Example #1
float adc_read(int channel)
		case 0:
		return adcarray[0] ;	
		case 1:
		return mapf( (float) adcarray[1] , 2727.0 , 3050.0 , 3.77 , 4.22);
		case 2:
		return adcarray[2];	
		case 3:
		return adcarray[3];
	  return 0;
Example #2
static int snmp_map_ifs(struct ifstat_driver *driver,
			int (*mapf)(struct ifstat_driver *driver, int nifaces, void *pdata),
			void *pdata) {
  struct snmp_driver_data *data = driver->data;
  struct ifsnmp *ifsnmp = data->ifsnmp;
  int ifaces, nifaces, index, i;
  if ((ifaces = snmp_get_ifcount(data->session)) <= 0) {
    ifstat_error("snmp: no interfaces returned.");
    return 0;
  for(index = 0; index <= (ifaces /data->num_ifsreqs); index++) {
    nifaces = ifaces - index * data->num_ifsreqs;
    if (nifaces > data->num_ifsreqs)
      nifaces = data->num_ifsreqs;
    for (i = 0; i < nifaces; i++) 
      ifsnmp[i].index = index * data->num_ifsreqs + i + 1;
    if(!mapf(driver, nifaces, pdata)) 
      return 0;
  return 1;
Example #3
static int kvm_map_ifs(struct ifstat_driver *driver,
		       int (*mapf)(char *name, struct ifnet *ifnet, void *data),
		       void *mdata) {
  struct kvm_driver_data *data = driver->data;
  unsigned long ifaddr;
  struct ifnet ifnet;
  char ifname[IFNAMSIZ + 1];
  char interface[IFNAMSIZ + 10];

  for (ifaddr = data->ifnetaddr; ifaddr != 0;
       ifaddr = (unsigned long) IFNET_NEXT(ifnet)) {
    if (kvm_read(data->kvmfd, ifaddr, &ifnet, sizeof(ifnet)) < 0) {
      ifstat_error("kvm_read: %s", data->errbuf);
      return 0;
    memcpy(interface, ifnet.if_xname, sizeof(interface));
    interface[sizeof(interface) - 1] = '\0';
    if (kvm_read(data->kvmfd, (unsigned long) ifnet.if_name, &ifname, sizeof(ifname)) < 0) {
      ifstat_error("kvm_read: %s", data->errbuf);
      return 0;
    ifname[sizeof(ifname) - 1] = '\0';
    sprintf(interface, "%s%d", ifname, ifnet.if_unit);

    if (!mapf(interface, &ifnet, mdata))
      return 0;
  return 1;
void RefreshColorArray()
	for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++)
		gray[i] = mapf(i, 0, SIZE, 0, 1);
		alpha[i] = 1;
Example #5
static int dlpi_map_ifs(struct dlpi_driver_data *dlpi,
			int (*mapf)(mib_ifEntry *mib, int ppa, char *name,
				    void *mdata),
			void *mdata) {
  dl_hp_ppa_req_t ppa_req;
  dl_hp_ppa_ack_t *ppa_ack;
  dl_hp_ppa_info_t *ppa_info;
  mib_ifEntry mib;
  void *buf;
  int len, i, ofs;
  char ifname[sizeof(ppa_info->dl_module_id_1) + 12];

  if (!dlpi_attach(dlpi, DLPI_NO_PPA))
    return 0;

  ppa_req.dl_primitive = DL_HP_PPA_REQ;
  if (!dlpi_req(dlpi, &ppa_req, sizeof(ppa_req),
		DL_HP_PPA_ACK, (void **) &ppa_ack, &len))
    return 0;

  if (len < sizeof(dl_hp_ppa_ack_t)) {
    ifstat_error("dlpi: short read for ppa ack");
    return 0;

  /* copy buffer since used by later calls */
  if ((buf = malloc(len)) == NULL) {
    return 0;
  memcpy(buf, (void *) ppa_ack, len);
  ppa_ack = buf;
  /* browse interface list */
  ofs = ppa_ack->dl_offset;
  for(i = 0; i < ppa_ack->dl_count; i++) {
    if (ofs < 0 || ofs + sizeof(dl_hp_ppa_info_t) > len) {
      ifstat_error("dlpi: data returned by ppa ack exceeds data buffer");
      return 0;

    ppa_info = (dl_hp_ppa_info_t *) ((char *) ppa_ack + ofs);

    if (dlpi_get_ifmib(dlpi, ppa_info->dl_ppa, &mib)) {
      sprintf(ifname, "%s%d", ppa_info->dl_module_id_1, ppa_info->dl_instance_num);
      if (!mapf(&mib, ppa_info->dl_ppa, ifname, mdata)) {
	return 0;
    ofs = ppa_ack->dl_offset + ppa_info->dl_next_offset;

  return 1;
Example #6
void pid_precalc()
    timefactor = 0.0032f / looptime;
    v_compensation = mapf ( vbattfilt , 3.00 , 4.00 , PID_VC_FACTOR , 1.00);
    if( v_compensation > PID_VC_FACTOR) v_compensation = PID_VC_FACTOR;
    if( v_compensation < 1.00f) v_compensation = 1.00;
void OnDraw() 
	glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); //Clear The Screen And The Depth Buffer

	for(int i=0; i<SIZE; i++)
		glColor4f(gray[i], gray[i], gray[i], alpha[i]);
			/*rect(mapf(i, 0, SIZE, clippingLeft, clippingRight), 
				mapf(i+1, 0, SIZE, clippingLeft, clippingRight),  //width & Height can't be <0!!!! 
			glRectf(mapf(i, 0, SIZE, clippingLeft, clippingRight), 
				mapf(i+1, 0, SIZE, clippingLeft, clippingRight), 
Example #8
unsigned int CINFO3D_VISU::GetNrSegmentsCircle( int aDiameterBUI ) const
    wxASSERT( aDiameterBUI > 0 );

    unsigned int result = mapf( (float)aDiameterBUI,
                                (float)SEG_MIN_FACTOR_BIU, (float)SEG_MAX_FACTOR_BIU,
                                (float)MIN_SEG_PER_CIRCLE, (float)MAX_SEG_PER_CIRCLE );
    wxASSERT( result > 1 );

    return result;
Example #9
unsigned int CINFO3D_VISU::GetNrSegmentsCircle( float aDiameter3DU ) const
    wxASSERT( aDiameter3DU > 0.0f );

    unsigned int result = mapf( aDiameter3DU,
                                m_calc_seg_min_factor3DU, m_calc_seg_max_factor3DU,
                                (float)MIN_SEG_PER_CIRCLE, (float)MAX_SEG_PER_CIRCLE );
    wxASSERT( result > 1 );

    return result;
Example #10
static int snmp_map_ifs(struct ifstat_driver *driver,
			int (*mapf)(struct ifstat_driver *driver, int nifaces, void *pdata),
			void *pdata) {
  struct snmp_driver_data *data = driver->data;
  struct ifsnmp *ifsnmp = data->ifsnmp;
  int ifaces, nifaces, index;
  index = -1;
  nifaces = ifaces = 0;
  while((index = snmp_get_nextif(data->session, index)) >= 0) {
    ifsnmp[nifaces++].index = index;
    if (nifaces >= data->num_ifsreqs) {
      if(!mapf(driver, nifaces, pdata)) 
	return 0;
      nifaces = 0;
  if (nifaces > 0)
    return mapf(driver, nifaces, pdata);
  return (ifaces != 0);
Example #11
 * ai_api_map - call mapf for each element in indexer in order
 *    return: NO_ERROR if successful, error code otherwise
 *    indexer(in): VALUE_INDEXER
 *    mapf(in): map function
 *    arg(in): argument of the mapf
static int
ai_api_map (VALUE_INDEXER * indexer, int (*mapf) (void *, int, VALUE_AREA *, API_VALUE *), void *arg)
  ARRAY_INDEXER *ai = (ARRAY_INDEXER *) indexer;
  int i, res;
  assert (ai != NULL);
  assert (mapf != NULL);
  for (i = 0; i < ai->nvalue; i++)
      res = mapf (arg, i, ai->vs_map[i], ai->values[i]);
      if (res != NO_ERROR)
	return res;
  return NO_ERROR;
void CCape::Update( CCommand& commandIn )

    if( time.HasElapsed( 100 ) )
        // subtract the last reading:
        total = total - readings[index];
        // read from the sensor:
        readings[index] = iout.Read();
        delay( 1 );
        // add the reading to the total:
        total = total + readings[index];
        // advance to the next position in the array:
        index = index + 1;

        // if we're at the end of the array...
        if( index >= numReadings )
            // ...wrap around to the beginning:
            index = 0;

        // calculate the average:
        average = total / numReadings;

    // send voltage and current
    if( statustime.HasElapsed( 100 ) )
        NDataManager::m_capeData.VOUT = mapf( vout.Read(), 0, 1023, 0, 50 );
        NDataManager::m_capeData.IOUT = mapf( average, 0, 1023, 0, 5 ) + .4;
        NDataManager::m_capeData.FMEM = FreeMemory();
        NDataManager::m_capeData.ATMP = GetTemp();
        NDataManager::m_capeData.UTIM = millis();
Example #13
static int ioctl_map_ifs(int sd,
			 int (*mapf)(int sd, struct ifreq *ifr, void *data),
			 void *mdata) {
  struct ifconf ifc;
  struct ifreq *ifr;
  int len, n, res = 0;
  char *buf;

  if (ioctl(sd, SIOCGIFNUM, &n) < 0) {
    goto end;
  n += 2;
  n = 256; /* bad bad bad... */

  len = n * sizeof(struct ifreq);
  if ((buf = malloc(len)) == NULL) {
    return 0;

  ifc.ifc_buf = buf;
  ifc.ifc_len = len;
  if (ioctl(sd, SIOCGIFCONF, (char *)&ifc) < 0) {
    goto end;

  n = 0;
  while (n < ifc.ifc_len) {
    ifr = (struct ifreq *) (buf + n);
    n += sizeof(ifr->ifr_name) + ifr->ifr_addr.sa_len;
    n += sizeof(struct ifreq);
    if (!mapf(sd, ifr, mdata))
      goto end;
  res = 1;
  return res;
Example #14
static int ioctl_map_ifs(int sd,
			 int (*mapf)(int sd, struct ifreq *ifr, void *data),
			 void *mdata) {
  struct if_nameindex *iflist, *cur;
  struct ifreq ifr;
  if ((iflist = if_nameindex()) == NULL) {
    return 0;

  for(cur = iflist; cur->if_index != 0 && cur->if_name != NULL; cur++) {
    memcpy(ifr.ifr_name, cur->if_name, sizeof(ifr.ifr_name));
    ifr.ifr_name[sizeof(ifr.ifr_name) - 1] = '\0';
    if (!mapf(sd, &ifr, mdata))
      return 0;
  return 1;
Example #15
void World::mapStates(bool switchToContinuous) {
	int x, y;
	float state;
	for (x = 0; x < _sizeX; x++) {
		for (y = 0; y < _sizeY; y++) {
			state = nodes[x][y].states[_index];
			if (switchToContinuous)
				state = unmapf(state, 0.0, _numStates - 1);
				state = (float)((int)mapf(state, 0.0, _numStates - 1));
			nodes[x][y].states[0] = state;
			nodes[x][y].states[1] = state;
			nodes[x][y].states[2] = state;
Example #16
void control(void)

