Example #1
void Sub::set_land_complete(bool b)
    // if no change, exit immediately
    if( ap.land_complete == b )

    land_detector_count = 0;

    } else {
    ap.land_complete = b;

    // trigger disarm-on-land if configured
    bool disarm_on_land_configured = (g.throttle_behavior & THR_BEHAVE_DISARM_ON_LAND_DETECT) != 0;
    bool mode_disarms_on_land = mode_allows_arming(control_mode,false) && !mode_has_manual_throttle(control_mode);

    if (ap.land_complete && motors.armed() && disarm_on_land_configured && mode_disarms_on_land) {
Example #2
// arm_checks - perform final checks before arming
//  always called just before arming.  Return true if ok to arm
//  has side-effect that logging is started
bool Copter::arm_checks(bool display_failure, bool arming_from_gcs)
    // start dataflash

    // check accels and gyro are healthy
    if ((g.arming_check == ARMING_CHECK_ALL) || (g.arming_check & ARMING_CHECK_INS)) {
        //check if accelerometers have calibrated and require reboot
        if (ins.accel_cal_requires_reboot()) {
            if (display_failure) {
                gcs_send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_CRITICAL, "PreArm: Accelerometers calibrated requires reboot");
            return false;

        if (!ins.get_accel_health_all()) {
            if (display_failure) {
                gcs_send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_CRITICAL,"Arm: Accelerometers not healthy");
            return false;
        if (!ins.get_gyro_health_all()) {
            if (display_failure) {
                gcs_send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_CRITICAL,"Arm: Gyros not healthy");
            return false;
        // get ekf attitude (if bad, it's usually the gyro biases)
        if (!pre_arm_ekf_attitude_check()) {
            if (display_failure) {
                gcs_send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_CRITICAL,"Arm: gyros still settling");
            return false;

    // always check if inertial nav has started and is ready
    if (!ahrs.healthy()) {
        if (display_failure) {
            gcs_send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_CRITICAL,"Arm: Waiting for Nav Checks");
        return false;

    if (compass.is_calibrating()) {
        if (display_failure) {
            gcs_send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_CRITICAL,"Arm: Compass calibration running");
        return false;

    //check if compass has calibrated and requires reboot
    if (compass.compass_cal_requires_reboot()) {
        if (display_failure) {
            gcs_send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_CRITICAL, "PreArm: Compass calibrated requires reboot");
        return false;

    // always check if the current mode allows arming
    if (!mode_allows_arming(control_mode, arming_from_gcs)) {
        if (display_failure) {
            gcs_send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_CRITICAL,"Arm: Mode not armable");
        return false;

    // always check gps
    if (!pre_arm_gps_checks(display_failure)) {
        return false;

    // if we are using motor interlock switch and it's enabled, fail to arm
    // skip check in Throw mode which takes control of the motor interlock
    if (ap.using_interlock && motors.get_interlock()) {
        gcs_send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_CRITICAL,"Arm: Motor Interlock Enabled");
        return false;

    // if we are not using Emergency Stop switch option, force Estop false to ensure motors
    // can run normally
    if (!check_if_auxsw_mode_used(AUXSW_MOTOR_ESTOP)){
        // if we are using motor Estop switch, it must not be in Estop position
    } else if (check_if_auxsw_mode_used(AUXSW_MOTOR_ESTOP) && ap.motor_emergency_stop){
        gcs_send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_CRITICAL,"Arm: Motor Emergency Stopped");
        return false;

    // succeed if arming checks are disabled
    if (g.arming_check == ARMING_CHECK_NONE) {
        return true;

