Example #1
File: aga.c Project: krzul/dia
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
        char            *parfname,
        unsigned short  *mask0, *mask1, *flag0, *flag1;
        int             *indx,
                        nsec_x, nsec_y, isec_x, isec_y, x_off, y_off, mode,
                        deg[MAX_NCOMP], i, k, nclip, npix, nim, ntab, nkeep;
        long int        imglen, buflen, veclen, intlen, matlen, usblen,
                        lomlen, lovlen, tablen, domlen, srtlen,
                        *headlen, mheadlen, rheadlen;
        float           *im, *imref, *imdif,
                        sig[MAX_NCOMP], *sort_buf;
        double          **vecs, **mat, *vec, **tab00, **wxy,
                        *ker_norm, chi2_n, good_area, total_area,
        DOM_TABS        *domp;
        PARAMS          par;


  imref = imdif = NULL;
  mask0 = mask1 = NULL;
  flag0 = flag1 = NULL;
  indx  = NULL;
  vec   = NULL;
  vecs  = mat   = NULL;
  tab00 = wxy   = NULL;
  sort_buf = NULL;

  good_area = 0.0;
  domp = 0;

/*** argument handling ***/
  if (argc != 6) usage();

  parfname = argv[1];
  instrname= argv[2];
  maskname = argv[3];
  reffname = argv[4];
  imgfname = argv[5];

/*** get parameters ***/

  par.deg = deg;
  par.sig = sig;

  get_params(parfname, instrname, &par);
  if (par.verbose > 3)
    printf("parfname:   %s\n", parfname);
    printf("instrname:  %s\n", instrname);
    printf("maskname:   %s\n", maskname);
    printf("reffname:   %s\n", reffname);
    printf("imgfname:   %s\n", imgfname);

/*** get the list of input, output and kernel files ***/

  if (par.verbose > 2) printf("Reading '%s'\n", imgfname);
  nim=read_list(par, imgfname, &inpfname, &outfname, &kerfname);
  if (par.verbose > 2) printf("%d file-names read read\n", nim);

  for (i=1; i<par.ncomp; i++)
    par.deg[i] = par.deg[i-1] + par.deg_inc;
    par.sig[i] = par.sig[i-1] * par.sig_inc;

  par.nx += 2*par.kerhw;
  par.ny += 2*par.kerhw;

  par.sdeg = par.wdeg;
  if (par.bdeg > par.wdeg)  par.sdeg = par.bdeg;

  par.nwxy  = (par.wdeg+1)*(par.wdeg+2)/2;
  par.nspat = (par.sdeg+1)*(par.sdeg+2)/2;
  par.nbkg  = (par.bdeg+1)*(par.bdeg+2)/2;

  par.nvecs = par.nbkg;
  for (i=0; i<par.ncomp; i++) par.nvecs += (par.deg[i]+1)*(par.deg[i]+2)/2;
  par.ntot = par.nvecs + (par.nvecs - par.nbkg - 1)*(par.nwxy - 1);

  par.ndom = par.ndom_x*par.ndom_y;

  ntab = par.nvecs-par.nbkg+par.nspat;

  if (par.verbose) printf("\t %d image(s) to process\n\n", nim);

/*** get memory ***/

  imglen = par.nx*par.ny*sizeof(float);
  buflen = par.nx*par.ny*sizeof(double);
  matlen = par.ntot*sizeof(double *);
  veclen = par.ntot*sizeof(double);
  usblen = par.nx*par.ny*sizeof(unsigned short);
  tablen = ntab*sizeof(double *);
  lomlen = par.nvecs*sizeof(double *);
  lovlen = par.nvecs*sizeof(double);
  domlen = par.ndom*sizeof(DOM_TABS);
  srtlen = par.ndom*sizeof(float);
  intlen = par.ndom*sizeof(int);

  if (par.ntot > par.ndom)  intlen = par.ntot*sizeof(int);

