Example #1
extern "C" DLLEXPORT miBoolean mib_color_spread(
	register miColor  *result,
	miState		  *state,
	struct mib_color_spread *paras)
	register int	  i, n = *mi_eval_integer(&paras->num);
	register miScalar r, g, b, a;
	register miScalar weight;
	miColor		  *input;

	input = mi_eval_color(&paras->input);
	r = input->r;
	g = input->g;
	b = input->b;
	a = input->a;
	if (n > 8) n = 8;

	for (i=0; i < n; i++, result++) {
		weight = *mi_eval_scalar(&paras->weight[i]);
		switch(*mi_eval_integer(&paras->mode[i])) {
		  case 0:
			result->r = r * weight;
			result->g = g * weight;
			result->b = b * weight;
			result->a = a * weight;

		  case 1:
			result->r =
			result->g =
			result->b =
			result->a = a * weight;

		  case 2:
			result->r =
			result->g =
			result->b =
			result->a = (a + r + g)/3 * weight;

		  case 3:
			result->r =
			result->g =
			result->b =
			result->a = (.299 * r + .587 * g + .114 * b) * weight;

		  case 4:
			result->r =
			result->g =
			result->b =
			result->a = r * weight;
extern "C" DLLEXPORT miBoolean MYMR_AmbientOcclusion(
		miColor *result ,
		miState *state, 
		struct MYMR_AmbientOcclusion_p *paras)
	miUint samples = * mi_eval_integer(&paras->samples);
	miVector trace_direction;
	miUshort dimension = 2;
	int instance = 0, found=0;
	double amb_exp;
	double sample[dimension];
	//Try to get samples to random places monte carlo style
	while (mi_sample(sample,&instance,state,dimension,&samples)){
		// get the direction of the ray given the sample
		if (mi_trace_probe(state, &trace_direction, &state->point)){
	printf("%d %d\n",found,samples);
	amb_exp = 1.0 - ((double)found/(double)samples);
	result->r = result->g  = result->b = amb_exp;
	return miTRUE;
DLLEXPORT void domeAFL_FOV_Stereo_init(
	miState	*state,
	struct dsDomeAFL_FOV_Stereo *params,
	miBoolean *inst_init_req)
	if (!params) {
		// version output
		*inst_init_req = miTRUE;
	} else {
		fov_angle = *mi_eval_scalar(&params->FOV_Angle);
		viewport_offset = *mi_eval_vector(&params->View_Offset);
		camera = *mi_eval_integer(&params->Camera);
		dome_radius = *mi_eval_scalar(&params->Dome_Radius);
		dome_tilt = *mi_eval_scalar(&params->Dome_Tilt);
		cameras_separation = *mi_eval_scalar(&params->Cameras_Separation);
		dome_tilt_compensation = *mi_eval_boolean(&params->Dome_Tilt_Compensation);
		vertical_mode = *mi_eval_boolean(&params->Vertical_Mode);
//mi_info("II-> fov=%f,cam=%i,rad=%f,tilt=%f,sep=%f,comp=%i,vert=%i",fov_angle,camera,dome_radius,dome_tilt,cameras_separation,dome_tilt_compensation,vertical_mode);

		// Convert input angles from degrees to radians...
		fov_angle = (miScalar)(fov_angle*M_PI/180.0);
		dome_tilt = (miScalar)(dome_tilt*M_PI/180.0);
Example #4
DLLEXPORT miBoolean nkPass(
	miColor *result,
	miState *state,
	nkPass_t *param)
	 * get parameter values. It is inefficient to do this all at the beginning of
	 * the code. Move the assignments here to where the values are first used.
	 * You may want to use pointers for colors and vectors.

	miInteger layerNumber = *mi_eval_integer(&param->layerNumber);
	miColor color = *mi_eval_color(&param->color);

	if( !mi_fb_put( state, layerNumber, &color ))
		printf( "Could not save framebuffer %d.\n", layerNumber );

	 * set shader results. ``+='' etc. is useful for shaders in shader
	 * lists but other shaders may need to simply assign result variables.

	result->r += color.r;
	result->g += color.g;
	result->b += color.b;
	result->a += color.a;

Example #5
miBoolean contour_shader_framefade(
	miContour_endpoint   *result,
	miStdInfo	     *info_near,
	miStdInfo	     *info_far,
	miState		     *state,
	Framefade_Parameters *paras)
	int		     frame = state->camera->frame;
	double		     w1, w2;
	int		     frame1, frame2;

	miASSERT(frame >= 0);

	frame1 = *mi_eval_integer(&paras->frame1);
	frame2 = *mi_eval_integer(&paras->frame2);

	miASSERT(frame1 >= 0 && frame2 >= 0);

	if (frame <= frame1) {		/* before frame1 */
		result->color = *mi_eval_color(&paras->color1);
		result->width = *mi_eval_scalar(&paras->width1);
	} else if (frame2 <= frame) {	/* after frame2 */
		result->color = *mi_eval_color(&paras->color2);
		result->width = *mi_eval_scalar(&paras->width2);
	} else {				/* between frame1 and frame2 */
		/* Weights w1 and w2 depend on frame number */
		miColor color1 = *mi_eval_color(&paras->color1);
		miColor color2 = *mi_eval_color(&paras->color2);

		miASSERT(frame1 < frame2);
		w1 = ((double)frame2 - frame) / (frame2 - frame1);
		miASSERT(0.0 <= w1 && w1 <= 1.0);
		w2 = 1.0 - w1;

		/* Mix of color1 and color2 according to weights */
		result->color.r = w1 * color1.r + w2 * color2.r;
		result->color.g = w1 * color1.g + w2 * color2.g;
		result->color.b = w1 * color1.b + w2 * color2.b;
		result->color.a = w1 * color1.a + w2 * color2.a;