    // baro checks
    if ((g.arming_check == ARMING_CHECK_ALL) || (g.arming_check & ARMING_CHECK_BARO)) {
        // baro health check
        if (!barometer.all_healthy()) {
            if (display_failure) {
                gcs_send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_CRITICAL,"Arm: Barometer not healthy");
            return false;
        // Check baro & inav alt are within 1m if EKF is operating in an absolute position mode.
        // Do not check if intending to operate in a ground relative height mode as EKF will output a ground relative height
        // that may differ from the baro height due to baro drift.
        nav_filter_status filt_status = inertial_nav.get_filter_status();
        bool using_baro_ref = (!filt_status.flags.pred_horiz_pos_rel && filt_status.flags.pred_horiz_pos_abs);
        if (using_baro_ref && (fabsf(inertial_nav.get_altitude() - baro_alt) > PREARM_MAX_ALT_DISPARITY_CM)) {
            if (display_failure) {
                gcs_send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_CRITICAL,"Arm: Altitude disparity");
            return false;

    // check vehicle is within fence
    if (!fence.pre_arm_check()) {
        if (display_failure) {
            gcs_send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_CRITICAL,"Arm: check fence");
        return false;

    // check lean angle
    if ((g.arming_check == ARMING_CHECK_ALL) || (g.arming_check & ARMING_CHECK_INS)) {
        if (degrees(acosf(ahrs.cos_roll()*ahrs.cos_pitch()))*100.0f > aparm.angle_max) {
            if (display_failure) {
                gcs_send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_CRITICAL,"Arm: Leaning");
            return false;

    // check battery voltage
    if ((g.arming_check == ARMING_CHECK_ALL) || (g.arming_check & ARMING_CHECK_VOLTAGE)) {
        if (failsafe.battery || (!ap.usb_connected && battery.exhausted(g.fs_batt_voltage, g.fs_batt_mah))) {
            if (display_failure) {
                gcs_send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_CRITICAL,"Arm: Check Battery");
            return false;

    // check for missing terrain data
    if ((g.arming_check == ARMING_CHECK_ALL) || (g.arming_check & ARMING_CHECK_PARAMETERS)) {
        if (!pre_arm_terrain_check(display_failure)) {
            return false;

    // check adsb
    if ((g.arming_check == ARMING_CHECK_ALL) || (g.arming_check & ARMING_CHECK_PARAMETERS)) {
        if (failsafe.adsb) {
            if (display_failure) {
                gcs_send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_CRITICAL,"PreArm: ADSB threat detected");
            return false;

    // check throttle
    if ((g.arming_check == ARMING_CHECK_ALL) || (g.arming_check & ARMING_CHECK_RC)) {
        // check throttle is not too low - must be above failsafe throttle
        if (g.failsafe_throttle != FS_THR_DISABLED && channel_throttle->get_radio_in() < g.failsafe_throttle_value) {
            if (display_failure) {
                #if FRAME_CONFIG == HELI_FRAME
                gcs_send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_CRITICAL,"Arm: Collective below Failsafe");
                gcs_send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_CRITICAL,"Arm: Throttle below Failsafe");
            return false;

        // check throttle is not too high - skips checks if arming from GCS in Guided
        if (!(arming_from_gcs && (control_mode == GUIDED || control_mode == GUIDED_NOGPS))) {
            // above top of deadband is too always high
            if (get_pilot_desired_climb_rate(channel_throttle->get_control_in()) > 0.0f) {
                if (display_failure) {
                    #if FRAME_CONFIG == HELI_FRAME
                    gcs_send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_CRITICAL,"Arm: Collective too high");
                    gcs_send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_CRITICAL,"Arm: Throttle too high");
                return false;
            // in manual modes throttle must be at zero
            if ((mode_has_manual_throttle(control_mode) || control_mode == DRIFT) && channel_throttle->get_control_in() > 0) {
                if (display_failure) {
                    #if FRAME_CONFIG == HELI_FRAME
                    gcs_send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_CRITICAL,"Arm: Collective too high");
                    gcs_send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_CRITICAL,"Arm: Throttle too high");
                return false;

    // check if safety switch has been pushed
    if (hal.util->safety_switch_state() == AP_HAL::Util::SAFETY_DISARMED) {
        if (display_failure) {
            gcs_send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_CRITICAL,"Arm: Safety Switch");
        return false;

