Example #1
mclMatrix* mclDiagOrdering
(  const mclMatrix*     M
,  mclVector**          vecp_attr
   {  int         n_cols      =  N_COLS(M)
   ;  mclMatrix*  diago       =  mclxAllocZero(NULL, NULL)
   ;  long        col

   ;  if (*vecp_attr != NULL)

   ;  *vecp_attr = mclvResize(NULL, n_cols)

   ;  for (col=0;col<n_cols;col++)
      {  ofs      offset      =  -1
      ;  double   selfval     =  mclvIdxVal(M->cols+col, col, &offset)
      ;  double   center      =  mclvPowSum(M->cols+col, 2.0)
     /*  double   maxval      =  mclvMaxValue(M->cols+col)
      ;  double   bar         =  MCX_MAX(center, selfval) - dpsd_delta
      ;  mclIvp*  ivp         =  (*vecp_attr)->ivps+col

      ;  ivp->idx             =  col
      ;  ivp->val             =  center ? selfval / center : 0

      ;  if (offset >= 0)                 /* take only higher valued entries */
         mclvSelectGqBar(diago->cols+col, bar)
   ;  }
   ;  return diago
;  }
Example #2
int mclDagTest
(  const mclMatrix* dag
   {  mclv* v_transient =  mclvCopy(NULL, dag->dom_cols)
   ;  mclx* m_transient =  NULL
   ;  int maxdepth      =  0
   ;  dim d

   ;  mclvMakeCharacteristic(v_transient)
   ;  for (d=0;d<N_COLS(dag);d++)
      {  mclv* col = dag->cols+d
      ;  if (mclvGetIvp(col, col->vid, NULL))   /* deemed attractor */
         mclvInsertIdx(v_transient, col->vid, 0.25)
   ;  }

      mclvSelectGqBar(v_transient, 0.5)

   ;  m_transient = mclxSub(dag, v_transient, v_transient)
;if(0)mclxDebug("-", m_transient, 3, "transient")
   ;  maxdepth = calc_depth(m_transient)

   ;  mclxFree(&m_transient)
   ;  mclvFree(&v_transient)
   ;  return maxdepth
;  }
Example #3
void mclvSelectHighest
(  mclVector*  vec
,  dim         max_n_ivps
   {  double f
   ;  if (vec->n_ivps <= max_n_ivps)

   ;  f =   vec->n_ivps >= 2 * max_n_ivps
            ?  mclvKBar
               (vec, max_n_ivps, PVAL_MAX, KBAR_SELECT_LARGE)
            :  mclvKBar
               (vec, vec->n_ivps - max_n_ivps + 1, -PVAL_MAX, KBAR_SELECT_SMALL)

   ;  mclvSelectGqBar(vec, f)
   ;  if (vec->n_ivps > max_n_ivps)
      mclvSelectGqBar(vec, f * (1.0 + PVAL_EPSILON))
;  }
Example #4
mclv* reduce_v
(  const mclv* u
   {  mclv* v = mclvClone(u)
   ;  dim n = v->n_ivps
   ;  double s = mclvSum(v)
   ;  double sq = mclvPowSum(v, 2.0)
   ;  if (s)
      mclvSelectGqBar(v, 0.25 * sq / s)
;fprintf(stderr, "from %d to %d entries\n", (int) n, (int) v->n_ivps)
   ;  return v
;  }
Example #5
mclMatrix* mclInterpret
(  mclMatrix* dag
   {  mclv* v_attr = mclvCopy(NULL, dag->dom_cols)
   ;  mclx* m_attr = NULL, *m_cls = NULL, *m_clst = NULL
   ;  dim d

   ;  mclvMakeCharacteristic(v_attr)

   ;  for (d=0;d<N_COLS(dag);d++)
      {  mclv* col = dag->cols+d
      ;  if (mclvGetIvp(col, col->vid, NULL))   /* deemed attractor */
         mclvInsertIdx(v_attr, col->vid, 2.0)
   ;  }

      mclvSelectGqBar(v_attr, 1.5)

   ;  m_attr = mclxSub(dag, v_attr, v_attr)
   ;  mclxAddTranspose(m_attr, 1.0)

   ;  m_cls = clmUGraphComponents(m_attr, NULL) /* attractor systems as clusters */
   ;  mclvCopy(m_cls->dom_rows, dag->dom_cols)  /* add all nodes to this cluster matrix */
   ;  m_clst = mclxTranspose(m_cls)             /* nodes(columns) with zero neighbours need to be classified */
   ;  mclgUnionvReset(dag)                      /* make mx->dom-rows characteristic */
   ;  mclxFree(&m_cls)