		/* Width depending on weights */
		result->width   = w1 * *mi_eval_scalar(&paras->width1)
				+ w2 * *mi_eval_scalar(&paras->width2);
bool checkScreenSpace(miState *state, mrParticleGeoShader_paras *paras, miVector pos, miVector& bottomLeft, miVector& topRight)
	miScalar minPixelSize = *mi_eval_scalar(&paras->minPixelSize);
	miScalar maxPixelSize = *mi_eval_scalar(&paras->maxPixelSize);
	int minSizeBehaviour = *mi_eval_integer(&paras->minSizeBehaviour); // 0 = delete, 1 = resize
	if(maxPixelSize <= 0.0f )
		maxPixelSize = 100000000.0f;

	miVector screenBottomLeft = bottomLeft;
	miVector screenTopRight = topRight;
	mi_point_from_camera(state, &screenBottomLeft, &screenBottomLeft);
	mi_point_from_camera(state, &screenTopRight, &screenTopRight);
	mi_point_to_raster(state, &screenBottomLeft, &screenBottomLeft);
	mi_point_to_raster(state, &screenTopRight, &screenTopRight);
	miScalar screenDist = mi_vector_dist(&screenBottomLeft, &screenTopRight);
	miScalar dist = mi_vector_dist(&bottomLeft, &topRight);
	//mi_info("screenDist %f  minPixelSize %f", screenDist, minPixelSize);
	// nonsense no check will be done
	if(minPixelSize > maxPixelSize)
		return true;

	float minClip = 0.001f;

	if( screenDist < minPixelSize )
		if( minSizeBehaviour == 0)
			return false;
		//mi_info("screenDist %f < minPixelSize %f", screenDist, minPixelSize);
		float resizeFactor = minPixelSize/screenDist;
		float resizeDist = dist * resizeFactor/2.0f;
		topRight = pos;
		bottomLeft = pos;
		topRight.x += resizeDist;
		topRight.y += resizeDist;
		bottomLeft.x -= resizeDist;
		bottomLeft.y -= resizeDist;

		return true;
	if( screenDist > maxPixelSize )
		float resizeFactor = maxPixelSize/screenDist;
		float resizeDist = dist * resizeFactor/2.0f;
		topRight = pos;
		bottomLeft = pos;
		topRight.x += resizeDist;
		topRight.y += resizeDist;
		bottomLeft.x -= resizeDist;
		bottomLeft.y -= resizeDist;

		return true;

	return true;
Example #7
extern "C" DLLEXPORT miBoolean mib_color_interpolate(
	miColor		*result,
	miState		*state,
	struct mib_color_interpolate *paras)
	miInteger	num = *mi_eval_integer(&paras->num);
	miScalar	input;
	miScalar	ominput;
	miScalar	prev = 0;
	miScalar	next = 1;
	int		i;

	if (num < 1) {
		result->r = result->g = result->b = result->a = 0;
	if (num == 1) {
		*result = *mi_eval_color(&paras->color[0]);
	if (num > 8)
		num = 8;

	input = *mi_eval_scalar(&paras->input);
	if (input <= 0) {
		*result = *mi_eval_color(&paras->color[0]);
	if (input >= 1) {
		*result = *mi_eval_color(&paras->color[num-1]);
	for (i=0; i < num-2; i++) {
		next = *mi_eval_scalar(&paras->weight[i]);
		if (input <= next)
		prev = next;
		next = 1;
	input	= (input - prev) / (next - prev);
	ominput	= 1 - input;
	if (input == 0)
		*result = *mi_eval_color(&paras->color[i]);
	else if (input == 1)
		*result = *mi_eval_color(&paras->color[i+1]);
	else {
		miColor *pcol = mi_eval_color(&paras->color[i]);
		miColor *ncol = mi_eval_color(&paras->color[i+1]);
		result->r = ominput * pcol->r + input * ncol->r;
		result->g = ominput * pcol->g + input * ncol->g;
		result->b = ominput * pcol->b + input * ncol->b;
		result->a = ominput * pcol->a + input * ncol->a;
Example #8
extern "C" DLLEXPORT miBoolean mib_texture_filter_lookup(
	miColor		*result,
	miState		*state,
	struct mib_texture_filter_lookup *paras)
	miTag		tex = *mi_eval_tag(&paras->tex);
	miVector	*coord;
	miUint		space;
	miTag		remap;
	miVector	p[3], t[3];
	miMatrix	ST;
	miTexfilter	ell_opt;
	miScalar	disc_r;

	if (!tex) {
		result->r = result->g = result->b = result->a = 0;
	coord  = mi_eval_vector(&paras->coord);
	space  = *mi_eval_integer(&paras->space);
	disc_r = *mi_eval_scalar(&paras->disc_r);
	if (disc_r <= 0)
		disc_r = DISC_R;
	if (state->reflection_level == 0 &&
	    mi_texture_filter_project(p, t, state, disc_r, space) &&
	    (remap = *mi_eval_tag(&paras->remap))) {
		mi_call_shader_x((miColor*)&t[0], miSHADER_TEXTURE,
						state, remap, &t[0]);
		mi_call_shader_x((miColor*)&t[1], miSHADER_TEXTURE,
						state, remap, &t[1]);
		mi_call_shader_x((miColor*)&t[2], miSHADER_TEXTURE,
						state, remap, &t[2]);
		if (mi_texture_filter_transform(ST, p, t)) {
			ell_opt.eccmax	  = *mi_eval_scalar(&paras->eccmax);
			ell_opt.max_minor = *mi_eval_scalar(&paras->maxminor);
			ell_opt.bilinear  = *mi_eval_boolean(&paras->bilinear);
			ell_opt.circle_radius = CIRCLE_R;
			 * when no bump-mapping is used, coord and ST[..]
			 * are identical. for bump mapping, the projection
			 * matrix is calculated for the current raster
			 * position, the ellipse is translated to the
			 * bump position
			ST[2*4+0] = coord->x;
			ST[2*4+1] = coord->y;
			if (mi_lookup_filter_color_texture(result, state,
							tex, &ell_opt, ST))
	/* fallback to standard pyramid or nonfiltered texture lookup */
	return(mi_lookup_color_texture(result, state, tex, coord));
Example #9
extern "C" DLLEXPORT miBoolean mib_ray_marcher(
	miColor		*result,
	miState		*state,
	struct mrm	*p)
	struct mrm	pe;
	miScalar	scale;

	result->r = result->g = result->b = result->a = 0.0;

