Example #1
static void paintStructureData(uint8_t *pixels, GAMEMAP *map)
	const int height  = (int) map->height;
	uint32_t x, y;
	Vector3i color;

	for (int i = 0; i < map->numStructures; i++)
		LND_OBJECT *psObj = &map->mLndObjects[IMD_STRUCTURE][i];

		if (strcmp(psObj->name, "A0PowMod1") == 0 ||
			strcmp(psObj->name, "A0FacMod1") == 0 ||
			strcmp(psObj->name, "A0ResearchModule1") == 0)
			continue; // ignore modules.

		color = clanColours[psObj->player];
		if (strcmp(psObj->name, "A0CommandCentre") == 0)
			color = Vector3i(0xFF,0,0xFF); // base/palette.txt - WZCOL_MAP_PREVIEW_HQ

		x = map_coord(psObj->x);
		y = height - 1 - map_coord(psObj->y); // Origin at the top

		uint8_t * const p = &pixels[(y * map->width + x) * 3];
		p[0] = color.x;
		p[1] = color.y;
		p[2] = color.z;
Example #2
 * Get QSound axial position from world (x,y)
@FIXME we don't need to do this, since we are not using qsound.
void audio_GetStaticPos(SDWORD iWorldX, SDWORD iWorldY, SDWORD *piX, SDWORD *piY, SDWORD *piZ)
	*piX = iWorldX;
	*piZ = map_TileHeight(map_coord(iWorldX), map_coord(iWorldY));
	/* invert y to match QSOUND axes */
	*piY = world_coord(GetHeightOfMap()) - iWorldY;
Example #3
// select the n'th command droid
void selCommander(int n)
	for (DROID *psCurr = apsDroidLists[selectedPlayer]; psCurr; psCurr = psCurr->psNext)
		if (droidIsCommanderNum(psCurr, n))
			if (!psCurr->selected)
				psCurr->selected = true;
				psCurr->selected = true;

				// this horrible bit of code is taken from activateGroupAndMove
				// and sets the camera position to that of the commander

				if (getWarCamStatus())
					camToggleStatus(); // messy - fix this
					processWarCam(); // odd, but necessary
					camToggleStatus(); // messy - FIXME
					/* Centre display on him if warcam isn't active */
					setViewPos(map_coord(psCurr->pos.x), map_coord(psCurr->pos.y), true);
Example #4
/* Will return false when we've hit the edge of the grid */
static bool getTileHeightCallback(Vector2i pos, int32_t dist, void *data)
	HeightCallbackHelp_t *help = (HeightCallbackHelp_t *)data;
#ifdef TEST_RAY
	Vector3i effect;

	/* Are we still on the grid? */
	if (clipXY(pos.x, pos.y))
		bool HasTallStructure = blockTile(map_coord(pos.x), map_coord(pos.y), AUX_MAP) & AIR_BLOCKED;

		if (dist > TILE_UNITS || HasTallStructure)
			// Only do it the current tile is > TILE_UNITS away from the starting tile. Or..
			// there is a tall structure  on the current tile and the current tile is not the starting tile.
			/* Get height at this intersection point */
			int height = map_Height(pos.x, pos.y), heightDiff;
			uint16_t newPitch;

			if (HasTallStructure)
				height += TALLOBJECT_ADJUST;

			if (height <= help->height)
				heightDiff = 0;
				heightDiff = height - help->height;

			/* Work out the angle to this point from start point */
			newPitch = iAtan2(heightDiff, dist);

			/* Is this the steepest we've found? */
			if (angleDelta(newPitch - help->pitch) > 0)
				/* Yes, then keep a record of it */
				help->pitch = newPitch;

#ifdef TEST_RAY
			effect.x = pos.x;
			effect.y = height;
			effect.z = pos.y;
			addEffect(&effect, EFFECT_EXPLOSION, EXPLOSION_TYPE_SMALL, false, NULL, 0);

		/* Not at edge yet - so exit */
		return true;

	/* We've hit edge of grid - so exit!! */
	return false;
Example #5
static QScriptValue js_centreView(QScriptContext *context, QScriptEngine *engine)
	int x = context->argument(0).toInt32();
	int y = context->argument(1).toInt32();
	setViewPos(map_coord(x), map_coord(y), false);
	return QScriptValue();
Example #6
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
void selNextSpecifiedBuilding(STRUCTURE_TYPE structType)
	STRUCTURE *psResult = nullptr, *psOldStruct = nullptr, *psFirst = nullptr;
	bool bLaterInList = false;

	/* Firstly, start coughing if the type is invalid */
	ASSERT(structType <= NUM_DIFF_BUILDINGS, "Invalid structure type %u", structType);

	for (STRUCTURE *psCurr = apsStructLists[selectedPlayer]; psCurr && !psResult; psCurr = psCurr->psNext)
		if ((psCurr->pStructureType->type == structType) &&
		    (psCurr->status == SS_BUILT))
			if (!psFirst)
				psFirst = psCurr;
			if (psCurr->selected)
				bLaterInList = true;
				psOldStruct = psCurr;
			else if (bLaterInList)
				psResult = psCurr;

	if (!psResult && psFirst)
		psResult = psFirst;

	if (psResult && !psResult->died)
		if (getWarCamStatus())
		setViewPos(map_coord(psResult->pos.x), map_coord(psResult->pos.y), false);
		if (psOldStruct)
			psOldStruct->selected = false;
		psResult->selected = true;
		// Can't find required building
		addConsoleMessage("Cannot find required building!", LEFT_JUSTIFY, SYSTEM_MESSAGE);
Example #7
// @FIXME we don't need to do this, since we are not using qsound.
void audio_GetObjectPos(SIMPLE_OBJECT *psBaseObj, SDWORD *piX, SDWORD *piY, SDWORD *piZ)
	/* check is valid pointer */
	ASSERT( psBaseObj != NULL,
			"audio_GetObjectPos: game object pointer invalid" );

	*piX = psBaseObj->pos.x;
	*piZ = map_TileHeight(map_coord(psBaseObj->pos.x), map_coord(psBaseObj->pos.y));

	/* invert y to match QSOUND axes */
	*piY = world_coord(GetHeightOfMap()) - psBaseObj->pos.y;
Example #8
QScriptValue convObj(BASE_OBJECT *psObj, QScriptEngine *engine)
	QScriptValue value = engine->newObject();
	ASSERT_OR_RETURN(value, psObj, "No object for conversion");
	value.setProperty("id", psObj->id, QScriptValue::ReadOnly);
	value.setProperty("x", map_coord(psObj->pos.x), QScriptValue::ReadOnly);
	value.setProperty("y", map_coord(psObj->pos.y), QScriptValue::ReadOnly);
	value.setProperty("z", map_coord(psObj->pos.z), QScriptValue::ReadOnly);
	value.setProperty("player", psObj->player, QScriptValue::ReadOnly);
	value.setProperty("selected", psObj->selected, QScriptValue::ReadOnly);
	return value;
Example #9
/** The visibility ray callback
static bool fpathVisCallback(Vector3i pos, int32_t dist, void *data)
	DROID *psDroid = (DROID *)data;

	if (fpathBlockingTile(map_coord(pos.x), map_coord(pos.y), getPropulsionStats(psDroid)->propulsionType))
		// found an obstruction
		obstruction = true;
		return false;

	return true;
Example #10
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// add an artifact on destruction if required.
void  technologyGiveAway(const STRUCTURE *pS)
	int				i;
	uint8_t			count = 1;
	uint32_t		x, y;

