Example #1
SEXP R_GAxisPars(SEXP usr, SEXP is_log, SEXP nintLog)
    Rboolean logflag = asLogical(is_log);
    int n = asInteger(nintLog);// will be changed on output ..
    double min, max;
    const char *nms[] = {"axp", "n", ""};
    SEXP axp, ans;

    usr = coerceVector(usr, REALSXP);
    if(LENGTH(usr) != 2) error(_("'%s' must be numeric of length %d"), "usr", 2);
    min = REAL(usr)[0];
    max = REAL(usr)[1];

    GAxisPars(&min, &max, &n, logflag, 0);// axis = 0 :<==> do not warn.. [TODO!]
    // -> ../../../main/graphics.c

    PROTECT(ans = mkNamed(VECSXP, nms));
    SET_VECTOR_ELT(ans, 0, (axp = allocVector(REALSXP, 2)));// protected
    SET_VECTOR_ELT(ans, 1, ScalarInteger(n));
    REAL(axp)[0] = min;
    REAL(axp)[1] = max;

    return ans;
Example #2
SEXP R_invoked_C_glue(SEXP c_sym, SEXP context, SEXP x, SEXP compute_grad) {

  // Identify the problem dimension and extract a function pointer
  // for the log density.

  int ndim = length(x);
  log_density_t *log_dens_fn = *(log_density_t**)RAW(c_sym);
  dist_t ds = { .log_dens=log_dens_fn, .context=context, .ndim=ndim };

  if (*LOGICAL(compute_grad)) {

    // Allocate a vector for the gradient and call the log density.

    SEXP grad, result;
    PROTECT( grad = allocVector(REALSXP, ndim) );
    double y = log_dens_fn(&ds, REAL(x), 1, REAL(grad));

    // Store the log density and gradient in a list and return it.

    const char *result_names[] = { "log.density", "grad.log.density", "" };
    PROTECT(result = mkNamed(VECSXP, result_names));
    SET_VECTOR_ELT(result, 0, ScalarReal(y));
    SET_VECTOR_ELT(result, 1, grad);

    return result;

  } else {

    // Call the log density function.

    double y = log_dens_fn(&ds, REAL(x), 0, NULL);

    // Store the log density in a list and return it.

    SEXP result;
    const char *result_names[] = { "log.density", "" };
    PROTECT(result = mkNamed(VECSXP, result_names));
    SET_VECTOR_ELT(result, 0, ScalarReal(y));
    return result;
Example #3
SEXP sampler_glue_C_dist(
    SEXP sampler_name, SEXP sampler_context, SEXP log_dens_name,
    SEXP dist_context, SEXP x0, SEXP sample_size, SEXP tuning) {

  // Locate symbol for sampler function.

  const char *sampler_str = CHAR(STRING_ELT(sampler_name,0));
  sampler_t *sampler_fp = (sampler_t*)R_FindSymbol(sampler_str, "", NULL);
  if (sampler_fp==NULL)
    error("Cannot locate symbol \"%s\".", sampler_str);

  // Locate symbol for log density.

  const char *log_dens_str = CHAR(STRING_ELT(log_dens_name,0));
  log_density_t *log_dens_fp =
    (log_density_t*)R_FindSymbol(log_dens_str, "", NULL);
  if (log_dens_fp==NULL)
    error("Cannot locate symbol \"%s\".", log_dens_str);

  // Define a stub function to keep track of the number of function calls.

  int ndim = length(x0);
  C_stub_context_t stub_context =
    { .ds = { .log_dens=log_dens_fp, .ndim=ndim, .context=dist_context },
      .evals=0, .grads=0 };
  SEXP raw_context;
  PROTECT(raw_context = void_as_raw(&stub_context));
  dist_t stub_ds = { .log_dens=C_log_density_stub_func,
                     .context=raw_context, .ndim=ndim };

  // Create a matrix to store the states in and call the sampler.

  PROTECT(X = allocMatrix(REALSXP, *REAL(sample_size), ndim));
  sampler_fp(sampler_context, &stub_ds, REAL(x0), *REAL(sample_size),
             *REAL(tuning), REAL(X));

  // Construct the result to return.

  const char *result_names[] = { "X", "evals", "grads", "" };
  SEXP result;
  PROTECT(result = mkNamed(VECSXP, result_names));
  SET_VECTOR_ELT(result, 0, X);
  SET_VECTOR_ELT(result, 1, ScalarInteger(stub_context.evals));
  SET_VECTOR_ELT(result, 2, ScalarInteger(stub_context.grads));
  return result;
Example #4
File: nls.c Project: Bgods/r-source
 * put some convergence-related information into list
static SEXP
ConvInfoMsg(char* msg, int iter, int whystop, double fac,
	    double minFac, int maxIter, double convNew)
    const char *nms[] = {"isConv", "finIter", "finTol",
			 "stopCode", "stopMessage",  ""};
    SEXP ans;
    PROTECT(ans = mkNamed(VECSXP, nms));

