MMOutputter_mat(std::string fname, uint start, uint end, std::string comment, std::vector<vertex_data> & latent_factors_inmem, int size = 0) { assert(start < end); MM_typecode matcode; set_matcode(matcode, R_output_format); FILE * outf = open_file(fname.c_str(), "w"); mm_write_banner(outf, matcode); if (comment != "") fprintf(outf, "%%%s\n", comment.c_str()); int actual_Size = size > 0 ? size : latent_factors_inmem[start].pvec.size(); if (R_output_format) mm_write_mtx_crd_size(outf, end-start, actual_Size, (end-start)*actual_Size); else mm_write_mtx_array_size(outf, end-start, actual_Size); for (uint i=start; i < end; i++){ for(int j=0; j < actual_Size; j++) { if (R_output_format) fprintf(outf, "%d %d %12.8g\n", i-start+input_file_offset, j+input_file_offset, latent_factors_inmem[i].get_val(j)); else { fprintf(outf, "%1.12e ", latent_factors_inmem[i].get_val(j)); if (j == actual_Size -1) fprintf(outf, "\n"); } } } fclose(outf); }
void save_matrix_market_format_vector(const std::string datafile, const vec & output, bool issparse, std::string comment) { MM_typecode matcode; mm_initialize_typecode(&matcode); mm_set_matrix(&matcode); mm_set_coordinate(&matcode); if (issparse) mm_set_sparse(&matcode); else mm_set_dense(&matcode); set_typecode<vec>(matcode); FILE * f = fopen(datafile.c_str(),"w"); if (f == NULL) logstream(LOG_FATAL)<<"Failed to open file: " << datafile << " for writing. " << std::endl; mm_write_banner(f, matcode); if (comment.size() > 0) // add a comment to the matrix market header fprintf(f, "%c%s\n", '%', comment.c_str()); if (issparse) mm_write_mtx_crd_size(f, output.size(), 1, output.size()); else mm_write_mtx_array_size(f, output.size(), 1); for (int j=0; j<(int)output.size(); j++){ write_row(j+1, 1, output[j], f, issparse); if (!issparse) fprintf(f, "\n"); } fclose(f); }
int writeMatrix(char* filename, int m, int n, double* v) { // try opening the file FILE *fp; if ((fp = fopen(filename, "w")) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Error occurs while writing to file %s\n", filename); return 1; } // set the type MM_typecode type; mm_initialize_typecode(&type); mm_set_matrix(&type); mm_set_array(&type); mm_set_real(&type); mm_set_general(&type); // write banner and sizes mm_write_banner(fp, type); mm_write_mtx_array_size(fp, m, n); printf("writing %s:\n\ta %d x %d matrix...", filename, m, n); for (int j = 0; j < n; ++j) { for (int i = 0; i < m; ++i) { fprintf(fp, "%lf\n", v[i * n + j]); } } printf("done\n"); // close the file fclose(fp); return 0; }
void WriteMatrixMarketVector(std::vector<T> v, std::string filename) { /* Open the file */ FILE *f = fopen(filename.c_str(), "w"); if (f == NULL) { std::cout<<"failed to open file "<<filename<<std::endl; } /* Setup matcode, write banner and size */ MM_typecode matcode; mm_initialize_typecode(&matcode); mm_set_matrix(&matcode); mm_set_array(&matcode); mm_set_real(&matcode); mm_write_banner(f, matcode); mm_write_mtx_array_size(f, v.size(), 1); for(unsigned int n = 0; n < v.size(); n++) fprintf(f, "%e\n", v[n]); /* Close file and return */ fclose(f); return; }
int CreateDenseMatrixGeneral(char *fileName, unsigned long int numRows, unsigned long int numCols, unsigned int seed, double min, double max) { //Options: numRows numCols fileName seed FILE *output; //long nz; unsigned long int i, j; MM_typecode outputmatcode; mm_initialize_typecode(&outputmatcode); mm_set_matrix(&outputmatcode); mm_set_coordinate(&outputmatcode); //mm_set_dense(&outputmatcode); mm_set_real(&outputmatcode); mm_set_general(&outputmatcode); if(strcmp(fileName,"stdout")==0){ output = stdout; } else{ if ((output = fopen(fileName, "w")) == NULL){ fprintf(stderr,"[%s] Unable to open file for writing\n",__func__); return 0; } } double value = 0.0; srand (seed); mm_write_banner(output, outputmatcode); mm_write_mtx_crd_size(output, numRows, numCols, numRows*numCols); //ret_code = fprintf(output,"\%\%MatrixMarket matrix coordinate real symmetric\n"); //unsigned long long int val1 = 0; //unsigned long long int val2 = 0; for(i = 0;i < numRows; i++){ for(j = 0; j< numCols; j++){ value = randfrom(min, max); fprintf(output, "%lu %lu %lg\n",i+1,j+1,value); } } fclose(output); return 1; }
