 * Computer player moves
 * @param game_state the game state
 * @return a new game state
struct State * computer_player( struct State * game_state )
    struct State * state;
    struct Move * move;
    struct GameNode * root;
    time_t stop;

    /* create a new game node */
    root = new_game_node( game_state, NULL );

    /* computer player */
    time( &timer );
    move = alpha_beta_search( root );
    time( &stop );

    /* print time */
    printf( "Time taken: %d\n", stop - timer );
    printf( "Memory used: %lu\n", memory_usage() );

    /* print move */
    printf( "Move chosen: " );
    print_move( move );

    /* create a new state and apply move */
    state = result( game_state, move );
    Free( move, sizeof( struct Move ) );
    state->player = opposite_player( game_state->player );

    delete_game_node( &root );

    return state;
Example #2
static void absorb_response(block_request_t* request, const int recv_size) {
  const int lines = CHECK_CAST_INT(request->dependent_lines.size());
  const auto first_line = request->dependent_lines[0];
  const auto first_block_data = first_line->input_block_data(request->block);
  const int nodes = first_block_data.size()-PENTAGO_MPI_COMPRESS;
  const auto event = request->block_lines_event();

  // Uncompress data into a temporary buffer, then copy back to first dependent line
  const auto buffer = local_fast_uncompress(char_view(first_block_data).slice(0,recv_size),event);

  // Copy data to dependent lines other than the first
  if (lines>1)
    for (int i=1;i<lines;i++) {
      const auto line = request->dependent_lines[i];
      const auto block_data = line->input_block_data(request->block);

  // Decrement here so that the line doesn't deallocate itself before we copy the data to other lines

  // Deallocate request
  delete request;
Example #3
// Absorb a compressed output block
static void absorb_compressed_output(accumulating_block_store_t* output_blocks, const local_id_t local_block_id, const uint8_t dimension, Array<const uint8_t> compressed, Array<Vector<super_t,2>> buffer) {
  // Uncompress block into temporary buffer, then copy back to buffer so that accumulate can use the temporary.
  const auto local_buffer = local_fast_uncompress(compressed,output_blocks->local_block_line_event(local_block_id,dimension));
  const auto block_data = buffer.slice(0,local_buffer.size());
  // Send to block store
Example #4
static uint64_t max_rank_memory_usage(Ptr<const partition_t> prev_partition_, Ptr<const load_balance_t> prev_load_, const partition_t& partition, const load_balance_t& load) {
  const auto prev_partition = prev_partition_?ref(prev_partition_):empty_partition(partition.ranks,0);
  const auto prev_load = prev_load_?ref(prev_load_):serial_load_balance(prev_partition);
  const auto partition_memory = memory_usage(prev_partition)+memory_usage(partition);
  const auto lines  = int(load.lines.max);
  const auto blocks = load.blocks.max+prev_load->blocks.max;
  const auto nodes  = load.block_nodes.max+prev_load->block_nodes.max;
  const auto heap   = estimate_block_heap_size(blocks,nodes);
  const auto memory = partition_memory // partition_t
                    + 2*sizeof(accumulating_block_store_t) // block_store
                    + sizeof(block_info_t)*blocks // block_store.block_info
                    + sizeof(Vector<uint64_t,3>)*(prev_partition->sections->sections.size()+partition.sections->sections.size()) // block_store.section_counts
                    + compacting_store_t::memory_usage(blocks,heap) // compacting_store_t
                    + sizeof(line_t)*lines+base_compute_memory_usage(lines); // line_t and line_data_t
  return memory;
TEST_F( SystemInformation_TEST
      , SetUsageSwapAfterSettingTotalSwap__ReturnsTrue )
    std::string memory_total( "1060252k" );
    std::string memory_usage( "860252k" );
    EXPECT_TRUE( sys_info__.setTotalSwap( memory_total ) );

