Example #1
void wavelet_dims(unsigned int N, unsigned int flags, long odims[2 * N], const long dims[N], const long flen)
	md_copy_dims(N, odims, dims);
	md_singleton_dims(N, odims + N);

	wavelet_dims_r(N, N - 1, flags, odims, dims, flen);
Example #2
void fwtN(unsigned int N, unsigned int flags, const long shifts[N], const long dims[N], const long ostr[2 * N], complex float* out, const long istr[N], const complex float* in, const long flen, const float filter[2][2][flen])
	long odims[2 * N];
	wavelet_dims(N, flags, odims, dims, flen);

	assert(md_calc_size(2 * N, odims) >= md_calc_size(N, dims));

	// FIXME one of these is unnecessary if we use the output

	complex float* tmpA = md_alloc_sameplace(2 * N, odims, CFL_SIZE, out);
	complex float* tmpB = md_alloc_sameplace(2 * N, odims, CFL_SIZE, out);

	long tidims[2 * N];
	md_copy_dims(N, tidims, dims);
	md_singleton_dims(N, tidims + N);
	long tistrs[2 * N];
	md_calc_strides(2 * N, tistrs, tidims, CFL_SIZE);

	long todims[2 * N];
	md_copy_dims(2 * N, todims, tidims);

	long tostrs[2 * N];

	// maybe we should push the randshift into lower levels

	//md_copy2(N, dims, tistrs, tmpA, istr, in, CFL_SIZE);
	md_circ_shift2(N, dims, shifts, tistrs, tmpA, istr, in, CFL_SIZE);

	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < N; i++) {

		if (MD_IS_SET(flags, i)) {

			todims[0 + i] = odims[0 + i];
			todims[N + i] = odims[N + i];

			md_calc_strides(2 * N, tostrs, todims, CFL_SIZE);
			fwt1(2 * N, i, tidims, tostrs, tmpB, (void*)tmpB + tostrs[N + i], tistrs, tmpA, flen, filter);

			md_copy_dims(2 * N, tidims, todims);
			md_copy_dims(2 * N, tistrs, tostrs);

			complex float* swap = tmpA;
			tmpA = tmpB;
			tmpB = swap;

	md_copy2(2 * N, todims, ostr, out, tostrs, tmpA, CFL_SIZE);

Example #3
static void dfthresh(unsigned int D, const long dims[D], float lambda, complex float* out, const complex float* in)
	long minsize[3];
	md_singleton_dims(3, minsize);

	long coarse_scale[3] = MD_INIT_ARRAY(3, 16);
	md_min_dims(3, ~0u, minsize, dims, coarse_scale);

        complex float res[3];
        res[0] = 1.;
        res[1] = 1.;
        res[2] = 1.;

        assert(3 == dims[TE_DIM]);

        const struct operator_p_s* p = prox_dfwavelet_create(dims, minsize, res, TE_DIM, lambda, false);

	operator_p_apply(p, 1., D, dims, out, D, dims, in);

Example #4
 * Efficiently chain two matrix linops by multiplying the actual matrices together.
 * Stores a copy of the new matrix.
 * Returns: C = B A
 * @param a first matrix (applied to input)
 * @param b second matrix (applied to output of first matrix)
struct linop_s* linop_matrix_chain(const struct linop_s* a, const struct linop_s* b)
	const struct operator_matrix_s* a_data = linop_get_data(a);
	const struct operator_matrix_s* b_data = linop_get_data(b);

	// check compatibility
	assert(linop_codomain(a)->N == linop_domain(b)->N);
	assert(md_calc_size(linop_codomain(a)->N, linop_codomain(a)->dims) == md_calc_size(linop_domain(b)->N, linop_domain(b)->dims));
	assert(a_data->K_dim != b_data->T_dim); // FIXME error for now -- need to deal with this specially.
	assert((a_data->T_dim == b_data->K_dim) && (a_data->T == b_data->K));

	unsigned int N = linop_domain(a)->N;

	long max_dims[N];

	md_singleton_dims(N, max_dims);
	max_dims[a_data->T_dim] = a_data->T;
	max_dims[a_data->K_dim] = a_data->K;
	max_dims[b_data->T_dim] = b_data->T;

	long matrix_dims[N];
	long matrix_strs[N];

	md_select_dims(N, ~MD_BIT(a_data->T_dim), matrix_dims, max_dims);
	md_calc_strides(N, matrix_strs, matrix_dims, CFL_SIZE);

	complex float* matrix = md_alloc_sameplace(N, matrix_dims, CFL_SIZE, a_data->mat);

	md_clear(N, matrix_dims, matrix, CFL_SIZE);
	md_zfmac2(N, max_dims, matrix_strs, matrix, a_data->mat_iovec->strs, a_data->mat, b_data->mat_iovec->strs, b_data->mat);

	struct linop_s* c = linop_matrix_create(N, linop_codomain(b)->dims, linop_domain(a)->dims, matrix_dims, matrix);


	return c;
Example #5
// FIXME: consider moving this to a more accessible location?
static void wthresh(unsigned int D, const long dims[D], float lambda, unsigned int flags, complex float* out, const complex float* in)
	long minsize[D];
	md_singleton_dims(D, minsize);

	long course_scale[3] = MD_INIT_ARRAY(3, 16);
	md_copy_dims(3, minsize, course_scale);

	unsigned int wflags = 7; // FIXME

	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
		if (dims[i] < minsize[i])
			wflags = MD_CLEAR(wflags, i);

	long strs[D];
	md_calc_strides(D, strs, dims, CFL_SIZE);

	const struct linop_s* w = linop_wavelet_create(D, wflags, dims, strs, minsize, false);
	const struct operator_p_s* p = prox_unithresh_create(D, w, lambda, flags);

	operator_p_apply(p, 1., D, dims, out, D, dims, in);

Example #6
 * Operator interface for a true matrix:
 * out = mat * in
 * in:	[x x x x 1 x x K x x]
 * mat:	[x x x x T x x K x x]
 * out:	[x x x x T x x 1 x x]
 * where the x's are arbitrary dimensions and T and K may be transposed
 * use this interface if K == 1 or T == 1
 * @param N number of dimensions
 * @param out_dims output dimensions after applying the matrix (codomain)
 * @param in_dims input dimensions to apply the matrix (domain)
 * @param T_dim dimension corresponding to the rows of A
 * @param K_dim dimension corresponding to the columns of A
 * @param matrix matrix data
struct linop_s* linop_matrix_altcreate(unsigned int N, const long out_dims[N], const long in_dims[N], const unsigned int T_dim, const unsigned int K_dim, const complex float* matrix)
	long matrix_dims[N];
	md_singleton_dims(N, matrix_dims);

	matrix_dims[K_dim] = in_dims[K_dim];
	matrix_dims[T_dim] = out_dims[T_dim];

	unsigned int T = out_dims[T_dim];
	unsigned int K = in_dims[K_dim];