	 * copy all parameters to a static structure to
	 * avoid all the mi_eval_* calls in the code
	pe.s        = *mi_eval_tag(&p->s);
	pe.distance = *mi_eval_scalar(&p->distance);
	pe.num      = *mi_eval_integer(&p->num);
	pe.subdiv   = *mi_eval_integer(&p->subdiv);
	pe.contrast = *mi_eval_color(&p->contrast);

	if (pe.num == 0.0)
		if (pe.distance > 0.0)
			pe.num = state->dist / pe.distance;
			pe.num = 4; /* default #samples */
	if (pe.num < 2)
		pe.num = 2;

	/* go! */
	raymarch(result, state, &pe);

	/* normalize result */
	scale = 1.0 / (miScalar)pe.num;
	result->r *= scale;
	result->g *= scale;
	result->b *= scale;
	result->a *= scale;
extern "C" DLLEXPORT miBoolean mrParticleGeoShader(
	miTag             *result,
	miState                 *state,
	mrParticleGeoShader_paras   *paras)
	mi_info("mrParticleGeoShader: Version %s", VERSION);

	int			geometryType = *mi_eval_integer(&paras->geometryType);
	miScalar	minPixelSize = *mi_eval_scalar(&paras->minPixelSize);
	miScalar	maxPixelSize = *mi_eval_scalar(&paras->maxPixelSize);
	int i_m = *mi_eval_integer(&paras->i_particleFiles);
	int n_m = *mi_eval_integer(&paras->n_particleFiles);
	miTag *particleFiles = mi_eval_tag(paras->particleFiles) + i_m;

	for(int i = 0; i < n_m; i++)
		if (particleFiles[i])
			std::string fileName = tag_to_string(particleFiles[i]);
			std::string correctedFileName = getCorrectFileName(state, paras, fileName);
			mi_info("reading cacheFile %s", correctedFileName.c_str());
			PartioContainer pc(correctedFileName);
			if( geometryType == 0)
				miTag particleTag = createMeshParticles(state, paras, pc);
				if( particleTag != miNULLTAG)
					miBoolean done = mi_geoshader_add_result( result, particleTag);
				miTag particleTag = createNativeParticles(state, paras, pc);
				if( particleTag != miNULLTAG)
					miBoolean done = mi_geoshader_add_result( result, particleTag);
	return miTRUE;
void point_distances3(miState *state,texture_worleynoise3d_t *param, 
                      miVector *pt,
                      miScalar *f1, miVector *p1,
                      miScalar *f2, miVector *p2,
                      miScalar *f3, miVector *p3) {  
  miScalar cube_dist = CUBE_DIST * (*mi_eval_scalar(&param->scale));
  miVector cube = point_cube3(pt,cube_dist);
  worley_context3 *context;
  mi_query(miQ_FUNC_TLS_GET, state, miNULLTAG, &context);
  miInteger dist_measure = *mi_eval_integer(&param->distance_measure);
  *f3 = FLT_MAX;
  *f2 = *f3 - 1;
  *f1 = *f2 - 1;

  update_cache3(context, &cube, cube_dist);
  miVector *cache = context->cacheVals;
  for(int i=0; i < CACHE_SIZE; ++i) { 
    miVector p = cache[i];
    miScalar d = distance3(dist_measure, pt, &p);
    if(d < *f3) {
      if(d < *f2) {
        *f3 = *f2; *p3 = *p2;
        if(d < *f1) {
          *f2 = *f1; *p2 = *p1;
          *f1 = d; *p1 = p;
        else {
          *f2 = d; *p2 = p;
      else {
        *f3 = d; *p3 = p;
DLLEXPORT void LatLong_Stereo_init(
	miState	*state,
	struct dsLatLong_Stereo *params,
	miBoolean *inst_init_req)
	if (!params) {
		// Version output
		*inst_init_req = miTRUE;
	} else {
		fov_vert_angle = *mi_eval_scalar(&params->FOV_Vert_Angle);
		fov_horiz_angle = *mi_eval_scalar(&params->FOV_Horiz_Angle);
		camera = *mi_eval_integer(&params->Camera);
		parallax_distance = *mi_eval_scalar(&params->Parallax_Distance);
		cameras_separation = *mi_eval_scalar(&params->Cameras_Separation);
//mi_info("II-> fovV=%f,fovH=%f,cam=%i,rad=%f,sep=%f",fov_vert_angle,fov_horiz_angle,camera,parallax_distance,cameras_separation);

