda); if (r_normal_world) { zero_v3(r_normal_world); } is_location_world_set = true; } } else { const ViewDepths *depths = rv3d->depths; if (depths && ((unsigned int)mval_i[0] < depths->w) && ((unsigned int)mval_i[1] < depths->h)) { const double depth = (double)depth_read_zbuf(&cdd->vc, mval_i[0], mval_i[1]); if ((depth > depths->depth_range[0]) && (depth < depths->depth_range[1])) { if (depth_unproject(ar, &cdd->mats, mval_i, depth, r_location_world)) { is_location_world_set = true; if (r_normal_world) { zero_v3(r_normal_world); } if (surface_offset != 0.0f) { const float offset = cdd->project.use_surface_offset_absolute ? 1.0f : radius; float normal[3]; if (depth_read_normal(&cdd->vc, &cdd->mats, mval_i, normal)) { madd_v3_v3fl(r_location_world, normal, offset * surface_offset); if (r_normal_world) { copy_v3_v3(r_normal_world, normal); } } } } } } } if (is_location_world_set) { if (cdd->project.use_offset) { add_v3_v3(r_location_world, cdd->project.offset); } } return is_location_world_set; }
/* Edge-Length Weighted Smoothing */ static void smooth_iter__length_weight( CorrectiveSmoothModifierData *csmd, DerivedMesh *dm, float (*vertexCos)[3], unsigned int numVerts, const float *smooth_weights, unsigned int iterations) { const float eps = FLT_EPSILON * 10.0f; const unsigned int numEdges = (unsigned int)dm->getNumEdges(dm); /* note: the way this smoothing method works, its approx half as strong as the simple-smooth, * and 2.0 rarely spikes, double the value for consistent behavior. */ const float lambda = csmd->lambda * 2.0f; const MEdge *edges = dm->getEdgeArray(dm); float *vertex_edge_count; unsigned int i; struct SmoothingData_Weighted { float delta[3]; float edge_length_sum; } *smooth_data = MEM_callocN((size_t)numVerts * sizeof(*smooth_data), __func__); /* calculate as floats to avoid int->float conversion in #smooth_iter */ vertex_edge_count = MEM_callocN((size_t)numVerts * sizeof(float), __func__); for (i = 0; i < numEdges; i++) { vertex_edge_count[edges[i].v1] += 1.0f; vertex_edge_count[edges[i].v2] += 1.0f; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Main Smoothing Loop */ while (iterations--) { for (i = 0; i < numEdges; i++) { struct SmoothingData_Weighted *sd_v1; struct SmoothingData_Weighted *sd_v2; float edge_dir[3]; float edge_dist; sub_v3_v3v3(edge_dir, vertexCos[edges[i].v2], vertexCos[edges[i].v1]); edge_dist = len_v3(edge_dir); /* weight by distance */ mul_v3_fl(edge_dir, edge_dist); sd_v1 = &smooth_data[edges[i].v1]; sd_v2 = &smooth_data[edges[i].v2]; add_v3_v3(sd_v1->delta, edge_dir); sub_v3_v3(sd_v2->delta, edge_dir); sd_v1->edge_length_sum += edge_dist; sd_v2->edge_length_sum += edge_dist; } if (smooth_weights == NULL) { /* fast-path */ for (i = 0; i < numVerts; i++) { struct SmoothingData_Weighted *sd = &smooth_data[i]; /* divide by sum of all neighbour distances (weighted) and amount of neighbors, (mean average) */ const float div = sd->edge_length_sum * vertex_edge_count[i]; if (div > eps) { #if 0 /* first calculate the new location */ mul_v3_fl(sd->delta, 1.0f / div); /* then interpolate */ madd_v3_v3fl(vertexCos[i], sd->delta, lambda); #else /* do this in one step */ madd_v3_v3fl(vertexCos[i], sd->delta, lambda / div); #endif } /* zero for the next iteration (saves memset on entire array) */ memset(sd, 0, sizeof(*sd)); } } else { for (i = 0; i < numVerts; i++) { struct SmoothingData_Weighted *sd = &smooth_data[i]; const float div = sd->edge_length_sum * vertex_edge_count[i]; if (div > eps) { const float lambda_w = lambda * smooth_weights[i]; madd_v3_v3fl(vertexCos[i], sd->delta, lambda_w / div); } memset(sd, 0, sizeof(*sd)); } } } MEM_freeN(vertex_edge_count); MEM_freeN(smooth_data); }