	PTR_ALLOC(long[N], max_dims);

	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < N; i++) {

		if ((in_dims[i] > 1) && (out_dims[i] == 1)) {

			(*max_dims)[i] = in_dims[i];
		else if ((in_dims[i] == 1) && (out_dims[i] > 1)) {

			(*max_dims)[i] = out_dims[i];
		else {

			assert(in_dims[i] == out_dims[i]);

			(*max_dims)[i] = in_dims[i];

	complex float* mat = md_alloc_sameplace(N, matrix_dims, CFL_SIZE, matrix);
	complex float* matc = md_alloc_sameplace(N, matrix_dims, CFL_SIZE, matrix);

	md_copy(N, matrix_dims, mat, matrix, CFL_SIZE);
	md_zconj(N, matrix_dims, matc, mat);

	complex float* gram = NULL;
	const struct iovec_s* gram_iovec = compute_gram_matrix(N, T_dim, T, K_dim, K, &gram, matrix_dims, matrix);

	PTR_ALLOC(struct operator_matrix_s, data);
	SET_TYPEID(operator_matrix_s, data);

	data->mat_iovec = iovec_create(N, matrix_dims, CFL_SIZE);
	data->mat_gram_iovec = gram_iovec;

	data->max_dims = *max_dims;

	data->mat = mat;
	data->mat_conj = matc;
	data->mat_gram = gram;

	data->K_dim = K_dim;
	data->T_dim = T_dim;
	data->K = K;
	data->T = T;

	data->domain_iovec = iovec_create(N, in_dims, CFL_SIZE);
	data->codomain_iovec = iovec_create(N, out_dims, CFL_SIZE);

	return linop_create(N, out_dims, N, in_dims, CAST_UP(PTR_PASS(data)), linop_matrix_apply, linop_matrix_apply_adjoint, linop_matrix_apply_normal, NULL, linop_matrix_del);
Example #7
 * Compute the Gram matrix, A^H A.
 * Stores the result in @param gram, which is allocated by the function
 * Returns: iovec_s corresponding to the gram matrix dimensions
 * @param N number of dimensions
 * @param T_dim dimension corresponding to the rows of A
 * @param T number of rows of A (codomain)
 * @param K_dim dimension corresponding to the columns of A
 * @param K number of columns of A (domain)
 * @param gram store the result (allocated by this function)
 * @param matrix_dims dimensions of A
 * @param matrix matrix data
const struct iovec_s* compute_gram_matrix(unsigned int N, unsigned int T_dim, unsigned int T, unsigned int K_dim, unsigned int K, complex float** gram, const long matrix_dims[N], const complex float* matrix)
	// FIXME this can certainly be simplfied...
	// Just be careful to consider the case where the data passed to the operator is a subset of a bigger array

	// B_dims = [T K 1]  or  [K T 1]
	// C_dims = [T 1 K]  or  [1 T K]
	// A_dims = [1 K K]  or  [K 1 K]
	// after: gram_dims = [1 K1 K2] --> [K2 K1 1]  or  [K1 1 K2] --> [K1 K2 1]

	long A_dims[N + 1];
	long B_dims[N + 1];
	long C_dims[N + 1];
	long fake_gram_dims[N + 1];

	long A_str[N + 1];
	long B_str[N + 1];
	long C_str[N + 1];
	long max_dims[N + 1];

	md_singleton_dims(N + 1, A_dims);
	md_singleton_dims(N + 1, B_dims);
	md_singleton_dims(N + 1, C_dims);
	md_singleton_dims(N + 1, fake_gram_dims);
	md_singleton_dims(N + 1, max_dims);

	A_dims[K_dim] = K;
	A_dims[N] = K;

	B_dims[T_dim] = T;
	B_dims[K_dim] = K;

	C_dims[T_dim] = T;
	C_dims[N] = K;

	max_dims[T_dim] = T;
	max_dims[K_dim] = K;
	max_dims[N] = K;

	fake_gram_dims[T_dim] = K;
	fake_gram_dims[K_dim] = K;

	md_calc_strides(N + 1, A_str, A_dims, CFL_SIZE);
	md_calc_strides(N + 1, B_str, B_dims, CFL_SIZE);
	md_calc_strides(N + 1, C_str, C_dims, CFL_SIZE);

	complex float* tmpA = md_alloc_sameplace(N + 1 , A_dims, CFL_SIZE, matrix);
	complex float* tmpB = md_alloc_sameplace(N + 1, B_dims, CFL_SIZE, matrix);
	complex float* tmpC = md_alloc_sameplace(N + 1, C_dims, CFL_SIZE, matrix);

	md_copy(N, matrix_dims, tmpB, matrix, CFL_SIZE);
	//md_copy(N, matrix_dims, tmpC, matrix, CFL_SIZE);

	md_transpose(N + 1, K_dim, N, C_dims, tmpC, B_dims, tmpB, CFL_SIZE);
	md_clear(N + 1, A_dims, tmpA, CFL_SIZE);
	md_zfmacc2(N + 1, max_dims, A_str, tmpA, B_str, tmpB, C_str, tmpC);

	*gram = md_alloc_sameplace(N, fake_gram_dims, CFL_SIZE, matrix);
	md_transpose(N + 1, T_dim, N, fake_gram_dims, *gram, A_dims, tmpA, CFL_SIZE); 

	const struct iovec_s* s =  iovec_create(N, fake_gram_dims, CFL_SIZE);


	return s;
Example #8
File: read.c Project: cbasasif/bart
int ismrm_read(const char* datafile, long dims[DIMS], _Complex float* buf)
	ISMRMRD_Dataset d;
	ismrmrd_init_dataset(&d, datafile, "/dataset");
	ismrmrd_open_dataset(&d, false);

	assert(DIMS > 5);

	unsigned int number_of_acquisitions = ismrmrd_get_number_of_acquisitions(&d);

	long pos[DIMS];
	long channels = -1;
	long slices = 0;
	long samples = -1;

	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < DIMS; i++)
		pos[i] = 0;

	long strs[DIMS];
	long adc_dims[DIMS];
	long adc_strs[DIMS];

	if (NULL == buf) {

		md_singleton_dims(DIMS, dims);