    EXPECT_TRUE( sys_info__.setSwapUsage( memory_usage ) );
TEST_F( SystemInformation_TEST
      , SetUsageSwapToEmptyString__ReturnsFalse )
    std::string memory_total( "1060252k" );
    std::string memory_usage( "" );
    EXPECT_TRUE( sys_info__.setTotalSwap( memory_total ) );

    EXPECT_FALSE( sys_info__.setSwapUsage( memory_usage ) );
Example #7
 * Only returns data for instances, not for static fields, those might
 * be larger, or hold larger structures
PrintMemoryUsage (MonoObject *obj)
  GHashTable *visited = g_hash_table_new (NULL, NULL);
  int n;
  n = memory_usage (obj, visited, printObjectSize);

  g_hash_table_destroy (visited);
  return n;
TEST_F( SystemInformation_TEST
      , GetSwapUsage__ReturnsPercentageOfTotalSwapInUse )
    std::string memory_total( "1060252k" );
    std::string memory_usage( "860252k" );
    int memory_rxed( 81 );
    EXPECT_TRUE( sys_info__.setTotalSwap( memory_total ) );
    EXPECT_TRUE( sys_info__.setSwapUsage( memory_usage ) );

    EXPECT_EQ( memory_rxed
             , sys_info__.getSwapUsage() );
    const CoaddCatalog& coaddCat, const ConfigFile& params) :
    _id(coaddCat.getIdList()), _chippos(coaddCat.getPosList()),
    _flags(coaddCat.getFlagsList()), _skybounds(coaddCat.getSkyBounds()),
    dbg<<"Start MultiShearCatalog constructor\n";
    xdbg<<"memory_usage = "<<memory_usage()<<std::endl;

    std::complex<double> shear_default(DEFVALPOS,DEFVALPOS);
    DSmallMatrix22 cov_default;
    cov_default << DEFVALPOS, 0, 0, DEFVALPOS;

    const int n = coaddCat.size();
    _nimages_found.resize(n, 0);
    _nimages_gotpix.resize(n, 0);


    int galorder = _params.get("shear_gal_order");
    BVec shape_default(galorder,1.);

    xdbg<<"after resize, memory_usage = "<<memory_usage()<<std::endl;

    // Read the names of the component image and catalog files from
    // the srclist file (given as params.coadd_srclist)
    xdbg<<"after readfilelists, memory_usage = "<<memory_usage()<<std::endl;
Example #10
void flow_t::post_output_recv(Array<Vector<super_t,2>>* buffer) {
  PENTAGO_MPI_TRACE("post output recv");
  MPI_Request request;
  if (!buffer->size())
    *buffer = large_buffer<Vector<super_t,2>>(sqr(sqr(block_size))+PENTAGO_MPI_COMPRESS_OUTPUTS,uninit);
    thread_time_t time(mpi_kind,unevent);
Example #11
static int
memory_usage_array (MonoArray *array, GHashTable *visited)
        int total = 0;
        MonoClass *array_class = mono_object_get_class ((MonoObject *) array);
        MonoClass *element_class = mono_class_get_element_class (array_class);
        MonoType *element_type = mono_class_get_type (element_class);

        if (MONO_TYPE_IS_REFERENCE (element_type)) {
                int i;

                for (i = 0; i < mono_array_length (array); i++) {
                        MonoObject *element = mono_array_get (array, gpointer, i);

                        if (element != NULL)
                                total += memory_usage (element, visited);

        return total;
Example #12
        total += mono_object_get_size (obj);

        return total;

 * Only returns data for instances, not for static fields, those might
 * be larger, or hold larger structures
static int
GetMemoryUsage (MonoObject *this)
	GHashTable *visited = g_hash_table_new (NULL, NULL);
	int n;
	n = memory_usage (this, visited);

	g_hash_table_destroy (visited);
	return n;

static int installed = 0;

void install_icall (MonoProfiler *prof, MonoMethod *method, MonoJitInfo* jinfo, int result)
	if (installed)

	mono_add_internal_call ("Mono.ObjectServices.ObjectInspector::GetMemoryUsage", GetMemoryUsage);
	installed = 1;
int computer_vs_computer( char *file )
    char board[ SIZE ][ SIZE ];

