void native_midi_start(NativeMidiSong *song)
  MMRESULT merr;

  if (!hMidiStream)
    if (merr!=MMSYSERR_NOERROR)
    merr=midiStreamProperty(hMidiStream,(LPBYTE)&mptd,MIDIPROP_SET | MIDIPROP_TIMEDIV);
Example #2
int WinMIDIStreamer::OpenStream(void)
    MMRESULT            mmres;

    devId = MIDI_MAPPER;
    if(MMSYSERR_NOERROR != (mmres =
        midiStreamOpen(&midiStr, &devId, 1, (DWORD_PTR) Callback,
                       (DWORD_PTR) this, CALLBACK_FUNCTION)))
        printf("WinMIDIStreamer::OpenStream: midiStreamOpen error %i.\n", mmres);
        return FALSE;

    // Set stream time format, 140 ticks per quarter note.
    tdiv.cbStruct = sizeof(tdiv);
    tdiv.dwTimeDiv = 140;
    if(MMSYSERR_NOERROR != (mmres =
        midiStreamProperty(midiStr, (BYTE *) & tdiv,
                           MIDIPROP_SET | MIDIPROP_TIMEDIV)))
        printf("WinMIDIStreamer::OpenStream: time format! %i\n", mmres);
        return FALSE;

    return TRUE;
Example #3
void MPU_SetDivision( int division )
	prop.cbStruct = sizeof(MIDIPROPTIMEDIV);
        prop.dwTimeDiv = division;
        midiStreamProperty(hmido, (LPBYTE)&prop, MIDIPROP_SET|MIDIPROP_TIMEDIV);
Example #4
void MPU_SetTempo( int tempo )
	prop.cbStruct = sizeof(MIDIPROPTEMPO);
        prop.dwTempo = 60000000l/tempo;
        midiStreamProperty(hmido, (LPBYTE)&prop, MIDIPROP_SET|MIDIPROP_TEMPO);
void WinMMDrv_MIDI_SetTempo(int tempo, int division)
    MMRESULT rv;
    MIDIPROPTEMPO propTempo;
    MIDIPROPTIMEDIV propTimediv;
    BOOL running = midiStreamRunning;

    //fprintf(stderr, "MIDI_SetTempo %d/%d\n", tempo, division);

    propTempo.cbStruct = sizeof(MIDIPROPTEMPO);
    propTempo.dwTempo = 60000000l / tempo;
    propTimediv.cbStruct = sizeof(MIDIPROPTIMEDIV);
    propTimediv.dwTimeDiv = division;

    if (midiLastDivision != division) {
        // changing the division means halting the stream

        rv = midiStreamProperty(midiStream, (LPBYTE) &propTimediv, MIDIPROP_SET | MIDIPROP_TIMEDIV);
        if (rv != MMSYSERR_NOERROR) {
            midi_error(rv, "WinMM MIDI_SetTempo midiStreamProperty timediv");

    rv = midiStreamProperty(midiStream, (LPBYTE) &propTempo, MIDIPROP_SET | MIDIPROP_TEMPO);
    if (rv != MMSYSERR_NOERROR) {
        midi_error(rv, "WinMM MIDI_SetTempo midiStreamProperty tempo");

    if (midiLastDivision != division) {
        if (running && WinMMDrv_MIDI_StartPlayback(midiThreadService) != WinMMErr_Ok) {

        midiLastDivision = division;

    midiThreadQueueTicks = (int) ceil( ( ( (double) tempo * (double) division ) / 60.0 ) /
            (double) THREAD_QUEUE_INTERVAL );
    if (midiThreadQueueTicks <= 0) {
        midiThreadQueueTicks = 1;
Example #6
static void test_midiStream(UINT udev, HWND hwnd)
    MMRESULT rc, rc2;
    MIDIHDR mhdr;
    union {
        MIDIPROPTEMPO tempo;
    } midiprop;

    if (hwnd)
        rc = midiStreamOpen(&hm, &udev, 1, (DWORD_PTR)hwnd, (DWORD_PTR)MYCBINST, CALLBACK_WINDOW);
        rc = midiStreamOpen(&hm, &udev, 1, (DWORD_PTR)callback_func, (DWORD_PTR)MYCBINST, CALLBACK_FUNCTION);
        skip( "MIDI stream not supported\n" );
    ok(!rc, "midiStreamOpen(dev=%d) rc=%s\n", udev, mmsys_error(rc));
    if (rc) return;

