/* ----------------------------- MNI Header -----------------------------------
@NAME       : save_volume_slice
@INPUT      : icvid - id of icv to write
              volume_info - volume information (minimum and maximum are
              slice_num - number of slice to write
              image - image to write
              slice_min - minimum real value for slice
              slice_max - maximum real value for slice
@OUTPUT     : (nothing)
@RETURNS    : (nothing)
@DESCRIPTION: Routine to write out a slice.
@METHOD     : 
@GLOBALS    : 
@CALLS      : 
@CREATED    : August 26, 1993 (Peter Neelin)
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
static void save_volume_slice(int icvid, Volume_Info *volume_info, 
                              int slice_num, unsigned char *image,
                              double slice_min, double slice_max)
   int mincid;
   long start[MAX_VAR_DIMS], count[MAX_VAR_DIMS];

   /* Get the minc file id */
   (void) miicv_inqint(icvid, MI_ICV_CDFID, &mincid);

   /* Set up the start and count variables for writinging the volume */
   (void) miset_coords(3, 0, start);
   start[0] = slice_num;
   count[0] = 1;
   count[1] = volume_info->nrows;
   count[2] = volume_info->ncolumns;

   /* Write out the slice min and max */
   (void) mivarput1(mincid, ncvarid(mincid, MIimagemin), start, NC_DOUBLE,
                    NULL, &slice_min);
   (void) mivarput1(mincid, ncvarid(mincid, MIimagemax), start, NC_DOUBLE,
                    NULL, &slice_max);

   /* Write out the volume */
   (void) miicv_put(icvid, start, count, image);

Example #2
File: minc.c Project: BIC-MNI/xdisp
/* ----------------------------- MNI Header -----------------------------------
@NAME       : save_volume_slice
@INPUT      : icvid - id of icv to write
              volume_info - volume information (minimum and maximum are
              slice_num - number of slice to write
              image - image to write
              slice_min - minimum real value for slice
              slice_max - maximum real value for slice
@OUTPUT     : (nothing)
@RETURNS    : (nothing)
@DESCRIPTION: Routine to write out a slice.
@METHOD     : 
@GLOBALS    : 
@CALLS      : 
@CREATED    : August 26, 1993 (Peter Neelin)
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void save_volume_slice(int icvid, Volume_Info *volume_info, 
                              int slice_num[], unsigned char *image,
                              double slice_min, double slice_max)
   int mincid;
   long start[MAX_VAR_DIMS], count[MAX_VAR_DIMS];
   int  idim, ndims;

   /* Get the minc file id */
   (void) miicv_inqint(icvid, MI_ICV_CDFID, &mincid);
   ndims = volume_info->number_of_dimensions;

   /* Set up the start and count variables for writing the volume */
   (void) miset_coords(MAX_VAR_DIMS, 0, start);

   for(idim=0; idim<ndims-2; idim++){
      start[idim] = slice_num[idim];
      count[idim] = 1;
   count[ndims-2] = volume_info->length[ndims-2];
   count[ndims-1] = volume_info->length[ndims-1];  

   /* Write out the slice min and max */
   (void) mivarput1(mincid, ncvarid(mincid, MIimagemin), start, NC_DOUBLE,
                    NULL, &slice_min);
   (void) mivarput1(mincid, ncvarid(mincid, MIimagemax), start, NC_DOUBLE,
                    NULL, &slice_max);

   /* Write out the volume */
   (void) miicv_put(icvid, start, count, image);

