/* work starts here */ int main (int argc, char **argv) { int rc; /* * allocate options structure * and parse command line */ if(parse_arguments(argc, argv) != GM_OK) { print_usage(); exit( STATE_UNKNOWN ); } /* set logging */ mod_gm_opt->debug_level = GM_LOG_INFO; mod_gm_opt->logmode = GM_LOG_MODE_TOOLS; /* init crypto functions */ if(mod_gm_opt->encryption == GM_ENABLED) { mod_gm_crypt_init(mod_gm_opt->crypt_key); } else { mod_gm_opt->transportmode = GM_ENCODE_ONLY; } /* create client */ if ( create_client( mod_gm_opt->server_list, &client ) != GM_OK ) { printf( "send_multi UNKNOWN: cannot start client\n" ); exit( STATE_UNKNOWN ); } /* create duplicate client */ if ( create_client_dup( mod_gm_opt->dupserver_list, &client_dup ) != GM_OK ) { printf( "send_multi UNKNOWN: cannot start client for duplicate server\n" ); exit( STATE_UNKNOWN ); } /* send result message */ signal(SIGALRM, alarm_sighandler); rc = read_multi_stream(stdin); /* if rc > 0, it contains the number of checks being submitted, otherwise its an error code (-1 - WARNING, -2 - CRITICAL, -3 - UNKNOWN) */ if (rc == 0) { printf( "send_multi UNKNOWN: %d check_multi child checks submitted\n", rc ); rc=STATE_UNKNOWN; } else if (rc > 0) { printf( "send_multi OK: %d check_multi child check%s submitted\n", rc, (rc>1)?"s":"" ); rc=STATE_OK; } else { rc*=-1; } gearman_client_free( &client ); if( mod_gm_opt->dupserver_num ) gearman_client_free( &client_dup ); mod_gm_free_opt(mod_gm_opt); exit( rc ); }
/* work starts here */ int main (int argc, char **argv) { int rc; /* * allocate options structure * and parse command line */ if(parse_arguments(argc, argv) != GM_OK) { print_usage(); exit( STATE_UNKNOWN ); } /* set logging */ mod_gm_opt->debug_level = GM_LOG_INFO; mod_gm_opt->logmode = GM_LOG_MODE_TOOLS; /* init crypto functions */ if(mod_gm_opt->encryption == GM_ENABLED) { mod_gm_crypt_init(mod_gm_opt->crypt_key); } else { mod_gm_opt->transportmode = GM_ENCODE_ONLY; } /* create client */ if ( create_client( mod_gm_opt->server_list, &client ) != GM_OK ) { printf( "send_gearman UNKNOWN: cannot start client\n" ); exit( STATE_UNKNOWN ); } current_client = &client; /* create duplicate client */ if ( mod_gm_opt->dupserver_num > 0 ) { if ( create_client( mod_gm_opt->dupserver_list, &client_dup ) != GM_OK ) { printf( "send_gearman UNKNOWN: cannot start client for duplicate server\n" ); exit( STATE_UNKNOWN ); } } current_client_dup = &client_dup; /* send result message */ signal(SIGALRM, alarm_sighandler); rc = send_result(); gearman_client_free( &client ); if( mod_gm_opt->dupserver_num ) gearman_client_free( &client_dup ); mod_gm_free_opt(mod_gm_opt); exit( rc ); }
int main(void) { plan(60); /* lowercase */ char test[100]; ok(lc(NULL) == NULL, "lc(NULL)"); strcpy(test, "Yes"); like(lc(test), "yes", "lc(yes)"); strcpy(test, "YES"); like(lc(test), "yes", "lc(YES)"); strcpy(test, "yeS"); like(lc(test), "yes", "lc(yeS)"); /* trim */ strcpy(test, " text "); like(ltrim(test), "text ", "ltrim()"); strcpy(test, " text "); like(rtrim(test), " text", "rtrim()"); strcpy(test, " text "); like(trim(test), "text", "trim()"); char *test2; test2 = strdup(" text "); like(trim(test2), "text", "trim()"); free(test2); /* parse_yes_or_no */ ok(parse_yes_or_no(NULL, GM_ENABLED) == GM_ENABLED, "parse_yes_or_no 1"); ok(parse_yes_or_no(NULL, GM_DISABLED) == GM_DISABLED, "parse_yes_or_no 