static void ringFiniScreen (CompPlugin *p, CompScreen *s) { RING_SCREEN (s); freeWindowPrivateIndex (s, rs->windowPrivateIndex); UNWRAP (rs, s, preparePaintScreen); UNWRAP (rs, s, donePaintScreen); UNWRAP (rs, s, paintOutput); UNWRAP (rs, s, paintWindow); UNWRAP (rs, s, damageWindowRect); matchFini (&rs->match); ringFreeWindowTitle (s); if (rs->windows) free (rs->windows); if (rs->drawSlots) free (rs->drawSlots); free (rs); }
static void minChangeNotify (const char *optionName, BananaType optionType, const BananaValue *optionValue, int screenNum) { CompScreen *screen = getScreenFromScreenNum (screenNum); MIN_SCREEN (screen); if (strcasecmp (optionName, "shade_resistance") == 0) { if (optionValue->i) ms->shadeStep = 100 - optionValue->i + 1; else ms->shadeStep = 0; } else if (strcasecmp (optionName, "window_match") == 0) { matchFini (&ms->match); matchInit (&ms->match); matchAddFromString (&ms->match, optionValue->s); matchUpdate (&ms->match); } }
static void scalefilterUpdateFilter (CompScreen *s, CompMatch *match) { char filterMatch[2 * MAX_FILTER_TEXT_LEN]; unsigned int offset; FILTER_SCREEN (s); matchFini (match); matchInit (match); if (scalefilterGetFilterCaseInsensitive (s)) { strncpy (filterMatch, "ititle=", MAX_FILTER_TEXT_LEN); offset = 7; } else { strncpy (filterMatch, "title=", MAX_FILTER_TEXT_LEN); offset = 6; } wcstombs (filterMatch + offset, fs->filterInfo->filterString, MAX_FILTER_STRING_LEN); matchAddExp (match, 0, filterMatch); matchAddGroup (match, MATCH_OP_AND_MASK, &fs->scaleMatch); matchUpdate (s->display, match); }
static void opacifyChangeNotify (const char *optionName, BananaType optionType, const BananaValue *optionValue, int screenNum) { OPACIFY_DISPLAY (&display); if (strcasecmp (optionName, "toggle_key") == 0) updateKey (optionValue->s, &od->toggle_key); else if (strcasecmp (optionName, "init_toggle") == 0) od->toggle = optionValue->b; else if (strcasecmp (optionName, "window_match") == 0) { CompScreen *s = getScreenFromScreenNum (screenNum); OPACIFY_SCREEN (s); matchFini (&os->window_match); matchInit (&os->window_match); matchAddFromString (&os->window_match, optionValue->s); matchUpdate (&os->window_match); } }
static void fadeUpdateWindowFadeMatch(CompDisplay *display, CompOptionValue *value, CompMatch *match) { matchFini(match); matchInit(match); matchAddFromString(match, "!type=desktop"); matchAddGroup(match, MATCH_OP_AND_MASK, &value->match); matchUpdate(display, match); }
static void opacifyFiniScreen (CompPlugin *p, CompScreen *s) { OPACIFY_SCREEN (s); UNWRAP (os, s, paintWindow); matchFini (&os->window_match); XDestroyRegion (os->intersect); free (os); }
static void fadeFiniDisplay(CompPlugin *p, CompDisplay *d) { FADE_DISPLAY(d); freeScreenPrivateIndex(d, fd->screenPrivateIndex); matchFini(&fd->alwaysFadeWindowMatch); UNWRAP(fd, d, handleEvent); UNWRAP(fd, d, matchExpHandlerChanged); free(fd); }
static void scalefilterFiniFilterInfo (CompScreen *s, Bool freeTimeout) { FILTER_SCREEN (s); scalefilterFreeFilterText (s); matchFini (&fs->filterInfo->match); if (freeTimeout && fs->filterInfo->timeoutHandle) compRemoveTimeout (fs->filterInfo->timeoutHandle); free (fs->filterInfo); fs->filterInfo = NULL; }
