extern "C" jlong Java_org_ebookdroid_droids_djvu_codec_DjvuOutline_getChild(JNIEnv *env, jclass cls, jlong expr)
//    DEBUG("DjvuOutline.getChild(%p)",expr);
    miniexp_t s = miniexp_car((miniexp_t) expr);
    if (miniexp_consp(s) && miniexp_consp(miniexp_cdr(s)) && miniexp_stringp(miniexp_car(s))
        && miniexp_stringp(miniexp_cadr(s)))
        return (jlong) miniexp_cddr(s);
    return 0;
extern "C" jstring Java_org_ebookdroid_droids_djvu_codec_DjvuOutline_getTitle(JNIEnv *env, jclass cls, jlong expr)
//        DEBUG("DjvuOutline.getTitle(%p)",expr);
    miniexp_t s = miniexp_car((miniexp_t) expr);
    if (miniexp_consp(s) && miniexp_consp(miniexp_cdr(s)) && miniexp_stringp(miniexp_car(s))
        && miniexp_stringp(miniexp_cadr(s)))
        const char* buf = miniexp_to_str(miniexp_car(s));
        return env->NewStringUTF(buf);
    return NULL;
Example #3
djvu_document_index_generate(zathura_document_t* document, djvu_document_t*
    djvu_document, zathura_error_t* error)
  if (document == NULL || djvu_document == NULL) {
    if (error != NULL) {
    return NULL;

  miniexp_t outline = miniexp_dummy;
  while ((outline = ddjvu_document_get_outline(djvu_document->document)) ==
      miniexp_dummy) {
    handle_messages(djvu_document, true);

  if (outline == miniexp_dummy) {
    return NULL;

  if (miniexp_consp(outline) == 0 || miniexp_car(outline) != miniexp_symbol("bookmarks")) {
    ddjvu_miniexp_release(djvu_document->document, outline);
    return NULL;

  girara_tree_node_t* root = girara_node_new(zathura_index_element_new("ROOT"));
  build_index(djvu_document, miniexp_cdr(outline), root);

  ddjvu_miniexp_release(djvu_document->document, outline);

  return root;
Example #4
 * djvu_text_page_selection:
 * @page: #DjvuTextPage instance
 * @p: tree to append
 * @delimit: character/word/... delimiter
 * Walks the tree in @p and appends the text with
 * djvu_text_page_selection_process() for all s-expressions 
 * between the start and end fields.
 * Returns: whether the end was not reached in this subtree
static gboolean
djvu_text_page_selection (DjvuTextPage *page, 
		          miniexp_t     p,
		          int           delimit)
	g_return_val_if_fail (miniexp_consp (p) && miniexp_symbolp
			      (miniexp_car (p)), FALSE);

	if (miniexp_car (p) != page->char_symbol) 
		delimit |= miniexp_car (p) == page->word_symbol ? 1 : 2;
	miniexp_t deeper = miniexp_cddr (miniexp_cdddr (p));
	while (deeper != miniexp_nil) {
		miniexp_t str = miniexp_car (deeper);
		if (miniexp_stringp (str)) {
			if (!djvu_text_page_selection_process
			    (page, p, delimit))
				return FALSE;
		} else {
			if (!djvu_text_page_selection
			    (page, str, delimit))
				return FALSE;
		delimit = 0;
		deeper = miniexp_cdr (deeper);
	return TRUE;
extern "C" jobject Java_org_ebookdroid_droids_djvu_codec_DjvuPage_getPageText(JNIEnv *jenv, jclass cls,
                                                                                 jlong docHandle, jint pageNumber, jlong contextHandle, jstring pattern)
    miniexp_t r = miniexp_nil;

    while ((r = ddjvu_document_get_pagetext((ddjvu_document_t*) docHandle, pageNumber, "word")) == miniexp_dummy)
        waitAndHandleMessages(jenv, contextHandle);

    if (r == miniexp_nil || !miniexp_consp(r))
        // DEBUG("getPageLinks(%d): no text on page", pageNumber);
        return NULL;