   ;  for (d=0;d<N_COLS(dag);d++)
      {  mclv* closure, *clsids
      ;  if (mclvGetIvp(v_attr, dag->cols[d].vid, NULL))
         continue                               /* attractor already classified */

      ;  closure =   get_closure(dag, dag->cols+d)  /* take all [neighbours of [neighbours of [..]]] */
      ;  clsids  =   mclgUnionv(m_clst, closure, NULL, SCRATCH_READY, NULL)

      ;  mclvAdd(m_clst->cols+d, clsids, m_clst->cols+d)
      ;  mclvFree(&clsids)
      ;  mclvFree(&closure)
   ;  }

      m_cls = mclxTranspose(m_clst)
   ;  mclxFree(&m_attr)
   ;  mclxFree(&m_clst)
   ;  mclvFree(&v_attr)
   ;  return m_cls
;  }
Example #6
double get_score
(  const mclv* c
,  const mclv* d
,  const mclv* c_start
,  const mclv* d_start
,  const mclv* c_end
,  const mclv* d_end
   {  mclv* vecc   = mclvClone(c)
   ;  mclv* vecd   = mclvClone(d)
   ;  mclv* meet_c = mcldMeet(vecc, vecd, NULL)
   ;  mclv* meet_d = mcldMeet(vecd, meet_c, NULL)

   ;  mclv* cwid   = mclvBinary(c_end, c_start, NULL, fltSubtract)
   ;  mclv* dwid   = mclvBinary(d_end, d_start, NULL, fltSubtract)

   ;  mclv* rmin   = mclvBinary(c_end, d_end, NULL, fltMin)
   ;  mclv* lmax   = mclvBinary(c_start, d_start, NULL, fltMax)
   ;  mclv* delta  = mclvBinary(rmin, lmax, NULL, fltSubtract)

   ;  mclv* weightc, *weightd
   ;  double ip, cd, csn, meanc, meand, mean, euclid, meet_fraction, score, sum_meet_c, sum_meet_d, reduction_c, reduction_d

   ;  int nmeet = meet_c->n_ivps
   ;  int nldif = vecc->n_ivps - nmeet
   ;  int nrdif = vecd->n_ivps - nmeet

   ;  mclvSelectGqBar(delta, 0.0)

   ;  weightc= mclvBinary(delta, cwid, NULL, mydiv)
   ;  weightd= mclvBinary(delta, dwid, NULL, mydiv)

#if 0
;if (c != d)mclvaDump
(  cwid
,  stdout
,  5
,  "\n"
,  0)
(  dwid
,  stdout
,  5
,  "\n"
,  0)

   ;  sum_meet_c  = 0.01 + mclvSum(meet_c)
   ;  sum_meet_d  = 0.01 + mclvSum(meet_d)

   ;  mclvBinary(meet_c, weightc, meet_c, fltMultiply)
   ;  mclvBinary(meet_d, weightd, meet_d, fltMultiply)

   ;  reduction_c = mclvSum(meet_c) / sum_meet_c
   ;  reduction_d = mclvSum(meet_d) / sum_meet_d

   ;  ip    = mclvIn(meet_c, meet_d)
   ;  cd    = sqrt(mclvPowSum(meet_c, 2.0) * mclvPowSum(meet_d, 2.0))
   ;  csn   = cd ? ip / cd : 0.0
   ;  meanc = meet_c->n_ivps ? mclvSum(meet_c) / meet_c->n_ivps : 0.0
   ;  meand = meet_d->n_ivps ? mclvSum(meet_d) / meet_d->n_ivps : 0.0
   ;  mean  = MCX_MIN(meanc, meand)

   ;  euclid =   0
              ?  1.0
              :  (  mean
                 ?  sqrt(mclvPowSum(meet_c, 2.0) / mclvPowSum(vecc, 2.0))
                 :  0.0
   ;  meet_fraction = pow((meet_c->n_ivps * 1.0 / vecc->n_ivps), 1.0)

   ;  score  =  mean * csn * euclid  * meet_fraction * 1.0

   ;  mclvFree(&meet_c)
   ;  mclvFree(&meet_d)

   ;  fprintf
      (  stdout
      ,  "%10d%10d%10d%10d%10d%10g%10g%10g%10g%10g%10g%10g\n"
      ,  (int) c->vid
      ,  (int) d->vid
      ,  (int) nldif
      ,  (int) nrdif
      ,  (int) nmeet
      ,  score
      ,  mean
      ,  csn
      ,  euclid
      ,  meet_fraction
      ,  reduction_c
      ,  reduction_d

   ;  return score
;  }