    SET_VECTOR_ELT(ans, 0, ScalarLogical(whystop == 0)); /* isConv */
    SET_VECTOR_ELT(ans, 1, ScalarInteger(iter));	 /* finIter */
    SET_VECTOR_ELT(ans, 2, ScalarReal   (convNew));	 /* finTol */
    SET_VECTOR_ELT(ans, 3, ScalarInteger(whystop));      /* stopCode */
    SET_VECTOR_ELT(ans, 4, mkString(msg));               /* stopMessage */

    return ans;
Example #5
SEXP isoreg(SEXP y)
    int n = LENGTH(y), i, ip, known, n_ip;
    double tmp, slope;
    SEXP yc, yf, iKnots, ans;
    const char *anms[] = {"y", "yc", "yf", "iKnots", ""};

    /* unneeded: y = coerceVector(y, REALSXP); */

    PROTECT(ans = mkNamed(VECSXP, anms));

    SET_VECTOR_ELT(ans, 0, y);
    SET_VECTOR_ELT(ans, 1, yc = allocVector(REALSXP, n+1));
    SET_VECTOR_ELT(ans, 2, yf = allocVector(REALSXP, n));
    SET_VECTOR_ELT(ans, 3, iKnots= allocVector(INTSXP, n));

    /* yc := cumsum(0,y) */
    REAL(yc)[0] = 0.;
    tmp = 0.;
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
	tmp += REAL(y)[i];
	REAL(yc)[i + 1] = tmp;
    known = 0; ip = 0, n_ip = 0;
    do {
	slope = R_PosInf;/*1e+200*/
	for (i = known + 1; i <= n; i++) {
	    tmp = (REAL(yc)[i] - REAL(yc)[known]) / (i - known);
	    if (tmp < slope) {
		slope = tmp;
		ip = i;
	}/* tmp := max{i= kn+1,.., n} slope(p[kn] -> p[i])  and
	  *  ip = argmax{...}... */
	INTEGER(iKnots)[n_ip++] = ip;
	for (i = known; i < ip; i++)
	    REAL(yf)[i] = (REAL(yc)[ip] - REAL(yc)[known]) / (ip - known);
    } while ((known = ip) < n);

    if (n_ip < n)
	SET_VECTOR_ELT(ans, 3, lengthgets(iKnots, n_ip));
Example #6
SEXP lspairdistla(SEXP(x), SEXP(y), SEXP(la))
    const char *outnames[] = {"lsd", "eud", ""};
    int n = length(x);
    double *px, *py, *prola, *plsd, *peud;
    double xi, yi, rolai, dx, dy, dd, ldd;

    SEXP rola = PROTECT(duplicate(la));
    SEXP out = PROTECT (mkNamed(VECSXP, outnames));
    SEXP lsd = SET_VECTOR_ELT(out, 0, allocMatrix(REALSXP, n, n));
    SEXP eud = SET_VECTOR_ELT(out, 1, allocMatrix(REALSXP, n, n));

    px = REAL(x);
    py = REAL(y);
    prola = REAL(rola);
    plsd = REAL(lsd);
    peud = REAL(eud);

    for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        prola[i] = sqrt(prola[i])/2;
    for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        xi = px[i];
        yi = py[i];
        rolai = prola[i];
        plsd[i * (n + 1)] = 0;
        peud[i * (n + 1)] = 0;
        for(int j = i+1; j < n; j++) {
            dx = px[j] - xi;
            dy = py[j] - yi;
            dd = sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
            peud[i + n * j] = dd;
            peud[j + n * i] = dd;
            ldd = dd * (prola[j] + rolai);
            plsd[i + n * j] = ldd;
            plsd[j + n * i] = ldd;


Example #7
SEXP isoreg(SEXP y)
    int n = LENGTH(y), i, ip, known, n_ip;
    double tmp, slope;
    SEXP yc, yf, iKnots, ans;
    const char *anms[] = {"y", "yf", ""};
    double *yPAV;

    /* unneeded: y = coerceVector(y, REALSXP); */

    PROTECT(ans = mkNamed(VECSXP, anms));

    SET_VECTOR_ELT(ans, 0, y);
    SET_VECTOR_ELT(ans, 1, yf = allocVector(REALSXP, n));
    PAV(REAL(y), n, REAL(yf));
Example #8
/* --- .Call ENTRY POINT --- */
SEXP BWGFile_query(SEXP r_filename, SEXP r_ranges, SEXP r_return_score, 
                   SEXP r_return_list) {
  struct bbiFile * file = bigWigFileOpen((char *)CHAR(asChar(r_filename)));
  SEXP chromNames = getAttrib(r_ranges, R_NamesSymbol);
  int nchroms = length(r_ranges);
  Rboolean return_list = asLogical(r_return_list);
  SEXP rangesList, rangesListEls, dataFrameList, dataFrameListEls, ans;
  SEXP numericListEls;
  bool returnScore = asLogical(r_return_score);
  const char *var_names[] = { "score", "" };
  struct lm *lm = lmInit(0);
  struct bbiInterval *hits = NULL;
  struct bbiInterval *qhits = NULL;