Example #3
/* ----------------------------- MNI Header -----------------------------------
@NAME       : WriteImages
@INPUT      : TempFile - where the images come from
              Image - where they're going
              Slices - vector containing list of slices to write
              Frames - vector containing list of frames to write
              NumSlices - the number of elements of Slices[] actually used
              NumFrames - the number of elements of Frames[] actually used
@OUTPUT     : 
@RETURNS    : an error code as defined in mierrors.h
              ERR_NONE = all went well
              ERR_IN_TEMP = ran out of data reading the temp file
              ERR_OUT_MINC = some problem writing to MINC file
                (this should not happen!!!)
              also sets ErrMsg in the event of an error
@DESCRIPTION: Reads images sequentially from TempFile, and writes them into
              the image variable specified by *Image at the slice/frame
              locations specified by Slices[] and Frames[].  Smart enough
              to handle files with no time dimension, but assumes there
              is always a z dimension.
@METHOD     : 
@GLOBALS    : 
@CALLS      : 
@CREATED    : 93-6-3, Greg Ward
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int WriteImages (FILE *TempFile,
                 ImageInfoRec *Image,
                 long Slices[], 
                 long Frames[],
                 long NumSlices,
                 long NumFrames)
   int      slice, frame;
   long     Start [MAX_NC_DIMS], Count [MAX_NC_DIMS];
   double   *Buffer;
   Boolean  DoFrames;
   Boolean  DoSlices;
   Boolean  Success;
   int      RetVal;

   Buffer = (double *) calloc (Image->ImageSize, sizeof (double));

    * First ensure that we will always read an *entire* image, but only
    * one slice/frame at a time (no matter how many slices/frames we
    * may be reading)

   Start [Image->HeightDim] = 0; Count [Image->HeightDim] = Image->Height;
   Start [Image->WidthDim] = 0;  Count [Image->WidthDim] = Image->Width;

    * Handle files with missing frames or slices.  See the function
    * ReadImages in the file mireadimages.c for a detailed explanation.

   if (NumFrames > 0)
      Count [Image->FrameDim] = 1;
      DoFrames = TRUE;
      DoFrames = FALSE;
      NumFrames = 1;

   /* Exact same code as for frames, but changed to slices */

   if (NumSlices > 0)
      Count [Image->SliceDim] = 1;
      DoSlices = TRUE;
      DoSlices = FALSE;
      NumSlices = 1;

#ifdef DEBUG
   printf ("Ready to start writing.\n");
   printf ("NumFrames = %ld, DoFrames = %d\n", NumFrames, (int) DoFrames);
   printf ("NumSlices = %ld, DoSlices = %d\n", NumSlices, (int) DoSlices);

   for (slice = 0; slice < NumSlices; slice++)
      if (DoSlices)
         Start [Image->SliceDim] = Slices [slice];

       * Loop through all frames, reading/writing one image each time.
       * Note that NumFrames will be one even if DoFrames is false; 
       * so this loop WILL always execute, but it and the functions it calls
       * (particularly PutMaxMin) act slightly differently depending on
       * the value of DoFrames,

      for (frame = 0; frame < NumFrames; frame++)
         Success = ReadNextImage (Buffer, Image->ImageSize, TempFile);
         if (!Success)
            sprintf (ErrMsg, 
                    "Error reading from temporary file at slice %d, frame %d", 
                    slice, frame);
            return (ERR_IN_TEMP);

         PutMaxMin (Image, Buffer,
                    Slices [slice], Frames [frame],
                    DoSlices, DoFrames);

         if (DoFrames)
            Start [Image->FrameDim] = Frames [frame];

         RetVal = miicv_put (Image->ICV, Start, Count, Buffer);
         if (RetVal == MI_ERROR)
            sprintf (ErrMsg, "INTERNAL BUG: Fail on miicv_put: Error code %d",
            return (ERR_OUT_MINC);
      }     /* for frame */
   }     /* for slice */

    * Use the MIcomplete attribute to signal that we are done writing
   miattputstr (Image->CDF, Image->ID, MIcomplete, MI_TRUE);
   free (Buffer);
   return (ERR_NONE);