	// hi rates
	float ratemulti;
	float ratemultiyaw;
	float maxangle;
	float anglerate;

	if (aux[RATES])
		  ratemulti = HIRATEMULTI;
		  ratemultiyaw = HIRATEMULTIYAW;
		  maxangle = MAX_ANGLE_HI;
		  anglerate = LEVEL_MAX_RATE_HI;
		  ratemulti = 1.0f;
		  ratemultiyaw = 1.0f;
		  maxangle = MAX_ANGLE_LO;
		  anglerate = LEVEL_MAX_RATE_LO;

	for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
		rxcopy[i] = rx[i] - autocenter[i];
		rxcopy[i] = rx[i];


	if ( (!aux[STARTFLIP])&&auxchange[STARTFLIP] )
		auxchange[STARTFLIP]= 0;		

	if (auxchange[HEADLESSMODE])
		  yawangle = 0;

	if ((aux[HEADLESSMODE]) )
		yawangle = yawangle + gyro[2] * looptime;
		while (yawangle < -3.14159265f)
    yawangle += 6.28318531f;

    while (yawangle >  3.14159265f)
    yawangle -= 6.28318531f;
		float temp = rxcopy[0];
		rxcopy[0] = rxcopy[0] * fastcos( yawangle) - rxcopy[1] * fastsin(yawangle );
		rxcopy[1] = rxcopy[1] * fastcos( yawangle) + temp * fastsin(yawangle ) ;
		  yawangle = 0;

// check for acc calibration

	int command = gestures2();

	if (command)
		  if (command == 3)
			    gyro_cal();	// for flashing lights
			    // reset loop time 
			    extern unsigned lastlooptime;
			    lastlooptime = gettime();
			    ledcommand = 1;
			    if (command == 2)
				      aux[CH_AUX1] = 1;

			    if (command == 1)
				      aux[CH_AUX1] = 0;

	if ( controls_override)
		for ( int i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++)
			rxcopy[i] = rx_override[i];
		 ratemulti = 1.0f;
		 maxangle = MAX_ANGLE_HI;
		 anglerate = LEVEL_MAX_RATE_HI;


	if ((aux[LEVELMODE]||level_override)&&!acro_override)
	  {			// level mode

		  angleerror[0] = rxcopy[0] * maxangle - attitude[0] + (float) TRIM_ROLL;
		  angleerror[1] = rxcopy[1] * maxangle - attitude[1] + (float) TRIM_PITCH;

		  error[0] = apid(0) * anglerate * DEGTORAD - gyro[0];
		  error[1] = apid(1) * anglerate * DEGTORAD - gyro[1];

	  {			// rate mode

		  error[0] = rxcopy[0] * MAX_RATE * DEGTORAD * ratemulti - gyro[0];
		  error[1] = rxcopy[1] * MAX_RATE * DEGTORAD * ratemulti - gyro[1];

		  // reduce angle Iterm towards zero
		  extern float aierror[3];
		  for (int i = 0; i <= 2; i++)
			  aierror[i] *= 0.8f;


	error[2] = rxcopy[2] * MAX_RATEYAW * DEGTORAD * ratemultiyaw - gyro[2];


// map throttle so under 10% it is zero 
	float throttle = mapf(rx[3], 0, 1, -0.1, 1);
	if (throttle < 0)
		throttle = 0;
	if (throttle > 1.0f)
		throttle = 1.0f;

// turn motors off if throttle is off and pitch / roll sticks are centered
	if (failsafe || (throttle < 0.001f && ( !ENABLESTIX || !onground_long || aux[LEVELMODE] || level_override || (fabsf(rx[0]) < (float) ENABLESTIX_TRESHOLD && fabsf(rx[1]) < (float) ENABLESTIX_TRESHOLD))))
	  {			// motors off
		onground = 1;
		if ( onground_long )
			if ( gettime() - onground_long > 1000000)
				onground_long = 0;

		#ifdef MOTOR_BEEPS
		extern void motorbeep( void);
		  thrsum = 0;
		  for (int i = 0; i <= 3; i++)
			    pwm_set(i, 0);

		  // reset the overthrottle filter
		  lpf(&overthrottlefilt, 0.0f, 0.72f);	// 50hz 1khz sample rate

		  // reset the motor filter
		  for (int i = 0; i <= 3; i++)
			    motorfilter(0, i);

		  // reset hpf filter;

      for( int i = 0 ; i <3;i++)
					if ( rx[i] == lastrx[i] )
					else consecutive[i] = 0;
					lastrx[i] = rx[i];
					if ( consecutive[i] > 1000 && fabsf( rx[i]) < 0.1f )
							autocenter[i] = rx[i];
// motors on - normal flight

		onground_long = gettime();
		  throttle += 7.0f * throttlehpf(throttle);
		  if (throttle < 0)
			  throttle = 0;
		  if (throttle > 1.0f)
			  throttle = 1.0f;

		  // throttle angle compensation
		  if (aux[LEVELMODE])

			    float autothrottle = fastcos(attitude[0] * DEGTORAD) * fastcos(attitude[1] * DEGTORAD);
			    float old_throttle = throttle;
			    if (autothrottle <= 0.5f)
				    autothrottle = 0.5f;
			    throttle = throttle / autothrottle;
			    // limit to 90%
			    if (old_throttle < 0.9f)
				    if (throttle > 0.9f)
					    throttle = 0.9f;

			    if (throttle > 1.0f)
				    throttle = 1.0f;


extern float vbatt;
if (vbatt < (float) LVC_PREVENT_RESET_VOLTAGE) throttle = 0;
		  onground = 0;
		  float mix[4];

			if ( controls_override)
			{// change throttle in flip mode
				throttle = rx_override[3];
		  pidoutput[2] = -pidoutput[2];

		  mix[MOTOR_FR] = throttle - pidoutput[0] - pidoutput[1] + pidoutput[2];	// FR
		  mix[MOTOR_FL] = throttle + pidoutput[0] - pidoutput[1] - pidoutput[2];	// FL   
		  mix[MOTOR_BR] = throttle - pidoutput[0] + pidoutput[1] - pidoutput[2];	// BR
		  mix[MOTOR_BL] = throttle + pidoutput[0] + pidoutput[1] + pidoutput[2];	// BL   

// we invert again cause it's used by the pid internally (for limit)
		  pidoutput[2] = -pidoutput[2];


// limit reduction to this amount ( 0.0 - 1.0)
// 0.0 = no action 
// 0.5 = reduce up to 1/2 throttle      
//1.0 = reduce all the way to zero 

		  float overthrottle = 0;

		  for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
			    if (mix[i] > overthrottle)
				    overthrottle = mix[i];

		  overthrottle -= 1.0f;

		  if (overthrottle > (float)MIX_THROTTLE_REDUCTION_MAX)
			  overthrottle = (float)MIX_THROTTLE_REDUCTION_MAX;

		  if (overthrottle > overthrottlefilt)
			  lpf(&overthrottlefilt, overthrottle, 0.82);	// 20hz 1khz sample rate
			  lpf(&overthrottlefilt, overthrottle, 0.72);	// 50hz 1khz sample rate
		  if (overthrottle > overthrottlefilt)
			  overthrottlefilt += 0.005f;
			  overthrottlefilt -= 0.01f;

		  if (overthrottlefilt > 0.5f)
			  overthrottlefilt = 0.5;
		  if (overthrottlefilt < -0.1f)
			  overthrottlefilt = -0.1;

		  overthrottle = overthrottlefilt;

		  if (overthrottle < 0.0f)
			  overthrottle = 0.0f;

		  if (overthrottle > 0)
		    {		// exceeding max motor thrust

			    // prevent too much throttle reduction
			    if (overthrottle > (float)MIX_THROTTLE_REDUCTION_MAX)
				    overthrottle = (float)MIX_THROTTLE_REDUCTION_MAX;
			    // reduce by a percentage only, so we get an inbetween performance
			    overthrottle *= ((float)MIX_THROTTLE_REDUCTION_PERCENT / 100.0f);

			    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
				      mix[i] -= overthrottle;


		  for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
			    mix[i] = motorfilter(mix[i], i);

#ifdef CLIP_FF
		  float clip_ff(float motorin, int number);

		  for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
			    mix[i] = clip_ff(mix[i], i);

		  for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
			    float test = motormap(mix[i]);
					test = throttle;
					// flash leds in valid throttle range
					ledcommand = 1;
					// for battery estimation
					mix[i] = throttle;
					#warning "MOTORS TEST MODE"
					#ifdef MOTOR_MIN_ENABLE
					if (test < (float) MOTOR_MIN_VALUE)
						test = (float) MOTOR_MIN_VALUE;
					#ifdef MOTOR_MAX_ENABLE
					if (test > (float) MOTOR_MAX_VALUE)
						test = (float) MOTOR_MAX_VALUE;
					#ifndef NOMOTORS
					//normal mode
					pwm_set( i , test );				
					#warning "NO MOTORS"

		  thrsum = 0;
		  for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
			    if (mix[i] < 0)
				    mix[i] = 0;
			    if (mix[i] > 1)
				    mix[i] = 1;
			    thrsum += mix[i];
		  thrsum = thrsum / 4;

	  }			// end motors on

void readTemp(){
  float analogTempRead = analogRead(temppin);

  float volt = mapf(analogTempRead*1.0,0,1024,0,5.0); // change 4: 1024.0, otherwise will calc integer value!!
  celsiusTempRead = (volt-.4)*51.28; 
Example #18
void control( void)

    // hi rates
    float ratemulti;
    float ratemultiyaw;
    float maxangle;
    float anglerate;

    if ( aux[RATES] )
        ratemulti = HIRATEMULTI;
        ratemultiyaw = HIRATEMULTIYAW;
        maxangle = MAX_ANGLE_HI;
        anglerate = LEVEL_MAX_RATE_HI;
        ratemulti = 1.0f;
        ratemultiyaw = 1.0f;
        maxangle = MAX_ANGLE_LO;
        anglerate = LEVEL_MAX_RATE_LO;

    for ( int i = 0 ; i < 3; i++)
        rxcopy[i]=   rx[i];

    if ( auxchange[HEADLESSMODE] )
        yawangle = 0;

    if ( (aux[HEADLESSMODE] )&&!aux[LEVELMODE] )

        yawangle = yawangle + gyro[2]*looptime;

        float temp = rxcopy[0];
        rxcopy[0] = rxcopy[0] * cosf( yawangle) - rxcopy[1] * sinf(yawangle );
        rxcopy[1] = rxcopy[1] * cosf( yawangle) + temp * sinf(yawangle ) ;
        yawangle = 0;

// check for acc calibration

    int command = gestures2();

    if ( command )
        if ( command == 3 )
            gyro_cal(); // for flashing lights
            // reset loop time
            extern unsigned lastlooptime;
            lastlooptime = gettime();
            ledcommand = 1;
            if ( command == 2 )
                aux[CH_AUX1]= 1;

            if ( command == 1 )
                aux[CH_AUX1]= 0;



    if ( aux[LEVELMODE] )
    {   // level mode

        angleerror[0] = rxcopy[0] * maxangle - attitude[0];
        angleerror[1] = rxcopy[1] * maxangle - attitude[1];

        error[0] = apid(0) * anglerate * DEGTORAD  - gyro[0];
        error[1] = apid(1) * anglerate * DEGTORAD  - gyro[1];

    {   // rate mode

        error[0] = rxcopy[0] * MAX_RATE * DEGTORAD * ratemulti - gyro[0];
        error[1] = rxcopy[1] * MAX_RATE * DEGTORAD * ratemulti - gyro[1];

        // reduce angle Iterm towards zero
        extern float aierror[3];
        for ( int i = 0 ; i <= 2 ; i++) aierror[i] *= 0.8f;


    error[2] = rxcopy[2] * MAX_RATEYAW * DEGTORAD * ratemultiyaw - gyro[2];


// map throttle so under 10% it is zero
    float	throttle = mapf(rx[3], 0 , 1 , -0.1 , 1 );
    if ( throttle < 0   ) throttle = 0;
    if ( throttle > 1.0f ) throttle = 1.0f;

