Example #1
 * Checkup routine for HMAC_DRBG with SHA-1
int mbedtls_hmac_drbg_self_test( int verbose )
    mbedtls_hmac_drbg_context ctx;
    unsigned char buf[OUTPUT_LEN];
    const mbedtls_md_info_t *md_info = mbedtls_md_info_from_type( MBEDTLS_MD_SHA1 );

    mbedtls_hmac_drbg_init( &ctx );

     * PR = True
    if( verbose != 0 )
        mbedtls_printf( "  HMAC_DRBG (PR = True) : " );

    test_offset = 0;
    CHK( mbedtls_hmac_drbg_seed( &ctx, md_info,
                         hmac_drbg_self_test_entropy, (void *) entropy_pr,
                         NULL, 0 ) );
    mbedtls_hmac_drbg_set_prediction_resistance( &ctx, MBEDTLS_HMAC_DRBG_PR_ON );
    CHK( mbedtls_hmac_drbg_random( &ctx, buf, OUTPUT_LEN ) );
    CHK( mbedtls_hmac_drbg_random( &ctx, buf, OUTPUT_LEN ) );
    CHK( memcmp( buf, result_pr, OUTPUT_LEN ) );
    mbedtls_hmac_drbg_free( &ctx );

    mbedtls_hmac_drbg_free( &ctx );

    if( verbose != 0 )
        mbedtls_printf( "passed\n" );

     * PR = False
    if( verbose != 0 )
        mbedtls_printf( "  HMAC_DRBG (PR = False) : " );

    mbedtls_hmac_drbg_init( &ctx );

    test_offset = 0;
    CHK( mbedtls_hmac_drbg_seed( &ctx, md_info,
                         hmac_drbg_self_test_entropy, (void *) entropy_nopr,
                         NULL, 0 ) );
    CHK( mbedtls_hmac_drbg_reseed( &ctx, NULL, 0 ) );
    CHK( mbedtls_hmac_drbg_random( &ctx, buf, OUTPUT_LEN ) );
    CHK( mbedtls_hmac_drbg_random( &ctx, buf, OUTPUT_LEN ) );
    CHK( memcmp( buf, result_nopr, OUTPUT_LEN ) );
    mbedtls_hmac_drbg_free( &ctx );

    mbedtls_hmac_drbg_free( &ctx );

    if( verbose != 0 )
        mbedtls_printf( "passed\n" );

    if( verbose != 0 )
        mbedtls_printf( "\n" );

    return( 0 );
Example #2
 * HMAC_DRBG random function with optional additional data:
 * (arabic) + 9.3 (Roman)
int mbedtls_hmac_drbg_random_with_add( void *p_rng,
                               unsigned char *output, size_t out_len,
                               const unsigned char *additional, size_t add_len )
    int ret;
    mbedtls_hmac_drbg_context *ctx = (mbedtls_hmac_drbg_context *) p_rng;
    size_t md_len = mbedtls_md_get_size( ctx->md_ctx.md_info );
    size_t left = out_len;
    unsigned char *out = output;

    /* II. Check request length */

    /* III. Check input length */
    if( add_len > MBEDTLS_HMAC_DRBG_MAX_INPUT )

    /* 1. (aka VII and IX) Check reseed counter and PR */
    if( ctx->f_entropy != NULL && /* For no-reseeding instances */
        ( ctx->prediction_resistance == MBEDTLS_HMAC_DRBG_PR_ON ||
          ctx->reseed_counter > ctx->reseed_interval ) )
        if( ( ret = mbedtls_hmac_drbg_reseed( ctx, additional, add_len ) ) != 0 )
            return( ret );

        add_len = 0; /* VII.4 */

    /* 2. Use additional data if any */
    if( additional != NULL && add_len != 0 )
        mbedtls_hmac_drbg_update( ctx, additional, add_len );

    /* 3, 4, 5. Generate bytes */
    while( left != 0 )
        size_t use_len = left > md_len ? md_len : left;

        mbedtls_md_hmac_reset( &ctx->md_ctx );
        mbedtls_md_hmac_update( &ctx->md_ctx, ctx->V, md_len );
        mbedtls_md_hmac_finish( &ctx->md_ctx, ctx->V );

        memcpy( out, ctx->V, use_len );
        out += use_len;
        left -= use_len;

    /* 6. Update */
    mbedtls_hmac_drbg_update( ctx, additional, add_len );

    /* 7. Update reseed counter */

    /* 8. Done */
    return( 0 );
Example #3
 * HMAC_DRBG initialisation ( + 9.1)
int mbedtls_hmac_drbg_seed( mbedtls_hmac_drbg_context *ctx,
                    const mbedtls_md_info_t * md_info,
                    int (*f_entropy)(void *, unsigned char *, size_t),
                    void *p_entropy,
                    const unsigned char *custom,
                    size_t len )
    int ret;
    size_t entropy_len, md_size;

    if( ( ret = mbedtls_md_setup( &ctx->md_ctx, md_info, 1 ) ) != 0 )
        return( ret );

    md_size = mbedtls_md_get_size( md_info );

     * Set initial working state.
     * Use the V memory location, which is currently all 0, to initialize the
     * MD context with an all-zero key. Then set V to its initial value.
    if( ( ret = mbedtls_md_hmac_starts( &ctx->md_ctx, ctx->V, md_size ) ) != 0 )
        return( ret );
    memset( ctx->V, 0x01, md_size );

    ctx->f_entropy = f_entropy;
    ctx->p_entropy = p_entropy;

    ctx->reseed_interval = MBEDTLS_HMAC_DRBG_RESEED_INTERVAL;

     * See SP800-57 5.6.1 (p. 65-66) for the security strength provided by
     * each hash function, then according to SP800-90A rev1 10.1 table 2,
     * min_entropy_len (in bits) is security_strength.
     * (This also matches the sizes used in the NIST test vectors.)
    entropy_len = md_size <= 20 ? 16 : /* 160-bits hash -> 128 bits */
                  md_size <= 28 ? 24 : /* 224-bits hash -> 192 bits */
                                  32;  /* better (256+) -> 256 bits */

     * For initialisation, use more entropy to emulate a nonce
     * (Again, matches test vectors.)
    ctx->entropy_len = entropy_len * 3 / 2;

    if( ( ret = mbedtls_hmac_drbg_reseed( ctx, custom, len ) ) != 0 )
        return( ret );

    ctx->entropy_len = entropy_len;

    return( 0 );