}     /* WriteImages */
Example #4
int main(int argc, char **argv)
   int icv, cdfid, img, max, min, dimvar;
   static int dim[MAX_VAR_DIMS];
   static struct { long len; char *name;} diminfo[] = {
      { 7, MIzspace }, 
      { 9, MIyspace }, 
      { 2, MIxspace }
/*   static struct { long len; char *name;} diminfo[]=
      {3, MIzspace, 4, MIyspace, 5, MIxspace}; */
   static int numdims=sizeof(diminfo)/sizeof(diminfo[0]);
   static long coord[]={0,0,0};
   static long count[]={3,4,5};
   double dvalue;
   short int ivalue[]={
      111, 113, 115, 117, 119,
      121, 123, 125, 127, 129,
      131, 133, 135, 137, 139,
      141, 143, 145, 147, 149,
      211, 213, 215, 217, 219,
      221, 223, 225, 227, 229,
      231, 233, 235, 237, 239,
      241, 243, 245, 247, 249,
      311, 313, 315, 317, 319,
      321, 323, 325, 327, 329,
      331, 333, 335, 337, 339,
      341, 343, 345, 347, 349
   int i, j, k;
   int cflag = 0;

#if MINC2
   if (argc == 2 && !strcmp(argv[1], "-2")) {
       cflag = MI2_CREATE_V2;
#endif /* MINC2 */

   miicv_setint(icv, MI_ICV_XDIM_DIR, MI_ICV_NEGATIVE);
   miicv_setint(icv, MI_ICV_YDIM_DIR, MI_ICV_NEGATIVE);
   miicv_setint(icv, MI_ICV_ZDIM_DIR, MI_ICV_NEGATIVE);
   miicv_setint(icv, MI_ICV_NUM_IMGDIMS, 3);
   miicv_setint(icv, MI_ICV_DIM_SIZE+0, 5);
   miicv_setint(icv, MI_ICV_DIM_SIZE+1, 4);
   miicv_setint(icv, MI_ICV_DIM_SIZE+2, 3);
   miicv_setint(icv, MI_ICV_DO_DIM_CONV, TRUE);
   miicv_setint(icv, MI_ICV_KEEP_ASPECT, FALSE);
   miicv_setint(icv, MI_ICV_DO_NORM, TRUE);
   cdfid=micreate("test.mnc", NC_CLOBBER | cflag);
   for (i=0; i<numdims; i++) {
      dim[i]=ncdimdef(cdfid, diminfo[i].name, diminfo[i].len);
      dimvar=micreate_std_variable(cdfid, diminfo[i].name, NC_DOUBLE,
                                   0, &dim[i]);
      miattputdbl(cdfid, dimvar, MIstep, 0.8);
      miattputdbl(cdfid, dimvar, MIstart, 22.0);
   img=micreate_std_variable(cdfid, MIimage, NC_SHORT,
                             numdims, dim);
   max=micreate_std_variable(cdfid, MIimagemax, NC_DOUBLE, 1, dim);
   min=micreate_std_variable(cdfid, MIimagemin, NC_DOUBLE, 1, dim);
   for (i=0; i<diminfo[0].len; i++) {
      dvalue = 200;
      ncvarput1(cdfid, max, coord, &dvalue);
      dvalue = -dvalue;
      ncvarput1(cdfid, min, coord, &dvalue);
   miicv_attach(icv, cdfid, img);
   miicv_inqdbl(icv, MI_ICV_ADIM_START, &dvalue);
   printf("adim start = %g", dvalue);
   miicv_inqdbl(icv, MI_ICV_ADIM_STEP, &dvalue);
   printf(", step = %g\n", dvalue);
   miicv_inqdbl(icv, MI_ICV_BDIM_START, &dvalue);
   printf("bdim start = %g", dvalue);
   miicv_inqdbl(icv, MI_ICV_BDIM_STEP, &dvalue);
   printf(", step = %g\n", dvalue);
   miicv_inqdbl(icv, MI_ICV_NORM_MAX, &dvalue);
   printf("norm : max = %g", dvalue);
   miicv_inqdbl(icv, MI_ICV_NORM_MIN, &dvalue);
   printf(", min = %g\n", dvalue);
   miicv_put(icv, coord, count, ivalue);
   miicv_get(icv, coord, count, ivalue);
   for (i=0; i<3; i++) {
      for (j=0; j<4; j++) {
         for (k=0; k<5; k++) {
   return 0;
Example #5
int main(int argc, char **argv)
   int icv, cdfid, img, max, min;
   static char *typenm[]={"short", "double"};
   static char *boolnm[] = {"true", "false"};
   static nc_type intypes[] = {NC_SHORT, NC_DOUBLE};
   static int norms[] = {TRUE, FALSE};
   static nc_type outtypes[] = {NC_SHORT, NC_DOUBLE};
   static int maxpresent[] = {TRUE, FALSE};
   static int valpresent[] = {TRUE, FALSE};
   static int dim[MAX_VAR_DIMS];
   static struct { long len; char *name;} diminfo[] = {
      { 3, MIzspace }, 
      { 1, MIyspace }, 
      { 1, MIxspace } 
   static int numdims=sizeof(diminfo)/sizeof(diminfo[0]);
   static long coord[]={0,0,0};
   static long count[]={1,1,1};
   static double max_values[] = {0.4, 0.6, 0.8};
   double dvalue;
   short int ivalue;
   int i, intype, inorm, outtype, imax, ival;
   int cflag = 0;
   char filename[256];