	} else {

		md_calc_strides(DIMS, strs, dims, CFL_SIZE);

		md_select_dims(DIMS, READ_FLAG|COIL_FLAG, adc_dims, dims);
		md_calc_strides(DIMS, adc_strs, adc_dims, CFL_SIZE);

	ISMRMRD_Acquisition acq;

	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < number_of_acquisitions; i++) {

		ismrmrd_read_acquisition(&d, i, &acq);

		if (acq.head.flags & (1 << (ISMRMRD_ACQ_IS_NOISE_MEASUREMENT - 1)))

		if (-1 == channels) {

			channels = acq.head.available_channels;
			samples = acq.head.number_of_samples;

		pos[1] = acq.head.idx.kspace_encode_step_1;
		pos[2] = acq.head.idx.kspace_encode_step_2;
		pos[4] = slices; // acq.head.idx.slice;

		if (buf != NULL) {

			assert(pos[1] < dims[1]);
			assert(pos[2] < dims[2]);
			assert(pos[4] < dims[4]);

			assert(dims[0] == acq.head.number_of_samples);
			assert(dims[3] == acq.head.active_channels);
			assert(dims[3] == acq.head.available_channels);

			debug_printf(DP_DEBUG3, ":/%ld %ld/%ld %ld/%ld :/%ld %ld/%ld %d\n",
				dims[0], pos[1], dims[1], pos[2], dims[2], dims[3], pos[4], dims[4], number_of_acquisitions);

			md_copy_block2(DIMS, pos, dims, strs, buf, adc_dims, adc_strs, acq.data, CFL_SIZE);

		} else {

			dims[1] = MAX(dims[1], pos[1] + 1);
			dims[2] = MAX(dims[2], pos[2] + 1);

		if (acq.head.flags & (1 << (ISMRMRD_ACQ_LAST_IN_SLICE - 1)))

	//	ismrmrd_free_acquisition(&acq);

	if (NULL == buf) {

		dims[0] = samples;
		dims[3] = channels;
		dims[4] = slices;

	} else {

		assert(dims[3] == channels);
		assert(dims[4] == slices);

//	printf("Done.\n");

	return 0;
Example #9
int main_nufft(int argc, char* argv[])
	int c;
	bool adjoint = false;
	bool inverse = false;
	bool toeplitz = false;
	bool precond = false;
	bool use_gpu = false;
	bool two = false;
	bool calib = false;
	bool sizeinit = false;
	bool stoch = false;

	long coilim_dims[DIMS];
	md_singleton_dims(DIMS, coilim_dims);

	int maxiter = 50;
	float lambda = 0.00;

	const char* pat_str = NULL;

	while (-1 != (c = getopt(argc, argv, "d:m:l:p:aihCto:w:2:c:S"))) {

		switch (c) {

		case '2':
			two = true;

		case 'i':
			inverse = true;

		case 'a':
			adjoint = true;

		case 'C':
			precond = true;

		case 'S':
			stoch = true;

		case 'c':
			calib = true;
			inverse = true;
		case 'd':
			sscanf(optarg, "%ld:%ld:%ld", &coilim_dims[0], &coilim_dims[1], &coilim_dims[2]);
			sizeinit = true;

		case 'm':
			maxiter = atoi(optarg);

		case 'p':
			pat_str = strdup(optarg);

		case 'l':
			lambda = atof(optarg);

		case 't':
			toeplitz = true;

		case 'h':
			usage(argv[0], stdout);

			usage(argv[0], stderr);

	if (argc - optind != 3) {

		usage(argv[0], stderr);

	// Read trajectory
	long traj_dims[2];
	complex float* traj = load_cfl(argv[optind + 0], 2, traj_dims);

	assert(3 == traj_dims[0]);

	if (!sizeinit)
		estimate_im_dims(coilim_dims, traj_dims, traj);


	// Load pattern / density compensation (if any)
	complex float* pat = NULL;
	long pat_dims[2];

	if (pat_str) {

		pat = load_cfl(pat_str, 2, pat_dims);
		assert(pat_dims[0] == 1);
		assert(pat_dims[1] == traj_dims[1]);

	if (inverse || adjoint) {

		long ksp_dims[DIMS];
		const complex float* ksp = load_cfl(argv[optind + 1], DIMS, ksp_dims);

		coilim_dims[COIL_DIM] = ksp_dims[COIL_DIM];

		long out_dims[DIMS];

		if (calib) {

			md_singleton_dims(DIMS, out_dims);
			estimate_im_dims(out_dims, traj_dims, traj);
			out_dims[COIL_DIM] = ksp_dims[COIL_DIM];

		} else {

			md_copy_dims(DIMS, out_dims, coilim_dims);

		complex float* out = create_cfl(argv[optind + 2], DIMS, out_dims);
		complex float* img = out;

		if (calib)
			img = md_alloc(DIMS, coilim_dims, CFL_SIZE);

		md_clear(DIMS, coilim_dims, img, CFL_SIZE);

		struct iter_conjgrad_conf cgconf = iter_conjgrad_defaults;
		cgconf.maxiter = maxiter;
		cgconf.l2lambda = 0.;
		cgconf.tol = 0;

		const struct linop_s* nufft_op;

		// Get nufft_op
		if (two)
			nufft_op = nufft2_create(ksp_dims, coilim_dims, traj, pat, toeplitz, precond, &cgconf, use_gpu);
 * NUFFT operator initialization
 * @param N		-	number of dimensions
 * @param ksp_dims      -	kspace dimension
 * @param cim_dims	-	coil images dimension
 * @param traj		-	trajectory
 * @param conf          -	configuration options
 * @param use_gpu       -	use gpu boolean
struct linop_s* nufft_create(unsigned int N, const long ksp_dims[N], const long cim_dims[N], const long traj_dims[N], const complex float* traj, const complex float* weights, struct nufft_conf_s conf, bool use_gpu)

	struct nufft_data* data = (struct nufft_data*)xmalloc(sizeof(struct nufft_data));

	data->N = N;
	data->use_gpu = use_gpu;
	data->traj = traj;
	data->conf = conf;

	data->width = 3.;
	data->beta = calc_beta(2., data->width);