	// If a fully built factory (or with modules under construction) which is our responsibility got destroyed
	if (pS->pStructureType->type == REF_FACTORY && (pS->status == SS_BUILT || pS->currentBuildPts >= pS->body)
	 && myResponsibility(pS->player))
		x = map_coord(pS->pos.x);
		y = map_coord(pS->pos.y);

		// Pick a tile to place the artifact
		if (!pickATileGen(&x, &y, LOOK_FOR_EMPTY_TILE, zonedPAT))
			ASSERT(false, "technologyGiveAway: Unable to find a free location");

		// Get the feature offset
		for(i = 0; i < numFeatureStats && asFeatureStats[i].subType != FEAT_GEN_ARTE; i++);

		// 'Build' the artifact
		pF = buildFeature((asFeatureStats + i), world_coord(x), world_coord(y), false);
		if (pF)
			pF->player = pS->player;

			/* Make sure that we don't have to violate the constness of pS.
			 * Since the nettype functions aren't const correct when sending
			uint8_t player = pS->player;


Example #11
// Returns the closest non-blocking tile to pos, or returns pos if no non-blocking tiles are present within a 2 tile distance.
static Position findNonblockingPosition(Position pos, PROPULSION_TYPE propulsion, int player = 0, FPATH_MOVETYPE moveType = FMT_BLOCK)
	Vector2i centreTile = map_coord(pos.xy);
	if (!fpathBaseBlockingTile(centreTile.x, centreTile.y, propulsion, player, moveType))
		return pos;  // Fast case, pos is not on a blocking tile.

	Vector2i bestTile = centreTile;
	int bestDistSq = INT32_MAX;
	for (int y = -2; y <= 2; ++y)
		for (int x = -2; x <= 2; ++x)
			Vector2i tile = centreTile + Vector2i(x, y);
			Vector2i diff = world_coord(tile) + Vector2i(TILE_UNITS / 2, TILE_UNITS / 2) - pos.xy;
			int distSq = diff * diff;
			if (distSq < bestDistSq && !fpathBaseBlockingTile(tile.x, tile.y, propulsion, player, moveType))
				bestTile = tile;
				bestDistSq = distSq;

	// Return point on tile closest to the original pos.
	Vector2i minCoord = world_coord(bestTile);
	Vector2i maxCoord = minCoord + Vector2i(TILE_UNITS - 1, TILE_UNITS - 1);

	return Position(std::min(std::max(pos.x, minCoord.x), maxCoord.x), std::min(std::max(pos.y, minCoord.y), maxCoord.y), pos.z);
Example #12
StructureBounds getStructureBounds(FEATURE_STATS const *stats, Vector2i pos)
	Vector2i size = getFeatureStatsSize(stats);
	Vector2i map = map_coord(pos) - size/2;

	return StructureBounds(map, size);
Example #13
StructureBounds getStructureBounds(FEATURE const *object)
	Vector2i size = getFeatureStatsSize(object->psStats);
	Vector2i map = map_coord(removeZ(object->pos)) - size/2;

	return StructureBounds(map, size);
Example #14
StructureBounds getStructureBounds(BASE_STATS const *stats, Vector2i pos, uint16_t direction)
	if (StatIsStructure(stats))
		return getStructureBounds(static_cast<STRUCTURE_STATS const *>(stats), pos, direction);
	else if (StatIsFeature(stats))
		return getStructureBounds(static_cast<FEATURE_STATS const *>(stats), pos);

	return StructureBounds(map_coord(pos), Vector2i(1, 1));  // Default to a 1×1 tile.
Example #15
//__ \subsection{eventBeacon(x, y, from, to[, message])}
//__ An event that is run whenever a beacon message is received. The \emph{from} parameter is the
//__ player sending the beacon. For the moment, the \emph{to} parameter is always the script player.
//__ Message may be undefined.
bool triggerEventBeacon(int from, int to, const char *message, int x, int y)
	for (int i = 0; i < scripts.size(); ++i)
		QScriptEngine *engine = scripts.at(i);
		int me = engine->globalObject().property("me").toInt32();
		if (me == to)
			QScriptValueList args;
			args += QScriptValue(map_coord(x));
			args += QScriptValue(map_coord(y));
			args += QScriptValue(from);
			args += QScriptValue(to);
			if (message)
				args += QScriptValue(message);
			callFunction(engine, "eventBeacon", args);
	return true;
Example #16
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// add an artifact on destruction if required.
void  technologyGiveAway(const STRUCTURE *pS)
	// If a fully built factory (or with modules under construction) which is our responsibility got destroyed
	if (pS->pStructureType->type == REF_FACTORY && (pS->status == SS_BUILT || pS->currentBuildPts >= pS->body))
		syncDebug("Adding artefact.");
		syncDebug("Not adding artefact.");

	int featureIndex;
	for (featureIndex = 0; featureIndex < numFeatureStats && asFeatureStats[featureIndex].subType != FEAT_GEN_ARTE; ++featureIndex) {}
	if (featureIndex >= numFeatureStats)
		debug(LOG_WARNING, "No artefact feature!");

	uint32_t x = map_coord(pS->pos.x), y = map_coord(pS->pos.y);
	if (!pickATileGen(&x, &y, LOOK_FOR_EMPTY_TILE, zonedPAT))
		syncDebug("Did not find location for oil drum.");
		debug(LOG_FEATURE, "Unable to find a free location.");
	FEATURE *pF = buildFeature(&asFeatureStats[featureIndex], world_coord(x), world_coord(y), false);
	if (pF)
		pF->player = pS->player;
		syncDebugFeature(pF, '+');
		debug(LOG_ERROR, "Couldn't build artefact?");
Example #17
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// add an artifact on destruction if required.
void  technologyGiveAway(const STRUCTURE *pS)
	uint8_t			count = 1;

	// If a fully built factory (or with modules under construction) which is our responsibility got destroyed
	if (pS->pStructureType->type == REF_FACTORY && (pS->status == SS_BUILT || pS->currentBuildPts >= pS->body)
	 && myResponsibility(pS->player))
		uint32_t x = map_coord(pS->pos.x);
		uint32_t y = map_coord(pS->pos.y);
		uint32_t id = generateNewObjectId();

		// Pick a tile to place the artifact
		if (!pickATileGen(&x, &y, LOOK_FOR_EMPTY_TILE, zonedPAT))
			ASSERT(false, "technologyGiveAway: Unable to find a free location");

		NETbeginEncode(NETgameQueue(selectedPlayer), GAME_ARTIFACTS);
			/* Make sure that we don't have to violate the constness of pS.
			 * Since the nettype functions aren't const correct when sending
			uint8_t player = pS->player;