#if MINC2
   if (argc == 2 && !strcmp(argv[1], "-2")) {
       cflag = MI2_CREATE_V2;
#endif /* MINC2 */

   snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename), "test_icv_range-%d.mnc", getpid());

   for (intype=0; intype<MAX_IN_TYPES; intype++) {
      for (inorm=0; inorm<MAX_NORM; inorm++) {
         miicv_setint(icv, MI_ICV_TYPE, intypes[intype]);
         miicv_setint(icv, MI_ICV_DO_NORM, norms[inorm]);
         miicv_setdbl(icv, MI_ICV_VALID_MAX, 20000.0);
         miicv_setdbl(icv, MI_ICV_VALID_MIN, 0.0);
         for (outtype=0; outtype<MAX_OUT_TYPES; outtype++) {
            for (imax=0; imax<MAX_MAX; imax++) {
               for (ival=0; ival<MAX_VAL; ival++) {
                     "in : %s, out : %s, norm : %s, imgmax : %s, valid : %s\n",
                         typenm[intype], typenm[outtype], boolnm[inorm],
                         boolnm[imax], boolnm[ival]);
                  cdfid=micreate(filename, NC_CLOBBER | cflag);
                  for (i=0; i<numdims; i++) 
                     dim[i]=ncdimdef(cdfid, diminfo[i].name, diminfo[i].len);
                  img=micreate_std_variable(cdfid, MIimage, outtypes[outtype],
                                            numdims, dim);
                  if (maxpresent[imax]) {
                     max=micreate_std_variable(cdfid, MIimagemax, NC_DOUBLE,
                                               1, dim);
                     min=micreate_std_variable(cdfid, MIimagemin, NC_DOUBLE,
                                               1, dim);
                  if (valpresent[ival]) {
                     dvalue = 32000;
                     ncattput(cdfid, img, MIvalid_max, NC_DOUBLE, 1, &dvalue);
                     dvalue = 0;
                     ncattput(cdfid, img, MIvalid_min, NC_DOUBLE, 1, &dvalue);
                  if (maxpresent[imax]) {
                     for (i=0; i<3; i++) {
                        dvalue = max_values[i];
                        ncvarput1(cdfid, max, coord, &dvalue);
                        dvalue = -dvalue;
                        ncvarput1(cdfid, min, coord, &dvalue);
                  miicv_attach(icv, cdfid, img);
                  if (intypes[intype]==NC_DOUBLE) {
                     dvalue = 0.2;
                     miicv_put(icv, coord, count, &dvalue);
                  else {
                     ivalue = 12500;
                     miicv_put(icv, coord, count, &ivalue);
                  dvalue = 0;
                  mivarget1(cdfid, img, coord, NC_DOUBLE, MI_SIGNED, &dvalue);
                  printf("   file value = %g\n", dvalue);
                  if (intypes[intype]==NC_DOUBLE) {
                     miicv_get(icv, coord, count, &dvalue);
                  else {
                     miicv_get(icv, coord, count, &ivalue);
                  printf("   icv value = %g\n", dvalue);
   return 0;
Example #6
minc_save_data(int fd, void *dataptr, int datatype,
               long st, long sz, long sy, long sx,
               long ct, long cz, long cy, long cx)
    nc_type nctype;
    char *signstr;
    int i;
    int var_id;
    int var_ndims;
    int var_dims[MAX_NC_DIMS];
    int icv;
    long start[MI_S_NDIMS];
    long count[MI_S_NDIMS];
    int old_ncopts;
    int r;
    double min, max;
    long slice_size;
    long index;
    int dtbytes;                /* Length of datatype in bytes */