/* fwrite dense */ static void mm_real_fwrite_dense (FILE *stream, const mm_dense *d, const char *format) { int k; mm_write_banner (stream, d->typecode); mm_write_mtx_array_size (stream, d->m, d->n); for (k = 0; k < d->nnz; k++) { fprintf (stream, format, d->data[k]); fprintf (stream, "\n"); } return; }
MMOutputter2(std::string fname, uint start, uint end, std::string comment) { MM_typecode matcode; set_matcode(matcode); outf = fopen(fname.c_str(), "w"); assert(outf != NULL); mm_write_banner(outf, matcode); if (comment != "") fprintf(outf, "%%%s\n", comment.c_str()); mm_write_mtx_array_size(outf, end-start, D); for (uint i=start; i < end; i++) fprintf(outf, "%1.12e\n", latent_factors_inmem[i].mean_rating); }
//int CreateDenseMatrixSymmetric(unsigned long numRows,unsigned long numCols, char *fileName, unsigned int seed) { int CreateDenseVector(int argc, char *argv[]) { //Options: numItems fileName seed FILE *output; //long nz; int i; MM_typecode outputmatcode; mm_initialize_typecode(&outputmatcode); mm_set_array(&outputmatcode); mm_set_dense(&outputmatcode); //mm_set_coordinate(&outputmatcode); mm_set_real(&outputmatcode); //mm_set_symmetric(&outputmatcode); unsigned long int numItems = 0; unsigned int seed = 0; //int ret_code; if (argc < 4) { fprintf(stderr, "[%s] Usage: %s [num-items] [output-filename] [seed]\n",__func__, argv[0]); return 0; } if ((output = fopen(argv[2], "w")) == NULL){ return 0; } numItems = atoi(argv[1]); seed = atoi(argv[3]); //unsigned long long int nnz = numItems; srand (seed); mm_write_banner(output, outputmatcode); //mm_write_mtx_crd_size(output, numRows, numCols, numRows*numCols); mm_write_mtx_array_size(output, numItems, 1); //ret_code = fprintf(output,"\%\%MatrixMarket matrix coordinate real symmetric\n"); for(i = 0;i < numItems; i++){ fprintf(output, "%f\n",((double)rand() / (double)RAND_MAX)); } fclose(output); return 1; }
void test_predictions3(float (*prediction_func)(const vertex_data & user, const vertex_data & movie, const vertex_data & time, float rating, double & prediction)) { int ret_code; MM_typecode matcode; FILE *f; uint Me, Ne; size_t nz; if ((f = fopen(test.c_str(), "r")) == NULL) { return; //missing validaiton data, nothing to compute } FILE * fout = fopen((test + ".predict").c_str(),"w"); if (fout == NULL) logstream(LOG_FATAL)<<"Failed to open test prediction file for writing"<<std::endl; if (mm_read_banner(f, &matcode) != 0) logstream(LOG_FATAL) << "Could not process Matrix Market banner. File: " << test << std::endl; /* This is how one can screen matrix types if their application */ /* only supports a subset of the Matrix Market data types. */ if (mm_is_complex(matcode) || !mm_is_sparse(matcode)) logstream(LOG_FATAL) << "Sorry, this application does not support complex values and requires a sparse matrix." << std::endl; /* find out size of sparse matrix .... */ if ((ret_code = mm_read_mtx_crd_size(f, &Me, &Ne, &nz)) !=0) { logstream(LOG_FATAL) << "Failed reading matrix size: error=" << ret_code << std::endl; } if ((M > 0 && N > 0 ) && (Me != M || Ne != N)) logstream(LOG_FATAL)<<"Input size of test matrix must be identical to training matrix, namely " << M << "x" << N << std::endl; mm_write_banner(fout, matcode); mm_write_mtx_crd_size(fout ,M,N,nz); for (uint i=0; i<nz; i++) { int I, J; double val; int time; int rc = fscanf(f, "%d %d %d %lg\n", &I, &J, &time, &val); if (rc != 4) logstream(LOG_FATAL)<<"Error when reading input file: " << i << std::endl; I--; /* adjust from 1-based to 0-based */ J--; double prediction; (*prediction_func)(latent_factors_inmem[I], latent_factors_inmem[J+M], latent_factors_inmem[time+M+N], 1, prediction); fprintf(fout, "%d %d %12.8lg\n", I+1, J+1, prediction); } fclose(f); fclose(fout); logstream(LOG_INFO)<<"Finished writing " << nz << " predictions to file: " << test << ".predict" << std::endl; }