		// Convert input angles from degrees to radians...
		fov_vert_angle = (miScalar)(fov_vert_angle*M_PI/180.0);
		fov_horiz_angle = (miScalar)(fov_horiz_angle*M_PI/180.0);
miScalar worleynoise3d_val(miState *state,texture_worleynoise3d_t *param) {
  miScalar f1, f2, f3;
  miVector p1, p2, p3;
  // ways to get the current point:
  // state->tex_list[0]; // yields good results only in the x and y coordinate
  // state->point // usable for 3D, but problematic for getting a smooth 2D texture as x,y and z all have to be somehow incorporated in the 2D vector to use
  // state->tex // does not yield usable results / seems to be constant
	// instead, we just take an u and v value explicitly; they would usually be provided by a 2D placement node.
	// note: getting current values must always be wrapped in mi_eval... calls!
	miVector pt;
	miScalar *m = mi_eval_transform(&param->matrix);
  miInteger dist_measure = *mi_eval_integer(&param->distance_measure);
  miScalar scale = dist_scale(dist_measure) * (*mi_eval_scalar(&param->scale)) * (*mi_eval_scalar(&param->scaleX));
	miBoolean jagged = *mi_eval_boolean(&param->jagged_gap);
  miScalar s = 1.0;
    miScalar gap_size = *mi_eval_scalar(&param->gap_size);
    miVector ptX = pt;
		// jagged edges. useful for broken earth crusts
		if(jagged) {
			miVector seed = pt;	 mi_vector_mul(&seed,3 / scale);
			miScalar jaggingX = (mi_unoise_3d(&seed) - 0.5) * scale * 0.2;
			ptX.x += jaggingX; seed.x += 1000;
			miScalar jaggingY = (mi_unoise_3d(&seed) - 0.5) * scale * 0.2;
			ptX.y += jaggingY; seed.y += 1000;
			miScalar jaggingZ = (mi_unoise_3d(&seed) - 0.5) * scale * 0.2;
			ptX.z += jaggingZ;
    miScalar f1X, f2X, f3X;
    miVector p1X, p2X, p3X;
    // based on code from "Advanced Renderman"
    // this leads to gaps of equal width, in contrast to just simple thresholding of f2 - f1.
    miScalar scaleFactor = (distance3(dist_measure, &p1X, &p2X) * scale) / (f1X + f2X);
    // FIXME: there may be some adjustment needed for distance measures that are not just dist_linear
    if(gap_size * scaleFactor > f2X - f1X) //  on left side
      s = -1.0;
    f1 /= scale;
    f2 /= scale;
    f3 /= scale;
  miScalar dist = 0.0;
    miInteger dist_mode = *mi_eval_integer(&param->distance_mode);
    switch(dist_mode) {
      case DIST_F1: dist = f1; break;
      case DIST_F2_M_F1: dist = f2 - f1; break;
      case DIST_F1_P_F2: dist = (2 * f1 + f2) / 3; break;
      case DIST_F3_M_F2_M_F1: dist = (2 * f3 - f2 - f1) / 2; break;
      case DIST_F1_P_F2_P_F3: dist = (0.5 * f1 + 0.33 * f2 + (1 - 0.5 - 0.33) * f3); break;
      default: ;
   return s * scaling_function(dist);
Example #14
extern "C" DLLEXPORT miBoolean mib_amb_occlusion(
	miColor     *result,
	miState     *state,
	struct mib_amb_occlusion_p *paras)
	double sample[3], near_clip, far_clip;
	int	  counter  = 0;
	miUint	  samples  = *mi_eval_integer(&paras->samples);
	miScalar  clipdist = *mi_eval_scalar(&paras->max_distance);
	miBoolean reflecto = *mi_eval_boolean(&paras->reflective);
	miBoolean ret_type = *mi_eval_integer(&paras->return_type);

	miTag	   org_env = state->environment; /* Original environ. */

	miVector orig_normal, trace_dir;
	miScalar output      = 0.0, 
		 samplesdone = 0.0;
	miScalar spread     = *mi_eval_scalar(&paras->spread);
	miScalar o_m_spread = 1.0f - spread;
	miColor   env_total;	/* environment Total */ 	
	miVector  norm_total;	/* Used for adding up normals */
	miBoolean occ_alpha = *mi_eval_boolean(&paras->occlusion_in_alpha);

        miScalar  falloff   = 1.0;
        miao_trace_info ti;
        int       version = 1;

	/* If called as user area light source, return "no more samples" for	
	   any call beyond the first */
	if (state->type == miRAY_LIGHT && state->count > 0) 
		return (miBoolean)2;

        /* Figure out the call version */
        mi_query(miQ_DECL_VERSION, 0, state->shader->function_decl, &version); 
        if (version >= 2)
            falloff = *mi_eval_scalar(&paras->falloff);
            if (falloff <= 0.0) 
                falloff = 1.0;
            ti.id_inclexcl   = *mi_eval_integer(&paras->id_includeexclude);
            ti.id_nonself    = *mi_eval_integer(&paras->id_nonself);

            /* None of these options used, go into compatible mode */
            ti.compatible = (ti.id_inclexcl   == 0 && 
                             ti.id_nonself    == 0 
            ti.compatible = miTRUE;

	/* Used for adding up environment */
	env_total.r = env_total.g = env_total.b = env_total.a = 0;

	far_clip = near_clip = clipdist;

	orig_normal  = state->normal;
	norm_total   = state->normal; /* Begin by standard normal */

	/* Displacement? Shadow? Makes no sense */
	if (state->type == miRAY_DISPLACE ||
            state->type == miRAY_SHADOW) {
		result->r = result->g = result->b = result->a = 0.0;
		return (miTRUE); 

	if (clipdist > 0.0) 
		mi_ray_falloff(state, &near_clip, &far_clip);

	/* Avoid recursion: If we are designated as environment shader,
	   we will be called with rays of type miRAY_ENVIRON, and if so
	   we switch the environment to the global environment */

	if (state->type == miRAY_ENVIRONMENT)
	    state->environment = state->camera->environment;

	while (mi_sample(sample, &counter, state, 2, &samples)) {
		mi_reflection_dir_diffuse_x(&trace_dir, state, sample);
		trace_dir.x = orig_normal.x*o_m_spread + trace_dir.x*spread;
		trace_dir.y = orig_normal.y*o_m_spread + trace_dir.y*spread;
		trace_dir.z = orig_normal.z*o_m_spread + trace_dir.z*spread;

		if (reflecto) {
			miVector ref;
			miScalar nd = state->dot_nd;
			/* Calculate the reflection direction */
			state->normal = trace_dir;
			state->dot_nd = mi_vector_dot(
			/* Bugfix: mi_reflection_dir(&ref, state);
			   for some reason gives me the wrong result,
			   doing it "manually" works better */
			ref    = state->dir;
			ref.x -= state->normal.x*state->dot_nd*2.0f;
			ref.y -= state->normal.y*state->dot_nd*2.0f;
			ref.z -= state->normal.z*state->dot_nd*2.0f;
			state->normal = orig_normal;
			state->dot_nd = nd;
			trace_dir = ref;

