Example #1
void connectControllerAndModel( Controller* controller, CharmDataModel* model )
    QObject::connect( controller, SIGNAL(eventAdded(Event)),
                      model, SLOT(addEvent(Event)) );
    QObject::connect( controller, SIGNAL(eventModified(Event)),
                      model, SLOT(modifyEvent(Event)) );
    QObject::connect( controller, SIGNAL(eventDeleted(Event)),
                      model, SLOT(deleteEvent(Event)) );
    QObject::connect( controller, SIGNAL(allEvents(EventList)),
                      model, SLOT(setAllEvents(EventList)) );
    QObject::connect( controller, SIGNAL(definedTasks(TaskList)),
                      model, SLOT(setAllTasks(TaskList)) );
    QObject::connect( controller, SIGNAL(taskAdded(Task)),
                      model, SLOT(addTask(Task)) );
    QObject::connect( controller, SIGNAL(taskUpdated(Task)),
                      model, SLOT(modifyTask(Task)) );
    QObject::connect( controller, SIGNAL(taskDeleted(Task)),
                      model, SLOT(deleteTask(Task)) );
static void reviewLoop (const std::vector <std::string>& uuids, unsigned int limit, bool autoClear)
  auto width = getWidth ();
  unsigned int reviewed = 0;

  // If a limit was specified ('review 10'), then it should override the data
  // set size, if it is smaller.
  unsigned int total = uuids.size ();
  if (limit)
    total = std::min (total, limit);

  if (total == 0)
    std::cout << reviewNothing ();

  std::cout << reviewStart (width);

  unsigned int current = 0;
  while (current < total &&
         (limit == 0 || reviewed < limit))
    // Run 'info' report for task.
    auto uuid = uuids[current];

    // Display banner for this task.
    std::string dummy;
    std::string description;
    execute ("task",
             {"_get", uuid + ".description"},

    std::string response;
    bool repeat;
      repeat = false;
      std::cout << banner (current + 1, total, width, Lexer::trimRight (description, "\n"));

      // Use 'system' to run the command and show the output.
      std::string command = "task " + uuid + " information";
      system (command.c_str ());

      // Display prompt, get input.
      response = getResponse (menu ());

           if (response == "e") { editTask (uuid);                                   }
      else if (response == "m") { modifyTask (uuid);          repeat = true;         }
      else if (response == "s") { std::cout << "Skipped\n\n"; ++current;             }
      else if (response == "c") { completeTask (uuid);        ++current; ++reviewed; }
      else if (response == "d") { deleteTask (uuid);          ++current; ++reviewed; }
      else if (response == "")  { reviewTask (uuid);          ++current; ++reviewed; }
      else if (response == "r") { reviewTask (uuid);          ++current; ++reviewed; }
      else if (response == "q") { break;                                             }

        std::cout << format ("Command '{1}' is not recognized.", response) << "\n";

      // Note that just hitting <Enter> yields an empty command, which does
      // nothing but advance to the next task.

      if (autoClear)
        std::cout << "\033[2J\033[0;0H";
    while (repeat);

    if (response == "q")

  std::cout << "\n"
            << format ("End of review. {1} out of {2} tasks reviewed.", reviewed, total)
            << "\n\n";