static void do_texture_effector(EffectorCache *eff, EffectorData *efd, EffectedPoint *point, float *total_force) { TexResult result[4]; float tex_co[3], strength, force[3]; float nabla = eff->pd->tex_nabla; int hasrgb; short mode = eff->pd->tex_mode; if (!eff->pd->tex) return; result[0].nor = result[1].nor = result[2].nor = result[3].nor = NULL; strength= eff->pd->f_strength * efd->falloff; copy_v3_v3(tex_co, point->loc); if (eff->pd->flag & PFIELD_TEX_2D) { float fac=-dot_v3v3(tex_co, efd->nor); madd_v3_v3fl(tex_co, efd->nor, fac); } if (eff->pd->flag & PFIELD_TEX_OBJECT) { mul_m4_v3(eff->ob->imat, tex_co); } hasrgb = multitex_ext(eff->pd->tex, tex_co, NULL, NULL, 0, result, NULL); if (hasrgb && mode==PFIELD_TEX_RGB) { force[0] = (0.5f - result->tr) * strength; force[1] = (0.5f - result->tg) * strength; force[2] = (0.5f - result->tb) * strength; } else { strength/=nabla; tex_co[0] += nabla; multitex_ext(eff->pd->tex, tex_co, NULL, NULL, 0, result+1, NULL); tex_co[0] -= nabla; tex_co[1] += nabla; multitex_ext(eff->pd->tex, tex_co, NULL, NULL, 0, result+2, NULL); tex_co[1] -= nabla; tex_co[2] += nabla; multitex_ext(eff->pd->tex, tex_co, NULL, NULL, 0, result+3, NULL); if (mode == PFIELD_TEX_GRAD || !hasrgb) { /* if we don't have rgb fall back to grad */ /* generate intensity if texture only has rgb value */ if (hasrgb & TEX_RGB) { int i; for (i=0; i<4; i++) result[i].tin = (1.0f / 3.0f) * (result[i].tr + result[i].tg + result[i].tb); } force[0] = (result[0].tin - result[1].tin) * strength; force[1] = (result[0].tin - result[2].tin) * strength; force[2] = (result[0].tin - result[3].tin) * strength; } else { /*PFIELD_TEX_CURL*/ float dbdy, dgdz, drdz, dbdx, dgdx, drdy; dbdy = result[2].tb - result[0].tb; dgdz = result[3].tg - result[0].tg; drdz = result[3].tr - result[0].tr; dbdx = result[1].tb - result[0].tb; dgdx = result[1].tg - result[0].tg; drdy = result[2].tr - result[0].tr; force[0] = (dbdy - dgdz) * strength; force[1] = (drdz - dbdx) * strength; force[2] = (dgdx - drdy) * strength; } } if (eff->pd->flag & PFIELD_TEX_2D) { float fac = -dot_v3v3(force, efd->nor); madd_v3_v3fl(force, efd->nor, fac); } add_v3_v3(total_force, force); }
static void face_duplilist(ListBase *lb, ID *id, Scene *scene, Object *par, float par_space_mat[][4], int level, int animated) { Object *ob, *ob_iter; Base *base = NULL; DupliObject *dob; DerivedMesh *dm; Mesh *me = par->data; MLoopUV *mloopuv; MPoly *mpoly, *mp; MLoop *mloop; MVert *mvert; float pmat[4][4], imat[3][3], (*orco)[3] = NULL, w; int lay, oblay, totface, a; Scene *sce = NULL; Group *group = NULL; GroupObject *go = NULL; BMEditMesh *em; float ob__obmat[4][4]; /* needed for groups where the object matrix needs to be modified */ /* simple preventing of too deep nested groups */ if (level > MAX_DUPLI_RECUR) return; copy_m4_m4(pmat, par->obmat); em = me->edit_btmesh; if (em) { dm = editbmesh_get_derived_cage(scene, par, em, CD_MASK_BAREMESH); } else { dm = mesh_get_derived_deform(scene, par, CD_MASK_BAREMESH); } totface = dm->getNumPolys(dm); mpoly = dm->getPolyArray(dm); mloop = dm->getLoopArray(dm); mvert = dm->getVertArray(dm); if (G.rendering) { orco = (float(*)[3])BKE_mesh_orco_verts_get(par); BKE_mesh_orco_verts_transform(me, orco, me->totvert, 