Example #1
static void
load_layout (void)
    size_t i;
    int equal_split;
    int first_panel_size;

    /* legacy options */
    panels_layout.horizontal_split = mc_config_get_int (mc_main_config, CONFIG_APP_SECTION,
                                                        "horizontal_split", 0);
    equal_split = mc_config_get_int (mc_main_config, "Layout", "equal_split", 1);
    first_panel_size = mc_config_get_int (mc_main_config, "Layout", "first_panel_size", 1);
    if (panels_layout.horizontal_split)
        panels_layout.horizontal_equal = equal_split;
        panels_layout.left_panel_size = first_panel_size;
        panels_layout.vertical_equal = equal_split;
        panels_layout.top_panel_size = first_panel_size;

    /* actual options override legacy ones */
    for (i = 0; layout[i].opt_name != NULL; i++)
        *layout[i].opt_addr = mc_config_get_int (mc_main_config, CONFIG_LAYOUT_SECTION,
                                                 layout[i].opt_name, *layout[i].opt_addr);

    /* remove legacy options */
    mc_config_del_key (mc_main_config, CONFIG_APP_SECTION, "horizontal_split");
    mc_config_del_key (mc_main_config, "Layout", "equal_split");
    mc_config_del_key (mc_main_config, "Layout", "first_panel_size");
Example #2
  Load panels options from [Panels] section.
panels_load_options (void)
    if (mc_config_has_group (mc_main_config, CONFIG_PANELS_SECTION))
        size_t i;
        int qmode;

        for (i = 0; panels_ini_options[i].opt_name != NULL; i++)
            *panels_ini_options[i].opt_addr =
                mc_config_get_bool (mc_main_config, CONFIG_PANELS_SECTION,

        qmode = mc_config_get_int (mc_main_config, CONFIG_PANELS_SECTION,
                                   "quick_search_mode", (int) panels_options.qsearch_mode);
        if (qmode < 0)
            panels_options.qsearch_mode = QSEARCH_CASE_INSENSITIVE;
        else if (qmode >= QSEARCH_NUM)
            panels_options.qsearch_mode = QSEARCH_PANEL_CASE;
            panels_options.qsearch_mode = (qsearch_mode_t) qmode;

        panels_options.select_flags =
            mc_config_get_int (mc_main_config, CONFIG_PANELS_SECTION, "select_flags",
                               (int) panels_options.select_flags);
Example #3
panel_load_setup (WPanel * panel, const char *section)
    size_t i;
    char *buffer, buffer2[BUF_TINY];

    panel->sort_info.reverse = mc_config_get_int (mc_panels_config, section, "reverse", 0);
    panel->sort_info.case_sensitive =
        mc_config_get_int (mc_panels_config, section, "case_sensitive",
    panel->sort_info.exec_first = mc_config_get_int (mc_panels_config, section, "exec_first", 0);

    /* Load sort order */
    buffer = mc_config_get_string (mc_panels_config, section, "sort_order", "name");
    panel->sort_field = panel_get_field_by_id (buffer);
    if (panel->sort_field == NULL)
        panel->sort_field = panel_get_field_by_id ("name");

    g_free (buffer);

    /* Load the listing mode */
    buffer = mc_config_get_string (mc_panels_config, section, "list_mode", "full");
    panel->list_type = list_full;
    for (i = 0; list_types[i].key != NULL; i++)
        if (g_ascii_strcasecmp (list_types[i].key, buffer) == 0)
            panel->list_type = list_types[i].list_type;
    g_free (buffer);

    /* User formats */
    g_free (panel->user_format);
    panel->user_format =
        mc_config_get_string (mc_panels_config, section, "user_format", DEFAULT_USER_FORMAT);

    for (i = 0; i < LIST_TYPES; i++)
        g_free (panel->user_status_format[i]);
        g_snprintf (buffer2, BUF_TINY, "user_status%lld", (long long) i);
        panel->user_status_format[i] =
            mc_config_get_string (mc_panels_config, section, buffer2, DEFAULT_USER_FORMAT);

    panel->user_mini_status = mc_config_get_int (mc_panels_config, section, "user_mini_status", 0);
Example #4
/* *INDENT-OFF* */
/* *INDENT-ON* */

/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

/* *INDENT-OFF* */
START_TEST (test_deserialize_config)
/* *INDENT-ON* */
    /* given */
    mc_config_t *actual;
    char *actual_value;

    /* when */
    actual = mc_deserialize_config (deserialize_input_value1, &error);