2"); strcpy(test, ""); ok(parse_yes_or_no(test, GM_ENABLED) == GM_ENABLED, "parse_yes_or_no 3"); strcpy(test, ""); ok(parse_yes_or_no(test, GM_DISABLED) == GM_DISABLED, "parse_yes_or_no 4"); strcpy(test, "yes"); ok(parse_yes_or_no(test, GM_ENABLED) == GM_ENABLED, "parse_yes_or_no 5"); strcpy(test, "true"); ok(parse_yes_or_no(test, GM_ENABLED) == GM_ENABLED, "parse_yes_or_no 6"); strcpy(test, "Yes"); ok(parse_yes_or_no(test, GM_ENABLED) == GM_ENABLED, "parse_yes_or_no 7"); strcpy(test, "1"); ok(parse_yes_or_no(test, GM_ENABLED) == GM_ENABLED, "parse_yes_or_no 8"); strcpy(test, "On"); ok(parse_yes_or_no(test, GM_ENABLED) == GM_ENABLED, "parse_yes_or_no 9"); strcpy(test, "Off"); ok(parse_yes_or_no(test, GM_ENABLED) == GM_DISABLED, "parse_yes_or_no 10"); strcpy(test, "false"); ok(parse_yes_or_no(test, GM_ENABLED) == GM_DISABLED, "parse_yes_or_no 11"); strcpy(test, "no"); ok(parse_yes_or_no(test, GM_ENABLED) == GM_DISABLED, "parse_yes_or_no 12"); strcpy(test, "0"); ok(parse_yes_or_no(test, GM_ENABLED) == GM_DISABLED, "parse_yes_or_no 13"); /* trim */ ok(trim(NULL) == NULL, "trim(NULL)"); strcpy(test, " test "); like(trim(test), "^test$", "trim(' test ')"); strcpy(test, "\ntest\n"); like(trim(test), "^test$", "trim('\\ntest\\n')"); /* reading keys */ mod_gm_opt_t *mod_gm_opt; mod_gm_opt = malloc(sizeof(mod_gm_opt_t)); int rc = set_default_options(mod_gm_opt); ok(rc == 0, "setting default options"); mod_gm_opt->keyfile = strdup("t/data/test1.key"); read_keyfile(mod_gm_opt); //printf_hex(mod_gm_opt->crypt_key, 32); test[0]='\x0'; int i = 0; char hex[4]; for(i=0; i<32; i++) { hex[0] = '\x0'; snprintf(hex, 4, "%02x", mod_gm_opt->crypt_key[i]); strncat(test, hex, 4); } like(test, "3131313131313131313131313131313131313131313131313131313131310000", "read keyfile t/data/test1.key"); free(mod_gm_opt->keyfile); mod_gm_opt->keyfile = strdup("t/data/test2.key"); read_keyfile(mod_gm_opt); like(mod_gm_opt->crypt_key, "abcdef", "reading keyfile t/data/test2.key"); free(mod_gm_opt->keyfile); mod_gm_opt->keyfile = strdup("t/data/test3.key"); read_keyfile(mod_gm_opt); //printf_hex(mod_gm_opt->crypt_key, 32); like(mod_gm_opt->crypt_key, "11111111111111111111111111111111", "reading keyfile t/data/test3.key"); ok(strlen(mod_gm_opt->crypt_key) == 32, "key size for t/data/test3.key"); /* encrypt */ char * key = "test1234"; char * encrypted = malloc(GM_BUFFERSIZE); char * text = "test message"; char * base = "a7HqhQEE8TQBde9uknpPYQ=="; mod_gm_crypt_init(key); int len; len = mod_gm_encrypt(&encrypted, text, GM_ENCODE_AND_ENCRYPT); ok(len == 24, "length of encrypted only"); like(encrypted, base, "encrypted string"); /* decrypt */ char * decrypted = malloc(GM_BUFFERSIZE); mod_gm_decrypt(&decrypted, encrypted, GM_ENCODE_AND_ENCRYPT); like(decrypted, text, "decrypted text"); free(decrypted); free(encrypted); /* base 64 */ char * base64 = malloc(GM_BUFFERSIZE); len = mod_gm_encrypt(&base64, text, GM_ENCODE_ONLY); ok(len == 16, "length of encode only"); like(base64, "dGVzdCBtZXNzYWdl", "base64 only string"); /* debase 64 */ char * debase64 = malloc(GM_BUFFERSIZE); mod_gm_decrypt(&debase64, base64, GM_ENCODE_ONLY); like(debase64, text, "debase64 text"); free(debase64); free(base64); /* file_exists */ ok(file_exists("01_utils") == 1, "file_exists('01_utils')"); ok(file_exists("non-exist") == 0, "file_exists('non-exist')"); /* nr2signal */ char * signame1 = nr2signal(9); like(signame1, "SIGKILL", "get SIGKILL