Example #1
File: Ctxt.cpp Project: 2080/HElib
// Add/subtract another ciphertxt (depending on the negative flag)
void Ctxt::addCtxt(const Ctxt& other, bool negative)
  // Sanity check: same context and public key
  assert (&context==&other.context && &pubKey==&other.pubKey);

  // Special case: if *this is empty then just copy other
  if (this->isEmpty()) {
    *this = other;
    if (negative) negate();

  // Sanity check: verify that the plaintext spaces are compatible
  long g = GCD(this->ptxtSpace, other.ptxtSpace);
  assert (g>1);
  this->ptxtSpace = g;

  // Match the prime-sets, mod-UP the arguments if needed
  IndexSet s = other.primeSet / primeSet; // set-minus
  if (!empty(s)) modUpToSet(s);

  const Ctxt* other_pt = &other;
  Ctxt tmp(pubKey, other.ptxtSpace); // a temporaty empty ciphertext

  s = primeSet / other.primeSet; // set-minus
  if (!empty(s)) { // need to mod-UP the other, use a temporary copy
    tmp = other;
    other_pt = &tmp;

  // Go over the parts of other, for each one check if
  // there is a matching part in *this
  for (size_t i=0; i<other_pt->parts.size(); i++) {
    const CtxtPart& part = other_pt->parts[i];
    long j = getPartIndexByHandle(part.skHandle);
    if (j>=0) { // found a matching part, add them up
      if (negative) parts[j] -= part;
      else          parts[j] += part;
    } else {    // no mathing part found, just append this part
      if (negative) parts.back().Negate(); // not thread safe??
  noiseVar += other_pt->noiseVar;
Example #2
// Modulus-switching down
void Ctxt::modDownToLevel(long lvl)
  long currentLvl;
  IndexSet targetSet;
  IndexSet currentSet = primeSet & context.ctxtPrimes;
  if (context.containsSmallPrime()) {
    currentLvl = 2*card(currentSet);
    if (currentSet.contains(0))
      currentLvl--;  // first prime is half the size

    if (lvl & 1) {   // odd level, includes the half-size prime
      targetSet = IndexSet(0,(lvl-1)/2);
    } else {
      targetSet = IndexSet(1,lvl/2);
  else {
    currentLvl = card(currentSet);
    targetSet = IndexSet(0,lvl-1);    // one prime per level

  // If target is not below the current level, nothing to do
  if (lvl >= currentLvl && currentSet==primeSet) return;

  if (lvl >= currentLvl) { // just remove the special primes
    targetSet = currentSet;

  // sanity-check: interval does not contain special primes

  // may need to mod-UP to include the smallest prime
  if (targetSet.contains(0) && !currentSet.contains(0))
    modUpToSet(targetSet); // adds the primes in targetSet / primeSet

  modDownToSet(targetSet); // removes the primes in primeSet / targetSet