int CreateDenseMatrixGeneral(int argc, char *argv[]) { FILE *output; unsigned long int numRows, numCols, seed, i, j; char * outputpath; double value; MM_typecode outputmatcode; int verbose; struct st_option options[] = { FLAG_BOOL('v', "verbose", "Show more info when executing", &verbose, NULL), PARAM_INT("rows", "Number of rows of the matrix", &numRows, NULL), PARAM_INT("cols", "Number of columns of the matrix", &numCols, NULL), PARAM_STRING("outputfilename", "Filename to write the matrix into", &outputpath, NULL), PARAM_INT("seed", "Seed of the random number generator", &seed, "0"), OPTIONS_END, }; if (options_parse(options, argc, argv)) { options_usage(options, "./MM-Suite CreateDenseMatrixGeneral"); puts(option_err_msg); return 0; }; if ((output = fopen(outputpath, "w")) == NULL){ return 0; } mm_initialize_typecode(&outputmatcode); mm_set_matrix(&outputmatcode); mm_set_coordinate(&outputmatcode); mm_set_real(&outputmatcode); mm_set_general(&outputmatcode); srand(seed); mm_write_banner(output, outputmatcode); mm_write_mtx_crd_size(output, numRows, numCols, numRows*numCols); for (i = 0; i < numRows; i++) { for (j = 0; j < numCols; j++) { value = ((double) rand() / (double) RAND_MAX) / 100; fprintf(output, "%lu %lu %lg\n", i + 1, j + 1, value); } } fclose(output); return 1; };
/* fwrite sparse */ static void mm_real_fwrite_sparse (FILE *stream, const mm_sparse *s, const char *format) { int j; mm_write_banner (stream, s->typecode); mm_write_mtx_crd_size (stream, s->m, s->n, s->nnz); for (j = 0; j < s->n; j++) { int k = s->p[j]; int pend = s->p[j + 1]; for (; k < pend; k++) { fprintf (stream, "%d %d ", s->i[k] + 1, j + 1); // c -> fortran fprintf (stream, format, s->data[k]); fprintf (stream, "\n"); } } return; }
MMOutputter_vec(std::string fname, uint start, uint end, int index, std::string comment, std::vector<vertex_data> & latent_factors_inmem) { MM_typecode matcode; set_matcode(matcode, R_output_format); FILE * outf = open_file(fname.c_str(), "w"); mm_write_banner(outf, matcode); if (comment != "") fprintf(outf, "%%%s\n", comment.c_str()); if (R_output_format) mm_write_mtx_crd_size(outf, end-start, 1, end-start); else mm_write_mtx_array_size(outf, end-start, 1); for (uint i=start; i< end; i++) if (R_output_format) fprintf(outf, "%d %d %12.8g\n", i-start+input_file_offset, 1, latent_factors_inmem[i].get_val(index)); else fprintf(outf, "%1.12e\n", latent_factors_inmem[i].get_val(index)); fclose(outf); }
MMOutputter_scalar(std::string fname, std::string comment, double val) { MM_typecode matcode; set_matcode(matcode, R_output_format); FILE * outf = open_file(fname.c_str(), "w"); mm_write_banner(outf, matcode); if (comment != "") fprintf(outf, "%%%s\n", comment.c_str()); if (R_output_format) mm_write_mtx_crd_size(outf, 1, 1, 1); else mm_write_mtx_array_size(outf, 1, 1); if (R_output_format) fprintf(outf, "%d %d %12.8g\n", 1, 1, val); else fprintf(outf, "%1.12e\n", val); fclose(outf); }
MMOutputter_ratings(std::string fname, uint start, uint end, std::string comment) { assert(start < end); MM_typecode matcode; set_matcode(matcode); FILE * outf = fopen(fname.c_str(), "w"); assert(outf != NULL); mm_write_banner(outf, matcode); if (comment != "") fprintf(outf, "%%%s\n", comment.c_str()); mm_write_mtx_array_size(outf, end-start, num_ratings+1); for (uint i=start; i < end; i++){ fprintf(outf, "%u ", i+1); for(int j=0; j < latent_factors_inmem[i].ratings.size(); j++) { fprintf(outf, "%1.12e ", latent_factors_inmem[i].ratings[j]); } fprintf(outf, "\n"); } fclose(outf); }
MMOutputter_ids(std::string fname, uint start, uint end, std::string comment) { assert(start < end); MM_typecode matcode; set_matcode(matcode); FILE * outf = fopen(fname.c_str(), "w"); assert(outf != NULL); mm_write_banner(outf, matcode); if (comment != "") fprintf(outf, "%%%s\n", comment.c_str()); mm_write_mtx_array_size(outf, end-start, num_ratings+1); for (uint i=start; i < end; i++){ fprintf(outf, "%u ", i+1); for(int j=0; j < latent_factors_inmem[i].ids.size(); j++) { fprintf(outf, "%u ", (int)latent_factors_inmem[i].ids[j]+1);//go back to item ids starting from 1,2,3, (and not from zero as in c) } fprintf(outf, "\n"); } fclose(outf); }
