void main() { List_head lista_reservas ; List_head lista_pre_reservas ; lista_reservas = cria_lista() ; lista_pre_reservas = cria_lista() ; menu_main(lista_reservas, lista_pre_reservas) ; }
void main() { clear_screens(); if(mount_sd() != 0) { draw_loading("Failed to mount SD", "Make sure your SD card can be read correctly"); return; } // This function already correctly draws error messages if (load_firm() != 0) return; if (load_cakes_info("/cakes/patches") != 0) { draw_loading("Failed to read some cakes", "Make sure your cakes are up to date\n and your SD card can be read correctly"); return; } load_config(); // If the L button isn't pressed, autoboot. if (config->autoboot_enabled && *hid_regs ^ 0xFFF ^ key_l) { boot_cfw(); } menu_main(); }
/** * @brief Closes the small ingame menu and goes back to the main menu. * @param str Unused. */ static void menu_small_exit( unsigned int wid, char* str ) { (void) str; unsigned int info_wid; /* if landed we must save anyways */ if (landed) { /* increment time to match takeoff */ ntime_inc( RNG( 2*NTIME_UNIT_LENGTH, 3*NTIME_UNIT_LENGTH ) ); save_all(); land_cleanup(); } /* Close info menu if open. */ if (menu_isOpen(MENU_INFO)) { info_wid = window_get("Info"); window_destroy( info_wid ); menu_Close(MENU_INFO); } /* Stop player sounds because sometimes they hang. */ player_abortAutonav( "Exited game." ); player_stopSound(); /* Clean up. */ window_destroy( wid ); menu_Close(MENU_SMALL); menu_main(); }
/** * @brief Closes the small ingame menu and goes back to the main menu. * @param str Unused. */ static void menu_small_exit( unsigned int wid, char* str ) { (void) str; unsigned int info_wid, board_wid; /* if landed we must save anyways */ if (landed) { save_all(); land_cleanup(); } /* Close info menu if open. */ if (menu_isOpen(MENU_INFO)) { info_wid = window_get("Info"); window_destroy( info_wid ); menu_Close(MENU_INFO); } /* Force unboard. */ if (player_isBoarded()) { board_wid = window_get("Boarding"); board_exit(board_wid, NULL); } /* Stop player sounds because sometimes they hang. */ player_restoreControl( 0, _("Exited game.") ); player_soundStop(); /* Clean up. */ window_destroy( wid ); menu_Close(MENU_SMALL); menu_main(); }
void change_menu_section() { if(menu_section == MENU_SECTION_MAIN) { menu_main(); } #ifndef LIGHT else if(menu_section == MENU_SECTION_MUSIC) { menu_music(); if(music_prx_load) { all_done = 1; menu_main_done = 1; } } #endif #ifndef GAME else if(menu_section == MENU_SECTION_TM) { menu_tm(); } #endif else if(menu_section == MENU_SECTION_INFO) { menu_info(); } else if(menu_section == MENU_SECTION_CFG) { menu_cfg(); } }
task main(){ show_log();//show the log NSLog("start"); menu_init();//init the menu while(true){ menu_main();//run menu } }
/** * @brief Closes the player death menu. * @param str Unused. */ static void menu_death_main( unsigned int wid, char* str ) { (void) str; window_destroy( wid ); menu_Close(MENU_DEATH); /* Game will repause now since toolkit closes and reopens. */ menu_main(); }