0); mloopuv = me->mloopuv; } else { orco = NULL; mloopuv = NULL; } /* having to loop on scene OR group objects is NOT FUN */ if (GS(id->name) == ID_SCE) { sce = (Scene *)id; lay = sce->lay; base = sce->base.first; } else { group = (Group *)id; lay = group->layer; go = group->gobject.first; } /* Start looping on Scene OR Group objects */ while (base || go) { if (sce) { ob_iter = base->object; oblay = base->lay; } else { ob_iter = go->ob; oblay = ob_iter->lay; } if (lay & oblay && scene->obedit != ob_iter) { ob = ob_iter->parent; while (ob) { if (ob == par) { ob = ob_iter; /* End Scene/Group object loop, below is generic */ /* par_space_mat - only used for groups so we can modify the space dupli's are in * when par_space_mat is NULL ob->obmat can be used instead of ob__obmat */ if (par_space_mat) mult_m4_m4m4(ob__obmat, par_space_mat, ob->obmat); else copy_m4_m4(ob__obmat, ob->obmat); copy_m3_m4(imat, ob->parentinv); /* mballs have a different dupli handling */ if (ob->type != OB_MBALL) ob->flag |= OB_DONE; /* doesnt render */ for (a = 0, mp = mpoly; a < totface; a++, mp++) { int mv1; int mv2; int mv3; /* int mv4; */ /* UNUSED */ float *v1; float *v2; float *v3; /* float *v4; */ /* UNUSED */ float cent[3], quat[4], mat[3][3], mat3[3][3], tmat[4][4], obmat[4][4]; MLoop *loopstart = mloop + mp->loopstart; if (mp->totloop < 3) { /* highly unlikely but to be safe */ continue; } else { v1 = mvert[(mv1 = loopstart[0].v)].co; v2 = mvert[(mv2 = loopstart[1].v)].co; v3 = mvert[(mv3 = loopstart[2].v)].co; #if 0 if (mp->totloop > 3) { v4 = mvert[(mv4 = loopstart[3].v)].co; } #endif } /* translation */ BKE_mesh_calc_poly_center(mp, loopstart, mvert, cent); mul_m4_v3(pmat, cent); sub_v3_v3v3(cent, cent, pmat[3]); add_v3_v3(cent, ob__obmat[3]); copy_m4_m4(obmat, ob__obmat); copy_v3_v3(obmat[3], cent); /* rotation */ tri_to_quat(quat, v1, v2, v3); quat_to_mat3(mat, quat); /* scale */ if (par->transflag & OB_DUPLIFACES_SCALE) { float size = BKE_mesh_calc_poly_area(mp, loopstart, mvert, NULL); size = sqrtf(size) * par->dupfacesca; mul_m3_fl(mat, size); } copy_m3_m3(mat3, mat); mul_m3_m3m3(mat, imat, mat3); copy_m4_m4(tmat, obmat); mul_m4_m4m3(obmat, tmat, mat); dob = new_dupli_object(lb, ob, obmat, par->lay, a, OB_DUPLIFACES, animated); if (G.rendering) { w = 1.0f / (float)mp->totloop; if (orco) { int j; for (j = 0; j < mpoly->totloop; j++) { madd_v3_v3fl(dob->orco, orco[loopstart[j].v], w); } } if (mloopuv) { int j; for (j = 0; j < mpoly->totloop; j++) { madd_v2_v2fl(dob->orco, mloopuv[loopstart[j].v].uv, w); } } } if (ob->transflag & OB_DUPLI) { float tmpmat[4][4]; copy_m4_m4(tmpmat, ob->obmat); copy_m4_m4(ob->obmat, obmat); /* pretend we are really this mat */ object_duplilist_recursive((ID *)id, scene, ob, lb, ob->obmat, level + 1, animated); copy_m4_m4(ob->obmat, tmpmat); } } break; } ob = ob->parent; } } if (sce) base = base->next; /* scene loop */ else go = go->next; /* group loop */ } if (orco) MEM_freeN(orco); dm->release(dm); }