Example #18
/* Record all tiles that some object confers visibility to. Only record each tile
 * once. Note that there is both a limit to how many objects can watch any given
 * tile, and a limit to how many tiles each object can watch. Strange but non fatal
 * things will happen if these limits are exceeded. This function uses icky globals. */
static inline void visMarkTile(const BASE_OBJECT *psObj, int mapX, int mapY, MAPTILE *psTile, TILEPOS *recordTilePos, int *lastRecordTilePos)
	const int rayPlayer = psObj->player;
	const int xdiff = map_coord(psObj->pos.x) - mapX;
	const int ydiff = map_coord(psObj->pos.y) - mapY;
	const int distSq = xdiff * xdiff + ydiff * ydiff;
	const bool inRange = (distSq < 16);
	uint8_t *visionType = inRange ? psTile->watchers : psTile->sensors;

	if (visionType[rayPlayer] < UBYTE_MAX && *lastRecordTilePos < MAX_SEEN_TILES)
		TILEPOS tilePos = {uint8_t(mapX), uint8_t(mapY), uint8_t(inRange)};

		visionType[rayPlayer]++;                        // we observe this tile
		if (objJammerPower(psObj) > 0)                  // we are a jammer object
			psTile->jammerBits |= (1 << rayPlayer); // mark it as being jammed
		recordTilePos[*lastRecordTilePos] = tilePos;    // record having seen it
Example #19
static QScriptValue js_label(QScriptContext *context, QScriptEngine *engine)
	QString label = context->argument(0).toString();
	QScriptValue ret = engine->newObject();
	if (labels.contains(label))
		labeltype p = labels.value(label);
		if (p.type == AREA || p.type == POSITION)
			ret.setProperty("x", map_coord(p.p1.x), QScriptValue::ReadOnly);
			ret.setProperty("y", map_coord(p.p1.y), QScriptValue::ReadOnly);
		if (p.type == AREA)
			ret.setProperty("x2", map_coord(p.p2.x), QScriptValue::ReadOnly);
			ret.setProperty("xy", map_coord(p.p2.y), QScriptValue::ReadOnly);
		else if (p.type == OBJ_DROID)
			DROID *psDroid = IdToDroid(p.id, p.player);
			if (psDroid) ret = convDroid(psDroid, engine);
		else if (p.type == OBJ_STRUCTURE)
			STRUCTURE *psStruct = IdToStruct(p.id, p.player);
			if (psStruct) ret = convStructure(psStruct, engine);
		else if (p.type == OBJ_FEATURE)
			FEATURE *psFeature = IdToFeature(p.id, p.player);
			if (psFeature) ret = convFeature(psFeature, engine);
	else debug(LOG_ERROR, "label %s not found!", label.toUtf8().constData());
	return ret;
Example #20
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// probably temporary. Places the camera on the players 1st droid or struct.
Vector3i cameraToHome(UDWORD player,bool scroll)
	Vector3i res;
	UDWORD x,y;
	STRUCTURE	*psBuilding;

	for (psBuilding = apsStructLists[player]; psBuilding && (psBuilding->pStructureType->type != REF_HQ); psBuilding= psBuilding->psNext) {}

		x= map_coord(psBuilding->pos.x);
		y= map_coord(psBuilding->pos.y);
	else if (apsDroidLists[player])				// or first droid
		 x= map_coord(apsDroidLists[player]->pos.x);
		 y=	map_coord(apsDroidLists[player]->pos.y);
	else if (apsStructLists[player])							// center on first struct
		x= map_coord(apsStructLists[player]->pos.x);
		y= map_coord(apsStructLists[player]->pos.y);
	else														//or map center.
		x= mapWidth/2;
		y= mapHeight/2;

		requestRadarTrack(world_coord(x), world_coord(y));

	res.x = world_coord(x);
	res.y = map_TileHeight(x,y);
	res.z = world_coord(y);
	return res;
Example #21
/*looks around the given droid to see if there is any building
wreckage to clear*/
FEATURE	* checkForWreckage(DROID *psDroid)
	FEATURE		*psFeature;
	UDWORD		startX, startY, incX, incY;
	SDWORD		x=0, y=0;

	startX = map_coord(psDroid->pos.x);
	startY = map_coord(psDroid->pos.y);

	//look around the droid - max 2 tiles distance
	for (incX = 1, incY = 1; incX < WRECK_SEARCH; incX++, incY++)
		/* across the top */
		y = startY - incY;
		for(x = startX - incX; x < (SDWORD)(startX + incX); x++)
				psFeature = getTileFeature(x, y);
				if(psFeature && psFeature->psStats->subType == FEAT_BUILD_WRECK)
					return psFeature;
		/* the right */
		x = startX + incX;
		for(y = startY - incY; y < (SDWORD)(startY + incY); y++)
				psFeature = getTileFeature(x, y);
				if(psFeature && psFeature->psStats->subType == FEAT_BUILD_WRECK)
					return psFeature;
		/* across the bottom*/
		y = startY + incY;
		for(x = startX + incX; x > (SDWORD)(startX - incX); x--)
				psFeature = getTileFeature(x, y);
				if(psFeature && psFeature->psStats->subType == FEAT_BUILD_WRECK)
					return psFeature;

		/* the left */
		x = startX - incX;
		for(y = startY + incY; y > (SDWORD)(startY - incY); y--)
				psFeature = getTileFeature(x, y);
				if(psFeature && psFeature->psStats->subType == FEAT_BUILD_WRECK)
					return psFeature;
	return NULL;
Example #22
// free up a feature with no visual effects
bool removeFeature(FEATURE *psDel)
	int		mapX, mapY, width, breadth, player;
	MESSAGE		*psMessage;
	Vector3i	pos;

	ASSERT_OR_RETURN(false, psDel != NULL, "Invalid feature pointer");
	ASSERT_OR_RETURN(false, !psDel->died, "Feature already dead");

	if(bMultiMessages && !ingame.localJoiningInProgress)
		SendDestroyFeature(psDel);	// inform other players of destruction
		return true;  // Wait for our message before really destroying the feature.

	//remove from the map data
	mapX = map_coord(psDel->pos.x) - psDel->psStats->baseWidth/2;
	mapY = map_coord(psDel->pos.y) - psDel->psStats->baseBreadth/2;
	for (width = 0; width < psDel->psStats->baseWidth; width++)
		for (breadth = 0; breadth < psDel->psStats->baseBreadth; breadth++)
			if (tileOnMap(mapX + width, mapY + breadth))
				MAPTILE *psTile = mapTile(mapX + width, mapY + breadth);
				if (psTile->psObject == (BASE_OBJECT *)psDel)
					psTile->psObject = NULL;
					auxClearBlocking(mapX + width, mapY + breadth, FEATURE_BLOCKED | AIR_BLOCKED);

	if(psDel->psStats->subType == FEAT_GEN_ARTE)
		pos.x = psDel->pos.x;
		pos.z = psDel->pos.y;
		pos.y = map_Height(pos.x,pos.z);

	if (psDel->psStats->subType == FEAT_GEN_ARTE || psDel->psStats->subType == FEAT_OIL_RESOURCE)
		for (player = 0; player < MAX_PLAYERS; player++)
			psMessage = findMessage((MSG_VIEWDATA *)psDel, MSG_PROXIMITY, player);
			while (psMessage)
				removeMessage(psMessage, player);
				psMessage = findMessage((MSG_VIEWDATA *)psDel, MSG_PROXIMITY, player);


	return true;
Example #23
/* Remove a Feature and free it's memory */
bool destroyFeature(FEATURE *psDel)
	UDWORD			widthScatter,breadthScatter,heightScatter, i;
	EFFECT_TYPE		explosionSize;
	Vector3i pos;
	UDWORD			width,breadth;
	UDWORD			mapX,mapY;