static void scalefilterHandleEcompEvent (CompDisplay *d, char *pluginName, char *eventName, CompOption *option, int nOption) { FILTER_DISPLAY (d); UNWRAP (fd, d, handleEcompEvent); (*d->handleEcompEvent) (d, pluginName, eventName, option, nOption); WRAP (fd, d, handleEcompEvent, scalefilterHandleEcompEvent); if ((strcmp (pluginName, "scale") == 0) && (strcmp (eventName, "activate") == 0)) { Window xid = getIntOptionNamed (option, nOption, "root", 0); Bool activated = getBoolOptionNamed (option, nOption, "active", FALSE); CompScreen *s = findScreenAtDisplay (d, xid); if (s) { FILTER_SCREEN (s); SCALE_SCREEN (s); if (activated) { matchFini (&fs->scaleMatch); matchInit (&fs->scaleMatch); matchCopy (&fs->scaleMatch, ss->currentMatch); matchUpdate (d, &fs->scaleMatch); fs->matchApplied = FALSE; } if (!activated) { if (fs->filterInfo) { ss->currentMatch = fs->filterInfo->origMatch; scalefilterFiniFilterInfo (s, TRUE); } fs->matchApplied = FALSE; } } } }
static void minFiniScreen (CompPlugin *p, CompScreen *s) { MIN_SCREEN (s); matchFini (&ms->match); freeWindowPrivateIndex (s, ms->windowPrivateIndex); UNWRAP (ms, s, preparePaintScreen); UNWRAP (ms, s, donePaintScreen); UNWRAP (ms, s, paintOutput); UNWRAP (ms, s, paintWindow); UNWRAP (ms, s, damageWindowRect); UNWRAP (ms, s, focusWindow); free (ms); }
static void fadeFiniScreen(CompPlugin *p, CompScreen *s) { FADE_SCREEN(s); matchFini(&fs->match); freeWindowPrivateIndex(s, fs->windowPrivateIndex); UNWRAP(fs, s, preparePaintScreen); UNWRAP(fs, s, paintWindow); UNWRAP(fs, s, damageWindowRect); UNWRAP(fs, s, focusWindow); UNWRAP(fs, s, windowResizeNotify); compFiniScreenOptions(s, fs->opt, FADE_SCREEN_OPTION_NUM); free(fs); }
Bool compSetMatchOption(CompOption * option, CompOptionValue * value) { CompDisplay *display = option->value.match.display; CompMatch match; if (matchEqual(&option->value.match, &value->match)) return FALSE; if (!matchCopy(&match, &value->match)) return FALSE; matchFini(&option->value.match); option->value.match.op = match.op; option->value.match.nOp = match.nOp; if (display) matchUpdate(display, &option->value.match); return TRUE; }
void compFiniOptionValue(CompOptionValue * v, CompOptionType type) { int i; switch (type) { case CompOptionTypeString: if (v->s) free(v->s); break; case CompOptionTypeMatch: matchFini(&v->match); break; case CompOptionTypeList: for (i = 0; i < v->list.nValue; i++) compFiniOptionValue(&v->list.value[i], v->list.type); if (v->list.value) free(v->list.value); break; default: break; } }
static Bool ringInitiate (CompScreen *s, CompAction *action, CompActionState state, CompOption *option, int nOption) { CompMatch *match; int count; RING_SCREEN (s); if (otherScreenGrabExist (s, "ring", NULL)) return FALSE; rs->currentMatch = ringGetWindowMatch (s); match = getMatchOptionNamed (option, nOption, "match", NULL); if (match) { matchFini (&rs->match); matchInit (&rs->match); if (matchCopy (&rs->match, match)) { matchUpdate (s->display, &rs->match); rs->currentMatch = &rs->match; } } count = ringCountWindows (s); if (count < 1) return FALSE; if (!rs->grabIndex) { if (ringGetSelectWithMouse (s)) rs->grabIndex = pushScreenGrab (s, s->normalCursor, "ring"); else rs->grabIndex = pushScreenGrab (s, s->invisibleCursor, "ring"); } if (rs->grabIndex) { rs->state = RingStateOut; if (!ringCreateWindowList (s)) return FALSE; rs->selectedWindow = rs->windows[0]; ringRenderWindowTitle (s); rs->rotTarget = 0; rs->moreAdjust = TRUE; damageScreen (s); switchActivateEvent (s, TRUE); } return TRUE; }