	// get dims

	assert(md_check_compat(N - 3, 0, ksp_dims + 3, cim_dims + 3));

	unsigned int ND = N + 3;

	data->ksp_dims = xmalloc(ND * sizeof(long));
	data->cim_dims = xmalloc(ND * sizeof(long));
	data->cml_dims = xmalloc(ND * sizeof(long));
	data->img_dims = xmalloc(ND * sizeof(long));
	data->trj_dims = xmalloc(ND * sizeof(long));
	data->lph_dims = xmalloc(ND * sizeof(long));
	data->psf_dims = xmalloc(ND * sizeof(long));
	data->wgh_dims = xmalloc(ND * sizeof(long));

	data->ksp_strs = xmalloc(ND * sizeof(long));
	data->cim_strs = xmalloc(ND * sizeof(long));
	data->cml_strs = xmalloc(ND * sizeof(long));
	data->img_strs = xmalloc(ND * sizeof(long));
	data->trj_strs = xmalloc(ND * sizeof(long));
	data->lph_strs = xmalloc(ND * sizeof(long));
	data->psf_strs = xmalloc(ND * sizeof(long));
	data->wgh_strs = xmalloc(ND * sizeof(long));

	md_singleton_dims(ND, data->cim_dims);
	md_singleton_dims(ND, data->ksp_dims);

	md_copy_dims(N, data->cim_dims, cim_dims);
	md_copy_dims(N, data->ksp_dims, ksp_dims);

	md_select_dims(ND, FFT_FLAGS, data->img_dims, data->cim_dims);

	assert(3 == traj_dims[0]);
	assert(traj_dims[1] == ksp_dims[1]);
	assert(traj_dims[2] == ksp_dims[2]);
	assert(md_check_compat(N - 3, ~0, traj_dims + 3, ksp_dims + 3));
	assert(md_check_bounds(N - 3, ~0, traj_dims + 3, ksp_dims + 3));

	md_singleton_dims(ND, data->trj_dims);
	md_copy_dims(N, data->trj_dims, traj_dims);

	// get strides

	md_calc_strides(ND, data->cim_strs, data->cim_dims, CFL_SIZE);
	md_calc_strides(ND, data->img_strs, data->img_dims, CFL_SIZE);
	md_calc_strides(ND, data->trj_strs, data->trj_dims, CFL_SIZE);
	md_calc_strides(ND, data->ksp_strs, data->ksp_dims, CFL_SIZE);

	data->weights = NULL;

	if (NULL != weights) {

		md_singleton_dims(ND, data->wgh_dims);
		md_select_dims(N, ~MD_BIT(0), data->wgh_dims, data->trj_dims);
		md_calc_strides(ND, data->wgh_strs, data->wgh_dims, CFL_SIZE);

		complex float* tmp = md_alloc(ND, data->wgh_dims, CFL_SIZE);
		md_copy(ND, data->wgh_dims, tmp, weights, CFL_SIZE);
		data->weights = tmp;

	complex float* roll = md_alloc(ND, data->img_dims, CFL_SIZE);
	rolloff_correction(2., data->width, data->beta, data->img_dims, roll);
	data->roll = roll;

	complex float* linphase = compute_linphases(N, data->lph_dims, data->img_dims);

	md_calc_strides(ND, data->lph_strs, data->lph_dims, CFL_SIZE);

	if (!conf.toeplitz)
		md_zmul2(ND, data->lph_dims, data->lph_strs, linphase, data->lph_strs, linphase, data->img_strs, data->roll);

	fftmod(ND, data->lph_dims, FFT_FLAGS, linphase, linphase);
	fftscale(ND, data->lph_dims, FFT_FLAGS, linphase, linphase);
//	md_zsmul(ND, data->lph_dims, linphase, linphase, 1. / (float)(data->trj_dims[1] * data->trj_dims[2]));

	complex float* fftm = md_alloc(ND, data->img_dims, CFL_SIZE);
	md_zfill(ND, data->img_dims, fftm, 1.);
	fftmod(ND, data->img_dims, FFT_FLAGS, fftm, fftm);
	data->fftmod = fftm;

	data->linphase = linphase;
	data->psf = NULL;

	if (conf.toeplitz) {

#if 0
		md_copy_dims(ND, data->psf_dims, data->lph_dims);
		md_copy_dims(3, data->psf_dims, data->lph_dims);
		md_copy_dims(ND - 3, data->psf_dims + 3, data->trj_dims + 3);
		data->psf_dims[N] = data->lph_dims[N];
		md_calc_strides(ND, data->psf_strs, data->psf_dims, CFL_SIZE);
		data->psf = compute_psf2(N, data->psf_dims, data->trj_dims, data->traj, data->weights);

	md_copy_dims(ND, data->cml_dims, data->cim_dims);
	data->cml_dims[N + 0] = data->lph_dims[N + 0];

	md_calc_strides(ND, data->cml_strs, data->cml_dims, CFL_SIZE);

	data->cm2_dims = xmalloc(ND * sizeof(long));
	// !
	md_copy_dims(ND, data->cm2_dims, data->cim_dims);
	for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
		data->cm2_dims[i] = (1 == cim_dims[i]) ? 1 : (2 * cim_dims[i]);

	data->grid = md_alloc(ND, data->cml_dims, CFL_SIZE);

	data->fft_op = linop_fft_create(ND, data->cml_dims, FFT_FLAGS, use_gpu);

	return linop_create(N, ksp_dims, N, cim_dims,
		data, nufft_apply, nufft_apply_adjoint, nufft_apply_normal, NULL, nufft_free_data);
Example #11
File: admm.c Project: nckz/bart
 * ADMM (ADMM-2 from Afonso et al.)
 * Solves min_x 0.5 || y - Ax ||_2^2 + sum_i f_i(G_i x), where the f_i are
 * arbitrary convex functions. If Aop is NULL, solves min_x sum_i f_i(G_i x)
 * Each iteration requires solving the proximal of f_i, as well as applying
 * G_i, G_i^H, and G_i^H G_i, all which must be provided in admm_plan_s.
void admm(struct admm_history_s* history, const struct admm_plan_s* plan, 
	  unsigned int D, const long z_dims[D],
	  long N, float* x, const float* x_adj,
	  const struct vec_iter_s* vops,
	  void (*Aop)(void* _data, float* _dst, const float* _src),
	  void* Aop_data,
	  void* obj_eval_data,
	  float (*obj_eval)(const void*, const float*))
	bool fast = plan->fast;
	double ABSTOL = plan->ABSTOL;
	double RELTOL = plan->RELTOL;
	float tau = plan->tau;
	float mu = plan->mu;

	unsigned int num_funs = D;

	long pos = 0;

	long fake_strs[num_funs];

	md_singleton_dims(num_funs, fake_strs);

	long M = md_calc_offset(num_funs, fake_strs, z_dims);