    /* then */
    mctest_assert_not_null (actual);

    actual_value = mc_config_get_string_raw (actual, "group1", "param1", "");
    mctest_assert_str_eq (actual_value, "some value");
    g_free (actual_value);

    actual_value = mc_config_get_string (actual, "group1", "param2", "");
    mctest_assert_str_eq (actual_value, "some value ");
    g_free (actual_value);

    mctest_assert_int_eq (mc_config_get_bool (actual, "group2", "param1", FALSE), TRUE);

    mctest_assert_int_eq (mc_config_get_int (actual, "group2", "param2", 0), 123456);

    actual_value = mc_config_get_string_raw (actual, "group3", "param1", "");
    mctest_assert_str_eq (actual_value, "::bla-bla::");
    g_free (actual_value);

    actual_value = mc_config_get_string (actual, "group3", "param2", "");
    mctest_assert_str_eq (actual_value, "bla-:p1:w:v2:12:g3:123:bla-bla\n");
    g_free (actual_value);

    mctest_assert_int_eq (mc_config_get_bool (actual, "group4", "param1", TRUE), FALSE);

    mctest_assert_int_eq (mc_config_get_int (actual, "group4", "param2", 0), 654321);

    mc_config_deinit (actual);
Example #5
static void
load_layout (void)
    size_t i;

    for (i = 0; layout[i].opt_name != NULL; i++)
        *layout[i].opt_addr = mc_config_get_int (mc_main_config, "Layout",
                              layout[i].opt_name, *layout[i].opt_addr);
Example #6
File: util.c Project: JBurant/mc
save_file_position (const vfs_path_t * filename_vpath, long line, long column, off_t offset,
                    GArray * bookmarks)
    static size_t filepos_max_saved_entries = 0;
    char *fn, *tmp_fn;
    FILE *f, *tmp_f;
    char buf[MC_MAXPATHLEN + 100];
    size_t i;
    const size_t len = vfs_path_len (filename_vpath);
    gboolean src_error = FALSE;

    if (filepos_max_saved_entries == 0)
        filepos_max_saved_entries = mc_config_get_int (mc_main_config, CONFIG_APP_SECTION,
                                                       "filepos_max_saved_entries", 1024);

    fn = mc_config_get_full_path (MC_FILEPOS_FILE);
    if (fn == NULL)
        goto early_error;

    mc_util_make_backup_if_possible (fn, TMP_SUFFIX);

    /* open file */
    f = fopen (fn, "w");
    if (f == NULL)
        goto open_target_error;

    tmp_fn = g_strdup_printf ("%s" TMP_SUFFIX, fn);
    tmp_f = fopen (tmp_fn, "r");
    if (tmp_f == NULL)
        src_error = TRUE;
        goto open_source_error;

    /* put the new record */
    if (line != 1 || column != 0 || bookmarks != NULL)
        if (fprintf
            (f, "%s %ld;%ld;%" PRIuMAX, vfs_path_as_str (filename_vpath), line, column,
             (uintmax_t) offset) < 0)
            goto write_position_error;
        if (bookmarks != NULL)
            for (i = 0; i < bookmarks->len && i < MAX_SAVED_BOOKMARKS; i++)
                if (fprintf (f, ";%zu", g_array_index (bookmarks, size_t, i)) < 0)
                    goto write_position_error;

        if (fprintf (f, "\n") < 0)
            goto write_position_error;

    i = 1;
    while (fgets (buf, sizeof (buf), tmp_f) != NULL)
        if (buf[len] == ' ' && strncmp (buf, vfs_path_as_str (filename_vpath), len) == 0
            && strchr (&buf[len + 1], ' ') == NULL)

        fprintf (f, "%s", buf);
        if (++i > filepos_max_saved_entries)

    fclose (tmp_f);
    g_free (tmp_fn);
    fclose (f);
    if (src_error)
        mc_util_restore_from_backup_if_possible (fn, TMP_SUFFIX);
        mc_util_unlink_backup_if_possible (fn, TMP_SUFFIX);
    g_free (fn);
    if (bookmarks != NULL)
        g_array_free (bookmarks, TRUE);
Example #7

/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

#undef deserialize_check_incorrect
#define deserialize_check_incorrect( etalon_code, etalon_str ) { \
    if (actual != NULL) \
    { \
        fail("actual value but should be NULL", actual); \
        mc_config_deinit(actual); \
    } \
    else \
    { \
        fail_unless (error->code == etalon_code && strcmp(error->message, etalon_str) == 0, \
            "\nerror code is %d (should be %d);\nerror message is '%s' (should be '%s')", \
            error->code, etalon_code, error->message, etalon_str); \
        g_clear_error(&error); \
    } \

