Example #1
  void ToFPicImageWriter::WritePicFileHeader(FILE* outfile, mitkIpPicDescriptor* pic)
    mitkIpUInt4_t len;
    mitkIpUInt4_t tagsLen;

    tagsLen = _mitkIpPicTagsSize( pic->info->tags_head );
    len = tagsLen + 3 * sizeof(mitkIpUInt4_t) + pic->dim * sizeof(mitkIpUInt4_t);
    /* write oufile */
    if( mitkIpPicEncryptionType(pic) == ' ' )
      mitkIpPicFWrite( mitkIpPicVERSION, 1, sizeof(mitkIpPicTag_t), outfile );
      mitkIpPicFWrite( pic->info->version, 1, sizeof(mitkIpPicTag_t), outfile );

    mitkIpPicFWriteLE( &len, sizeof(mitkIpUInt4_t), 1, outfile );

    mitkIpPicFWriteLE( &(pic->type), sizeof(mitkIpUInt4_t), 1, outfile );
    mitkIpPicFWriteLE( &(pic->bpe), sizeof(mitkIpUInt4_t), 1, outfile );
    mitkIpPicFWriteLE( &(pic->dim), sizeof(mitkIpUInt4_t), 1, outfile );

    mitkIpPicFWriteLE( pic->n, sizeof(mitkIpUInt4_t), pic->dim, outfile );

    _mitkIpPicWriteTags( pic->info->tags_head, outfile, mitkIpPicEncryptionType(pic) );
    pic->info->pixel_start_in_file = ftell( outfile );
Example #2
mitkIpPicDescriptor *
MITKipPicGetTags( char *infile_name, mitkIpPicDescriptor *pic )
  mitkIpPicFile_t infile;

  mitkIpPicTag_t tag_name;
  mitkIpUInt4_t dummy;
  mitkIpUInt4_t len;
  mitkIpUInt4_t dim;
  mitkIpUInt4_t n[_mitkIpPicNDIM];

  mitkIpUInt4_t to_read;

  size_t ignored;

  infile = _mitkIpPicOpenPicFileIn( infile_name );

  if( infile == NULL )
      /*ipPrintErr( "mitkIpPicGetTags: sorry, error opening infile\n" );*/
      return( NULL );

  if( pic != NULL )
    pic->info->write_protect = mitkIpFalse;

  /* read infile */
  ignored = mitkIpPicFRead( &(tag_name[0]), 1, 4, infile );

  if( strncmp( mitkIpPicVERSION, tag_name, 4 ) != 0 )
      if( infile != stdin )
        mitkIpPicFClose( infile );
      return( pic );

  if( pic == NULL )
    pic = mitkIpPicNew();

  ignored = mitkIpPicFRead( &(tag_name[4]), 1, sizeof(mitkIpPicTag_t)-4, infile );
  /*strncpy( pic->info->version, tag_name, _mitkIpPicTAGLEN );*/

  ignored = mitkIpPicFReadLE( &len, sizeof(mitkIpUInt4_t), 1, infile );

  ignored = mitkIpPicFReadLE( &dummy, sizeof(mitkIpUInt4_t), 1, infile );
  ignored = mitkIpPicFReadLE( &dummy, sizeof(mitkIpUInt4_t), 1, infile );
  ignored = mitkIpPicFReadLE( &dim, sizeof(mitkIpUInt4_t), 1, infile );

  ignored = mitkIpPicFReadLE( n, sizeof(mitkIpUInt4_t), dim, infile );

  to_read = len -        3 * sizeof(mitkIpUInt4_t)
                -      dim * sizeof(mitkIpUInt4_t);

  pic->info->tags_head = _MITKipPicReadTags( pic->info->tags_head, to_read, infile, mitkIpPicEncryptionType(pic) );

  pic->info->pixel_start_in_file = mitkIpPicFTell( infile );

  if( infile != stdin )
    mitkIpPicFClose( infile );

  return( pic );
Example #3
mitkIpPicDescriptor *
MITKipPicGet( char *infile_name, mitkIpPicDescriptor *pic )
  mitkIpPicFile_t infile;

  mitkIpPicTag_t tag_name;
  mitkIpUInt4_t len;

  mitkIpUInt4_t to_read;
  size_t size;

  size_t number_of_elements;
  size_t bytes_per_element;
  size_t number_of_bytes;
  size_t block_size;
  size_t number_of_blocks;
  size_t remaining_bytes;
  size_t bytes_read;
  size_t block_nr;

  mitkIpUInt1_t* data;

  size_t ignored;

  infile = _mitkIpPicOpenPicFileIn( infile_name );

  if( !infile )
      /*ipPrintErr( "mitkIpPicGet: sorry, error opening infile\n" );*/
      return( NULL );