/** * Apply smooth to stroke point * \param gps: Stroke to smooth * \param i: Point index * \param inf: Amount of smoothing to apply * \param affect_pressure: Apply smoothing to pressure values too? */ bool gp_smooth_stroke(bGPDstroke *gps, int i, float inf, bool affect_pressure) { bGPDspoint *pt = &gps->points[i]; float pressure = 0.0f; float sco[3] = {0.0f}; /* Do nothing if not enough points to smooth out */ if (gps->totpoints <= 2) { return false; } /* Only affect endpoints by a fraction of the normal strength, * to prevent the stroke from shrinking too much */ if ((i == 0) || (i == gps->totpoints - 1)) { inf *= 0.1f; } /* Compute smoothed coordinate by taking the ones nearby */ /* XXX: This is potentially slow, and suffers from accumulation error as earlier points are handled before later ones */ { // XXX: this is hardcoded to look at 2 points on either side of the current one (i.e. 5 items total) const int steps = 2; const float average_fac = 1.0f / (float)(steps * 2 + 1); int step; /* add the point itself */ madd_v3_v3fl(sco, &pt->x, average_fac); if (affect_pressure) { pressure += pt->pressure * average_fac; } /* n-steps before/after current point */ // XXX: review how the endpoints are treated by this algorithm // XXX: falloff measures should also introduce some weighting variations, so that further-out points get less weight for (step = 1; step <= steps; step++) { bGPDspoint *pt1, *pt2; int before = i - step; int after = i + step; CLAMP_MIN(before, 0); CLAMP_MAX(after, gps->totpoints - 1); pt1 = &gps->points[before]; pt2 = &gps->points[after]; /* add both these points to the average-sum (s += p[i]/n) */ madd_v3_v3fl(sco, &pt1->x, average_fac); madd_v3_v3fl(sco, &pt2->x, average_fac); #if 0 /* XXX: Disabled because get weird result */ /* do pressure too? */ if (affect_pressure) { pressure += pt1->pressure * average_fac; pressure += pt2->pressure * average_fac; } #endif } } /* Based on influence factor, blend between original and optimal smoothed coordinate */ interp_v3_v3v3(&pt->x, &pt->x, sco, inf); #if 0 /* XXX: Disabled because get weird result */ if (affect_pressure) { pt->pressure = pressure; } #endif return true; }
/* calculates offset for co, based on fractal, sphere or smooth settings */ static void alter_co( BMVert *v, BMEdge *UNUSED(e_orig), const SubDParams *params, const float perc, const BMVert *v_a, const BMVert *v_b) { float *co = BM_ELEM_CD_GET_VOID_P(v, params->shape_info.cd_vert_shape_offset_tmp); int i; copy_v3_v3(co, v->co); if (UNLIKELY(params->use_sphere)) { /* subdivide sphere */ normalize_v3(co); mul_v3_fl(co, params->smooth); } else if (params->use_smooth) { /* calculating twice and blending gives smoother results, * removing visible seams. */ #define USE_SPHERE_DUAL_BLEND const float eps_unit_vec = 1e-5f; float smooth; float no_dir[3]; #ifdef USE_SPHERE_DUAL_BLEND float no_reflect[3], co_a[3], co_b[3]; #endif sub_v3_v3v3(no_dir, v_a->co, v_b->co); normalize_v3(no_dir); #ifndef USE_SPHERE_DUAL_BLEND if (len_squared_v3v3(v_a->no, v_b->no) < eps_unit_vec) { interp_v3_v3v3(co, v_a->co, v_b->co, perc); } else { interp_slerp_co_no_v3(v_a->co, v_a->no, v_b->co, v_b->no, no_dir, perc, co); } #else /* sphere-a */ reflect_v3_v3v3(no_reflect, v_a->no, no_dir); if (len_squared_v3v3(v_a->no, no_reflect) < eps_unit_vec) { interp_v3_v3v3(co_a, v_a->co, v_b->co, perc); } else { interp_slerp_co_no_v3(v_a->co, v_a->no, v_b->co, no_reflect, no_dir, perc, co_a); } /* sphere-b */ reflect_v3_v3v3(no_reflect, v_b->no, no_dir); if (len_squared_v3v3(v_b->no, no_reflect) < eps_unit_vec) { interp_v3_v3v3(co_b, v_a->co, v_b->co, perc); } else { interp_slerp_co_no_v3(v_a->co, no_reflect, v_b->co, v_b->no, no_dir, perc, co_b); } /* blend both spheres */ interp_v3_v3v3(co, co_a, co_b, perc); #endif /* USE_SPHERE_DUAL_BLEND */ /* apply falloff */ if (params->smooth_falloff == SUBD_FALLOFF_LIN) { smooth = 1.0f; } else { smooth = fabsf(1.0f - 2.0f * fabsf(0.5f - perc)); smooth = 