Example #1
 * I hacked the javascript file named comm.js, which received from tencent
 * server, and find that f**k tencent has changed encryption algorithm
 * for password in webqq3 . The new algorithm is below(descripted with javascript):
 * var M=C.p.value; // M is the qq password 
 * var I=hexchar2bin(md5(M)); // Make a md5 digest
 * var H=md5(I+pt.uin); // Make md5 with I and uin(see below)
 * var G=md5(H+C.verifycode.value.toUpperCase());
 * @param pwd User's password
 * @param vc Verify Code. e.g. "!M6C"
 * @param uin A string like "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x54\xb3\x3c\x53", NB: it
 *        must contain 8 hexadecimal number, in this example, it equaled
 *        to "0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x54,0xb3,0x3c,0x53"
 * @return Encoded password on success, else NULL on failed
static char *lwqq_enc_pwd(const char *pwd, const char *vc, const char *uin)
	int i;
	int uin_byte_length;
	char buf[128] = {0};
	unsigned char sig[32];
	char _uin[9] = {0};

	if (!pwd || !vc || !uin) {
		lwqq_log(LOG_ERROR, "Null parameterment\n");
		return NULL;

	/* Calculate the length of uin (it must be 8?) */
	uin_byte_length = strlen(uin) / 4;

	 * Ok, parse uin from string format.
	 * "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x54\xb3\x3c\x53" -> {0,0,0,0,54,b3,3c,53}
	for (i = 0; i < uin_byte_length ; i++) {
		char u[5] = {0};
		char tmp;
		strncpy(u, uin + i * 4 + 2, 2);

		errno = 0;
		tmp = strtol(u, NULL, 16);
		if (errno) {
			return NULL;
		_uin[i] = tmp;
	/* Equal to "var I=hexchar2bin(md5(M));" */

	/* Equal to "var H=md5(I+pt.uin);" */
	memcpy(buf + 16, _uin, uin_byte_length);
	md5_buffer(buf, 16 + uin_byte_length, sig);

	/* Equal to var G=md5(H+C.verifycode.value.toUpperCase()); */
	snprintf(buf + strlen(buf), sizeof(buf) - strlen(buf), "%s", vc);
	upcase_string(buf, strlen(buf));

	md5_buffer(buf, strlen(buf), sig);
	upcase_string(buf, strlen(buf));

	/* OK, seems like every is OK */
	return s_strdup(buf);
Example #2
static	void	run_tests(void)
  unsigned char	sig[MD5_SIZE], sig2[MD5_SIZE];
  char		str[33];
  str_sig_t	*test_p;
  /* run our tests */
  for (test_p = tests; test_p->ss_string != NULL; test_p++) {
    /* calculate the sig for our test string */
    md5_buffer(test_p->ss_string, strlen(test_p->ss_string), sig);
    /* convert from the sig to a string rep */
    md5_sig_to_string(sig, str, sizeof(str));
    if (strcmp(str, test_p->ss_sig) == 0) {
      (void)printf("Sig for '%s' matches '%s'\n",
		   test_p->ss_string, test_p->ss_sig);
    else {
      (void)printf("ERROR: Sig for '%s' is '%s' not '%s'\n",
		   test_p->ss_string, test_p->ss_sig, str);
    /* convert from the string back into a MD5 signature */
    md5_sig_from_string(sig2, str);
    if (memcmp(sig, sig2, MD5_SIZE) == 0) {
      (void)printf("  String conversion also matches\n");
    else {
      (void)printf("  ERROR: String conversion for '%s' failed\n",
Example #3
 * Read in from stdin and run MD5 on the input
static	void	read_file(const char *filename)
  unsigned char	sig[MD5_SIZE];
  char		buffer[4096];
  md5_t		md5;
  int		ret;
  FILE		*stream;
  if (strcmp(filename, "-") == 0) {
    stream = stdin;
  else {
    stream = fopen(filename, "r");
    if (stream == NULL) {
  /* iterate over file */
  while (1) {
    /* read in from our file */
    ret = fread(buffer, sizeof(char), sizeof(buffer), stream);
    if (ret <= 0)
    /* process our buffer buffer */
    md5_process(&md5, buffer, ret);
  md5_finish(&md5, sig); 
  if (stream != stdin) {
  (void)printf("%25s '", "Resulting signature:");

  /* convert to string to print */
  md5_sig_to_string(sig, buffer, sizeof(buffer));
  (void)printf("%25s '%s'\n", "Results of md5_to_string:", buffer);
  /* now we convert it from string back into the sig */
  md5_sig_from_string(sig, buffer);
  (void)printf("%25s '", "After md5_from_string:");
Example #4
static int __hms_parse_read_body( int fd, hms_msg *msg, int body_len ) {

  char *buffer = NULL, *p = NULL;
  int read_in = 0, erred = HMS_FALSE;
  char computed_checksum[33], *given_checksum = NULL;
  buffer = malloc( body_len + 1 );
  if(buffer == NULL ) { erred = HMS_TRUE; }
  p = buffer;

  while( read_in < body_len ) {
    int sz = read( fd, p, (body_len - read_in) );
    if( sz <= 0 ) { erred = HMS_TRUE; break; }
    else { 
      read_in += sz; 
      p += sz;

  if(erred == HMS_FALSE) {

    /* Computed checksum */
    char hex_checksum[16];
    md5_buffer( buffer, body_len, (void *) hex_checksum );
    md5_sig_to_string( hex_checksum, computed_checksum, 33);