static Bool decorSetDisplayOption (CompPlugin *plugin, CompDisplay *display, const char *name, CompOptionValue *value) { CompOption *o; int index; DECOR_DISPLAY (display); o = compFindOption (dd->opt, NUM_OPTIONS (dd), name, &index); if (!o) return FALSE; switch (index) { case DECOR_DISPLAY_OPTION_COMMAND: if (compSetStringOption (o, value)) { CompScreen *s; for (s = display->screens; s; s = s->next) { DECOR_SCREEN (s); if (!ds->dmWin) runCommand (s, o->value.s); } return TRUE; } break; case DECOR_DISPLAY_OPTION_SHADOW_MATCH: { char *matchString; /* Make sure RGBA matching is always present and disable shadows for RGBA windows by default if the user didn't specify an RGBA match. Reasoning for that is that shadows are desired for some RGBA windows (e.g. rectangular windows that just happen to have an RGBA colormap), while it's absolutely undesired for others (especially shaped ones) ... by enforcing no shadows for RGBA windows by default, we are flexible to user desires while still making sure we don't show ugliness by default */ matchString = matchToString (&value->match); if (matchString) { if (!strstr (matchString, "rgba=")) { CompMatch rgbaMatch; matchInit (&rgbaMatch); matchAddFromString (&rgbaMatch, "rgba=0"); matchAddGroup (&value->match, MATCH_OP_AND_MASK, &rgbaMatch); matchFini (&rgbaMatch); } free (matchString); } } /* fall-through intended */ case DECOR_DISPLAY_OPTION_DECOR_MATCH: if (compSetMatchOption (o, value)) { CompScreen *s; CompWindow *w; for (s = display->screens; s; s = s->next) for (w = s->windows; w; w = w->next) decorWindowUpdate (w, TRUE); } break; default: if (compSetOption (o, value)) return TRUE; break; } return FALSE; }
Bool compSetOptionList(CompOption * option, CompOptionValue * value) { CompOption o; Bool status = FALSE; int i, min; if (value->list.nValue != option->value.list.nValue) { CompOptionValue *v; v = malloc(sizeof(CompOptionValue) * value->list.nValue); if (!v) return FALSE; min = MIN(value->list.nValue, option->value.list.nValue); for (i = min; i < option->value.list.nValue; i++) { switch (option->value.list.type) { case CompOptionTypeString: if (option->value.list.value[i].s) free(option->value.list.value[i].s); break; case CompOptionTypeMatch: matchFini(&option->value.list.value[i].match); default: break; } } memset(v, 0, sizeof(CompOptionValue) * value->list.nValue); if (min) memcpy(v, option->value.list.value, sizeof(CompOptionValue) * min); if (option->value.list.value) free(option->value.list.value); option->value.list.value = v; option->value.list.nValue = value->list.nValue; status = TRUE; } o = *option; o.type = option->value.list.type; for (i = 0; i < value->list.nValue; i++) { o.value = option->value.list.value[i]; switch (o.type) { case CompOptionTypeBool: status |= compSetBoolOption(&o, &value->list.value[i]); break; case CompOptionTypeInt: status |= compSetIntOption(&o, &value->list.value[i]); break; case CompOptionTypeFloat: status |= compSetFloatOption(&o, &value->list.value[i]); break; case CompOptionTypeString: status |= compSetStringOption(&o, &value->list.value[i]); break; case CompOptionTypeColor: status |= compSetColorOption(&o, &value->list.value[i]); break; case CompOptionTypeMatch: status |= compSetMatchOption(&o, &value->list.value[i]); default: break; } option->value.list.value[i] = o.value; } return status; }
/* Add match expressions from string. Special characters are '(', ')', '!', '&', '|'. Escape character is '\'. Example: "type=desktop | !type=dock" "!type=dock & (state=fullscreen | state=shaded)" */ void matchAddFromString (CompMatch *match, const char *str) { char *value; int j, i = 0; int flags = 0; while (str[i] != '\0') { while (str[i] == ' ') i++; if (str[i] == '!') { flags |= MATCH_OP_NOT_MASK; i++; while (str[i] == ' ') i++; } if (str[i] == '(') { int level = 1; int length; j = ++i; while (str[j] != '\0') { if (str[j] == '(') { level++; } else if (str[j] == ')') { level--; if (level == 0) break; } j = nextIndex (str, ++j); } length = j - i; value = malloc (sizeof (char) * (length + 1)); if (value) { CompMatch group; strncpy (value, &str[i], length); value[length] = '\0'; matchInit (&group); matchAddFromString (&group, value); matchAddGroup (match, flags, &group); matchFini (&group); free (value); } while (str[j] != '\0' && str[j] != '|' && str[j] != '&') j++; } else { j = i; while (str[j] != '\0' && str[j] != '|' && str[j] != '&') j = nextIndex (str, ++j); value = strndupValue (&str[i], j - i); if (value) { matchAddExp (match, flags, value); free (value); } } i = j; if (str[i] != '\0') { if (str[i] == '&') flags = MATCH_OP_AND_MASK; i++; } } }
static Bool iniLoadOptionsFromFile (FILE *optionFile, CompObject *object, const char *plugin, Bool *reSave) { CompOption *option = NULL, *o; CompPlugin *p = NULL; CompOptionValue value; char *optionName = NULL, *optionValue = NULL; char tmp[MAX_OPTION_LENGTH]; int nOption, nOptionRead = 0; Bool status = FALSE, hasValue = FALSE; if (plugin) { p = findActivePlugin (plugin); if (!p) { compLogMessage ("ini", CompLogLevelWarn, "Could not find running plugin " \ "%s (iniLoadOptionsFromFile)", plugin); return FALSE; } } else { return FALSE; } if (p->vTable->getObjectOptions) option = (*p->vTable->getObjectOptions) (p, object, &nOption); while (fgets (tmp, MAX_OPTION_LENGTH, optionFile) != NULL) { status = FALSE; if (!iniParseLine (tmp, &optionName, &optionValue)) { compLogMessage ("ini", CompLogLevelWarn, "Ignoring line '%s' in %s", tmp, plugin); continue; } if (option) { o = compFindOption (option, nOption, optionName, 0); if (o) { value = o->value; switch (o->type) { case CompOptionTypeBool: hasValue = TRUE; value.b = (Bool) atoi (optionValue); break; case CompOptionTypeInt: hasValue = TRUE; value.i = atoi (optionValue); break; case CompOptionTypeFloat: hasValue = TRUE; value.f = atof (optionValue); break; case CompOptionTypeString: hasValue = TRUE; value.s = strdup (optionValue); break; case CompOptionTypeColor: hasValue = stringToColor (optionValue, value.c); break; case CompOptionTypeKey: hasValue = TRUE; stringToKeyAction (GET_CORE_DISPLAY (object), optionValue, &value.action); break; case CompOptionTypeButton: hasValue = TRUE; stringToButtonAction (GET_CORE_DISPLAY (object), optionValue, &value.action); break; case CompOptionTypeEdge: hasValue = TRUE; value.action.edgeMask = stringToEdgeMask (optionValue); break; case CompOptionTypeBell: hasValue = TRUE; value.action.bell = (Bool) atoi (optionValue); break; case CompOptionTypeList: hasValue = csvToList (GET_CORE_DISPLAY (object), optionValue, &value.list, value.list.type); break; case CompOptionTypeMatch: hasValue = TRUE; matchInit (&value.match); matchAddFromString (&value.match, optionValue); break; default: break; } if (hasValue) { status = (*core.setOptionForPlugin) (object, plugin, optionName, &value); if (o->type == CompOptionTypeMatch) { matchFini (&value.match); } } nOptionRead++; } } /* clear up */ if (optionName) free (optionName); if (optionValue) free (optionValue); } if (nOption != nOptionRead) { *reSave = TRUE; } return TRUE; }