  if (return_list) {
    int n_ranges = 0;
    for(int i = 0; i < nchroms; i++) {
      SEXP localRanges = VECTOR_ELT(r_ranges, i);
      n_ranges += get_IRanges_length(localRanges);
    PROTECT(numericListEls = allocVector(VECSXP, n_ranges));
  } else {
    PROTECT(rangesListEls = allocVector(VECSXP, nchroms));
    setAttrib(rangesListEls, R_NamesSymbol, chromNames);
    PROTECT(dataFrameListEls = allocVector(VECSXP, nchroms));
    setAttrib(dataFrameListEls, R_NamesSymbol, chromNames);

  int elt_len = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < nchroms; i++) {
    SEXP localRanges = VECTOR_ELT(r_ranges, i);
    int nranges = get_IRanges_length(localRanges);
    int *start = INTEGER(get_IRanges_start(localRanges));
    int *width = INTEGER(get_IRanges_width(localRanges));
    for (int j = 0; j < nranges; j++) {
      struct bbiInterval *queryHits =
        bigWigIntervalQuery(file, (char *)CHAR(STRING_ELT(chromNames, i)),
                            start[j] - 1, start[j] - 1 + width[j], lm);
      /* IntegerList */
      if (return_list) {
        qhits = queryHits;
        int nqhits = slCount(queryHits);
        SEXP ans_numeric;
        PROTECT(ans_numeric = allocVector(REALSXP, width[j]));
        memset(REAL(ans_numeric), 0, sizeof(double) * width[j]);
        for (int k = 0; k < nqhits; k++, qhits = qhits->next) {
          for (int l = qhits->start; l < qhits->end; l++)
            REAL(ans_numeric)[(l - start[j] + 1)] = qhits->val;
        SET_VECTOR_ELT(numericListEls, elt_len, ans_numeric);
      hits = slCat(queryHits, hits);

    /* RangedData */
    if (!return_list) {
      int nhits = slCount(hits);
      SEXP ans_start, ans_width, ans_score, ans_score_l;
      PROTECT(ans_start = allocVector(INTSXP, nhits));
      PROTECT(ans_width = allocVector(INTSXP, nhits));

      if (returnScore) {
        PROTECT(ans_score_l = mkNamed(VECSXP, var_names));
        ans_score = allocVector(REALSXP, nhits);
        SET_VECTOR_ELT(ans_score_l, 0, ans_score);
      } else {
        PROTECT(ans_score_l = mkNamed(VECSXP, var_names + 1));

      for (int j = 0; j < nhits; j++, hits = hits->next) {
        INTEGER(ans_start)[j] = hits->start + 1;
        INTEGER(ans_width)[j] = hits->end - hits->start;
        if (returnScore)
          REAL(ans_score)[j] = hits->val;
      SET_VECTOR_ELT(rangesListEls, i,
                     new_IRanges("IRanges", ans_start, ans_width, R_NilValue));
      SET_VECTOR_ELT(dataFrameListEls, i,
                     new_DataFrame("DataFrame", ans_score_l, R_NilValue,


  if (return_list) {
    ans = new_SimpleList("SimpleList", numericListEls);
  } else { 
    PROTECT(dataFrameList =
            new_SimpleList("SimpleSplitDataFrameList", dataFrameListEls));
    PROTECT(rangesList = new_SimpleList("SimpleRangesList", rangesListEls));
    ans = new_RangedData("RangedData", rangesList, dataFrameList);

  return ans;
Example #9
SEXP survfitci(SEXP ftime2,  SEXP sort12,  SEXP sort22, SEXP ntime2,
                    SEXP status2, SEXP cstate2, SEXP wt2,  SEXP id2,
                    SEXP p2,  SEXP sefit2) {   
    int i, j, k, kk;   /* generic loop indices */
    int ck, itime, eptr; /*specific indices */
    int ctime;      /*current time of interest, in the main loop */
    int nprotect;   /* number of protect calls issued */
    int oldstate, newstate; /*when changing state */

    double temp, *temp2;  /* scratch */
    double *p;         /* current prevalence vector */
    double **hmat;      /* hazard matrix at this time point */
    double **umat;     /* per subject leverage at this time point */
    int *atrisk;       /* 1 if the subject is currently at risk */
    int   *ns;         /* number curently in each state */
    double *ws;        /* weighted count of number state */
    double *wtp;       /* case weights indexed by subject */
    double wevent;     /* weighted number of events at current time */
    int nstate;        /* number of states */
    int n, nperson;    /*number of obs, subjects*/
    double **chaz;     /* cumulative hazard matrix */