    test_notification(hwnd, "midiStreamOpen", MOM_OPEN, 0);

    midiprop.tempo.cbStruct = sizeof(midiprop.tempo);
    rc = midiStreamProperty(hm, (void*)&midiprop, MIDIPROP_GET|MIDIPROP_TEMPO);
    ok(!rc, "midiStreamProperty TEMPO rc=%s\n", mmsys_error(rc));
    ok(midiprop.tempo.dwTempo==500000, "default stream tempo %u microsec per quarter note\n", midiprop.tempo.dwTempo);

    midiprop.tdiv.cbStruct = sizeof(midiprop.tdiv);
    rc = midiStreamProperty(hm, (void*)&midiprop, MIDIPROP_GET|MIDIPROP_TIMEDIV);
    ok(!rc, "midiStreamProperty TIMEDIV rc=%s\n", mmsys_error(rc));
    todo_wine ok(24==LOWORD(midiprop.tdiv.dwTimeDiv), "default stream time division %u\n", midiprop.tdiv.dwTimeDiv);

    memset(&mhdr, 0, sizeof(mhdr));
    mhdr.dwFlags = 0;
    mhdr.dwUser   = 0x56FA552C;
    mhdr.dwOffset = 1234567890;
    mhdr.dwBufferLength = sizeof(strmEvents);
    mhdr.dwBytesRecorded = mhdr.dwBufferLength;
    mhdr.lpData = (LPSTR)&strmEvents[0];
    if (mhdr.lpData) {
        rc = midiOutLongMsg((HMIDIOUT)hm, &mhdr, sizeof(mhdr));
        ok(rc==MIDIERR_UNPREPARED, "midiOutLongMsg unprepared rc=%s\n", mmsys_error(rc));
        test_notification(hwnd, "midiOutLong unprepared", 0, WHATEVER);

        rc = midiOutPrepareHeader((HMIDIOUT)hm, &mhdr, offsetof(MIDIHDR,dwOffset)-1);
        ok(rc==MMSYSERR_INVALPARAM, "midiOutPrepare tiny rc=%s\n", mmsys_error(rc));
        rc = midiOutPrepareHeader((HMIDIOUT)hm, &mhdr, offsetof(MIDIHDR,dwOffset));
        ok(!rc, "midiOutPrepare old size rc=%s\n", mmsys_error(rc));
        ok(mhdr.dwFlags & MHDR_PREPARED, "MHDR.dwFlags when prepared %x\n", mhdr.dwFlags);

        /* The device is still in paused mode and should queue the message. */
        rc = midiStreamOut(hm, &mhdr, offsetof(MIDIHDR,dwOffset));
        ok(!rc, "midiStreamOut old size rc=%s\n", mmsys_error(rc));
        rc2 = rc;
        trace("MIDIHDR flags=%x when submitted\n", mhdr.dwFlags);
        /* w9X/me does not set MHDR_ISSTRM when StreamOut exits,
         * but it will be set on all systems after the job is finished. */

        /* Wine <1.1.39 started playing immediately */
        test_notification(hwnd, "midiStream still paused", 0, WHATEVER);

    /* MSDN asks to use midiStreamRestart prior to midiStreamOut()
     * because the starting state is 'pause', but some apps seem to
     * work with the inverse order: queue everything, then play.

        rc = midiStreamRestart(hm);
        ok(!rc, "midiStreamRestart rc=%s\n", mmsys_error(rc));

        if (!rc2) while(mhdr.dwFlags & MHDR_INQUEUE) {
            trace("async MIDI still queued\n");
        } /* Checking INQUEUE is not the recommended way to wait for the end of a job, but we're testing. */
        /* MHDR_ISSTRM is not necessarily set when midiStreamOut returns
         * rather than when the queue is eventually processed. */
        ok(mhdr.dwFlags & MHDR_ISSTRM, "MHDR.dwFlags %x no ISSTRM when out of queue\n", mhdr.dwFlags);
        if (!rc2) while(!(mhdr.dwFlags & MHDR_DONE)) {
            /* Never to be seen except perhaps on multicore */
            trace("async MIDI still not done\n");
        ok(mhdr.dwFlags & MHDR_DONE, "MHDR.dwFlags %x not DONE when out of queue\n", mhdr.dwFlags);
        test_notification(hwnd, "midiStream callback", MOM_POSITIONCB, (DWORD_PTR)&mhdr);
        test_notification(hwnd, "midiStreamOut", MOM_DONE, (DWORD_PTR)&mhdr);

