Example #1
mono_arch_patch_callsite (guint8 *method_start, guint8 *orig_code, guint8 *addr)
	guint8 *code;
	guint8 buf [8];
	gboolean can_write = mono_breakpoint_clean_code (method_start, orig_code, 8, buf, sizeof (buf));

	code = buf + 8;

	/* go to the start of the call instruction
	 * address_byte = (m << 6) | (o << 3) | reg
	 * call opcode: 0xff address_byte displacement
	 * 0xff m=1,o=2 imm8
	 * 0xff m=2,o=2 imm32
	code -= 6;
	orig_code -= 6;
	if (code [1] == 0xe8) {
		if (can_write) {
			mono_atomic_xchg_i32 ((gint32*)(orig_code + 2), (guint)addr - ((guint)orig_code + 1) - 5);

			/* Tell valgrind to recompile the patched code */
	} else if (code [1] == 0xe9) {
		/* A PLT entry: jmp <DISP> */
		if (can_write)
			mono_atomic_xchg_i32 ((gint32*)(orig_code + 2), (guint)addr - ((guint)orig_code + 1) - 5);
	} else {
		printf ("Invalid trampoline sequence: %x %x %x %x %x %x %x\n", code [0], code [1], code [2], code [3],
				code [4], code [5], code [6]);
		g_assert_not_reached ();
Example #2
static inline void
leave_alertable_wait (MonoThreadInfo *info)
	// Clear any previous flags. Thread is exiting alertable wait state, and info around pending interrupt/abort APC's
	// can now be discarded as well, thread is out of wait operation and can proceed it's execution.
	mono_atomic_xchg_i32 (&info->thread_wait_info, THREAD_WAIT_INFO_CLEARED);
Example #3
static inline void
enter_alertable_wait (MonoThreadInfo *info)
	// Clear any previous flags. Set alertable wait flag.
	mono_atomic_xchg_i32 (&info->thread_wait_info, THREAD_WAIT_INFO_ALERTABLE_WAIT_SLOT);