void main() { clear_screens(); if(mount_sd() != 0) { draw_loading("Failed to mount SD", "Make sure your SD card can be read correctly"); return; } load_config(); // If the L button isn't pressed, autoboot. if (config->autoboot_enabled && *hid_regs ^ 0xFFF ^ key_l) { print("Autobooting..."); if (read_file(firm_loc, PATH_PATCHED_FIRMWARE, FCRAM_SPACING) != 0 || firm_loc->magic != FIRM_MAGIC) { print("Failed to load patched FIRM"); draw_message("Failed to load patched FIRM", "The option to autoboot was selected,\n but no valid FIRM could be found at:\n " PATH_PATCHED_FIRMWARE); } else { if (read_file(memory_loc, PATH_MEMORY, FCRAM_SPACING) != 0) { print("Failed to load memory patches"); draw_message("Failed to load memory patches", "The option to autoboot was selected,\n but no valid memory patches could be found at:\n " PATH_MEMORY); } else { if (config->firm_console == console_n3ds && config->firm_ver > 0x0F) { slot0x11key96_init(); } // boot_firm() requires current_firm->console and current_firm->version. struct firm_signature config_firm = {.console = config->firm_console, .version = config->firm_ver}; current_firm = &config_firm; boot_firm(); } } } if (load_firms() != 0) { if(menu_firms() !=0) return; } print("Loading cakes"); if (load_cakes_info(PATH_PATCHES) != 0) { draw_loading("Failed to read some cakes", "Make sure your cakes are up to date\n and your SD card can be read correctly"); return; } load_config_cakes(); menu_main(); }
game_status state_main_menu(SDL_Surface *screen, game* p_game) { bool done=false; image* main_title; main_title = image_load("./res/images/main_title.png"); SDL_Rect srcrect = {0,0,160,144}; SDL_Rect dstrect = set_rect(0,0,SCREEN_HEIGHT,SCREEN_WIDTH); int next_state=STAY; while (!done) { //events SDL_Event event; while (SDL_PollEvent(&event)) { switch ( event.type ) { case SDL_QUIT: done = true; break; default: break; } } image_draw(main_title, get_backbuffer_surface(), 0, 0); SDL_SoftStretch(get_backbuffer_surface(), &srcrect, screen, &dstrect); SDL_Flip(screen); if(next_state == STAY)next_state = menu_main(screen, p_game); else if(next_state!=QUIT){ switch(next_state){ case LOAD: menu_load(screen, &p_game); next_state = state_in_game(screen, p_game); break; case 1: p_game = game_load("./res/scripts/state.xml"); next_state = state_in_game(screen, p_game); break; default: break; } } else if(next_state==QUIT)done=true; } image_free(main_title); return QUIT; }
/** * @brief Closes the editors menu. * @param str Unused. */ static void menu_editors_close( unsigned int wid, char* str ) { (void)str; /* Close the Editors Menu and mark it as closed */ /*WARN("Entering function.");*/ window_destroy( wid ); menu_Close( MENU_EDITORS ); /* Restores Main Menu */ /*WARN("Restoring Main Menu.");*/ menu_main(); /*WARN("Exiting function.");*/ return; }
task main() { //waitForStart(); initializeRobot(); while (true) { getJoystickSettings(joystick); menu_main(); driveRobot(); // Activates Crate Uprighter, Use Button 5 on Controller to Activate if (joy1Btn(5)) { StartTask(runArm); } } }
/** * @brief Loads a new game. * @param wdw Window triggering function. * @param str Unused. */ static void load_menu_load( unsigned int wdw, char *str ) { (void)str; char *save, path[PATH_MAX]; int wid; wid = window_get( "Load Game" ); save = toolkit_getList( wid, "lstSaves" ); if (strcmp(save,"None") == 0) return; snprintf( path, PATH_MAX, "%ssaves/%s.ns", nfile_basePath(), save ); /* Close menus before loading for proper rendering. */ load_menu_close(wdw, NULL); menu_main_close(); if (load_game( path )) { menu_main(); load_game_menu(); } }