    // if we've gotten this far all is ok
    return true;
Example #3
// arm_checks - perform final checks before arming
//  always called just before arming.  Return true if ok to arm
//  has side-effect that logging is started
bool Copter::arm_checks(bool display_failure, bool arming_from_gcs)
    // start dataflash

    // check accels and gyro are healthy
    if ((g.arming_check == ARMING_CHECK_ALL) || (g.arming_check & ARMING_CHECK_INS)) {
        if(!ins.get_accel_health_all()) {
            if (display_failure) {
                gcs_send_text_P(MAV_SEVERITY_CRITICAL,PSTR("Arm: Accelerometers not healthy"));
            return false;
        if(!ins.get_gyro_health_all()) {
            if (display_failure) {
                gcs_send_text_P(MAV_SEVERITY_CRITICAL,PSTR("Arm: Gyros not healthy"));
            return false;
        // get ekf attitude (if bad, it's usually the gyro biases)
        if (!pre_arm_ekf_attitude_check()) {
            if (display_failure) {
                gcs_send_text_P(MAV_SEVERITY_CRITICAL,PSTR("Arm: gyros still settling"));
            return false;

    // always check if inertial nav has started and is ready
    if(!ahrs.healthy()) {
        if (display_failure) {
            gcs_send_text_P(MAV_SEVERITY_CRITICAL,PSTR("Arm: Waiting for Nav Checks Arm"));
        return false;

    if(compass.is_calibrating()) {
        if (display_failure) {
            gcs_send_text_P(MAV_SEVERITY_CRITICAL,PSTR("Arm: Compass calibration running"));
        return false;

    // always check if the current mode allows arming
    if (!mode_allows_arming(control_mode, arming_from_gcs)) {
        if (display_failure) {
            gcs_send_text_P(MAV_SEVERITY_CRITICAL,PSTR("Arm: Mode not armable"));
        return false;

    // always check gps
    if (!pre_arm_gps_checks(display_failure)) {
        return false;

    // heli specific arming check
    // check if rotor is spinning on heli because this could disrupt gyro calibration
    if (!motors.allow_arming()){
        if (display_failure) {
            gcs_send_text_P(MAV_SEVERITY_CRITICAL,PSTR("Arm: Rotor is Spinning"));        }
        return false;
#endif  // HELI_FRAME

    // succeed if arming checks are disabled
    if (g.arming_check == ARMING_CHECK_NONE) {
        return true;

    // baro checks
    if ((g.arming_check == ARMING_CHECK_ALL) || (g.arming_check & ARMING_CHECK_BARO)) {
        // baro health check
        if (!barometer.all_healthy()) {
            if (display_failure) {
                gcs_send_text_P(MAV_SEVERITY_CRITICAL,PSTR("Arm: Barometer not healthy"));
            return false;
        // Check baro & inav alt are within 1m if EKF is operating in an absolute position mode.
        // Do not check if intending to operate in a ground relative height mode as EKF will output a ground relative height
        // that may differ from the baro height due to baro drift.
        nav_filter_status filt_status = inertial_nav.get_filter_status();
        bool using_baro_ref = (!filt_status.flags.pred_horiz_pos_rel && filt_status.flags.pred_horiz_pos_abs);
        if (using_baro_ref && (fabsf(inertial_nav.get_altitude() - baro_alt) > PREARM_MAX_ALT_DISPARITY_CM)) {
            if (display_failure) {
                gcs_send_text_P(MAV_SEVERITY_CRITICAL,PSTR("Arm: Altitude disparity"));
            return false;

    // check vehicle is within fence
    if(!fence.pre_arm_check()) {
        if (display_failure) {
            gcs_send_text_P(MAV_SEVERITY_CRITICAL,PSTR("Arm: check fence"));
        return false;