// turn motors off if throttle is off and pitch / roll sticks are centered
    if ( failsafe || (throttle < 0.001f && (!ENABLESTIX||  (fabs(rx[0]) < 0.5f && fabs(rx[1]) < 0.5f ) ) ) )

    {   // motors off

        onground = 1;
        thrsum = 0;
        for ( int i = 0 ; i <= 3 ; i++)
            pwm_set( i , 0 );

        // reset the overthrottle filter
        lpf( &overthrottlefilt, 0.0f , 0.72f); // 50hz 1khz sample rate

        // reset the motor filter
        for ( int i = 0 ; i <= 3 ; i++)
            motorfilter( 0 , i);

        // reset hpf filter;
        throttlehpf( 0 );


        throttle += 7.0f*throttlehpf( throttle );
        if ( throttle < 0   ) throttle = 0;
        if ( throttle > 1.0f ) throttle = 1.0f;

        // throttle angle compensation

            float autothrottle = fastcos( attitude[0] * DEGTORAD ) * fastcos( attitude[1] * DEGTORAD );
            float old_throttle = throttle;
            if ( autothrottle <= 0.5f ) autothrottle = 0.5f;
            throttle = throttle / autothrottle;
            // limit to 90%
            if ( old_throttle < 0.9f ) if ( throttle > 0.9f ) throttle = 0.9f;

            if ( throttle > 1.0f ) throttle = 1.0f;

        onground = 0;
        float mix[4];

        mix[MOTOR_FR] = throttle - pidoutput[0] - pidoutput[1] + pidoutput[2];		// FR
        mix[MOTOR_FL] = throttle + pidoutput[0] - pidoutput[1] - pidoutput[2];		// FL
        mix[MOTOR_BR] = throttle - pidoutput[0] + pidoutput[1] - pidoutput[2];		// BR
        mix[MOTOR_BL] = throttle + pidoutput[0] + pidoutput[1] + pidoutput[2];		// BL


// limit reduction to this amount ( 0.0 - 1.0)
// 0.0 = no action
// 0.5 = reduce up to 1/2 throttle
//1.0 = reduce all the way to zero

        float overthrottle = 0;

        for ( int i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++)
            if ( mix[i] > overthrottle ) overthrottle =  mix[i];

        overthrottle -=1.0f;

        if ( overthrottle > (float) MIX_THROTTLE_REDUCTION_MAX ) overthrottle = (float) MIX_THROTTLE_REDUCTION_MAX;

        if (overthrottle > overthrottlefilt)  lpf ( &overthrottlefilt, overthrottle , 0.82); // 20hz 1khz sample rate
        else lpf ( &overthrottlefilt, overthrottle , 0.72); // 50hz 1khz sample rate
        if (overthrottle > overthrottlefilt) overthrottlefilt += 0.005f;
        else overthrottlefilt -= 0.01f;

        if (overthrottlefilt > 0.5f) overthrottlefilt = 0.5;
        if (overthrottlefilt < -0.1f) overthrottlefilt = -0.1;

        overthrottle = overthrottlefilt;

        if ( overthrottle < 0.0f ) overthrottle = 0.0f;

        if ( overthrottle > 0 )
        {   // exceeding max motor thrust

            // prevent too much throttle reduction
            if ( overthrottle > (float) MIX_THROTTLE_REDUCTION_MAX ) overthrottle = (float) MIX_THROTTLE_REDUCTION_MAX;
            // reduce by a percentage only, so we get an inbetween performance
            overthrottle *= ((float) MIX_THROTTLE_REDUCTION_PERCENT / 100.0f);

            for ( int i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++)
                mix[i] -=overthrottle;


        for ( int i = 0 ; i <= 3 ; i++)
            mix[i] = motorfilter(  mix[i] , i);

#ifdef CLIP_FF
        float clip_ff( float motorin ,int number);

        for ( int i = 0 ; i <= 3 ; i++)
            mix[i] = clip_ff(  mix[i] , i);

        for ( int i = 0 ; i <= 3 ; i++)
            float test = motormap( mix[i] );
#ifndef NOMOTORS
            pwm_set( i , ( test )  );
#warning "NO MOTORS"

        thrsum = 0;
        for ( int i = 0 ; i <= 3 ; i++)
            if ( mix[i] < 0 ) mix[i] = 0;
            if ( mix[i] > 1 ) mix[i] = 1;
            thrsum+= mix[i];
        thrsum = thrsum / 4;

    }// end motors on

void C3D_RENDER_OGL_LEGACY::reload()
    m_reloadRequested = false;




    SFVEC3F camera_pos = m_settings.GetBoardCenter3DU();
    m_settings.CameraGet().SetBoardLookAtPos( camera_pos );

    // Create Board
    // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    printf("Create board...\n");
    CCONTAINER2D boardContainer;
    Convert_shape_line_polygon_to_triangles( m_settings.GetBoardPoly(),
                                             (const BOARD_ITEM &)*m_settings.GetBoard() );

    const LIST_OBJECT2D listBoardObject2d = boardContainer.GetList();

    if( listBoardObject2d.size() > 0 )
        float layer_z_top = m_settings.GetLayerBottomZpos3DU( F_Cu );
        float layer_z_bot = m_settings.GetLayerBottomZpos3DU( B_Cu );
        float layer_z_top = m_settings.GetLayerBottomZpos3DU( B_Mask );
        float layer_z_bot = m_settings.GetLayerTopZpos3DU( B_Mask );
        CLAYER_TRIANGLES *layerTriangles = new CLAYER_TRIANGLES( listBoardObject2d.size() );

        for( LIST_OBJECT2D::const_iterator itemOnLayer = listBoardObject2d.begin();
             itemOnLayer != listBoardObject2d.end();
             itemOnLayer++ )
            const COBJECT2D *object2d_A = static_cast<const COBJECT2D *>(*itemOnLayer);

            wxASSERT( object2d_A->GetObjectType() == OBJ2D_TRIANGLE );

            const CTRIANGLE2D *tri = (const CTRIANGLE2D *)object2d_A;
            const SFVEC2F &v1 = tri->GetP1();
            const SFVEC2F &v2 = tri->GetP2();
            const SFVEC2F &v3 = tri->GetP3();

            add_triangle_top_bot( layerTriangles, v1, v2, v3, layer_z_top, layer_z_bot );

        const SHAPE_POLY_SET boardPoly = m_settings.GetBoardPoly();
        SHAPE_POLY_SET boardPolyCopy = boardPoly;

        boardPolyCopy.Simplify( SHAPE_POLY_SET::PM_FAST );

        if( boardPolyCopy.OutlineCount() == 1 )
            const SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN& outlinePath = boardPolyCopy.COutline( 0 );

            std::vector< SFVEC2F > contournPoints;
            contournPoints.reserve( outlinePath.PointCount() + 2 );

            for( unsigned int i = 0; i < (unsigned int)outlinePath.PointCount(); ++i )
                const VECTOR2I& v = outlinePath.CPoint( i );
                contournPoints.push_back( SFVEC2F( v.x * m_settings.BiuTo3Dunits(),
                                                  -v.y * m_settings.BiuTo3Dunits() ) );
            contournPoints.push_back( contournPoints[0] );

            if( contournPoints.size() > 4 )
                // Calculate normals of each segment of the contourn
                std::vector< SFVEC2F > contournNormals;
                contournNormals.reserve( contournPoints.size() );
                for( unsigned int i = 0; i < ( contournPoints.size() - 1 ); ++i )
                    const SFVEC2F &v0 = contournPoints[i + 0];
                    const SFVEC2F &v1 = contournPoints[i + 1];

                    SFVEC2F n = glm::normalize( v1 - v0 );
                    contournNormals.push_back( SFVEC2F( -n.y, n.x ) );

                SFVEC2F lastNormal = contournNormals[contournPoints.size() - 2];
                for( unsigned int i = 0; i < ( contournPoints.size() - 1 ); ++i )
                    const SFVEC2F &v0 = contournPoints[i + 0];
                    const SFVEC2F &v1 = contournPoints[i + 1];

                    layerTriangles->m_layer_middle_contourns_quads->AddQuad( SFVEC3F( v0.x, v0.y, NextFloatUp( layer_z_top ) ),
                                                                             SFVEC3F( v1.x, v1.y, NextFloatUp( layer_z_top ) ),
                                                                             SFVEC3F( v1.x, v1.y, NextFloatDown( layer_z_bot ) ),
                                                                             SFVEC3F( v0.x, v0.y, NextFloatDown( layer_z_bot ) ) );

                    SFVEC2F n0 = contournNormals[i];

                    if( glm::dot( n0, lastNormal ) > 0.5f )
                        n0 += lastNormal;
                        n0 += contournNormals[i];

                    const SFVEC2F &nextNormal = contournNormals[ (i + 1) % (contournPoints.size() - 1) ];
                    SFVEC2F n1 = contournNormals[i];

                    if( glm::dot( n1, nextNormal ) > 0.5f )
                        n1 += nextNormal;
                        n1 += contournNormals[i];

                    n0 = glm::normalize( n0 );
                    n1 = glm::normalize( n1 );

                    const SFVEC3F n3d0 = SFVEC3F( n0.x, n0.y, 0.0f );
                    const SFVEC3F n3d1 = SFVEC3F( n1.x, n1.y, 0.0f );

                    layerTriangles->m_layer_middle_contourns_quads->AddNormal( n3d0, n3d1, n3d1, n3d0 );

                    lastNormal = contournNormals[i];
                    const SFVEC2F n0 = glm::normalize( v0 - center );
                    const SFVEC2F n1 = glm::normalize( v1 - center );
                    const SFVEC3F n0z = SFVEC3F( n0.x, n0.y, 0.0f );
                    const SFVEC3F n1z = SFVEC3F( n1.x, n1.y, 0.0f );
                    layerTriangles->m_layer_middle_contourns_quads->AddNormal( n0z, n1z, n1z, n0z );*/

        m_ogl_disp_list_board = new CLAYERS_OGL_DISP_LISTS( *layerTriangles, m_ogl_circle_texture, SFVEC3F(0.65f,0.55f,0.05f) );

        delete layerTriangles;

    float calc_sides_min_factor = (float)(   10.0 * IU_PER_MILS * m_settings.BiuTo3Dunits() );
    float calc_sides_max_factor = (float)( 1000.0 * IU_PER_MILS * m_settings.BiuTo3Dunits() );

    // Add layers maps (except B_Mask and F_Mask)
    // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    printf("Add layers maps...\n");
    for( MAP_CONTAINER_2D::const_iterator it = m_settings.GetMapLayers().begin();
         it != m_settings.GetMapLayers().end(); it++ )
        LAYER_ID layer_id = static_cast<LAYER_ID>(it->first);

        if( !m_settings.Is3DLayerEnabled( layer_id ) )

        const CBVHCONTAINER2D *container2d = static_cast<const CBVHCONTAINER2D *>(it->second);
        const LIST_OBJECT2D listObject2d = container2d->GetList();

        if( listObject2d.size() == 0 )

        //CMATERIAL *materialLayer = &m_materials.m_SilkS;
        SFVEC3F layerColor = SFVEC3F( 0.3f, 0.4f, 0.5f );

        float layer_z_bot = m_settings.GetLayerBottomZpos3DU( layer_id );
        float layer_z_top = m_settings.GetLayerTopZpos3DU( layer_id );

        if( layer_z_top < layer_z_bot )
            float tmpFloat = layer_z_bot;
            layer_z_bot = layer_z_top;
            layer_z_top = tmpFloat;

        layer_z_bot -= m_settings.GetNonCopperLayerThickness3DU();
        layer_z_top += m_settings.GetNonCopperLayerThickness3DU();

        if( m_settings.GetFlag( FL_USE_REALISTIC_MODE ) )
            switch( layer_id )
                case B_Adhes:
                case F_Adhes:


                case B_Paste:
                case F_Paste:
    //                materialLayer = &m_materials.m_Paste;

                case B_SilkS:
                case F_SilkS:

    //                materialLayer = &m_materials.m_SilkS;
    //                layerColor = g_silkscreenColor;

                case Dwgs_User:
                case Cmts_User:
                case Eco1_User:
                case Eco2_User:
                case Edge_Cuts:
                case Margin:

                case B_CrtYd:
                case F_CrtYd:

                case B_Fab:
                case F_Fab:

                    //materialLayer = &m_materials.m_Copper;

                        //layerColor = g_copperColor;

            layerColor = m_settings.GetLayerColor( layer_id );


        // Calculate an estiation for then nr of triangles based on the nr of objects
        unsigned int nrTrianglesEstimation = listObject2d.size() * 8;

        CLAYER_TRIANGLES *layerTriangles = new CLAYER_TRIANGLES( nrTrianglesEstimation );

        m_triangles[layer_id] = layerTriangles;

        for( LIST_OBJECT2D::const_iterator itemOnLayer = listObject2d.begin();
             itemOnLayer != listObject2d.end(); itemOnLayer++ )
            const COBJECT2D *object2d_A = static_cast<const COBJECT2D *>(*itemOnLayer);

            switch( object2d_A->GetObjectType() )

                case OBJ2D_FILLED_CIRCLE:
                    const CFILLEDCIRCLE2D *filledCircle = (const CFILLEDCIRCLE2D *)object2d_A;
                    const SFVEC2F &center = filledCircle->GetCenter();
                    float radius = filledCircle->GetRadius() * 2.0f;            // Double because the render triangle
                    float radiusSquared = radius * radius;

                    const float f = (sqrtf(2.0f) / 2.0f) * radius * 0.9;// * texture_factor;

                    layerTriangles->m_layer_top_segment_ends->AddTriangle( SFVEC3F( center.x + f, center.y, layer_z_top ),
                                                                           SFVEC3F( center.x - f, center.y, layer_z_top ),
                                                                           SFVEC3F( center.x,
                                                                                    center.y - f, layer_z_top ) );

                    layerTriangles->m_layer_top_segment_ends->AddTriangle( SFVEC3F( center.x - f, center.y, layer_z_top ),
                                                                           SFVEC3F( center.x + f, center.y, layer_z_top ),
                                                                           SFVEC3F( center.x,
                                                                                    center.y + f, layer_z_top ) );

                    layerTriangles->m_layer_bot_segment_ends->AddTriangle( SFVEC3F( center.x - f, center.y, layer_z_bot ),
                                                                           SFVEC3F( center.x + f, center.y, layer_z_bot ),
                                                                           SFVEC3F( center.x,
                                                                                    center.y - f, layer_z_bot ) );

                    layerTriangles->m_layer_bot_segment_ends->AddTriangle( SFVEC3F( center.x + f, center.y, layer_z_bot ),
                                                                           SFVEC3F( center.x - f, center.y, layer_z_bot ),
                                                                           SFVEC3F( center.x,
                                                                                    center.y + f, layer_z_bot ) );

                    unsigned int nr_sides_per_circle = (unsigned int)mapf( radiusSquared,
                                                                           calc_sides_min_factor, calc_sides_max_factor,
                                                                           24.0f, 256.0f );

                    wxASSERT( nr_sides_per_circle >= 24 );

                    // Normal radius for the circle
                    radius = filledCircle->GetRadius();

                    std::vector< SFVEC2F > contournPoints;

                    contournPoints.reserve( nr_sides_per_circle + 2 );
                    int    delta       = 3600 / nr_sides_per_circle;
                    for( int ii = 0; ii < 3600; ii += delta )
                        const SFVEC2F rotatedDir = glm::rotate( SFVEC2F( 0.0f, 1.0f ),  (float)ii  * 2.0f * 3.14f / 3600.0f );
                        contournPoints.push_back(   SFVEC2F( center.x - rotatedDir.y * radius, center.y + rotatedDir.x * radius ) );
                    contournPoints.push_back( contournPoints[0] );

                    if( contournPoints.size() > 1 )
                        for( unsigned int i = 0; i < ( contournPoints.size() - 1 ); ++i )
                            const SFVEC2F &v0 = contournPoints[i + 0];
                            const SFVEC2F &v1 = contournPoints[i + 1];

                            layerTriangles->m_layer_middle_contourns_quads->AddQuad( SFVEC3F( v0.x, v0.y, NextFloatUp( layer_z_bot ) ),
                                                                                     SFVEC3F( v1.x, v1.y, NextFloatUp( layer_z_bot ) ),
                                                                                     SFVEC3F( v1.x, v1.y, NextFloatDown( layer_z_top ) ),
                                                                                     SFVEC3F( v0.x, v0.y, NextFloatDown( layer_z_top ) ) );

                            const SFVEC2F n0 = glm::normalize( v0 - center );
                            const SFVEC2F n1 = glm::normalize( v1 - center );
                            const SFVEC3F n0z = SFVEC3F( n0.x, n0.y, 0.0f );
                            const SFVEC3F n1z = SFVEC3F( n1.x, n1.y, 0.0f );
                            layerTriangles->m_layer_middle_contourns_quads->AddNormal( n0z, n1z, n1z, n0z );


                case OBJ2D_DUMMYBLOCK:

                case OBJ2D_POLYGON4PT:
                    const CPOLYGON4PTS2D *poly = (const CPOLYGON4PTS2D *)object2d_A;
                    const SFVEC2F &v0 = poly->GetV0();
                    const SFVEC2F &v1 = poly->GetV1();
                    const SFVEC2F &v2 = poly->GetV2();
                    const SFVEC2F &v3 = poly->GetV3();

                    add_triangle_top_bot( layerTriangles, v0, v2, v1, layer_z_top, layer_z_bot );
                    add_triangle_top_bot( layerTriangles, v2, v0, v3, layer_z_top, layer_z_bot );

                    const SFVEC2F &n0 = poly->GetN0();
                    const SFVEC2F &n1 = poly->GetN1();
                    const SFVEC2F &n2 = poly->GetN2();
                    const SFVEC2F &n3 = poly->GetN3();

                    const SFVEC3F n3d0 = SFVEC3F(-n0.y, n0.x, 0.0f );
                    const SFVEC3F n3d1 = SFVEC3F(-n1.y, n1.x, 0.0f );
                    const SFVEC3F n3d2 = SFVEC3F(-n2.y, n2.x, 0.0f );
                    const SFVEC3F n3d3 = SFVEC3F(-n3.y, n3.x, 0.0f );

                    layerTriangles->m_layer_middle_contourns_quads->AddQuad( SFVEC3F( v0.x, v0.y, layer_z_bot ),
                                                                             SFVEC3F( v1.x, v1.y, layer_z_bot ),
                                                                             SFVEC3F( v1.x, v1.y, layer_z_top ),
                                                                             SFVEC3F( v0.x, v0.y, layer_z_top ) );
                    layerTriangles->m_layer_middle_contourns_quads->AddNormal( n3d0, n3d0, n3d0, n3d0 );

                    layerTriangles->m_layer_middle_contourns_quads->AddQuad( SFVEC3F( v2.x, v2.y, layer_z_top ),
                                                                             SFVEC3F( v1.x, v1.y, layer_z_top ),
                                                                             SFVEC3F( v1.x, v1.y, layer_z_bot ),
                                                                             SFVEC3F( v2.x, v2.y, layer_z_bot ) );
                    layerTriangles->m_layer_middle_contourns_quads->AddNormal( n3d1, n3d1, n3d1, n3d1 );

                    layerTriangles->m_layer_middle_contourns_quads->AddQuad( SFVEC3F( v3.x, v3.y, layer_z_top ),
                                                                             SFVEC3F( v2.x, v2.y, layer_z_top ),
                                                                             SFVEC3F( v2.x, v2.y, layer_z_bot ),
                                                                             SFVEC3F( v3.x, v3.y, layer_z_bot ) );
                    layerTriangles->m_layer_middle_contourns_quads->AddNormal( n3d2, n3d2, n3d2, n3d2 );

                    layerTriangles->m_layer_middle_contourns_quads->AddQuad( SFVEC3F( v0.x, v0.y, layer_z_top ),
                                                                             SFVEC3F( v3.x, v3.y, layer_z_top ),
                                                                             SFVEC3F( v3.x, v3.y, layer_z_bot ),
                                                                             SFVEC3F( v0.x, v0.y, layer_z_bot ) );
                    layerTriangles->m_layer_middle_contourns_quads->AddNormal( n3d3, n3d3, n3d3, n3d3 );

                case OBJ2D_RING:
                    const CRING2D *ring = (const CRING2D *)object2d_A;
                    const SFVEC2F &center = ring->GetCenter();
                    float inner = ring->GetInnerRadius();
                    float outer = ring->GetOuterRadius();

                    unsigned int nr_sides_per_circle = (unsigned int)mapf( outer,
                                                                           calc_sides_min_factor, calc_sides_max_factor,
                                                                           24.0f, 256.0f );

                    wxASSERT( nr_sides_per_circle >= 24 );

                    std::vector< SFVEC2F > innerContour;
                    std::vector< SFVEC2F > outerContour;
                    innerContour.reserve( nr_sides_per_circle + 2 );

                    outerContour.reserve( nr_sides_per_circle + 2 );

                    int    delta       = 3600 / nr_sides_per_circle;
                    for( int ii = 0; ii < 3600; ii += delta )
                        const SFVEC2F rotatedDir = glm::rotate( SFVEC2F( 0.0f, 1.0f),  (float)        ii  * 2.0f * 3.14f / 3600.0f );

                        innerContour.push_back( SFVEC2F( center.x - rotatedDir.y * inner, center.y + rotatedDir.x * inner ) );
                        outerContour.push_back( SFVEC2F( center.x - rotatedDir.y * outer, center.y + rotatedDir.x * outer ) );

                    innerContour.push_back( innerContour[0] );
                    outerContour.push_back( outerContour[0] );

                    wxASSERT( innerContour.size() == outerContour.size() );

                    for( unsigned int i = 0; i < ( innerContour.size() - 1 ); ++i )
                        const SFVEC2F &vi0 = innerContour[i + 0];
                        const SFVEC2F &vi1 = innerContour[i + 1];
                        const SFVEC2F &vo0 = outerContour[i + 0];
                        const SFVEC2F &vo1 = outerContour[i + 1];

                        layerTriangles->m_layer_top_triangles->AddQuad( SFVEC3F( vi1.x, vi1.y, layer_z_top ),
                                                                        SFVEC3F( vi0.x, vi0.y, layer_z_top ),
                                                                        SFVEC3F( vo0.x, vo0.y, layer_z_top ),
                                                                        SFVEC3F( vo1.x, vo1.y, layer_z_top ) );

                        layerTriangles->m_layer_bot_triangles->AddQuad( SFVEC3F( vi1.x, vi1.y, layer_z_bot ),
                                                                        SFVEC3F( vo1.x, vo1.y, layer_z_bot ),
                                                                        SFVEC3F( vo0.x, vo0.y, layer_z_bot ),
                                                                        SFVEC3F( vi0.x, vi0.y, layer_z_bot ) );

                    for( unsigned int i = 0; i < ( innerContour.size() - 1 ); ++i )
                        const SFVEC2F &v0 = innerContour[i + 0];
                        const SFVEC2F &v1 = innerContour[i + 1];

                        layerTriangles->m_layer_middle_contourns_quads->AddQuad( SFVEC3F( v1.x, v1.y, NextFloatUp( layer_z_bot ) ),
                                                                                 SFVEC3F( v0.x, v0.y, NextFloatUp( layer_z_bot ) ),
                                                                                 SFVEC3F( v0.x, v0.y, NextFloatDown( layer_z_top ) ),
                                                                                 SFVEC3F( v1.x, v1.y, NextFloatDown( layer_z_top ) ) );

