Example #1
/* free exonInfo list */
static void freeGIList(struct exonInfo *list)
struct exonInfo *giNext;

for(; list ; list = giNext)
    giNext = list->next;

Example #2
void mafFileFree(struct mafFile **pObj)
/* Free up a maf file. */
struct mafFile *obj = *pObj;
if (obj == NULL)
Example #3
static struct mafAli *mafFromBed12(char *database, char *track,
    struct bed *bed, struct slName *orgList)
/* Construct a maf out of exons in bed. */
/* Loop through all block in bed, collecting a list of mafs, one
 * for each block.  While we're at make a hash of all species seen. */
struct hash *speciesHash = hashNew(0);
struct mafAli *mafList = NULL, *maf, *bigMaf;
struct mafComp *comp, *bigComp;
int totalTextSize = 0;
int i;
for (i=0; i<bed->blockCount; ++i)
    int start = bed->chromStart + bed->chromStarts[i];
    int end = start + bed->blockSizes[i];
    if (thickOnly)
	start = max(start, bed->thickStart);
	end = min(end, bed->thickEnd);
    if (start < end)
	maf = hgMafFrag(database, track, bed->chrom, start, end, '+',
	   database, NULL);
	slAddHead(&mafList, maf);
	for (comp = maf->components; comp != NULL; comp = comp->next)
	    hashStore(speciesHash, comp->src);
	totalTextSize += maf->textSize; 

/* Add species in order list too */
struct slName *org;
for (org = orgList; org != NULL; org = org->next)
    hashStore(speciesHash, org->name);

/* Allocate memory for return maf that contains all blocks concatenated together. 
 * Also fill in components with any species seen at all. */
bigMaf->textSize = totalTextSize;
struct hashCookie it = hashFirst(speciesHash);
struct hashEl *hel;
while ((hel = hashNext(&it)) != NULL)
    bigComp->src = cloneString(hel->name);
    bigComp->text = needLargeMem(totalTextSize + 1);
    memset(bigComp->text, '.', totalTextSize);
    bigComp->text[totalTextSize] = 0;
    bigComp->strand = '+';
    bigComp->srcSize = totalTextSize;	/* It's safe if a bit of a lie. */
    hel->val = bigComp;
    slAddHead(&bigMaf->components, bigComp);

/* Loop through maf list copying in data. */
int textOffset = 0;
for (maf = mafList; maf != NULL; maf = maf->next)
    for (comp = maf->components; comp != NULL; comp = comp->next)
	bigComp = hashMustFindVal(speciesHash, comp->src);
	memcpy(bigComp->text + textOffset, comp->text, maf->textSize);
	bigComp->size += comp->size;
    textOffset += maf->textSize;

/* Cope with strand of darkness. */
if (bed->strand[0] == '-')
    for (comp = bigMaf->components; comp != NULL; comp = comp->next)
	reverseComplement(comp->text, bigMaf->textSize);

/* If got an order list then reorder components according to it. */
if (orgList != NULL)
    struct mafComp *newList = NULL;
    for (org = orgList; org != NULL; org = org->next)
	comp = hashMustFindVal(speciesHash, org->name);
	slAddHead(&newList, comp);
    bigMaf->components = newList;

/* Rename our own component to bed name */
comp = hashMustFindVal(speciesHash, database);
comp->src = cloneString(bed->name);

/* Clean up and go home. */
return bigMaf;
Example #4
static void mafOrAxtClick2(struct sqlConnection *conn, struct sqlConnection *conn2, struct trackDb *tdb, char *axtOtherDb, char *fileName)
/* Display details for MAF or AXT tracks. */
if (winEnd - winStart > 30000)
    printf("Zoom so that window is 30,000 bases or less to see alignments and conservation statistics\n");
    struct mafAli *mafList = NULL, *maf, *subList = NULL;
    int aliIx = 0, realCount = 0;
    char dbChrom[64];
    char option[128];
    char *capTrack;
    struct consWiggle *consWig, *consWiggles;
    struct hash *speciesOffHash = NULL;
    char *speciesOrder = NULL;
    char *speciesTarget = trackDbSetting(tdb, SPECIES_TARGET_VAR);
    char buffer[1024];
    int useTarg = FALSE;
    int useIrowChains = FALSE;

    safef(option, sizeof(option), "%s.%s", tdb->track, MAF_CHAIN_VAR);
    if (cartCgiUsualBoolean(cart, option, FALSE) &&
	trackDbSetting(tdb, "irows") != NULL)
	    useIrowChains = TRUE;