    // check lean angle
    if ((g.arming_check == ARMING_CHECK_ALL) || (g.arming_check & ARMING_CHECK_INS)) {
        if (degrees(acosf(ahrs.cos_roll()*ahrs.cos_pitch()))*100.0f > aparm.angle_max) {
            if (display_failure) {
                gcs_send_text_P(MAV_SEVERITY_CRITICAL,PSTR("Arm: Leaning"));
            return false;

    // check battery voltage
    if ((g.arming_check == ARMING_CHECK_ALL) || (g.arming_check & ARMING_CHECK_VOLTAGE)) {
        if (failsafe.battery || (!ap.usb_connected && battery.exhausted(g.fs_batt_voltage, g.fs_batt_mah))) {
            if (display_failure) {
                gcs_send_text_P(MAV_SEVERITY_CRITICAL,PSTR("Arm: Check Battery"));
            return false;

    // check throttle
    if ((g.arming_check == ARMING_CHECK_ALL) || (g.arming_check & ARMING_CHECK_RC)) {
        // check throttle is not too low - must be above failsafe throttle
        if (g.failsafe_throttle != FS_THR_DISABLED && channel_throttle->radio_in < g.failsafe_throttle_value) {
            if (display_failure) {
                gcs_send_text_P(MAV_SEVERITY_CRITICAL,PSTR("Arm: Collective below Failsafe"));
                gcs_send_text_P(MAV_SEVERITY_CRITICAL,PSTR("Arm: Throttle below Failsafe"));
            return false;

        // check throttle is not too high - skips checks if arming from GCS in Guided
        if (!(arming_from_gcs && control_mode == GUIDED)) {
            // above top of deadband is too always high
            if (channel_throttle->control_in > get_takeoff_trigger_throttle()) {
                if (display_failure) {
                    gcs_send_text_P(MAV_SEVERITY_CRITICAL,PSTR("Arm: Collective too high"));
                    gcs_send_text_P(MAV_SEVERITY_CRITICAL,PSTR("Arm: Throttle too high"));
                return false;
            // in manual modes throttle must be at zero
            if ((mode_has_manual_throttle(control_mode) || control_mode == DRIFT) && channel_throttle->control_in > 0) {
                if (display_failure) {
                    gcs_send_text_P(MAV_SEVERITY_CRITICAL,PSTR("Arm: Collective too high"));
                    gcs_send_text_P(MAV_SEVERITY_CRITICAL,PSTR("Arm: Throttle too high"));
                return false;

    // check if safety switch has been pushed
    if (hal.util->safety_switch_state() == AP_HAL::Util::SAFETY_DISARMED) {
        if (display_failure) {
            gcs_send_text_P(MAV_SEVERITY_CRITICAL,PSTR("Arm: Safety Switch"));
        return false;

    // if we've gotten this far all is ok
    return true;
Example #4
// update_land_detector - checks if we have landed and updates the ap.land_complete flag
// called at MAIN_LOOP_RATE
void Copter::update_land_detector()
    // land detector can not use the following sensors because they are unreliable during landing
    // barometer altitude :                 ground effect can cause errors larger than 4m
    // EKF vertical velocity or altitude :  poor barometer and large acceleration from ground impact
    // earth frame angle or angle error :   landing on an uneven surface will force the airframe to match the ground angle
    // gyro output :                        on uneven surface the airframe may rock back an forth after landing
    // range finder :                       tend to be problematic at very short distances
    // input throttle :                     in slow land the input throttle may be only slightly less than hover

    if (!motors.armed()) {
        // if disarmed, always landed.
    } else if (ap.land_complete) {
        // if rotor speed and collective pitch are high then clear landing flag
        if (motors.get_throttle() > get_non_takeoff_throttle() && !motors.limit.throttle_lower && motors.rotor_runup_complete()) {
        // if throttle output is high then clear landing flag
        if (motors.get_throttle() > get_non_takeoff_throttle()) {
    } else {

