Example #1
bool V_NeuronSWC_list::reverse()
    int oldnseg = seg.size();
    bool res = false;
    //must first decompose to simple segments
        seg = merge_V_NeuronSWC_list(*this).decompose();
    for (int i=0; i<seg.size(); i++)
        res = reverse_V_NeuronSWC_inplace(seg[i]);
        if (!res)  break;
    // keep old segment number
    if (oldnseg==1)
    return res;
Example #2
V_NeuronSWC segmentPruning(V_NeuronSWC in_swc)
    // map swc's index --> vector's index & in/out link

    // code from function of "decompose_V_NeuronSWC" by RZC
    // construct link map,
    Link_Map link_map = get_link_map(in_swc);
    /*qDebug*/("link_map is created.");

              vector <V_NeuronSWC> out_swc_segs;

              // nchild as processed counter
              for (V3DLONG i=0; i<in_swc.row.size(); i++)
                  V_NeuronSWC_unit & cur_node = in_swc.row[i];
                  Node_Link & nodelink = link_map[V3DLONG(cur_node.n)];
                  cur_node.nchild = nodelink.nlink;
                  //qDebug("#%d nlink = %d, in %d, out %d", V3DLONG(cur_node.n), nodelink.nlink, nodelink.in_link.size(), nodelink.out_link.size());

              for (;;)
                  // check is all nodes processed
                  V3DLONG n_removed = 0;
                  for (V3DLONG i=0; i<in_swc.row.size(); i++)
                      V_NeuronSWC_unit & cur_node = in_swc.row[i];
                      if (cur_node.nchild <=0) // is removed node ////// count down to 0
                          n_removed ++;
                  if (n_removed >= in_swc.row.size())
                      //qDebug("split_V_NeuronSWC_segs is done.");
                      break; //over, all nodes have been labeled to remove

                  // find a tip/out-branch/pure-out point as start point
                  V3DLONG istart = -1;
                  V3DLONG n_left = 0;
                  V3DLONG i_left = -1;
                  for (V3DLONG i=0; i<in_swc.row.size(); i++)
                      V_NeuronSWC_unit & cur_node = in_swc.row[i];
                      Node_Link & nodelink = link_map[V3DLONG(cur_node.n)];

                      if (cur_node.nchild <=0)
                          continue; //skip removed point

                      n_left++; //left valid point
                      i_left = i;

                      if ((nodelink.nlink ==1 && nodelink.in_link.size()==0) // tip point (include single point)
                          || (nodelink.nlink >2 && nodelink.out_link.size() >0) // out-branch point
                          || (nodelink.nlink ==2 && nodelink.in_link.size()==0)) // pure-out point
                          istart = i;
                          qDebug("start from #%d", V3DLONG(cur_node.n));
                          break; //find a start point
                  if (istart <0) //not find a start point
                      if (n_left)
                          qDebug("split_V_NeuronSWC_segs cann't find start point (left %d points)", n_left);
                          istart = i_left;
                          qDebug("split_V_NeuronSWC_segs finished.");

                  // extract a simple segment
                  V_NeuronSWC new_seg;
                  //qDebug("decompose_V_NeuronSWC_segs: segment from node #%d", j);
                  float segLen = 0;
                  bool isTip = false;
                  V3DLONG inext = istart;
                  for (V3DLONG n=1; inext>=0; n++)
                      V_NeuronSWC_unit & cur_node = in_swc.row[inext];
                      Node_Link & nodelink = link_map[V3DLONG(cur_node.n)];
                      //qDebug("	link #%d", V3DLONG(cur_node.n));

                      V_NeuronSWC_unit new_node = cur_node;
                      new_node.n = n;
                      new_node.parent = n+1; // link order as original order

                      if (nodelink.nlink ==1 && nodelink.in_link.size()==0)
                      {   // tip point
                          isTip = true;
                          cur_node.nchild --;

                      if(cur_node.parent < 0 )    // root point ////////////////////////////
                          //qDebug("decompose_V_NeuronSWC_segs: segment end at root #%d", V3DLONG(cur_node.n));
                          cur_node.nchild --;
                          break; //over, a simple segment
                      else if (n>1 && nodelink.nlink >2)  // branch point (in link_map) ///////////
                          //qDebug("decompose_V_NeuronSWC_segs: segment end at branch #%d", V3DLONG(cur_node.n));
                          cur_node.nchild --;
                          break; //over, a simple segment
                      else if (n>1 && inext==istart)  // i_left point (a loop) ///////////
                          //qDebug("decompose_V_NeuronSWC_segs: segment end at branch #%d", V3DLONG(cur_node.n));
                          cur_node.nchild --;
                          break; //over, a simple segment
                      else  //(nodelink.nlink==2)   // path node ///////////////////////////////////////////////
                          //qDebug("decompose_V_NeuronSWC_segs: node #%d", j);
                          V3DLONG parent = cur_node.parent;
                          inext = link_map[parent].i; //// next point in seg
                          cur_node.nchild = -1;  // label to remove