  if (!(im    =   (float *)malloc(imglen))) errmess("malloc(im)");
  if (!(imref =   (float *)malloc(imglen))) errmess("malloc(imref)");
  if (!(imdif =   (float *)malloc(imglen))) errmess("malloc(imdif)");
  if (!(mat   = (double **)malloc(matlen))) errmess("malloc(mat)");
  if (!(tab00 = (double **)malloc(tablen))) errmess("malloc(tab00)");
  if (!(vecs  = (double **)malloc(tablen))) errmess("malloc(vecs)");
  if (!(wxy   = (double **)malloc(tablen))) errmess("malloc(wxy)");

  if (!(domp     = (DOM_TABS *)malloc(domlen))) errmess("malloc(DOM_TABS)");
  if (!(sort_buf =    (float *)malloc(srtlen))) errmess("malloc(sort_buf)");

  for (i=0; i<ntab; i++)
    if (!(tab00[i] = (double *)malloc(buflen))) errmess("malloc(tab00[i])");

  for (k=0; k<par.ndom; k++)
    if (!(domp[k].mat0 = (double **)malloc(lomlen)))
    if (!(domp[k].mat1 = (double **)malloc(lomlen)))
    if (!(domp[k].mat  = (double **)malloc(lomlen)))
    if (!(domp[k].vec0 = (double *)malloc(lovlen)))
    if (!(domp[k].vec  = (double *)malloc(lovlen)))

    for (i=0; i<par.nvecs; i++)
      if (!(domp[k].mat0[i] = (double *)malloc(lovlen)))
      if (!(domp[k].mat1[i] = (double *)malloc(lovlen)))
      if (!(domp[k].mat[i]  = (double *)malloc(lovlen)))

/* mat is indexed from 1 to n for use with numerical recipes ! */

  for (i=0; i<par.ntot; i++)
    if (!(mat[i] = (double *)malloc(veclen))) errmess("malloc(mat[i])");

  if (!(vec  = (double *)malloc(veclen))) errmess("malloc(vec)");
  if (!(indx =    (int *)malloc(intlen))) errmess("malloc(indx)");

  if (!(mask0 = (unsigned short *)malloc(usblen))) errmess("malloc(mask0)");
  if (!(mask1 = (unsigned short *)malloc(usblen))) errmess("malloc(mask1)");
  if (!(flag0 = (unsigned short *)malloc(usblen))) errmess("malloc(flag0)");
  if (!(flag1 = (unsigned short *)malloc(usblen))) errmess("malloc(flag1)");

  if (!(headlen=(long *)calloc(nim, sizeof(long))))
  if (!(ker_norm=(double *)calloc(nim, sizeof(double))))

/* get information about header sizes */

  init_difimages(inpfname, outfname, headlen, nim, par);

  if (par.verbose > 4)
    printf("par.nx0= %d  par.ny0 = %d\n", par.nx0, par.ny0);
    printf("par.kerhw= %d\n", par.kerhw);
    printf("par.nx= %d  par.ny = %d\n", par.nx, par.ny);
  nsec_x = (par.nx0 - 2*par.kerhw)/(par.nx - 2*par.kerhw);
  nsec_y = (par.ny0 - 2*par.kerhw)/(par.ny - 2*par.kerhw);

/***   main loop over sections of each image  ***/

  if (par.verbose > 4)
    printf("main loop over sections: nsec_x= %d  nsec_y= %d\n", nsec_x, nsec_y);

  for (isec_x=0; isec_x<nsec_x; isec_x++)
    for (isec_y=0; isec_y<nsec_y; isec_y++)
      y_off = isec_y*(par.ny - 2*par.kerhw);
      x_off = isec_x*(par.nx - 2*par.kerhw);

      mode  = (int)( isec_x  ||  isec_y );

      if (par.verbose > 4)
        printf("isec_x= %d   isec_y= %d   mode= %d\n", isec_x, isec_y, mode);

      read_sector(maskname, mheadlen, par.nx0, par.ny0, x_off, y_off,
                  (char *)mask0, sizeof(unsigned short), par.nx, par.ny);
      read_sector(reffname, rheadlen, par.nx0, par.ny0, x_off, y_off,
                  (char *)imref, sizeof(float), par.nx, par.ny);

      make_vectors(imref, tab00, vecs, wxy, par);
      mask_badpix(imref, mask0, flag0, 0, par);
      get_domains(imref, mask0, domp, par, &par.ndom);
      make_domains(imref, mask0, vecs, domp, par);

      total_area  = (2*par.domhw + 1);
      total_area *= total_area*par.ndom;

