Example #1
dim mclgTFexecx
(  mclx*    mx
,  mclgTF*  tf
,  mcxbool  allow_graph_ops
   {  dim offset = 0, k = 0
   ;  mclpAR* par_edge = tf->par_edge
   ;  mclpAR* par_graph = tf->par_graph
   ;  while (offset < par_edge->n_ivps || k < par_graph->n_ivps)
      {  dim top = offset
      ;  while (top < par_edge->n_ivps && par_edge->ivps[top].idx != MCLX_UNARY_UNUSED)
      ;  if (top > offset)
         {  mclpAR* par = mclpARfromIvps(NULL, par_edge->ivps+offset, top-offset)
;fprintf(stderr, "unary exec %d %d\n", (int) offset, (int) top)
         ;  mclxUnaryList(mx, par)
         ;  mclpARfree(&par)
      ;  }

         if (par_edge->ivps[top].idx == MCLX_UNARY_UNUSED)
         {  if (k >= par_graph->n_ivps)
            {  mcxErr("mclgTFexec", "off the rails")
            ;  break
         ;  }
            if (allow_graph_ops)
            mclgTFgraph(mx, par_graph->ivps[k].idx, par_graph->ivps[k].val)
         ;  k++
;fprintf(stderr, "graph %s top=%d k=%d\n", allow_graph_ops ? "exec" : "skip", (int) offset, (int) k)
      ;  }
         offset = top+1
   ;  }
      return mclxNrofEntries(mx)
;  }
Example #2
void mclgTFfree
(  mclgTF** tfpp
   {  mclgTF* tf = tfpp[0]
   ;  if (tf)
      {  mclpARfree(&(tf->par_edge))
      ;  mcxFree(tf)
      ;  tfpp[0] = NULL
   ;  }
Example #3
mclgTF* mclgTFparse
(  mcxLink*    encoding_link
,  mcxTing*    thestring
   {  mclgTF* gtf = mcxAlloc(sizeof gtf[0], EXIT_ON_FAIL)
   ;  const char* me = "mclgTFparse"
   ;  const char* a  = thestring->str
   ;  const char* z  = thestring->str + thestring->len
   ;  mcxTing* func  =  mcxTingEmpty(NULL, thestring->len)
   ;  mcxTing* arg   =  mcxTingEmpty(NULL, thestring->len)
   ;  int n = 0

   ;  if (!(gtf->par_edge = mclpARensure(NULL, 10)))
      return NULL     /* +memleak gtf */

   ;  if (!(gtf->par_graph = mclpARensure(NULL, 10)))
      return NULL     /* +memleak gtf, gtf->par_edge */

   ;  if
      (  thestring
      && !mcxStrChrAint(thestring->str, isspace, thestring->len)
      return gtf

   ;  while (a < z)
      {  const char* val, *key
      ;  char* onw = NULL
      ;  int tfe = -1, tfg = -1
      ;  mcxbool nought = FALSE
      ;  unsigned char k0
      ;  double d
      ;  int t

      ;  mcxTingEmpty(arg, z-a)
      ;  mcxTingEmpty(func, z-a)
      ;  n = 0

      ;  if ((t = sscanf(a, " %[a-z_#-] ( )%n", func->str, &n)) >= 1 && n > 0)
      ;  else if ((t = sscanf(a, " %[a-z_#-] ( %[^)_ ] )%n", func->str, arg->str, &n)) >= 2 && n > 0)
      ;  else

      ;  a += n  
      ;  key=  func->str
      ;  val=  arg->str
      ;  k0 =  key[0]
      ;  d  =  strtod(val, &onw)

      ;  if (!val || !strlen(val))
         nought = TRUE

      ;  else if (val == onw)
         {  mcxErr(me, "failed to parse number <%s>", val)
         ;  break
      ;  }

         if (k0 == '#')
         {  if (!strcmp(key, "#ceilnb"))
            tfg = MCLG_TF_CEILNB
         ;  else if (!strcmp(key, "#knn"))
            tfg = MCLG_TF_KNN
         ;  else if (!strcmp(key, "#n"))
            tfg = MCLG_TF_TOPN
         ;  else if (!strcmp(key, "#ils"))
            tfg = MCLG_TF_ILS
         ;  else if (!strcmp(key, "#mcl"))
            tfg = MCLG_TF_MCL
         ;  else if (!strcmp(key, "#arcmcl"))
            tfg = MCLG_TF_ARC_MCL