                        const SFVEC2F n0 = glm::normalize( v0 - center );
                        const SFVEC2F n1 = glm::normalize( v1 - center );
                        const SFVEC3F n0z = SFVEC3F( n0.x, n0.y, 0.0f );
                        const SFVEC3F n1z = SFVEC3F( n1.x, n1.y, 0.0f );
                        layerTriangles->m_layer_middle_contourns_quads->AddNormal( n0z, n1z, n1z, n0z );

                    for( unsigned int i = 0; i < ( outerContour.size() - 1 ); ++i )
                        const SFVEC2F &v0 = outerContour[i + 0];
                        const SFVEC2F &v1 = outerContour[i + 1];

                        layerTriangles->m_layer_middle_contourns_quads->AddQuad( SFVEC3F( v0.x, v0.y, NextFloatUp( layer_z_bot ) ),
                                                                                 SFVEC3F( v1.x, v1.y, NextFloatUp( layer_z_bot ) ),
                                                                                 SFVEC3F( v1.x, v1.y, NextFloatDown( layer_z_top ) ),
                                                                                 SFVEC3F( v0.x, v0.y, NextFloatDown( layer_z_top ) ) );

                        const SFVEC2F n0 = glm::normalize( v0 - center );
                        const SFVEC2F n1 = glm::normalize( v1 - center );
                        const SFVEC3F n0z = SFVEC3F( n0.x, n0.y, 0.0f );
                        const SFVEC3F n1z = SFVEC3F( n1.x, n1.y, 0.0f );
                        layerTriangles->m_layer_middle_contourns_quads->AddNormal( n0z, n1z, n1z, n0z );


                case OBJ2D_TRIANGLE:
                    const CTRIANGLE2D *tri = (const CTRIANGLE2D *)object2d_A;
                    const SFVEC2F &v1 = tri->GetP1();
                    const SFVEC2F &v2 = tri->GetP2();
                    const SFVEC2F &v3 = tri->GetP3();

                    add_triangle_top_bot( layerTriangles, v1, v2, v3, layer_z_top, layer_z_bot );

                case OBJ2D_ROUNDSEG:
                    const CROUNDSEGMENT2D &roundSeg = (const CROUNDSEGMENT2D &) *object2d_A;
                    unsigned int nr_sides_per_circle = (unsigned int)mapf( roundSeg.GetWidth(),
                                                                           calc_sides_min_factor, calc_sides_max_factor,
                                                                           24.0f, 256.0f );

                    wxASSERT( nr_sides_per_circle >= 24 );

                    SFVEC2F leftStart   = roundSeg.GetLeftStar();
                    SFVEC2F leftEnd     = roundSeg.GetLeftEnd();
                    SFVEC2F leftDir     = roundSeg.GetLeftDir();

                    SFVEC2F rightStart  = roundSeg.GetRightStar();
                    SFVEC2F rightEnd    = roundSeg.GetRightEnd();
                    SFVEC2F rightDir    = roundSeg.GetRightDir();
                    float   radius      = roundSeg.GetRadius();

                    SFVEC2F start       = roundSeg.GetStart();
                    SFVEC2F end         = roundSeg.GetEnd();

                    float texture_factor = (12.0f/(float)SIZE_OF_CIRCLE_TEXTURE) + 1.0f;
                    float texture_factorF= ( 4.0f/(float)SIZE_OF_CIRCLE_TEXTURE) + 1.0f;

                    const float radius_of_the_square = sqrtf( roundSeg.GetRadiusSquared() * 2.0f );
                    const float radius_triangle_factor = (radius_of_the_square - radius) / radius;

                    const SFVEC2F factorS = SFVEC2F( -rightDir.y * radius * radius_triangle_factor, rightDir.x * radius * radius_triangle_factor );
                    const SFVEC2F factorE = SFVEC2F( -leftDir.y  * radius * radius_triangle_factor, leftDir.x  * radius * radius_triangle_factor );

                    // Top end segment triangles
                    layerTriangles->m_layer_top_segment_ends->AddTriangle( SFVEC3F( rightEnd.x   + texture_factor * factorS.x, rightEnd.y  + texture_factor * factorS.y, layer_z_top ),
                                                                           SFVEC3F( leftStart.x  + texture_factor * factorE.x, leftStart.y + texture_factor * factorE.y, layer_z_top ),
                                                                           SFVEC3F( start.x - texture_factorF * leftDir.x * radius * sqrtf(2.0f),
                                                                                    start.y - texture_factorF * leftDir.y * radius * sqrtf(2.0f), layer_z_top ) );

                    layerTriangles->m_layer_top_segment_ends->AddTriangle( SFVEC3F( leftEnd.x    + texture_factor * factorE.x, leftEnd.y    + texture_factor * factorE.y, layer_z_top ),
                                                                           SFVEC3F( rightStart.x + texture_factor * factorS.x, rightStart.y + texture_factor * factorS.y, layer_z_top ),
                                                                           SFVEC3F( end.x - texture_factorF * rightDir.x * radius * sqrtf(2.0f),
                                                                                    end.y - texture_factorF * rightDir.y * radius * sqrtf(2.0f), layer_z_top ) );

                    // Bot end segment triangles
                    layerTriangles->m_layer_bot_segment_ends->AddTriangle( SFVEC3F( leftStart.x  + texture_factor * factorE.x, leftStart.y + texture_factor * factorE.y, layer_z_bot ),
                                                                           SFVEC3F( rightEnd.x   + texture_factor * factorS.x, rightEnd.y  + texture_factor * factorS.y, layer_z_bot ),
                                                                           SFVEC3F( start.x - texture_factorF * leftDir.x * radius * sqrtf(2.0f),
                                                                                    start.y - texture_factorF * leftDir.y * radius * sqrtf(2.0f), layer_z_bot ) );

                    layerTriangles->m_layer_bot_segment_ends->AddTriangle( SFVEC3F( rightStart.x + texture_factor * factorS.x, rightStart.y + texture_factor * factorS.y, layer_z_bot ),
                                                                           SFVEC3F( leftEnd.x    + texture_factor * factorE.x, leftEnd.y    + texture_factor * factorE.y, layer_z_bot ),
                                                                           SFVEC3F( end.x - texture_factorF * rightDir.x * radius * sqrtf(2.0f),
                                                                                    end.y - texture_factorF * rightDir.y * radius * sqrtf(2.0f), layer_z_bot ) );

                    // Segment top and bot planes
                    layerTriangles->m_layer_top_triangles->AddQuad( SFVEC3F( rightEnd.x,   rightEnd.y,   layer_z_top ),
                                                                    SFVEC3F( rightStart.x, rightStart.y, layer_z_top ),
                                                                    SFVEC3F( leftEnd.x,    leftEnd.y,    layer_z_top ),
                                                                    SFVEC3F( leftStart.x,  leftStart.y,  layer_z_top ) );

                    layerTriangles->m_layer_bot_triangles->AddQuad( SFVEC3F( rightEnd.x,   rightEnd.y,   layer_z_bot ),
                                                                    SFVEC3F( leftStart.x,  leftStart.y,  layer_z_bot ),
                                                                    SFVEC3F( leftEnd.x,    leftEnd.y,    layer_z_bot ),
                                                                    SFVEC3F( rightStart.x, rightStart.y, layer_z_bot ) );

                    // Middle contourns (two sides of the segment)
                    layerTriangles->m_layer_middle_contourns_quads->AddQuad( SFVEC3F( leftStart.x, leftStart.y, layer_z_top ),
                                                                             SFVEC3F( leftEnd.x,   leftEnd.y,   layer_z_top ),
                                                                             SFVEC3F( leftEnd.x,   leftEnd.y,   layer_z_bot ),
                                                                             SFVEC3F( leftStart.x, leftStart.y, layer_z_bot ) );
                    const SFVEC3F leftNormal = SFVEC3F( -leftDir.y, leftDir.x, 0.0f );
                    layerTriangles->m_layer_middle_contourns_quads->AddNormal( leftNormal, leftNormal, leftNormal, leftNormal );

                    layerTriangles->m_layer_middle_contourns_quads->AddQuad( SFVEC3F( rightStart.x, rightStart.y, layer_z_top ),
                                                                             SFVEC3F( rightEnd.x,   rightEnd.y,   layer_z_top ),
                                                                             SFVEC3F( rightEnd.x,   rightEnd.y,   layer_z_bot ),
                                                                             SFVEC3F( rightStart.x, rightStart.y, layer_z_bot ) );
                    const SFVEC3F rightNormal = SFVEC3F( -rightDir.y, rightDir.x, 0.0f );
                    layerTriangles->m_layer_middle_contourns_quads->AddNormal( rightNormal, rightNormal, rightNormal, rightNormal );

                    // Compute the outlines of the segment, and creates a polygon
                    // add right rounded end:

                    std::vector< SFVEC2F > roundedEndPointsStart;
                    std::vector< SFVEC2F > roundedEndPointsEnd;
                    roundedEndPointsStart.reserve( nr_sides_per_circle + 2 );

                    roundedEndPointsEnd.reserve( nr_sides_per_circle + 2 );

                    roundedEndPointsStart.push_back( SFVEC2F( leftStart.x, leftStart.y ) );
                    roundedEndPointsEnd.push_back(   SFVEC2F( leftEnd.x,   leftEnd.y ) );

                    int    delta       = 3600 / nr_sides_per_circle;
                    for( int ii = delta; ii < 1800; ii += delta )
                        const SFVEC2F rotatedDirL = glm::rotate( leftDir,  (float)        ii  * 2.0f * 3.14f / 3600.0f );
                        const SFVEC2F rotatedDirR = glm::rotate( rightDir, (float)(1800 - ii) * 2.0f * 3.14f / 3600.0f );
                        roundedEndPointsStart.push_back( SFVEC2F( start.x - rotatedDirL.y * radius, start.y + rotatedDirL.x * radius ) );
                        roundedEndPointsEnd.push_back(   SFVEC2F( end.x   - rotatedDirR.y * radius, end.y   + rotatedDirR.x * radius ) );
                    roundedEndPointsStart.push_back( SFVEC2F( rightEnd.x, rightEnd.y ) );
                    roundedEndPointsEnd.push_back(   SFVEC2F( rightStart.x, rightStart.y ) );

                    if( roundedEndPointsStart.size() > 1 )
                        for( unsigned int i = 0; i < ( roundedEndPointsStart.size() - 1 ); ++i )
                            const SFVEC2F &v0 = roundedEndPointsStart[i + 0];
                            const SFVEC2F &v1 = roundedEndPointsStart[i + 1];

                            layerTriangles->m_layer_middle_contourns_quads->AddQuad( SFVEC3F( v0.x, v0.y, layer_z_bot ),
                                                                                     SFVEC3F( v1.x, v1.y, layer_z_bot ),
                                                                                     SFVEC3F( v1.x, v1.y, layer_z_top ),
                                                                                     SFVEC3F( v0.x, v0.y, layer_z_top ) );

                            const SFVEC2F n0 = glm::normalize( v0 - start );
                            const SFVEC2F n1 = glm::normalize( v1 - start );
                            const SFVEC3F n0z = SFVEC3F( n0.x, n0.y, 0.0f );
                            const SFVEC3F n1z = SFVEC3F( n1.x, n1.y, 0.0f );
                            layerTriangles->m_layer_middle_contourns_quads->AddNormal( n0z, n1z, n1z, n0z );

                    if( roundedEndPointsEnd.size() > 1 )
                        for( unsigned int i = 0; i < ( roundedEndPointsEnd.size() - 1 ); ++i )
                            const SFVEC2F &v0 = roundedEndPointsEnd[i + 0];
                            const SFVEC2F &v1 = roundedEndPointsEnd[i + 1];