    // DEBUG("getPageLinks(%d): text on page found", pageNumber);

    SearchHelper h(jenv);

    if (!h.valid)
        DEBUG("getPageLinks(%d): JNI helper initialization failed", pageNumber);
        return NULL;

    jobject arrayList = h.arr.create();

    djvu_get_djvu_words(h, arrayList, r, pattern);

    return arrayList;
Example #6
static jboolean miniexp_get_text(JNIEnv * env, miniexp_t exp, jobject stringBuilder, jobject positions, int *state,
                        jclass rectFClass, jmethodID ctor, jmethodID addToList, int pageHeight)

  miniexp_t type = miniexp_car(exp);
  int typenum = parse_text_type(type);
  miniexp_t r = exp = miniexp_cdr(exp);
  if (! miniexp_symbolp(type))
    return 0;

  jobject rect = miniexp_get_rect(&r, env, rectFClass, ctor, pageHeight);
  if (rect == NULL)
    return 0;

  miniexp_t s = miniexp_car(r);
  *state = qMax(*state, typenum);

  jstring space = (*env)->NewStringUTF(env, " ");
  jstring newLine = (*env)->NewStringUTF(env, "\n");

  if (miniexp_stringp(s) && !miniexp_cdr(r))
      //result += (state >= 2) ? "\n" : (state >= 1) ? " " : "";
      if (*state >= 2) {
        (*env)->CallBooleanMethod(env, positions, addToList, rect);
        (*env)->CallBooleanMethod(env, stringBuilder, addToList, newLine);
      } else if (*state >= 1) {
        (*env)->CallBooleanMethod(env, positions, addToList, rect);
        (*env)->CallBooleanMethod(env, stringBuilder, addToList, newLine);
      } else {
        //add empty?
      *state = -1;

      (*env)->CallBooleanMethod(env, positions, addToList, rect);

      jstring string = (*env)->NewStringUTF(env, miniexp_to_str(s));
      (*env)->CallBooleanMethod(env, stringBuilder, addToList, string);
      (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, string);

      r = miniexp_cdr(r);

  (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, space);
  (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, newLine);
  (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, rect);

      miniexp_get_text(env, s, stringBuilder, positions, state, rectFClass, ctor, addToList, pageHeight);
      r = miniexp_cdr(r);
      s = miniexp_car(r);

  if (r)
    return 0;

  *state = qMax(*state, typenum);
  return 1;
Example #7
 * djvu_text_page_sexpr:
 * @page: #DjvuTextPage instance
 * @p: tree to append
 * @start: first s-expression in the selection
 * @end: last s-expression in the selection
 * Walks the tree in @p and extends the rectangle with 
 * djvu_text_page_process() for all s-expressions between @start and @end.
 * Returns: whether the end was not reached in this subtree
static gboolean
djvu_text_page_sexpr (DjvuTextPage *page, 
		      miniexp_t p,
		      miniexp_t start, 
		      miniexp_t end)
	g_return_val_if_fail (miniexp_consp (p) && miniexp_symbolp
			      (miniexp_car (p)), FALSE);

	miniexp_t deeper = miniexp_cddr (miniexp_cdddr (p));
	while (deeper != miniexp_nil) {
		miniexp_t str = miniexp_car (deeper);
		if (miniexp_stringp (str)) {
			if (!djvu_text_page_sexpr_process
			    (page, p, start, end))
				return FALSE;
		} else {
			if (!djvu_text_page_sexpr
			    (page, str, start, end))
				return FALSE;
		deeper = miniexp_cdr (deeper);
	return TRUE;
Example #8
//sumatrapdf code
int extractText(miniexp_t item, Arraylist list, fz_bbox * target) {
    miniexp_t type = miniexp_car(item);

    if (!miniexp_symbolp(type))
        return 0;

    item = miniexp_cdr(item);