		if (mi_vector_dot(&trace_dir, &state->normal_geom) < 0.0) 

		output	    += 1.0; /* Add one */
		samplesdone += 1.0;

		if (state->options->shadow &&
		    miao_trace_the_ray(state, &trace_dir, &state->point, &ti)) {
			/* we hit something */
			if (clipdist == 0.0) 
				output -= 1.0;
			else if (state->child->dist < clipdist) {
				miScalar f = pow(state->child->dist / clipdist,
                                                 (double) falloff);

				output -= (1.0 - f);

				norm_total.x += trace_dir.x * f;
				norm_total.y += trace_dir.y * f;
				norm_total.z += trace_dir.z * f;

				switch (ret_type) {
					case 1: 
					    /* Environment sampling */
					    miColor envsample;
						state, &trace_dir);

					    env_total.r += envsample.r * f;
					    env_total.g += envsample.g * f;
					    env_total.b += envsample.b * f;
					  /* Most return types need no 
						special stuff */
		else {
			/* We hit nothing */
			norm_total.x += trace_dir.x;
			norm_total.y += trace_dir.y;
			norm_total.z += trace_dir.z;

			switch (ret_type) {
				case 1: /* Environment sampling */
					   miColor envsample;

						   state, &trace_dir);

					   env_total.r += envsample.r;
					   env_total.g += envsample.g;
					   env_total.b += envsample.b;
					/* Most return types need no 
						special treatment */

	if (clipdist > 0.0) 
		mi_ray_falloff(state, &near_clip, &far_clip);
	if (samplesdone <= 0.0) /* No samples? */
		samplesdone = 1.0;  /* 1.0 to not to break divisons below */

	switch (ret_type) {
		case -1:  /* Plain old occlusion with untouched normal*/
		case 0:   /* Plain old occlusion */
		default:  /* (also the default for out-of-bounds values) */
			miVector old_dir = state->dir;
			output /= (miScalar) samplesdone;

			if (ret_type == -1)
				norm_total = state->normal;
			else {

				/* If the color shaders use the normal....
					give them the bent one... */
				state->normal = norm_total;  
				state->dir    = norm_total;
			if (output == 0.0)
				*result = *mi_eval_color(&paras->dark);
			else if (output >= 1.0)
				*result = *mi_eval_color(&paras->bright);
			else {
				miColor bright, dark;
				bright = *mi_eval_color(&paras->bright);
				dark   = *mi_eval_color(&paras->dark);

				result->r = bright.r * output + dark.r * 
					(1.0 - output);
				result->g = bright.g * output + dark.g * 
					(1.0 - output);
				result->b = bright.b * output + dark.b * 
					(1.0 - output);

				if (occ_alpha)
					result->a = output;
					result->a = bright.a * output 
						   + dark.a * (1.0 - output);

			state->normal = orig_normal;
			state->dir    = old_dir;
		case 1: /* Sampled environment */
			miColor br	= *mi_eval_color(&paras->bright),
				drk	= *mi_eval_color(&paras->dark);

			result->r = drk.r + (br.r * env_total.r / samplesdone);
			result->g = drk.g + (br.g * env_total.g / samplesdone);
			result->b = drk.b + (br.b * env_total.b / samplesdone);
			if (occ_alpha)
				result->a = output/ samplesdone;
				result->a = 1.0;
		case 2: /* Bent normals, world */
		case 3: /* Bent normals, camera */
		case 4: /* Bent normals, object */
			miVector retn; /* returned Normal */


			if (ret_type == 2)
				mi_normal_to_world(state, &retn, &norm_total);
			if (ret_type == 3)
				mi_normal_to_camera(state, &retn, &norm_total);
			if (ret_type == 4)
				mi_normal_to_object(state, &retn, &norm_total);

			result->r = (retn.x + 1.0) / 2.0;
			result->g = (retn.y + 1.0) / 2.0;
			result->b = (retn.z + 1.0) / 2.0;
			if (occ_alpha)
				result->a = output/ samplesdone;
				result->a = 1.0;

	if (state->type == miRAY_LIGHT) {
		 /* Are we a light shader? */
		int type;
		mi_query(miQ_FUNC_CALLTYPE, state, 0, &type);

		/* Make sure we are called as light shader */
		if (type == miSHADER_LIGHT) {
			/* If so, move ourselves to above the point... */
			state->org.x = state->point.x + state->normal.x;
			state->org.y = state->point.y + state->normal.y;
			state->org.z = state->point.z + state->normal.z;
			/* ...and set dot_nd to 1.0 to illuminate fully */
			state->dot_nd = 1.0;
	/* Reset environment, if we changed it */
	state->environment = org_env;
	return miTRUE;
Example #15
miBoolean contour_contrast_function_levels(
	miStdInfo	*info1,
	miStdInfo	*info2,
	int		level,
	miState		*state,
	Contour_Contrast_Parameters_Levels *paras)

	 * No contour if level too near or too deep
	if (level < *mi_eval_integer(&paras->min_level) || 
			*mi_eval_integer(&paras->max_level) < level)

	 * Contour if one ray intersected an object and one ray hit background
	miASSERT(info1 || info2);
	if ((info1 == NULL) != (info2 == NULL))

	miASSERT(info1 && info2);

	 * Contour if sufficiently large difference in depth
	if (fabs(info1->point.z - info2->point.z) > 

	 * Contour if sufficiently large change in normal
	if (mi_vector_dot(&info1->normal, &info2->normal) <
			cos(*mi_eval_scalar(&paras->ndelta) * M_PI/180.0))

	 * Contour if different materials (if specified)
	if (*mi_eval_boolean(&paras->diff_mat)
				&& info1->material != info2->material)

	 * Contour if different object labels (if specified)
	if (*mi_eval_boolean(&paras->diff_label) 
				&& info1->label != info2->label)

	 * Contour if different triangle indices (if specified)
	if (*mi_eval_boolean(&paras->diff_index) && 
				(info1->index != info2->index ||
						&info2->normal_geom) < 0.9999))