/***  loop over images for a given section  ***/

      for (i=0; i<nim; i++)
        if (par.verbose >= VERB_MED)
          printf("\nSection [%d,%d] of image %d : %s\n",
                 isec_x+1, isec_y+1, i+1, inpfname[i]);

        read_sector(inpfname[i], headlen[i], par.nx0, par.ny0, x_off, y_off,
                    (char *)im, sizeof(float), par.nx, par.ny);
        mask_badpix(im, mask1, flag1, 1, par);
        npix = clean_domains(im, imref, mask0, mask1, vecs, domp, par);

/***     sigma clipping     ***/
        chi2_n = BIG_FLOAT;

        if (par.verbose >= VERB_MED)
          printf("\nLocal sigma clipping of domains:\n");
          printf(" iteration     chi2/dof     N(clip)      N(fit)\n");

        for (k=0; k<=par.n_iter+1; k++)
          good_area = npix/total_area;
          if (good_area < par.min_area) break;

          clone_domains(domp, par.ndom, par.nvecs);

          if (k > 0)
            nclip = local_clip(im, imref, mask1, vecs, wxy, vec, domp, par,
                               &chi2_n, &npix);
            if (par.verbose >= VERB_MED)
                      k-1, par.gain*chi2_n, nclip, npix);

          expand_matrix(mat, vec, wxy, domp, par);

          ludcmp(mat, par.ntot, indx-1, &parity);
          lubksb(mat, par.ntot, indx-1, vec-1);

        if (par.verbose >= VERB_MED)
          printf("\nSigma clipping of domain distribution:\n");
          printf("iteration   median chi2/dof      sigma    N(good)\n");

        nkeep = par.ndom;
        for (k=1; k<=par.n_iter_dom && nkeep>=par.min_nkeep; k++)
          nkeep = clip_domains(domp, sort_buf, indx, k, &chi2_n, par);

/***   sigma clipping ends  ***/
        chi2_n *= par.gain;

/***   final solution   ***/
        if (good_area < par.min_area)
          printf("\nFailed for section [%d,%d] of image %d : %s\n",
                 isec_x+1, isec_y+1, i+1, inpfname[i]);
          printf("*** [ good_area= %f < %f ] ***\n", good_area, par.min_area);
        else if (chi2_n > par.max_chi2)
          printf("\nFailed for section [%d,%d] of image %d : %s\n",
                 isec_x+1, isec_y+1, i+1, inpfname[i]);
          printf("*** [ chi2_n= %f > %f ] ***\n", chi2_n, par.max_chi2);
        else if (nkeep < par.min_nkeep)
          printf("\nFailed for section [%d,%d] of image %d : %s\n",
                 isec_x+1, isec_y+1, i+1, inpfname[i]);
          printf("*** [ nkeep= %d < %d ] ***\n", nkeep, par.min_nkeep);
          expand_matrix(mat, vec, wxy, domp, par);

          ludcmp(mat, par.ntot, indx-1, &parity);
          lubksb(mat, par.ntot, indx-1, vec-1);

          spatial_convolve(im, imdif, vecs, wxy, vec, par);

/***   output   ***/
          ker_norm[i] = vec[par.nbkg];
          apply_norm(imdif, flag0, flag1, ker_norm[i], par.nx, par.ny,
          write_sector(outfname[i], headlen[i], par.nx0, par.ny0, x_off, y_off,
                       (char *)imdif, sizeof(float), par.nx, par.ny, par.kerhw);

        if (par.verbose)
          write_kernel(kerfname[i], vec, nsec_x, nsec_y, mode, par, &chi2_n);

/***  loop over images ends                 ***/

/***  loop over sections ends               ***/

  if (par.verbose >= VERB_HIGH)
    printf("\nKernel norms:\n\n");
    for (i=0; i<nim; i++)
      printf("%s \t %8.5f\n", kerfname[i], ker_norm[i]);

  for (i=0; i<nim; i++)



int main ( int argc, char *argv[] ) 


    MAIN is the main program for POISSON_MPI.