1.0f + bmesh_subd_falloff_calc(params->smooth_falloff, smooth); } if (params->use_smooth_even) { smooth *= shell_v3v3_mid_normalized_to_dist(v_a->no, v_b->no); } smooth *= params->smooth; if (smooth != 1.0f) { float co_flat[3]; interp_v3_v3v3(co_flat, v_a->co, v_b->co, perc); interp_v3_v3v3(co, co_flat, co, smooth); } #undef USE_SPHERE_DUAL_BLEND } if (params->use_fractal) { float normal[3], co2[3], base1[3], base2[3], tvec[3]; const float len = len_v3v3(v_a->co, v_b->co); float fac; fac = params->fractal * len; mid_v3_v3v3(normal, v_a->no, v_b->no); ortho_basis_v3v3_v3(base1, base2, normal); add_v3_v3v3(co2, v->co, params->fractal_ofs); mul_v3_fl(co2, 10.0f); tvec[0] = fac * (BLI_gTurbulence(1.0, co2[0], co2[1], co2[2], 15, 0, 2) - 0.5f); tvec[1] = fac * (BLI_gTurbulence(1.0, co2[1], co2[0], co2[2], 15, 0, 2) - 0.5f); tvec[2] = fac * (BLI_gTurbulence(1.0, co2[1], co2[2], co2[0], 15, 0, 2) - 0.5f); /* add displacement */ madd_v3_v3fl(co, normal, tvec[0]); madd_v3_v3fl(co, base1, tvec[1] * (1.0f - params->along_normal)); madd_v3_v3fl(co, base2, tvec[2] * (1.0f - params->along_normal)); } /* apply the new difference to the rest of the shape keys, * note that this doesn't take rotations into account, we _could_ support * this by getting the normals and coords for each shape key and * re-calculate the smooth value for each but this is quite involved. * for now its ok to simply apply the difference IMHO - campbell */ if (params->shape_info.totlayer > 1) { float tvec[3]; sub_v3_v3v3(tvec, v->co, co); /* skip the last layer since its the temp */ i = params->shape_info.totlayer - 1; co = BM_ELEM_CD_GET_VOID_P(v, params->shape_info.cd_vert_shape_offset); while (i--) { BLI_assert(co != BM_ELEM_CD_GET_VOID_P(v, params->shape_info.cd_vert_shape_offset_tmp)); sub_v3_v3(co += 3, tvec); } } }
static void occ_shade(ShadeSample *ssamp, ObjectInstanceRen *obi, VlakRen *vlr, float *rad) { ShadeInput *shi = ssamp->shi; ShadeResult *shr = ssamp->shr; float l, u, v, *v1, *v2, *v3; /* init */ if (vlr->v4) { shi->u = u = 0.5f; shi->v = v = 0.5f; } else { shi->u = u = 1.0f / 3.0f; shi->v = v = 1.0f / 3.0f; } /* setup render coordinates */ v1 = vlr->v1->co; v2 = vlr->v2->co; v3 = vlr->v3->co; /* renderco */ l = 1.0f - u - v; shi->co[0] = l * v3[0] + u * v1[0] + v * v2[0]; shi->co[1] = l * v3[1] + u * v1[1] + v * v2[1]; shi->co[2] = l * v3[2] + u * v1[2] + v * v2[2]; shade_input_set_triangle_i(shi, obi, vlr, 0, 1, 2); /* set up view vector */ copy_v3_v3(shi->view, shi->co); normalize_v3(shi->view); /* cache for shadow */ shi->samplenr++; shi->xs = 0; /* TODO */ shi->ys = 0; shade_input_set_normals(shi); /* no normal flip */ if (shi->flippednor) shade_input_flip_normals(shi); madd_v3_v3fl(shi->co, shi->facenor, -0.0001f); /* ugly.. */ /* not a pretty solution, but fixes common cases */ if (shi->obr->ob && shi->obr->ob->transflag & OB_NEG_SCALE) { negate_v3(shi->vn); negate_v3(shi->vno); negate_v3(shi->nmapnorm); } /* init material vars */ shade_input_init_material(shi); /* render */ shade_input_set_shade_texco(shi); if (shi->mat->nodetree && shi->mat->use_nodes) { ntreeShaderExecTree(shi->mat->nodetree, shi, shr); shi->mat = vlr->mat; /* shi->mat is being set in nodetree */ } else { shade_material_loop(shi, shr); } copy_v3_v3(rad, shr->combined); }