	 * Contour if color contrast (if specified) --- doesn't work properly
	 * on objects behind semitransparent objects since there can be a
	 * contrast on the semistransparent object caused by the color
	 * difference behind it (as a result, it looks like the contrast
	 * shader of the semitransparent object is used on the object behind
	 * even though it isn't).
	if (*mi_eval_boolean(&paras->contrast) &&
	   (fabs(info1->color.r-info2->color.r) > state->options->contrast.r ||
	    fabs(info1->color.g-info2->color.g) > state->options->contrast.g ||
	    fabs(info1->color.b-info2->color.b) > state->options->contrast.b))

	 * No contour otherwise
Example #16
extern "C" DLLEXPORT miBoolean mib_bent_normal_env(
	miColor     *result,
	miState     *state,
	struct mib_bent_normal_env_p *paras)
	miTag  original_env = state->environment;
	miTag  environment  = *mi_eval_tag(&paras->environment);
	miColor   normal    = *mi_eval_color(&paras->bent_normals);
	miColor   occlus    = *mi_eval_color(&paras->occlusion);
	miScalar  strength  = *mi_eval_scalar(&paras->strength);
	miColor   color;      /* Work color */
	miVector  bent;       /* Bent normals */
	miVector  bent_i;     /* Bent normals in internal space */
	miUint	  samples;    /* # of samples */

	/* Displace or light - makes no sense */
	if (state->type == miRAY_DISPLACE || state->type == miRAY_LIGHT)
	    return miFALSE;

	if (strength == 0.0) {
	    result->r = result->g = result->b = 0.0;
	    result->a = 1.0;
	    return miTRUE;

	color.r = color.b = color.g = 0.0;

	/* Does occlusion live in "alpha" component of bn data? */
	if (*mi_eval_boolean(&paras->occlusion_in_alpha))
	    strength *= normal.a;
	bent.x = (normal.r * 2.0) - 1.0;
	bent.y = (normal.g * 2.0) - 1.0;
	bent.z = (normal.b * 2.0) - 1.0;


	/* The different coordinate spaces */
	switch(*mi_eval_integer(&paras->coordinate_space)) {
		case 0: /* No change */
			bent_i = bent;
		case 1: /* By matrix */
		case 2: /* World */
			mi_normal_from_world(state, &bent_i, &bent);
		case 3: /* Camera */
			mi_normal_from_camera(state, &bent_i, &bent);
		case 4: /* Object */
			mi_normal_from_object(state, &bent_i, &bent);
	samples = *mi_eval_integer(&paras->env_samples);

	/* Temporarily override the environment */
	if (environment)
	    state->environment = environment;

	if (samples <= 1) {
		/* Single sampling */		      
		mi_trace_environment(&color, state, &bent_i);
	} else {
		/* Multisampling */
		double	 sample[3];
		int	 counter = 0;
		miScalar spread  = *mi_eval_scalar(&paras->samples_spread);
		miColor  work_color;

		/* Clear color */
		color.r = color.g = color.b = 0.0;
		while (mi_sample(sample, &counter, state, 3, &samples)) {
			miVector trace_dir;
			trace_dir.x = bent_i.x + (sample[0] - 0.5) * spread;
			trace_dir.y = bent_i.y + (sample[1] - 0.5) * spread;
			trace_dir.z = bent_i.z + (sample[2] - 0.5) * spread;

			mi_trace_environment(&work_color, state, &trace_dir);
			color.r += work_color.r;
			color.g += work_color.g;
			color.b += work_color.b;

		color.r /= samples;
		color.g /= samples;
		color.b /= samples;

	/* Reset original environment */
	state->environment = original_env;

	result->r = color.r * occlus.r * strength;
	result->g = color.g * occlus.g * strength;
	result->b = color.b * occlus.b * strength;
	result->a = 1.0;

	return miTRUE;
Example #17
extern "C" DLLEXPORT miBoolean mib_color_mix(
	miColor		  *result,
	miState		  *state,
	struct mib_color_mix *paras)
	register int	  i, n = *mi_eval_integer(&paras->num), mode;
	register miScalar r, g, b, a;
	register miScalar w, weight;
	register miColor  *color;
	miColor		  *base = mi_eval_color(&paras->base);

	r = base->r;
	g = base->g;
	b = base->b;
	a = base->a;
	if (n > 8) n = 8;
	for (i=0; i < n; i++) {
		mode   = *mi_eval_integer(&paras->mode  [i]);
		color  =  mi_eval_color  (&paras->color [i]);
		weight = *mi_eval_scalar (&paras->weight[i]);

		switch(mode) {
		  case 0:
			w = ( 1 - color->a ) * weight;
			r = r * w + color->r * weight;
			g = g * w + color->g * weight;
			b = b * w + color->b * weight;
			a = a * w + color->a * weight;

		  case 1:
			w = 1 - weight;
			r = r * w + color->r * weight;
			g = g * w + color->g * weight;
			b = b * w + color->b * weight;
			a = a * w + color->a * weight;

		  case 2:
		  case 3:
			r += color->r * weight;
			g += color->g * weight;
			b += color->b * weight;
			a += color->a * weight;

		  case 4:
		  case 5:
			r *= color->r * weight;
			g *= color->g * weight;
			b *= color->b * weight;
			a *= color->a * weight;

		  case 6:
			r *= weight;
			g *= weight;
			b *= weight;
			a  = color->a;
		if (mode == 3 || mode == 5) {
			if (r < 0) r = 0;	else if (r > 1) r = 1;
			if (g < 0) g = 0;	else if (g > 1) g = 1;
			if (b < 0) b = 0;	else if (b > 1) b = 1;
			if (a < 0) a = 0;	else if (a > 1) a = 1;
	result->r = r;
	result->g = g;
	result->b = b;
	result->a = a;
miTag createNativeParticles(miState *state, mrParticleGeoShader_paras *paras, PartioContainer& pc)
	miBoolean useAllAttributes = *mi_eval_boolean(&paras->useAllAttributes);
	int i_a = *mi_eval_integer(&paras->i_attributeNames);
	int n_a = *mi_eval_integer(&paras->n_attributeNames);
	miTag *attributeNames = mi_eval_tag(paras->attributeNames) + i_a;

	if( !pc.good())
		mi_info("createNativeParticles: Invalid patioContainer");
		return miNULLTAG;