    This program solves Poisson's equation in a 2D region.

    The Jacobi iterative method is used to solve the linear system.

    MPI is used for parallel execution, with the domain divided
    into strips.


    22 September 2013

  Local parameters:

    Local, double F[(N+2)x(N+2)], the source term.

    Local, int N, the number of interior vertices in one dimension.

    Local, int NUM_PROCS, the number of MPI processes.

    Local, double U[(N+2)*(N+2)], a solution estimate.

    Local, double U_NEW[(N+2)*(N+2)], a solution estimate.
  char file_name[100];
  double change,
         epsilon = 1.0E-03,
  int i,
  MPI initialization.
  MPI_Init ( &argc, &argv );

  MPI_Comm_size ( MPI_COMM_WORLD, &num_procs );

  MPI_Comm_rank ( MPI_COMM_WORLD, &my_rank );
  Read commandline arguments, if present.
  if ( 1 < argc )
    sscanf ( argv[1], "%d", &N );
    N = 32;

  if ( 2 < argc )
    sscanf ( argv[2], "%lf", &epsilon );
    epsilon = 1.0E-03;
  if ( 3 < argc )
    strcpy ( file_name, argv[3] );
    strcpy ( file_name, "poisson_mpi.out" );
  Print out initial information.
  if ( my_rank == 0 ) 
    timestamp ( );
    printf ( "\n" );
    printf ( "POISSON_MPI:\n" );
    printf ( "  C version\n" );
    printf ( "  2-D Poisson equation using Jacobi algorithm\n" );
    printf ( "  ===========================================\n" );
    printf ( "  MPI version: 1-D domains, non-blocking send/receive\n" );
    printf ( "  Number of processes         = %d\n", num_procs );
    printf ( "  Number of interior vertices = %d\n", N );
    printf ( "  Desired fractional accuracy = %f\n", epsilon );
    printf ( "\n" );

  allocate_arrays ( );
  f = make_source ( );
  make_domains ( num_procs );

  step = 0;
  Begin timing.
  wall_time = MPI_Wtime ( );
  Begin iteration.
    jacobi ( num_procs, f );
  Estimate the error 
    change = 0.0;
    n = 0;

    my_change = 0.0;
    my_n = 0;

    for ( i = i_min[my_rank]; i <= i_max[my_rank]; i++ )
      for ( j = 1; j <= N; j++ )
        if ( u_new[INDEX(i,j)] != 0.0 ) 
          my_change = my_change + fabs ( 1.0 - u[INDEX(i,j)] / u_new[INDEX(i,j)] );
          my_n = my_n + 1;
    MPI_Allreduce ( &my_change, &change, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD );

    MPI_Allreduce ( &my_n, &n, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD );

    if ( n != 0 )
      change = change / n;
    if ( my_rank == 0 && ( step % 10 ) == 0 ) 
      printf ( "  N = %d, n = %d, my_n = %d, Step %4d  Error = %g\n", N, n, my_n, step, change );
  Interchange U and U_NEW.
    swap = u;
    u = u_new;
    u_new = swap;
  } while ( epsilon < change );

  Here is where you can copy the solution to process 0 
  and print to a file.

  Report on wallclock time.
  wall_time = MPI_Wtime() - wall_time;
  if ( my_rank == 0 )
    printf ( "\n" );
    printf ( "  Wall clock time = %f secs\n", wall_time );
  Terminate MPI.
  MPI_Finalize ( );
  Free memory.
  free ( f );
  if ( my_rank == 0 )
    printf ( "\n" );
    printf ( "POISSON_MPI:\n" );
    printf ( "  Normal end of execution.\n" );
    printf ( "\n" );
    timestamp ( );
  return 0;