    /* pointers to the R variables */
    int *sort1, *sort2;  /*sort index for entry time, event time */
    int *entry,* etime;  /*entry time, event time */
    int ntime;          /* number of unique event time values */
    int *status;        /*0=censored, 1,2,... new states */
    int *cstate;        /* current state for each subject */
    double *wt;         /* weight for each observation */
    int *id;            /* for each obs, which subject is it */
    int sefit;
    /* returned objects */
    SEXP rlist;         /* the returned list and variable names of same */  
    const char *rnames[]= {"nrisk","nevent","ncensor", "prev", 
                           "cumhaz", "var", ""};
    SEXP pmat2, vmat2, cumhaz2;  /*list components */
    SEXP nevent2, ncensor2, nrisk2;
    double *pmat, *vmat, *cumhaz;
    int  *ncensor, *nrisk, *nevent;
    ntime= asInteger(ntime2);
    nperson = LENGTH(cstate2);
    n   = LENGTH(sort12);
    PROTECT(cstate2 = duplicate(cstate2));
    cstate  = INTEGER(cstate2);
    entry= INTEGER(ftime2);
    etime= entry + n;
    sort1= INTEGER(sort12);
    sort2= INTEGER(sort22);
    status= INTEGER(status2);
    wt = REAL(wt2);
    id = INTEGER(id2);
    PROTECT(p2 = duplicate(p2));  /*copy of initial prevalence */
    p = REAL(p2);
    nstate = LENGTH(p2);  /* number of states */
    sefit = asInteger(sefit2);

    /* allocate space for the output objects */
    PROTECT(pmat2 = allocMatrix(REALSXP, nstate, ntime));
    pmat = REAL(pmat2);
    if (sefit >0)
        PROTECT(vmat2 = allocMatrix(REALSXP, nstate, ntime));
    else PROTECT(vmat2 = allocMatrix(REALSXP, 1, 1)); /* dummy object */
    vmat = REAL(vmat2);
    PROTECT(nevent2 = allocVector(INTSXP, ntime));
    nevent = INTEGER(nevent2);
    PROTECT(ncensor2= allocVector(INTSXP, ntime));
    ncensor = INTEGER(ncensor2);
    PROTECT(nrisk2 = allocMatrix(INTSXP, nstate, ntime));
    nrisk = INTEGER(nrisk2);
    PROTECT(cumhaz2= allocVector(REALSXP, nstate*nstate*ntime));
    cumhaz = REAL(cumhaz2);
    nprotect = 8;  

    /* allocate space for scratch vectors */
    ws = (double *) R_alloc(2*nstate, sizeof(double));
    temp2 = ws + nstate;
    ns  = (int *) R_alloc(nstate, sizeof(int));
    atrisk = (int *) R_alloc(nperson, sizeof(int));
    wtp = (double *) R_alloc(nperson, sizeof(double));
    hmat = (double**) dmatrix2(nstate, nstate);
    if (sefit >0) umat = (double**) dmatrix2(nperson, nstate);
    chaz = (double**) dmatrix2(nstate, nstate);

    /* R_alloc does not zero allocated memory */
    for (i=0; i<nstate; i++) {
        ws[i] =0;
        ns[i] =0;
        for (j=0; j<nstate; j++) {
                hmat[i][j] =0;
                chaz[i][j] =0;
        if (sefit) {for (j=0; j<nperson; j++) umat[j][i]=0;}
    for (i=0; i<nperson; i++) atrisk[i] =0;
    itime =0; /*current time index, for output arrays */
    eptr  = 0; /*index to sort1, the entry times */
    for (i=0; i<n; ) {
        ck = sort2[i];
        ctime = etime[ck];  /* current time value of interest */

        /* Add subjects whose entry time is < ctime into the counts */
        for (; eptr<n; eptr++) {
            k = sort1[eptr];
            if (entry[k] < ctime) {
                kk = cstate[id[k]];  /*current state of the addition */
                ws[kk] += wt[k];
                wtp[id[k]] = wt[k];
                atrisk[id[k]] =1;   /* mark them as being at risk */
            else break;
        for (j=0; j<nstate; j++) {
            for (k=0; k<nstate; k++) {
                hmat[j][k] =0;

        /* Count up the number of events and censored at this time point */
        nevent[itime] =0;
        ncensor[itime] =0;
        wevent =0;
        for (j=i; j<n; j++) {
            k = sort2[j];
            if (etime[k] == ctime) {
                if (status[k] >0) {
                    newstate = status[k] -1;  /* 0 based subscripts */
                    oldstate = cstate[id[k]];
                    wevent += wt[k];
                    hmat[oldstate][newstate] += wt[k];
                else ncensor[itime]++;
            else break;
        if (nevent[itime]> 0) { 
            /* finish computing H */
            for (j=0; j<nstate; j++) {
                if (ns[j] >0) {
                    temp =0;
                    for (k=0; k<nstate; k++) {
                        temp += hmat[j][k];
                        hmat[j][k] /= ws[j]; /* events/n */
                    hmat[j][j] =1 -temp/ws[j]; /*rows sum to one */
                else hmat[j][j] =1.0; 
            if (sefit >0) {
                /* Update U, part 1  U = U %*% H -- matrix multiplication */
                for (j=0; j<nperson; j++) { /* row of U */
                    for (k=0; k<nstate; k++) { /* column of U */
                        for (kk=0; kk<nstate; kk++) 
                                temp2[k] += umat[j][kk] * hmat[kk][k];
                    for (k=0; k<nstate; k++) umat[j][k] = temp2[k];

