Example #1
TileCoords ArenaMap::getRandomLocationInArea( const TileCoords& pos, int radius ) const
	TileCoords minXY( pos.x - radius, pos.y - radius );
	TileCoords maxXY( pos.x + radius, pos.y + radius );
	minXY.x = Monky::MathFuncs<int>::clamp( minXY.x, 0, m_arenaInfo.width - 1 );
	minXY.y = Monky::MathFuncs<int>::clamp( minXY.y, 0, m_arenaInfo.height - 1 );
	maxXY.x = Monky::MathFuncs<int>::clamp( maxXY.x, 0, m_arenaInfo.width - 1 );
	maxXY.y = Monky::MathFuncs<int>::clamp( maxXY.y, 0, m_arenaInfo.height - 1 );

	return TileCoords( Monky::RandNumGen::randInRangeInt( minXY.x, maxXY.x ), Monky::RandNumGen::randInRangeInt( minXY.y, maxXY.y ) ); 
Example #2
void GPSView::AddGPSPoints(GPSPoints &p){

	int width;
	int height;
	GetClientSize(&width, &height);

	Point minXY(-1, -1);
	Point maxXY(-1, -1);

	for (size_t i = 0; i < p.Count(); i++){
		Point point = ProjectPoint(p[i]);
		minXY.x = ((minXY.x == -1) ? point.x : std::min(minXY.x, point.x));
		minXY.y = ((minXY.y == -1) ? point.y : std::min(minXY.y, point.y));

	for (size_t i = 0; i < m_trackPoints.size(); i++){
		Point point = m_trackPoints[i];
		point.x = point.x - minXY.x;
        point.y = point.y - minXY.y;
        // now, we need to keep track the max X and Y values
        maxXY.x = (maxXY.x == -1) ? point.x : std::max(maxXY.x, point.x);
        maxXY.y = (maxXY.y == -1) ? point.y : std::max(maxXY.y, point.y);

	int paddingBothSides = MIN_PADDING * 2;

	// the actual drawing space for the map on the image
    int mapWidth = width - paddingBothSides;
    int mapHeight = height - paddingBothSides;

    // determine the width and height ratio because we need to magnify the map to fit into the given image dimension
    double mapWidthRatio = mapWidth / maxXY.x;
    double mapHeightRatio = mapHeight / maxXY.y;

    // using different ratios for width and height will cause the map to be stretched. So, we have to determine
    // the global ratio that will perfectly fit into the given image dimension
    m_globalRatio = std::min(mapWidthRatio, mapHeightRatio);

    // now we need to readjust the padding to ensure the map is always drawn on the center of the given image dimension
    m_heightPadding = (height - (m_globalRatio * maxXY.y)) / 2;
    m_widthPadding = (width - (m_globalRatio * maxXY.x)) / 2;
    m_offsetPoint = minXY;
Example #3
ccQuadric* ccQuadric::Fit(CCLib::GenericIndexedCloudPersist *cloud, double* rms/*=0*/)
	//number of points
	unsigned count = cloud->size();
		ccLog::Warning(QString("[ccQuadric::fitTo] Not enough points in input cloud to fit a quadric! (%1 at the very least are required)").arg(CC_LOCAL_MODEL_MIN_SIZE[HF]));
		return 0;

	//project the points on a 2D plane
	CCVector3 G, X, Y, N;
		CCLib::Neighbourhood Yk(cloud);
		//plane equation
		const PointCoordinateType* theLSQPlane = Yk.getLSQPlane();
		if (!theLSQPlane)
			ccLog::Warning("[ccQuadric::Fit] Not enough points to fit a quadric!");
			return 0;

		G = *Yk.getGravityCenter();

		//local base
		N = CCVector3(theLSQPlane);
		assert(Yk.getLSQPlaneX() && Yk.getLSQPlaneY());
		X = *Yk.getLSQPlaneX(); //main direction
		Y = *Yk.getLSQPlaneY(); //secondary direction