	ASSERT_OR_RETURN(false, psDel != NULL, "Invalid feature pointer");

 	/* Only add if visible and damageable*/
	if(psDel->visible[selectedPlayer] && psDel->psStats->damageable)
		/* Set off a destruction effect */
		/* First Explosions */
		widthScatter = TILE_UNITS/2;
		breadthScatter = TILE_UNITS/2;
		heightScatter = TILE_UNITS/4;
		//set which explosion to use based on size of feature
		if (psDel->psStats->baseWidth < 2 && psDel->psStats->baseBreadth < 2)
			explosionSize = EXPLOSION_TYPE_SMALL;
		else if (psDel->psStats->baseWidth < 3 && psDel->psStats->baseBreadth < 3)
			explosionSize = EXPLOSION_TYPE_MEDIUM;
			explosionSize = EXPLOSION_TYPE_LARGE;
		for(i=0; i<4; i++)
			pos.x = psDel->pos.x + widthScatter - rand()%(2*widthScatter);
			pos.z = psDel->pos.y + breadthScatter - rand()%(2*breadthScatter);
			pos.y = psDel->pos.z + 32 + rand()%heightScatter;

		if(psDel->psStats->subType == FEAT_SKYSCRAPER)
			pos.x = psDel->pos.x;
			pos.z = psDel->pos.y;
			pos.y = psDel->pos.z;
			initPerimeterSmoke(psDel->sDisplay.imd, pos);


		/* Then a sequence of effects */
		pos.x = psDel->pos.x;
		pos.z = psDel->pos.y;
		pos.y = map_Height(pos.x,pos.z);

		//play sound
		// ffs gj
		if(psDel->psStats->subType == FEAT_SKYSCRAPER)
			audio_PlayStaticTrack( psDel->pos.x, psDel->pos.y, ID_SOUND_BUILDING_FALL );
			audio_PlayStaticTrack( psDel->pos.x, psDel->pos.y, ID_SOUND_EXPLOSION );

	if (psDel->psStats->subType == FEAT_SKYSCRAPER)
		// ----- Flip all the tiles under the skyscraper to a rubble tile
		// smoke effect should disguise this happening
		mapX = map_coord(psDel->pos.x) - psDel->psStats->baseWidth/2;
		mapY = map_coord(psDel->pos.y) - psDel->psStats->baseBreadth/2;
		for (width = 0; width < psDel->psStats->baseWidth; width++)
			for (breadth = 0; breadth < psDel->psStats->baseBreadth; breadth++)
				MAPTILE *psTile = mapTile(mapX+width,mapY+breadth);
				// stops water texture chnaging for underwateer festures
				if (terrainType(psTile) != TER_WATER)
					if (terrainType(psTile) != TER_CLIFFFACE)
						/* Clear feature bits */
						psTile->texture = TileNumber_texture(psTile->texture) | RUBBLE_TILE;
						/* This remains a blocking tile */
						psTile->psObject = NULL;
						psTile->texture = TileNumber_texture(psTile->texture) | BLOCKING_RUBBLE_TILE;

	return true;
Example #24
/* Create a feature on the map */
FEATURE * buildFeature(FEATURE_STATS *psStats, UDWORD x, UDWORD y,BOOL FromSave)
	UDWORD		mapX, mapY;
	UDWORD		width,breadth, foundationMin,foundationMax, height;
	UDWORD		startX,startY,max,min;
	UBYTE		vis;
	//try and create the Feature
	FEATURE* psFeature = createFeature();

	if (psFeature == NULL)
		debug(LOG_WARNING, "Feature couldn't be built.");
		return NULL;
	psFeature->psStats = psStats;
	// features are not in the cluster system
	// this will cause an assert when they still end up there
	psFeature->cluster = ~0;
	//add the feature to the list - this enables it to be drawn whilst being built

	// get the terrain average height
	startX = map_coord(x);
	startY = map_coord(y);
	foundationMin = TILE_MAX_HEIGHT;
	foundationMax = TILE_MIN_HEIGHT;
	for (breadth = 0; breadth < psStats->baseBreadth; breadth++)
		for (width = 0; width < psStats->baseWidth; width++)
			getTileMaxMin(startX + width, startY + breadth, &max, &min);
			if (foundationMin > min)
				foundationMin = min;
			if (foundationMax < max)
				foundationMax = max;
	//return the average of max/min height
	height = (foundationMin + foundationMax) / 2;

	// snap the coords to a tile
	if (!FromSave)
		x = (x & ~TILE_MASK) + psStats->baseWidth  %2 * TILE_UNITS/2;
		y = (y & ~TILE_MASK) + psStats->baseBreadth%2 * TILE_UNITS/2;
		if ((x & TILE_MASK) != psStats->baseWidth  %2 * TILE_UNITS/2 ||
		    (y & TILE_MASK) != psStats->baseBreadth%2 * TILE_UNITS/2)
			debug(LOG_WARNING, "Feature not aligned. position (%d,%d), size (%d,%d)", x, y, psStats->baseWidth, psStats->baseBreadth);

	psFeature->pos.x = x;
	psFeature->pos.y = y;

	/* Dump down the building wrecks at random angles - still looks shit though */
	if(psStats->subType == FEAT_BUILD_WRECK || psStats->subType == FEAT_TREE)
		psFeature->rot.direction = gameRand(DEG_360);
		psFeature->rot.direction = 0;
	psFeature->selected = false;
	psFeature->body = psStats->body;
	psFeature->player = MAX_PLAYERS+1;	//set the player out of range to avoid targeting confusions
	objSensorCache((BASE_OBJECT *)psFeature, NULL);
	objEcmCache((BASE_OBJECT *)psFeature, NULL);
	psFeature->bTargetted = false;
	psFeature->timeLastHit = 0;
	psFeature->lastHitWeapon = WSC_NUM_WEAPON_SUBCLASSES;  // no such weapon

	// it has never been drawn
	psFeature->sDisplay.frameNumber = 0;

		vis = 0;
  			vis = UBYTE_MAX;
			vis = 0;

	// note that the advanced armour system current unused for features
	for (i = 0; i < NUM_HIT_SIDES; i++)
		int j;

		for (j = 0; j < WC_NUM_WEAPON_CLASSES; j++)
			psFeature->armour[i][j] = psFeature->psStats->armourValue;

	memset(psFeature->seenThisTick, 0, sizeof(psFeature->seenThisTick));
	memset(psFeature->visible, 0, sizeof(psFeature->visible));

	//load into the map data
	mapX = map_coord(x) - psStats->baseWidth/2;
	mapY = map_coord(y) - psStats->baseBreadth/2;

	// set up the imd for the feature
		psFeature->sDisplay.imd = getRandomWreckageImd();
		psFeature->sDisplay.imd = psStats->psImd;

	ASSERT_OR_RETURN(NULL, psFeature->sDisplay.imd, "No IMD for feature");		// make sure we have an imd.