/* tries to realize the wanted velocity taking all constraints into account */ void boid_body(BoidBrainData *bbd, ParticleData *pa) { BoidSettings *boids = bbd->part->boids; BoidParticle *bpa = pa->boid; BoidValues val; EffectedPoint epoint; float acc[3] = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}, tan_acc[3], nor_acc[3]; float dvec[3], bvec[3]; float new_dir[3], new_speed; float old_dir[3], old_speed; float wanted_dir[3]; float q[4], mat[3][3]; /* rotation */ float ground_co[3] = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}, ground_nor[3] = {0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f}; float force[3] = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}; float pa_mass=bbd->part->mass, dtime=bbd->dfra*bbd->timestep; set_boid_values(&val, boids, pa); /* make sure there's something in new velocity, location & rotation */ copy_particle_key(&pa->state,&pa->prev_state,0); if(bbd->part->flag & PART_SIZEMASS) pa_mass*=pa->size; /* if boids can't fly they fall to the ground */ if((boids->options & BOID_ALLOW_FLIGHT)==0 && ELEM(bpa->data.mode, eBoidMode_OnLand, eBoidMode_Climbing)==0 && psys_uses_gravity(bbd->sim)) bpa->data.mode = eBoidMode_Falling; if(bpa->data.mode == eBoidMode_Falling) { /* Falling boids are only effected by gravity. */ acc[2] = bbd->sim->scene->physics_settings.gravity[2]; } else { /* figure out acceleration */ float landing_level = 2.0f; float level = landing_level + 1.0f; float new_vel[3]; if(bpa->data.mode == eBoidMode_Liftoff) { bpa->data.mode = eBoidMode_InAir; bpa->ground = boid_find_ground(bbd, pa, ground_co, ground_nor); } else if(bpa->data.mode == eBoidMode_InAir && boids->options & BOID_ALLOW_LAND) { /* auto-leveling & landing if close to ground */ bpa->ground = boid_find_ground(bbd, pa, ground_co, ground_nor); /* level = how many particle sizes above ground */ level = (pa->[2] - ground_co[2])/(2.0f * pa->size) - 0.5f; landing_level = - boids->landing_smoothness * pa->prev_state.vel[2] * pa_mass; if(pa->prev_state.vel[2] < 0.0f) { if(level < 1.0f) { bbd->wanted_co[0] = bbd->wanted_co[1] = bbd->wanted_co[2] = 0.0f; bbd->wanted_speed = 0.0f; bpa->data.mode = eBoidMode_Falling; } else if(level < landing_level) { bbd->wanted_speed *= (level - 1.0f)/landing_level; bbd->wanted_co[2] *= (level - 1.0f)/landing_level; } } } copy_v3_v3(old_dir, pa->prev_state.ave); new_speed = normalize_v3_v3(wanted_dir, bbd->wanted_co); /* first check if we have valid direction we want to go towards */ if(new_speed == 0.0f) { copy_v3_v3(new_dir, old_dir); } else { float old_dir2[2], wanted_dir2[2], nor[3], angle; copy_v2_v2(old_dir2, old_dir); normalize_v2(old_dir2); copy_v2_v2(wanted_dir2, wanted_dir); normalize_v2(wanted_dir2); /* choose random direction to turn if wanted velocity */ /* is directly behind regardless of z-coordinate */ if(dot_v2v2(old_dir2, wanted_dir2) < -0.99f) { wanted_dir[0] = 2.0f*(0.5f - BLI_frand()); wanted_dir[1] = 2.0f*(0.5f - BLI_frand()); wanted_dir[2] = 2.0f*(0.5f - BLI_frand()); normalize_v3(wanted_dir); } /* constrain direction with maximum angular velocity */ angle = saacos(dot_v3v3(old_dir, wanted_dir)); angle = MIN2(angle, val.max_ave); cross_v3_v3v3(nor, old_dir, wanted_dir); axis_angle_to_quat( q,nor, angle); copy_v3_v3(new_dir, old_dir); mul_qt_v3(q, new_dir); normalize_v3(new_dir); /* save direction in case resulting velocity too small */ axis_angle_to_quat( q,nor, angle*dtime); copy_v3_v3(pa->state.ave, old_dir); mul_qt_v3(q, pa->state.ave); normalize_v3(pa->state.ave); } /* constrain speed with maximum acceleration */ old_speed = len_v3(pa->prev_state.vel); if(bbd->wanted_speed < old_speed) new_speed = MAX2(bbd->wanted_speed, old_speed - val.max_acc); else new_speed = MIN2(bbd->wanted_speed, old_speed + val.max_acc); /* combine direction and speed */ copy_v3_v3(new_vel, new_dir); mul_v3_fl(new_vel, new_speed); /* maintain minimum flying velocity if not landing */ if(level >= landing_level) { float len2 = dot_v2v2(new_vel,new_vel); float root; len2 = MAX2(len2, val.min_speed*val.min_speed); root = sasqrt(new_speed*new_speed - len2); new_vel[2] = new_vel[2] < 0.0f ? -root : root; normalize_v2(new_vel); mul_v2_fl(new_vel, sasqrt(len2)); } /* finally constrain speed to max speed */ new_speed = normalize_v3(new_vel); mul_v3_fl(new_vel, MIN2(new_speed, val.max_speed)); /* get acceleration from difference of velocities */ sub_v3_v3v3(acc, new_vel, pa->prev_state.vel); /* break acceleration to components */ project_v3_v3v3(tan_acc, acc, pa->prev_state.ave); sub_v3_v3v3(nor_acc, acc, tan_acc); } /* account for effectors */ pd_point_from_particle(bbd->sim, pa, &pa->state, &epoint); pdDoEffectors(bbd->sim->psys->effectors, bbd->sim->colliders, bbd->part->effector_weights, &epoint, force, NULL); if(ELEM(bpa->data.mode, eBoidMode_OnLand, eBoidMode_Climbing)) { float length = normalize_v3(force); length = MAX2(0.0f, length - boids->land_stick_force); mul_v3_fl(force, length); } add_v3_v3(acc, force); /* store smoothed acceleration for nice banking etc. */ madd_v3_v3fl(bpa->data.acc, acc, dtime); mul_v3_fl(bpa->data.acc, 1.0f / (1.0f + dtime)); /* integrate new location & velocity */ /* by regarding the acceleration as a force at this stage we*/ /* can get better control allthough it's a bit unphysical */ mul_v3_fl(acc, 1.0f/pa_mass); copy_v3_v3(dvec, acc); mul_v3_fl(dvec, dtime*dtime*0.5f); copy_v3_v3(bvec, pa->prev_state.vel); mul_v3_fl(bvec, dtime); add_v3_v3(dvec, bvec); add_v3_v3(pa->, dvec); madd_v3_v3fl(pa->state.vel, acc, dtime); //if(bpa->data.mode != eBoidMode_InAir) bpa->ground = boid_find_ground(bbd, pa, ground_co, ground_nor); /* change modes, constrain movement & keep track of down vector */ switch(bpa->data.mode) { case eBoidMode_InAir: { float grav[3]; grav[0]= 0.0f; grav[1]= 0.0f; grav[2]= bbd->sim->scene->physics_settings.gravity[2] < 0.0f ? -1.0f : 0.0f; /* don't take forward acceleration into account (better banking) */ if(dot_v3v3(bpa->data.acc, pa->state.vel) > 0.0f) { project_v3_v3v3(dvec, bpa->data.acc, pa->state.vel); sub_v3_v3v3(dvec, bpa->data.acc, dvec); } else { copy_v3_v3(dvec, bpa->data.acc); } /* gather apparent gravity */ madd_v3_v3v3fl(bpa->gravity, grav, dvec, -boids->banking); normalize_v3(bpa->gravity); /* stick boid on goal when close enough */ if(bbd->goal_ob && boid_goal_signed_dist(pa->, bbd->goal_co, bbd->goal_nor) <= pa->size * boids->height) { bpa->data.mode = eBoidMode_Climbing; bpa->ground = bbd->goal_ob; boid_find_ground(bbd, pa, ground_co, ground_nor); boid_climb(boids, pa, ground_co, ground_nor); } else if(pa->[2] <= ground_co[2] + pa->size * boids->height) { /* land boid when below ground */ if(boids->options & BOID_ALLOW_LAND) { pa->[2] = ground_co[2] + pa->size * boids->height; pa->state.vel[2] = 0.0f; bpa->data.mode = eBoidMode_OnLand; } /* fly above ground */ else if(bpa->ground) { pa->[2] = ground_co[2] + pa->size * boids->height; pa->state.vel[2] = 0.0f; } } break; } case eBoidMode_Falling: { float grav[3]; grav[0]= 0.0f; grav[1]= 0.0f; grav[2]= bbd->sim->scene->physics_settings.gravity[2] < 0.0f ? -1.0f : 0.0f; /* gather apparent gravity */ madd_v3_v3fl(bpa->gravity, grav, dtime); normalize_v3(bpa->gravity); if(boids->options & BOID_ALLOW_LAND) { /* stick boid on goal when close enough */ if(bbd->goal_ob && boid_goal_signed_dist(pa->, bbd->goal_co, bbd->goal_nor) <= pa->size * boids->height) { bpa->data.mode = eBoidMode_Climbing; bpa->ground = bbd->goal_ob; boid_find_ground(bbd, pa, ground_co, ground_nor); boid_climb(boids, pa, ground_co, ground_nor); } /* land boid when really near ground */ else if(pa->[2] <= ground_co[2] + 1.01f * pa->size * boids->height){ pa->[2] = ground_co[2] + pa->size * boids->height; pa->state.vel[2] = 0.0f; bpa->data.mode = eBoidMode_OnLand; } /* if we're falling, can fly and want to go upwards lets fly */ else if(boids->options & BOID_ALLOW_FLIGHT && bbd->wanted_co[2] > 0.0f) bpa->data.mode = eBoidMode_InAir; } else bpa->data.mode = eBoidMode_InAir; break; } case eBoidMode_Climbing: { boid_climb(boids, pa, ground_co, ground_nor); //float nor[3]; //copy_v3_v3(nor, ground_nor); ///* gather apparent gravity to r_ve */ //madd_v3_v3fl(pa->r_ve, ground_nor, -1.0); //normalize_v3(pa->r_ve); ///* raise boid it's size from surface */ //mul_v3_fl(nor, pa->size * boids->height); //add_v3_v3v3(pa->, ground_co, nor); ///* remove normal component from velocity */ //project_v3_v3v3(v, pa->state.vel, ground_nor); //sub_v3_v3v3(pa->state.vel, pa->state.vel, v); break; } case eBoidMode_OnLand: { /* stick boid on goal when close enough */ if(bbd->goal_ob && boid_goal_signed_dist(pa->, bbd->goal_co, bbd->goal_nor) <= pa->size * boids->height) { bpa->data.mode = eBoidMode_Climbing; bpa->ground = bbd->goal_ob; boid_find_ground(bbd, pa, ground_co, ground_nor); boid_climb(boids, pa, ground_co, ground_nor); } /* ground is too far away so boid falls */ else if(pa->[2]-ground_co[2] > 1.1f * pa->size * boids->height) bpa->data.mode = eBoidMode_Falling; else { /* constrain to surface */ pa->[2] = ground_co[2] + pa->size * boids->height; pa->state.vel[2] = 0.0f; } if(boids->banking > 0.0f) { float grav[3]; /* Don't take gravity's strength in to account, */ /* otherwise amount of banking is hard to control. */ negate_v3_v3(grav, ground_nor); project_v3_v3v3(dvec, bpa->data.acc, pa->state.vel); sub_v3_v3v3(dvec, bpa->data.acc, dvec); /* gather apparent gravity */ madd_v3_v3v3fl(bpa->gravity, grav, dvec, -boids->banking); normalize_v3(bpa->gravity); } else { /* gather negative surface normal */ madd_v3_v3fl(bpa->gravity, ground_nor, -1.0f); normalize_v3(bpa->gravity); } break; } } /* save direction to state.ave unless the boid is falling */ /* (boids can't effect their direction when falling) */ if(bpa->data.mode!=eBoidMode_Falling && len_v3(pa->state.vel) > 0.1f*pa->size) { copy_v3_v3(pa->state.ave, pa->state.vel); pa->state.ave[2] *= bbd->part->boids->pitch; normalize_v3(pa->state.ave); } /* apply damping */ if(ELEM(bpa->data.mode, eBoidMode_OnLand, eBoidMode_Climbing)) mul_v3_fl(pa->state.vel, 1.0f - 0.2f*bbd->part->dampfac); /* calculate rotation matrix based on forward & down vectors */ if(bpa->data.mode == eBoidMode_InAir) { copy_v3_v3(mat[0], pa->state.ave); project_v3_v3v3(dvec, bpa->gravity, pa->state.ave); sub_v3_v3v3(mat[2], bpa->gravity, dvec); normalize_v3(mat[2]); } else { project_v3_v3v3(dvec, pa->state.ave, bpa->gravity); sub_v3_v3v3(mat[0], pa->state.ave, dvec); normalize_v3(mat[0]); copy_v3_v3(mat[2], bpa->gravity); } negate_v3(mat[2]); cross_v3_v3v3(mat[1], mat[2], mat[0]); /* apply rotation */ mat3_to_quat_is_ok( q,mat); copy_qt_qt(pa->state.rot, q); }