                            layerTriangles->m_layer_middle_contourns_quads->AddQuad( SFVEC3F( v0.x, v0.y, layer_z_top ),
                                                                                     SFVEC3F( v1.x, v1.y, layer_z_top ),
                                                                                     SFVEC3F( v1.x, v1.y, layer_z_bot ),
                                                                                     SFVEC3F( v0.x, v0.y, layer_z_bot ) );

                            const SFVEC2F n0 = glm::normalize( v0 - end );
                            const SFVEC2F n1 = glm::normalize( v1 - end );
                            const SFVEC3F n0z = SFVEC3F( n0.x, n0.y, 0.0f );
                            const SFVEC3F n1z = SFVEC3F( n1.x, n1.y, 0.0f );
                            layerTriangles->m_layer_middle_contourns_quads->AddNormal( n0z, n1z, n1z, n0z );

#if 0
            // not yet used / implemented (can be used in future to clip the objects in the board borders
            COBJECT2D *object2d_C = CSGITEM_FULL;

            std::vector<const COBJECT2D *> *object2d_B = CSGITEM_EMPTY;

            if( m_settings.GetFlag( FL_RENDER_SHOW_HOLES_IN_ZONES ) )
                object2d_B = new std::vector<const COBJECT2D *>();

                // Check if there are any layerhole that intersects this object
                // Eg: a segment is cutted by a via hole or THT hole.
                // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
                const MAP_CONTAINER_2D &layerHolesMap = m_settings.GetMapLayersHoles();
                if( layerHolesMap.find(layer_id) != layerHolesMap.end() )
                    MAP_CONTAINER_2D::const_iterator ii_hole = layerHolesMap.find(layer_id);
                    const CBVHCONTAINER2D *containerLayerHoles2d = static_cast<const CBVHCONTAINER2D *>(ii_hole->second);

                    CONST_LIST_OBJECT2D intersectionList;
                    containerLayerHoles2d->GetListObjectsIntersects( object2d_A->GetBBox(), intersectionList );

                    if( !intersectionList.empty() )
                        for( CONST_LIST_OBJECT2D::const_iterator holeOnLayer = intersectionList.begin();
                             holeOnLayer != intersectionList.end();
                             holeOnLayer++ )
                            const COBJECT2D *hole2d = static_cast<const COBJECT2D *>(*holeOnLayer);

                            //if( object2d_A->Intersects( hole2d->GetBBox() ) )
                                //if( object2d_A->GetBBox().Intersects( hole2d->GetBBox() ) )
                                    object2d_B->push_back( hole2d );

                // Check if there are any THT that intersects this object
                // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
                if( !m_settings.GetThroughHole_Inflated().GetList().empty() )
                    CONST_LIST_OBJECT2D intersectionList;
                    m_settings.GetThroughHole_Inflated().GetListObjectsIntersects( object2d_A->GetBBox(), intersectionList );

                    if( !intersectionList.empty() )
                        for( CONST_LIST_OBJECT2D::const_iterator hole = intersectionList.begin();
                             hole != intersectionList.end();
                             hole++ )
                            const COBJECT2D *hole2d = static_cast<const COBJECT2D *>(*hole);

                            //if( object2d_A->Intersects( hole2d->GetBBox() ) )
                                //if( object2d_A->GetBBox().Intersects( hole2d->GetBBox() ) )
                                    object2d_B->push_back( hole2d );

                if( object2d_B->empty() )
                    delete object2d_B;
                    object2d_B = CSGITEM_EMPTY;

            if( (object2d_B == CSGITEM_EMPTY) &&
                (object2d_C == CSGITEM_FULL) )
#if 0
               create_3d_object_from( m_object_container, object2d_A, m_settings.GetLayerBottomZpos3DU( layer_id ),
                                                                       m_settings.GetLayerTopZpos3DU( layer_id ),
                                       layerColor );
                CLAYERITEM *objPtr = new CLAYERITEM( object2d_A, m_settings.GetLayerBottomZpos3DU( layer_id ),
                                                                 m_settings.GetLayerTopZpos3DU( layer_id ) );
                objPtr->SetMaterial( materialLayer );
                objPtr->SetColor( layerColor );
                m_object_container.Add( objPtr );
#if 1
                CITEMLAYERCSG2D *itemCSG2d = new CITEMLAYERCSG2D( object2d_A, object2d_B, object2d_C,
                                                                  object2d_A->GetBoardItem() );
                m_containerWithObjectsToDelete.Add( itemCSG2d );

                CLAYERITEM *objPtr = new CLAYERITEM( itemCSG2d, m_settings.GetLayerBottomZpos3DU( layer_id ),
                                                     m_settings.GetLayerTopZpos3DU( layer_id ) );

                objPtr->SetMaterial( materialLayer );
                objPtr->SetColor( layerColor );
                m_object_container.Add( objPtr );

        // Create display list
        // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
        m_ogl_disp_lists_layers[layer_id] = new CLAYERS_OGL_DISP_LISTS( *layerTriangles,
                                                                        layerColor );
    }// for each layer on map

Example #20
// Returns the specific channel in the range [-100:100]
float getRXChannel(rxChannel_e channel) {
    return mapf(rxChannel[channel], RX_MIN_INPUT, RX_MAX_INPUT, -100.0f, 100.0f);
Example #21
void control( void)

	// hi rates
	float ratemulti;
	float ratemultiyaw;

	if ( aux[RATES] ) 
		ratemulti = HIRATEMULTI;
		ratemultiyaw = HIRATEMULTIYAW;
		ratemulti = 1.0;
		ratemultiyaw = 1.0;

	yawangle = yawangle + gyro[YAW]*looptime;

	if ( auxchange[HEADLESSMODE] )
		yawangle = 0;
	if ( aux[HEADLESSMODE] ) 
		float temp = rx[ROLL];
		rx[ROLL] = rx[ROLL] * cosf( yawangle) - rx[PITCH] * sinf(yawangle );
		rx[PITCH] = rx[PITCH] * cosf( yawangle) + temp * sinf(yawangle ) ;
	error[ROLL] = rx[ROLL] * (float) MAX_RATE * DEGTORAD * ratemulti - gyro[ROLL];
	error[PITCH] = rx[PITCH] * (float) MAX_RATE * DEGTORAD * ratemulti - gyro[PITCH];
	error[YAW] = rx[YAW] * (float) MAX_RATEYAW * DEGTORAD * ratemultiyaw - gyro[YAW];


// map throttle so under 10% it is zero	
float	throttle = mapf(rx[3], 0 , 1 , -0.1 , 1 );
if ( throttle < 0   ) throttle = 0;

// turn motors off if throttle is off and pitch / roll sticks are centered
	if ( failsafe || (throttle < 0.001f && (!ENABLESTIX||  (fabs(rx[ROLL]) < 0.5f && fabs(rx[PITCH]) < 0.5f ) ) ) ) 

	{ // motors off
		for ( int i = 0 ; i <= 3 ; i++)
			pwm_set( i , 0 );	
		onground = 1;
		thrsum = 0;
		#ifdef MOTOR_FILTER		
		// reset the motor filter
		for ( int i = 0 ; i <= 3 ; i++)
					motorfilter( 0 , i);
		onground = 0;
		float mix[4];	
//		pidoutput[2] += motorchange;
pidoutput[2] = -pidoutput[2];			
		mix[MOTOR_FR] = throttle - pidoutput[ROLL] - pidoutput[PITCH] + pidoutput[YAW];		// FR
		mix[MOTOR_FL] = throttle + pidoutput[ROLL] - pidoutput[PITCH] - pidoutput[YAW];		// FL	
		mix[MOTOR_BR] = throttle - pidoutput[ROLL] + pidoutput[PITCH] - pidoutput[YAW];		// BR
		mix[MOTOR_BL] = throttle + pidoutput[ROLL] + pidoutput[PITCH] + pidoutput[YAW];		// BL	
// we invert again cause it's used by the pid internally (for limit)
pidoutput[2] = -pidoutput[2];			
for ( int i = 0 ; i <= 3 ; i++)
			mix[i] = motorfilter(  mix[i] , i);
		for ( int i = 0 ; i <= 3 ; i++)
		#ifndef NOMOTORS
		pwm_set( i ,motormap( mix[i] ) );
		tempx[i] = motormap( mix[i] );
		thrsum = 0;
		for ( int i = 0 ; i <= 3 ; i++)
			if ( mix[i] < 0 ) mix[i] = 0;
			if ( mix[i] > 1 ) mix[i] = 1;
			thrsum+= mix[i];
		thrsum = thrsum / 4;
	}// end motors on
Example #22
 * Mail a message on standard input to the people indicated
 * in the passed header.  (Internal interface).
mail1(struct header *hp, int use_to, char *orig_to)
	pid_t p, pid;
	int i, s, gotcha;
	char **namelist, *deliver;
	struct name *to, *np;
	FILE *mtf, *fp;
	int remote = rflag != NOSTR || rmail;
	char **t;
	char *deadletter;
	char recfile[PATHSIZE];

	 * Collect user's mail from standard input.
	 * Get the result as mtf.

	pid = (pid_t)-1;
	if ((mtf = collect(hp)) == NULL)
	hp->h_seq = 1;
	if (hp->h_subject == NOSTR)
		hp->h_subject = sflag;
	if (fsize(mtf) == 0 && hp->h_subject == NOSTR) {
		printf(gettext("No message !?!\n"));
		goto out;
	if (intty) {

	 * If we need to use the To: line to determine the record
	 * file, save a copy of it before it's sorted below.

	if (use_to && orig_to == NOSTR && hp->h_to != NOSTR)
		orig_to = strcpy((char *)salloc(strlen(hp->h_to)+1), hp->h_to);
	else if (orig_to == NOSTR)
		orig_to = "";

	 * Now, take the user names from the combined
	 * to and cc lists and do all the alias
	 * processing.

	senderr = 0;
	to = cat(extract(hp->h_bcc, GBCC),
	     cat(extract(hp->h_to, GTO),
	     extract(hp->h_cc, GCC)));
	to = translate(outpre(elide(usermap(to))));
	if (!senderr)
		mapf(to, myname);
	for (gotcha = 0, np = to; np != NIL; np = np->n_flink)
		if ((np->n_type & GDEL) == 0)
	hp->h_to = detract(to, GTO);
	hp->h_cc = detract(to, GCC);
	hp->h_bcc = detract(to, GBCC);
	if ((mtf = infix(hp, mtf)) == NULL) {
		fprintf(stderr, gettext(". . . message lost, sorry.\n"));
	if (askme && isatty(0)) {
		char ans[64];
		puthead(hp, stdout, GTO|GCC|GBCC, 0);
		printf(gettext("Send? "));
		printf("[yes] ");
		if (fgets(ans, sizeof(ans), stdin) && ans[0] &&
				(tolower(ans[0]) != 'y' && ans[0] != '\n'))
			goto dead;
	if (senderr)
		goto dead;
	 * Look through the recipient list for names with /'s
	 * in them which we write to as files directly.
	i = outof(to, mtf);
	if (!gotcha && !i) {
		printf(gettext("No recipients specified\n"));
		goto dead;
	if (senderr)
		goto dead;

	getrecf(orig_to, recfile, use_to, sizeof (recfile));
	if (recfile != NOSTR && *recfile)
		savemail(safeexpand(recfile), hp, mtf);
	if (!gotcha)
		goto out;
	namelist = unpack(to);
	if (debug) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Recipients of message:\n");
		for (t = namelist; *t != NOSTR; t++)
			fprintf(stderr, " \"%s\"", *t);
		fprintf(stderr, "\n");

	 * Wait, to absorb a potential zombie, then
	 * fork, set up the temporary mail file as standard
	 * input for "mail" and exec with the user list we generated
	 * far above. Return the process id to caller in case he
	 * wants to await the completion of mail.