    safef(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%s.vis",tdb->track);
    if (useIrowChains)
	if (!cartVarExists(cart, buffer) && (speciesTarget != NULL))
	    useTarg = TRUE;
	    char *val;

	    val = cartUsualString(cart, buffer, "useCheck");
            useTarg = sameString("useTarg",val);

    if (sameString(tdb->type, "bigMaf"))
        char *fileName = trackDbSetting(tdb, "bigDataUrl");
        struct bbiFile *bbi = bigBedFileOpen(fileName);
        mafList = bigMafLoadInRegion(bbi, seqName, winStart, winEnd);
        mafList = mafOrAxtLoadInRegion2(conn,conn2, tdb, seqName, winStart, winEnd,
                                        axtOtherDb, fileName);
    safef(dbChrom, sizeof(dbChrom), "%s.%s", hubConnectSkipHubPrefix(database), seqName);

    safef(option, sizeof(option), "%s.speciesOrder", tdb->track);
    speciesOrder = cartUsualString(cart, option, NULL);
    if (speciesOrder == NULL)
	speciesOrder = trackDbSetting(tdb, "speciesOrder");

    for (maf = mafList; maf != NULL; maf = maf->next)
        int mcCount = 0;
        struct mafComp *mc;
        struct mafAli *subset;
        struct mafComp *nextMc;

        /* remove empty components and configured off components
         * from MAF, and ignore
         * the entire MAF if all components are empty
         * (solely for gap annotation) */

        if (!useTarg)
            for (mc = maf->components->next; mc != NULL; mc = nextMc)
		char buf[64];
                char *organism;
		mafSrcDb(mc->src, buf, sizeof buf);
                organism = hOrganism(buf);
                if (!organism)
                    organism = buf;
		nextMc = mc->next;
		safef(option, sizeof(option), "%s.%s", tdb->track, buf);
		if (!cartUsualBoolean(cart, option, TRUE))
		    if (speciesOffHash == NULL)
			speciesOffHash = newHash(4);
		    hashStoreName(speciesOffHash, organism);
		if (!cartUsualBoolean(cart, option, TRUE))
		    slRemoveEl(&maf->components, mc);
        if (mcCount == 0)

	if (speciesOrder)
	    int speciesCt;
	    char *species[2048];
	    struct mafComp **newOrder, *mcThis;
	    int i;

	    mcCount = 0;
	    speciesCt = chopLine(cloneString(speciesOrder), species);
	    newOrder = needMem((speciesCt + 1) * sizeof (struct mafComp *));
	    newOrder[mcCount++] = maf->components;

	    for (i = 0; i < speciesCt; i++)
		if ((mcThis = mafMayFindCompSpecies(maf, species[i], '.')) == NULL)
		newOrder[mcCount++] = mcThis;

	    maf->components = NULL;
	    for (i = 0; i < mcCount; i++)
		newOrder[i]->next = 0;
		slAddHead(&maf->components, newOrder[i]);

	subset = mafSubsetE(maf, dbChrom, winStart, winEnd, TRUE);
	if (subset != NULL)
	    /* Reformat MAF if needed so that sequence from current
	     * database is the first component and on the
	     * plus strand. */
	    mafMoveComponentToTop(subset, dbChrom);
	    if (subset->components->strand == '-')
	    subset->score = mafScoreMultiz(subset);
	    slAddHead(&subList, subset);
    if (subList != NULL)
	char *showVarName = "hgc.showMultiBase";
	char *showVarVal = cartUsualString(cart, showVarName, "all");
	boolean onlyDiff = sameWord(showVarVal, "diff");
	char *codeVarName = "hgc.multiCapCoding";
	char *codeVarVal = cartUsualString(cart, codeVarName, "coding");
	boolean onlyCds = sameWord(codeVarVal, "coding");
        /* add links for conservation score statistics */
        consWiggles = wigMafWiggles(database, tdb);
        int wigCount = slCount(consWiggles);
        if (wigCount == 1)
            conservationStatsLink(tdb, "Conservation score statistics", consWiggles->table);
        else if (wigCount > 1)
            /* multiple wiggles. List all that have been turned on with
             * checkboxes */

