Example #1
static void
getpw_namekeepalive(int keep, int interval)
	int *table;
	union {
		nsc_data_t  ping;
		char space[sizeof (nsc_data_t) + NSCDMAXNAMELEN];
	} u;

	int i;

	if (!keep)

	table = maken(keep);
	operate_hash(nam_hash, do_findnams, (char *)table);

	for (i = 1; i <= keep; i++) {
		char *tmp;
		u.ping.nsc_call.nsc_callnumber = GETPWNAM;

		if ((tmp = (char *)table[keep + 1 + i]) == (char *)-1)
			continue; /* unused slot in table */

		strcpy(u.ping.nsc_call.nsc_u.name, tmp);


	for (i = 1; i <= keep; i++) {
		char *tmp;
		if ((tmp = (char *)table[keep + 1 + i]) != (char *)-1)

Example #2
static void
getpw_uidkeepalive(int keep, int interval)
	int *table;
	nsc_data_t  ping;
	int i;

	if (!keep)

	table = maken(keep);
	operate_hash(uid_hash, do_finduids, (char *)table);

	for (i = 1; i <= keep; i++) {
	    ping.nsc_call.nsc_callnumber = GETPWUID;
	    if ((ping.nsc_call.nsc_u.uid = table[keep + 1 + i]) == -1)
		continue; /* unused slot in table */
int ws_inv_cmod5(double sigma0, double phi0, double theta0,
                 double *wnd1, double *wnd2,
                 double min_ws, double max_ws, int npts,
                 double hh)
  // ws_cmod5 will return a 2-element array where the first element is the sigma0
  // that you'd get at min_ws, and the second element is the sigma0 that you get
  // at max_ws;
  // (phi0 is phi_diff, the diff between wind_dir and r_look, and theta0 is incidence angle)
  // Note that the 0.0 (last parameter) is r_look according to ws_cmod5, but the ws_cmod5 function
  // doesn't make use of it ...or more accurately, it's already built into the phi0 value.
  g_assert(max_ws > min_ws);
  g_assert(npts > 0);
  double *wd;
  int i;

  // Make an npts-element array of windspeeds that range from min_ws to max_ws linearly
  wd = maken(min_ws, max_ws, npts);
  g_assert(wd != NULL);

  // Calculate an npts-element array of normalized radar cross section (NRCS) using
  // the CMOD5 algorithm
  double *sg0 = ws_cmod5(wd, npts, phi0, theta0, 0.0); // Returned sg0[] has npts elements in it
  g_assert(sg0 != NULL);

  // See lines 118-123 in ws_inv_cmod5.pro
  // NOTE: The CMOD5 and CMOD4 algorithms need an adjustment when the polarization
  // is HH (since the original algorithms were developed for VV polarization only)
  // hh == -3 when polarization is VV, hh == 0.6 when polarization is HH
  // FIXME: Add cases for hh eq to -1 and -2
  double rr = (hh > 0.0) ? ws_pol_ratio(theta0, hh) : 1.0;
  sigma0 = (hh != -3) ? sigma0 / rr : sigma0; // HH adjustment or not

  // If sigma0 is lower than what you'd get at minimum windspeed, then set the windspeed to
  // the minimum and return. (Line 129)
  double min_nrcs = arr_min(sg0, npts); // Min should be sg0[0], but make sure...
  if (sigma0 < min_nrcs) {
    *wnd1 = wd[0];
    *wnd2 = WND1_IS_MINIMUM_WIND;
    return 0;

  // Create sign of differences array
  int ct=0;
  double *s = (double *)MALLOC(sizeof(double) * npts);
  for (i=0; i<npts; i++) {
    s[i] = SIGN(sg0[i] - sigma0);
    ct += s[i] == 0 ? 1 : 0;
    s[i] = (ct > 0 && s[i] == 0) ? 1.0 : s[i];

  // Count the sign changes
  ct = 0;
  int ww = -1; // Where first sign change occurs
  int ww2 = -1; // Where second sign change occurs
  for (i=1; i<npts; i++) {
    ct += (s[i] != s[i-1]) ? 1 : 0;
    ww = (ct > 0 && ww < 0) ? i : ww;
    ww2 = (ct > 0 && ww > 0 && ww2 < 0) ? i : ww2;