	for (width = 0; width < psStats->baseWidth; width++)
		for (breadth = 0; breadth < psStats->baseBreadth; breadth++)
			MAPTILE *psTile = mapTile(mapX + width, mapY + breadth);

			//check not outside of map - for load save game
			ASSERT_OR_RETURN(NULL, mapX + width < mapWidth, "x coord bigger than map width - %s, id = %d", getName(psFeature->psStats->pName), psFeature->id);
			ASSERT_OR_RETURN(NULL, mapY + breadth < mapHeight, "y coord bigger than map height - %s, id = %d", getName(psFeature->psStats->pName), psFeature->id);

			if (width != psStats->baseWidth && breadth != psStats->baseBreadth)
				if (TileHasFeature(psTile))
					FEATURE *psBlock = (FEATURE *)psTile->psObject;

					debug(LOG_ERROR, "%s(%d) already placed at (%d+%d, %d+%d) when trying to place %s(%d) at (%d+%d, %d+%d) - removing it",
					      getName(psBlock->psStats->pName), psBlock->id, map_coord(psBlock->pos.x), psBlock->psStats->baseWidth, map_coord(psBlock->pos.y),
					      psBlock->psStats->baseBreadth, getName(psFeature->psStats->pName), psFeature->id, mapX, psStats->baseWidth, mapY, psStats->baseBreadth);


				psTile->psObject = (BASE_OBJECT*)psFeature;

				// if it's a tall feature then flag it in the map.
				if (psFeature->sDisplay.imd->max.y > TALLOBJECT_YMAX)
					auxSetBlocking(mapX + width, mapY + breadth, AIR_BLOCKED);

				if (psStats->subType != FEAT_GEN_ARTE && psStats->subType != FEAT_OIL_DRUM && psStats->subType != FEAT_BUILD_WRECK)
					auxSetBlocking(mapX + width, mapY + breadth, FEATURE_BLOCKED);

			if( (!psStats->tileDraw) && (FromSave == false) )
				psTile->height = height;
	psFeature->pos.z = map_TileHeight(mapX,mapY);//jps 18july97

//	// set up the imd for the feature
//	if(psFeature->psStats->subType==FEAT_BUILD_WRECK)
//	{
//		psFeature->sDisplay.imd = wreckageImds[rand()%MAX_WRECKAGE];
//	}
//	else
//	{
//		psFeature->sDisplay.imd = psStats->psImd;
// 	}

	return psFeature;
Example #25
/* Create a feature on the map */
FEATURE * buildFeature(FEATURE_STATS *psStats, UDWORD x, UDWORD y,bool FromSave)
	UDWORD		mapX, mapY;
	UDWORD		width,breadth, foundationMin,foundationMax, height;
	UDWORD		startX,startY,max,min;
	//try and create the Feature
	FEATURE *psFeature = new FEATURE(generateSynchronisedObjectId(), psStats);

	if (psFeature == NULL)
		debug(LOG_WARNING, "Feature couldn't be built.");
		return NULL;
	// features are not in the cluster system
	// this will cause an assert when they still end up there
	psFeature->cluster = ~0;
	//add the feature to the list - this enables it to be drawn whilst being built

	// get the terrain average height
	startX = map_coord(x);
	startY = map_coord(y);
	foundationMin = TILE_MAX_HEIGHT;
	foundationMax = TILE_MIN_HEIGHT;
	for (breadth = 0; breadth < psStats->baseBreadth; breadth++)
		for (width = 0; width < psStats->baseWidth; width++)
			getTileMaxMin(startX + width, startY + breadth, &max, &min);
			if (foundationMin > min)
				foundationMin = min;
			if (foundationMax < max)
				foundationMax = max;
	//return the average of max/min height
	height = (foundationMin + foundationMax) / 2;

	// snap the coords to a tile
	if (!FromSave)
		x = (x & ~TILE_MASK) + psStats->baseWidth  %2 * TILE_UNITS/2;
		y = (y & ~TILE_MASK) + psStats->baseBreadth%2 * TILE_UNITS/2;
		if ((x & TILE_MASK) != psStats->baseWidth  %2 * TILE_UNITS/2 ||
		    (y & TILE_MASK) != psStats->baseBreadth%2 * TILE_UNITS/2)
			debug(LOG_WARNING, "Feature not aligned. position (%d,%d), size (%d,%d)", x, y, psStats->baseWidth, psStats->baseBreadth);

	psFeature->pos.x = x;
	psFeature->pos.y = y;

	if (psStats->subType == FEAT_TREE)
		psFeature->rot.direction = gameRand(DEG_360);
		psFeature->rot.direction = 0;
	psFeature->body = psStats->body;
	psFeature->inFire = false;
	objSensorCache((BASE_OBJECT *)psFeature, NULL);
	objEcmCache((BASE_OBJECT *)psFeature, NULL);

	// it has never been drawn
	psFeature->sDisplay.frameNumber = 0;

	for (int j = 0; j < WC_NUM_WEAPON_CLASSES; j++)
		psFeature->armour[j] = psFeature->psStats->armourValue;

	memset(psFeature->seenThisTick, 0, sizeof(psFeature->seenThisTick));
	memset(psFeature->visible, 0, sizeof(psFeature->visible));

	//load into the map data
	mapX = map_coord(x) - psStats->baseWidth/2;
	mapY = map_coord(y) - psStats->baseBreadth/2;

	// set up the imd for the feature
	psFeature->sDisplay.imd = psStats->psImd;

	ASSERT_OR_RETURN(NULL, psFeature->sDisplay.imd, "No IMD for feature");		// make sure we have an imd.

	for (width = 0; width < psStats->baseWidth; width++)
		for (breadth = 0; breadth < psStats->baseBreadth; breadth++)
			MAPTILE *psTile = mapTile(mapX + width, mapY + breadth);

			//check not outside of map - for load save game
			ASSERT_OR_RETURN(NULL, mapX + width < mapWidth, "x coord bigger than map width - %s, id = %d", getName(psFeature->psStats->pName), psFeature->id);
			ASSERT_OR_RETURN(NULL, mapY + breadth < mapHeight, "y coord bigger than map height - %s, id = %d", getName(psFeature->psStats->pName), psFeature->id);

			if (width != psStats->baseWidth && breadth != psStats->baseBreadth)
				if (TileHasFeature(psTile))
					FEATURE *psBlock = (FEATURE *)psTile->psObject;

					debug(LOG_ERROR, "%s(%d) already placed at (%d+%d, %d+%d) when trying to place %s(%d) at (%d+%d, %d+%d) - removing it",
					      getName(psBlock->psStats->pName), psBlock->id, map_coord(psBlock->pos.x), psBlock->psStats->baseWidth, map_coord(psBlock->pos.y),
					      psBlock->psStats->baseBreadth, getName(psFeature->psStats->pName), psFeature->id, mapX, psStats->baseWidth, mapY, psStats->baseBreadth);


				psTile->psObject = (BASE_OBJECT*)psFeature;