#ifdef VMUNIX
	while (wait3((int *)0, WNOHANG, (struct rusage *)0) > 0)
#ifdef preSVr4
	wait((int *)0);
	while (waitpid((pid_t)-1, (int *)0, WNOHANG) > 0)
	pid = fork();
	if (pid == (pid_t)-1) {
		deadletter = Getf("DEAD");
		if (fp = fopen(deadletter,
		    value("appenddeadletter") == NOSTR ? "w" : "a")) {
			chmod(deadletter, DEADPERM);
			puthead(hp, fp, GMASK|GCLEN, fsize(mtf) - textpos);
			fseek(mtf, textpos, 0);
			lcwrite(deadletter, mtf, fp,
			    value("appenddeadletter") != NOSTR);
		} else
		goto out;
	if (pid == 0) {
#ifdef SIGTSTP
		if (remote == 0) {
			sigset(SIGTSTP, SIG_IGN);
			sigset(SIGTTIN, SIG_IGN);
			sigset(SIGTTOU, SIG_IGN);
		sigset(SIGHUP, SIG_IGN);
		sigset(SIGINT, SIG_IGN);
		sigset(SIGQUIT, SIG_IGN);
		s = fileno(mtf);
		(void) fdwalk(closefd_walk, &s);
#ifdef CC
#endif /* CC */
		if ((deliver = value("sendmail")) == NOSTR)
			deliver = SENDMAIL;
			deliver = MAIL;
		execvp(safeexpand(deliver), namelist);

	if (value("sendwait")!=NOSTR)
	if (remote) {
		while ((p = wait(&s)) != pid && p != (pid_t)-1)
		if (s != 0)
		pid = 0;
Example #23
void control(void)

	// hi rates
	float ratemulti;
	float ratemultiyaw;
	float maxangle;
	float anglerate;

#ifdef TOGGLE_IN
if ( auxchange[TOGGLE_IN] && !aux[TOGGLE_IN] )
   ledcommand = 1;
	if (aux[RATES])
		  ratemulti = HIRATEMULTI;
		  ratemultiyaw = HIRATEMULTIYAW;
		  maxangle = MAX_ANGLE_HI;
		  anglerate = LEVEL_MAX_RATE_HI;
		  ratemulti = 1.0f;
		  ratemultiyaw = 1.0f;
		  maxangle = MAX_ANGLE_LO;
		  anglerate = LEVEL_MAX_RATE_LO;

	for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
		rxcopy[i] = rx[i] - autocenter[i];
		rxcopy[i] = rx[i];


	if ( (!aux[STARTFLIP])&&auxchange[STARTFLIP] )
		auxchange[STARTFLIP]= 0;		

	if (auxchange[HEADLESSMODE])
		  yawangle = 0;

	if ((aux[HEADLESSMODE]) )
		yawangle = yawangle + gyro[2] * looptime;
		while (yawangle < -3.14159265f)
    yawangle += 6.28318531f;

    while (yawangle >  3.14159265f)
    yawangle -= 6.28318531f;
		float temp = rxcopy[0];
		rxcopy[0] = rxcopy[0] * fastcos( yawangle) - rxcopy[1] * fastsin(yawangle );
		rxcopy[1] = rxcopy[1] * fastcos( yawangle) + temp * fastsin(yawangle ) ;
		  yawangle = 0;

// check for acc calibration

	int command = gestures2();

	if (command)
		  if (command == 3)
			    gyro_cal();	// for flashing lights
			    // reset loop time 
			    extern unsigned lastlooptime;
			    lastlooptime = gettime();
			    ledcommand = 1;
			    if (command == 2)
				      aux[CH_AUX1] = 1;

			    if (command == 1)
				      aux[CH_AUX1] = 0;

	if ( controls_override)
		for ( int i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++)
			rxcopy[i] = rx_override[i];
		 ratemulti = 1.0f;
		 maxangle = MAX_ANGLE_HI;
		 anglerate = LEVEL_MAX_RATE_HI;


	if ((aux[LEVELMODE]||level_override)&&!acro_override)
	  {	// level mode
		extern	void stick_vector( float );
		extern float errorvect[];	

			stick_vector( maxangle);
			float yawerror[3];
			extern float GEstG[3];

			float yawrate = rxcopy[2] * (float) MAX_RATEYAW * DEGTORAD * ratemultiyaw* ( 1/ 2048.0f);
		yawerror[0] = GEstG[1]  * yawrate;
		yawerror[1] = - GEstG[0]  * yawrate;
		yawerror[2] = GEstG[2]  * yawrate;

		angleerror[0] = errorvect[0] * RADTODEG *1.1f;
		angleerror[1] = errorvect[1] * RADTODEG *1.1f;
		for ( int i = 0 ; i <2; i++)
			error[i] = apid(i) * anglerate * DEGTORAD + yawerror[i] - gyro[i];

			error[2] = yawerror[2]  - gyro[2];

	  {			// rate mode

		  error[0] = rxcopy[0] * MAX_RATE * DEGTORAD * ratemulti - gyro[0];
		  error[1] = rxcopy[1] * MAX_RATE * DEGTORAD * ratemulti - gyro[1];
			error[2] = rxcopy[2] * MAX_RATEYAW * DEGTORAD * ratemultiyaw - gyro[2];
		  // reduce angle Iterm towards zero
		  extern float aierror[3];
		  aierror[0] = 0.0f;
			aierror[1] = 0.0f;



// map throttle so under 10% it is zero 
	float throttle = mapf(rx[3], 0, 1, -0.1, 1);
	if (throttle < 0)
		throttle = 0;
	if (throttle > 1.0f)
		throttle = 1.0f;

	if (failsafe || aux[AIRMODE_HOLD_SWITCH] || throttle < 0.001f && !onground_long)
		onground_long = 0;
// turn motors off if throttle is off and pitch / roll sticks are centered
	if (failsafe || (throttle < 0.001f && ( !ENABLESTIX || !onground_long || aux[LEVELMODE] || level_override || (fabsf(rx[0]) < (float) ENABLESTIX_TRESHOLD && fabsf(rx[1]) < (float) ENABLESTIX_TRESHOLD))))
	  {			// motors off

		onground = 1;
		if ( onground_long )
			if ( gettime() - onground_long > 1000000)
				onground_long = 0;

		#ifdef MOTOR_BEEPS
		extern void motorbeep( void);
		  thrsum = 0;
		  for (int i = 0; i <= 3; i++)
			    pwm_set(i, 0);

		  // reset the overthrottle filter
		  lpf(&overthrottlefilt, 0.0f, 0.72f);	// 50hz 1khz sample rate
			lpf(&underthrottlefilt, 0.0f, 0.72f);	// 50hz 1khz sample rate
		  // reset the motor filter
		  for (int i = 0; i <= 3; i++)
			    motorfilter(0, i);

		  // reset hpf filter;

      for( int i = 0 ; i <3;i++)
					if ( rx[i] == lastrx[i] )
					else consecutive[i] = 0;
					lastrx[i] = rx[i];
					if ( consecutive[i] > 1000 && fabsf( rx[i]) < 0.1f )
							autocenter[i] = rx[i];
// end motors off / failsafe / onground
// motors on - normal flight

		onground_long = gettime();
		  throttle += 7.0f * throttlehpf(throttle);
		  if (throttle < 0)
			  throttle = 0;
		  if (throttle > 1.0f)
			  throttle = 1.0f;

		  // throttle angle compensation
		  if (aux[LEVELMODE])

			    float autothrottle = fastcos(attitude[0] * DEGTORAD) * fastcos(attitude[1] * DEGTORAD);
			    float old_throttle = throttle;
			    if (autothrottle <= 0.5f)
				    autothrottle = 0.5f;
			    throttle = throttle / autothrottle;
			    // limit to 90%
			    if (old_throttle < 0.9f)
				    if (throttle > 0.9f)
					    throttle = 0.9f;

			    if (throttle > 1.0f)
				    throttle = 1.0f;


extern float vbatt;
if (vbatt < (float) LVC_PREVENT_RESET_VOLTAGE) throttle = 0;
		  onground = 0;
		  float mix[4];

			if ( controls_override)
			{// change throttle in flip mode
				throttle = rx_override[3];
		  pidoutput[2] = -pidoutput[2];

		  mix[MOTOR_FR] = throttle - pidoutput[0] - pidoutput[1] + pidoutput[2];	// FR
		  mix[MOTOR_FL] = throttle + pidoutput[0] - pidoutput[1] - pidoutput[2];	// FL   
		  mix[MOTOR_BR] = throttle - pidoutput[0] + pidoutput[1] - pidoutput[2];	// BR
		  mix[MOTOR_BL] = throttle + pidoutput[0] + pidoutput[1] + pidoutput[2];	// BL   

// we invert again cause it's used by the pid internally (for limit)
		  pidoutput[2] = -pidoutput[2];



// options for mix throttle lowering if enabled
// 0 - 100 range ( 100 = full reduction / 0 = no reduction )
// lpf (exponential) shape if on, othewise linear

// limit reduction and increase to this amount ( 0.0 - 1.0)
// 0.0 = no action 
// 0.5 = reduce up to 1/2 throttle      
//1.0 = reduce all the way to zero 


#define MIX_MOTOR_MAX 1.0f

		  float overthrottle = 0;
			float underthrottle = 0.001f;
		  for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
			    if (mix[i] > overthrottle)
				    overthrottle = mix[i];
					if (mix[i] < underthrottle)
						underthrottle = mix[i];

		  overthrottle -= MIX_MOTOR_MAX ;

		  if (overthrottle > (float)MIX_THROTTLE_REDUCTION_MAX)
			  overthrottle = (float)MIX_THROTTLE_REDUCTION_MAX;

		  if (overthrottle > overthrottlefilt)
			  lpf(&overthrottlefilt, overthrottle, 0.82);	// 20hz 1khz sample rate
			  lpf(&overthrottlefilt, overthrottle, 0.72);	// 50hz 1khz sample rate
		  if (overthrottle > overthrottlefilt)
			  overthrottlefilt += 0.005f;
			  overthrottlefilt -= 0.01f;
			// over			
		  if (overthrottlefilt > (float)MIX_THROTTLE_REDUCTION_MAX)
			  overthrottlefilt = (float)MIX_THROTTLE_REDUCTION_MAX;
		  if (overthrottlefilt < -0.1f)
			  overthrottlefilt = -0.1;

		  overthrottle = overthrottlefilt;
		  if (overthrottle < 0.0f)
			  overthrottle = -0.0001f;
			// reduce by a percentage only, so we get an inbetween performance
			overthrottle *= ((float)MIX_THROTTLE_REDUCTION_PERCENT / 100.0f);

	// disable if not enabled
	overthrottle = -0.0001f;
// under			
		  if (underthrottle < -(float)MIX_THROTTLE_INCREASE_MAX)
			  underthrottle = -(float)MIX_THROTTLE_INCREASE_MAX;
		  if (underthrottle < underthrottlefilt)
			  lpf(&underthrottlefilt, underthrottle, 0.82);	// 20hz 1khz sample rate
			  lpf(&underthrottlefilt, underthrottle, 0.72);	// 50hz 1khz sample rate
		  if (underthrottle < underthrottlefilt)
			  underthrottlefilt -= 0.005f;
			  underthrottlefilt += 0.01f;
// under
			if (underthrottlefilt < - (float)MIX_THROTTLE_REDUCTION_MAX)
			  underthrottlefilt = - (float)MIX_THROTTLE_REDUCTION_MAX;
		  if (underthrottlefilt > 0.1f)
			  underthrottlefilt = 0.1;

			underthrottle = underthrottlefilt;
			if (underthrottle > 0.0f)
			  underthrottle = 0.0001f;

			underthrottle *= ((float)MIX_THROTTLE_REDUCTION_PERCENT / 100.0f);
		  if (overthrottle > 0 || underthrottle < 0 )
		    {		// exceeding max motor thrust
					float temp = overthrottle + underthrottle;
			    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
				      mix[i] -= temp;


		  for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
			    mix[i] = motorfilter(mix[i], i);