	Partio::ParticleAttribute posAttr;
	if(!pc.assertAttribute("position", posAttr))
		mi_info("createNativeParticles: partioContainer: no position.");
		return miNULLTAG;

	Partio::ParticleAttribute idAttr;
	bool hasId = true;
	if(!pc.assertAttribute("id", idAttr))
		hasId = false;

	Partio::ParticleAttribute radiusPPAttr;
	bool hasRadiusPP = true;
	if(!pc.assertAttribute("radiusPP", radiusPPAttr))
		hasRadiusPP = false;

	Partio::ParticleAttribute radiusRGBPPAttr;
	bool hasRgbPP = true;
	if(!pc.assertAttribute("rgbPP", radiusRGBPPAttr))
		hasRgbPP = false;

	mi_info("Creating native particles for cache file: %s", pc.cacheFileName.c_str());

	// declare the map as a 3-dimensional map
	mi_api_map_decl_dim ( 3 );

	// the 'mi_api_map_field_decl' function takes four arguments:
	// miParam_type type: basic type of the field (miTYPE_SCALAR or miTYPE_INTEGER)
	// char *name : field name
	// int dimension : dimension of the field, 0 for single values, > 0 for arrays
	// miBoolean global : miTRUE if it's a global field, miFALSE otherwise

	// add the "extension" field as a single float
	miParameter *extension_field = mi_api_map_field_decl (
	miTYPE_SCALAR , mi_mem_strdup("extension") , 0 , miFALSE );

	// add the "color" field as an array of 1 color
	miParameter *color_field = mi_api_map_field_decl (
	miTYPE_SCALAR , mi_mem_strdup("color") , 3 , miFALSE );

	// append the color to the extension for the declaration
	// (this also frees the 'color_field' miParameter)
	miParameter *fields_list = mi_api_map_field_append ( extension_field , color_field );

	// create a declaration called "particles" with the given fields list
	// (this also frees the 'fields_list' miParameter)
	miMap_decl *decl = mi_api_map_decl_begin ( mi_mem_strdup("particles") , fields_list );

	// ends the declaration
	mi_api_map_decl_end ();

//	Then you begin the object definition, by calling 'mi_api_object_begin' and possibly setting the object flags as needed, then you begin the definition of the particle object as a set of spheres:
	miObject *obj = mi_api_object_begin(mi_mem_strdup("TestParticleObject"));
	obj->visible = miTRUE;

	// begin the definition of the particle object as spheres
	mi_api_map_obj_type ( mi_mem_strdup("spheres") );

	// the 'mi_api_map_obj_field' function takes 2 arguments:
	// char *field_name : name of the field to map ("radius" in this case)
	// char *mapped_name : name of the mapped field ("extension" in this case)

	// maps the "radius" field to the "extension" field of this map
	mi_api_map_obj_field( mi_mem_strdup("radius") , mi_mem_strdup("extension") );	

	// begins the definition of the map, taking "particles" as the declaration name
	mi_api_map_begin ( mi_mem_strdup("particles") );

	int num_elements = pc.data->numParticles();

	for ( int i = 0 ; i < num_elements ; ++i ) 
		float pos[3];
		pc.getPosition(i, pos);

		// define the position of this element
		mi_api_map_value ( miTYPE_SCALAR , &pos[0] );
		mi_api_map_value ( miTYPE_SCALAR , &pos[1] );
		mi_api_map_value ( miTYPE_SCALAR , &pos[2] );
		mi_api_map_field_end ();

		float radiusPP = 1.0f;
		if( hasRadiusPP )
			radiusPP = *pc.data->data<float>(radiusPPAttr, i);
		radiusPP = rnd() * 0.3;
		// define the radius of this element
		mi_api_map_value ( miTYPE_SCALAR , &radiusPP );
		mi_api_map_field_end ();

		// compute the color in r, g and b
		miScalar r = rnd();
		miScalar g = rnd();
		miScalar b = rnd();
		miColor col;
		col.r = r;
		col.g = g;
		col.b = b;
		// define the color of this element
		//mi_api_map_value ( miTYPE_COLOR , &col );
		mi_api_map_value ( miTYPE_SCALAR , &r );
		mi_api_map_value ( miTYPE_SCALAR , &g );
		mi_api_map_value ( miTYPE_SCALAR , &b );

		// end the definition of this element
		mi_api_map_element_end ();

	// terminates the map definition and stores it in the DB
	miTag map_tag = mi_api_map_end ( 0 );

	miTag particleObjTag = mi_api_object_end();

	miEchoOptions options;
	memset(&options, 0, sizeof(options));
	options.ascii_output = true;
	options.compressed_output = false;
	options.dont_echo = false;
	mi_info("Writing to geodump.mi file.");
	const char *mode = "w";
	FILE *fh = fopen("C:/daten/3dprojects/Maya2013/scenes/geodump.mi", mode);
	//mi_geoshader_echo_tag(fh, particleObjTag, &options);