void main()/* This is Main function. This function will executed on program startup */ { short int blnRun=true; do{ switch(menu_main()) { case 1: sell(); break; case 2: list(); break; case 3: create(); break; case 4: edit(); break; case 5: del(); break; case 6: sort(); break; case 7: search(); break; case 8: fSave(); break; case 9: fLoad(); break; case 0: default: blnRun=false; } }while(blnRun==true); clrscr(); puts("Press Enter to exit application..."); getch(); }
void main() { setup(); PORTAbits.RA5 = 0; lcd_cursor(LCD_NOCURSOR); char timezone = EEPROM_READ(STORE_TZADDRESS); __delay_ms(20); sys_ready(); while(1) { if(PORTBbits.RB2 == 0) { timezone = EEPROM_READ(STORE_TZADDRESS); rtc_get_time_and_date(time,date); tz_get_date(screenbuf,date); lcd_write_at(0,0,screenbuf); tz_get_time(screenbuf,time,timezone); lcd_write_at(1,0,screenbuf); if(input_get_button_no_block() == b_menu) { menu_main(); } } else { lcd_blankscreen(); sys_sleep(); } } }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { openconsole(&dev_rawcon_r, &dev_vesaserial_w); return menu_main(argc, argv); }
/** * @brief The entry point of NAEV. * * @param[in] argc Number of arguments. * @param[in] argv Array of argc arguments. * @return EXIT_SUCCESS on success. */ int main( int argc, char** argv ) { char buf[PATH_MAX]; /* Save the binary path. */ binary_path = argv[0]; /* Print the version */ LOG( " "APPNAME" v%s", naev_version(0) ); #ifdef GIT_COMMIT DEBUG( " git HEAD at " GIT_COMMIT ); #endif /* GIT_COMMIT */ /* Initializes SDL for possible warnings. */ SDL_Init(0); /* Set up debug signal handlers. */ debug_sigInit(); /* Create the home directory if needed. */ if (nfile_dirMakeExist("%s", nfile_basePath())) WARN("Unable to create naev directory '%s'", nfile_basePath()); /* Must be initialized before input_init is called. */ if (SDL_InitSubSystem(SDL_INIT_VIDEO) < 0) { WARN("Unable to initialize SDL Video: %s", SDL_GetError()); return -1; } /* Get desktop dimensions. */ #if SDL_VERSION_ATLEAST(1,2,10) const SDL_VideoInfo *vidinfo = SDL_GetVideoInfo(); gl_screen.desktop_w = vidinfo->current_w; gl_screen.desktop_h = vidinfo->current_h; #else /* #elif SDL_VERSION_ATLEAST(1,2,10) */ gl_screen.desktop_w = 0; gl_screen.desktop_h = 0; #endif /* #elif SDL_VERSION_ATLEAST(1,2,10) */ /* We'll be parsing XML. */ LIBXML_TEST_VERSION xmlInitParser(); /* Input must be initialized for config to work. */ input_init(); /* Set the configuration. */ snprintf(buf, PATH_MAX, "%s"CONF_FILE, nfile_basePath()); conf_setDefaults(); /* set the default config values */ conf_loadConfig(buf); /* Lua to parse the configuration file */ conf_parseCLI( argc, argv ); /* parse CLI arguments */ /* Enable FPU exceptions. */ #if !(HAS_WIN32) && defined(DEBUGGING) if (conf.fpu_except) feenableexcept( FE_DIVBYZERO | FE_INVALID | FE_OVERFLOW ); #endif /* DEBUGGING */ /* Open data. */ if (ndata_open() != 0) ERR("Failed to open ndata."); /* Load the data basics. */ LOG(" %s", ndata_name()); DEBUG(); /* Display the SDL Version. */ print_SDLversion(); DEBUG(); /* random numbers */ rng_init(); /* * OpenGL */ if (gl_init()) { /* initializes video output */ ERR("Initializing video output failed, exiting..."); SDL_Quit(); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } window_caption(); gl_fontInit( NULL, NULL, FONT_SIZE ); /* initializes default font to size */ gl_fontInit( &gl_smallFont, NULL, FONT_SIZE_SMALL ); /* small font */ /* Display the load screen. */ loadscreen_load(); loadscreen_render( 0., "Initializing subsystems..." ); time = SDL_GetTicks(); /* * Input */ if ((conf.joystick_ind >= 0) || (conf.joystick_nam != NULL)) { if (joystick_init()) WARN("Error initializing joystick input"); if (conf.joystick_nam != NULL) { /* use the joystick name to find a joystick */ if (joystick_use(joystick_get(conf.joystick_nam))) { WARN("Failure to open any joystick, falling back to default keybinds"); input_setDefault(); } free(conf.joystick_nam); } else if (conf.joystick_ind >= 0) /* use a joystick id instead */ if (joystick_use(conf.joystick_ind)) { WARN("Failure to open any joystick, falling back to default keybinds"); input_setDefault(); } } /* * OpenAL - Sound */ if (conf.nosound) { LOG("Sound is disabled!"); sound_disabled = 1; music_disabled = 1; } if (sound_init()) WARN("Problem setting up sound!"); music_choose("load"); /* Misc graphics init */ if (nebu_init() != 0) { /* Initializes the nebula */ /* An error has happened */ ERR("Unable to initialize the Nebula subsystem!"); /* Weirdness will occur... */ } gui_init(); /* initializes the GUI graphics */ toolkit_init(); /* initializes the toolkit */ map_init(); /* initializes the map. */ cond_init(); /* Initialize conditional subsystem. */ /* Data loading */ load_all(); /* Unload load screen. */ loadscreen_unload(); /* Start menu. */ menu_main(); /* Force a minimum delay with loading screen */ if ((SDL_GetTicks() - time) < NAEV_INIT_DELAY) SDL_Delay( NAEV_INIT_DELAY - (SDL_GetTicks() - time) ); time = SDL_GetTicks(); /* initializes the time */ /* * main loop */ SDL_Event event; /* flushes the event loop since I noticed that when the joystick is loaded it * creates button events that results in the player starting out acceling */ while (SDL_PollEvent(&event)); /* primary loop */ while (!quit) { while (SDL_PollEvent(&event)) { /* event loop */ if (event.type == SDL_QUIT) quit = 1; /* quit is handled here */ input_handle(&event); /* handles all the events and player keybinds */ } main_loop(); } /* Save configuration. */ conf_saveConfig(buf); /* cleanup some stuff */ player_cleanup(); /* cleans up the player stuff */ gui_free(); /* cleans up the player's GUI */ weapon_exit(); /* destroys all active weapons */ pilots_free(); /* frees the pilots, they were locked up :( */ cond_exit(); /* destroy conditional subsystem. */ land_exit(); /* Destroys landing vbo and friends. */ /* data unloading */ unload_all(); /* cleanup opengl fonts */ gl_freeFont(NULL); gl_freeFont(&gl_smallFont); /* Close data. */ ndata_close(); /* Destroy conf. */ conf_cleanup(); /* Frees some memory the configuration allocated. */ /* exit subsystems */ map_exit(); /* destroys the map. */ toolkit_exit(); /* kills the toolkit */ ai_exit(); /* stops the Lua AI magic */ joystick_exit(); /* releases joystick */ input_exit(); /* cleans up keybindings */ nebu_exit(); /* destroys the nebula */ gl_exit(); /* kills video output */ sound_exit(); /* kills the sound */ news_exit(); /* destroys the news. */ /* Free the icon. */ if (naev_icon) free(naev_icon); SDL_Quit(); /* quits SDL */ /* all is well */ exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); }