                /* Update U, part 2, subtract from everyone at risk 
                       For this I need H2 */
                for (j=0; j<nstate; j++) hmat[j][j] -= 1;
                for (j=0; j<nperson; j++) {
                    if (atrisk[j]==1) {
                        kk = cstate[j];
                        for (k=0; k<nstate; k++) 
                            umat[j][k] -= (p[kk]/ws[kk])* hmat[kk][k];

                /* Update U, part 3.  An addition for each event */
                for (j=i; j<n; j++) {
                    k = sort2[j];
                    if (etime[k] == ctime) {
                        if (status[k] >0) {
                            kk = id[k];  /* row number in U */
                            oldstate= cstate[kk];
                            newstate= status[k] -1;
                            umat[kk][oldstate] -= p[oldstate]/ws[oldstate];
                            umat[kk][newstate] += p[oldstate]/ws[oldstate];
                    else break;
            /* Finally, update chaz and p.  */
            for (j=0; j<nstate; j++) {
                if (sefit ==0) hmat[j][j] -= 1;  /* conversion to H2*/
                for (k=0; k<nstate; k++) chaz[j][k] += hmat[j][k];
                hmat[j][j] +=1;  /* change from H2 to H */
                temp2[j] =0;
                for (k=0; k<nstate; k++)
                    temp2[j] += p[k] * hmat[k][j];
            for (j=0; j<nstate; j++) p[j] = temp2[j];
        /* store into the matrices that will be passed back */
        for (j=0; j<nstate; j++) {
            *pmat++ = p[j];
            *nrisk++ = ns[j];
            for (k=0; k<nstate; k++) *cumhaz++ = chaz[k][j];
            if (sefit >0) {
                for (k=0; k<nperson; k++) 
                    temp += wtp[k]* umat[k][j]*umat[k][j];
                *vmat++ = temp;
        /* Take the current events and censors out of the risk set */
        for (; i<n; i++) {
            j= sort2[i];
            if (etime[j] == ctime) {
                oldstate = cstate[id[j]]; /*current state */
                ws[oldstate] -= wt[j];
                if (status[j] >0) cstate[id[j]] = status[j]-1; /*new state */
                atrisk[id[j]] =0;
            else break;
    /* return a list */
    PROTECT(rlist=mkNamed(VECSXP, rnames));
    SET_VECTOR_ELT(rlist, 0, nrisk2);
    SET_VECTOR_ELT(rlist, 1, nevent2);
    SET_VECTOR_ELT(rlist, 2, ncensor2);
    SET_VECTOR_ELT(rlist, 3, pmat2);
    SET_VECTOR_ELT(rlist, 4, cumhaz2);
    SET_VECTOR_ELT(rlist, 5, vmat2);
    UNPROTECT(nprotect +1);
Example #10
File: lm.c Project: kalibera/rexp
SEXP Cdqrls(SEXP x, SEXP y, SEXP tol, SEXP chk)
    SEXP ans;
    SEXP qr, coefficients, residuals, effects, pivot, qraux;
    int n, ny = 0, p, rank, nprotect = 4, pivoted = 0;
    double rtol = asReal(tol), *work;
    Rboolean check = asLogical(chk);

    ans = getDimAttrib(x);
    if(check && length(ans) != 2) error(_("'x' is not a matrix"));
    int *dims = INTEGER(ans);
    n = dims[0]; p = dims[1];
    if(n) ny = (int)(XLENGTH(y)/n); /* y :  n x ny, or an n - vector */
    if(check && n * ny != XLENGTH(y))
	error(_("dimensions of 'x' (%d,%d) and 'y' (%d) do not match"),
	      n,p, XLENGTH(y));

    /* These lose attributes, so do after we have extracted dims */
    if (TYPEOF(x) != REALSXP) {
	PROTECT(x = coerceVector(x, REALSXP));
    if (TYPEOF(y) != REALSXP) {
	PROTECT(y = coerceVector(y, REALSXP));

    double *rptr = REAL(x);
    for (R_xlen_t i = 0 ; i < XLENGTH(x) ; i++)
	if(!R_FINITE(rptr[i])) error(_("NA/NaN/Inf in '%s'"), "x");

    rptr = REAL(y);
    for (R_xlen_t i = 0 ; i < XLENGTH(y) ; i++)
	if(!R_FINITE(rptr[i])) error(_("NA/NaN/Inf in '%s'"), "y");