         ;  else if (!strcmp(key, "#arcsub"))
            tfg = MCLG_TF_ARCSUB
         ;  else if (!strcmp(key, "#arcmax"))
            tfg = MCLG_TF_ARCMAX

         ;  else if (!strcmp(key, "#arcmingq"))
            tfg = MCLG_TF_ARCMINGQ
         ;  else if (!strcmp(key, "#arcmingt"))
            tfg = MCLG_TF_ARCMINGT
         ;  else if (!strcmp(key, "#arcmimlq"))
            tfg = MCLG_TF_ARCMINLQ
         ;  else if (!strcmp(key, "#arcminlt"))
            tfg = MCLG_TF_ARCMINLT

         ;  else if (!strcmp(key, "#arcdiffgq"))
            tfg = MCLG_TF_ARCDIFFGQ
         ;  else if (!strcmp(key, "#arcdiffgt"))
            tfg = MCLG_TF_ARCDIFFGT
         ;  else if (!strcmp(key, "#arcdifflq"))
            tfg = MCLG_TF_ARCDIFFLQ
         ;  else if (!strcmp(key, "#arcdifflt"))
            tfg = MCLG_TF_ARCDIFFLT

         ;  else if (!strcmp(key, "#arcmaxgq"))
            tfg = MCLG_TF_ARCMAXGQ
         ;  else if (!strcmp(key, "#arcmaxgt"))
            tfg = MCLG_TF_ARCMAXGT
         ;  else if (!strcmp(key, "#arcmaxlq"))
            tfg = MCLG_TF_ARCMAXLQ
         ;  else if (!strcmp(key, "#arcmaxlt"))
            tfg = MCLG_TF_ARCMAXLT

         ;  else if (!strcmp(key, "#selfrm"))
            tfg = MCLG_TF_SELFRM
         ;  else if (!strcmp(key, "#selfmax"))
            tfg = MCLG_TF_SELFMAX
         ;  else if (!strcmp(key, "#normself"))
            tfg = MCLG_TF_NORMSELF

         ;  else if (!strcmp(key, "#add"))
            tfg = MCLG_TF_ADD
         ;  else if (!strcmp(key, "#max"))
            tfg = MCLG_TF_MAX
         ;  else if (!strcmp(key, "#min"))
            tfg = MCLG_TF_MIN
         ;  else if (!strcmp(key, "#mul"))
            tfg = MCLG_TF_MUL

         ;  else if (!strcmp(key, "#tug"))
            tfg = MCLG_TF_TUG
         ;  else if (!strcmp(key, "#ssq"))
            tfg = MCLG_TF_SSQ
         ;  else if (!strcmp(key, "#qt"))
            tfg = MCLG_TF_QT
         ;  else if (!strcmp(key, "#tp") || !strcmp(key, "#rev"))
            tfg = MCLG_TF_TRANSPOSE
         ;  else if (!strcmp(key, "#step"))
            tfg = MCLG_TF_STEP
         ;  else if (!strcmp(key, "#thread"))
            tfg = MCLG_TF_THREAD
         ;  else if (!strcmp(key, "#shrug"))
            tfg = MCLG_TF_SHRUG
         ;  else if (!strcmp(key, "#shuffle"))
            tfg = MCLG_TF_SHUFFLE
      ;  }
         {  if (!strcmp(key, "gq"))
            tfe = MCLX_UNARY_GQ
         ;  else if (!strcmp(key, "gt"))
            tfe = MCLX_UNARY_GT
         ;  else if (!strcmp(key, "lt"))
            tfe = MCLX_UNARY_LT
         ;  else if (!strcmp(key, "lq"))
            tfe = MCLX_UNARY_LQ
         ;  else if (!strcmp(key, "rand"))
            tfe = MCLX_UNARY_RAND
         ;  else if (!strcmp(key, "mul"))
            tfe = MCLX_UNARY_MUL
         ;  else if (!strcmp(key, "scale"))
            tfe = MCLX_UNARY_SCALE
         ;  else if (!strcmp(key, "add"))
            tfe = MCLX_UNARY_ADD
         ;  else if (!strcmp(key, "abs"))
            tfe = MCLX_UNARY_ABS
         ;  else if (!strcmp(key, "ceil"))
            tfe = MCLX_UNARY_CEIL
         ;  else if (!strcmp(key, "floor"))
            tfe = MCLX_UNARY_FLOOR
         ;  else if (!strcmp(key, "pow"))
            tfe = MCLX_UNARY_POW
         ;  else if (!strcmp(key, "exp"))
            tfe = MCLX_UNARY_EXP
         ;  else if (!strcmp(key, "log"))
            tfe = MCLX_UNARY_LOG
         ;  else if (!strcmp(key, "neglog"))
            tfe = MCLX_UNARY_NEGLOG
      ;  }