int write_mm_matrix_crd_header(FILE *fp, const int m, const int n, const int nnz, const char *comments) { MM_typecode matcode; mm_initialize_typecode(&matcode); mm_set_matrix(&matcode); mm_set_coordinate(&matcode); mm_set_real(&matcode); /* banner */ mm_write_banner(fp, matcode); /* comments */ fprintf(fp, "%s", comments); /* size */ mm_write_mtx_crd_size(fp, m, n, nnz); /* contents */ return 0; }
int write_mm_vector(const char *file, const int m, const double *vec, const char *comments, const int type) { int i; FILE *fp; MM_typecode matcode; mm_initialize_typecode(&matcode); mm_set_matrix(&matcode); mm_set_array(&matcode); mm_set_real(&matcode); if ((fp = fopen(file, "w")) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: Could not open file: %s\n",file); exit(1); } /* banner */ mm_write_banner(fp, matcode); /* comments */ fprintf(fp, "%s", comments); /* size */ mm_write_mtx_array_size(fp, m, 1); /* contents */ if (type == TYPE_G) { for (i = 0; i < m; i++) fprintf(fp, "%10g\n", vec[i]); } else { for (i = 0; i < m; i++) fprintf(fp, "%22.15e\n", vec[i]); } fclose(fp); return 0; }
int RowMatrixToMatrixMarketFile( const char *filename, const Epetra_RowMatrix & A, const char * matrixName, const char *matrixDescription, bool writeHeader) { long long M = A.NumGlobalRows64(); long long N = A.NumGlobalCols64(); long long nz = A.NumGlobalNonzeros64(); FILE * handle = 0; if (A.RowMatrixRowMap().Comm().MyPID()==0) { // Only PE 0 does this section handle = fopen(filename,"w"); if (!handle) {EPETRA_CHK_ERR(-1);} MM_typecode matcode; mm_initialize_typecode(&matcode); mm_set_matrix(&matcode); mm_set_coordinate(&matcode); mm_set_real(&matcode); if (writeHeader==true) { // Only write header if requested (true by default) if (mm_write_banner(handle, matcode)!=0) {EPETRA_CHK_ERR(-1);} if (matrixName!=0) fprintf(handle, "%% \n%% %s\n", matrixName); if (matrixDescription!=0) fprintf(handle, "%% %s\n%% \n", matrixDescription); if (mm_write_mtx_crd_size(handle, M, N, nz)!=0) {EPETRA_CHK_ERR(-1);} } } if (RowMatrixToHandle(handle, A)!=0) {EPETRA_CHK_ERR(-1);}// Everybody calls this routine if (A.RowMatrixRowMap().Comm().MyPID()==0) // Only PE 0 opened a file if (fclose(handle)!=0) {EPETRA_CHK_ERR(-1);} return(0); }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------ int test_mm_write(std::string filename) { const int nz = 4; const int M = 10; const int N= 10; MM_typecode matcode; int I[nz] = { 0, 4, 2, 8 }; int J[nz] = { 3, 8, 7, 5 }; double val[nz] = {1.1, 2.2, 3.2, 4.4}; int i; int err = 0; FILE *f; f = fopen(filename.c_str(), "w"); err += mm_initialize_typecode(&matcode); err += mm_set_matrix(&matcode); err += mm_set_coordinate(&matcode); err += mm_set_real(&matcode); err += mm_write_banner(f, matcode); err += mm_write_mtx_crd_size(f, M, N, nz); /* NOTE: matrix market files use 1-based indices, i.e. first element of a vector has index 1, not 0. */ fprintf(stdout, "Writing file contents: \n"); for (i=0; i<nz; i++) { fprintf(f, "%d %d %lg\n", I[i]+1, J[i]+1, val[i]); fprintf(stdout, "%d %d %lg\n", I[i]+1, J[i]+1, val[i]); } fclose(f); return err; }
int MultiVectorToMatrixMarketFile( const char *filename, const Epetra_MultiVector & A, const char * matrixName, const char *matrixDescription, bool writeHeader) { int M = A.GlobalLength(); int N = A.NumVectors(); FILE * handle = 0; if (A.Map().Comm().MyPID()==0) { // Only PE 0 does this section handle = fopen(filename,"w"); if (!handle) return(-1); MM_typecode matcode; mm_initialize_typecode(&matcode); mm_set_matrix(&matcode); mm_set_array(&matcode); mm_set_real(&matcode); if (writeHeader==true) { // Only write header if requested (true by default) if (mm_write_banner(handle, matcode)) return(-1); if (matrixName!=0) fprintf(handle, "%% \n%% %s\n", matrixName); if (matrixDescription!=0) fprintf(handle, "%% %s\n%% \n", matrixDescription); if (mm_write_mtx_array_size(handle, M, N)) return(-1); } } if (MultiVectorToMatrixMarketHandle(handle, A)) return(-1); // Everybody calls this routine if (A.Map().Comm().MyPID()==0) // Only PE 0 opened a file if (fclose(handle)) return(-1); return(0); }