    const char *ansNms[] = {"qr", "coefficients", "residuals", "effects",
			    "rank", "pivot", "qraux", "tol", "pivoted", ""};
    PROTECT(ans = mkNamed(VECSXP, ansNms));
    SET_VECTOR_ELT(ans, 0, qr = duplicate(x));
    coefficients = (ny > 1) ? allocMatrix(REALSXP, p, ny) : allocVector(REALSXP, p);
    SET_VECTOR_ELT(ans, 1, coefficients);
    SET_VECTOR_ELT(ans, 2, residuals = duplicate(y));
    SET_VECTOR_ELT(ans, 3, effects = duplicate(y));
    PROTECT(pivot = allocVector(INTSXP, p));
    int *ip = INTEGER(pivot);
    for(int i = 0; i < p; i++) ip[i] = i+1;
    SET_VECTOR_ELT(ans, 5, pivot);
    PROTECT(qraux = allocVector(REALSXP, p));
    SET_VECTOR_ELT(ans, 6, qraux);
    SET_VECTOR_ELT(ans, 7, tol);

    work = (double *) R_alloc(2 * p, sizeof(double));
    F77_CALL(dqrls)(REAL(qr), &n, &p, REAL(y), &ny, &rtol,
		    REAL(coefficients), REAL(residuals), REAL(effects),
		    &rank, INTEGER(pivot), REAL(qraux), work);
    SET_VECTOR_ELT(ans, 4, ScalarInteger(rank));
    for(int i = 0; i < p; i++)
	if(ip[i] != i+1) { pivoted = 1; break; }
    SET_VECTOR_ELT(ans, 8, ScalarLogical(pivoted));

    return ans;
Example #11
    SEXP concordance3(SEXP y, SEXP x2, SEXP wt2, SEXP timewt2, 
                      SEXP sortstop, SEXP doresid2) {
    int i, j, k, ii, jj, kk, j2;
    int n, ntree, nevent;
    double *time, *status;
    int xsave;

    /* sum of weights for a node (nwt), sum of weights for the node and
    **  all of its children (twt), then the same again for the subset of
    **  deaths
    double *nwt, *twt, *dnwt, *dtwt;
    double z2;  /* sum of z^2 values */    
    int ndeath;   /* total number of deaths at this point */    
    int utime;    /* number of unique event times seen so far */
    double dwt, dwt2;   /* sum of weights for deaths and deaths tied on x */
    double wsum[3]; /* the sum of weights that are > current, <, or equal  */
    double temp, adjtimewt;  /* the second accounts for npair and timewt*/

    SEXP rlist, count2, imat2, resid2;
    double *count, *imat[5], *resid[4];
    double *wt, *timewt;
    int    *x, *sort2;
    int doresid;
    static const char *outnames1[]={"count", "influence", "resid", ""},
                      *outnames2[]={"count", "influence", ""};
    n = nrows(y);
    doresid = asLogical(doresid2);
    x = INTEGER(x2);
    wt = REAL(wt2);
    timewt = REAL(timewt2);
    sort2 = INTEGER(sortstop);
    time = REAL(y);
    status = time + n;
    /* if there are tied predictors, the total size of the tree will be < n */
    ntree =0; nevent =0;
    for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
        if (x[i] >= ntree) ntree = x[i] +1;  
        nevent += status[i];
    nwt = (double *) R_alloc(4*ntree, sizeof(double));
    twt = nwt + ntree;
    dnwt = twt + ntree;
    dtwt = dnwt + ntree;
    for (i=0; i< 4*ntree; i++) nwt[i] =0.0;
    if (doresid) PROTECT(rlist = mkNamed(VECSXP, outnames1));
    else  PROTECT(rlist = mkNamed(VECSXP, outnames2));
    count2 = SET_VECTOR_ELT(rlist, 0, allocVector(REALSXP, 6));
    count = REAL(count2); 
    for (i=0; i<6; i++) count[i]=0.0;
    imat2 = SET_VECTOR_ELT(rlist, 1, allocMatrix(REALSXP, n, 5));
    for (i=0; i<5; i++) {
        imat[i] = REAL(imat2) + i*n;
        for (j=0; j<n; j++) imat[i][j] =0;
    if (doresid==1) {
        resid2 = SET_VECTOR_ELT(rlist, 2, allocMatrix(REALSXP, nevent, 4));
        for (i=0; i<4; i++) resid[i] = REAL(resid2) + i*nevent;
    z2 =0; utime=0;
    for (i=0; i<n;) {
        ii = sort2[i];  
        if (status[ii]==0) { /* censored, simply add them into the tree */
            /* Initialize the influence */
            walkup(dnwt, dtwt, x[ii], wsum, ntree);
            imat[0][ii] -= wsum[1];
            imat[1][ii] -= wsum[0];
            imat[2][ii] -= wsum[2];
            /* Cox variance */
            walkup(nwt, twt, x[ii], wsum, ntree);
            z2 += wt[ii]*(wsum[0]*(wt[ii] + 2*(wsum[1] + wsum[2])) +
                          wsum[1]*(wt[ii] + 2*(wsum[0] + wsum[2])) +
            /* add them to the tree */
            addin(nwt, twt, x[ii], wt[ii]);
        else {  /* process all tied deaths at this point */
            ndeath=0; dwt=0; 
            dwt2 =0; xsave=x[ii]; j2= i;
            adjtimewt = timewt[utime++];