    if (!miniexp_numberp(miniexp_car(item))) return 0;
    int x0 = miniexp_to_int(miniexp_car(item)); item = miniexp_cdr(item);
    if (!miniexp_numberp(miniexp_car(item))) return 0;
    int y0 = miniexp_to_int(miniexp_car(item)); item = miniexp_cdr(item);
    if (!miniexp_numberp(miniexp_car(item))) return 0;
    int x1 = miniexp_to_int(miniexp_car(item)); item = miniexp_cdr(item);
    if (!miniexp_numberp(miniexp_car(item))) return 0;
    int y1 = miniexp_to_int(miniexp_car(item)); item = miniexp_cdr(item);
    //RectI rect = RectI::FromXY(x0, y0, x1, y1);
    fz_bbox rect = {x0 , y0 , x1 , y1};

    miniexp_t str = miniexp_car(item);

    if (miniexp_stringp(str) && !miniexp_cdr(item)) {
        fz_bbox inters = fz_intersect_bbox(rect, *target);
            //LOGI("Start text extraction: rectangle=[%d,%d,%d,%d] %s", rect.x0, rect.y0, rect.x1, rect.y1, content);
        if (!fz_is_empty_bbox(inters)) {
            const char *content = miniexp_to_str(str);

            while (*content) {
                arraylist_add(list, *content++);

    //        if (value) {
    //            size_t len = str::Len(value);
    //            // TODO: split the rectangle into individual parts per glyph
    //            for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++)
    //                coords.Append(RectI(rect.x, rect.y, rect.dx, rect.dy));
    //            extracted.AppendAndFree(value);
    //        }
            if (miniexp_symbol("word") == type) {
                arraylist_add(list, ' ');
                //coords.Append(RectI(rect.x + rect.dx, rect.y, 2, rect.dy));
            else if (miniexp_symbol("char") != type) {
                arraylist_add(list, '\n');
    //            extracted.Append(lineSep);
    //            for (size_t i = 0; i < str::Len(lineSep); i++)
    //                coords.Append(RectI());
        item = miniexp_cdr(item);

    while (miniexp_consp(str)) {
        extractText(str, list, target);
        item = miniexp_cdr(item);
        str = miniexp_car(item);

    return !item;
Example #9
int buildTOC(miniexp_t expr, list * myList, int level, JNIEnv * env, jclass olClass, jmethodID ctor)
      miniexp_t s = miniexp_car(expr);
      expr = miniexp_cdr(expr);
      if (miniexp_consp(s) &&
          miniexp_consp(miniexp_cdr(s)) &&
          miniexp_stringp(miniexp_car(s)) &&
          miniexp_stringp(miniexp_cadr(s)) )
          // fill item
          const char *name = miniexp_to_str(miniexp_car(s));
          const char *page = miniexp_to_str(miniexp_cadr(s));
          //starts with #

          int pageno = -1;
          if (page[0] == '#') {
              pageno = ddjvu_document_search_pageno(doc, &page[1]);

          if (pageno < 0) {
            LOGI("Page %s", page);

          if (name == NULL) {return -1;}

          OutlineItem * element = (OutlineItem *) malloc(sizeof(OutlineItem));
          element->title = name;
          element->page = pageno;
          element->level = level;