                  if ( isTip )
                  {   // measure length
                      segLen = 0;
                      float preX = new_seg.row.at(0).x;
                      float preY = new_seg.row.at(0).y;
                      float preZ = new_seg.row.at(0).z;

                      for (int i = 1; i < new_seg.row.size(); i++ )
                          float curX = new_seg.row.at(i).x;
                          float curY = new_seg.row.at(i).y;
                          float curZ = new_seg.row.at(i).z;
                          segLen += sqrt( (preX - curX)*(preX - curX) + (preY - curY)*(preY - curY) +(preZ - curZ)*(preZ - curZ) );

                      // compare the length and radius of parent branch point
                      if ( segLen < 2 * in_swc.row[istart].r )

                  if (new_seg.row.size()>0 )//>=2)//? single point
                      new_seg.row[new_seg.row.size()-1].parent = -1; // set segment end
                      char buf[10];
                      new_seg.name = sprintf(buf,"%d", out_swc_segs.size()+1);
                      new_seg.b_linegraph=true; //donot forget to do this //####################

              // merge the segments
              V_NeuronSWC_list swcList;
              swcList.seg = out_swc_segs;
              V_NeuronSWC out_swc = merge_V_NeuronSWC_list (swcList);
              return out_swc;
Example #3
void V_NeuronSWC_list::merge()
    V_NeuronSWC new_seg = merge_V_NeuronSWC_list(*this);
Example #4
void swc_to_segments(V3DPluginCallback &callback, QWidget *parent, int method_code)
	NeuronTree neuron;
	QString filename;
	QStringList filenames;
	if (method_code ==1)
		filenames = QFileDialog::getOpenFileNames(0, 0,"","Supported file (*.swc)" ";;Neuron structure(*.swc)",0,0);
			v3d_msg("You don't have any SWC file open in the main window.");
		NeuronSWC *p_cur=0;
		QDir dir;
		for (V3DLONG i = 0; i < filenames.size();i++)//////re-search the bounding box
			filename = filenames[i];
			QString swcname = QFileInfo(filename).fileName();
			QString curFilePath = QFileInfo(filename).path();
			QString dirname= swcname + "_seg";
			if (filename.size()>0)
				neuron = readSWC_file(filename);
				//V3DLONG seg_id, nodeinseg_id;
				QList <NeuronSWC> listNeuron;
				QString file= neuron.file;
				//QList<NeuronSWC> & qlist = neuron.listNeuron;
				V_NeuronSWC_list NeuronList = NeuronTree__2__V_NeuronSWC_list(&neuron);
				V_NeuronSWC seg = merge_V_NeuronSWC_list(NeuronList);
				seg.name = NeuronList.name;
				seg.file = NeuronList.file;
				QString swcfile;
				for(int n =0; n < NeuronList.seg.size(); n++)
					NeuronTree SS;
					QList <NeuronSWC> listNeuron;
					QHash <int, int>  hashNeuron;
					for (V3DLONG i=0;i< NeuronList.seg.at(n).row.size();i++)
						NeuronSWC v;
						v.n		= NeuronList.seg.at(n).row.at(i).data[0];
						v.type	= NeuronList.seg.at(n).row.at(i).data[1];
						v.x 	= NeuronList.seg.at(n).row.at(i).data[2];
						v.y 	= NeuronList.seg.at(n).row.at(i).data[3];
						v.z 	= NeuronList.seg.at(n).row.at(i).data[4];
						v.r 	= NeuronList.seg.at(n).row.at(i).data[5];
						v.pn    = NeuronList.seg.at(n).row.at(i).data[6];
						v.seg_id       = seg.row.at(n).seg_id;
						v.nodeinseg_id = seg.row.at(n).nodeinseg_id;
						hashNeuron.insert(v.n, listNeuron.size()-1);
					SS.n = -1;
					SS.color = XYZW(seg.color_uc[0],seg.color_uc[1],seg.color_uc[2],seg.color_uc[3]);
					SS.on = true;
					SS.listNeuron = listNeuron;
					SS.hashNeuron = hashNeuron;
					SS.name = seg.name.c_str();
					SS.file = seg.file.c_str();
					QString curImageName1 = curFilePath +"/"+swcname + "_seg" +"/" + swcname + swcfile +".swc";
					//printf("NeuronListsize=%ld qlistsize=%ld num=%ld\n",a,qlist.size(),num);
					//printf("name=%ls fila=%ls n=%ld\n",name,file,n);
				v3d_msg("You don't have any SWC file open in the main window.");