    /* set up board */
    /*int _player = 0;
    for( int i = 0; i < 8 ; i++ )
        for( int j = 0; j < 8; j++ )
            if( _player == 0 )
                board[i][j] = 'B';
                _player = 1;
                board[i][j] = 'W';
                _player = 0;
        if( _player == 0 )
            _player = 1;
            _player = 0;

    /* create a new state */
    struct State * state = new_state( board, 'B' );
    struct State * temp_state;

    /* start game */
    print_state( state );
    temp_state = computer_player_first( state );
    Free( state, sizeof( struct State ) );
    state = temp_state;

    /* second move */
    printf( "\n" );
    print_state( state );
    temp_state = computer_player_second( state );
    Free( state, sizeof( struct State ) );
    state = temp_state;

    /* regular game */
    for( ;; )
        printf( "\n" );
        print_state( state );

        printf( "\n>> Mem usage before: %ld\n", memory_usage() );
        temp_state = computer_player( state );
        Free( state, sizeof( struct State ) );
        state = temp_state;
        printf( ">> Mem usage after: %ld\n", memory_usage() );

        if( terminal_test( state ) == 1 )
            printf( "\n" );
            print_state( state );
            printf( "\nNo moves left!... \n" );
            printf( "\n%c wins!!!\n", opposite_player( state->player ) );
            Free( state, sizeof( struct State ) );
    return 1;
bool MultiShearCatalog::getPixels(const Bounds& bounds)
    // The pixlist object takes up a lot of memory, so at the start 
    // of this function, I clear it out, along with psflist, etc.
    // Then we loop over sections of the coaddCat and only load the information
    // for each single-epoch observation that actually falls within the 
    // bounds for the section we are working on.

    const int nPix = _pix_list.size();

    dbg<<"Start getPixels: memory_usage = "<<memory_usage()<<std::endl;
    for (int i=0;i<nPix;++i) {
    dbg<<"After clear: memory_usage = "<<memory_usage()<<std::endl;

    bool des_qa = _params.read("des_qa",false); 

    try {
        dbg<<"Start GetPixels for b = "<<bounds<<std::endl;
        // Loop over the files and read pixel lists for each object.
        // The Transformation and FittedPSF constructors get the name
        // information from the parameter file, so we use that to set the 
        // names of each component image here.
        const int nfiles = _image_file_list.size();
        for (int ifile=0; ifile<nfiles; ++ifile) {
            if (ifile >= ONLY_N_IMAGES) break;
            dbg<<"ifile = "<<ifile<<std::endl;

            // Get the file names
            Assert(ifile < int(_image_file_list.size()));
            Assert(ifile < int(_fitpsf_file_list.size()));
            std::string image_file = _image_file_list[ifile];
            std::string fitpsf_file = _fitpsf_file_list[ifile];

            dbg<<"Reading image file: "<<image_file<<"\n";
            // Set the appropriate parameters
            _params["image_file"] = image_file;
            _params["fitpsf_file"] = fitpsf_file;

            if (_shear_file_list.size() > 0) {
                Assert(ifile < int(_shear_file_list.size()));
                std::string shear_file = _shear_file_list[ifile];
                _params["shear_file"] = shear_file;

            if (_skymap_file_list.size() > 0) {
                Assert(ifile < int(_skymap_file_list.size()));
                std::string skymap_file = _skymap_file_list[ifile];
                _params["skymap_file"] = skymap_file;