          list_item * next = (list_item *) malloc(sizeof(list_item));
          next->item = element;
          next->next = NULL;
          myList->tail->next = next;
          myList->tail = next;
          // recursion
          buildTOC(miniexp_cddr(s), myList, level+1, env, olClass, ctor);	  
    return 0;
Example #10
QDjViewOutline::fillItems(QTreeWidgetItem *root, miniexp_t expr)
      miniexp_t s = miniexp_car(expr);
      expr = miniexp_cdr(expr);
      if (miniexp_consp(s) &&
          miniexp_consp(miniexp_cdr(s)) &&
          miniexp_stringp(miniexp_car(s)) &&
          miniexp_stringp(miniexp_cadr(s)) )
          // fill item
          const char *name = miniexp_to_str(miniexp_car(s));
          const char *link = miniexp_to_str(miniexp_cadr(s));
          int pageno = pageNumber(link);
          QString pagename = (pageno>=0)?djview->pageName(pageno):QString();
          QTreeWidgetItem *item = new QTreeWidgetItem(root);
          QString text = QString::fromUtf8(name);
          if (name && name[0])
            item->setText(0, text.replace(spaces," "));
          else if (! pagename.isEmpty())
            item->setText(0, tr("Page %1").arg(pagename));
          item->setWhatsThis(0, whatsThis());
          if (link && link[0])
              QString slink = QString::fromUtf8(link);
              item->setData(0, Qt::UserRole+1, slink);
              item->setToolTip(0, tr("Go: %1").arg(slink));
              if (pageno >= 0)
                item->setData(0, Qt::UserRole, pageno);
              if (! pagename.isEmpty())
                item->setToolTip(0, tr("Go: page %1.").arg(pagename));
          // recurse
          fillItems(item, miniexp_cddr(s));
Example #11
  QDjVuDocument *doc = djview->getDocument();
  if (doc && !loaded && djview->pageNum()>0)
      miniexp_t outline = doc->getDocumentOutline();
      if (outline == miniexp_dummy)
      loaded = true;
      if (outline)
          if (!miniexp_consp(outline) ||
              miniexp_car(outline) != miniexp_symbol("bookmarks"))
              QString msg = tr("Outline data is corrupted");
              qWarning("%s", (const char*)msg.toLocal8Bit());
          QTreeWidgetItem *root = new QTreeWidgetItem();
          fillItems(root, miniexp_cdr(outline));
          while (root->childCount() > 0)
                                     root->takeChild(0) );
          if (tree->topLevelItemCount() == 1)
          delete root;
          QTreeWidgetItem *root = new QTreeWidgetItem(tree);
          root->setText(0, tr("Pages"));
          root->setData(0, Qt::UserRole, -1);
          for (int pageno=0; pageno<djview->pageNum(); pageno++)
              QTreeWidgetItem *item = new QTreeWidgetItem(root);
              QString name = djview->pageName(pageno);
              item->setText(0, tr("Page %1").arg(name));
              item->setData(0, Qt::UserRole, pageno);
              item->setData(0, Qt::UserRole+1, pageno);
              item->setToolTip(0, tr("Go: page %1.").arg(name));
              item->setWhatsThis(0, whatsThis());
          tree->setItemExpanded(root, true);
extern "C" jstring Java_org_ebookdroid_droids_djvu_codec_DjvuOutline_getLink(JNIEnv *env, jclass cls, jlong expr,
                                                                           jlong docHandle)
//        DEBUG("DjvuOutline.getLinkPage(%p)",expr);
    miniexp_t s = miniexp_car((miniexp_t) expr);
    if (miniexp_consp(s) && miniexp_consp(miniexp_cdr(s)) && miniexp_stringp(miniexp_car(s))
        && miniexp_stringp(miniexp_cadr(s)))
        const char *link = miniexp_to_str(miniexp_cadr(s));
        int number = -1;
        if (link && link[0] == '#')
            number = ddjvu_document_search_pageno((ddjvu_document_t*) docHandle, link + 1);
            if (number >= 0)
                char linkbuf[128];
                snprintf(linkbuf, 127, "#%d", number + 1);
                return env->NewStringUTF(linkbuf);
        return env->NewStringUTF(link);
    return NULL;
extern "C" jlong Java_org_ebookdroid_droids_djvu_codec_DjvuOutline_open(JNIEnv *env, jclass cls, jlong docHandle)
//        DEBUG("DjvuOutline.open(%p)",docHandle);
    miniexp_t outline = ddjvu_document_get_outline((ddjvu_document_t*) docHandle);
    if (outline && outline != miniexp_dummy)
        if (!miniexp_consp(outline) || miniexp_car(outline) != miniexp_symbol("bookmarks"))
            ERROR("%s", "Outline data is corrupted");
            return 0;
        else return (jlong) outline;
//	    debug_outline(outline);
    return 0;
Example #14
 * djvu_text_page_append_search:
 * @page: #DjvuTextPage instance
 * @p: tree to append
 * @case_sensitive: do not ignore case
 * @delimit: insert spaces because of higher (sentence/paragraph/...) break
 * Appends the tree in @p to the internal text string. 
static void
djvu_text_page_append_text (DjvuTextPage *page,
			    miniexp_t     p, 
			    gboolean      case_sensitive, 
			    gboolean      delimit)
	char *token_text;
	miniexp_t deeper;
	g_return_if_fail (miniexp_consp (p) && 
			  miniexp_symbolp (miniexp_car (p)));