int main() { MM_typecode matcode; int I[nz] = { 0, 4, 2, 8 }; int J[nz] = { 3, 8, 7, 5 }; double val[nz] = {1.1, 2.2, 3.2, 4.4}; int i; mm_initialize_typecode(&matcode); mm_set_matrix(&matcode); mm_set_coordinate(&matcode); mm_set_real(&matcode); mm_write_banner(stdout, matcode); mm_write_mtx_crd_size(stdout, M, N, nz); /* NOTE: matrix market files use 1-based indices, i.e. first element of a vector has index 1, not 0. */ for (i=0; i<nz; i++) fprintf(stdout, "%d %d %10.3g\n", I[i]+1, J[i]+1, val[i]); return 0; }
void HostMatrixCOO<ValueType>::WriteFileMTX(const std::string filename) const { MM_typecode matcode; FILE *f; LOG_INFO("WriteFileMTX: filename="<< filename << "; writing..."); if ((f = fopen(filename.c_str(), "w")) == NULL) { LOG_INFO("WriteFileMTX cannot open file " << filename); FATAL_ERROR(__FILE__, __LINE__); } mm_initialize_typecode(&matcode); mm_set_matrix(&matcode); mm_set_coordinate(&matcode); mm_set_real(&matcode); mm_write_banner(f, matcode); // mm_write_mtx_crd_size(f, this->get_ncol(), this->get_nrow(), this->get_nnz()); mm_write_mtx_crd_size(f, this->get_nrow(), this->get_ncol(), this->get_nnz()); /* NOTE: matrix market files use 1-based indices, i.e. first element of a vector has index 1, not 0. */ for (int i=0; i<this->nnz_; i++) fprintf(f, "%d %d %2.14e\n", this->mat_.row[i]+1, this->mat_.col[i]+1, this->mat_.val[i]); LOG_INFO("WriteFileMTX: filename="<< filename << "; done"); fclose(f); }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------ int test_mm_read(std::string filename) { int ret_code; MM_typecode matcode; FILE *f; int M, N, nz; int i, *I, *J; double *val; int err=0; if ((f = fopen(filename.c_str(), "r")) == NULL) return -1; if (mm_read_banner(f, &matcode) != 0) { printf("Could not process Matrix Market banner.\n"); return -2; } /* This is how one can screen matrix types if their application */ /* only supports a subset of the Matrix Market data types. */ if (mm_is_complex(matcode) && mm_is_matrix(matcode) && mm_is_sparse(matcode) ) { printf("Sorry, this application does not support "); printf("Market Market type: [%s]\n", mm_typecode_to_str(matcode)); return -3; } /* find out size of sparse matrix .... */ if ((ret_code = mm_read_mtx_crd_size(f, &M, &N, &nz)) !=0) return -4; /* reseve memory for matrices */ I = (int *) malloc(nz * sizeof(int)); J = (int *) malloc(nz * sizeof(int)); val = (double *) malloc(nz * sizeof(double)); /* NOTE: when reading in doubles, ANSI C requires the use of the "l" */ /* specifier as in "%lg", "%lf", "%le", otherwise errors will occur */ /* (ANSI C X3.159-1989, Sec., p. 136 lines 13-15) */ for (i=0; i<nz; i++) { fscanf(f, "%d %d %lg\n", &I[i], &J[i], &val[i]); I[i]--; /* adjust from 1-based to 0-based */ J[i]--; } if (f !=stdin) fclose(f); /************************/ /* now write out matrix */ /************************/ fprintf(stdout, "Read full file contents: \n================================\n"); err += mm_write_banner(stdout, matcode); err += mm_write_mtx_crd_size(stdout, M, N, nz); for (i=0; i<nz; i++) { fprintf(stdout, "%d %d %lg\n", I[i]+1, J[i]+1, val[i]); } return err; }