        /* Native fills dwOffset regardless of the cbMidiHdr size argument to midiStreamOut */
        ok(1234567890!=mhdr.dwOffset, "play left MIDIHDR.dwOffset at %u\n", mhdr.dwOffset);

        rc = midiOutUnprepareHeader((HMIDIOUT)hm, &mhdr, offsetof(MIDIHDR,dwOffset));
        ok(!rc, "midiOutUnprepare rc=%s\n", mmsys_error(rc));
        rc = midiOutUnprepareHeader((HMIDIOUT)hm, &mhdr, offsetof(MIDIHDR,dwOffset));
        ok(!rc, "midiOutUnprepare #2 rc=%s\n", mmsys_error(rc));

        trace("MIDIHDR stream flags=%x when finished\n", mhdr.dwFlags);
        ok(mhdr.dwFlags & MHDR_DONE, "MHDR.dwFlags when done %x\n", mhdr.dwFlags);

        test_position(hm, TIME_MS,      TIME_MS);
        test_position(hm, TIME_TICKS,   TIME_TICKS);
        todo_wine test_position(hm, TIME_MIDI,    TIME_MIDI);
        test_position(hm, TIME_SMPTE,   TIME_MS);
        test_position(hm, TIME_SAMPLES, TIME_MS);
        test_position(hm, TIME_BYTES,   TIME_MS);

        Sleep(400); /* Hear note */

        midiprop.tempo.cbStruct = sizeof(midiprop.tempo);
        rc = midiStreamProperty(hm, (void*)&midiprop, MIDIPROP_GET|MIDIPROP_TEMPO);
        ok(!rc, "midiStreamProperty TEMPO rc=%s\n", mmsys_error(rc));
        ok(0x0493E0==midiprop.tempo.dwTempo, "stream set tempo %u\n", midiprop.tdiv.dwTimeDiv);

        rc = midiStreamRestart(hm);
        ok(!rc, "midiStreamRestart #2 rc=%s\n", mmsys_error(rc));

        mhdr.dwFlags |= MHDR_ISSTRM;
        /* Preset flags (e.g. MHDR_ISSTRM) do not disturb. */
        rc = midiOutPrepareHeader((HMIDIOUT)hm, &mhdr, offsetof(MIDIHDR,dwOffset));
        ok(!rc, "midiOutPrepare used flags %x rc=%s\n", mhdr.dwFlags, mmsys_error(rc));
        rc = midiOutUnprepareHeader((HMIDIOUT)hm, &mhdr, offsetof(MIDIHDR,dwOffset));
        ok(!rc, "midiOutUnprepare used flags %x rc=%s\n", mhdr.dwFlags, mmsys_error(rc));

        rc = midiStreamRestart(hm);
        ok(!rc, "midiStreamRestart #3 rc=%s\n", mmsys_error(rc));
    ok(mhdr.dwUser==0x56FA552C, "MIDIHDR.dwUser changed to %lx\n", mhdr.dwUser);
    ok(0==((MIDISHORTEVENT*)&strmEvents)[0].dwStreamID, "dwStreamID set to %x\n", ((LPMIDIEVENT)&strmEvents[0])->dwStreamID);

