int main (int argc, char ** argv) { if (argc < 2) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: expected argument\n", argv[0]); return 1; } printf("(This should fork and the child process (but not the parent) should segfault)\n"); size_t size = 27; volatile char * shm = (char *)syscall_shm_obtain(argv[1], &size); if (shm == NULL) { return 1; } int pid = getpid(); uint32_t f = fork(); if (getpid() != pid) { // Child: client return main_client(shm); } else { // Parent: server return main_server(shm); } return 0; }
int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) { if (atoi(argv[1]) == 1) { main_server(); // Order orders[MAX_QUEUE_SIZE]; // int i; // elev_init(); // pthread_t buttons; // // for (i = 0; i < MAX_QUEUE_SIZE; i++) { // orders[i] = malloc(sizeof(Order)); // // } // // pthread_create(&buttons, NULL, thread_monitor_button_inputs, (void *) orders); // // // // while(1) { // // // for (i = 0; i < MAX_QUEUE_SIZE; i++) { // printf("Floor: %d, Direction: %d\n", orders[i].floor, orders[i].button_type); // } // printf("--------------------\n"); // sleep(5); // } // // pthread_join(buttons, NULL); } else if (atoi(argv[1]) == 2) { if(argc != 3) { printf("Not enough input arguments\n"); exit(1); } main_client(argv[2]); } return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int ret = 0, c, udp = 0, ipv4 = -1, daemon = 1, log = 1; char *port = NULL, *stun = NULL, *dev = NULL, *home = NULL, *alias = NULL; enum working_mode wmode = MODE_UNKNOW; setfsuid(getuid()); setfsgid(getgid()); home = fetch_home_dir(); while ((c = getopt_long(argc, argv, short_options, long_options, NULL)) != EOF) { switch (c) { case 'h': help(); break; case 'v': version(); break; case 'D': daemon = 0; break; case 'N': log = 0; break; case 'C': wmode = MODE_DUMPC; break; case 'S': wmode = MODE_DUMPS; break; case 'c': wmode = MODE_CLIENT; if (optarg) { if (*optarg == '=') optarg++; alias = xstrdup(optarg); } break; case 'd': dev = xstrdup(optarg); break; case 'k': wmode = MODE_KEYGEN; break; case '4': ipv4 = 1; break; case '6': ipv4 = 0; break; case 'x': wmode = MODE_EXPORT; break; case 's': wmode = MODE_SERVER; break; case 'u': udp = 1; break; case 't': stun = xstrdup(optarg); break; case 'p': port = xstrdup(optarg); break; case '?': switch (optopt) { case 't': case 'd': case 'u': case 'p': panic("Option -%c requires an argument!\n", optopt); default: if (isprint(optopt)) printf("Unknown option character `0x%X\'!\n", optopt); die(); } default: break; } } if (argc < 2) help(); register_signal(SIGINT, signal_handler); register_signal(SIGHUP, signal_handler); register_signal(SIGTERM, signal_handler); register_signal(SIGPIPE, signal_handler); curve25519_selftest(); switch (wmode) { case MODE_KEYGEN: ret = main_keygen(home); break; case MODE_EXPORT: ret = main_export(home); break; case MODE_DUMPC: ret = main_dumpc(home); break; case MODE_DUMPS: ret = main_dumps(home); break; case MODE_CLIENT: ret = main_client(home, dev, alias, daemon); break; case MODE_SERVER: if (!port) panic("No port specified!\n"); if (stun) print_stun_probe(stun, 3478, strtoul(port, NULL, 10)); ret = main_server(home, dev, port, udp, ipv4, daemon, log); break; default: die(); } free(dev); free(stun); free(port); free(alias); return ret; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { qi::Application app(argc, argv); std::string usage = "If no mode is specified, run client and server in same process\n"; po::options_description desc(std::string("Usage:\n ")+argv[0]+"\n" + usage); desc.add_options() ("help,h", "Print this help.") ("all", po::value<std::string>()->default_value("tcp://"), "(default) Run all in the same process.") ("client,c", po::value<std::string>(), "Run as a client (tcp://") ("server,s", po::value<std::string>()->implicit_value("tcp://"), "Run as a server.") ("gateway", po::value<std::string>(), "Run as a gateway.") ("local", "Run in local.") ("thread", po::value<int>()->default_value(1, "1"), "Number of thread to launch for clients") ("valgrind", "Set low loopcount and wait for valgrind.") ("gateway", "Run without gateway.") ("rstart", po::value<int>()->default_value(0, "0"), "rstart") ("rend", po::value<int>()->default_value(20, "20"), "rend") ("pipeline", po::value<int>()->default_value(1, "1"), "Max number of parallel calls to run") ("threadsafe", po::bool_switch()->default_value(false), "Declare threadsafe service") ("msdelay", po::value<int>()->default_value(0, "0"), "Delay in milliseconds to simulate long call") ; desc.add(qi::details::getPerfOptions()); po::variables_map vm; po::store(po::command_line_parser(argc, argv) .options(desc).run(), vm); po::notify(vm); if (vm.count("help")) { std::cout << desc << std::endl; return EXIT_SUCCESS; } if (vm.count("gateway")) noGateway = false; if (vm.count("valgrind")) { gLoopCount = 500; valgrind = true; } if (vm.count("client") + vm.count("server") + !vm["all"].defaulted() + vm.count("gateway") + vm.count("local") > 1) { std::cerr << desc << std::endl << "You must put at most one option between [all|client|server|gateway|local]" << std::endl; return EXIT_FAILURE; } if (!vm["thread"].defaulted() && (vm.count("server") != 0 || vm.count("gateway") != 0)) { std::cerr << "[thread] is useless with [server] or [gateway]" << std::endl; } rstart = vm["rstart"].as<int>(); rend = vm["rend"].as<int>(); pipeline = vm["pipeline"].as<int>(); threadsafe = vm["threadsafe"].as<bool>(); msDelay = vm["msdelay"].as<int>(); out = new qi::DataPerfSuite("qimessaging", "transport", qi::DataPerfSuite::OutputData_Period, vm["output"].as<std::string>()); if (vm.count("client")) { serverUrl = qi::Url(vm["client"].as<std::string>()); int threadc = vm["thread"].as<int>(); start_client(threadc); } else if (vm.count("server")) { serverUrl = vm["server"].as<std::string>(); return main_server(); } else if (vm.count("gateway")) { serverUrl = vm["gateway"].as<std::string>(); return main_gateway(serverUrl); } else if (vm.count("local")) { return main_local(); } else { //start the server int threadc = vm["thread"].as<int>(); serverUrl = vm["all"].as<std::string>(); allInOne = true; boost::thread threadServer1(boost::bind(&main_server)); do { qi::os::msleep(500); // give it time to listen } while (!serverReady); // be nice for valgrind if (!noGateway) boost::thread threadServer2(boost::bind(&main_gateway, serverUrl)); qi::os::sleep(1); start_client(threadc); } delete out; return EXIT_SUCCESS; }