for 9"); free(signame1); char * signame2 = nr2signal(15); like(signame2, "SIGTERM", "get SIGTERM for 15"); free(signame2); /* string2timeval */ struct timeval t; string2timeval("100.50", &t); ok(t.tv_sec == 100, "string2timeval 1"); ok(t.tv_usec == 50, "string2timeval 2"); string2timeval("100", &t); ok(t.tv_sec == 100, "string2timeval 3"); ok(t.tv_usec == 0, "string2timeval 4"); string2timeval("", &t); ok(t.tv_sec == 0, "string2timeval 5"); ok(t.tv_usec == 0, "string2timeval 6"); string2timeval(NULL, &t); ok(t.tv_sec == 0, "string2timeval 7"); ok(t.tv_usec == 0, "string2timeval 8"); /* command line parsing */ mod_gm_free_opt(mod_gm_opt); mod_gm_opt = renew_opts(); strcpy(test, "server=host:4730"); parse_args_line(mod_gm_opt, test, 0); like(mod_gm_opt->server_list[0], "host:4730", "server=host:4730"); ok(mod_gm_opt->server_num == 1, "server_number = %d", mod_gm_opt->server_num); mod_gm_free_opt(mod_gm_opt); mod_gm_opt = renew_opts(); strcpy(test, "server=:4730"); parse_args_line(mod_gm_opt, test, 0); like(mod_gm_opt->server_list[0], "localhost:4730", "server=:4730"); ok(mod_gm_opt->server_num == 1, "server_number = %d", mod_gm_opt->server_num); mod_gm_free_opt(mod_gm_opt); mod_gm_opt = renew_opts(); strcpy(test, "server=localhost:4730"); parse_args_line(mod_gm_opt, test, 0); strcpy(test, "server=localhost:4730"); parse_args_line(mod_gm_opt, test, 0); like(mod_gm_opt->server_list[0], "localhost:4730", "duplicate server"); ok(mod_gm_opt->server_num == 1, "server_number = %d", mod_gm_opt->server_num); mod_gm_free_opt(mod_gm_opt); mod_gm_opt = renew_opts(); strcpy(test, "server=localhost:4730,localhost:4730,:4730,host:4730,"); parse_args_line(mod_gm_opt, test, 0); like(mod_gm_opt->server_list[0], "localhost:4730", "duplicate server"); like(mod_gm_opt->server_list[1], "host:4730", "duplicate server"); ok(mod_gm_opt->server_num == 2, "server_number = %d", mod_gm_opt->server_num); /* escape newlines */ char * escaped = gm_escape_newlines(" test\n", GM_DISABLED); is(escaped, " test\\n", "untrimmed escape string"); free(escaped); escaped = gm_escape_newlines(" test\n", GM_ENABLED); is(escaped, "test", "trimmed escape string"); free(escaped); /* md5 sum */ char * sum = NULL; strcpy(test, ""); sum = md5sum(test); like(sum, "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e", "md5sum()"); free(sum); strcpy(test, "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."); sum = md5sum(test); like(sum, "e4d909c290d0fb1ca068ffaddf22cbd0", "md5sum()"); free(sum); mod_gm_free_opt(mod_gm_opt); return exit_status(); }
/* main tests */ int main (int argc, char **argv, char **env) { argc = argc; argv = argv; env = env; int status, chld, rc; int tests = 125; int rrc; char cmd[150]; char *result, *error, *message, *output; plan(tests); mod_gm_opt = malloc(sizeof(mod_gm_opt_t)); set_default_options(mod_gm_opt); #ifdef EMBEDDEDPERL char p1[150]; snprintf(p1, 150, "--p1_file=worker/mod_gearman_p1.pl"); parse_args_line(mod_gm_opt, p1, 0); init_embedded_perl(env); #endif char options[150]; snprintf(options, 150, "--server=", GEARMAND_TEST_PORT); ok(parse_args_line(mod_gm_opt, options, 0) == 0, "parse_args_line()"); mod_gm_opt->debug_level = GM_LOG_ERROR; worker_logfile = my_tmpfile(); if(!ok(worker_logfile != NULL, "created temp logile: %s", worker_logfile)) { diag("could not create temp logfile"); exit( EXIT_FAILURE ); } /* first fire up a gearmand server and