    /* dwBytesRecorded controls how much is played, not dwBufferLength
     * allowing to immediately forward packets from midiIn to midiOut */
    mhdr.dwOffset = 1234123123;
    mhdr.dwBufferLength = sizeof(strmNops);
    trace("buffer: %u\n", mhdr.dwBufferLength);
    mhdr.dwBytesRecorded = 0;
    mhdr.lpData = (LPSTR)&strmNops[0];
    strmNops[0].dwEvent |= MEVT_F_CALLBACK;
    strmNops[1].dwEvent |= MEVT_F_CALLBACK;

    rc = midiOutPrepareHeader((HMIDIOUT)hm, &mhdr, sizeof(mhdr));
    ok(!rc, "midiOutPrepare rc=%s\n", mmsys_error(rc));

    rc = playStream(hm, &mhdr);
    ok(!rc, "midiStreamOut 0 bytes recorded rc=%s\n", mmsys_error(rc));

    test_notification(hwnd, "midiStreamOut", MOM_DONE, (DWORD_PTR)&mhdr);
    test_notification(hwnd, "0 bytes recorded", 0, WHATEVER);

    /* FIXME: check dwOffset within callback
     * instead of the unspecified value afterwards */
    ok(1234123123==mhdr.dwOffset || broken(0==mhdr.dwOffset), "play 0 set MIDIHDR.dwOffset to %u\n", mhdr.dwOffset);
    /* w2k and later only set dwOffset when processing MEVT_T_CALLBACK,
     * while w9X/me/nt always sets it.  Have Wine behave like w2k because the
     * dwOffset slot does not exist in the small size MIDIHDR. */

    mhdr.dwOffset = 1234123123;
    mhdr.dwBytesRecorded = 1*sizeof(MIDISHORTEVENT);

    rc = playStream(hm, &mhdr);
    ok(!rc, "midiStreamOut 1 event out of 2 rc=%s\n", mmsys_error(rc));

    test_notification(hwnd, "1 of 2 events", MOM_POSITIONCB, (DWORD_PTR)&mhdr);
    test_notification(hwnd, "1 of 2 events", MOM_DONE, (DWORD_PTR)&mhdr);
    test_notification(hwnd, "1 of 2 events", 0, WHATEVER);
    ok(0==mhdr.dwOffset, "MIDIHDR.dwOffset 1/2 changed to %u\n", mhdr.dwOffset);

    mhdr.dwOffset = 1234123123;
    mhdr.dwBytesRecorded = 2*sizeof(MIDISHORTEVENT);

    rc = playStream(hm, &mhdr);
    ok(!rc, "midiStreamOut 1 event out of 2 rc=%s\n", mmsys_error(rc));

    test_notification(hwnd, "2 of 2 events", MOM_POSITIONCB, (DWORD_PTR)&mhdr);
    test_notification(hwnd, "2 of 2 events", MOM_POSITIONCB, (DWORD_PTR)&mhdr);
    test_notification(hwnd, "2 of 2 events", MOM_DONE, (DWORD_PTR)&mhdr);
    test_notification(hwnd, "2 of 2 events", 0, WHATEVER);
    ok(sizeof(MIDISHORTEVENT)==mhdr.dwOffset, "MIDIHDR.dwOffset 2/2 changed to %u\n", mhdr.dwOffset);
    ok(mhdr.dwBytesRecorded == 2*sizeof(MIDISHORTEVENT), "dwBytesRecorded changed to %u\n", mhdr.dwBytesRecorded);

    strmNops[0].dwEvent &= ~MEVT_F_CALLBACK;
    strmNops[1].dwEvent &= ~MEVT_F_CALLBACK;
    mhdr.dwOffset = 1234123123;
    rc = playStream(hm, &mhdr);
    ok(!rc, "midiStreamOut 1 event out of 2 rc=%s\n", mmsys_error(rc));

    test_notification(hwnd, "0 CB in 2 events", MOM_DONE, (DWORD_PTR)&mhdr);
    test_notification(hwnd, "0 CB in 2 events", 0, WHATEVER);
    /* w9X/me/nt set dwOffset to the position played last */
    ok(1234123123==mhdr.dwOffset || broken(sizeof(MIDISHORTEVENT)==mhdr.dwOffset), "MIDIHDR.dwOffset nocb changed to %u\n", mhdr.dwOffset);

    mhdr.dwBytesRecorded = mhdr.dwBufferLength-1;
    rc = playStream(hm, &mhdr);
    ok(rc==MMSYSERR_INVALPARAM,"midiStreamOut dwBytesRecorded modulo MIDIEVENT rc=%s\n", mmsys_error(rc));
    if (!rc) {
         test_notification(hwnd, "2 of 2 events", MOM_DONE, (DWORD_PTR)&mhdr);