            /* Scan for cart variables -- do any exist, are any turned on ? */
            boolean wigSet = FALSE;
            boolean wigOn = FALSE;
            for (consWig = consWiggles; consWig != NULL;
                        consWig = consWig->next)
                char *wigVarSuffix = NULL;
                (void)wigMafWiggleVar(tdb->track, consWig, &wigVarSuffix);
                if (cartVarExistsAnyLevel(cart, tdb, FALSE, wigVarSuffix))
                    wigSet = TRUE;
                    if (cartBooleanClosestToHome(cart, tdb, FALSE, wigVarSuffix))
                        wigOn = TRUE;
            /* If there are no cart vars, turn on the first (default) wig */
            if (!wigSet)
                char *prefix = tdb->track; // use when setting things to the cart
                if (tdbIsContainerChild(tdb))
                    prefix = tdbGetContainer(tdb)->track;

                cartSetBoolean(cart, wigMafWiggleVar(prefix, consWiggles, NULL), TRUE);
                wigOn = TRUE;
            if (wigOn)
                boolean first = TRUE;
                for (consWig = consWiggles; consWig != NULL;
                            consWig = consWig->next)
                    if (first)
                        printf("Conservation score statistics:");
                        first = FALSE;
                    char *wigVarSuffix = NULL;
                    (void)wigMafWiggleVar(tdb->track, consWig, &wigVarSuffix);
                    if (cartUsualBooleanClosestToHome(cart, tdb, FALSE, wigVarSuffix,FALSE))
                        subChar(consWig->uiLabel, '_', ' ');
                            consWig->uiLabel, consWig->table);

        /* no alignment to display when in visibilities where only wiggle is shown */
        char *vis = cartOptionalString(cart, tdb->track);
        if (vis)
            enum trackVisibility tv = hTvFromStringNoAbort(vis);
            if (tv == tvSquish || tv == tvDense)

	puts("<FORM ACTION=\"../cgi-bin/hgc\" NAME=\"gpForm\" METHOD=\"GET\">");
	printf("Capitalize ");
        cgiMakeDropListFull(codeVarName, codeAll, codeAll,
	    ArraySize(codeAll), codeVarVal, autoSubmit);
	printf("exons based on ");
        capTrack = genePredDropDown(cart, trackHash,
                                       "gpForm", "hgc.multiCapTrack");
	printf("show ");
        cgiMakeDropListFull(showVarName, showAll, showAll,
	    ArraySize(showAll), showVarVal, autoSubmit);

        /* notify if bases are complemented (hgTracks is on reverse strand) */
        if (cartCgiUsualBoolean(cart, COMPLEMENT_BASES_VAR, FALSE))
            puts("<EM>Alignment displayed on reverse strand</EM><BR>");
	puts("Place cursor over species for alignment detail. Click on 'B' to link to browser ");
	puts("for aligned species, click on 'D' to get DNA for aligned species.<BR>");


        /* notify if species removed from alignment */
        if (speciesOffHash) 
            char *species;
            struct hashCookie hc = hashFirst(speciesOffHash);
            puts("<B>Components not displayed:</B> ");
            while ((species = hashNextName(&hc)) != NULL)
                printf("%s ", species);

	for (maf = subList; maf != NULL; maf = maf->next)
	    if (capTrack != NULL)
                capMafOnTrack(maf, capTrack, onlyCds);
            printf("<B>Alignment block %d of %d in window, %d - %d, %d bps </B>\n",
                   ++aliIx,realCount,maf->components->start + 1,
                   maf->components->start + maf->components->size, maf->components->size);
            mafPrettyOut(stdout, maf, 70,onlyDiff, aliIx);
        printf("No multiple alignment in browser window");
struct mafAli *hgMafFrag(
	char *database,     /* Database, must already have hSetDb to this */
	char *track, 	    /* Name of MAF track */
	char *chrom, 	    /* Chromosome (in database genome) */
	int start, int end, /* start/end in chromosome */
	char strand, 	    /* Chromosome strand. */
	char *outName, 	    /* Optional name to use in first component */
	struct slName *orderList /* Optional order of organisms. */
/* mafFrag- Extract maf sequences for a region from database.
 * This creates a somewhat unusual MAF that extends from start
 * to end whether or not there are actually alignments.  Where
 * there are no alignments (or alignments missing a species)
 * a . character fills in.   The score is always zero, and
 * the sources just indicate the species.  You can mafFree this
 * as normal. */
int chromSize = hChromSize(database, chrom);
struct sqlConnection *conn = hAllocConn(database);
struct dnaSeq *native = hChromSeq(database, chrom, start, end);
struct mafAli *maf, *mafList = mafLoadInRegion(conn, track, chrom, start, end);
char masterSrc[128];
struct hash *orgHash = newHash(10);
struct oneOrg *orgList = NULL, *org, *nativeOrg = NULL;
int curPos = start, symCount = 0;
struct slName *name;
int order = 0;

