Example #1
fbCopyWindow(WindowPtr pWin, DDXPointRec ptOldOrg, RegionPtr prgnSrc)
    RegionRec rgnDst;
    int dx, dy;

    PixmapPtr pPixmap = fbGetWindowPixmap(pWin);
    DrawablePtr pDrawable = &pPixmap->drawable;

    dx = ptOldOrg.x - pWin->drawable.x;
    dy = ptOldOrg.y - pWin->drawable.y;
    RegionTranslate(prgnSrc, -dx, -dy);


    RegionIntersect(&rgnDst, &pWin->borderClip, prgnSrc);

    if (pPixmap->screen_x || pPixmap->screen_y)
        RegionTranslate(&rgnDst, -pPixmap->screen_x, -pPixmap->screen_y);

    miCopyRegion(pDrawable, pDrawable,
                 0, &rgnDst, dx, dy, fbCopyWindowProc, 0, 0);

Example #2
void uxa_copy_window(WindowPtr pWin, DDXPointRec ptOldOrg, RegionPtr prgnSrc)
	RegionRec rgnDst;
	int dx, dy;
	PixmapPtr pPixmap = (*pWin->drawable.pScreen->GetWindowPixmap) (pWin);

	dx = ptOldOrg.x - pWin->drawable.x;
	dy = ptOldOrg.y - pWin->drawable.y;
	REGION_TRANSLATE(pWin->drawable.pScreen, prgnSrc, -dx, -dy);

	REGION_INIT(pWin->drawable.pScreen, &rgnDst, NullBox, 0);

	REGION_INTERSECT(pWin->drawable.pScreen, &rgnDst, &pWin->borderClip,
	if (pPixmap->screen_x || pPixmap->screen_y)
		REGION_TRANSLATE(pWin->drawable.pScreen, &rgnDst,
				 -pPixmap->screen_x, -pPixmap->screen_y);

	miCopyRegion(&pPixmap->drawable, &pPixmap->drawable,
		     NULL, &rgnDst, dx, dy, uxa_copy_n_to_n, 0, NULL);

	REGION_UNINIT(pWin->drawable.pScreen, &rgnDst);
Example #3
exaCopyWindow(WindowPtr pWin, DDXPointRec ptOldOrg, RegionPtr prgnSrc)
    RegionRec	rgnDst;
    int		dx, dy;
    PixmapPtr	pPixmap = (*pWin->drawable.pScreen->GetWindowPixmap) (pWin);

    dx = ptOldOrg.x - pWin->drawable.x;
    dy = ptOldOrg.y - pWin->drawable.y;
    REGION_TRANSLATE(pWin->drawable.pScreen, prgnSrc, -dx, -dy);

    REGION_INIT (pWin->drawable.pScreen, &rgnDst, NullBox, 0);

    REGION_INTERSECT(pWin->drawable.pScreen, &rgnDst, &pWin->borderClip, prgnSrc);
    if (pPixmap->screen_x || pPixmap->screen_y)
	REGION_TRANSLATE (pWin->drawable.pScreen, &rgnDst,
			  -pPixmap->screen_x, -pPixmap->screen_y);

    if (pExaScr->fallback_counter) {
	pExaScr->fallback_flags |= EXA_FALLBACK_COPYWINDOW;
	goto fallback;

    pExaScr->fallback_flags |= EXA_ACCEL_COPYWINDOW;
    miCopyRegion (&pPixmap->drawable, &pPixmap->drawable,
		  &rgnDst, dx, dy, exaCopyNtoN, 0, NULL);
    pExaScr->fallback_flags &= ~EXA_ACCEL_COPYWINDOW;

    REGION_UNINIT(pWin->drawable.pScreen, &rgnDst);

    if (pExaScr->fallback_flags & EXA_FALLBACK_COPYWINDOW) {
	pExaScr->fallback_flags &= ~EXA_FALLBACK_COPYWINDOW;
	REGION_TRANSLATE(pWin->drawable.pScreen, prgnSrc, dx, dy);
	ExaCheckCopyWindow(pWin, ptOldOrg, prgnSrc);
Example #4
miDoCopy(DrawablePtr pSrcDrawable,
         DrawablePtr pDstDrawable,
         GCPtr pGC,
         int xIn,
         int yIn,
         int widthSrc,
         int heightSrc,
         int xOut, int yOut, miCopyProc copyProc, Pixel bitPlane, void *closure)
    RegionPtr prgnSrcClip = NULL;       /* may be a new region, or just a copy */
    Bool freeSrcClip = FALSE;
    RegionPtr prgnExposed = NULL;
    RegionRec rgnDst;
    int dx;
    int dy;
    int numRects;
    int box_x1;
    int box_y1;
    int box_x2;
    int box_y2;
    Bool fastSrc = FALSE;       /* for fast clipping with pixmap source */
    Bool fastDst = FALSE;       /* for fast clipping with one rect dest */
    Bool fastExpose = FALSE;    /* for fast exposures with pixmap source */