    old_ncopts =get_ncopts();

    var_id = ncvarid(fd, MIimage);

    ncvarinq(fd, var_id, NULL, NULL, &var_ndims, var_dims, NULL);

    if (var_ndims < 2 || var_ndims > 4) {
        return (MINC_STATUS_ERROR);
    r = minc_simple_to_nc_type(datatype, &nctype, &signstr);
    if (r == MINC_STATUS_ERROR) {
        return (MINC_STATUS_ERROR);

    dtbytes = nctypelen(nctype);

    /* Update the image-min and image-max values */
    if (ct > 0) {
        slice_size = cz * cy * cx;
        index = st;

        for (i = 0; i < ct; i++) {
            find_minmax((char *) dataptr + (dtbytes * slice_size * i), 
                        slice_size, datatype, &min, &max);
            mivarput1(fd, ncvarid(fd, MIimagemin), &index, 
                      NC_DOUBLE, MI_SIGNED, &min);
            mivarput1(fd, ncvarid(fd, MIimagemax), &index, 
                      NC_DOUBLE, MI_SIGNED, &max);
    else {
        slice_size = cy * cx;
        index = sz;

        for (i = 0; i < cz; i++) {
            find_minmax((char *) dataptr + (dtbytes * slice_size * i), 
                        slice_size, datatype, &min, &max);
            mivarput1(fd, ncvarid(fd, MIimagemin), &index, 
                      NC_DOUBLE, MI_SIGNED, &min);
            mivarput1(fd, ncvarid(fd, MIimagemax), &index, 
                      NC_DOUBLE, MI_SIGNED, &max);

    /* We want the data to wind up in t, x, y, z order. */

    icv = miicv_create();
    if (icv < 0) {
        return (MINC_STATUS_ERROR);

    r = miicv_setint(icv, MI_ICV_TYPE, nctype);
    if (r < 0) {
        return (MINC_STATUS_ERROR);

    r = miicv_setstr(icv, MI_ICV_SIGN, signstr);
    if (r < 0) {
        return (MINC_STATUS_ERROR);

    r = miicv_setint(icv, MI_ICV_DO_NORM, 1);
    if (r < 0) {
        return (MINC_STATUS_ERROR);

    r = miicv_setint(icv, MI_ICV_DO_FILLVALUE, 1);
    if (r < 0) {
        return (MINC_STATUS_ERROR);

    r = miicv_attach(icv, fd, var_id);
    if (r < 0) {
        return (MINC_STATUS_ERROR);

    i = 0;
    switch (var_ndims) {
    case 4:
        count[i] = ct;
        start[i] = st;
        /* fall through */
    case 3:
        count[i] = cz;
        start[i] = sz;
        /* fall through */
    case 2:
        count[i] = cy;
        start[i] = sy;
        count[i] = cx;
        start[i] = sx;

    r = miicv_put(icv, start, count, dataptr);
    if (r < 0) {
        return (MINC_STATUS_ERROR);

    return (MINC_STATUS_OK);