  // Calculate wind for the 3 cases (no sign changes, one sign change, two sign changes, and other)
  switch(ct) {
    case 0:
        // No sign changes means sigma0 > max(sg0[])
        int nn = npts;
        double max_sg0 = arr_max(sg0, npts);
        int idx_first_max = -1;
        int *w = (int *)CALLOC(nn, sizeof(int));
        int wx = 0;
        for (i=0; i<npts; i++) {
          if (sg0[i] >= max_sg0) {
            idx_first_max = (idx_first_max < 0) ? i : idx_first_max;
            w[wx++] = i; // Collect indices of max's
        if (idx_first_max == nn - 1) {
          // Last element was the largest element, so send back max wind
          *wnd1 = wd[nn-1];
          *wnd2 = WND_FROM_MAX_SIGMA0;
        else {
          int ix1 = (w[0] - 1 >= 0) ? w[0] - 1 : 0;
          int ix2 = w[0];
          int ix3 = w[0] + 1;
          double fit1;
          double *f1 = poly_fit(wd, sg0, ix1, ix2, ix3, 2, &fit1);
          *wnd1 = (f1[1]+sqrt(f1[1]*f1[1]-4.0*f1[2]*(f1[0]-sg0[ix2])))/2/f1[2];
          *wnd2 = WND_FROM_MAX_SIGMA0;
    case 1:
        // Single solution
        int ix1 = ww;
        int ix2 = (ww+1) > npts - 1 ? npts - 1 : ww+1;
        int ix3 = (ww+2) > npts - 1 ? npts - 1 : ww+2;
        double fit1;
        double *f1 = poly_fit(wd, sg0, ix1, ix2, ix3, 2, &fit1);
        *wnd1 = (f1[1]+sqrt(f1[1]*f1[1]-4.0*f1[2]*(f1[0]-sigma0)))/2/f1[2];
        *wnd2 = WND1_IS_ONLY_SOLUTION;
    case 2:
        // Two solutions (usually lowest answer of the two is best answer)
        int ix1 = ww;
        int ix2 = (ww+1) > npts - 1 ? npts - 1 : ww+1;
        int ix3 = (ww+2) > npts - 1 ? npts - 1 : ww+2;
        int ix4 = ww2;
        int ix5 = (ww2+1) > npts - 1 ? npts - 1 : ww2+1;
        int ix6 = (ww2+2) > npts - 1 ? npts - 1 : ww2+2;
        double fit1, fit2;
        double *f1 = poly_fit(wd, sg0, ix1, ix2, ix3, 2, &fit1);
        double *f2 = poly_fit(wd, sg0, ix4, ix5, ix6, 2, &fit2);
        *wnd1 = (f1[1]+sqrt(f1[1]*f1[1]-4.0*f1[2]*(f1[0]-sigma0)))/2/f1[2];
        *wnd2 = (f2[1]+sqrt(f2[1]*f2[1]-4.0*f2[2]*(f2[0]-sigma0)))/2/f2[2];
      *wnd1 = WND_FROM_MAX_SIGMA0;
      *wnd2 = WND_FROM_MAX_SIGMA0;


  return 0;
Example #4
obj parse_format_string( obj str )
  obj entry, substr, prev, first, next;
  const char *begin, *s, *limit;
  int sharp_flag, star_flag, negative_flag;
  int pre_dot_lead_zero, pre_dot_num;
  int post_dot_digits, post_dot_num;
  obj at_flag, braced;

  prev = first = cons( FALSE_OBJ, NIL_OBJ );
  begin = s = string_text(str);
  limit = begin + string_length(str);
  while (s < limit)
      if (s[0] == '~' && (s+1 < limit))
	  if (begin != s)
	      /* flush the chars we've seen so far... */
	      substr = bvec_alloc( s - begin + 1, string_class );
	      memcpy( PTR_TO_DATAPTR(substr), (void*)begin, s - begin );
	      next = cons( substr, NIL_OBJ );
	      gvec_write_fresh_ptr( prev, SLOT(1), next );
	      prev = next;
	  begin = ++s;

	  pre_dot_lead_zero = 0;
	  post_dot_digits = -1;
	  pre_dot_num = -1;
	  post_dot_num = -1;

	  sharp_flag = 0;
	  star_flag = 0;
	  at_flag = FALSE_OBJ;
	  braced = FALSE_OBJ;

	  switch (*s)
	    case '#': 
	      sharp_flag = 1;
	      goto another;
	    case '*':
	      star_flag = 1;
	      goto another;
	    case '@':
	      at_flag = TRUE_OBJ;
	      goto another;
	    case '{':
		const char *sb = s;
		unsigned n;

		while ((s < limit) && (*s != '}'))

		n = s - sb - 1;

		braced = bvec_alloc( n+1, string_class );
		memcpy( string_text( braced ), sb+1, n );

		if (s < limit)
		  s++; /* skip the brace itself */
		goto another;

	  if (*s == '-')
	      negative_flag = 1;
	    negative_flag = 0;
	  if (isdigit(*(unsigned char *)s))
	      pre_dot_num = 0;
	      if (*s == '0')
		  pre_dot_lead_zero = 1;
	      while (isdigit(*(unsigned char *)s))
		  pre_dot_num = (pre_dot_num * 10) + *s++ - '0';
	  if (*s == '.')
	      post_dot_num = 0;
	      post_dot_digits = 0;
	      while (isdigit(*(unsigned char *)s))
		  post_dot_num = (post_dot_num * 10) + *s++ - '0';
	  if (begin == s)
	      entry = MAKE_ASCII_CHAR( *s );
	      entry = maken( vector_class,
			     MAKE_ASCII_CHAR( *s ),
			     sharp_flag ? TRUE_OBJ : FALSE_OBJ,
			     star_flag ? TRUE_OBJ : FALSE_OBJ,
			     negative_flag ? TRUE_OBJ : FALSE_OBJ,
			     pre_dot_lead_zero ? TRUE_OBJ : FALSE_OBJ,
			     (pre_dot_num < 0) ? FALSE_OBJ 
			     : int2fx(pre_dot_num),
			     (post_dot_digits < 0) ? FALSE_OBJ 
			     : int2fx(post_dot_digits),
			     (post_dot_num < 0) ? FALSE_OBJ 
			     : int2fx(post_dot_num),
			     braced );
	  next = cons( entry, NIL_OBJ );
	  gvec_write_fresh_ptr( prev, SLOT(1), next );
	  prev = next;
	  begin = ++s;
  if (begin != s)
      substr = bvec_alloc( s - begin + 1, string_class );
      memcpy( PTR_TO_DATAPTR(substr), (void*)begin, s - begin );
      next = cons( substr, NIL_OBJ );
      gvec_write_fresh_ptr( prev, SLOT(1), next );
  return pair_cdr(first);