            /* pass 1 */
            for (j=i; j<n && time[sort2[j]]==time[ii]; j++) {
                jj = sort2[j];
                count[3] += wt[jj] * dwt * adjtimewt;  /* update total tied on y */
                dwt += wt[jj];   /* sum of wts at this death time */

                if (x[jj] != xsave) {  /* restart the tied.xy counts */
                    if (wt[sort2[j2]] < dwt2) { /* more than 1 tied */
                        for (; j2<j; j2++) {
                            /* update influence for this subgroup of x */
                            kk = sort2[j2];
                            imat[4][kk] += (dwt2- wt[kk]) * adjtimewt;
                            imat[3][kk] -= (dwt2- wt[kk]) * adjtimewt;
                    } else j2 = j;
                    dwt2 =0;
                    xsave = x[jj];
                count[4] += wt[jj] * dwt2 * adjtimewt; /* tied on xy */
                dwt2 += wt[jj]; /* sum of tied.xy weights */

                /* Count concordant, discordant, etc. */
                walkup(nwt, twt, x[jj], wsum, ntree);
                for (k=0; k<3; k++) {
                    count[k] += wt[jj]* wsum[k] * adjtimewt;
                    imat[k][jj] += wsum[k]*adjtimewt;

                /* add to the event tree */
                addin(dnwt, dtwt, x[jj], adjtimewt*wt[jj]);  /* weighted deaths */

                /* first part of residuals */
                if (doresid) {
                    resid[0][nevent] = (wsum[0] - wsum[1])/twt[0]; /* -1 to 1 */
                    resid[1][nevent] = twt[0] * adjtimewt;
                    resid[2][nevent] = wt[jj];
            /* finish the tied.xy influence */
            if (wt[sort2[j2]] < dwt2) { /* more than 1 tied */
                for (; j2<j; j2++) {
                    /* update influence for this subgroup of x */
                    kk = sort2[j2];
                    imat[4][kk] += (dwt2- wt[kk]) * adjtimewt;
                    imat[3][kk] -= (dwt2- wt[kk]) * adjtimewt;
            /* pass 2 */
            for (j=i; j< (i+ndeath); j++) {
                jj = sort2[j];
                /* Update influence */
                walkup(dnwt, dtwt, x[jj], wsum, ntree);
                imat[0][jj] -= wsum[1];
                imat[1][jj] -= wsum[0];
                imat[2][jj] -= wsum[2];  /* tied.x */
                imat[3][jj] += (dwt- wt[jj])* adjtimewt;
                /* increment Cox var and add obs into the tree */
                walkup(nwt, twt, x[jj], wsum, ntree);
                z2 += wt[jj]*(wsum[0]*(wt[jj] + 2*(wsum[1] + wsum[2])) +
                              wsum[1]*(wt[jj] + 2*(wsum[0] + wsum[2])) +

                addin(nwt, twt, x[jj], wt[jj]); 
            count[5] += dwt * adjtimewt* z2/twt[0]; /* weighted var in risk set*/
            i += ndeath;

            if (doresid) { /*Add the last part of the residuals */
                temp = twt[0]*twt[0]*twt[0];
                for (j=0; j<ndeath; j++)
                    resid[3][nevent+j] = z2/temp;

    ** Now finish off the influence for each observation 
    **  Since times flip (looking backwards) the wsum contributions flip too
    for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
        ii = sort2[i];
        walkup(dnwt, dtwt, x[ii], wsum, ntree);
        imat[0][ii] += wsum[1];
        imat[1][ii] += wsum[0];
        imat[2][ii] += wsum[2];
    count[3] -= count[4];   /* the tied.xy were counted twice, once as tied.y */
Example #12
SEXP DEoptimC(SEXP lower, SEXP upper, SEXP fn, SEXP control, SEXP rho, SEXP fnMap)
  int i, j, P=0;

  if (!isFunction(fn))
    error("fn is not a function!");
  if (!isEnvironment(rho))
    error("rho is not an environment!");

