Example #1
** Name: CS_map_sys_segment()	- Map the system control segment to this process
** Description:
**	Maps the system control block to this process.  This must happen before
**	any other action can be taken on shared memory (with the exception of
**	CS_create_sys_segment()).
**	Upon successful exectution of this routine CS may manipulate the system
**	control data structure CS_SMCNTRL (taking care to use proper semaphore
**	techniques which take into account that the data structure is shared
**	across processes).
**	This call is internal to CS is meant only to be called by CS, and may
**	only exist on unix systems supporting shared memory.
** Inputs:
**	none.
** Outputs:
**      cssm_segment			ptr to the CS_SMCNTRL data structure.
**      err_code			system dependent error information.
**	Returns:
**	    E_DB_OK
**	Exceptions:
**	    none
** Side Effects:
**	    none
** History:
**      08-Sep-88 (mmm)
**          First Version
**	12-jun-89 (rogerk)
**	    Added allocated_pages argument to MEget_pages calls.
**	    Changed shared memory key from a LOCATIONN pointer to a character
**	    string.
**      26-aug-89 (rexl)
**          Added calls to protect page allocator.
**	18-oct-1993 (bryanp)
**	    Issue trace messages in failure cases. Simply returning FAIL doesnt
**		help the diagnosis process very much, while the trace messages
**		can help (if the caller has done a TRset_file by this point).
**	14-Oct-1998 (jenjo02)
**	    CS_map_sys_segment(): Don't initialize css_spinlock. That was done 
**	    when the shared segment was created. Reinitializing it may 
**	    effectively destroy a holding process's lock!
**	21-May-2004 (wanfr01)
**	    INGSRV2835, Bug 112371
**	    As per the Jon Jensen's last update, removed the invalid initialize
**	    of css_spinlock.
**	5-Apr-2006 (kschendel)
**	    Use generated css version instead of constant.
** 12-aug-2008 (stephenb)
**		previous change is too strict if programs not shipped with Ingres
**		try to connect to the system segment because the checked version
**		goes right down to the build number. allow some latitude using
**		II_SYSSEG_VERS. If this is set to the current major Ingres 
**		version we will allow the connection. This is an interim 
**		solution to Golden Gate's issue.
CS_map_sys_segment(CL_ERR_DESC *err_code)
    STATUS	status = OK;
    PTR		address;
    SIZE_TYPE	alloc_pages;

    /* map segment into first available address and then initialize it */
    /* Use "sysseg.mem" as shared memory key. */
    address = 0;
    status = MEget_pages(ME_SSHARED_MASK, 0, "sysseg.mem", &address,
                         &alloc_pages, err_code);

    if (status)
#ifdef xDEBUG
	TRdisplay("CS_map_sys_segment: unable to attach to sysseg.mem (%x)\n",
	/* Unable to attach allocated shared memory segment. */
	/* status = FAIL; This isn't a useful error return code! */
    	char	*segvers;
    	i4		segint;
    	Cs_sm_cb = (CS_SMCNTRL *) address;
    	** check if segment version has been provided, if so we'll
    	** deem it O.K. if it matches the current major version
    	NMgtAt("II_SYSSEG_VERS", &segvers);
    	if (segvers != (char *)NULL && *segvers != EOS && 
    			CVal(segvers, &segint) == OK && segint == GV_MAJOR)
    		status = OK;
    		i4 id = make_css_version();
			if (Cs_sm_cb->css_version != id)
		"CS_map_sys_segment: sysseg.mem is version %x (%d). We need version %x (%d)\n",
				Cs_sm_cb->css_version, Cs_sm_cb->css_version,
				id, id);
			    SETCLERR(err_code, 0, 0);
			    status = FAIL;