one worker */ start_gearmand((void*)NULL); sleep(2); start_worker((void*)NULL); sleep(2); /* wait one second and catch died procs */ while((chld = waitpid(-1, &status, WNOHANG)) != -1 && chld > 0) { diag( "waitpid() %d exited with %d\n", chld, status); status = 0; } if(!ok(gearmand_pid > 0, "'gearmand started with port %d and pid: %d", GEARMAND_TEST_PORT, gearmand_pid)) { diag("make sure gearmand is in your PATH. Common locations are /usr/sbin or /usr/local/sbin"); exit( EXIT_FAILURE ); } if(!ok(pid_alive(gearmand_pid) == TRUE, "gearmand alive")) { check_logfile("/tmp/gearmand.log", 3); kill(gearmand_pid, SIGTERM); kill(worker_pid, SIGTERM); exit( EXIT_FAILURE ); } if(!ok(worker_pid > 0, "worker started with pid: %d", worker_pid)) diag("could not start worker"); if(!ok(pid_alive(worker_pid) == TRUE, "worker alive")) { check_logfile(worker_logfile, 3); kill(gearmand_pid, SIGTERM); kill(worker_pid, SIGTERM); exit( EXIT_FAILURE ); } skip(gearmand_pid <= 0 || worker_pid <= 0, tests-3, /* Number of tests to skip */ "Skipping all tests, no need to go on without gearmand or worker"); /* create server / clients */ mod_gm_opt->transportmode = GM_ENCODE_ONLY; create_modules(); /* send big job */ send_big_jobs(GM_ENCODE_ONLY); //diag_queues(); wait_for_empty_queue("eventhandler", 20); wait_for_empty_queue("service", 20); //diag_queues(); do_result_work(1); //diag_queues(); wait_for_empty_queue(GM_DEFAULT_RESULT_QUEUE, 5); /***************************************** * test check */ //diag_queues(); test_servicecheck(GM_ENCODE_ONLY, "./t/crit.pl"); //diag_queues(); wait_for_empty_queue("eventhandler", 20); wait_for_empty_queue("service", 5); //diag_queues(); do_result_work(1); //diag_queues(); wait_for_empty_queue(GM_DEFAULT_RESULT_QUEUE, 5); //diag_queues(); like(last_result, "test plugin CRITICAL", "stdout output from ./t/crit.pl"); like(last_result, "some errors on stderr", "stderr output from ./t/crit.pl"); /***************************************** * test check2 */ //diag_queues(); test_servicecheck(GM_ENCODE_ONLY, "./t/both"); //diag_queues(); wait_for_empty_queue("eventhandler", 20); wait_for_empty_queue("service", 5); //diag_queues(); do_result_work(1); //diag_queues(); wait_for_empty_queue(GM_DEFAULT_RESULT_QUEUE, 5); like(last_result, "stdout output", "stdout output from ./t/both"); like(last_result, "stderr output", "stderr output from ./t/both"); /* try to send some data with base64 only */ //diag_queues(); test_eventhandler(GM_ENCODE_ONLY); //diag_queues(); test_servicecheck(GM_ENCODE_ONLY, NULL); //diag_queues(); wait_for_empty_queue("eventhandler", 20); wait_for_empty_queue("service", 5); //diag_queues(); do_result_work(1); //diag_queues(); wait_for_empty_queue(GM_DEFAULT_RESULT_QUEUE, 5); sleep(1); kill(worker_pid, SIGTERM); waitpid(worker_pid, &status, 0); ok(status == 0, "worker (%d) exited with exit code %d", worker_pid, real_exit_code(status)); status = 0; check_no_worker_running(worker_logfile); check_logfile(worker_logfile, 0); char * test_keys[] = { "12345", "test", "test key 123", "me make you loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong key" }; /* ignore some signals for now */ signal(SIGTERM, SIG_IGN); int i; for(i=0;i<4;i++) { mod_gm_opt->transportmode = GM_ENCODE_AND_ENCRYPT; start_worker((void *)test_keys[i]); mod_gm_crypt_init( test_keys[i] ); ok(1, "initialized with key: %s", test_keys[i]); test_eventhandler(GM_ENCODE_AND_ENCRYPT); test_servicecheck(GM_ENCODE_AND_ENCRYPT, NULL); wait_for_empty_queue("eventhandler", 20); wait_for_empty_queue("service", 5); do_result_work(1); wait_for_empty_queue(GM_DEFAULT_RESULT_QUEUE, 5); sleep(1); kill(worker_pid, SIGTERM); waitpid(worker_pid, &status, 0); ok(status == 0, "worker (%d) exited with exit code %d", worker_pid, real_exit_code(status)); status = 0; check_no_worker_running(worker_logfile); check_logfile(worker_logfile, 0); } /***************************************** * send_gearman */ snprintf(cmd, 150, "./send_gearman --server= --key=testtest --host=test --service=test --message=test --returncode=0", GEARMAND_TEST_PORT); rrc = real_exit_code(run_check(cmd, &result, &error)); cmp_ok(rrc, "==", 0, "cmd '%s' returned rc %d", cmd, rrc); like(result, "^\\s*$", "output from ./send_gearman"); free(result); free(error); /***************************************** * send_multi */ snprintf(cmd, 150, "./send_multi --server= --host=blah < t/data/send_multi.txt", GEARMAND_TEST_PORT); rrc = real_exit_code(run_check(cmd, &result, &error)); cmp_ok(rrc, "==", 0, "cmd '%s' returned rc %d", cmd, rrc); like(result, "send_multi OK: 2 check_multi child checks submitted", "output from ./send_multi"); free(result); free(error); /***************************************** * check_gearman */ snprintf(cmd, 150, "./check_gearman -H -s check -a -q worker_test", GEARMAND_TEST_PORT); rrc = real_exit_code(run_check(cmd, &result, &error)); cmp_ok(rrc, "==", 0, "cmd '%s' returned rc %d", cmd, rrc); like(result, "check_gearman OK - sending background job succeded", "output from ./check_gearman"); /* cleanup */ free(result); free(error); free_client(&client); free_worker(&worker); /* shutdown gearmand */ rc = send2gearmandadmin("shutdown\n", "", GEARMAND_TEST_PORT, &output, &message); ok(rc == 0, "rc of send2gearmandadmin %d", rc); like(output, "OK", "output contains OK"); free(message); free(output); /* wait 5 seconds to shutdown */ for(i=0;i<=5;i++) { waitpid(gearmand_pid, &status, WNOHANG); if(pid_alive(gearmand_pid) == FALSE) { todo(); ok(status == 0, "gearmand (%d) exited with: %d", gearmand_pid, real_exit_code(status)); endtodo; break; } sleep(1); } if(pid_alive(gearmand_pid) == TRUE) { /* kill it the hard way */ kill(gearmand_pid, SIGTERM); waitpid(gearmand_pid, &status, 0); ok(status == 0, "gearmand (%d) exited with exit code %d", gearmand_pid, real_exit_code(status)); status = 0; ok(false, "gearmand had to be killed!"); } todo(); check_logfile("/tmp/gearmand.log", status != 0 ? 2 : 0); endtodo; status = 0; kill(worker_pid, SIGTERM); waitpid(worker_pid, &status, 0); ok(status == 0, "worker (%d) exited with exit code %d", worker_pid, real_exit_code(status)); check_no_worker_running(worker_logfile); status = 0; #ifdef EMBEDDEDPERL deinit_embedded_perl(0); #endif free(last_result); free(worker_logfile); endskip; mod_gm_free_opt(mod_gm_opt); return exit_status(); }