  /*-----Initialization of annealing parameters-------------------------*/
  /* value to reach */
  double VTR = NUMERIC_VALUE(getListElement(control, "VTR"));
  /* chooses DE-strategy */
  int i_strategy = INTEGER_VALUE(getListElement(control, "strategy"));
  /* Maximum number of generations */
  int i_itermax = INTEGER_VALUE(getListElement(control, "itermax"));
  /* Dimension of parameter vector */
  int i_D = INTEGER_VALUE(getListElement(control, "npar"));
  /* Number of population members */
  int i_NP = INTEGER_VALUE(getListElement(control, "NP"));
  /* When to start storing populations */
  int i_storepopfrom = INTEGER_VALUE(getListElement(control, "storepopfrom"))-1;
  /* How often to store populations */
  int i_storepopfreq = INTEGER_VALUE(getListElement(control, "storepopfreq"));
  /* User-defined inital population */
  int i_specinitialpop = INTEGER_VALUE(getListElement(control, "specinitialpop"));
  double *initialpopv = NUMERIC_POINTER(getListElement(control, "initialpop"));
  /* stepsize */
  double d_weight = NUMERIC_VALUE(getListElement(control, "F"));
  /* crossover probability */
  double d_cross = NUMERIC_VALUE(getListElement(control, "CR"));
  /* Best of parent and child */
  int i_bs_flag = NUMERIC_VALUE(getListElement(control, "bs"));
  /* Print progress? */
  int i_trace = NUMERIC_VALUE(getListElement(control, "trace"));
  /* p to define the top 100p% best solutions */
  double d_pPct = NUMERIC_VALUE(getListElement(control, "p"));
  /* crossover adaptation (a positive constant between 0 and 1) */
  double d_c = NUMERIC_VALUE(getListElement(control, "c"));
  /* relative tolerance */
  double d_reltol = NUMERIC_VALUE(getListElement(control, "reltol"));
  /* relative tolerance steps */
  int i_steptol = NUMERIC_VALUE(getListElement(control, "steptol"));

  int i_nstorepop = ceil((i_itermax - i_storepopfrom) / i_storepopfreq);
  /* Use S_alloc, since it initializes with zeros FIXME: these should be SEXP */
  double *gd_storepop = (double *)S_alloc(i_NP,sizeof(double) * i_D * i_nstorepop);

  /* External pointers to return to R */
  SEXP sexp_bestmem, sexp_bestval, sexp_nfeval, sexp_iter,
    out, sexp_pop, sexp_storepop, sexp_bestmemit, sexp_bestvalit;

  PROTECT(sexp_bestmem = NEW_NUMERIC(i_D)); P++;
  PROTECT(sexp_pop = allocMatrix(REALSXP, i_D, i_NP)); P++;
  PROTECT(sexp_bestmemit = allocMatrix(REALSXP, i_itermax, i_D)); P++;
  PROTECT(sexp_bestvalit = allocVector(REALSXP, i_itermax)); P++;
  double *gt_bestP     = REAL(sexp_bestmem);
  double *gd_pop       = REAL(sexp_pop);
  double *gd_bestmemit = REAL(sexp_bestmemit);
  double *gd_bestvalit = REAL(sexp_bestvalit);

  /* ensure lower and upper are double */
  if(TYPEOF(lower) != REALSXP) {PROTECT(lower = coerceVector(lower, REALSXP)); P++;}
  if(TYPEOF(upper) != REALSXP) {PROTECT(upper = coerceVector(upper, REALSXP)); P++;}
  double *d_lower      = REAL(lower);
  double *d_upper      = REAL(upper);

  double gt_bestC;
  int gi_iter = 0;
  long l_nfeval = 0;

  devol(VTR, d_weight, d_cross, i_bs_flag, d_lower, d_upper, fn, rho, i_trace,
        i_strategy, i_D, i_NP, i_itermax,
        initialpopv, i_storepopfrom, i_storepopfreq,
        gt_bestP, &gt_bestC,
        gd_pop, gd_storepop, gd_bestmemit, gd_bestvalit,
        &gi_iter, d_pPct, d_c, &l_nfeval,
        d_reltol, i_steptol, fnMap);
  /*---end optimization----------------------------------*/

  j =  i_nstorepop * i_NP * i_D;
  PROTECT(sexp_storepop = NEW_NUMERIC(j)); P++;
  for (i = 0; i < j; i++)
    NUMERIC_POINTER(sexp_storepop)[i] = gd_storepop[i];

  PROTECT(sexp_nfeval = ScalarInteger(l_nfeval)); P++;
  PROTECT(sexp_iter = ScalarInteger(gi_iter)); P++;
  PROTECT(sexp_bestval = ScalarReal(gt_bestC)); P++;

  const char *out_names[] = {"bestmem", "bestval", "nfeval",
      "iter", "bestmemit", "bestvalit", "pop", "storepop", ""};
  PROTECT(out = mkNamed(VECSXP, out_names)); P++;
  SET_VECTOR_ELT(out, 0, sexp_bestmem);
  SET_VECTOR_ELT(out, 1, sexp_bestval);
  SET_VECTOR_ELT(out, 2, sexp_nfeval);
  SET_VECTOR_ELT(out, 3, sexp_iter);
  SET_VECTOR_ELT(out, 4, sexp_bestmemit);
  SET_VECTOR_ELT(out, 5, sexp_bestvalit);
  SET_VECTOR_ELT(out, 6, sexp_pop);
  SET_VECTOR_ELT(out, 7, sexp_storepop);

  return out;