  /* read infile */
  ignored = mitkIpPicFRead( tag_name, 1, 4, infile );

  if( strncmp( "\037\213", tag_name, 2 ) == 0 )
      fprintf( stderr, "mitkIpPicGetHeader: sorry, can't read compressed file\n" );
      return( NULL );
  else if( strncmp( mitkIpPicVERSION, tag_name, 4 ) != 0 )
      if( pic == NULL )
        pic = _MITKipPicOldGet( infile,
                            NULL );
        _MITKipPicOldGet( infile,
                      pic );
      if( infile != stdin )
        mitkIpPicFClose( infile );
      return NULL;
      return( pic );

  size = 0;
  if( pic == NULL )
    pic = mitkIpPicNew();
    size= _mitkIpPicSize(pic);
    if(pic->data == NULL)
      size = 0;

  if( pic->info != NULL )
    _mitkIpPicFreeTags( pic->info->tags_head );
    pic->info->tags_head = NULL;

  ignored = mitkIpPicFRead( &(tag_name[4]), 1, sizeof(mitkIpPicTag_t)-4, infile );
  strncpy( pic->info->version, tag_name, _mitkIpPicTAGLEN );

  ignored = mitkIpPicFReadLE( &len, sizeof(mitkIpUInt4_t), 1, infile );

  ignored = mitkIpPicFReadLE( &(pic->type), sizeof(mitkIpUInt4_t), 1, infile );
  ignored = mitkIpPicFReadLE( &(pic->bpe), sizeof(mitkIpUInt4_t), 1, infile );
  ignored = mitkIpPicFReadLE( &(pic->dim), sizeof(mitkIpUInt4_t), 1, infile );

  ignored = mitkIpPicFReadLE( &(pic->n), sizeof(mitkIpUInt4_t), pic->dim, infile );

  (void *)ignored;

  to_read = len -        3 * sizeof(mitkIpUInt4_t)
                - pic->dim * sizeof(mitkIpUInt4_t);
#if 0
  mitkIpPicFSeek( infile, to_read, SEEK_CUR );
  pic->info->tags_head = _MITKipPicReadTags( pic->info->tags_head, to_read, infile, mitkIpPicEncryptionType(pic) );

  pic->info->write_protect = mitkIpFalse;

  if((size == 0) || (size != _mitkIpPicSize(pic)))
      if( pic->data != NULL )
          free( pic->data );
          pic->data = NULL;
#ifdef WIN
      if ((pic->hdata = GlobalAlloc( GMEM_MOVEABLE, _mitkIpPicSize(pic) )) != 0)
        pic->data = GlobalLock( pic->hdata );
      pic->data = malloc( _mitkIpPicSize(pic) );

  pic->info->pixel_start_in_file = mitkIpPicFTell( infile );
   * data is read in blocks of size 'block_size' to prevent from
   * errors due to large file sizes (>=2GB)
  number_of_elements = _mitkIpPicElements(pic);
  bytes_per_element = pic->bpe / 8;
  number_of_bytes = number_of_elements * bytes_per_element;
  block_size = 1024*1024; /* Use 1 MB blocks. Make sure that block size is smaller than 2^31 */
  number_of_blocks = number_of_bytes / block_size;
  remaining_bytes = number_of_bytes % block_size;
  bytes_read = 0;
  block_nr = 0;
  /*printf( "mitkIpPicGet: number of blocks to read is %ul.\n", number_of_blocks ); */