         if (tfe < 0 && tfg < 0)
         {  mcxErr(me, "unknown value transform <%s>", key)
         ;  break
      ;  }

         if (tfe >= 0)
         {  if (nought)
            {  if
               (  tfe == MCLX_UNARY_LOG || tfe == MCLX_UNARY_ABS
               || tfe == MCLX_UNARY_EXP || tfe == MCLX_UNARY_NEGLOG
               d = 0.0
            ;  else
               {  mcxErr(me, "transform <%s> needs value", key)
               ;  break
            ;  }
         ;  }
            mclpARextend(gtf->par_edge, tfe, d)
      ;  }
         else if (tfg >= 0)
         {  if (nought)
            {  if
               (  tfg >= MCLG_TF_DUMMY_NOVALUE_START
               && tfg <= MCLG_TF_DUMMY_NOVALUE_END
               d = 0.0
            ;  else if (tfg == MCLG_TF_TUG || tfg == MCLG_TF_SHRUG)
               d = 1000.0
            ;  else if (tfg == MCLG_TF_STEP)
               d = 2.0
            ;  else
               {  mcxErr(me, "transform <%s> needs value", key)
               ;  break
            ;  }
         ;  }
            mclpARextend(gtf->par_edge, MCLX_UNARY_UNUSED, 0.0)
         ;  mclpARextend(gtf->par_graph, tfg, d)
      ;  }

         a = mcxStrChrAint(a, isspace, z-a)
      ;  if (!a || a[0] != ',')
      ;  a++
   ;  }

      if (a)
      {  mcxErr(me, "trailing part <%s> not matched", a)
      ;  mclpARfree(&(gtf->par_edge))
      ;  mcxFree(gtf)
      ;  gtf = NULL
   ;  }

      return gtf
;  }
Example #4
         /* this aids in finding heuristically likely starting points
          * for long shortest paths, by looking at dead ends
          * in the lattice.
          * experimental, oefully underdocumented.
static dim diameter_rough
(  mclv*       vec
,  mclx*       mx
,  u8*         rough_scratch
,  long*       rough_priority
   {  mclv* curr  =  mclvInsertIdx(NULL, vec->vid, 1.0) 
   ;  mclpAR* par =  mclpARensure(NULL, 1024)

   ;  dim d = 0, n_dead_ends = 0, n_dead_ends_res = 0

   ;  memset(rough_scratch, 0, N_COLS(mx))

   ;  rough_scratch[vec->vid] = 1                        /* seen */
   ;  rough_priority[vec->vid] = -1              /* remove from priority list */

   ;  while (1)
      {  mclp* currivp = curr->ivps
      ;  dim t
      ;  mclpARreset(par)
      ;  while (currivp < curr->ivps + curr->n_ivps)
         {  mclv* ls = mx->cols+currivp->idx
         ;  mclp* newivp = ls->ivps
         ;  int hit = 0
         ;  while (newivp < ls->ivps + ls->n_ivps)
            {  u8* tst = rough_scratch+newivp->idx
            ;  if (!*tst || *tst & 2)
               {  if (!*tst)
                  mclpARextend(par, newivp->idx, 1.0)
               ;  *tst = 2
               ;  hit = 1
            ;  }
         ;  }
            if (!hit && rough_priority[currivp->idx] >= 0)
               rough_priority[currivp->idx] += d+1
            ,  n_dead_ends_res++
         ;  else if (!hit)
/* ,fprintf(stderr, "[%ld->%ld]", (long) currivp->idx, (long) rough_priority[currivp->idx])
#if 0
if (currivp->idx == 115 || currivp->idx == 128)
fprintf(stdout, "pivot %d node %d d %d dead %d pri %d\n", (int) vec->vid, (int) currivp->idx, d, (int) (1-hit), (int) rough_priority[currivp->idx])
         ;  currivp++
      ;  }
         if (!par->n_ivps)
      ;  d++
      ;  mclvFromIvps(curr, par->ivps, par->n_ivps)
      ;  for (t=0;t<curr->n_ivps;t++)
         rough_scratch[curr->ivps[t].idx] = 1
   ;  }

   ;  mclpARfree(&par)
;if(0)fprintf(stdout, "deadends %d / %d\n", (int) n_dead_ends, (int) n_dead_ends_res)
   ;  return d
;  }