/* * groupFiniScreen * */ static void groupFiniScreen (CompPlugin *p, CompScreen *s) { GROUP_SCREEN (s); if (gs->groups) { GroupSelection *group, *nextGroup; for (group = gs->groups; group; ) { if (group->tabBar) { GroupTabBarSlot *slot, *nextSlot; for (slot = group->tabBar->slots; slot; ) { if (slot->region) XDestroyRegion (slot->region); nextSlot = slot->next; free (slot); slot = nextSlot; } groupDestroyCairoLayer (s, group->tabBar->textLayer); groupDestroyCairoLayer (s, group->tabBar->bgLayer); groupDestroyCairoLayer (s, group->tabBar->selectionLayer); if (group->inputPrevention) XDestroyWindow (display.display, group->inputPrevention); if (group->tabBar->region) XDestroyRegion (group->tabBar->region); if (group->tabBar->timeoutHandle) compRemoveTimeout (group->tabBar->timeoutHandle); free (group->tabBar); } nextGroup = group->next; free (group); group = nextGroup; } } if (gs-> free (gs->; if (gs->grabIndex) groupGrabScreen (s, ScreenGrabNone); if (gs->dragHoverTimeoutHandle) compRemoveTimeout (gs->dragHoverTimeoutHandle); if (gs->showDelayTimeoutHandle) compRemoveTimeout (gs->showDelayTimeoutHandle); if (gs->dequeueTimeoutHandle) compRemoveTimeout (gs->dequeueTimeoutHandle); if (gs->initialActionsTimeoutHandle) compRemoveTimeout (gs->initialActionsTimeoutHandle); freeWindowPrivateIndex (s, gs->windowPrivateIndex); matchFini (&gs->window_match); UNWRAP (gs, s, windowMoveNotify); UNWRAP (gs, s, windowResizeNotify); UNWRAP (gs, s, getOutputExtentsForWindow); UNWRAP (gs, s, preparePaintScreen); UNWRAP (gs, s, paintOutput); UNWRAP (gs, s, drawWindow); UNWRAP (gs, s, paintWindow); UNWRAP (gs, s, paintTransformedOutput); UNWRAP (gs, s, donePaintScreen); UNWRAP (gs, s, windowGrabNotify); UNWRAP (gs, s, windowUngrabNotify); UNWRAP (gs, s, damageWindowRect); UNWRAP (gs, s, windowStateChangeNotify); UNWRAP (gs, s, activateWindow); finiTexture (s, &gs->glowTexture); free (gs); }
static void scalefilterHandleKeyPress (CompScreen *s, XKeyEvent *event) { ScaleFilterInfo *info; Bool needRelayout = FALSE; Bool dropKeyEvent = FALSE; int count, timeout; char buffer[10]; wchar_t wbuffer[10]; KeySym ks; FILTER_DISPLAY (s->display); FILTER_SCREEN (s); SCALE_SCREEN (s); info = fs->filterInfo; memset (buffer, 0, sizeof (buffer)); memset (wbuffer, 0, sizeof (wbuffer)); if (fd->xic) { Status status; XSetICFocus (fd->xic); count = Xutf8LookupString (fd->xic, event, buffer, 9, &ks, &status); XUnsetICFocus (fd->xic); } else { count = XLookupString (event, buffer, 9, &ks, NULL); } mbstowcs (wbuffer, buffer, 9); if (ks == XK_Escape) { if (info) { /* Escape key - drop current filter */ ss->currentMatch = info->origMatch; scalefilterFiniFilterInfo (s, TRUE); needRelayout = TRUE; dropKeyEvent = TRUE; } else if (fs->matchApplied) { /* remove filter applied previously if currently not in input mode */ matchFini (&ss->match); matchInit (&ss->match); matchCopy (&ss->match, &fs->scaleMatch); matchUpdate (s->display, &ss->match); ss->currentMatch = &ss->match; fs->matchApplied = FALSE; needRelayout = TRUE; dropKeyEvent = TRUE; } } else if (ks == XK_Return) { if (info) { /* Return key - apply current filter persistently */ matchFini (&ss->match); matchInit (&ss->match); matchCopy (&ss->match, &info->match); matchUpdate (s->display, &ss->match); ss->currentMatch = &ss->match; fs->matchApplied = TRUE; dropKeyEvent = TRUE; needRelayout = TRUE; scalefilterFiniFilterInfo (s, TRUE); } } else if (ks == XK_BackSpace) { if (info && info->filterStringLength > 0) { /* remove last character in string */ info->filterString[--(info->filterStringLength)] = '\0'; needRelayout = TRUE; } } else if (count > 0) { if (!info) { fs->filterInfo = info = malloc (sizeof (ScaleFilterInfo)); scalefilterInitFilterInfo (s); } else if (info->timeoutHandle) compRemoveTimeout (info->timeoutHandle); timeout = scalefilterGetTimeout (s); if (timeout > 0) info->timeoutHandle = compAddTimeout (timeout, scalefilterFilterTimeout, s); if (info->filterStringLength < MAX_FILTER_SIZE) { info->filterString[info->filterStringLength++] = wbuffer[0]; info->filterString[info->filterStringLength] = '\0'; needRelayout = TRUE; } } /* set the event type invalid if we don't want other plugins see it */ if (dropKeyEvent) event->type = LASTEvent+1; if (needRelayout) { scalefilterRenderFilterText (s); if (fs->filterInfo) scalefilterUpdateFilter (s, &fs->filterInfo->match); scalefilterRelayout (s); } }