/* Save a matrix column subset to a MatrixMarket formatted file, say to export the basis matrix for further numerical analysis. If colndx is NULL, then the full constraint matrix is assumed. */ MYBOOL REPORT_mat_mmsave(lprec *lp, char *filename, int *colndx, MYBOOL includeOF, char *infotext) { int n, m, nz, i, j, k, kk; MATrec *mat = lp->matA; MM_typecode matcode; FILE *output = stdout; MYBOOL ok; LPSREAL *acol = NULL; int *nzlist = NULL; /* Open file */ ok = (MYBOOL) ((filename == NULL) || ((output = fopen(filename,"w")) != NULL)); if(!ok) return(ok); if((filename == NULL) && (lp->outstream != NULL)) output = lp->outstream; /* Compute column and non-zero counts */ if(colndx == lp->var_basic) { if(!lp->basis_valid) return( FALSE ); m = lp->rows; } else if(colndx != NULL) m = colndx[0]; else m = lp->columns; n = lp->rows; nz = 0; for(j = 1; j <= m; j++) { k = (colndx == NULL ? n + j : colndx[j]); if(k > n) { k -= lp->rows; nz += mat_collength(mat, k); if(includeOF && is_OF_nz(lp, k)) nz++; } else nz++; } kk = 0; if(includeOF) { n++; /* Row count */ kk++; /* Row index offset */ } /* Initialize */ mm_initialize_typecode(&matcode); mm_set_matrix(&matcode); mm_set_coordinate(&matcode); mm_set_real(&matcode); mm_write_banner(output, matcode); mm_write_mtx_crd_size(output, n+kk, m, nz+(colndx == lp->var_basic ? 1 : 0)); /* Allocate working arrays for sparse column storage */ allocREAL(lp, &acol, n+2, FALSE); allocINT(lp, &nzlist, n+2, FALSE); /* Write the matrix non-zero values column-by-column. NOTE: matrixMarket files use 1-based indeces, i.e. first row of a vector has index 1, not 0. */ if(infotext != NULL) { fprintf(output, "%%\n"); fprintf(output, "%% %s\n", infotext); fprintf(output, "%%\n"); } if(includeOF && (colndx == lp->var_basic)) fprintf(output, "%d %d %g\n", 1, 1, 1.0); for(j = 1; j <= m; j++) { k = (colndx == NULL ? lp->rows + j : colndx[j]); if(k == 0) continue; nz = obtain_column(lp, k, acol, nzlist, NULL); for(i = 1; i <= nz; i++) { if(!includeOF && (nzlist[i] == 0)) continue; fprintf(output, "%d %d %g\n", nzlist[i]+kk, j+kk, acol[i]); } } fprintf(output, "%% End of MatrixMarket file\n"); /* Finish */ FREE(acol); FREE(nzlist); fclose(output); return(ok); }
int write_mm_matrix(const char *file, dmatrix *mat, const char *comments, const int type) { int i, j, m, n; FILE *fp; m = mat->m; n = mat->n; MM_typecode matcode; mm_initialize_typecode(&matcode); mm_set_matrix(&matcode); if (mat->nz < 0) mm_set_array(&matcode); else mm_set_coordinate(&matcode); mm_set_real(&matcode); if ((fp = fopen(file, "w")) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: Could not open file: %s\n",file); exit(1); } /* banner */ mm_write_banner(fp, matcode); /* comments */ fprintf(fp, "%s", comments); /* size */ if (mat->nz < 0) mm_write_mtx_array_size(fp, m, n); else mm_write_mtx_crd_size(fp, m, n, mat->nz); /* contents */ if (mat->nz < 0) { double *val; val = mat->val; if (type == TYPE_G) { for (j = 0; j < n; j++) for (i = 0; i < m; i++) fprintf(fp, "%10g\n", val[i*n+j]); } else { for (j = 0; j < n; j++) for (i = 0; i < m; i++) fprintf(fp, "%22.15e\n", val[i*n+j]); } } else { int *idx; int *jdx; double *val; idx = mat->idx; jdx = mat->jdx; val = mat->val; if (type == TYPE_G) { for (i = 0; i < mat->nz; i++) { fprintf(fp, "%d %d %15g\n", idx[i]+1, jdx[i]+1, val[i]); } } else { for (i = 0; i < mat->nz; i++) { fprintf(fp, "%d %d %22.15e\n", idx[i]+1, jdx[i]+1, val[i]); } } } fclose(fp); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { FILE *in_file; char Title[73], Key[9], Rhstype[4]; char Type[4]; char Ptrfmt[17], Indfmt[17], Valfmt[21], Rhsfmt[21]; int Ptrcrd, Indcrd, Valcrd; int Rhscrd = 0; int Indperline, Indwidth; int Valperline, Valwidth, Valprec; int Valflag; /* Indicates 'E','D', or 'F' float format */ int Nrow, Ncol, Nnzero; int Nrhs; char *valc = NULL; char *Valfmtc; char *tmp1; char *tmp2; char format[30]; char rformat[30]; char cformat[30]; int *colptr, *rowind; int i,j, indxval, rowp1, colp1; MM_typecode matcode; if (argc != 2) { printf("Usage: %s HBfile \n", argv[0]); exit(-1); } in_file = fopen( argv[1], "r"); if (in_file == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"Error: Cannot open file: %s\n",argv[1]); exit(1); } readHB_header(in_file, Title, Key, Type, &Nrow, &Ncol, &Nnzero, &Nrhs, Ptrfmt, Indfmt, Valfmt, Rhsfmt, &Ptrcrd, &Indcrd, &Valcrd, &Rhscrd, Rhstype); fclose(in_file); readHB_newmat_char(argv[1], &Nrow, &Ncol, &Nnzero, &colptr, &rowind, &valc, &Valfmtc); ParseIfmt(Indfmt,&Indperline,&Indwidth); ParseRfmt(Valfmt,&Valperline,&Valwidth,&Valprec,&Valflag); sprintf(format,"%%%dd %%%dd \n",Indwidth,Indwidth); sprintf(rformat,"%%%dd %%%dd %%%ds\n",Indwidth,Indwidth,Valwidth); sprintf(cformat,"%%%dd %%%dd %%%ds %%%ds\n",Indwidth,Indwidth,Valwidth,Valwidth); mm_set_matrix(&matcode); mm_set_coordinate(&matcode); if ( Type[0] == 'R' ) mm_set_real(&matcode); else if ( Type[0] == 'C' ) mm_set_complex(&matcode); else if ( Type[0] == 'P' ) mm_set_pattern(&matcode); else { fprintf(stderr,"Unrecognized field in HB Type: %1s",Type); exit(1); } if ( Type[1] == 'U' || Type[1] == 'R' ) mm_set_general(&matcode); else if ( Type[1] == 'S' ) mm_set_symmetric(&matcode); else if ( Type[1] == 'Z' ) mm_set_skew(&matcode); else if ( Type[1] == 'H' ) mm_set_hermitian(&matcode); else { fprintf(stderr,"Unrecognized field in HB Type: %1s",&Type[1]); exit(1); } if ( Type[2] != 'A' ){ fprintf(stderr,"Unrecognized format in HB Type: %1s",&Type[2]); exit(1); } mm_write_banner(stdout, matcode); fprintf(stdout,"%% RBTitle: %s\n",Title); fprintf(stdout,"%% RBKey: %s\n",Key); mm_write_mtx_crd_size(stdout, Nrow, Ncol, Nnzero); if ( Type[0] == 'C' ) { /* Loop through columns */ for (j = 0; j < Ncol ; j++) for (i=colptr[j];i<colptr[j+1];i++) { indxval = 2*(i-1); rowp1 = rowind[i-1]+1-1; colp1 = j + 1; tmp1 = substr(valc,indxval*Valwidth,Valwidth); tmp2 = substr(valc,(indxval+1)*Valwidth,Valwidth); fprintf(stdout,cformat,rowp1,colp1,tmp1,tmp2); } } else if ( Type[0] == 'R' ) { /* Loop through columns */ for (j = 0; j < Ncol ; j++) for (i=colptr[j];i<colptr[j+1];i++) { rowp1 = rowind[i-1]; colp1 = j + 1; tmp1 = substr(valc,(i-1)*Valwidth,Valwidth); fprintf(stdout,rformat,rowp1,colp1,tmp1); } } else { /* Loop through columns */ for (j = 0; j < Ncol ; j++) for (i=colptr[j];i<colptr[j+1];i++) { rowp1 = rowind[i-1]; colp1 = j + 1; fprintf(stdout,format,rowp1,colp1); } } return 0; }
void main(int argc, char *argv[]) { FILE *in_file; char Title[73], Key[9], Rhstype[4]; char Type[4]; char Ptrfmt[17], Indfmt[17], Valfmt[21], Rhsfmt[21]; int Ptrcrd, Indcrd, Valcrd, Rhscrd; int Indperline, Indwidth; int Valperline, Valwidth, Valprec; int Valflag; /* Indicates 'E','D', or 'F' float format */ int Nrow, Ncol, Nnzero; int Nrhs; char* ThisElement; char format[30]; char rformat[30]; int *colptr, *rowind; int *colcount; int i,j, repeat, count, col, ind, items, last; char line[BUFSIZ]; MM_typecode matcode; if (argc != 2) { printf("Usage: %s HBfile\n\n", argv[0]); printf(" Sends Matrix Market formatted output to stdout\n"); exit(-1); } in_file = fopen( argv[1], "r"); if (in_file == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"Error: Cannot open file: %s\n",argv[1]); exit(1); } readHB_header(in_file, Title, Key, Type, &Nrow, &Ncol, &Nnzero, &Nrhs, Ptrfmt, Indfmt, Valfmt, Rhsfmt, &Ptrcrd, &Indcrd, &Valcrd, &Rhscrd, Rhstype); fclose(in_file); if (Type[0] == 'P' ) { fprintf(stderr,"This is a streaming translator for LARGE files with "); fprintf(stderr,"REAL or COMPLEX data. Use 'hbmat2mtx' for PATTERN matrices.\n"); exit(1); } in_file = readHB_newind(argv[1], &Nrow, &Ncol, &Nnzero, &colptr, &rowind); ParseIfmt(Indfmt,&Indperline,&Indwidth); sprintf(format,"%%%dd %%%dd ",Indwidth,Indwidth); ParseRfmt(Valfmt,&Valperline,&Valwidth,&Valprec,&Valflag); sprintf(rformat,"%%%ds ",Valwidth); ThisElement = (char *) malloc(Valwidth+1); /* Skip to values in hb file: */ mm_set_matrix(&matcode); mm_set_coordinate(&matcode); if ( Type[0] == 'R' ) mm_set_real(&matcode); else if ( Type[0] == 'C' ) mm_set_complex(&matcode); else if ( Type[0] == 'P' ) mm_set_pattern(&matcode); else { fprintf(stderr,"Unrecognized field in HB Type: %1s",Type); exit(1); } if ( Type[1] == 'U' || Type[1] == 'R' ) mm_set_general(&matcode); else if ( Type[1] == 'S' ) mm_set_symmetric(&matcode); else if ( Type[1] == 'Z' ) mm_set_skew(&matcode); else if ( Type[1] == 'H' ) mm_set_hermitian(&matcode); else { fprintf(stderr,"Unrecognized field in HB Type: %1s",&Type[1]); exit(1); } if ( Type[2] != 'A' ){ fprintf(stderr,"Unrecognized format in HB Type: %1s",&Type[2]); exit(1); } mm_write_banner(stdout, matcode); fprintf(stdout,"%% RBTitle: %s\n",Title); fprintf(stdout,"%% RBKey: %s\n",Key); mm_write_mtx_crd_size(stdout, Nrow, Ncol, Nnzero); if ( ThisElement == NULL ) IOHBTerminate("Insufficient memory for ThisElement.