	// allocate memory for history
	history->r_norm = *TYPE_ALLOC(double[plan->maxiter]);
	history->s_norm = *TYPE_ALLOC(double[plan->maxiter]);
	history->eps_pri = *TYPE_ALLOC(double[plan->maxiter]);
	history->eps_dual = *TYPE_ALLOC(double[plan->maxiter]);
	history->objective = *TYPE_ALLOC(double[plan->maxiter]);
	history->rho = *TYPE_ALLOC(float[plan->maxiter]);
	history->relMSE = *TYPE_ALLOC(double[plan->maxiter]);

	long Mjmax = 0;
	for(unsigned int i = 0; i < num_funs; i++)
		Mjmax = MAX(Mjmax, z_dims[i]);

	struct iter_history_s cghistory;
	cghistory.numiter = 0;
	cghistory.relMSE = *TYPE_ALLOC(double[plan->maxitercg]);
	cghistory.objective = *TYPE_ALLOC(double[plan->maxitercg]);
	cghistory.resid = *TYPE_ALLOC(double[plan->maxitercg]);

	// allocate memory for all of our auxiliary variables
	float* z = vops->allocate(M);
	float* u = vops->allocate(M);
	float* rhs = vops->allocate(N);
	float* r = vops->allocate(M);
	float* s = vops->allocate(N);
	float* Gjx_plus_uj = vops->allocate(Mjmax);
	float* GH_usum = NULL;
	float* zj_old = NULL;

	if (!fast) {

		GH_usum = vops->allocate(N);
		zj_old = vops->allocate(Mjmax);

	float* x_err = NULL;
	if (NULL != plan->image_truth)
		x_err = vops->allocate(N);

	if (!fast) {

		if (NULL != plan->image_truth)
			debug_printf(DP_DEBUG3, "%3s\t%3s\t%10s\t%10s\t%10s\t%10s\t%10s\t%10s\t%10s\n", "iter", "cgiter", "rho", "r norm", "eps pri", "s norm", "eps dual", "obj", "relMSE");
			debug_printf(DP_DEBUG3, "%3s\t%3s\t%10s\t%10s\t%10s\t%10s\t%10s\t%10s\n", "iter", "cgiter", "rho", "r norm", "eps pri", "s norm", "eps dual", "obj");

	float rho = plan->rho;

	struct admm_normaleq_data ndata;
	ndata.N = N;
	ndata.num_funs = num_funs;
	ndata.ops = plan->ops;
	ndata.Aop = Aop;
	ndata.Aop_data = Aop_data;
	ndata.rho = 1.;
	ndata.tmp = vops->allocate(N);

	struct cg_data_s* cgdata = (struct cg_data_s*) cg_data_init(N, vops);

	// hogwild
	int hw_K = 1;
	int hw_k = 0;

	unsigned int grad_iter = 0; // keep track of number of gradient evaluations

	if (plan->do_warmstart) {

		for (unsigned int j = 0; j < num_funs; j++) {
			// initialize for j'th function update
			pos = md_calc_offset(j, fake_strs, z_dims);
			long Mj = z_dims[j];

			plan->ops[j].forward(plan->ops[j].data, Gjx_plus_uj, x); // Gj(x)

			if (0 == rho)
				vops->copy(Mj, z + pos, Gjx_plus_uj);
				plan->prox_ops[j].prox_fun(plan->prox_ops[j].data, 1. / rho, z + pos, Gjx_plus_uj);

			vops->sub(Mj, u + pos, Gjx_plus_uj, z + pos);

	} else {

		vops->clear(M, z);
		vops->clear(M, u);

	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < plan->maxiter; i++) {

		// update x
		vops->clear(N, rhs);
		vops->sub(M, r, z, u);

		for (unsigned int j = 0; j < num_funs; j++) {

			pos = md_calc_offset(j, fake_strs, z_dims);
			plan->ops[j].adjoint(plan->ops[j].data, s, r + pos);
			vops->add(N, rhs, rhs, s);

		if ((NULL != Aop) && (NULL != Aop_data)) {

			vops->xpay(N, rho, rhs, x_adj);
			ndata.rho = rho;

		// x update: use plan->xupdate_fun if specified. use conjgrad otherwise
		if ((NULL != plan->xupdate_fun) && (NULL != plan->xupdate_data)) {

			plan->xupdate_fun(plan->xupdate_data, rho, x, rhs);

		} else {

			float eps = vops->norm(N, rhs);

			if (eps > 0.) {

			  conjgrad_hist_prealloc(&cghistory, plan->maxitercg, 0., 1.E-3 * eps, N, &ndata, cgdata, vops, admm_normaleq, x, rhs, plan->image_truth, obj_eval_data, obj_eval);
			  //conjgrad_hist(&cghistory, plan->maxitercg, 0., 1.E-3 * eps, N, &ndata, vops, admm_normaleq, x, rhs, plan->image_truth, obj_eval_data, obj_eval);

			} else {

				cghistory.numiter = 0;
				cghistory.relMSE[0] = 0.;
				cghistory.objective[0] = 0.;
				cghistory.resid[0] = 0.;

			grad_iter += cghistory.numiter;

		if ((NULL != obj_eval) && (NULL != obj_eval_data))
			history->objective[i] = obj_eval(obj_eval_data, x);
			history->objective[i] = 0.;

		double n1 = 0.;

		if (!fast) {

			vops->clear(N, GH_usum);
			vops->clear(N, s);
			vops->clear(M, r);

		// z_j prox
		for (unsigned int j = 0; j < num_funs; j++) {
			// initialize for j'th function update
			pos = md_calc_offset(j, fake_strs, z_dims);
			long Mj = z_dims[j];

			plan->ops[j].forward(plan->ops[j].data, Gjx_plus_uj, x); // Gj(x)

			// over-relaxation: Gjx_hat = alpha * Gj(x) + (1 - alpha) * zj_old
			if (!fast) {

				vops->copy(Mj, zj_old, z + pos);
				vops->copy(Mj, r + pos, Gjx_plus_uj); // rj = Gj(x)
				n1 = n1 + vops->dot(Mj, r + pos, r + pos);

				vops->smul(Mj, plan->alpha, Gjx_plus_uj, Gjx_plus_uj);
				vops->axpy(Mj, Gjx_plus_uj, (1. - plan->alpha), z + pos);

			vops->add(Mj, Gjx_plus_uj, Gjx_plus_uj, u + pos); // Gj(x) + uj

			if (0 == rho)
				vops->copy(Mj, z + pos, Gjx_plus_uj);
				plan->prox_ops[j].prox_fun(plan->prox_ops[j].data, 1. / rho, z + pos, Gjx_plus_uj);

			vops->sub(Mj, u + pos, Gjx_plus_uj, z + pos);

			if (!fast) {

				// rj = rj - zj = Gj(x) - zj
				vops->sub(Mj, r + pos, r + pos, z + pos);