static void groupChangeNotify (const char *optionName, BananaType optionType, const BananaValue *optionValue, int screenNum) { GROUP_DISPLAY (&display); if (strcasecmp (optionName, "window_match") == 0) { CompScreen *s = getScreenFromScreenNum (screenNum); GROUP_SCREEN (s); matchFini (&gs->window_match); matchInit (&gs->window_match); matchAddFromString (&gs->window_match, optionValue->s); matchUpdate (&gs->window_match); } else if (strcasecmp (optionName, "tab_base_color") == 0 || strcasecmp (optionName, "tab_highlight_color") == 0 || strcasecmp (optionName, "tab_border_color") == 0 || strcasecmp (optionName, "tab_style") == 0 || strcasecmp (optionName, "border_radius") == 0 || strcasecmp (optionName, "border_width") == 0) { GroupSelection *group; CompScreen *s = getScreenFromScreenNum (screenNum); GROUP_SCREEN (s); for (group = gs->groups; group; group = group->next) if (group->tabBar) groupRenderTabBarBackground (group); } else if (strcasecmp (optionName, "tabbar_font_size") == 0 || strcasecmp (optionName, "tabbar_font_color") == 0) { GroupSelection *group; CompScreen *s = getScreenFromScreenNum (screenNum); GROUP_SCREEN (s); for (group = gs->groups; group; group = group->next) groupRenderWindowTitle (group); } else if (strcasecmp (optionName, "thumb_size") == 0 || strcasecmp (optionName, "thumb_space") == 0) { GroupSelection *group; CompScreen *s = getScreenFromScreenNum (screenNum); GROUP_SCREEN (s); for (group = gs->groups; group; group = group->next) if (group->tabBar) { BoxPtr box = &group->tabBar->region->extents; groupRecalcTabBarPos (group, (box->x1 + box->x2 ) / 2, box->x1, box->x2); } } else if (strcasecmp (optionName, "glow") == 0 || strcasecmp (optionName, "glow_size") == 0) { CompScreen *s = getScreenFromScreenNum (screenNum); GROUP_SCREEN (s); CompWindow *w; for (w = s->windows; w; w = w->next) { GROUP_WINDOW (w); groupComputeGlowQuads (w, &gs->glowTexture.matrix); if (gw->glowQuads) { damageWindowOutputExtents (w); updateWindowOutputExtents (w); damageWindowOutputExtents (w); } } } else if (strcasecmp (optionName, "glow_type") == 0) { CompScreen *s = getScreenFromScreenNum (screenNum); GROUP_SCREEN (s); int glowType; GlowTextureProperties *glowProperty; GROUP_DISPLAY (&display); const BananaValue * option_glow_type = bananaGetOption (bananaIndex, "glow_type", s->screenNum); glowType = option_glow_type->i; glowProperty = &gd->glowTextureProperties[glowType]; finiTexture (s, &gs->glowTexture); initTexture (s, &gs->glowTexture); imageDataToTexture (s, &gs->glowTexture, glowProperty->textureData, glowProperty->textureSize, glowProperty->textureSize, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE); const BananaValue * option_glow = bananaGetOption (bananaIndex, "glow", s->screenNum); if (option_glow->b && gs->groups) { CompWindow *w; for (w = s->windows; w; w = w->next) groupComputeGlowQuads (w, &gs->glowTexture.matrix); damageScreen (s); } } else if (strcasecmp (optionName, "select_button") == 0) updateButton (optionValue->s, &gd->select_button); else if (strcasecmp (optionName, "select_single_key") == 0) updateKey (optionValue->s, &gd->select_single_key); else if (strcasecmp (optionName, "group_key") == 0) updateKey (optionValue->s, &gd->group_key); else if (strcasecmp (optionName, "ungroup_key") == 0) updateKey (optionValue->s, &gd->ungroup_key); else if (strcasecmp (optionName, "remove_key") == 0) updateKey (optionValue->s, &gd->remove_key); else if (strcasecmp (optionName, "close_key") == 0) updateKey (optionValue->s, &gd->close_key); else if (strcasecmp (optionName, "ignore_key") == 0) updateKey (optionValue->s, &gd->ignore_key); else if (strcasecmp (optionName, "tabmode_key") == 0) updateKey (optionValue->s, &gd->tabmode_key); else if (strcasecmp (optionName, "change_tab_left_key") == 0) updateKey (optionValue->s, &gd->change_tab_left_key); else if (strcasecmp (optionName, "change_tab_right_key") == 0) updateKey (optionValue->s, &gd->change_tab_right_key); else if (strcasecmp (optionName, "change_color_key") == 0) updateKey (optionValue->s, &gd->change_color_key); else if (strcasecmp (optionName, "autotab_windows") == 0) { CompScreen *s = getScreenFromScreenNum (screenNum); GROUP_SCREEN (s); int i; if (gs->autotab && gs->autotabCount != 0) { for (i = 0; i <= gs->autotabCount - 1; i++) matchFini (&gs->autotab[i]); free (gs->autotab); } gs->autotabCount = optionValue->list.nItem; gs->autotab = malloc (gs->autotabCount * sizeof (CompMatch)); for (i = 0; i <= gs->autotabCount - 1; i++) { matchInit (&gs->autotab[i]); matchAddFromString (&gs->autotab[i], optionValue->list.item[i].s); matchUpdate (&gs->autotab[i]); } } }
static void winrulesChangeNotify (const char *optionName, BananaType optionType, const BananaValue *optionValue, int screenNum) { unsigned int updateStateMask = 0, updateActionsMask = 0; CompScreen *screen = getScreenFromScreenNum (screenNum); WINRULES_SCREEN (screen); CompMatch *match; if (strcasecmp (optionName, "skiptaskbar_match") == 0) { match = &ws->skiptaskbar_match; matchFini (match); matchInit (match); matchAddFromString (match, optionValue->s); matchUpdate (match); updateStateMask = CompWindowStateSkipTaskbarMask; } else if (strcasecmp (optionName, "skippager_match") == 0) { match = &ws->skippager_match; matchFini (match); matchInit (match); matchAddFromString (match, optionValue->s); matchUpdate (match); updateStateMask = CompWindowStateSkipPagerMask; } else if (strcasecmp (optionName, "above_match") == 0) { match = &ws->above_match; matchFini (match); matchInit (match); matchAddFromString (match, optionValue->s); matchUpdate (match); updateStateMask = CompWindowStateAboveMask; } else if (strcasecmp (optionName, "below_match") == 0) { match = &ws->below_match; matchFini (match); matchInit (match); matchAddFromString (match, optionValue->s); matchUpdate (match); updateStateMask = CompWindowStateBelowMask; } else if (strcasecmp (optionName, "sticky_match") == 0) { match = &ws->sticky_match; matchFini (match); matchInit (match); matchAddFromString (match, optionValue->s); matchUpdate (match); updateStateMask = CompWindowStateStickyMask; } else if (strcasecmp (optionName, "fullscreen_match") == 0) { match = &ws->fullscreen_match; matchFini (match); matchInit (match); matchAddFromString (match, optionValue->s); matchUpdate (match); updateStateMask = CompWindowStateFullscreenMask; } else if (strcasecmp (optionName, "maximize_match") == 0) { match = &ws->maximize_match; matchFini (match); matchInit (match); matchAddFromString (match, optionValue->s); matchUpdate (match); updateStateMask = CompWindowStateMaximizedHorzMask | CompWindowStateMaximizedVertMask; } else if (strcasecmp (optionName, "no_move_match") == 0) { match = &ws->no_move_match; matchFini (match); matchInit (match); matchAddFromString (match, optionValue->s); matchUpdate (match); updateActionsMask = CompWindowActionMoveMask; } else if (strcasecmp (optionName, "no_resize_match") == 0) { match = &ws->no_resize_match; matchFini (match); matchInit (match); matchAddFromString (match, optionValue->s); matchUpdate (match); updateActionsMask = CompWindowActionResizeMask; } else if (strcasecmp (optionName, "no_minimize_match") == 0) { match = &ws->no_minimize_match; matchFini (match); matchInit (match); matchAddFromString (match, optionValue->s); matchUpdate (match); updateActionsMask = CompWindowActionMinimizeMask; } else if (strcasecmp (optionName, "no_maximize_match") == 0) { match = &ws->no_maximize_match; matchFini (match); matchInit (match); matchAddFromString (match, optionValue->s); matchUpdate (match); updateActionsMask = CompWindowActionMaximizeVertMask | CompWindowActionMaximizeHorzMask; } else if (strcasecmp (optionName, "no_close_match") == 0) { match = &ws->no_close_match; matchFini (match); matchInit (match); matchAddFromString (match, optionValue->s); matchUpdate (match); updateActionsMask = CompWindowActionCloseMask; } else if (strcasecmp (optionName, "no_argb_match") == 0) { match = &ws->no_argb_match; matchFini (match); matchInit (match); matchAddFromString (match, optionValue->s); matchUpdate (match); CompWindow *w; for (w = screen->windows; w; w = w->next) winrulesSetNoAlpha (w, match); } else if (strcasecmp (optionName, "no_focus_match") == 0) { match = &ws->no_focus_match; matchFini (match); matchInit (match); matchAddFromString (match, optionValue->s); matchUpdate (match); CompWindow *w; for (w = screen->windows; w; w = w->next) winrulesSetNoFocus (w, match); } else if (strcasecmp (optionName, "size_matches") == 0) { int i; for (i = 0; i < ws->size_matches_count; i++) matchFini (&ws->size_matches[i]); ws->size_matches_count = optionValue->list.nItem; for (i = 0; i < ws->size_matches_count; i++) { matchInit (&ws->size_matches[i]); matchAddFromString (&ws->size_matches[i], optionValue->list.item[i].s); matchUpdate (&ws->size_matches[i]); } } if (strcasecmp (optionName, "size_matches") == 0 || strcasecmp (optionName, "size_width_values") == 0 || strcasecmp (optionName, "size_height_values") == 0) { CompWindow *w; for (w = screen->windows; w; w = w->next) { int width, height; if (winrulesMatchSize (w, &width, &height)) winrulesUpdateWindowSize (w, width, height); } } if (updateStateMask) { CompWindow *w; for (w = screen->windows; w; w = w->next) winrulesUpdateState (w, match, updateStateMask); } if (updateActionsMask) { CompWindow *w; for (w = screen->windows; w; w = w->next) winrulesSetAllowedActions (w, match, updateActionsMask); } }
static void winrulesFiniScreen (CompPlugin *p, CompScreen *s) { WINRULES_SCREEN (s); UNWRAP (ws, s, getAllowedActionsForWindow); matchFini (&ws->skiptaskbar_match); matchFini (&ws->skippager_match); matchFini (&ws->above_match); matchFini (&ws->below_match); matchFini (&ws->sticky_match); matchFini (&ws->fullscreen_match); matchFini (&ws->maximize_match); matchFini (&ws->no_argb_match); matchFini (&ws->no_move_match); matchFini (&ws->no_resize_match); matchFini (&ws->no_minimize_match); matchFini (&ws->no_maximize_match); matchFini (&ws->no_close_match); matchFini (&ws->no_focus_match); int i; for (i = 0; i < ws->size_matches_count; i++) matchFini (&ws->size_matches[i]); freeWindowPrivateIndex (s, ws->windowPrivateIndex); free (ws); }