int nebmodule_init( int flags, char *args, nebmodule *handle ) { int i; int broker_option_errors = 0; send_now = FALSE; result_threads_running = 0; /* save our handle */ gearman_module_handle=handle; /* set some module info */ neb_set_module_info( gearman_module_handle, NEBMODULE_MODINFO_TITLE, "Mod-Gearman" ); neb_set_module_info( gearman_module_handle, NEBMODULE_MODINFO_AUTHOR, "Sven Nierlein" ); neb_set_module_info( gearman_module_handle, NEBMODULE_MODINFO_TITLE, "Copyright (c) 2010-2011 Sven Nierlein" ); neb_set_module_info( gearman_module_handle, NEBMODULE_MODINFO_VERSION, GM_VERSION ); neb_set_module_info( gearman_module_handle, NEBMODULE_MODINFO_LICENSE, "GPL v3" ); neb_set_module_info( gearman_module_handle, NEBMODULE_MODINFO_DESC, "distribute host/service checks and eventhandler via gearman" ); mod_gm_opt = malloc(sizeof(mod_gm_opt_t)); set_default_options(mod_gm_opt); /* parse arguments */ gm_log( GM_LOG_DEBUG, "Version %s\n", GM_VERSION ); gm_log( GM_LOG_DEBUG, "args: %s\n", args ); gm_log( GM_LOG_TRACE, "nebmodule_init(%i, %i)\n", flags ); gm_log( GM_LOG_DEBUG, "running on libgearman %s\n", gearman_version() ); if( read_arguments( args ) == GM_ERROR ) return NEB_ERROR; /* check for minimum eventbroker options */ if(!(event_broker_options & BROKER_PROGRAM_STATE)) { gm_log( GM_LOG_ERROR, "mod_gearman needs BROKER_PROGRAM_STATE (%i) event_broker_options enabled to work\n", BROKER_PROGRAM_STATE ); broker_option_errors++; } if(!(event_broker_options & BROKER_TIMED_EVENTS)) { gm_log( GM_LOG_ERROR, "mod_gearman needs BROKER_TIMED_EVENTS (%i) event_broker_options enabled to work\n", BROKER_TIMED_EVENTS ); broker_option_errors++; } if( ( mod_gm_opt->perfdata == GM_ENABLED || mod_gm_opt->hostgroups_num > 0 || mod_gm_opt->hosts == GM_ENABLED ) && !(event_broker_options & BROKER_HOST_CHECKS)) { gm_log( GM_LOG_ERROR, "mod_gearman needs BROKER_HOST_CHECKS (%i) event_broker_options enabled to work\n", BROKER_HOST_CHECKS ); broker_option_errors++; } if( ( mod_gm_opt->perfdata == GM_ENABLED || mod_gm_opt->servicegroups_num > 0 || mod_gm_opt->services == GM_ENABLED ) && !(event_broker_options & BROKER_SERVICE_CHECKS)) { gm_log( GM_LOG_ERROR, "mod_gearman needs BROKER_SERVICE_CHECKS (%i) event_broker_options enabled to work\n", BROKER_SERVICE_CHECKS ); broker_option_errors++; } if(mod_gm_opt->events == GM_ENABLED && !(event_broker_options & BROKER_EVENT_HANDLERS)) { gm_log( GM_LOG_ERROR, "mod_gearman needs BROKER_EVENT_HANDLERS (%i) event_broker option enabled to work\n", BROKER_EVENT_HANDLERS ); broker_option_errors++; } if(broker_option_errors > 0) return NEB_ERROR; /* check the minimal gearman version */ if((float)atof(gearman_version()) < (float)GM_MIN_LIB_GEARMAN_VERSION) { gm_log( GM_LOG_ERROR, "minimum version of libgearman is %.2f, yours is %.2f\n", (float)GM_MIN_LIB_GEARMAN_VERSION, (float)atof(gearman_version()) ); return NEB_ERROR; } /* init crypto functions */ if(mod_gm_opt->encryption == GM_ENABLED) { if(mod_gm_opt->crypt_key == NULL) { gm_log( GM_LOG_ERROR, "no encryption key provided, please use --key=... or keyfile=...\n"); return NEB_ERROR; } mod_gm_crypt_init(mod_gm_opt->crypt_key); } else { mod_gm_opt->transportmode = GM_ENCODE_ONLY; } /* create client */ if ( create_client( mod_gm_opt->server_list, &client ) != GM_OK ) { gm_log( GM_LOG_ERROR, "cannot start client\n" ); return NEB_ERROR; } /* register callback for process event where everything else starts */ neb_register_callback( NEBCALLBACK_PROCESS_DATA, gearman_module_handle, 0, handle_process_events ); neb_register_callback( NEBCALLBACK_TIMED_EVENT_DATA, gearman_module_handle, 0, handle_timed_events ); /* register export callbacks */ for(i=0;i<GM_NEBTYPESSIZE;i++) { if(mod_gm_opt->exports[i]->elem_number > 0) neb_register_callback( i, gearman_module_handle, 0, handle_export ); } /* log at least one line into the core logfile */ if ( mod_gm_opt->logmode != GM_LOG_MODE_CORE ) { int logmode_saved = mod_gm_opt->logmode; mod_gm_opt->logmode = GM_LOG_MODE_CORE; gm_log( GM_LOG_INFO, "initialized version %s (libgearman %s)\n", GM_VERSION, gearman_version() ); mod_gm_opt->logmode = logmode_saved; } gm_log( GM_LOG_DEBUG, "finished initializing\n" ); return NEB_OK; }
