Example #1
void SyncUser::log_out()
    if (m_is_admin) {
        // Admin users cannot be logged out.
    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(m_mutex);
    if (m_state == State::LoggedOut) {
    m_state = State::LoggedOut;
    // Move all active sessions into the waiting sessions pool. If the user is
    // logged back in, they will automatically be reactivated.
    for (auto& pair : m_sessions) {
        if (auto ptr = pair.second.lock()) {
            m_waiting_sessions[pair.first] = ptr;
    // Mark the user as 'dead' in the persisted metadata Realm.
    if (!m_is_admin) {
        SyncManager::shared().perform_metadata_update([=](const auto& manager) {
            auto metadata = SyncUserMetadata(manager, m_identity, false);
Example #2
static int
rwlock_unlock(int semid, struct semid_pool *semaptr) {
	sysv_print("unlock id = %d %x\n", semid, semaptr);
	if (!sema_exist(semid, semaptr)) {
		/* Internal resources must be freed. */
		errno = EINVAL;
		return (-1);
	return (0);
Example #3
static int
try_rwlock_wrlock(int semid, struct semid_pool *semaptr) {
	sysv_print("before wrlock id = %d %x\n", semid, semaptr);
	sysv_print("before lock id = %d %x\n", semid, semaptr);
	sysv_print("lock id = %d\n", semid);
	if (!sema_exist(semid, semaptr)) {
		errno = EINVAL;
		sysv_print("error sema %d doesn't exist\n", semid);
		/* Internal resources must be freed. */
		return (-1);
	return (0);
Example #4
 * We simplify the pattern recursively, using node "start" as a
 * "zipper" to zip the pattern up ("start" moves from left to
 * right as the recursion proceeds, and the recusion ends when
 * "start" reaches the end of the pattern).
 * Overall strategy: We "check" whether we can remove "start" without
 * changing what ordinal the pointed pattern notates.  But if we remove
 * "start", we have to remove anything connected to it (via less1,
 * or via decompositions), so we have to ask the same question about
 * all those nodes as well, which in turn requires asking the same
 * question about any node THEY'RE connected to, and so on.
static pattern *simplify_recurse( pattern *p, node *start )
  node *n;
  pattern *q;

   * Mark all nodes in the pattern as being unchecked during this iteration
  for ( n = p->first_node; n; n = n->next )
    n->simplify_data = SIMPL_UNCHECKED;

   * Under no circumstances would we remove the pattern's designated point
  if ( start == p->point )
    start = start->next;
    if ( !start )
      return p;

   * Attempt to mark "start" for removal.
   * If the attempt fails (because it would
   * require removing p->point) then move on
   * to the next start.
  if ( ! mark_for_removal(p,start,start) )
    if ( !start->next )
      return p;
    return simplify_recurse( p, start->next );

   * If "start" was successfully marked for
   * removal, then remove it, along with anything
   * else that was marked as collateral damage.
   * Actually, do all this in a copy q of p.
  q = execute_removal(p);

   * Check whether the copy q, with "start" removed,
   * still notates the same ordinal that p does.
   * If so, continue trying to further simplify q.
   * If not, revert back to p and increment "start".
  if ( same_point(q,p) )
    start = isom(start,q);

    if ( start )
      return simplify_recurse( q, start );
      return q;
    if ( start->next )
      return simplify_recurse( p, start->next );
      return p;
Example #5
 * Attempt to mark a node x for removal, along with (recursively)
 * all nodes that would also have to be removed if that node were.
 * Returns 0 if the pattern's designated point would have to be
 * removed.  The node *start input keeps track of which node we
 * were originally wanting to remove (before getting lost in the
 * mazes of recursion).
static int mark_for_removal( pattern *p, node *x, node *start )
  node *n, **d, *L;

  if ( x == p->point )
    return 0;

   * Black-magic shortcut:
   *  if the point we're recursively trying to mark is further left
   *  than the original point we care about marking, then marking
   *  x would force us to mark p->point.  Why?  Because if we could
   *  have marked x, then we would have done so already, in simplify_recurse,
   *  before even considering "start".
  if ( x->position < start->position )
    return 0;

   * If x is the left endpoint of a circle and p->point lies within that
   * circle, then we cannot mark x for removal without marking p->point
  if ( x->position <= p->point->position
  &&   p->point->position <= x->less1->position )
    return 0;

   * If we've already marked x for removal, there's nothing left to do.
  if ( x->simplify_data == SIMPL_MARKED )
    return 1;

   * Mark x for removal.
  x->simplify_data = SIMPL_MARKED;

   * Now recursively mark for removal all things which would have to
   * be removed if we remove x.
  for ( n = x->next; n; n = n->next )
     * Anything which is a decomposition involving doomed nodes, is doomed.
    if ( n->decomposition )
      for ( d = n->decomposition; *d; d++ )
        if ( (*d)->simplify_data == SIMPL_MARKED )
      if ( *d )
        if ( !mark_for_removal( p, n, start ) )
          return 0;
         * Suppose n=x_1+...+x_n (a descending sum of indecomposables), and none
         * of the x_i have been marked for removal.  It will still be necessary
         * to mark n for removal if any of x_1+...+x_(n-i) are marked.
        node *d_bak; // backup of *d
        node *acl; // "arithmetical closure"

        for ( d = n->decomposition; *d; d++ )
          d_bak = *d;
          *d = NULL;
          acl = get_node_by_decomposition( p, n->decomposition );
          *d = d_bak;
          if ( acl == n )
          if ( acl->simplify_data == SIMPL_MARKED )
        if ( *d )
          if ( !mark_for_removal( p, n, start ) )
            return 0;

   * If x is the left endpoint of a less1-circle, then to remove x,
   * we must remove everything within that circle.
  if ( x->less1 != x )
    for ( n = x->next; n->position <= x->less1->position; n = n->next )
      if ( !mark_for_removal( p, n, start ) )
        return 0;
     * Otherwise, consider the case whether x is the right endpoint of
     * a less1-circle.  We search for the leftmost (if any) node L such
     * that L is the left-endpoint of a circle whose right endpoint is x.
    for ( L = p->first_node; L; L = L->next )
      if ( L == x )
      if ( L->less1 == x )
      if ( L->less1->position < x->position )
        L = L->less1;

     * If we found a circle with left endpoint L and right endpoint x,
     * we are obliged to remove that circle and everything inside it.
    if ( L && L != x )
      for ( n = L; L->position < x->position; L++ )
        if ( !mark_for_removal( p, n, start ) )
          return 0;

  return 1;