				// if it's a tall feature then flag it in the map.
				if (psFeature->sDisplay.imd->max.y > TALLOBJECT_YMAX)
					auxSetBlocking(mapX + width, mapY + breadth, AIR_BLOCKED);

				if (psStats->subType != FEAT_GEN_ARTE && psStats->subType != FEAT_OIL_DRUM)
					auxSetBlocking(mapX + width, mapY + breadth, FEATURE_BLOCKED);

			if( (!psStats->tileDraw) && (FromSave == false) )
				psTile->height = height;
	psFeature->pos.z = map_TileHeight(mapX,mapY);//jps 18july97

	return psFeature;
Example #26
// not a direct script function but a helper for scrSkDefenseLocation and scrSkDefenseLocationB
static bool defenseLocation(bool variantB)
	SDWORD		*pX, *pY, statIndex, statIndex2;
	UDWORD		x, y, gX, gY, dist, player, nearestSoFar, count;
	GATEWAY		*psGate, *psChosenGate;
	DROID		*psDroid;
	UDWORD		x1, x2, x3, x4, y1, y2, y3, y4;
	bool		noWater;
	UDWORD      minCount;
	UDWORD      offset;

	if (!stackPopParams(6,
	        VAL_REF | VAL_INT, &pX,
	        VAL_REF | VAL_INT, &pY,
	        ST_STRUCTURESTAT, &statIndex,
	        ST_STRUCTURESTAT, &statIndex2,
	        ST_DROID, &psDroid,
	        VAL_INT, &player))
		debug(LOG_ERROR, "defenseLocation: failed to pop");
		return false;

	if (player >= MAX_PLAYERS)
		ASSERT(false, "defenseLocation:player number is too high");
		return false;

	ASSERT_OR_RETURN(false, statIndex < numStructureStats, "Invalid range referenced for numStructureStats, %d > %d", statIndex, numStructureStats);

	ASSERT_OR_RETURN(false, statIndex2 < numStructureStats, "Invalid range referenced for numStructureStats, %d > %d", statIndex2, numStructureStats);
	STRUCTURE_STATS *psWStats = (asStructureStats + statIndex2);

	// check for wacky coords.
	if (*pX < 0
	    ||	*pX > world_coord(mapWidth)
	    ||	*pY < 0
	    ||	*pY > world_coord(mapHeight)
		goto failed;

	x = map_coord(*pX);					// change to tile coords.
	y = map_coord(*pY);

	// go down the gateways, find the nearest gateway with >1 empty tiles
	nearestSoFar = UDWORD_MAX;
	psChosenGate = NULL;
	for (psGate = gwGetGateways(); psGate; psGate = psGate->psNext)
		if (auxTile(psGate->x1, psGate->y1, player) & AUXBITS_THREAT)
			continue;	// enemy can shoot there, not safe to build
		count = 0;
		noWater = true;
		// does it have >1 tile unoccupied.
		if (psGate->x1 == psGate->x2)
			// vert
			//skip gates that are too short
			if (variantB && (psGate->y2 - psGate->y1) <= 2)
			gX = psGate->x1;
			for (gY = psGate->y1; gY <= psGate->y2; gY++)
				if (! TileIsOccupied(mapTile(gX, gY)))
				if (terrainType(mapTile(gX, gY)) == TER_WATER)
					noWater = false;
			// horiz
			//skip gates that are too short
			if (variantB && (psGate->x2 - psGate->x1) <= 2)
			gY = psGate->y1;
			for (gX = psGate->x1; gX <= psGate->x2; gX++)
				if (! TileIsOccupied(mapTile(gX, gY)))
				if (terrainType(mapTile(gX, gY)) == TER_WATER)
					noWater = false;
		if (variantB)
			minCount = 2;
			minCount = 1;
		if (count > minCount && noWater)	//<NEW> min 2 tiles
			// ok it's free. Is it the nearest one yet?
			/* Get gateway midpoint */
			gX = (psGate->x1 + psGate->x2) / 2;
			gY = (psGate->y1 + psGate->y2) / 2;
			/* Estimate the distance to it */
			dist = iHypot(x - gX, y - gY);
			/* Is it best we've found? */
			if (dist < nearestSoFar && dist < 30)
				/* Yes, then keep a record of it */
				nearestSoFar = dist;
				psChosenGate = psGate;

	if (!psChosenGate)	// we have a gateway.
		goto failed;

	// find an unnocupied tile on that gateway.
	if (psChosenGate->x1 == psChosenGate->x2)
		// vert
		gX = psChosenGate->x1;
		for (gY = psChosenGate->y1; gY <= psChosenGate->y2; gY++)
			if (! TileIsOccupied(mapTile(gX, gY)))
				y = gY;
				x = gX;
		// horiz
		gY = psChosenGate->y1;
		for (gX = psChosenGate->x1; gX <= psChosenGate->x2; gX++)
			if (! TileIsOccupied(mapTile(gX, gY)))
				y = gY;
				x = gX;

	// back to world coords and store result.
	*pX = world_coord(x) + (TILE_UNITS / 2);		// return centre of tile.
	*pY = world_coord(y) + (TILE_UNITS / 2);

	scrFunctionResult.v.bval = true;
	if (!stackPushResult(VAL_BOOL, &scrFunctionResult))		// success
		return false;

	// order the droid to build two walls, one either side of the gateway.
	// or one in the case of a 2 size gateway.

	//find center of the gateway
	x = (psChosenGate->x1 + psChosenGate->x2) / 2;
	y = (psChosenGate->y1 + psChosenGate->y2) / 2;

	//find start pos of the gateway
	x1 = world_coord(psChosenGate->x1) + (TILE_UNITS / 2);
	y1 = world_coord(psChosenGate->y1) + (TILE_UNITS / 2);

	if (variantB)
		offset = 2;
		offset = 1;
	if (psChosenGate->x1 == psChosenGate->x2)	//vert
		x2 = x1;	//vert: end x pos of the first section = start x pos
		y2 = world_coord(y - 1) + TILE_UNITS / 2;	//start y loc of the first sec
		x3 = x1;
		y3 = world_coord(y + offset) + TILE_UNITS / 2;
	else		//hor
		x2 = world_coord(x - 1) + TILE_UNITS / 2;
		y2 = y1;
		x3 = world_coord(x + offset) + TILE_UNITS / 2;
		y3 = y1;

	//end coords of the second section
	x4 = world_coord(psChosenGate->x2) + TILE_UNITS / 2;
	y4 = world_coord(psChosenGate->y2) + TILE_UNITS / 2;

	// first section.
	if (x1 == x2 && y1 == y2)	//first sec is 1 tile only: ((2 tile gate) or (3 tile gate and first sec))
		orderDroidStatsLocDir(psDroid, DORDER_BUILD, psWStats, x1, y1, 0, ModeQueue);
		orderDroidStatsTwoLocDir(psDroid, DORDER_LINEBUILD, psWStats,  x1, y1, x2, y2, 0, ModeQueue);