int main (int argc, char **argv, char **env) { struct stat stat_buf; #else int main (int argc, char **argv) { #endif int sid, x; #ifdef EMBEDDEDPERL start_env=env; #endif last_time_increased = 0; /* store the original command line for later reloads */ store_original_comandline(argc, argv); /* * allocate options structure * and parse command line */ mod_gm_opt = gm_malloc(sizeof(mod_gm_opt_t)); set_default_options(mod_gm_opt); if(parse_arguments(argc, argv) != GM_OK) { exit( EXIT_FAILURE ); } #ifdef EMBEDDEDPERL /* make sure the P1 file exists... */ if(p1_file==NULL){ gm_log(GM_LOG_ERROR,"Error: p1.pl file required for embedded Perl interpreter is not set!\n"); exit( EXIT_FAILURE ); } if(stat(p1_file,&stat_buf)!=0){ gm_log(GM_LOG_ERROR,"Error: p1.pl file required for embedded Perl interpreter is missing!\n"); perror("stat"); exit( EXIT_FAILURE ); } #endif /* fork into daemon mode? */ if(mod_gm_opt->daemon_mode == GM_ENABLED) { pid_t pid = fork(); /* an error occurred while trying to fork */ if(pid == -1) { perror("fork"); exit( EXIT_FAILURE ); } /* we are the child process */ else if(pid == 0) { gm_log( GM_LOG_INFO, "mod_gearman worker daemon started with pid %d\n", getpid()); /* Create a new SID for the child process */ sid = setsid(); if ( sid < 0 ) { mod_gm_free_opt(mod_gm_opt); exit( EXIT_FAILURE ); } /* Close out the standard file descriptors */ if(mod_gm_opt->debug_level <= 1) { close(STDIN_FILENO); close(STDOUT_FILENO); close(STDERR_FILENO); } } /* we are the parent. So forking into daemon mode worked */ else { mod_gm_free_opt(mod_gm_opt); exit( EXIT_SUCCESS ); } } else { gm_log( GM_LOG_INFO, "mod_gearman worker started with pid %d\n", getpid()); } /* print some version information */ gm_log( GM_LOG_DEBUG, "Version %s\n", GM_VERSION ); gm_log( GM_LOG_DEBUG, "running on libgearman %s\n", gearman_version() ); /* set signal handlers for a clean exit */ signal(SIGINT, clean_exit); signal(SIGTERM,clean_exit); signal(SIGHUP, reload_config); signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); /* check and write pid file */ if(write_pid_file() != GM_OK) { exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* init crypto functions */ if(mod_gm_opt->encryption == GM_ENABLED) { mod_gm_crypt_init(mod_gm_opt->crypt_key); } else { mod_gm_opt->transportmode = GM_ENCODE_ONLY; } gm_log( GM_LOG_DEBUG, "main process started\n"); /* start a single non forked standalone worker */ if(mod_gm_opt->debug_level >= 10) { gm_log( GM_LOG_TRACE, "starting standalone worker\n"); #ifdef EMBEDDEDPERL worker_client(GM_WORKER_STANDALONE, 1, shmid, start_env); #else worker_client(GM_WORKER_STANDALONE, 1, shmid); #endif exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } /* setup shared memory */ setup_child_communicator(); /* start status worker */ make_new_child(GM_WORKER_STATUS); /* setup children */ for(x=0; x < mod_gm_opt->min_worker; x++) { make_new_child(GM_WORKER_MULTI); } /* maintain worker population */ monitor_loop(); gm_log( GM_LOG_ERROR, "worker exited from main loop\n"); clean_exit(15); exit( EXIT_SUCCESS ); }