#ifdef CLIP_FF
		  float clip_ff(float motorin, int number);

		  for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
			    mix[i] = clip_ff(mix[i], i);

		  for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
			    float test = motormap(mix[i]);
					test = throttle;
					// flash leds in valid throttle range
					ledcommand = 1;
					// for battery estimation
					mix[i] = throttle;
					#warning "MOTORS TEST MODE"
					#ifdef MOTOR_MIN_ENABLE
					if (test < (float) MOTOR_MIN_VALUE)
						test = (float) MOTOR_MIN_VALUE;
					#ifdef MOTOR_MAX_ENABLE
					if (test > (float) MOTOR_MAX_VALUE)
						test = (float) MOTOR_MAX_VALUE;
					#ifndef NOMOTORS
					//normal mode
					pwm_set( i , test );				
					#warning "NO MOTORS"

		  thrsum = 0;
		  for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
			    if (mix[i] < 0)
				    mix[i] = 0;
			    if (mix[i] > 1)
				    mix[i] = 1;
			    thrsum += mix[i];
		  thrsum = thrsum / 4;

	  }			// end motors on



#ifdef MOTOR_CURVE_6MM_490HZ
// the old map for 490Hz
float motormap(float input)
	// this is a thrust to pwm function
	//  float 0 to 1 input and output
	// output can go negative slightly
	// measured eachine motors and prop, stock battery
	// a*x^2 + b*x + c
	// a = 0.262 , b = 0.771 , c = -0.0258

	if (input > 1)
		input = 1;
	if (input < 0)
		input = 0;

	input = input * input * 0.262f + input * (0.771f);
	input += -0.0258f;

	return input;

// 8k pwm is where the motor thrust is relatively linear for the H8 6mm motors
// it's due to the motor inductance cancelling the nonlinearities.
float motormap(float input)
	return input;

// Hubsan 8.5mm 8khz pwm motor map
// new curve
float motormap(float input)
//      Hubsan 8.5mm motors and props 

	if (input > 1)
		input = 1;
	if (input < 0)
		input = 0;

	input = input * input * 0.683f + input * (0.262f);
	input += 0.06f;

	return input;

// Hubsan 8.5mm 8khz pwm motor map
float motormap(float input)
//      Hubsan 8.5mm motors and props 

	if (input > 1)
		input = 1;
	if (input < 0)
		input = 0;

	input = input * input * 0.789f + input * (0.172f);
	input += 0.04f;

	return input;

// Hubsan 8.5mm 8khz pwm motor map
float motormap(float input)
//      Hubsan 8.5mm motors and props 

	if (input > 1)
		input = 1;
	if (input < 0)
		input = 0;

	input = input * input * 0.197f + input * (0.74f);
	input += 0.067f;

	return input;

float hann_lastsample[4];
float hann_lastsample2[4];

// hanning 3 sample filter
float motorfilter(float motorin, int number)
	float ans = motorin * 0.25f + hann_lastsample[number] * 0.5f + hann_lastsample2[number] * 0.25f;

	hann_lastsample2[number] = hann_lastsample[number];
	hann_lastsample[number] = motorin;

	return ans;
Example #24
void Controller::Update() {
  //full throttle cut
  if (commands_.throttle <= kZeroThrottleThreshold || commands_.throttle > 1.25) {
    //power down all motors
    yaw_error_sum_ = 0;
    attitude_error_sum_ = 0;
    bank_error_sum_ = 0;
    last_frame_ = micros();

  this_frame_ = micros();
  dt_ = this_frame_ - last_frame_;
  last_frame_ = this_frame_;
  dt_ /= 1000000;

  Orientation current_orientation_;

  // update current error
  Orientation current_error;
  float current_yaw_error = commands_.yaw - (current_orientation_.heading - last_heading_) / dt_ * 1000000;

  current_error.attitude = commands_.attitude + current_orientation_.attitude;
  current_error.bank = commands_.bank - current_orientation_.bank;

  yaw_error_sum_ += current_yaw_error * dt_;
  attitude_error_sum_ += current_error.attitude * dt_;
  bank_error_sum_ += current_error.bank * dt_;

  yaw_error_sum_ = constrain(yaw_error_sum_, -kMaxYawITerm, kMaxYawITerm);
  attitude_error_sum_ = constrain(attitude_error_sum_, -kMaxAttitudeITerm, kMaxAttitudeITerm);
  bank_error_sum_ = constrain(bank_error_sum_, -kMaxBankITerm, kMaxBankITerm);

  // calculate error derivative
  float old_aed = attitude_error_diff;
  float old_bed = bank_error_diff;

  attitude_error_diff = ((current_error.attitude - attitude_error_last_)
                               + (commands_.attitude - last_commands_.attitude)) / dt_;
  aed_history_sum -= aed_history[history_index];
  aed_history[history_index] = attitude_error_diff;
  aed_history_sum += attitude_error_diff;
  attitude_error_diff = aed_history_sum / hist_amt;

  bank_error_diff = ((current_error.bank - bank_error_last_)
                           + (commands_.bank - last_commands_.bank)) / dt_;
  bed_history_sum -= bed_history[history_index];
  bed_history[history_index] = bank_error_diff;
  bed_history_sum += bank_error_diff;
  bank_error_diff = bed_history_sum / hist_amt;

  history_index %= hist_amt;

  attitude_error_last_ = current_error.attitude;
  bank_error_last_ = current_error.bank;

  float thr;
  if (commands_.hold_altitude) {
    if (altitude_setpoint_ == NAN) {
      thr = last_throttle_;
    } else {
      float curr_altitude;
      thr = last_throttle_ + kP_altitude * (altitude_setpoint_ - curr_altitude);
  } else {
    altitude_setpoint_ = NAN;
    thr = commands_.throttle * kThrottleScaling;
  last_throttle_ = thr;

  //determind quad adjustments (in % throttle)
  float y_adj = kP_yaw * current_yaw_error
              + kI_yaw * yaw_error_sum_;
  y_adj=0; //remove this later
  float a_adj = commands_.kp_adj * kP_attitude * current_error.attitude
              + kI_attitude * attitude_error_sum_
              + kD_attitude * commands_.ki_adj * attitude_error_diff;
  float b_adj = commands_.kp_adj * kP_bank * current_error.bank
              + kI_bank * bank_error_sum_
              + kD_bank * commands_.ki_adj * bank_error_diff;

#ifdef DEBUG_PID
    static int i = 0;
    if (i == 50) {
      printed = true;
      Serial.print(F("thr: "));
      Serial.print(F("y_ad: "));
      Serial.print(F("a_ad: "));
      Serial.print(F("b_ad: "));
      i = 0;

  //determine ESC pulse widths
  float escFRVal = mapf(thr - y_adj - a_adj - b_adj, 0, 1, kMinPulseWidth, kMaxPulseWidth);
  float escFLVal = mapf(thr + y_adj - a_adj + b_adj, 0, 1, kMinPulseWidth, kMaxPulseWidth);
  float escBRVal = mapf(thr + y_adj + a_adj - b_adj, 0, 1, kMinPulseWidth, kMaxPulseWidth);
  float escBLVal = mapf(thr - y_adj + a_adj + b_adj, 0, 1, kMinPulseWidth, kMaxPulseWidth);

    static int i = 0;
    if (i == 20) {
      printed = true;
      Serial.print(F("FR:  "));
      Serial.print(F("\tFL:  "));
      Serial.print(F("\tBR:  "));
      Serial.print(F("\tBL:  "));
      i = 0;

Example #25
float ADXL377::getZ()
    return mapf(analogRead(zPin_));
float read20Volts(int pin){
  int voltage = analogRead(pin);
  return mapf(voltage,0,1023,0,20); 
float readBrdCurrent(int pin){
  int voltage = analogRead(pin);
  return mapf(voltage,0,1023,0,2); 
Example #28
double Life::mapState(double state) {
	return (float)((int)mapf(state, 0.0, numStates() - 1));
Example #29
void pwm_set( uint8_t number , float pwm)

	if ( pwm < 0 ) pwm = 0;
	pwm = mapf ( pwm , 0 , 1 , ( (float) PWMTOP/PWMTOP_US)*ESC_MIN , ( (float) PWMTOP/PWMTOP_US)*ESC_MAX ); 

if ( onground ) pwm = ((float)PWMTOP/PWMTOP_US) * ESC_THROTTLEOFF;
	if ( failsafe ) 
		if ( !pwm_failsafe_time )
			pwm_failsafe_time = gettime();
			// 100mS after failsafe we turn off the signal (for safety while flashing)
			if ( gettime() - pwm_failsafe_time > 100000 )
				pwm = ((float)PWMTOP/PWMTOP_US) * ESC_FAILSAFE;
		pwm_failsafe_time = 0;

	if ( pwm > ((float)PWMTOP/PWMTOP_US)*ESC_MAX ) pwm = ((float)PWMTOP/PWMTOP_US)*ESC_MAX ;

	pwm = pwm/8;
	pwm = lroundf(pwm);


    if ( pwm < 0 ) pwm = 0;
  if ( pwm > PWMTOP ) pwm = PWMTOP;

  switch( number)
		case 0:
		  TIMER1->CHCC1 = (uint32_t) pwm; 	  
		case 1:
		  TIMER3->CHCC4 = (uint32_t) pwm; 
		case 2:
		  TIMER1->CHCC2 = (uint32_t) pwm; 
		case 3:
		  TIMER1->CHCC3 = (uint32_t) pwm; 
			// handle error;
Example #30
static int route_map_ifs(struct ifstat_driver *driver,
		       int (*mapf)(char *name, struct if_msghdr *ifmsg, void *data),
		       void *mdata) {
  struct route_driver_data *data = driver->data;
  int iflist[] = {
  struct if_msghdr *ifm;
  struct sockaddr_dl *dl;
  char *ptr;
  char ifname[IFNAMSIZ + 1];
  size_t len;

  if (data->size != 0) { /* try with current buf size */
    len = data->size;
    if (sysctl(iflist, sizeof(iflist) / sizeof(int),
	       data->buf, &len, NULL, 0) < 0) {
      if (errno != ENOMEM) {
	return 0;
      /* buffer too small */
      free (data->buf);
      data->size = 0;
  if (data->size == 0) {
    /* ask for size */
    if (sysctl(iflist, sizeof(iflist) / sizeof(int),
	       NULL, &len, NULL, 0) < 0) {
      return 0;
    if ((data->buf = malloc(len)) < 0) {
      return 0;
    if (sysctl(iflist, sizeof(iflist) / sizeof(int),
	       data->buf, &len, NULL, 0) < 0) {
      return 0;

  /* browse interfaes */
  for (ptr = data->buf; ptr < data->buf + len; ptr += ifm->ifm_msglen) {
    ifm = (struct if_msghdr *) ptr;
    if (ifm->ifm_type != RTM_IFINFO)
    if (ifm->ifm_msglen <= sizeof(struct if_msghdr)) /* no address */
    dl = (struct sockaddr_dl *) (ptr + sizeof(struct if_msghdr));
    if (dl->sdl_family != AF_LINK)
    if (dl->sdl_nlen > (sizeof(ifname) - 1))
      dl->sdl_nlen = sizeof(ifname) - 1;
    memcpy(ifname, dl->sdl_data, dl->sdl_nlen);
    ifname[dl->sdl_nlen] = '\0';

    if (!mapf(ifname, ifm, mdata))
      return 0;
  return 1;