    /* Short cut for unmapped or fully clipped windows */
    if (pDstDrawable->type == DRAWABLE_WINDOW &&
        RegionNil(&((WindowPtr)pDstDrawable)->clipList)) {
        return NULL;

    if (pSrcDrawable->pScreen->SourceValidate) {
        (*pSrcDrawable->pScreen->SourceValidate) (pSrcDrawable, xIn, yIn,
                                                  widthSrc, heightSrc,

    /* Compute source clip region */
    if (pSrcDrawable->type == DRAWABLE_PIXMAP) {
        if ((pSrcDrawable == pDstDrawable) && (!pGC->clientClip))
            prgnSrcClip = miGetCompositeClip(pGC);
            fastSrc = TRUE;
    else {
        if (pGC->subWindowMode == IncludeInferiors) {
             * XFree86 DDX empties the border clip when the
             * VT is inactive, make sure the region isn't empty
            if (!((WindowPtr) pSrcDrawable)->parent &&
                RegionNotEmpty(&((WindowPtr) pSrcDrawable)->borderClip)) {
                 * special case bitblt from root window in
                 * IncludeInferiors mode; just like from a pixmap
                fastSrc = TRUE;
            else if ((pSrcDrawable == pDstDrawable) && (!pGC->clientClip)) {
                prgnSrcClip = miGetCompositeClip(pGC);
            else {
                prgnSrcClip = NotClippedByChildren((WindowPtr) pSrcDrawable);
                freeSrcClip = TRUE;
        else {
            prgnSrcClip = &((WindowPtr) pSrcDrawable)->clipList;

    xIn += pSrcDrawable->x;
    yIn += pSrcDrawable->y;

    xOut += pDstDrawable->x;
    yOut += pDstDrawable->y;

    box_x1 = xIn;
    box_y1 = yIn;
    box_x2 = xIn + widthSrc;
    box_y2 = yIn + heightSrc;

    dx = xIn - xOut;
    dy = yIn - yOut;

    /* Don't create a source region if we are doing a fast clip */
    if (fastSrc) {
        RegionPtr cclip;

        fastExpose = TRUE;
         * clip the source; if regions extend beyond the source size,
         * make sure exposure events get sent
        if (box_x1 < pSrcDrawable->x) {
            box_x1 = pSrcDrawable->x;
            fastExpose = FALSE;
        if (box_y1 < pSrcDrawable->y) {
            box_y1 = pSrcDrawable->y;
            fastExpose = FALSE;
        if (box_x2 > pSrcDrawable->x + (int) pSrcDrawable->width) {
            box_x2 = pSrcDrawable->x + (int) pSrcDrawable->width;
            fastExpose = FALSE;
        if (box_y2 > pSrcDrawable->y + (int) pSrcDrawable->height) {
            box_y2 = pSrcDrawable->y + (int) pSrcDrawable->height;
            fastExpose = FALSE;

        /* Translate and clip the dst to the destination composite clip */
        box_x1 -= dx;
        box_x2 -= dx;
        box_y1 -= dy;
        box_y2 -= dy;

        /* If the destination composite clip is one rectangle we can
           do the clip directly.  Otherwise we have to create a full
           blown region and call intersect */

        cclip = miGetCompositeClip(pGC);
        if (RegionNumRects(cclip) == 1) {
            BoxPtr pBox = RegionRects(cclip);

            if (box_x1 < pBox->x1)
                box_x1 = pBox->x1;
            if (box_x2 > pBox->x2)
                box_x2 = pBox->x2;
            if (box_y1 < pBox->y1)
                box_y1 = pBox->y1;
            if (box_y2 > pBox->y2)
                box_y2 = pBox->y2;
            fastDst = TRUE;

    /* Check to see if the region is empty */
    if (box_x1 >= box_x2 || box_y1 >= box_y2) {
    else {
        BoxRec box;

        box.x1 = box_x1;
        box.y1 = box_y1;
        box.x2 = box_x2;
        box.y2 = box_y2;
        RegionInit(&rgnDst, &box, 1);

    /* Clip against complex source if needed */
    if (!fastSrc) {
        RegionIntersect(&rgnDst, &rgnDst, prgnSrcClip);
        RegionTranslate(&rgnDst, -dx, -dy);

    /* Clip against complex dest if needed */
    if (!fastDst) {
        RegionIntersect(&rgnDst, &rgnDst, miGetCompositeClip(pGC));

    /* Do bit blitting */
    numRects = RegionNumRects(&rgnDst);
    if (numRects && widthSrc && heightSrc)
        miCopyRegion(pSrcDrawable, pDstDrawable, pGC,
                     &rgnDst, dx, dy, copyProc, bitPlane, closure);

    /* Pixmap sources generate a NoExposed (we return NULL to do this) */
    if (!fastExpose && pGC->fExpose)
        prgnExposed = miHandleExposures(pSrcDrawable, pDstDrawable, pGC,
                                        xIn - pSrcDrawable->x,
                                        yIn - pSrcDrawable->y,
                                        widthSrc, heightSrc,
                                        xOut - pDstDrawable->x,
                                        yOut - pDstDrawable->y);
    if (freeSrcClip)
    return prgnExposed;