START_TEST (test_deserialize_config)
    mc_config_t *actual;
    GError *error = NULL;
    char *actual_value;

    actual = mc_deserialize_config ("g123error in group name", &error);
    deserialize_check_incorrect( -3,
        "mc_deserialize_config() at 1: mc_serialize_str(): Length delimiter ':' doesn't exists");

    actual = mc_deserialize_config ("p6:param1v10:some valuep6:param2v11:some value ", &error);
    deserialize_check_incorrect( -2,
        "mc_deserialize_config() at 1: mc_serialize_str(): String prefix doesn't equal to 'g'");

    actual = mc_deserialize_config ("g6:group1v10:some valuep6:param2v11:some value ", &error);
    deserialize_check_incorrect( -2,
        "mc_deserialize_config() at 10: mc_serialize_str(): String prefix doesn't equal to 'p'");

    actual = mc_deserialize_config ("g6:group1p6000:param2v11:some value ", &error);
    deserialize_check_incorrect( -3,
        "mc_deserialize_config() at 10: mc_serialize_str(): Specified data length (6000) is greater than actual data length (21)");

    actual = mc_deserialize_config (etalon_str, &error);

    if (actual == NULL)
        fail("actual value is NULL!\nError code is '%d'; error message is '%s'", error->code, error->message);

    actual_value = mc_config_get_string_raw(actual, "group1", "param1", "");
    fail_unless( strcmp(actual_value, "some value") == 0,
        "group1->param1(%s) should be equal to 'some value'", actual_value);

    actual_value = mc_config_get_string(actual, "group1", "param2", "");
    fail_unless( strcmp(actual_value, "some value ") == 0,
        "group1->param2(%s) should be equal to 'some value '", actual_value);

    fail_unless( mc_config_get_bool(actual, "group2", "param1", FALSE) == TRUE,
        "group2->param1(FALSE) should be equal to TRUE");

    fail_unless( mc_config_get_int(actual, "group2", "param2", 0) == 123456,
        "group2->param2(%d) should be equal to 123456", mc_config_get_int(actual, "group2", "param2", 0));

    actual_value = mc_config_get_string_raw(actual, "group3", "param1", "");
    fail_unless( strcmp(actual_value, "::bla-bla::") == 0,
        "group3->param1(%s) should be equal to '::bla-bla::'", actual_value);

    actual_value = mc_config_get_string(actual, "group3", "param2", "");
    fail_unless( strcmp(actual_value, "bla-:p1:w:v2:12:g3:123:bla-bla\n") == 0,
        "group3->param2(%s) should be equal to 'bla-:p1:w:v2:12:g3:123:bla-bla\n'", actual_value);

    fail_unless( mc_config_get_bool(actual, "group4", "param1", TRUE) == FALSE,
        "group4->param1(TRUE) should be equal to FALSE");

    fail_unless( mc_config_get_int(actual, "group4", "param2", 0) == 654321,
        "group4->param2(%d) should be equal to 654321", mc_config_get_int(actual, "group4", "param2", 0));

    mc_config_deinit (actual);
Example #8
load_setup (void)
    const char *profile;
    size_t i;
    const char *kt;

    char *buffer;

    load_codepages_list ();
#endif /* HAVE_CHARSET */

    profile = setup_init ();

    /* mc.lib is common for all users, but has priority lower than
       ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/mc/ini.  FIXME: it's only used for keys and treestore now */
    global_profile_name =
        g_build_filename (mc_global.sysconfig_dir, MC_GLOBAL_CONFIG_FILE, (char *) NULL);
    if (!exist_file (global_profile_name))
        g_free (global_profile_name);
        global_profile_name =
            g_build_filename (mc_global.share_data_dir, MC_GLOBAL_CONFIG_FILE, (char *) NULL);

    panels_profile_name = mc_config_get_full_path (MC_PANELS_FILE);

    mc_main_config = mc_config_init (profile, FALSE);

    if (!exist_file (panels_profile_name))
        setup__move_panels_config_into_separate_file (profile);

    mc_panels_config = mc_config_init (panels_profile_name, FALSE);