/* Check that the mafs are really copacetic, the particular
 * subtype we think is in the database that this (relatively)
 * simple code can handle. */
safef(masterSrc, sizeof(masterSrc), "%s.%s", database, chrom);
mafCheckFirstComponentSrc(mafList, masterSrc);
mafCheckFirstComponentStrand(mafList, '+');
slSort(&mafList, mafCmp);

/* Prebuild organisms if possible from input orderList. */
for (name = orderList; name != NULL; name = name->next)
    slAddHead(&orgList, org);
    hashAddSaveName(orgHash, name->name, org, &org->name);
    org->dy = dyStringNew(native->size*1.5);
    org->order = order++;
    if (nativeOrg == NULL)
        nativeOrg = org;
if (orderList == NULL)
    slAddHead(&orgList, org);
    hashAddSaveName(orgHash, database, org, &org->name);
    org->dy = dyStringNew(native->size*1.5);
    if (nativeOrg == NULL)
        nativeOrg = org;

/* Go through all mafs in window, mostly building up
 * org->dy strings. */
for (maf = mafList; maf != NULL; maf = maf->next)
    struct mafComp *mc, *mcMaster = maf->components;
    struct mafAli *subMaf = NULL;
    order = 0;
    if (curPos < mcMaster->start)
	fillInMissing(nativeOrg, orgList, native, start,
		curPos, mcMaster->start);
	symCount += mcMaster->start - curPos;
    if (curPos < mcMaster->start + mcMaster->size) /* Prevent worst
    						    * backtracking */
	if (mafNeedSubset(maf, masterSrc, curPos, end))
	    subMaf = mafSubset(maf, masterSrc, curPos, end);
	    if (subMaf == NULL)
	    subMaf = maf;
	for (mc = subMaf->components; mc != NULL; mc = mc->next, ++order)
	    /* Extract name up to dot into 'orgName' */
	    char buf[128], *e, *orgName;

	    if ((mc->size == 0) || (mc->srcSize == 0)) /* skip over components without sequence */

	    mc->leftStatus = mc->rightStatus = 0; /* squash annotation */

	    e = strchr(mc->src, '.');
	    if (e == NULL)
		orgName = mc->src;
		int len = e - mc->src;
		if (len >= sizeof(buf))
		    errAbort("organism/database name %s too long", mc->src);
		memcpy(buf, mc->src, len);
		buf[len] = 0;
		orgName = buf;

	    /* Look up dyString corresponding to  org, and create a
	     * new one if necessary. */
	    org = hashFindVal(orgHash, orgName);
	    if (org == NULL)
		if (orderList != NULL)
		   errAbort("%s is not in orderList", orgName);
		slAddHead(&orgList, org);
		hashAddSaveName(orgHash, orgName, org, &org->name);
		org->dy = dyStringNew(native->size*1.5);
		dyStringAppendMultiC(org->dy, '.', symCount);
		if (nativeOrg == NULL)
		    nativeOrg = org;
	    if (orderList == NULL && order > org->order)
		org->order = order;
	    org->hit = TRUE;

	    /* Fill it up with alignment. */
	    dyStringAppendN(org->dy, mc->text, subMaf->textSize);
	for (org = orgList; org != NULL; org = org->next)
	    if (!org->hit)
		dyStringAppendMultiC(org->dy, '.', subMaf->textSize);
	    org->hit = FALSE;
	symCount += subMaf->textSize;
	curPos = mcMaster->start + mcMaster->size;
	if (subMaf != maf)
if (curPos < end)
    fillInMissing(nativeOrg, orgList, native, start, curPos, end);
    symCount += end - curPos;

slSort(&orgList, oneOrgCmp);
if (strand == '-')
    for (org = orgList; org != NULL; org = org->next)
	reverseComplement(org->dy->string, org->dy->stringSize);

/* Construct our maf */
maf->textSize = symCount;
for (org = orgList; org != NULL; org = org->next)
    struct mafComp *mc;
    if (org == orgList)
	if (outName != NULL)
	    mc->src = cloneString(outName);
	    mc->srcSize = native->size;
	    mc->strand = '+';
	    mc->start = 0;
	    mc->size = native->size;
	    mc->src = cloneString(masterSrc);
	    mc->srcSize = chromSize;
	    mc->strand = strand;
	    if (strand == '-')
	       reverseIntRange(&start, &end, chromSize);
	    mc->start = start;
	    mc->size = end-start;
	int size = countAlpha(org->dy->string);
	mc->src = cloneString(org->name);
	mc->srcSize = size;
	mc->strand = '+';
	mc->start = 0;
	mc->size = size;
    mc->text = cloneString(org->dy->string);
    slAddHead(&maf->components, mc);

return maf;