Example #1
  std::string mesh_file_name;
  if (isParamValid("mesh_only"))
    _ready_to_exit = true;

  // If ready to exit has been set, then just return
  if (_ready_to_exit)

  _executioner = _action_warehouse.executioner();

  // If requested, see if there are unidentified name/value pairs in the input file
  if (getParam<bool>("error_unused") || _enable_unused_check == ERROR_UNUSED)
    std::vector<std::string> all_vars = _parser.getPotHandle()->get_variable_names();
    _parser.checkUnidentifiedParams(all_vars, true);
  else if (getParam<bool>("warn_unused") || _enable_unused_check == WARN_UNUSED)
    std::vector<std::string> all_vars = _parser.getPotHandle()->get_variable_names();
    _parser.checkUnidentifiedParams(all_vars, _enable_unused_check == ERROR_UNUSED);

  if (getParam<bool>("error_override") || _error_overridden)
Example #2

  std::string mesh_file_name;
  if (isParamValid("mesh_only"))
    _ready_to_exit = true;

  // If ready to exit has been set, then just return
  if (_ready_to_exit)


  if (getParam<bool>("list_constructed_objects"))
    // TODO: ask multiapps for their constructed objects
    std::vector<std::string> obj_list = _factory.getConstructedObjects();
    Moose::out << "**START OBJECT DATA**\n";
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < obj_list.size(); ++i)
      Moose::out << obj_list[i] << "\n";
    Moose::out << "**END OBJECT DATA**\n" << std::endl;
    _ready_to_exit = true;

  bool error_unused = getParam<bool>("error_unused") || _enable_unused_check == ERROR_UNUSED;
  bool warn_unused = getParam<bool>("warn_unused") || _enable_unused_check == WARN_UNUSED;

  if (error_unused || warn_unused)
    MooseSharedPointer<FEProblem> fe_problem= _action_warehouse.problem();
    if (fe_problem.get() && name() == "main")
      // Check the CLI parameters
      std::vector<std::string> all_vars = _command_line->getPot()->get_variable_names();
      _parser.checkUnidentifiedParams(all_vars, error_unused, false, fe_problem);

      // Check the input file parameters
      all_vars = _parser.getPotHandle()->get_variable_names();
      _parser.checkUnidentifiedParams(all_vars, error_unused, true, fe_problem);

  if (getParam<bool>("error_override") || _error_overridden)
Example #3

  std::string mesh_file_name;
  if (isParamValid("mesh_only"))
    _ready_to_exit = true;

  // If ready to exit has been set, then just return
  if (_ready_to_exit)


  if (getParam<bool>("list_constructed_objects"))
    // TODO: ask multiapps for their constructed objects
    std::vector<std::string> obj_list = _factory.getConstructedObjects();
    Moose::out << "**START OBJECT DATA**\n";
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < obj_list.size(); ++i)
      Moose::out << obj_list[i] << "\n";
    Moose::out << "**END OBJECT DATA**\n" << std::endl;
    _ready_to_exit = true;

  bool error_unused = getParam<bool>("error_unused") || _enable_unused_check == ERROR_UNUSED;
  bool warn_unused = getParam<bool>("warn_unused") || _enable_unused_check == WARN_UNUSED;

  if (error_unused || warn_unused)
    // Check the input file parameters
    std::vector<std::string> all_vars = _parser.getPotHandle()->get_variable_names();
    _parser.checkUnidentifiedParams(all_vars, error_unused, true);

    // Check the CLI parameters
    all_vars = _command_line->getPot()->get_variable_names();
    // Remove flags, they aren't "input" parameters
    all_vars.erase( std::remove_if(all_vars.begin(), all_vars.end(), isFlag), all_vars.end() );

    MooseSharedPointer<FEProblem> fe_problem= _action_warehouse.problem();
    if (fe_problem.get() && name() == "main")
      // Make sure that multiapp overrides were processed properly
      int last = all_vars.size() - 1;                      // last is allowed to go negative
      for (int i = 0; i <= last; /* no increment */)       // i is an int because last is an int
        std::string multi_app, variable;
        int app_num;

         * Command line parameters that contain a colon are assumed to apply to MultiApps
         * (e.g.  MultiApp_name[num]:fully_qualified_parameter)
         * Note: Two separate regexs are used since the digit part is optional. Attempting
         * to have an optional capture into a non-string type will cause pcrecpp to report
         * false. Capturing into a string an converting is more work than just using two
         * regexs to begin with.
        if (pcrecpp::RE("(.*?)"                                             // Match the MultiApp name
                        "(\\d+)"                                            // MultiApp number (leave off to apply to all MultiApps with this name)
                        ":"                                                 // the colon delimiter
                        "(.*)"                                              // the variable override that applies to the MultiApp
              ).FullMatch(all_vars[i], &multi_app, &app_num, &variable) &&
            fe_problem->hasMultiApp(multi_app) &&                           // Make sure the MultiApp exists
                                                                            // Finally make sure the number is in range (if provided)
            static_cast<unsigned int>(app_num) < fe_problem->getMultiApp(multi_app)->numGlobalApps())

          // delete the current item by copying the last item to this position and decrementing the vector end position
          all_vars[i] = all_vars[last--];

        else if (pcrecpp::RE("(.*?)"                                        // Same as above without the MultiApp number
                   ).FullMatch(all_vars[i], &multi_app, &variable) &&
                 fe_problem->hasMultiApp(multi_app))                        // Make sure the MultiApp exists but no need to check numbers

          // delete (see comment above)
          all_vars[i] = all_vars[last--];

        // TODO: check to see if globals are unused
        else if (all_vars[i].find(":") == 0)
          all_vars[i] = all_vars[last--];

          // only increment if we didn't "delete", otherwise we'll need to revisit the current index due to copy

      mooseAssert(last + 1 >= 0, "index \"last\" is negative");

      // Remove the deleted items

      _parser.checkUnidentifiedParams(all_vars, error_unused, false);

  if (getParam<bool>("error_override") || _error_overridden)