/** * @brief The entry point of Naev. * * @param[in] argc Number of arguments. * @param[in] argv Array of argc arguments. * @return EXIT_SUCCESS on success. */ int main( int argc, char** argv ) { char buf[PATH_MAX]; /* Save the binary path. */ binary_path = strdup(argv[0]); /* Print the version */ LOG( " "APPNAME" v%s", naev_version(0) ); #ifdef GIT_COMMIT DEBUG( " git HEAD at " GIT_COMMIT ); #endif /* GIT_COMMIT */ /* Initializes SDL for possible warnings. */ SDL_Init(0); /* Initialize the threadpool */ threadpool_init(); /* Set up debug signal handlers. */ debug_sigInit(); /* Must be initialized before input_init is called. */ if (SDL_InitSubSystem(SDL_INIT_VIDEO) < 0) { WARN("Unable to initialize SDL Video: %s", SDL_GetError()); return -1; } /* Get desktop dimensions. */ #if SDL_VERSION_ATLEAST(1,2,10) const SDL_VideoInfo *vidinfo = SDL_GetVideoInfo(); gl_screen.desktop_w = vidinfo->current_w; gl_screen.desktop_h = vidinfo->current_h; #else /* #elif SDL_VERSION_ATLEAST(1,2,10) */ gl_screen.desktop_w = 0; gl_screen.desktop_h = 0; #endif /* #elif SDL_VERSION_ATLEAST(1,2,10) */ /* We'll be parsing XML. */ LIBXML_TEST_VERSION xmlInitParser(); /* Input must be initialized for config to work. */ input_init(); conf_setDefaults(); /* set the default config values */ /* * Attempts to load the data path from datapath.lua * At this early point in the load process, the binary path * is the only place likely to be checked. */ conf_loadConfigPath(); /* Parse the user data path override first. */ conf_parseCLIPath( argc, argv ); /* Create the home directory if needed. */ if (nfile_dirMakeExist("%s", nfile_configPath())) WARN("Unable to create config directory '%s'", nfile_configPath()); /* Set the configuration. */ nsnprintf(buf, PATH_MAX, "%s"CONF_FILE, nfile_configPath()); #if HAS_UNIX /* TODO get rid of this cruft ASAP. */ int oldconfig = 0; if (!nfile_fileExists( buf )) { char *home, buf2[PATH_MAX]; home = SDL_getenv( "HOME" ); if (home != NULL) { nsnprintf( buf2, PATH_MAX, "%s/.naev/"CONF_FILE, home ); if (nfile_fileExists( buf2 )) oldconfig = 1; } } #endif /* HAS_UNIX */ conf_loadConfig(buf); /* Lua to parse the configuration file */ conf_parseCLI( argc, argv ); /* parse CLI arguments */ /* Enable FPU exceptions. */ #if defined(HAVE_FEENABLEEXCEPT) && defined(DEBUGGING) if (conf.fpu_except) feenableexcept( FE_DIVBYZERO | FE_INVALID | FE_OVERFLOW ); #endif /* defined(HAVE_FEENABLEEXCEPT) && defined(DEBUGGING) */ /* Open data. */ if (ndata_open() != 0) ERR("Failed to open ndata."); /* Load the start info. */ if (start_load()) ERR("Failed to load module start data."); /* Load the data basics. */ LOG(" %s", ndata_name()); DEBUG(); /* Display the SDL Version. */ print_SDLversion(); DEBUG(); /* random numbers */ rng_init(); /* * OpenGL */ if (gl_init()) { /* initializes video output */ ERR("Initializing video output failed, exiting..."); SDL_Quit(); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } window_caption(); gl_fontInit( NULL, NULL, conf.font_size_def ); /* initializes default font to size */ gl_fontInit( &gl_smallFont, NULL, conf.font_size_small ); /* small font */ /* Display the load screen. */ loadscreen_load(); loadscreen_render( 0., "Initializing subsystems..." ); time_ms = SDL_GetTicks(); /* * Input */ if ((conf.joystick_ind >= 0) || (conf.joystick_nam != NULL)) { if (joystick_init()) WARN("Error initializing joystick input"); if (conf.joystick_nam != NULL) { /* use the joystick name