	// second section
	if (x3 == x4 && y3 == y4)
		orderDroidStatsLocDirAdd(psDroid, DORDER_BUILD, psWStats, x3, y3, 0);
		orderDroidStatsTwoLocDirAdd(psDroid, DORDER_LINEBUILD, psWStats,  x3, y3, x4, y4, 0);

	return true;

	scrFunctionResult.v.bval = false;
	if (!stackPushResult(VAL_BOOL, &scrFunctionResult))		// failed!
		return false;
	return true;
Example #27
/* The terrain revealing ray callback */
static void doWaveTerrain(const BASE_OBJECT *psObj, TILEPOS *recordTilePos, int *lastRecordTilePos)
	const int sx = psObj->pos.x;
	const int sy = psObj->pos.y;
	const int sz = psObj->pos.z + MAX(MIN_VIS_HEIGHT, psObj->sDisplay.imd->max.y);
	const unsigned radius = objSensorRange(psObj);
	const int rayPlayer = psObj->player;
	size_t i;
	size_t size;
	const WavecastTile *tiles = getWavecastTable(radius, &size);
	int tileHeight, perspectiveHeight, perspectiveHeightLeeway;
#define MAX_WAVECAST_LIST_SIZE 1360  // Trivial upper bound to what a fully upgraded WSS can use (its number of angles). Should probably be some factor times the maximum possible radius. Is probably a lot more than needed. Tested to need at least 180.
	int heights[2][MAX_WAVECAST_LIST_SIZE];
	int angles[2][MAX_WAVECAST_LIST_SIZE + 1];
	int readListSize = 0, readListPos = 0, writeListPos = 0;  // readListSize, readListPos dummy initialisations.
	int readList = 0;  // Reading from this list, writing to the other. Could also initialise to rand()%2.
	int lastHeight = 0;  // lastHeight dummy initialisation.
	int lastAngle = 0x7FFFFFFF;

	// Start with full vision of all angles. (If someday wanting to make droids that can only look in one direction, change here, after getting the original angle values saved in the wavecast table.)
	heights[!readList][writeListPos] = -0x7FFFFFFF-1;  // Smallest integer.
	angles[!readList][writeListPos] = 0;               // Smallest angle.

	for (i = 0; i < size; ++i)
		const int mapX = map_coord(sx) + tiles[i].dx;
		const int mapY = map_coord(sy) + tiles[i].dy;
		MAPTILE *psTile;
		bool seen = false;

		if (mapX < 0 || mapX >= mapWidth || mapY < 0 || mapY >= mapHeight)
		psTile = mapTile(mapX, mapY);
		tileHeight = psTile->height;
		perspectiveHeight = (tileHeight - sz) * tiles[i].invRadius;
		perspectiveHeightLeeway = (tileHeight - sz + MIN_VIS_HEIGHT) * tiles[i].invRadius;

		if (tiles[i].angBegin < lastAngle)
			// Gone around the circle. (Or just started scan.)
			angles[!readList][writeListPos] = lastAngle;

			// Flip the lists.
			readList = !readList;
			readListPos = 0;
			readListSize = writeListPos;
			writeListPos = 0;
			lastHeight = 1;  // Impossible value since tiles[i].invRadius > 1 for all i, so triggers writing first entry in list.
		lastAngle = tiles[i].angEnd;

		while (angles[readList][readListPos + 1] <= tiles[i].angBegin && readListPos < readListSize)
			++readListPos;  // Skip, not relevant.

		while (angles[readList][readListPos] < tiles[i].angEnd && readListPos < readListSize)
			int oldHeight = heights[readList][readListPos];
			int newHeight = MAX(oldHeight, perspectiveHeight);
			seen = seen || perspectiveHeightLeeway >= oldHeight; // consider point slightly above ground in case there is something on the tile
			if (newHeight != lastHeight)
				heights[!readList][writeListPos] = newHeight;
				angles[!readList][writeListPos] = MAX(angles[readList][readListPos], tiles[i].angBegin);
				lastHeight = newHeight;
				ASSERT_OR_RETURN( , writeListPos <= MAX_WAVECAST_LIST_SIZE, "Visibility too complicated! Need to increase MAX_WAVECAST_LIST_SIZE.");

		if (seen)
			// Can see this tile.
			psTile->tileExploredBits |= alliancebits[rayPlayer];                            // Share exploration with allies too
			visMarkTile(psObj, mapX, mapY, psTile, recordTilePos, lastRecordTilePos);   // Mark this tile as seen by our sensor
Example #28
void rayCast(Vector2i src, Vector2i dst, RAY_CALLBACK callback, void *data)
	if (!callback(src, 0, data) || src == dst)  // Start at src.
		return;  // Callback gave up after the first point, or there are no other points.

	Vector2i srcM = map_coord(src);
	Vector2i dstM = map_coord(dst);

	Vector2i step, tile, cur, end;
	initSteps(srcM.x, dstM.x, tile.x, step.x, cur.x, end.x);
	initSteps(srcM.y, dstM.y, tile.y, step.y, cur.y, end.y);

	Vector2i prev(0, 0);  // Dummy initialisation.
	bool first = true;
	Vector2i nextX(0, 0), nextY(0, 0);  // Dummy initialisations.
	bool canX = tryStep(tile.x, step.x, cur.x, end.x, nextX.x, nextX.y, src.x, src.y, dst.x, dst.y);
	bool canY = tryStep(tile.y, step.y, cur.y, end.y, nextY.y, nextY.x, src.y, src.x, dst.y, dst.x);
	while (canX || canY)
		int32_t xDist = abs(nextX.x - src.x) + abs(nextX.y - src.y);
		int32_t yDist = abs(nextY.x - src.x) + abs(nextY.y - src.y);
		Vector2i sel;
		Vector2i selTile;
		if (canX && (!canY || xDist < yDist))  // The line crosses a vertical grid line next.
			sel = nextX;
			selTile = tile;
			canX = tryStep(tile.x, step.x, cur.x, end.x, nextX.x, nextX.y, src.x, src.y, dst.x, dst.y);
		else  // The line crosses a horizontal grid line next.
			sel = nextY;
			selTile = tile;
			canY = tryStep(tile.y, step.y, cur.y, end.y, nextY.y, nextY.x, src.y, src.x, dst.y, dst.x);
		if (!first)
			// Find midpoint.
			Vector2i avg = (prev + sel) / 2;
			// But make sure it's on the right tile, since it could be off-by-one if the line passes exactly through a grid intersection.
			avg.x = std::min(std::max(avg.x, world_coord(selTile.x)), world_coord(selTile.x + 1) - 1);
			avg.y = std::min(std::max(avg.y, world_coord(selTile.y)), world_coord(selTile.y + 1) - 1);
			if (!worldOnMap(avg) || !callback(avg, iHypot(avg), data))
				return;  // Callback doesn't want any more points, or we reached the edge of the map, so return.
		prev = sel;
		first = false;

	// Include the endpoint.
	if (!worldOnMap(dst))
		return;  // Stop, since reached the edge of the map.
	callback(dst, iHypot(dst), data);
Example #29
// Find a route for an DROID to a location in world coordinates
	bool acceptNearest;
	PROPULSION_STATS *psPropStats = getPropulsionStats(psDroid);

	// override for AI to blast our way through stuff
	if (!isHumanPlayer(psDroid->player) && moveType == FMT_MOVE)
		moveType = (psDroid->asWeaps[0].nStat == 0) ? FMT_MOVE : FMT_ATTACK;

	ASSERT_OR_RETURN(FPR_FAILED, psPropStats != NULL, "invalid propulsion stats pointer");
	ASSERT_OR_RETURN(FPR_FAILED, psDroid->type == OBJ_DROID, "We got passed an object that isn't a DROID!");

