Example #1
HAlignandum makeProfile(
		const HAlignandum & seqa,
		const HAlignment & map_seqa2profile,
		const HAlignandum & seqb,
		const HAlignment & map_seqb2profile )
	HProfile profile = toProfile(makeProfile(
			std::max( map_seqa2profile->getColTo(),
						map_seqb2profile->getColTo() )));
	profile->add( seqa, map_seqa2profile );
	profile->add( seqb, map_seqb2profile );
	return profile;
Example #2
HAlignandum makeProfile(
		const HMultAlignment & mali,
		const HAlignandumVector & sequences )
	if (sequences->size() != mali->getNumSequences())
		throw AlignlibException( "ImplProfile.cpp: number of sequences given does not match number of sequences in MultAlignment");

	HProfile profile = toProfile(makeProfile( mali->getLength() ));

	for (int x = 0; x < mali->getNumSequences(); ++x)
		profile->add( (*sequences)[x], (*mali)[x], true );

	return profile;
std::string calculateConservation(
		const HMultipleAlignment & mali,
		const Frequency min_frequency )
	const HEncoder encoder(getDefaultEncoder());

	HProfile profile( toProfile(
			(makeProfile( mali ))));


	const HFrequencyMatrix frequencies(profile->getFrequencyMatrix());

	Position length = frequencies->getNumRows();
	Residue width = frequencies->getNumCols();

	char * buffer = new char[length + 1];

	for (Position col = 0; col < length; col++)
		Frequency max_frequency = min_frequency;
		Frequency f;
		Residue max_residue = encoder->getGapCode();

		const Frequency * fcolumn = frequencies->getRow(col);
		for (Position row = 0; row < width; row++)
			if ( (f = fcolumn[row]) >= max_frequency )
				max_frequency = f;
				max_residue = row;
		buffer[col] = encoder->decode( max_residue );

	buffer[length] = '\0';

	std::string seq(buffer);
	delete [] buffer;

	return seq;
Example #4
void fragFind(struct seqList *goodSeq, char *badName, int fragSize, int mismatchesAllowed, 
    boolean considerRc, double profile[16][4])
/* Do fast finding of patterns that are in FA file "goodName", but not in FA file
 * "badName."  BadName can be null.  Pass in the size of the pattern (fragSize) and
 * the number of mismatches to pattern you're willing to tolerate (mismatchesAllowed).
 * It returns the pattern in profile. */
int *goodTable, *badTable = NULL;
int goodCount, badCount = 0;
int goodIx;
long startTime;
DNA unpacked[17];

if (mismatchesAllowed > 3)
    errAbort("Sorry, fragFind can only handle 0-3 mismatches.");
if (fragSize > 10)
    errAbort("Sorry, fragFind can only handle fragments up to 10 bases.");

startTime = clock1000();
makeOligoHistogram(NULL, goodSeq, fragSize, &goodTable, &goodCount);
if (badName)
    makeOligoHistogram(badName, NULL, fragSize, &badTable, &badCount);
if (badName)
    normalizeTable(goodTable, fragSize);
    normalizeTable(badTable, fragSize);
    diffTables(goodTable, badTable, fragSize);
    goodIx = fuzzVal(badTable, fragSize, mismatchesAllowed, considerRc);
    goodIx = fuzzVal(goodTable, fragSize, mismatchesAllowed, considerRc);
unpackVal(goodIx, fragSize, unpacked);
makeProfile(unpacked, fragSize, mismatchesAllowed, goodSeq, considerRc, profile);
Example #5
/** create empty profile
 * */
HAlignandum makeProfile()
	return makeProfile();