Example #2
** Name: CS_map_sys_segment()   - Map the system control segment to this process
** Description:
**      Maps the system control block to this process.  This must happen before
**      any other action can be taken on shared memory (with the exception of
**      CS_create_sys_segment()).
**      Upon successful exectution of this routine CS may manipulate the system
**      control data structure CS_SMCNTRL (taking care to use proper semaphore
**      techniques which take into account that the data structure is shared
**      across processes).
**      This call is internal to CS is meant only to be called by CS, and may
**      only exist on unix systems supporting shared memory.
** Inputs:
**      none.
** Outputs:
**      cssm_segment                    ptr to the CS_SMCNTRL data structure.
**      err_code                        system dependent error information.
**      Returns:
**          E_DB_OK
**      Exceptions:
**          none
** Side Effects:
**          none
** History:
**      08-Sep-88 (mmm)
**          First Version
**      12-jun-89 (rogerk)
**          Added allocated_pages argument to MEget_pages calls.
**          Changed shared memory key from a LOCATIONN pointer to a character
**          string.
**      26-aug-89 (rexl)
**          Added calls to protect page allocator.
**      18-oct-1993 (bryanp)
**          Issue trace messages in failure cases. Simply returning FAIL doesnt
**              help the diagnosis process very much, while the trace messages
**              can help (if the caller has done a TRset_file by this point).
**      14-Oct-1998 (jenjo02)
**          CS_map_sys_segment(): Don't initialize css_spinlock. That was done
**          when the shared segment was created. Reinitializing it may
**          effectively destroy a holding process's lock!
**      21-May-2004 (wanfr01)
**          INGSRV2835, Bug 112371
**          As per the Jon Jensen's last update, removed the invalid initialize
**          of css_spinlock.
**      5-Apr-2006 (kschendel)
**          Use generated css version instead of constant.
CS_map_sys_segment(CL_ERR_DESC *err_code)
    STATUS      status = OK;
    PTR         address;
    SIZE_TYPE   alloc_pages;

    /* map segment into first available address and then initialize it */
    /* Use "sysseg.mem" as shared memory key. */
    address = 0;
    status = MEget_pages(ME_SSHARED_MASK, 0, "sysseg.mem", &address,
                         &alloc_pages, err_code);

    if (status)
#ifdef xDEBUG
        TRdisplay("CS_map_sys_segment: unable to attach to sysseg.mem (%x)\n",
        /* Unable to attach allocated shared memory segment. */
        /* status = FAIL; This isn't a useful error return code! */
        i4 id = make_css_version();

        Cs_sm_cb = (CS_SMCNTRL *) address;

        if (Cs_sm_cb->css_version != id)
"CS_map_sys_segment: sysseg.mem is version %x (%d). We need version %x (%d)\n",
                Cs_sm_cb->css_version, Cs_sm_cb->css_version,
                id, id);
            SETCLERR(err_code, 0, 0);
            status = FAIL;

Example #3
** Name: CS_create_sys_segment()        - Create system shared mem segment.
** Description:
**      Create system control block.  Only caller should be the system
**      initialization program.  Other users of the system shared memory
**      segment should only map an already created shared memory segment.
**      This procedure creates a shared memory segment.  It then maps it into
**      the current process and initializes it.  It then unmaps it from the
**      current process (so that the CS_map_sys_segment() can be used without
**      any special casing).
**      Currently the already created shared memory segment is destroyed
**      before the new one is created.  We may add a destroy procedure
**      once the system installation program is fleshed out.
** Inputs:
**      num_of_servers                  number of servers this installation
**                                      should support.
**      num_of_wakeups                  number of wakeupblocks this installation
**                                      should support.
** Outputs:
**      err_code                        system dependent error.
**      Returns:
**          OK                          successfully created the segment.
**          FAIL                        failure to create shared mem segment.
**      Exceptions:
**          none
** Side Effects:
**          none
** History:
**      01-jan-88 (mmm)
**          Created.
**      21-jan-89 (mikem)
**          set correct value in the CS_SMCNTRL for the LG/LK shared memory id.
**          also add support for dynamic LGLK segment.
**      12-jun-89 (rogerk)
**          Integrated Terminator changes.  Changed args to MEget_pages calls.
**          Changed shared memory key to character string, not LOCATION pointer.
**          Changed ME_loctokey call to ME_getkey.
**      21-Jul-89 (anton)
**          Don't need a sys V semaphore per server any more.
**      26-aug-89 (rexl)
**          Added calls to protect page allocator.
**      28-Dec-89 (fredp)
**          Add TRdisplay error message on failure of semget.
**      16-feb-90 (greg)
**          NMgtAt is a VOID.
**      16-mar-90 (fredp)
**          Added support for system-wide II_LG_MAP_ADDR variable. If it
**          is set, it contains the hex address of where the lock segment
**          should be mapped into memory (instead of the default LG_MAP_ADDR).
**          If the system segment attach fails on Sun3, retry with a 1MB
**          lower attach address since the start of the user stack dropped
**          1MB from that of SunOS 4.0.x.
**      3-jul-1992 (bryanp)
**          We don't need to call LG/LK initialize anymore.
**          Added num_of_wakeups argument and used it to set css_wakeups_off.
**      26-jul-1993 (bryanp)
**          Removed the 5 extra semaphores that no-one needed nor used. This
**              leaves a few unused variables in various control blocks, which
**              eventually I'll get around to removing, as well. For now,
**              removing the unneeded semaphores reduces the system resource
**              usage of Ingres, which is a Good Thing.
**      31-jan-94 (mikem)
**          bug #58298
**          Changed CS_handle_wakeup_events() to maintain a high-water mark
**          for events in use to limit the scanning necessary to find
**          cross process events outstanding.  Previous to this each call to
**          the routine would scan the entire array, which in the default
**          configuration was 4k elements long.  Changed CS_create_sys_segment()
**          to initalize the new fields.
**      20-apr-94 (mikem)
**          Bug #57043
**          Added a call to CS_clockinit() to CS_create_sys_segment().  This
**          call is responsible for initializing new control information stored
**          in the shared memory system segment which is used to manipulate
**          the pseudo-quantum clock.  This clock is used to maintain both
**          quantum and timeout queues in CS.  See csclock.c for more
**          information.
**      19-sep-2002 (devjo01)
**          Allocate shared memory from local RAD if Running NUMA.
**      5-Apr-2006 (kschendel)
**          Use generated css version instead of constant.
CS_create_sys_segment(i4 num_of_servers, i4 num_of_wakeups, CL_ERR_DESC *err_code)
    SIZE_TYPE           size;
    STATUS              status;
    PTR                 address;
    SIZE_TYPE           alloc_pages;
    char                *string;
    char                *addr_string;
    STATUS              cv_status = OK;
    i4                  meflags;