            // Load the pixels
            dbg<<"Before load pixels for file "<<ifile<<
                ": memory_usage = "<<memory_usage()<<std::endl;
            if (!getImagePixelLists(ifile,bounds)) {
                for (int i=0;i<nPix;++i) {
                return false;
            dbg<<"After load pixels for file "<<ifile<<
                ": memory_usage = "<<memory_usage()<<std::endl;
    } catch (std::bad_alloc) {
        dbg<<"Caught bad_alloc\n";
        double mem = memory_usage(dbgout);
        double peak_mem = peak_memory_usage();
        dbg<<"memory usage = "<<mem<<" MB\n";
        dbg<<"peak memory usage = "<<peak_mem<<" MB\n";
        if (des_qa) std::cerr<<"STATUS5BEG ";
            << "Memory exhausted in MultShearCatalog.\n"
            << "Memory Usage in MultiShearCatalog = "
            << calculateMemoryFootprint()<<" MB \n"
            << "Actual Virtual Memory Usage = "
            << mem<<" MB \n"
            << "Try reducing multishear_section_size or "
            << "reducing mam_vmem\n"
            << "(Current values = "
            << _params["multishear_section_size"]
            << " , "<<_params["max_vmem"]<<")";
        if (des_qa) std::cerr<<" STATUS5END";
        dbg << "Memory exhausted in MultShearCatalog.\n"
            << "Memory Usage in MultiShearCatalog = "
            << calculateMemoryFootprint()<<" MB \n"
            << "Actual Virtual Memory Usage = "
            << mem<<" MB \n"
            << "Try reducing multishear_section_size or "
            << "reducing mam_vmem\n"
            << "(Current values = "
            << _params["multishear_section_size"]
            << " , "<<_params["max_vmem"]<<")"
            << std::endl;
    dbg <<"Done getPixels\n";
    dbg << "Memory Usage in MultiShearCatalog = "
        << calculateMemoryFootprint()<<" MB \n";
    double mem = memory_usage(dbgout);
    double peak_mem = peak_memory_usage();
    double max_mem = double(_params["max_vmem"])*1024.;
    _params["peak_mem"] = peak_mem; // Keep track...
    dbg<<"Actual memory usage = "<<mem<<" MB\n";
    dbg<<"Peak memory usage = "<<peak_mem<<" MB\n";
    dbg<<"Max allowed memory usage = "<<max_mem<<" MB\n";
    return true;
Example #15
static int
memory_usage (MonoObject *obj, GHashTable *visited)
        int total = 0;
        MonoClass *klass;
        MonoType *type;
        gpointer iter = NULL;
        MonoClassField *field;

        if (g_hash_table_lookup (visited, obj))
                return 0;

        g_hash_table_insert (visited, obj, obj);

        klass = mono_object_get_class (obj);
        type = mono_class_get_type (klass);

        /* This is an array, so drill down into it */
        if (type->type == MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY)
                total += memory_usage_array ((MonoArray *) obj, visited);

        while ((field = mono_class_get_fields (klass, &iter)) != NULL) {
                MonoType *ftype = mono_field_get_type (field);
                gpointer value;

                if ((ftype->attrs & (FIELD_ATTRIBUTE_STATIC | FIELD_ATTRIBUTE_HAS_FIELD_RVA)) != 0)

                /* FIXME: There are probably other types we need to drill down into */
                switch (ftype->type) {

                case MONO_TYPE_CLASS:
                case MONO_TYPE_OBJECT:
                        mono_field_get_value (obj, field, &value);

                        if (value != NULL)
                                total += memory_usage ((MonoObject *) value, visited);


			mono_field_get_value (obj, field, &value);
			if (value != NULL)
				total += mono_object_get_size ((MonoObject *) value);

                case MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY:
                        mono_field_get_value (obj, field, &value);

                        if (value != NULL) {
                                total += memory_usage_array ((MonoArray *) value, visited);
                                total += mono_object_get_size ((MonoObject *) value);


                        /* printf ("Got type 0x%x\n", ftype->type); */
                        /* ignore, this will be included in mono_object_get_size () */

        total += mono_object_get_size (obj);

        return total;
int computer_vs_computer( void )
    char board[ SIZE ][ SIZE ];

