Example #1
 * Convert Qt key input into Neovim key-notation
 * see QKeyEvent
QString InputConv::convertKey(const QString& text, int k, Qt::KeyboardModifiers mod)
	if (specialKeys.contains(k)) {
		return QString("<%1%2>").arg(modPrefix(mod)).arg(specialKeys.value(k));
	} else if (text.isEmpty()) {
		// This is a special key we can't handle
		return QString();

	// Escape < and backslash
	if (text == "<") {
		return QString("<%1%2>").arg(modPrefix(mod)).arg("lt");
	if (text == "\\") {
		return QString("<%1%2>").arg(modPrefix(mod)).arg("Bslash");

	QChar c = text.at(0);
	// Remove SHIFT
	if (c.unicode() < 0x100 && !c.isLetterOrNumber() && c.isPrint()) {
		mod &= ~Qt::ShiftModifier;

	// Remove CTRL empty characters at the start of the ASCII range
	if (c.unicode() < 0x20) {
		mod &= ~Qt::ControlModifier;

	// Format with prefix if necessary
	QString prefix = modPrefix(mod);
	if (!prefix.isEmpty()) {
		return QString("<%1%2>").arg(prefix).arg(text);

	return text;
Example #2
 * Convert mouse event information into Neovim key notation
 * @type is one of the Qt mouse event types
 * @pos is in Neovim Coordinates
 * @clickCount is the number of consecutive mouse clicks
 *   1 for a single click, 2 for a double click, up to 4.
 *   This value is only used for LeftMouse events.
 * see QMouseEvent
 * If the event is not valid for Neovim, returns an empty string
QString InputConv::convertMouse(Qt::MouseButton bt, QEvent::Type type, Qt::KeyboardModifiers mod, QPoint pos, short clickCount)
	QString buttonName;
	switch(bt) {
	case Qt::LeftButton:
		// In practice Neovim only supports the clickcount for Left
		// mouse presses, even if our shell can support other buttons
		if (clickCount > 1 && clickCount <= 4) {
			buttonName = QString("%1-Left").arg(clickCount);
		} else {
			buttonName += "Left";
	case Qt::RightButton:
		buttonName += "Right";
	case Qt::MidButton:
		buttonName += "Middle";
	case Qt::NoButton:
		return "";

	QString evType;
	switch(type) {
	case QEvent::MouseButtonDblClick:
		// Treat this as a regular MouseButtonPress. Repeated
		// clicks are handled above.
	case QEvent::MouseButtonPress:
		evType += "Mouse";
	case QEvent::MouseButtonRelease:
		evType += "Release";
	case QEvent::MouseMove:
		evType += "Drag";
		return "";

	QString inp = QString("<%1%2%3><%4,%5>").arg(modPrefix(mod)).arg(buttonName).arg(evType).arg(pos.x()).arg(pos.y());
	return inp;
Example #3
 * Convert Qt key input into Neovim key-notation
 * see QKeyEvent
QString InputConv::convertKey(const QString& text, int k, Qt::KeyboardModifiers mod)
    if ( mod & Qt::KeypadModifier ) {
		switch (k) {
		case Qt::Key_Home:
			return QString("<%1kHome>").arg(modPrefix(mod));
		case Qt::Key_End:
			return QString("<%1kEnd>").arg(modPrefix(mod));
		case Qt::Key_PageUp:
			return QString("<%1kPageUp>").arg(modPrefix(mod));
		case Qt::Key_PageDown:
			return QString("<%1kPageDown>").arg(modPrefix(mod));
		case Qt::Key_Plus:
			return QString("<%1kPlus>").arg(modPrefix(mod));
		case Qt::Key_Minus:
			return QString("<%1kMinus>").arg(modPrefix(mod));
		case Qt::Key_multiply:
			return QString("<%1kMultiply>").arg(modPrefix(mod));
		case Qt::Key_division:
			return QString("<%1kDivide>").arg(modPrefix(mod));
		case Qt::Key_Enter:
			return QString("<%1kEnter>").arg(modPrefix(mod));
		case Qt::Key_Period:
			return QString("<%1kPoint>").arg(modPrefix(mod));
		case Qt::Key_0:
			return QString("<%1k0>").arg(modPrefix(mod));
		case Qt::Key_1:
			return QString("<%1k1>").arg(modPrefix(mod));
		case Qt::Key_2:
			return QString("<%1k2>").arg(modPrefix(mod));
		case Qt::Key_3:
			return QString("<%1k3>").arg(modPrefix(mod));
		case Qt::Key_4:
			return QString("<%1k4>").arg(modPrefix(mod));
		case Qt::Key_5:
			return QString("<%1k5>").arg(modPrefix(mod));
		case Qt::Key_6:
			return QString("<%1k6>").arg(modPrefix(mod));
		case Qt::Key_7:
			return QString("<%1k7>").arg(modPrefix(mod));
		case Qt::Key_8:
			return QString("<%1k8>").arg(modPrefix(mod));
		case Qt::Key_9:
			return QString("<%1k9>").arg(modPrefix(mod));

	if (specialKeys.contains(k)) {
		return QString("<%1%2>").arg(modPrefix(mod)).arg(specialKeys.value(k));

	QChar c;
	// Escape < and backslash
	if (text == "<") {
		return QString("<%1%2>").arg(modPrefix(mod)).arg("lt");
	} else if (text == "\\") {
		return QString("<%1%2>").arg(modPrefix(mod)).arg("Bslash");
	} else if (text.isEmpty()) {
		// on macs, text is empty for ctrl+key and cmd+key combos (with or without alt)
		if (mod & ControlModifier || mod & CmdModifier) {
			// ignore ctrl, alt and cmd key combos by themselves
			QList<Qt::Key> keys = { Key_Control, Key_Alt, Key_Cmd };
			if (keys.contains((Qt::Key)k)) {
				return QString();
			} else if (mod & ShiftModifier) {
				// Ignore event for Ctrl-Shift
				// Fixes issue #344, C-S- being treated as C-Space
				return QString();
			} else {
				// key code will be the value of the char (hopefully)
				c = QChar(k);
		} else {
			// This is a special key we can't handle
			return QString();
	} else {
		// Key event compression is disabled, text has one char
		c = text.at(0);

	// Remove SHIFT
	if (c.unicode() >= 0x80 || (!c.isLetterOrNumber() && c.isPrint())) {
		mod &= ~ShiftModifier;

	// Remove CTRL empty characters at the start of the ASCII range
	if (c.unicode() < 0x20) {
		mod &= ~ControlModifier;

	// Format with prefix if necessary
	QString prefix = modPrefix(mod);
	if (!prefix.isEmpty()) {
		return QString("<%1%2>").arg(prefix).arg(c);

	return QString(c);