    /* Load integer boolean options */
    for (i = 0; int_options[i].opt_name != NULL; i++)
        *int_options[i].opt_addr =
            mc_config_get_int (mc_main_config, CONFIG_APP_SECTION, int_options[i].opt_name,
    /* reset forced in case of build without internal editor */
    use_internal_edit = 0;
#endif /* USE_INTERNAL_EDIT */

    if (option_tab_spacing <= 0)
        option_tab_spacing = DEFAULT_TAB_SPACING;

    if (option_word_wrap_line_length <= 0)
        option_word_wrap_line_length = DEFAULT_WRAP_LINE_LENGTH;
#endif /* USE_INTERNAL_EDIT */

    /* overwrite old_esc_mode_timeout */
    kt = getenv ("KEYBOARD_KEY_TIMEOUT_US");
    if ((kt != NULL) && (kt[0] != '\0'))
        old_esc_mode_timeout = atoi (kt);

    /* Load string options */
    for (i = 0; str_options[i].opt_name != NULL; i++)
        *str_options[i].opt_addr =
            mc_config_get_string (mc_main_config, CONFIG_APP_SECTION, str_options[i].opt_name,

    load_layout ();
    panels_load_options ();
    load_panelize ();

    startup_left_mode = setup__load_panel_state ("New Left Panel");
    startup_right_mode = setup__load_panel_state ("New Right Panel");

    /* At least one of the panels is a listing panel */
    if (startup_left_mode != view_listing && startup_right_mode != view_listing)
        startup_left_mode = view_listing;

    boot_current_is_left = mc_config_get_bool (mc_panels_config, "Dirs", "current_is_left", TRUE);

    /* Load time formats */
    user_recent_timeformat =
        mc_config_get_string (mc_main_config, CONFIG_MISC_SECTION, "timeformat_recent", FMTTIME);
    user_old_timeformat =
        mc_config_get_string (mc_main_config, CONFIG_MISC_SECTION, "timeformat_old", FMTYEAR);

    ftpfs_proxy_host =
        mc_config_get_string (mc_main_config, CONFIG_MISC_SECTION, "ftp_proxy_host", "gate");
    ftpfs_ignore_chattr_errors =
        mc_config_get_bool (mc_main_config, CONFIG_APP_SECTION, "ignore_ftp_chattr_errors", TRUE);
    ftpfs_init_passwd ();
#endif /* ENABLE_VFS_FTP */

    /* The default color and the terminal dependent color */
    mc_global.tty.setup_color_string =
        mc_config_get_string (mc_main_config, "Colors", "base_color", "");
    mc_global.tty.term_color_string =
        mc_config_get_string (mc_main_config, "Colors", getenv ("TERM"), "");
    mc_global.tty.color_terminal_string =
        mc_config_get_string (mc_main_config, "Colors", "color_terminals", "");

    /* Load the directory history */
    /*    directory_history_load (); */
    /* Remove the temporal entries */

    if (codepages->len > 1)
        buffer = mc_config_get_string (mc_main_config, CONFIG_MISC_SECTION, "display_codepage", "");
        if (buffer[0] != '\0')
            mc_global.display_codepage = get_codepage_index (buffer);
            cp_display = get_codepage_id (mc_global.display_codepage);
        g_free (buffer);
        buffer = mc_config_get_string (mc_main_config, CONFIG_MISC_SECTION, "source_codepage", "");
        if (buffer[0] != '\0')
            default_source_codepage = get_codepage_index (buffer);
            mc_global.source_codepage = default_source_codepage;        /* May be source_codepage doesn't need this */
            cp_source = get_codepage_id (mc_global.source_codepage);
        g_free (buffer);

    autodetect_codeset =
        mc_config_get_string (mc_main_config, CONFIG_MISC_SECTION, "autodetect_codeset", "");
    if ((autodetect_codeset[0] != '\0') && (strcmp (autodetect_codeset, "off") != 0))
        is_autodetect_codeset_enabled = TRUE;

    g_free (init_translation_table (mc_global.source_codepage, mc_global.display_codepage));
    buffer = (char *) get_codepage_id (mc_global.display_codepage);
    if (buffer != NULL)
        mc_global.utf8_display = str_isutf8 (buffer);
#endif /* HAVE_CHARSET */

    spell_language =
        mc_config_get_string (mc_main_config, CONFIG_MISC_SECTION, "spell_language", "en");
#endif /* HAVE_ASPELL */

    clipboard_store_path =
        mc_config_get_string (mc_main_config, CONFIG_MISC_SECTION, "clipboard_store", "");
    clipboard_paste_path =
        mc_config_get_string (mc_main_config, CONFIG_MISC_SECTION, "clipboard_paste", "");