void extrema_locator::locate(void) { find_extrema(); find_objects(); merge_objects(); ex_points_from_objects(); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { init_scas_runtime(); parse_arguments(argc, argv); init_log(scas_runtime.verbosity); validate_scas_runtime(); instruction_set_t *instruction_set = find_inst(); scas_log(L_INFO, "Loaded instruction set: %s", instruction_set->arch); list_t *include_path = split_include_path(); list_t *errors = create_list(); list_t *warnings = create_list(); list_t *objects = create_list(); int i; for (i = 0; i < scas_runtime.input_files->length; ++i) { scas_log(L_INFO, "Assembling input file: '%s'", scas_runtime.input_files->items[i]); indent_log(); FILE *f; if (strcasecmp(scas_runtime.input_files->items[i], "-") == 0) { f = stdin; } else { f = fopen(scas_runtime.input_files->items[i], "r"); } if (!f) { scas_abort("Unable to open '%s' for assembly.", scas_runtime.input_files->items[i]); } char magic[7]; bool is_object = false; if (fread(magic, sizeof(char), 7, f) == 7) { if (strncmp("SCASOBJ", magic, 7) == 0) { is_object = true; } } fseek(f, 0L, SEEK_SET); object_t *o; if (is_object) { scas_log(L_INFO, "Loading object file '%s'", scas_runtime.input_files->items[i]); o = freadobj(f, scas_runtime.input_files->items[i]); } else { assembler_settings_t settings = { .include_path = include_path, .set = instruction_set, .errors = errors, .warnings = warnings, .macros = scas_runtime.macros, }; o = assemble(f, scas_runtime.input_files->items[i], &settings); fclose(f); scas_log(L_INFO, "Assembler returned %d errors, %d warnings for '%s'", errors->length, warnings->length, scas_runtime.input_files->items[i]); } list_add(objects, o); deindent_log(); } scas_log(L_DEBUG, "Opening output file for writing: %s", scas_runtime.output_file); FILE *out; if (strcasecmp(scas_runtime.output_file, "-") == 0) { out = stdout; } else { out = fopen(scas_runtime.output_file, "w+"); } if (!out) { scas_abort("Unable to open '%s' for output.", scas_runtime.output_file); } if ((scas_runtime.jobs & LINK) == LINK) { scas_log(L_INFO, "Passing objects to linker"); linker_settings_t settings = { .automatic_relocation = scas_runtime.options.auto_relocation, .merge_only = (scas_runtime.jobs & MERGE) == MERGE, .errors = errors, .warnings = warnings, .write_output = scas_runtime.options.output_format }; if (settings.merge_only) { object_t *merged = merge_objects(objects); fwriteobj(out, merged); } else { link_objects(out, objects, &settings); } scas_log(L_INFO, "Linker returned %d errors, %d warnings", errors->length, warnings->length); } else { scas_log(L_INFO, "Skipping linking - writing to object file"); object_t *merged = merge_objects(objects); fwriteobj(out, merged); fflush(out); fclose(out); } if (errors->length != 0) { int i; for (i = 0; i < errors->length; ++i) { error_t *error = errors->items[i]; fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d:%d: error #%d: %s\n", error->file_name, (int)error->line_number, (int)error->column, error->code, error->message); fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", error->line); if (error->column != 0) { int j; for (j = error->column; j > 0; --j) { fprintf(stderr, "."); } fprintf(stderr, "^\n"); } else { fprintf(stderr, "\n"); } } remove(scas_runtime.output_file); } if (warnings->length != 0) { int i; for (i = 0; i < errors->length; ++i) { warning_t *warning = warnings->items[i]; fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d:%d: warning #%d: %s\n", warning->file_name, (int)warning->line_number, (int)warning->column, warning->code, get_warning_string(warning)); fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", warning->line); if (warning->column != 0) { int j; for (j = warning->column; j > 0; --j) { fprintf(stderr, "."); } fprintf(stderr, "^\n"); } } } int ret = errors->length; scas_log(L_DEBUG, "Exiting with status code %d, cleaning up", ret); list_free(scas_runtime.input_files); free_flat_list(include_path); list_free(objects); list_free(errors); list_free(warnings); instruction_set_free(instruction_set); return ret; }