    /* the system shared memory control block looks as follows:
    **  ------------------------------
    **  |     control block          |
    **  |-----------------------------
    **  |     array of server info   |
    **  |            ...             |
    **  |            ...             |
    **  |-----------------------------
    **  |     array of wakeup blocks |
    **  |            ...             |
    **  |            ...             |
    **  ------------------------------
    size = sizeof(CS_SMCNTRL) + ((num_of_servers + 1) * sizeof(CS_SERV_INFO));
    size += (num_of_wakeups * sizeof(CS_SM_WAKEUP_CB));
    /* round to ME_MPAGESIZE */
    size = (size + ME_MPAGESIZE - 1) & ~(ME_MPAGESIZE - 1);

    ** Create shared segment for sysseg.
    ** Use SYSSEG.MEM as shared memory key.
    address = (PTR) 0;

    if (CXnuma_user_rad())
        meflags |= ME_LOCAL_RAD;

    status = MEget_pages(meflags, size/ME_MPAGESIZE, "sysseg.mem", &address,
                &alloc_pages, err_code);

    /* FIX ME - initialize all the server control blocks */

    if (!status)

        /* initialize the shared memory data base */
        Cs_sm_cb = (CS_SMCNTRL *) address;

        Cs_sm_cb->css_css_desc.cssm_addr = (PTR) 0;
        Cs_sm_cb->css_css_desc.cssm_size = size;
#ifdef __vms
        /* there's no such thing as a shared mem id in VMS */ 
        Cs_sm_cb->css_css_desc.cssm_id = 0;
        Cs_sm_cb->css_css_desc.cssm_id = ME_getkey("sysseg.mem");
        Cs_sm_cb->css_numservers = num_of_servers;
        Cs_sm_cb->css_wakeup.css_numwakeups = num_of_wakeups;
        Cs_sm_cb->css_wakeup.css_minfree = 0;
        Cs_sm_cb->css_wakeup.css_maxused = 0;
        Cs_sm_cb->css_version = make_css_version();


        /* now allocate cross process semaphores */
# ifdef xCL_075_SYS_V_IPC_EXISTS
        Cs_sm_cb->css_semid = semget(Cs_sm_cb->css_css_desc.cssm_id,
                                     CSCP_NUM, 0600|IPC_CREAT);
        if (Cs_sm_cb->css_semid < 0)
            TRdisplay("semget of %d semaphores failed\n", CSCP_NUM);
            TRdisplay("errno = %d\n",errno);
            SETCLERR(err_code, 0, 0);
            status = FAIL;
# endif

    if (!status)
        Cs_sm_cb->css_wakeups_off =
            (char *)&Cs_sm_cb->css_servinfo[num_of_servers] - (char *)Cs_sm_cb;

        /* initialize the server-server event structures */
        Cs_sm_cb->css_events_off = Cs_sm_cb->css_wakeups_off +
                                    (num_of_wakeups * sizeof(CS_SM_WAKEUP_CB));

        Cs_sm_cb->css_events_end = Cs_sm_cb->css_css_desc.cssm_size;
        Cs_sm_cb->css_nsem = 0;
        Cs_sm_cb->css_usem = 0;


        /* FIX ME - initialize all the server control blocks */

        /* Init Shared Memory mutex chain mutex */
    if (!status)
        CS_cp_synch_init(&Cs_sm_cb->css_shm_mutex, &status);