  data = (mitkIpUInt1_t*) pic->data;
  if( pic->type == mitkIpPicNonUniform )
      for ( block_nr = 0 ; block_nr < number_of_blocks ; ++block_nr )
        bytes_read += mitkIpPicFRead( data + ( block_nr * block_size ), 1, (unsigned int) block_size, infile );
      bytes_read += mitkIpPicFRead( data + ( number_of_blocks * block_size ), 1, (unsigned int) remaining_bytes, infile );
      for ( block_nr = 0 ; block_nr < number_of_blocks ; ++block_nr )
        bytes_read += mitkIpPicFReadLE( data + ( block_nr * block_size ), 1, (unsigned int) block_size, infile );
      bytes_read += mitkIpPicFReadLE( data + ( number_of_blocks * block_size ), 1, (unsigned int) remaining_bytes, infile );

  if ( bytes_read != number_of_bytes )
    fprintf( stderr, "Error while reading, only %lu bytes were read! Eof indicator is %u.\n", (long unsigned int)bytes_read, mitkIpPicFEOF(infile) );
#ifndef USE_ZLIB
    fprintf( stderr, "(ferror indicates %u).\n", ferror(infile));

  if( infile != stdin )
    mitkIpPicFClose( infile );

#ifdef WIN
  GlobalUnlock( pic->hdata );

  return( pic );
Example #4
mitkIpPicDescriptor *
mitkIpPicGet( const char *infile_name, mitkIpPicDescriptor *pic )
  mitkIpPicFile_t infile;

  mitkIpPicTag_t tag_name;
  mitkIpUInt4_t len;

  mitkIpUInt4_t to_read;

  infile = _mitkIpPicOpenPicFileIn( infile_name );

  if( !infile )
      /*ipPrintErr( "mitkIpPicGet: sorry, error opening infile\n" );*/
      return( NULL );

  /* read infile */
  mitkIpPicFRead( tag_name, 1, 4, infile );

  if( strncmp( "\037\213", tag_name, 2 ) == 0 )
      fprintf( stderr, "mitkIpPicGetHeader: sorry, can't read compressed file\n" );
      return( NULL );
  else if( strncmp( mitkIpPicVERSION, tag_name, 4 ) != 0 )
      if( pic == NULL )
        pic = _mitkIpPicOldGet( infile,
                            NULL );
        _mitkIpPicOldGet( infile,
                      pic );
      if( infile != stdin )
        mitkIpPicFClose( infile );
      return( pic );

  if( pic == NULL )
    pic = mitkIpPicNew();

  mitkIpPicClear( pic );

  mitkIpPicFRead( &(tag_name[4]), 1, sizeof(mitkIpPicTag_t)-4, infile );
  strncpy( pic->info->version, tag_name, _mitkIpPicTAGLEN );

  mitkIpPicFReadLE( &len, sizeof(mitkIpUInt4_t), 1, infile );

  mitkIpPicFReadLE( &(pic->type), sizeof(mitkIpUInt4_t), 1, infile );
  mitkIpPicFReadLE( &(pic->bpe), sizeof(mitkIpUInt4_t), 1, infile );
  mitkIpPicFReadLE( &(pic->dim), sizeof(mitkIpUInt4_t), 1, infile );

  mitkIpPicFReadLE( &(pic->n), sizeof(mitkIpUInt4_t), pic->dim, infile );

  to_read = len -        3 * sizeof(mitkIpUInt4_t)
                - pic->dim * sizeof(mitkIpUInt4_t);
#if 0
  mitkIpPicFSeek( infile, to_read, SEEK_CUR );
  pic->info->tags_head = _mitkIpPicReadTags( pic->info->tags_head, to_read, infile, mitkIpPicEncryptionType(pic) );

  pic->info->write_protect = mitkIpFalse;

#ifdef WIN
  if ((pic->hdata = GlobalAlloc( GMEM_MOVEABLE, _mitkIpPicSize(pic) )) != 0)
    pic->data = GlobalLock( pic->hdata );
  pic->data = malloc( _mitkIpPicSize(pic) );

  pic->info->pixel_start_in_file = mitkIpPicFTell( infile );
  if( pic->type == mitkIpPicNonUniform )
    mitkIpPicFRead( pic->data, pic->bpe / 8, _mitkIpPicElements(pic), infile );
    mitkIpPicFReadLE( pic->data, pic->bpe / 8, _mitkIpPicElements(pic), infile );

  if( infile != stdin )
    mitkIpPicFClose( infile );

#ifdef WIN
  GlobalUnlock( pic->hdata );

  return( pic );