	delimit |= page->char_symbol != miniexp_car (p);
	deeper = miniexp_cddr (miniexp_cdddr (p));
	while (deeper != miniexp_nil) {
		miniexp_t data = miniexp_car (deeper);
		if (miniexp_stringp (data)) {
			DjvuTextLink link;
			link.position = page->text == NULL ? 0 :
			    strlen (page->text);
			link.pair = p;
			g_array_append_val (page->links, link);

			token_text = (char *) miniexp_to_str (data);
			if (!case_sensitive)
				token_text = g_utf8_casefold (token_text, -1);
			if (page->text == NULL)
				page->text = g_strdup (token_text);
			else {
				char *new_text =
				    g_strjoin (delimit ? " " : NULL,
					       page->text, token_text,
				g_free (page->text);
				page->text = new_text;
			if (!case_sensitive)
				g_free (token_text);
		} else
			djvu_text_page_append_text (page, data, 
						    case_sensitive, delimit);
		delimit = FALSE;
		deeper = miniexp_cdr (deeper);
Example #15
static void
djvu_text_page_limits (DjvuTextPage *page,
			  miniexp_t     p, 
			  EvRectangle  *rect)
	g_return_if_fail (miniexp_consp (p) && 
			  miniexp_symbolp (miniexp_car (p)));

	miniexp_t deeper = miniexp_cddr (miniexp_cdddr (p));
	while (deeper != miniexp_nil) {
		miniexp_t str = miniexp_car (deeper);
		if (miniexp_stringp (str))
			djvu_text_page_limits_process (page, p, rect);
			djvu_text_page_limits (page, str, rect);

		deeper = miniexp_cdr (deeper);
Example #16
static void
build_index(djvu_document_t *djvu_document, miniexp_t expression, girara_tree_node_t* root)
  if (expression == miniexp_nil || root == NULL) {

  int fileno = ddjvu_document_get_filenum(djvu_document->document);
  int curfile = 0;

  while (miniexp_consp(expression) != 0) {
    miniexp_t inner = miniexp_car(expression);

    if (miniexp_consp(inner)
        && miniexp_consp(miniexp_cdr(inner))
        && miniexp_stringp(miniexp_car(inner))
        && miniexp_stringp(miniexp_car(inner))
       ) {
      const char* name = miniexp_to_str(miniexp_car(inner));
      const char* link = miniexp_to_str(miniexp_cadr(inner));

      /* TODO: handle other links? */
      if (link == NULL || link[0] != '#') {
        expression = miniexp_cdr(expression);

      zathura_link_type_t type = ZATHURA_LINK_GOTO_DEST;
      zathura_rectangle_t rect;
      zathura_link_target_t target = { 0 };
      target.destination_type = ZATHURA_LINK_DESTINATION_XYZ;

      /* Check if link+1 contains a number */
      bool number = true;
      const size_t linklen = strlen(link);
      for (unsigned int k = 1; k < linklen; k++) {
	      if (!isdigit(link[k])) {
	        number = false;

      /* if link starts with a number assume it is a number */
      if (number == true) {
	      target.page_number = atoi(link + 1) - 1;
      } else {
        /* otherwise assume it is an id for a page */
        ddjvu_fileinfo_t info;
        int f, i;
        for (i=0; i < fileno; i++) {
          f = (curfile + i) % fileno;
          ddjvu_document_get_fileinfo(djvu_document->document, f, &info);
          if (info.id != NULL && !strcmp(link+1, info.id)) {