	mi::shader::Access_map  map(map_tag);
	mi::shader::Map_status	    status;
	mi::shader::Map_declaration map_declaration(map, &status);
	mi::shader::Map_field_id field_id = map_declaration->get_field_id(mi_mem_strdup("color"), &status);
	if (!status.is_ok())
		mi_error("problems getting field_id for color");
		return particleObjTag;
	mi_info("Field id %d", field_id);
	mi::shader::Map_field_type f_type;
	miUint f_dimension;
	bool f_is_global;
	status = map_declaration->get_field_info(field_id, f_type, f_dimension, f_is_global);
	if (!status.is_ok())
		mi_error("problems get_field_info");
		return particleObjTag;
	mi_info("Field type %d is global %d", f_type.type(), f_is_global);
	return particleObjTag;
Example #19
extern "C" DLLEXPORT miBoolean mib_illum_cooktorr(
	miColor		*result,
	miState		*state,
	struct mib_illum_cooktorr *paras)
	miColor		*ambi, *diff, *spec;
	miScalar	roughness;	/* average microfacet slope */
	miColor		*ior;		/* index of refraction */
	miTag		*light;		/* tag of light instance */
	int		n_l;		/* number of light sources */
	int		i_l;		/* offset of light sources */
	int		mode;		/* light mode: 0=all, 1=incl, 2=excl */
	int		samples;	/* # of samples taken */
	miColor		color;		/* color from light source */
	miColor		sum;		/* summed sample colors */
	miVector	dir;		/* direction towards light */
	miScalar	dot_nl;		/* dot prod of normal and dir */
	miColor		refl;		/* specular reflection color */

        /* check for illegal calls */
        if (state->type == miRAY_SHADOW || state->type == miRAY_DISPLACE ) {

	ambi      = mi_eval_color(&paras->ambient);
	diff      = mi_eval_color(&paras->diffuse);
	spec      = mi_eval_color(&paras->specular);
	roughness = *mi_eval_scalar(&paras->roughness);
	ior       = mi_eval_color(&paras->ior);

	*result    = *mi_eval_color(&paras->ambience);	/* ambient term */
	result->r *= ambi->r;
	result->g *= ambi->g;
	result->b *= ambi->b;

	mode  = *mi_eval_integer(&paras->mode);
	n_l   = *mi_eval_integer(&paras->n_light);
	i_l   = *mi_eval_integer(&paras->i_light);
	light =  mi_eval_tag(paras->light) + i_l;

	if (mode == 1)		/* modify light list (inclusive mode) */
		mi_inclusive_lightlist(&n_l, &light, state);
	else if (mode == 2)	/* modify light list (exclusive mode) */
		mi_exclusive_lightlist(&n_l, &light, state);
	else if (mode == 4) {
		n_l = 0;
		light = 0;

	/* Loop over all light sources */
	if (mode == 4 || n_l) {
		for (mi::shader::LightIterator iter(state, light, n_l);
		     !iter.at_end(); ++iter) {
			sum.r = sum.g = sum.b = 0;
			samples = 0;
			while (iter->sample()) {
				dot_nl = iter->get_dot_nl();
				/* Diffuse reflection: Lambert's cosine law */
				sum.r += dot_nl * diff->r * color.r;
				sum.g += dot_nl * diff->g * color.g;
				sum.b += dot_nl * diff->b * color.b;

				/* Specular reflection: Cook-Torrance reflection */
				dir = iter->get_direction();
				if (mi_cooktorr_specular(&refl, &state->dir, &dir,
							 &state->normal, roughness, ior)) {
					sum.r += refl.r * spec->r * color.r;
					sum.g += refl.g * spec->g * color.g;
					sum.b += refl.b * spec->b * color.b;
			samples = iter->get_number_of_samples();
			if (samples) {
				result->r += sum.r / samples;
				result->g += sum.g / samples;
				result->b += sum.b / samples;

	/* add contribution from indirect illumination (caustics) */
	mi_compute_irradiance(&color, state);
	result->r += color.r * diff->r;
	result->g += color.g * diff->g;
	result->b += color.b * diff->b;
	result->a  = 1;
Example #20
extern "C" DLLEXPORT miBoolean mib_illum_lambert(
	miColor		*result,
	miState		*state,
	struct mib_illum_lambert *paras)
	miColor		*ambi, *diff;
	miTag		*light;		/* tag of light instance */
	int		n_l;		/* number of light sources */
	int		i_l;		/* offset of light sources */
	int		m;		/* light mode: 0=all, 1=incl, 2=excl */
	int		samples;	/* # of samples taken */
	miColor		color;		/* color from light source */
	miColor		sum;		/* summed sample colors */
	miScalar	dot_nl;		/* dot prod of normal and dir*/

        /* check for illegal calls */
        if (state->type == miRAY_SHADOW || state->type == miRAY_DISPLACE ) {
	ambi =  mi_eval_color(&paras->ambient);
	diff =  mi_eval_color(&paras->diffuse);
	m    = *mi_eval_integer(&paras->mode);

	*result    = *mi_eval_color(&paras->ambience);	/* ambient term */
	result->r *= ambi->r;
	result->g *= ambi->g;
	result->b *= ambi->b;

	n_l   = *mi_eval_integer(&paras->n_light);
	i_l   = *mi_eval_integer(&paras->i_light);
	light =  mi_eval_tag(paras->light) + i_l;

	if (m == 1)		/* modify light list (inclusive mode) */
		mi_inclusive_lightlist(&n_l, &light, state);
	else if (m == 2)	/* modify light list (exclusive mode) */
		mi_exclusive_lightlist(&n_l, &light, state);
	else if (m == 4) {
		n_l = 0;
		light = 0;

	/* Loop over all light sources */
	if (m==4 || n_l) {
		for (mi::shader::LightIterator iter(state, light, n_l);
		     !iter.at_end(); ++iter) {
			sum.r = sum.g = sum.b = 0;
			while (iter->sample()) {
				dot_nl = iter->get_dot_nl();
				sum.r += dot_nl * diff->r * color.r;
				sum.g += dot_nl * diff->g * color.g;
				sum.b += dot_nl * diff->b * color.b;
			samples = iter->get_number_of_samples();
			if (samples) {
				result->r += sum.r / samples;
				result->g += sum.g / samples;
				result->b += sum.b / samples;

	/* add contribution from indirect illumination (caustics) */
	mi_compute_irradiance(&color, state);
	result->r += color.r * diff->r;
	result->g += color.g * diff->g;
	result->b += color.b * diff->b;
	result->a  = 1;