	// Check whether the start and end points of the route are blocking tiles and find an alternative if they are.
	Position startPos = psDroid->pos;
	Position endPos = Position(tX, tY, 0);
	StructureBounds dstStructure = getStructureBounds(worldTile(endPos.xy)->psObject);
	startPos = findNonblockingPosition(startPos, getPropulsionStats(psDroid)->propulsionType, psDroid->player, moveType);
	if (!dstStructure.valid())  // If there's a structure over the destination, ignore it, otherwise pathfind from somewhere around the obstruction.
		endPos   = findNonblockingPosition(endPos,   getPropulsionStats(psDroid)->propulsionType, psDroid->player, moveType);
	objTrace(psDroid->id, "Want to go to (%d, %d) -> (%d, %d), going (%d, %d) -> (%d, %d)", map_coord(psDroid->pos.x), map_coord(psDroid->pos.y), map_coord(tX), map_coord(tY), map_coord(startPos.x), map_coord(startPos.y), map_coord(endPos.x), map_coord(endPos.y));
	switch (psDroid->order.type)
	case DORDER_LINEBUILD:                       // build a number of structures in a row (walls + bridges)
		dstStructure = getStructureBounds(psDroid->order.psStats, psDroid->order.pos, psDroid->order.direction);  // Just need to get close enough to build (can be diagonally), do not need to reach the destination tile.
		// fallthrough
	case DORDER_HELPBUILD:                       // help to build a structure
	case DORDER_DEMOLISH:                        // demolish a structure
		acceptNearest = false;
		acceptNearest = true;
	return fpathRoute(&psDroid->sMove, psDroid->id, startPos.x, startPos.y, endPos.x, endPos.y, psPropStats->propulsionType,
	                  psDroid->droidType, moveType, psDroid->player, acceptNearest, dstStructure);
Example #30
ASR_RETVAL fpathAStarRoute(MOVE_CONTROL *psMove, PATHJOB *psJob)
	ASR_RETVAL      retval = ASR_OK;

	bool            mustReverse = true;

	const PathCoord tileOrig(map_coord(psJob->origX), map_coord(psJob->origY));
	const PathCoord tileDest(map_coord(psJob->destX), map_coord(psJob->destY));

	PathCoord endCoord;  // Either nearest coord (mustReverse = true) or orig (mustReverse = false).

	std::list<PathfindContext>::iterator contextIterator = fpathContexts.begin();
	for (contextIterator = fpathContexts.begin(); contextIterator != fpathContexts.end(); ++contextIterator)
		if (!contextIterator->matches(psJob->blockingMap, tileDest))
			// This context is not for the same droid type and same destination.

		// We have tried going to tileDest before.

		if (contextIterator->map[tileOrig.x + tileOrig.y*mapWidth].iteration == contextIterator->iteration
		 && contextIterator->map[tileOrig.x + tileOrig.y*mapWidth].visited)
			// Already know the path from orig to dest.
			endCoord = tileOrig;
			// Need to find the path from orig to dest, continue previous exploration.
			fpathAStarReestimate(*contextIterator, tileOrig);
			endCoord = fpathAStarExplore(*contextIterator, tileOrig);

		if (endCoord != tileOrig)
			// orig turned out to be on a different island than what this context was used for, so can't use this context data after all.

		mustReverse = false;  // We have the path from the nearest reachable tile to dest, to orig.
		break;  // Found the path! Don't search more contexts.

	if (contextIterator == fpathContexts.end())
		// We did not find an appropriate context. Make one.

		if (fpathContexts.size() < 30)

		// Init a new context, overwriting the oldest one if we are caching too many.
		// We will be searching from orig to dest, since we don't know where the nearest reachable tile to dest is.
		fpathInitContext(*contextIterator, psJob->blockingMap, tileOrig, tileOrig, tileDest);
		endCoord = fpathAStarExplore(*contextIterator, tileDest);
		contextIterator->nearestCoord = endCoord;

	PathfindContext &context = *contextIterator;

	// return the nearest route if no actual route was found
	if (context.nearestCoord != tileDest)
		retval = ASR_NEAREST;

	// Get route, in reverse order.
	static std::vector<Vector2i> path;  // Declared static to save allocations.

	PathCoord newP;
	for (PathCoord p = endCoord; p != context.tileS; p = newP)
		ASSERT_OR_RETURN(ASR_FAILED, tileOnMap(p.x, p.y), "Assigned XY coordinates (%d, %d) not on map!", (int)p.x, (int)p.y);
		ASSERT_OR_RETURN(ASR_FAILED, path.size() < (unsigned)mapWidth*mapHeight, "Pathfinding got in a loop.");

		path.push_back(Vector2i(world_coord(p.x) + TILE_UNITS / 2, world_coord(p.y) + TILE_UNITS / 2));

		PathExploredTile &tile = context.map[p.x + p.y*mapWidth];
		newP = PathCoord(p.x - tile.dx, p.y - tile.dy);
		if (p == newP)
			break;  // We stopped moving, because we reached the closest reachable tile to context.tileS. Give up now.
	if (path.empty())
		// We are probably already in the destination tile. Go to the exact coordinates.
		path.push_back(Vector2i(psJob->destX, psJob->destY));
	else if (retval == ASR_OK)
		// Found exact path, so use exact coordinates for last point, no reason to lose precision
		Vector2i v(psJob->destX, psJob->destY);
		if (mustReverse)
			path.front() = v;
			path.back() = v;

	// TODO FIXME once we can change numPoints to something larger than uint16_t
	psMove->numPoints = std::min<int>(UINT16_MAX, path.size());

	// Allocate memory
	psMove->asPath = static_cast<Vector2i *>(malloc(sizeof(*psMove->asPath) * path.size()));
	ASSERT(psMove->asPath, "Out of memory");
	if (!psMove->asPath)
		return ASR_FAILED;

	// get the route in the correct order
	// If as I suspect this is to reverse the list, then it's my suspicion that
	// we could route from destination to source as opposed to source to
	// destination. We could then save the reversal. to risky to try now...Alex M
	// The idea is impractical, because you can't guarentee that the target is
	// reachable. As I see it, this is the reason why psNearest got introduced.
	// -- Dennis L.
	// If many droids are heading towards the same destination, then destination
	// to source would be faster if reusing the information in nodeArray. --Cyp
	if (mustReverse)
		// Copy the list, in reverse.
		std::copy(path.rbegin(), path.rend(), psMove->asPath);

		if (!context.isBlocked(tileOrig.x, tileOrig.y))  // If blocked, searching from tileDest to tileOrig wouldn't find the tileOrig tile.
			// Next time, search starting from nearest reachable tile to the destination.
			fpathInitContext(context, psJob->blockingMap, tileDest, context.nearestCoord, tileOrig);
		// Copy the list.
		std::copy(path.begin(), path.end(), psMove->asPath);

	// Move context to beginning of last recently used list.
	if (contextIterator != fpathContexts.begin())  // Not sure whether or not the splice is a safe noop, if equal.
		fpathContexts.splice(fpathContexts.begin(), fpathContexts, contextIterator);

	psMove->destination = psMove->asPath[path.size() - 1];

	return retval;