	//project the points in a temporary cloud
	ccPointCloud tempCloud("temporary");
	if (!tempCloud.reserve(count))
		ccLog::Warning("[ccQuadric::Fit] Not enough memory!");
		return 0;

	for (unsigned k=0; k<count; ++k)
		//projection into local 2D plane ref.
		CCVector3 P = *(cloud->getNextPoint()) - G;


	CCLib::Neighbourhood Zk(&tempCloud);
		//set exact values for gravity center and plane equation
		//(just to be sure and to avoid re-computing them)
		PointCoordinateType perfectEq[4] = { 0, 0, 1, 0 };
		Zk.setLSQPlane(	perfectEq,

	uchar hfdims[3];
	const PointCoordinateType* eq = Zk.getHeightFunction(hfdims);
	if (!eq)
		ccLog::Warning("[ccQuadric::Fit] Failed to fit a quadric!");
		return 0;

	//we recenter the quadric object
	ccGLMatrix glMat(X,Y,N,G);

	ccBBox bb = tempCloud.getBB();
	CCVector2 minXY(bb.minCorner().x,bb.minCorner().y);
	CCVector2 maxXY(bb.maxCorner().x,bb.maxCorner().y);

	ccQuadric* quadric = new ccQuadric(minXY, maxXY, eq, hfdims, &glMat);


	//compute rms if necessary
	if (rms)
		const uchar& dX = hfdims[0];
		const uchar& dY = hfdims[1];
		const uchar& dZ = hfdims[2];

		*rms = 0;

		for (unsigned k=0; k<count; ++k)
			//projection into local 2D plane ref.
			const CCVector3* P = tempCloud.getPoint(k);

			PointCoordinateType z = eq[0] + eq[1]*P->u[dX] + eq[2]*P->u[dY] + eq[3]*P->u[dX]*P->u[dX] + eq[4]*P->u[dX]*P->u[dY] + eq[5]*P->u[dY]*P->u[dY];
			*rms += (z-P->z)*(z-P->z);

		if (count)
			*rms = sqrt(*rms / count);
	return quadric;
Example #4
ccPlane* ccPlane::Fit(CCLib::GenericIndexedCloudPersist *cloud, double* rms/*=0*/)
    //number of points
    unsigned count = cloud->size();
    if (count < 3)
        ccLog::Warning("[ccPlane::Fit] Not enough points in input cloud to fit a plane!");
        return 0;

    CCLib::Neighbourhood Yk(cloud);

    //plane equation
    const PointCoordinateType* theLSPlane = Yk.getLSPlane();
    if (!theLSPlane)
        ccLog::Warning("[ccPlane::Fit] Not enough points to fit a plane!");
        return 0;

    //get the centroid
    const CCVector3* G = Yk.getGravityCenter();

    //and a local base
    CCVector3 N(theLSPlane);
    const CCVector3* X = Yk.getLSPlaneX(); //main direction
    CCVector3 Y = N * (*X);

    //compute bounding box in 2D plane
    CCVector2 minXY(0,0), maxXY(0,0);
    for (unsigned k=0; k<count; ++k)
        //projection into local 2D plane ref.
        CCVector3 P = *(cloud->getNextPoint()) - *G;

        CCVector2 P2D( P.dot(*X), P.dot(Y) );

        if (k != 0)
            if (minXY.x > P2D.x)
                minXY.x = P2D.x;
            else if (maxXY.x < P2D.x)
                maxXY.x = P2D.x;
            if (minXY.y > P2D.y)
                minXY.y = P2D.y;
            else if (maxXY.y < P2D.y)
                maxXY.y = P2D.y;
            minXY = maxXY = P2D;

    //we recenter the plane
    PointCoordinateType dX = maxXY.x-minXY.x;
    PointCoordinateType dY = maxXY.y-minXY.y;
    CCVector3 Gt = *G + *X * (minXY.x + dX / 2) + Y * (minXY.y + dY / 2);
    ccGLMatrix glMat(*X,Y,N,Gt);

    ccPlane* plane = new ccPlane(dX, dY, &glMat);

    //compute least-square fitting RMS if requested
    if (rms)
        *rms = CCLib::DistanceComputationTools::computeCloud2PlaneDistanceRMS(cloud, theLSPlane);

    return plane;