    /* set up board */
    int _player = 0;
    for( int i = 0; i < 8 ; i++ )
        for( int j = 0; j < 8; j++ )
            if( _player == 0 )
                board[i][j] = 'B';
                _player = 1;
                board[i][j] = 'W';
                _player = 0;
        if( _player == 0 )
            _player = 1;
            _player = 0;
    /* create a new state */
    struct State * state = new_state( board, 'B' );

    /* create a new game node */
    struct GameNode * root = new_game_node( state, NULL );

    print_state( root->state );

    /* START GAME */

    /* start game ( B first ) */
    struct GameNode * current_state;
    struct GameNode * temp_state;

    temp_state = computer_player_first( root );
    current_state = new_game_node( temp_state->state, NULL );
    delete_game_node( temp_state ); 

    /* second move */
    printf( "\n" );
    print_state( current_state->state );
    temp_state = computer_player_second( current_state );
    current_state = new_game_node( temp_state->state, NULL );
    delete_game_node( temp_state ); 

    /* regular game */
    for( ;; )
        printf( "\n" );
        print_state( current_state->state );

        printf( ">> Mem usage before: %ld\n", memory_usage() );
        temp_state = computer_player( current_state );
        current_state = new_game_node( temp_state->state, NULL );
        delete_game_node( temp_state ); 
        printf( ">> Mem usage after: %ld\n", memory_usage() );

        if( terminal_test( current_state->state ) == 1 )
            printf( "\n" );
            print_state( current_state->state );
            printf( "\nNo moves left!... \n" );
            printf( "\n%c wins!!!\n", opposite_player( current_state->state->player ) );
            delete_game_node( current_state );
    return 1;
 * Min of alpha beta
 * @param game_state the current game tree state
 * @param depth the depth of the tree
 * @param alpha
 * @param beta
 * @return a utility value
static int min_value( struct GameNode * game_state, int depth, int alpha, int beta )
    time_t current_time;
    time( &current_time );

    if( ( (current_time - timer) > THINKING_TIME - 1 ) ||
           cutoff_test( game_state->state, depth ) ||
           memory_usage() > MEMORYSIZE )
        return eval( game_state->state );

    int v = INT_MAX;
    int max_val;
    struct ListNode * current_b;

    struct List * a = actions( game_state->state ); /* get possible actions */
    /* iterate over all actions */
    struct ListNode * current = a->head;
    while( current != NULL )
        /* create new game node */
        struct State * state = result( game_state->state, current->data );
        struct GameNode * node = new_game_node( state, game_state );
        add_child_game_node( game_state, node );    /* add child node */

        max_val = max_value( node, depth, alpha, beta );
        if( max_val < v )
            game_state->best_util_val = v;
            //game_state->best_move = current->data;
            if( game_state->best_move != NULL )
                Free( game_state->best_move, sizeof( struct Move ) );
            game_state->best_move = clone_move( current->data );

        v = min( v, max_val );

        if( v <= alpha )
            if( game_state->best_move != NULL )
                Free( game_state->best_move, sizeof( struct Move ) );
            game_state->best_move = clone_move( current->data );
            /* free list of actions except for chosen action */
            current_b = a->head;
            while( current_b != NULL )
                Free( current_b->data, sizeof( struct Move ) );
                current_b = current_b->next;
            delete_list( &a );
            return v;

        beta = min( beta, v );

        current = current->next;

    /* free list of actions */
    current_b = a->head;
    while( current_b != NULL )
        Free( current_b->data, sizeof( struct Move ) );
        current_b = current_b->next;
    delete_list( &a );
    return v;
TEST_F( SystemInformation_TEST
      , SetUsageSwapWithoutSettingTotalSwap__ReturnsFalse )
    std::string memory_usage( "860252k" );
    EXPECT_FALSE( sys_info__.setSwapUsage( memory_usage ) );