				// add next term to s: s = s + Gj^H (zj - zj_old)
				vops->sub(Mj, zj_old, z + pos, zj_old);
				plan->ops[j].adjoint(plan->ops[j].data, rhs, zj_old);
				vops->add(N, s, s, rhs);

				// GH_usum += G_j^H uj (for updating eps_dual)
				plan->ops[j].adjoint(plan->ops[j].data, rhs, u + pos);
				vops->add(N, GH_usum, GH_usum, rhs);


		history->rho[i] = rho;

		if (!fast) {

			history->s_norm[i] = rho * vops->norm(N, s); 

			history->r_norm[i] = vops->norm(M, r);

			n1 = sqrt(n1);
			double n2 = vops->norm(M, z);
			history->eps_pri[i] = ABSTOL * sqrt(M) + RELTOL * (n1 > n2 ? n1 : n2);

			history->eps_dual[i] = ABSTOL * sqrt(N) + RELTOL * rho * vops->norm(N, GH_usum);

			if (NULL != plan->image_truth) {

				vops->sub(N, x_err, x, plan->image_truth);
				history->relMSE[i] = vops->norm(N, x_err) / vops->norm(N, plan->image_truth);

			if (NULL != plan->image_truth)
				debug_printf(DP_DEBUG3, "%3d\t%3d\t%10.4f\t%10.4f\t%10.4f\t%10.4f\t%10.4f\t%10.4f\t%10.4f\n", i, grad_iter, history->rho[i], history->r_norm[i], history->eps_pri[i], history->s_norm[i], history->eps_dual[i], history->objective[i], history->relMSE[i]);
				debug_printf(DP_DEBUG3, "%3d\t%3d\t%10.4f\t%10.4f\t%10.4f\t%10.4f\t%10.5f\t%10.4f\n", i, grad_iter, history->rho[i], history->r_norm[i], history->eps_pri[i], history->s_norm[i], history->eps_dual[i], history->objective[i]);

			if ((grad_iter > plan->maxiter)
			    || ((history->r_norm[i] < history->eps_pri[i])
				&& (history->s_norm[i] < history->eps_dual[i]))) {

				history->numiter = i;

			if (plan->dynamic_rho) {

				if (history->r_norm[i] > mu * history->s_norm[i]) {

					rho = rho * tau;
					vops->smul(M, 1. / tau, u, u);

				} else if (history->s_norm[i] > mu * history->r_norm[i]) {

					rho = rho / tau;
					vops->smul(M, tau, u, u);

		} else {

			debug_printf(DP_DEBUG3, "### ITER: %d (%d)\n", i, grad_iter);

			if (grad_iter > plan->maxiter)

		if (plan->hogwild) {


			if (hw_k == hw_K) {

				hw_k = 0;
				rho *= 2.;
				hw_K *= 2;
				vops->smul(M, 0.5, u, u);


	// cleanup

	if (!fast) {


	if (NULL != plan->image_truth)

	cg_data_free(cgdata, vops);


Example #12
File: someops.c Project: hcmh/bart
 * Efficiently chain two matrix linops by multiplying the actual matrices together.
 * Stores a copy of the new matrix.
 * Returns: C = B A
 * @param a first matrix (applied to input)
 * @param b second matrix (applied to output of first matrix)
struct linop_s* linop_matrix_chain(const struct linop_s* a, const struct linop_s* b)
	const struct operator_matrix_s* a_data = CAST_DOWN(operator_matrix_s, linop_get_data(a));
	const struct operator_matrix_s* b_data = CAST_DOWN(operator_matrix_s, linop_get_data(b));

	// check compatibility
	assert(linop_codomain(a)->N == linop_domain(b)->N);
	assert(md_check_compat(linop_codomain(a)->N, 0u, linop_codomain(a)->dims, linop_domain(b)->dims));

	unsigned int D = linop_domain(a)->N;

	unsigned long outB_flags = md_nontriv_dims(D, linop_codomain(b)->dims);
	unsigned long inB_flags = md_nontriv_dims(D, linop_domain(b)->dims);

	unsigned long delB_flags = inB_flags & ~outB_flags;

	unsigned int N = a_data->N;
	assert(N == 2 * D);

	long in_dims[N];
	md_copy_dims(N, in_dims, a_data->in_dims);

	long matA_dims[N];
	md_copy_dims(N, matA_dims, a_data->mat_dims);

	long matB_dims[N];
	md_copy_dims(N, matB_dims, b_data->mat_dims);

	long out_dims[N];
	md_copy_dims(N, out_dims, b_data->out_dims);

	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < D; i++) {

		if (MD_IS_SET(delB_flags, i)) {

			matA_dims[2 * i + 0] = a_data->mat_dims[2 * i + 1];
			matA_dims[2 * i + 1] = a_data->mat_dims[2 * i + 0];

			in_dims[2 * i + 0] = a_data->in_dims[2 * i + 1];
			in_dims[2 * i + 1] = a_data->in_dims[2 * i + 0];

	long matrix_dims[N];
	md_singleton_dims(N, matrix_dims);

	unsigned long iflags = md_nontriv_dims(N, in_dims);
	unsigned long oflags = md_nontriv_dims(N, out_dims);
	unsigned long flags = iflags | oflags;

	// we combine a and b and sum over dims not in input or output

	md_max_dims(N, flags, matrix_dims, matA_dims, matB_dims);

	debug_printf(DP_DEBUG1, "tensor chain: %ld x %ld -> %ld\n",
			md_calc_size(N, matA_dims), md_calc_size(N, matB_dims), md_calc_size(N, matrix_dims));

	complex float* matrix = md_alloc(N, matrix_dims, CFL_SIZE);

	debug_print_dims(DP_DEBUG2, N, matrix_dims);
	debug_print_dims(DP_DEBUG2, N, in_dims);
	debug_print_dims(DP_DEBUG2, N, matA_dims);
	debug_print_dims(DP_DEBUG2, N, matB_dims);
	debug_print_dims(DP_DEBUG2, N, out_dims);

	md_ztenmul(N, matrix_dims, matrix, matA_dims, a_data->mat, matB_dims, b_data->mat);

	// priv2 takes our doubled dimensions

	struct operator_matrix_s* data = linop_matrix_priv2(N, out_dims, in_dims, matrix_dims, matrix);