to find a joystick */ if (joystick_use(joystick_get(conf.joystick_nam))) { WARN("Failure to open any joystick, falling back to default keybinds"); input_setDefault(); } free(conf.joystick_nam); } else if (conf.joystick_ind >= 0) /* use a joystick id instead */ if (joystick_use(conf.joystick_ind)) { WARN("Failure to open any joystick, falling back to default keybinds"); input_setDefault(); } } /* * OpenAL - Sound */ if (conf.nosound) { LOG("Sound is disabled!"); sound_disabled = 1; music_disabled = 1; } if (sound_init()) WARN("Problem setting up sound!"); music_choose("load"); /* FPS stuff. */ fps_setPos( 15., (double)(gl_screen.h-15-gl_defFont.h) ); /* Misc graphics init */ if (nebu_init() != 0) { /* Initializes the nebula */ /* An error has happened */ ERR("Unable to initialize the Nebula subsystem!"); /* Weirdness will occur... */ } gui_init(); /* initializes the GUI graphics */ toolkit_init(); /* initializes the toolkit */ map_init(); /* initializes the map. */ cond_init(); /* Initialize conditional subsystem. */ cli_init(); /* Initialize console. */ /* Data loading */ load_all(); /* Generate the CSV. */ if (conf.devcsv) dev_csv(); /* Unload load screen. */ loadscreen_unload(); /* Start menu. */ menu_main(); /* Force a minimum delay with loading screen */ if ((SDL_GetTicks() - time_ms) < NAEV_INIT_DELAY) SDL_Delay( NAEV_INIT_DELAY - (SDL_GetTicks() - time_ms) ); fps_init(); /* initializes the time_ms */ #if HAS_UNIX /* Tell the player to migrate their configuration files out of ~/.naev */ /* TODO get rid of this cruft ASAP. */ if ((oldconfig) && (!conf.datapath)) { char path[PATH_MAX], *script, *home; uint32_t scriptsize; int ret; nsnprintf( path, PATH_MAX, "%s/naev-confupdate.sh", ndata_getDirname() ); home = SDL_getenv("HOME"); ret = dialogue_YesNo( "Warning", "Your configuration files are in a deprecated location and must be migrated:\n" " \er%s/.naev/\e0\n\n" "The update script can likely be found in your Naev data directory:\n" " \er%s\e0\n\n" "Would you like to run it automatically?", home, path ); /* Try to run the script. */ if (ret) { ret = -1; /* Running from ndata. */ if (ndata_getPath() != NULL) { script = ndata_read( "naev-confupdate.sh", &scriptsize ); if (script != NULL) ret = system(script); } /* Running from laid-out files or ndata_read failed. */ if ((nfile_fileExists(path)) && (ret == -1)) { script = nfile_readFile( (int*)&scriptsize, path ); if (script != NULL) ret = system(script); } /* We couldn't find the script. */ if (ret == -1) { dialogue_alert( "The update script was not found at:\n\er%s\e0\n\n" "Please locate and run it manually.", path ); } /* Restart, as the script succeeded. */ else if (!ret) { dialogue_msg( "Update Completed", "Configuration files were successfully migrated. Naev will now restart." ); execv(argv[0], argv); } else { /* I sincerely hope this else is never hit. */ dialogue_alert( "The update script encountered an error. Please exit Naev and move your config and save files manually:\n\n" "\er%s/%s\e0 =>\n \eD%s\e0\n\n" "\er%s/%s\e0 =>\n \eD%s\e0\n\n" "\er%s/%s\e0 =>\n \eD%snebula/\e0\n\n", home, ".naev/conf.lua", nfile_configPath(), home, ".naev/{saves,screenshots}/", nfile_dataPath(), home, ".naev/gen/*.png", nfile_cachePath() ); } } else {