        /* got a page */
        if (i < fileno && info.pageno >= 0) {
          curfile = (f+1) % fileno;
          target.page_number = info.pageno;
        } else {
          /* give up */
          expression = miniexp_cdr(expression);

      zathura_index_element_t* index_element = zathura_index_element_new(name);
      if (index_element == NULL) {

      index_element->link = zathura_link_new(type, rect, target);
      if (index_element->link == NULL) {

      girara_tree_node_t* node = girara_node_append_data(root, index_element);

      /* search recursive */
      build_index(djvu_document, miniexp_cddr(inner), node);

    expression = miniexp_cdr(expression);
extern "C" jboolean Java_org_ebookdroid_droids_djvu_codec_DjvuOutline_expConsp(JNIEnv *env, jclass cls, jlong expr)
//        DEBUG("DjvuOutline.expConsp(%p)",expr);
    return miniexp_consp((miniexp_t) expr);
void djvu_get_djvu_words(SearchHelper& h, jobject list, miniexp_t expr, jstring pattern)
    int coords[4];

    if (!miniexp_consp(expr))

    miniexp_t head = miniexp_car(expr);
    expr = miniexp_cdr(expr);
    if (!miniexp_symbolp(head))

    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < 4 && miniexp_consp(expr); i++)
        head = miniexp_car(expr);
        expr = miniexp_cdr(expr);

        if (!miniexp_numberp(head))
        coords[i] = miniexp_to_int(head);

    while (miniexp_consp(expr))
        head = miniexp_car(expr);

        if (miniexp_stringp(head))
            const char* text = miniexp_to_str(head);

            // DEBUG("%d, %d, %d, %d: %s", coords[0], coords[1], coords[2], coords[3], text);

            bool add = !pattern;
            jstring txt = h.str.toString(text);
            if (pattern)
                jstring ltxt = h.str.toLowerCase(txt);
                add = h.str.indexOf(ltxt, pattern) >= 0;
            if (add)
                // add to list
                jobject ptb = h.box.create();
                h.box.setRect(ptb, coords);
                h.box.setText(ptb, txt);
                h.arr.add(list, ptb);
        else if (miniexp_consp(head))
            djvu_get_djvu_words(h, list, head, pattern);

        expr = miniexp_cdr(expr);
Example #19
JNIEXPORT jobjectArray JNICALL Java_universe_constellation_orion_viewer_djvu_DjvuDocument_getOutline(JNIEnv * env, jobject thiz) 
  miniexp_t outline = ddjvu_document_get_outline(doc);
  if (outline == miniexp_dummy || outline == NULL) {    
      return NULL;
  if (!miniexp_consp(outline) || miniexp_car(outline) != miniexp_symbol("bookmarks"))
     LOGI("Outlines is empty");
  list_item * root = (list_item *) malloc(sizeof(list_item)); 
  root->next = NULL;
  list * myList = (list *) malloc(sizeof(list));
  myList->head = root;
  myList->tail = root;
  jclass        olClass;
  jmethodID     ctor;

  olClass = (*env)->FindClass(env, "universe/constellation/orion/viewer/outline/OutlineItem");
  if (olClass == NULL) return NULL;
  ctor = (*env)->GetMethodID(env, olClass, "<init>", "(ILjava/lang/String;I)V");
  if (ctor == NULL) return NULL;  
  buildTOC(miniexp_cdr(outline), myList, 0, env, olClass, ctor);
  list_item * next = myList->head;
  int size = 0;
  while (next->next != NULL) {    
    next = next->next;
  LOGI("Outline has %i entries", size);
  jobjectArray arr = (*env)->NewObjectArray(env, size, olClass, NULL);
  if (arr == NULL) {
    return NULL;
  next = root->next;
  int pos = 0;  
  while (next != NULL) {    
    OutlineItem * item = next->item;
    jstring title = (*env)->NewStringUTF(env, item->title);
    //shift pageno to zero based
    jobject element = (*env)->NewObject(env, olClass, ctor, item->level, title, item->page - 1);
    (*env)->SetObjectArrayElement(env, arr, pos, element);    
    (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, title);    
    (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, element);
    list_item * next2 = next->next;
    next = next2;
  return arr;  