    mhdr.dwBytesRecorded = mhdr.dwBufferLength+1;
    rc = playStream(hm, &mhdr);
    ok(rc==MMSYSERR_INVALPARAM,"midiStreamOut dwBufferLength<dwBytesRecorded rc=%s\n", mmsys_error(rc));
    test_notification(hwnd, "past MIDIHDR tests", 0, WHATEVER);

    rc = midiStreamStop(hm);
    ok(!rc, "midiStreamStop rc=%s\n", mmsys_error(rc));
    ok(mhdr.dwUser==0x56FA552C, "MIDIHDR.dwUser changed to %lx\n", mhdr.dwUser);

    rc = midiOutUnprepareHeader((HMIDIOUT)hm, &mhdr, sizeof(mhdr));
    ok(!rc, "midiOutUnprepare rc=%s\n", mmsys_error(rc));
    ok(0==strmNops[0].dwStreamID, "dwStreamID[0] set to %x\n", strmNops[0].dwStreamID);
    ok(0==strmNops[1].dwStreamID, "dwStreamID[1] set to %x\n", strmNops[1].dwStreamID);

    mhdr.dwBufferLength = 70000; /* > 64KB! */
    mhdr.lpData = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0 , mhdr.dwBufferLength);
    ok(mhdr.lpData!=NULL, "No %d bytes of memory!\n", mhdr.dwBufferLength);
    if (mhdr.lpData) {
        mhdr.dwFlags = 0;
        /* PrepareHeader detects the too large buffer is for a stream. */
        rc = midiOutPrepareHeader((HMIDIOUT)hm, &mhdr, sizeof(mhdr));
        todo_wine ok(rc==MMSYSERR_INVALPARAM, "midiOutPrepare stream too large rc=%s\n", mmsys_error(rc));

        rc = midiOutUnprepareHeader((HMIDIOUT)hm, &mhdr, sizeof(mhdr));
        ok(!rc, "midiOutUnprepare rc=%s\n", mmsys_error(rc));

        HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, mhdr.lpData);

    rc = midiStreamClose(hm);
    ok(!rc, "midiStreamClose rc=%s\n", mmsys_error(rc));
    test_notification(hwnd, "midiStreamClose", MOM_CLOSE, 0);
    test_notification(hwnd, "midiStream over", 0, WHATEVER);

    rc = midiStreamOpen(&hm, &udev, 1, 0, (DWORD_PTR)MYCBINST, CALLBACK_FUNCTION);
    ok(!rc /*w2k*/|| rc==MMSYSERR_INVALPARAM/*w98*/, "midiStreamOpen NULL function rc=%s\n", mmsys_error(rc));
    if (!rc) {
        trace("Device %d accepts NULL CALLBACK_FUNCTION\n", udev);
        rc = midiStreamClose(hm);
        ok(!rc, "midiStreamClose rc=%s\n", mmsys_error(rc));

    rc = midiStreamOpen(&hm, &udev, 1, (DWORD_PTR)0xDEADBEEF, (DWORD_PTR)MYCBINST, CALLBACK_WINDOW);
    ok(rc==MMSYSERR_INVALPARAM, "midiStreamOpen bad window rc=%s\n", mmsys_error(rc));
    if (!rc) {
        rc = midiStreamClose(hm);
        ok(!rc, "midiStreamClose rc=%s\n", mmsys_error(rc));
int WinMIDIDevice::SetTimeDiv(int timediv)
	return midiStreamProperty(MidiOut, (LPBYTE)&data, MIDIPROP_SET | MIDIPROP_TIMEDIV);
int WinMIDIDevice::SetTempo(int tempo)
	MIDIPROPTEMPO data = { sizeof(MIDIPROPTEMPO), (DWORD)tempo };
	return midiStreamProperty(MidiOut, (LPBYTE)&data, MIDIPROP_SET | MIDIPROP_TEMPO);
Example #9
static PmError winmm_out_open(PmInternal *midi, void *driverInfo)
    DWORD dwDevice;
    int i = midi->device_id;
    midiwinmm_type m;
    MIDIPROPTEMPO propdata;
    int max_sysex_len = midi->buffer_len * 4;
    int output_buffer_len;
    int num_buffers;
    dwDevice = (DWORD) descriptors[i].descriptor;