        // check that collective pitch is on lower limit (should be constrained by LAND_COL_MIN)
        bool motor_at_lower_limit = motors.limit.throttle_lower;
        // check that the average throttle output is near minimum (less than 12.5% hover throttle)
        bool motor_at_lower_limit = motors.limit.throttle_lower && attitude_control.is_throttle_mix_min();

        // check that the airframe is not accelerating (not falling or breaking after fast forward flight)
        bool accel_stationary = (land_accel_ef_filter.get().length() <= LAND_DETECTOR_ACCEL_MAX);

        // check that vertical speed is within 1m/s of zero
        bool descent_rate_low = fabsf(inertial_nav.get_velocity_z()) < 100;

        // if we have a healthy rangefinder only allow landing detection below 2 meters
        bool rangefinder_check = (!rangefinder_alt_ok() || rangefinder_state.alt_cm_filt.get() < LAND_RANGEFINDER_MIN_ALT_CM);

        if (motor_at_lower_limit && accel_stationary && descent_rate_low && rangefinder_check) {
            // landed criteria met - increment the counter and check if we've triggered
            if( land_detector_count < ((float)LAND_DETECTOR_TRIGGER_SEC)*scheduler.get_loop_rate_hz()) {
            } else {
        } else {
            // we've sensed movement up or down so reset land_detector
            land_detector_count = 0;

    set_land_complete_maybe(ap.land_complete || (land_detector_count >= LAND_DETECTOR_MAYBE_TRIGGER_SEC*scheduler.get_loop_rate_hz()));

// set land_complete flag and disarm motors if disarm-on-land is configured
void Copter::set_land_complete(bool b)
    // if no change, exit immediately
    if( ap.land_complete == b )

    land_detector_count = 0;

    } else {
    ap.land_complete = b;

    // trigger disarm-on-land if configured
    bool disarm_on_land_configured = (g.throttle_behavior & THR_BEHAVE_DISARM_ON_LAND_DETECT) != 0;
    bool mode_disarms_on_land = mode_allows_arming(control_mode,false) && !mode_has_manual_throttle(control_mode);

    if (ap.land_complete && motors.armed() && disarm_on_land_configured && mode_disarms_on_land) {

// set land complete maybe flag
void Copter::set_land_complete_maybe(bool b)
    // if no change, exit immediately
    if (ap.land_complete_maybe == b)

    if (b) {
    ap.land_complete_maybe = b;

// update_throttle_thr_mix - sets motors throttle_low_comp value depending upon vehicle state
//  low values favour pilot/autopilot throttle over attitude control, high values favour attitude control over throttle
//  has no effect when throttle is above hover throttle
void Copter::update_throttle_thr_mix()
    // if disarmed or landed prioritise throttle
    if(!motors.armed() || ap.land_complete) {

    if (mode_has_manual_throttle(control_mode)) {
        // manual throttle
        if(channel_throttle->get_control_in() <= 0) {
        } else {
    } else {
        // autopilot controlled throttle

        // check for aggressive flight requests - requested roll or pitch angle below 15 degrees
        const Vector3f angle_target = attitude_control.get_att_target_euler_cd();
        bool large_angle_request = (norm(angle_target.x, angle_target.y) > LAND_CHECK_LARGE_ANGLE_CD);

        // check for large external disturbance - angle error over 30 degrees
        const float angle_error = attitude_control.get_att_error_angle_deg();
        bool large_angle_error = (angle_error > LAND_CHECK_ANGLE_ERROR_DEG);

        // check for large acceleration - falling or high turbulence
        Vector3f accel_ef = ahrs.get_accel_ef_blended();
        accel_ef.z += GRAVITY_MSS;
        bool accel_moving = (accel_ef.length() > LAND_CHECK_ACCEL_MOVING);

        // check for requested decent
        bool descent_not_demanded = pos_control.get_desired_velocity().z >= 0.0f;

        if ( large_angle_request || large_angle_error || accel_moving || descent_not_demanded) {
        } else {