int main(int argc, char **argv) { GRRLIB_Init(); // Initialise the attached controllers WPAD_Init(); WPAD_SetDataFormat(WPAD_CHAN_0, WPAD_FMT_BTNS_ACC_IR); // Initialise the audio subsystem AESND_Init(NULL); MODPlay_Init(&play); MODPlay_SetMOD(&play,bg_music); MODPlay_SetVolume(&play,63,63); MODPlay_Start(&play); cui_cursor cursor; cursor.tex[0]=GRRLIB_LoadTexture(player1_point_png); cursor.tex[1]=GRRLIB_LoadTexture(player1_grab_png); cursor.is_grabbing=false; cui_board board; ENGINE engine = FIRSTCHESS; if(engine == TSCP){ int i; for (i=0; i < CUI_TILE_NB; i++) { board.piece[i]=init_piece[i]; if(init_color[i] == 1){ board.color[i]=CUI_BLACK; }else if (init_color[i] == 6){ board.color[i]=CUI_EMPTY; }else if (init_color[i] == 0){ board.color[i]=CUI_WHITE; } } init_hash(); init_board(); open_book(); gen(); } cui_board_read_core(&board, engine); GRRLIB_SetBackgroundColour(0x030, 0x30, 0x42, 0xFF); board.tile_color1 = 0xAAAAAAFF; board.tile_color2 = 0x444444FF; board.piece_color1 = 0xAAAAAAFF; board.piece_color2 = 0x444444FF; cui_board_init(&board); cui_game game; game.board = &board; game.engine = engine; game.cursor = &cursor; game.is_mute = false; GRRLIB_texImg *tex_wallpaper = GRRLIB_LoadTexture(wall_jpg); game.tex_wallpaper = tex_wallpaper; voice = AESND_AllocateVoice(aesnd_callback); AESND_SetVoiceVolume(voice, 0xFF, 0xFF); AESND_SetVoiceStream(voice, true); cui_menu current_state = CUI_MENU_MAIN; while(current_state != CUI_MENU_EXIT) { switch(current_state){ case CUI_MENU_MAIN: current_state=menu_main(&game);break; case CUI_MENU_PLAY: current_state=menu_play(&game);break; case CUI_MENU_OPTION:current_state=menu_option(&game);break; case CUI_MENU_OPTION_GENERAL:current_state=menu_option_general(&game);break; case CUI_MENU_OPTION_GFX:current_state=menu_option_gfx(&game);break; case CUI_MENU_OPTION_SND:current_state=menu_option_snd(&game);break; case CUI_MENU_CREDITS:current_state=menu_credits(&game);break; case CUI_MENU_PAUSE:current_state=menu_pause(&game);break; case CUI_MENU_HOME:current_state=menu_home(&game);break; case CUI_MENU_EXIT:current_state=menu_exit(&game);break; default:break; } } GRRLIB_FreeTexture(tex_wallpaper); GRRLIB_FreeTexture(cursor.tex[0]); GRRLIB_FreeTexture(cursor.tex[1]); GRRLIB_Exit(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, const char* argv[]) { /* Sadly svchax crashes too much, so only allow install mode when running as a CIA // Trigger svchax so we can install CIAs if(argc > 0) { svchax_init(true); if(!__ctr_svchax || !__ctr_svchax_srv) { bSvcHaxAvailable = false; //printf("Failed to acquire kernel access. Install mode disabled.\n"); } } */ // argc is 0 when running as a CIA, and 1 when running as a 3dsx if (argc > 0) { bSvcHaxAvailable = false; } u32 *soc_sharedmem, soc_sharedmem_size = 0x100000; gfxInitDefault(); consoleInit(GFX_TOP, NULL); httpcInit(0); soc_sharedmem = (u32 *)memalign(0x1000, soc_sharedmem_size); socInit(soc_sharedmem, soc_sharedmem_size); sslcInit(0); hidInit(); acInit(); cfguInit(); if (bSvcHaxAvailable) { amInit(); AM_InitializeExternalTitleDatabase(false); } init_menu(GFX_TOP); // Make sure all CIAngel directories exists on the SD card mkpath("/CIAngel", 0777); mkpath("/CIAngel/tmp/", 0777); loadConfig(); // Set up the reading of json check_JSON(); load_JSON_data(); menu_main(); if (bSvcHaxAvailable) { amExit(); } cfguExit(); acExit(); gfxExit(); hidExit(); httpcExit(); socExit(); sslcExit(); }