	/* although we internally use different dimensions we define the
	 * correct interface
	struct linop_s* c = linop_create(linop_codomain(b)->N, linop_codomain(b)->dims,
			linop_domain(a)->N, linop_domain(a)->dims, CAST_UP(data),
			linop_matrix_apply, linop_matrix_apply_adjoint,
			linop_matrix_apply_normal, NULL, linop_matrix_del);


	return c;
Example #13
int main_twixread(int argc, char* argv[argc])
	long adcs = 0;

	bool autoc = false;
	bool linectr = false;
	bool partctr = false;

	long dims[DIMS];
	md_singleton_dims(DIMS, dims);

	struct opt_s opts[] = {

		OPT_LONG('x', &(dims[READ_DIM]), "X", "number of samples (read-out)"),
		OPT_LONG('y', &(dims[PHS1_DIM]), "Y", "phase encoding steps"),
		OPT_LONG('z', &(dims[PHS2_DIM]), "Z", "partition encoding steps"),
		OPT_LONG('s', &(dims[SLICE_DIM]), "S", "number of slices"),
		OPT_LONG('v', &(dims[AVG_DIM]), "V", "number of averages"),
		OPT_LONG('c', &(dims[COIL_DIM]), "C", "number of channels"),
		OPT_LONG('n', &(dims[TIME_DIM]), "N", "number of repetitions"),
		OPT_LONG('a', &adcs, "A", "total number of ADCs"),
		OPT_SET('A', &autoc, "automatic [guess dimensions]"),
		OPT_SET('L', &linectr, "use linectr offset"),
		OPT_SET('P', &partctr, "use partctr offset"),

	cmdline(&argc, argv, 2, 2, usage_str, help_str, ARRAY_SIZE(opts), opts);

	if (0 == adcs)
		adcs = dims[PHS1_DIM] * dims[PHS2_DIM] * dims[SLICE_DIM] * dims[TIME_DIM];

	debug_print_dims(DP_DEBUG1, DIMS, dims);

        int ifd;
        if (-1 == (ifd = open(argv[1], O_RDONLY)))
                error("error opening file.");

	struct hdr_s hdr;
	bool vd = siemens_meas_setup(ifd, &hdr);

	long off[DIMS] = { 0 };

	if (autoc) {

		long max[DIMS] = { [COIL_DIM] = 1000 };
		long min[DIMS] = { 0 }; // min is always 0

		adcs = 0;

		while (true) {

			if (-1 == siemens_bounds(vd, ifd, min, max))

			debug_print_dims(DP_DEBUG3, DIMS, max);


		for (unsigned int i = 0; i < DIMS; i++) {

			off[i] = -min[i];
			dims[i] = max[i] + off[i];

		debug_printf(DP_DEBUG2, "Dimensions: ");
		debug_print_dims(DP_DEBUG2, DIMS, dims);
		debug_printf(DP_DEBUG2, "Offset: ");
		debug_print_dims(DP_DEBUG2, DIMS, off);

		siemens_meas_setup(ifd, &hdr); // reset

	complex float* out = create_cfl(argv[2], DIMS, dims);
	md_clear(DIMS, dims, out, CFL_SIZE);

	long adc_dims[DIMS];
	md_select_dims(DIMS, READ_FLAG|COIL_FLAG, adc_dims, dims);

	void* buf = md_alloc(DIMS, adc_dims, CFL_SIZE);

	while (adcs--) {

		long pos[DIMS] = { [0 ... DIMS - 1] = 0 };

		if (-1 == siemens_adc_read(vd, ifd, linectr, partctr, dims, pos, buf)) {

			debug_printf(DP_WARN, "Stopping.\n");

		for (unsigned int i = 0; i < DIMS; i++)
			pos[i] += off[i];

		debug_print_dims(DP_DEBUG1, DIMS, pos);

		if (!md_is_index(DIMS, pos, dims)) {

			debug_printf(DP_WARN, "Index out of bounds.\n");

		md_copy_block(DIMS, pos, dims, out, adc_dims, buf, CFL_SIZE); 

	unmap_cfl(DIMS, dims, out);
Example #14
struct wavelet_plan_s* prepare_wavelet_plan_filters(int numdims, const long imSize[numdims], unsigned int flags, const long minSize[numdims], int use_gpu, int filter_length, const float filter[4][filter_length])
	// Currently only accept flags=3,7
	assert( (3 == flags) || (7 == flags) );
	assert((use_gpu == 0) || (use_gpu == 1));

	struct wavelet_plan_s* plan = (struct wavelet_plan_s*)xmalloc(sizeof(struct wavelet_plan_s));
	plan->use_gpu = use_gpu;
	plan->imSize = (long*)xmalloc(sizeof(long)*numdims);
	md_singleton_dims(numdims, plan->imSize);
	// Get imSize, numPixel, numdims_tr
	// plan->numdims and flags ignores imSize[i]=1
	plan->numdims_tr = 0;
	plan->numPixel = 1;
	plan->numPixel_tr = 1;
	plan->batchSize = 1;
	plan->flags = 0;
	int i,i_tr;
	int d = 0;
	for (i = 0; i < numdims; i++)
		assert(imSize[i] > 0);
		if (1 != imSize[i]) {
			plan->imSize[d] = imSize[i];
			plan->numPixel *= imSize[i];
			if (MD_IS_SET(flags, i)) {
			} else

			if (MD_IS_SET(flags, i))
				plan->flags = MD_SET(plan->flags, d);
	plan->numdims = d;
	// Get imSize_tr, trDims (dimensions that we do wavelet transform), minSize_tr 
	plan->imSize_tr = (long*)xmalloc(sizeof(long) * plan->numdims_tr);
	plan->trDims = (long*)xmalloc(sizeof(long) * plan->numdims_tr);
	plan->minSize_tr = (long*)xmalloc(sizeof(long) * plan->numdims_tr);
	i_tr = 0;
	for (i = 0; i < numdims; i++)
		if (MD_IS_SET(flags, i) && (1 != imSize[i])) {
			plan->imSize_tr[i_tr] = imSize[i];
			plan->trDims[i_tr] = i;
			assert(minSize[i_tr] > 0);
			plan->minSize_tr[i_tr] = minSize[i];

	plan->filterLen = filter_length;
#ifdef USE_CUDA
	if (plan->use_gpu)


		plan->state = 1;
		plan->randShift_tr = (long*)xmalloc(sizeof(long) * plan->numdims_tr);
		memset(plan->randShift_tr, 0, sizeof(long) * plan->numdims_tr);