    /* create system dependent device data */
    m = (midiwinmm_type) pm_alloc(sizeof(midiwinmm_node)); /* create */
    midi->descriptor = m;
    if (!m) goto no_memory;
    m->handle.out = NULL;
    m->buffers = NULL;
    m->num_buffers = 0;
    m->max_buffers = 0;
    m->buffers_expanded = FALSE;
    m->next_buffer = 0;
    m->last_time = 0;
    m->first_message = TRUE; /* we treat first message as special case */
    m->sysex_mode = FALSE;
    m->sysex_word = 0;
    m->sysex_byte_count = 0;
    m->hdr = NULL;
    m->sync_time = 0;
    m->delta = 0;
    m->error = MMSYSERR_NOERROR;

    /* create a signal */
    m->buffer_signal = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL);

    /* this should only fail when there are very serious problems */

    /* open device */
    if (midi->latency == 0) {
        /* use simple midi out calls */
        pm_hosterror = midiOutOpen(
                (LPHMIDIOUT) & m->handle.out,  /* device Handle */
		dwDevice,  /* device ID  */
		/* note: same callback fn as for StreamOpen: */
		(DWORD_PTR) winmm_streamout_callback, /* callback fn */
		(DWORD_PTR) midi,  /* callback instance data */
		CALLBACK_FUNCTION); /* callback type */
    } else {
        /* use stream-based midi output (schedulable in future) */
        pm_hosterror = midiStreamOpen(
	        &m->handle.stream,  /* device Handle */
		(LPUINT) & dwDevice,  /* device ID pointer */
		1,  /* reserved, must be 1 */
		(DWORD_PTR) winmm_streamout_callback,
		(DWORD_PTR) midi,  /* callback instance data */
    if (pm_hosterror != MMSYSERR_NOERROR) {
        goto free_descriptor;

    if (midi->latency == 0) {
        num_buffers = NUM_SIMPLE_SYSEX_BUFFERS;
        output_buffer_len = max_sysex_len / num_buffers;
        if (output_buffer_len < MIN_SIMPLE_SYSEX_LEN)
            output_buffer_len = MIN_SIMPLE_SYSEX_LEN;
    } else {
        long dur = 0;
        num_buffers = max(midi->buffer_len, midi->latency / 2);
        if (num_buffers < MIN_STREAM_BUFFERS)
            num_buffers = MIN_STREAM_BUFFERS;
        output_buffer_len = STREAM_BUFFER_LEN;

        propdata.cbStruct = sizeof(MIDIPROPTEMPO);
        propdata.dwTempo = 480000; /* microseconds per quarter */
        pm_hosterror = midiStreamProperty(m->handle.stream,
                                          (LPBYTE) & propdata,
                                          MIDIPROP_SET | MIDIPROP_TEMPO);
        if (pm_hosterror) goto close_device;

        divdata.cbStruct = sizeof(MIDIPROPTEMPO);
        divdata.dwTimeDiv = 480;   /* divisions per quarter */
        pm_hosterror = midiStreamProperty(m->handle.stream,
                                          (LPBYTE) & divdata,
                                          MIDIPROP_SET | MIDIPROP_TIMEDIV);
        if (pm_hosterror) goto close_device;
    /* allocate buffers */
    if (allocate_buffers(m, output_buffer_len, num_buffers)) 
        goto free_buffers;
    /* start device */
    if (midi->latency != 0) {
        pm_hosterror = midiStreamRestart(m->handle.stream);
        if (pm_hosterror != MMSYSERR_NOERROR) goto free_buffers;
    return pmNoError;

    /* buffers are freed below by winmm_out_delete */
    midi->descriptor = NULL;
    winmm_out_delete(midi); /* frees buffers and m */
    if (pm_hosterror) {
        int err = midiOutGetErrorText(pm_hosterror, (char *) pm_hosterror_text,
        assert(err == MMSYSERR_NOERROR);
        return pmHostError;
    return pmInsufficientMemory;