\nhb2mtxstrm.c: Line 117 approx."); repeat=0; if ( Type[0] == 'C') repeat=1; count = 0; colcount = &colptr[1]; items = 0; for (i=0;i<Valcrd;i++) { fgets(line, BUFSIZ, in_file); if ( sscanf(line,"%*s") < 0 ) { fprintf(stderr,"iohb.c: Null (or blank) line in value data region of HB file.\n"); exit(1); } if (Valflag == 'D') { while( strchr(line,'D') ) *strchr(line,'D') = 'E'; } col = 0; for (ind = 0;ind<Valperline;ind++) { if (count == Nnzero) break; if (count == *colcount-1) colcount++; strncpy(ThisElement,line+col,Valwidth); *(ThisElement+Valwidth) = (char) NULL; if ( Valflag != 'F' && strchr(ThisElement,'E') == NULL ) { /* insert a char prefix for exp */ last = strlen(ThisElement); for (j=last+1;j>=0;j--) { ThisElement[j] = ThisElement[j-1]; if ( ThisElement[j] == '+' || ThisElement[j] == '-' ) { ThisElement[j-1] = Valflag; break; } } } items++; if (items==1) fprintf(stdout,format,rowind[count],colcount-colptr); if (items > repeat) { fprintf(stdout,rformat,ThisElement); fprintf(stdout,"\n"); count++; items=0; } else { fprintf(stdout,rformat,ThisElement); } col += Valwidth; } } }
int BlockMapToMatrixMarketFile( const char *filename, const Epetra_BlockMap & map, const char * mapName, const char *mapDescription, bool writeHeader) { int M = map.NumGlobalElements(); int N = 1; if (map.MaxElementSize()>1) N = 2; // Non-trivial block map, store element sizes in second column FILE * handle = 0; if (map.Comm().MyPID()==0) { // Only PE 0 does this section handle = fopen(filename,"w"); if (!handle) return(-1); MM_typecode matcode; mm_initialize_typecode(&matcode); mm_set_matrix(&matcode); mm_set_array(&matcode); mm_set_integer(&matcode); if (writeHeader==true) { // Only write header if requested (true by default) if (mm_write_banner(handle, matcode)) return(-1); if (mapName!=0) fprintf(handle, "%% \n%% %s\n", mapName); if (mapDescription!=0) fprintf(handle, "%% %s\n%% \n", mapDescription); } } if (writeHeader==true) { // Only write header if requested (true by default) // Make an Epetra_IntVector of length numProc such that all elements are on PE 0 and // the ith element is NumMyElements from the ith PE Epetra_Map map1(-1, 1, 0, map.Comm()); // map with one element on each processor int length = 0; if (map.Comm().MyPID()==0) length = map.Comm().NumProc(); Epetra_Map map2(-1, length, 0, map.Comm()); Epetra_Import lengthImporter(map2, map1); Epetra_IntVector v1(map1); Epetra_IntVector v2(map2); v1[0] = map.NumMyElements(); if (v2.Import(v1, lengthImporter, Insert)) return(-1); if (map.Comm().MyPID()==0) { fprintf(handle, "%s", "%Format Version:\n"); //int version = 1; // We may change the format scheme at a later date. fprintf(handle, "%% %d \n", map.Comm().NumProc()); fprintf(handle, "%s", "%NumProc: Number of processors:\n"); fprintf(handle, "%% %d \n", map.Comm().NumProc()); fprintf(handle, "%s", "%MaxElementSize: Maximum element size:\n"); fprintf(handle, "%% %d \n", map.MaxElementSize()); fprintf(handle, "%s", "%MinElementSize: Minimum element size:\n"); fprintf(handle, "%% %d \n", map.MinElementSize()); fprintf(handle, "%s", "%IndexBase: Index base of map:\n"); fprintf(handle, "%% %d \n", map.IndexBase()); fprintf(handle, "%s", "%NumGlobalElements: Total number of GIDs in map:\n"); fprintf(handle, "%% %d \n", map.NumGlobalElements()); fprintf(handle, "%s", "%NumMyElements: BlockMap lengths per processor:\n"); for ( int i=0; i< v2.MyLength(); i++) fprintf(handle, "%% %d\n", v2[i]); if (mm_write_mtx_array_size(handle, M, N)) return(-1); } } if (BlockMapToHandle(handle, map)) return(-1); // Everybody calls this routine if (map.Comm().MyPID()==0) // Only PE 0 opened a file if (fclose(handle)) return(-1); return(0); }