	} else
		plan->lod = filter[0];
		plan->hid = filter[1];
		plan->lor = filter[2];
		plan->hir = filter[3];


		plan->state = 1;
		plan->randShift_tr = (long*)xmalloc(sizeof(long) * plan->numdims_tr);
		memset(plan->randShift_tr, 0, sizeof(long) * plan->numdims_tr);

		plan->tmp_mem_tr = (data_t*)xmalloc(sizeof(data_t)*plan->numCoeff_tr*4);
	plan->lambda = 1.;

	return plan;
int main_twixread(int argc, char* argv[argc])
	int c;
	long adcs = 0;

	bool autoc = false;
	bool linectr = false;
	bool partctr = false;

	long dims[DIMS];
	md_singleton_dims(DIMS, dims);

	while (-1 != (c = getopt(argc, argv, "x:y:z:s:c:a:n:PLAh"))) {

		switch (c) {

		case 'x':
			dims[READ_DIM] = atoi(optarg);

		case 'y':
			dims[PHS1_DIM] = atoi(optarg);

		case 'z':
			dims[PHS2_DIM] = atoi(optarg);

		case 's':
			dims[SLICE_DIM] = atoi(optarg);

		case 'v':
			dims[AVG_DIM] = atoi(optarg);

		case 'n':
			dims[TIME_DIM] = atoi(optarg);

		case 'a':
			adcs = atoi(optarg);

		case 'A':
			autoc = true;

		case 'c':
			dims[COIL_DIM] = atoi(optarg);

		case 'P':
			partctr = true;

		case 'L':
			linectr = true;

		case 'h':
			usage(argv[0], stdout);

			usage(argv[0], stderr);

        if (argc - optind != 2) {

		usage(argv[0], stderr);

	if (0 == adcs)
		adcs = dims[PHS1_DIM] * dims[PHS2_DIM] * dims[SLICE_DIM] * dims[TIME_DIM];

	debug_print_dims(DP_DEBUG1, DIMS, dims);

        int ifd;
        if (-1 == (ifd = open(argv[optind + 0], O_RDONLY)))
                error("error opening file.");

	struct hdr_s hdr;
	bool vd = siemens_meas_setup(ifd, &hdr);

	long off[DIMS] = { 0 };

	if (autoc) {

		long max[DIMS] = { [COIL_DIM] = 1000 };
		long min[DIMS] = { 0 }; // min is always 0

		adcs = 0;

		while (true) {

			if (-1 == siemens_bounds(vd, ifd, min, max))

			debug_print_dims(DP_DEBUG3, DIMS, max);


		for (unsigned int i = 0; i < DIMS; i++) {

			off[i] = -min[i];
			dims[i] = max[i] + off[i];

		debug_printf(DP_INFO, "Dimensions: ");
		debug_print_dims(DP_INFO, DIMS, dims);
		debug_printf(DP_INFO, "Offset: ");
		debug_print_dims(DP_INFO, DIMS, off);

		siemens_meas_setup(ifd, &hdr); // reset

	complex float* out = create_cfl(argv[optind + 1], DIMS, dims);
	md_clear(DIMS, dims, out, CFL_SIZE);

	long adc_dims[DIMS];
	md_select_dims(DIMS, READ_FLAG|COIL_FLAG, adc_dims, dims);

	void* buf = md_alloc(DIMS, adc_dims, CFL_SIZE);

	while (adcs--) {

		long pos[DIMS] = { [0 ... DIMS - 1] = 0 };

		if (-1 == siemens_adc_read(vd, ifd, linectr, partctr, dims, pos, buf)) {

			debug_printf(DP_WARN, "Stopping.\n");

		for (unsigned int i = 0; i < DIMS; i++)
			pos[i] += off[i];

		debug_print_dims(DP_DEBUG1, DIMS, pos);

		if (!md_is_index(DIMS, pos, dims)) {

			debug_printf(DP_WARN, "Index out of bounds.\n");

		md_copy_block(DIMS, pos, dims, out, adc_dims, buf, CFL_SIZE); 

	unmap_cfl(DIMS, dims, out);
Example #16
int main_nufft(int argc, char* argv[])
	int c;
	bool adjoint = false;
	bool inverse = false;
	bool use_gpu = false;
	bool sizeinit = false;

	struct nufft_conf_s conf = nufft_conf_defaults;
	struct iter_conjgrad_conf cgconf = iter_conjgrad_defaults;

	long coilim_dims[DIMS];
	md_singleton_dims(DIMS, coilim_dims);

	float lambda = 0.;

	while (-1 != (c = getopt(argc, argv, "d:m:l:aiht"))) {

		switch (c) {

		case 'i':
			inverse = true;

		case 'a':
			adjoint = true;

		case 'd':
			sscanf(optarg, "%ld:%ld:%ld", &coilim_dims[0], &coilim_dims[1], &coilim_dims[2]);
			sizeinit = true;

		case 'm':
			cgconf.maxiter = atoi(optarg);

		case 'l':
			lambda = atof(optarg);

		case 't':
			conf.toeplitz = true;

		case 'h':
			usage(argv[0], stdout);

			usage(argv[0], stderr);

	if (argc - optind != 3) {

		usage(argv[0], stderr);

	// Read trajectory
	long traj_dims[DIMS];
	complex float* traj = load_cfl(argv[optind + 0], DIMS, traj_dims);

	assert(3 == traj_dims[0]);


	if (inverse || adjoint) {

		long ksp_dims[DIMS];
		const complex float* ksp = load_cfl(argv[optind + 1], DIMS, ksp_dims);

		assert(1 == ksp_dims[0]);
		assert(md_check_compat(DIMS, ~(PHS1_FLAG|PHS2_FLAG), ksp_dims, traj_dims));

		md_copy_dims(DIMS - 3, coilim_dims + 3, ksp_dims + 3);

		if (!sizeinit) {

			estimate_im_dims(DIMS, coilim_dims, traj_dims, traj);
			debug_printf(DP_INFO, "Est. image size: %ld %ld %ld\n", coilim_dims[0], coilim_dims[1], coilim_dims[2]);

		complex float* img = create_cfl(argv[optind + 2], DIMS, coilim_dims);

		md_clear(DIMS, coilim_dims, img, CFL_SIZE);

		const struct linop_s* nufft_op = nufft_create(DIMS, ksp_dims, coilim_dims, traj_dims, traj, NULL, conf, use_gpu);

		if (inverse) {

			lsqr(DIMS, &(struct lsqr_conf){ lambda }, iter_conjgrad, &cgconf,
				nufft_op, NULL, coilim_dims, img, ksp_dims, ksp);

		} else {