    /* Check the checksum if passed */
    int ret_chk = 0;
    ret_chk = hms_msg_get_named_header(msg, HMS_CONTENT_CHECKSUM, &given_checksum);
    if( ret_chk == 0 && given_checksum != NULL ) {
      if( strncasecmp( given_checksum, computed_checksum, sizeof(computed_checksum) ) != 0 ) {
	fprintf(stderr, "[ERROR] Checksums don't match!!\n"); fflush(stderr);
	fprintf(stderr, "[ERROR] Computed: %s Given: %s\n", computed_checksum, given_checksum );
	erred = 1;
      }// else { fprintf(stderr, "[NOTE] Checksums matched!\n"); }
    } else { fprintf(stderr, "[NOTE] No checksum provided!\n"); }

    /* Update the body */
    assert(read_in == body_len );
    hms_msg_set_body( msg, buffer, body_len );


  if(buffer) { free(buffer); buffer = NULL; }
  if(given_checksum) { free(given_checksum); given_checksum = NULL; }

  return (erred == HMS_TRUE) ? -1 : 0; 

} /* end __hms_parse_read_body() */
bool CCheckPassword::checkPass(const std::string& pass, const std::string& dbpass)
	//if(crypted) return Botan::check_bcrypt(pass, dbpass);
	//else		return (pass.compare(dbpass) == 0 ? true : false );
	int crypttype = kPlainText;
	if		(dbpass.size() == 60)	crypttype = kBcryptedText;
	else if	(dbpass.size() == 32)	crypttype = kMD5Text;

	case kPlainText:
			return (pass.compare(dbpass) == 0 ? true : false );

	case kMD5Text:
			char tmpPass[1024];
			char tmpResult[256];
			md5_buffer(pass.c_str(), pass.size(), tmpPass);
			md5_sig_to_string(tmpPass, tmpResult, sizeof(tmpResult));
			std::string md5String(tmpResult);
			std::transform(md5String.begin(), md5String.end(), md5String.begin(), toupper);
			std::string dbpassUpper(dbpass);
			std::transform(dbpassUpper.begin(), dbpassUpper.end(), dbpassUpper.begin(), toupper);
			return (md5String.compare(dbpassUpper) == 0 ? true : false);

	case kBcryptedText:
			return Botan::check_bcrypt(pass, dbpass);

		return false;
	return false;
// Purpose: 
// Input  : strIP - 
//			ulPortNum - 
// Output : Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
void CUISelectServer::ConnectToServer(CTString strIP, ULONG ulPortNum)

	CUIManager* pUIManager = CUIManager::getSingleton();

	// 소켓의 연결을 끊었다가, 다시 연결함.
	_cmiComm.Reconnect(strIP, ulPortNum);
	if(_tcpip.Socket == INVALID_SOCKET)
		//CPrintF("게임 서버와 연결할 수 없습니다.\n");

		CUIMsgBox_Info	MsgBoxInfo;
		MsgBoxInfo.SetMsgBoxInfo( _S( 424, "접속 오류" ), UMBS_OK, UI_SEL_SERVER, MSGCMD_CONNECT_ERROR );
		MsgBoxInfo.AddString( _S( 426, "게임 서버와 연결할 수 없습니다." ) );
		pUIManager->CreateMessageBox( MsgBoxInfo );

		_pNetwork->m_bSendMessage = FALSE;

	// [091103: selo] 미국에 md5 적용함
#if defined(G_JAPAN)/* || defined(G_USA)*/ 
	// 패스워드 MD5로 암호화
	char tmpPass[1024];
	char tmpResult[256];
	md5_buffer(_pNetwork->m_strUserPW, _pNetwork->m_strUserPW.Length(), tmpPass);
	md5_sig_to_string(tmpPass, tmpResult, sizeof(tmpResult));
	CTString CT_tmpPass = tmpResult;
	CT_tmpPass.ToUpper(); // MD5로 암호화된 패스워드는 대문자로 전송(서버에서 대문자로 된 패스워드로 처리)
	_pNetwork->SendLoginMessage(_pNetwork->m_strUserID, CT_tmpPass, pUIManager->GetVersion());
	_pNetwork->SendLoginMessage(_pNetwork->m_strUserID, _pNetwork->m_strUserPW, pUIManager->GetVersion());

Example #7
char* md5_calc_file_signature(const char *filename)
  char      buffer[4096];
  char*     strsig;
  int       ret;
  FILE      *stream;
  gcry_md_hd_t md5;
  gcry_error_t err;
  unsigned char* sig;
  MD5_CTX   md5;
  unsigned char sig[MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH];

  stream = fopen(filename, "r");
  if (stream == NULL) {
  err = gcry_md_open(&md5, GCRY_MD_MD5, 0);
  if (err) {
    fprintf(stderr, "MD5 context creation failure: %s/%s",
      gcry_strsource (err), gcry_strerror (err));
    return NULL;

  /* iterate over file */
  while (1) {
    /* read in from our file */
    ret = fread(buffer, sizeof(char), sizeof(buffer), stream);
    if (ret <= 0)

    /* process our buffer buffer */
    gcry_md_write(md5, buffer, ret);
    MD5_Update(&md5, buffer, ret);

  sig = gcry_md_read(md5, GCRY_MD_MD5);
  if (!sig) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Unable to calculate MD5 signature for %s", filename);
    return NULL;
  MD5_Final(sig, &md5);

  if (stream != stdin) {

  /* convert to string to print */
  strsig = (char*) malloc(16*2+1);
  if (strsig) {
    md5_sig_to_string(sig, strsig, 16*2+1);
    /*(void)printf("%25s '%s'\n", "File key:", strsig);*/
    return strsig;
  } else {
    return NULL;