Example #1
mono_thread_state_init_from_handle (MonoThreadUnwindState *tctx, MonoNativeThreadId thread_id, MonoNativeThreadHandle thread_handle)
	kern_return_t ret;
	mach_msg_type_number_t num_state;
	thread_state_t state;
	ucontext_t ctx;
	mcontext_t mctx;
	guint32 domain_key, jit_key;
	MonoJitTlsData *jit_tls;
	void *domain;
	guint32 lmf_key;

	/*Zero enough state to make sure the caller doesn't confuse itself*/
	tctx->valid = FALSE;
	tctx->unwind_data [MONO_UNWIND_DATA_DOMAIN] = NULL;
	tctx->unwind_data [MONO_UNWIND_DATA_LMF] = NULL;
	tctx->unwind_data [MONO_UNWIND_DATA_JIT_TLS] = NULL;

	state = (thread_state_t) alloca (mono_mach_arch_get_thread_state_size ());
	mctx = (mcontext_t) alloca (mono_mach_arch_get_mcontext_size ());

	ret = mono_mach_arch_get_thread_state (thread_handle, state, &num_state);
	if (ret != KERN_SUCCESS)
		return FALSE;

	mono_mach_arch_thread_state_to_mcontext (state, mctx);
	ctx.uc_mcontext = mctx;

	mono_sigctx_to_monoctx (&ctx, &tctx->ctx);

	domain_key = mono_domain_get_tls_offset ();
	jit_key = mono_get_jit_tls_key ();

	jit_tls = mono_mach_arch_get_tls_value_from_thread (thread_id, jit_key);
	domain = mono_mach_arch_get_tls_value_from_thread (thread_id, domain_key);

	/*Thread already started to cleanup, can no longer capture unwind state*/
	if (!jit_tls)
		return FALSE;
	g_assert (domain);

	lmf_key =  mono_get_lmf_tls_offset ();
	tctx->unwind_data [MONO_UNWIND_DATA_LMF] = mono_mach_arch_get_tls_value_from_thread (thread_id, lmf_key);;
	tctx->unwind_data [MONO_UNWIND_DATA_LMF] = jit_tls ? jit_tls->lmf : NULL;

	tctx->unwind_data [MONO_UNWIND_DATA_DOMAIN] = domain;
	tctx->unwind_data [MONO_UNWIND_DATA_JIT_TLS] = jit_tls;
	tctx->valid = TRUE;

	return TRUE;
Example #2
mono_thread_state_init_from_handle (MonoThreadUnwindState *tctx, MonoNativeThreadId thread_id, MonoNativeThreadHandle thread_handle)
	kern_return_t ret;
	mach_msg_type_number_t num_state;
	thread_state_t state;
	ucontext_t ctx;
	mcontext_t mctx;
	guint32 domain_key, jit_key;
	MonoJitTlsData *jit_tls;
	void *domain;

	state = (thread_state_t) alloca (mono_mach_arch_get_thread_state_size ());
	mctx = (mcontext_t) alloca (mono_mach_arch_get_mcontext_size ());

	ret = mono_mach_arch_get_thread_state (thread_handle, state, &num_state);
	if (ret != KERN_SUCCESS)
		return FALSE;

	mono_mach_arch_thread_state_to_mcontext (state, mctx);
	ctx.uc_mcontext = mctx;

	mono_sigctx_to_monoctx (&ctx, &tctx->ctx);

	domain_key = mono_domain_get_tls_offset ();
	jit_key = mono_pthread_key_for_tls (mono_get_jit_tls_key ());
	jit_tls = mono_mach_arch_get_tls_value_from_thread (thread_id, jit_key);
	domain = mono_mach_arch_get_tls_value_from_thread (thread_id, domain_key);

	/*Thread already started to cleanup, can no longer capture unwind state*/
	if (!jit_tls)
		return FALSE;
	g_assert (domain);

	tctx->unwind_data [MONO_UNWIND_DATA_DOMAIN] = domain;
	tctx->unwind_data [MONO_UNWIND_DATA_LMF] = jit_tls ? jit_tls->lmf : NULL;
	tctx->unwind_data [MONO_UNWIND_DATA_JIT_TLS] = jit_tls;
	tctx->valid = TRUE;

	return TRUE;
Example #3
mono_sgen_suspend_thread (SgenThreadInfo *info)
	mach_msg_type_number_t num_state;
	thread_state_t state;
	kern_return_t ret;
	ucontext_t ctx;
	mcontext_t mctx;

	gpointer stack_start;

	state = (thread_state_t) alloca (mono_mach_arch_get_thread_state_size ());
	mctx = (mcontext_t) alloca (mono_mach_arch_get_mcontext_size ());

	ret = thread_suspend (info->mach_port);
	if (ret != KERN_SUCCESS)
		return FALSE;

	ret = mono_mach_arch_get_thread_state (info->mach_port, state, &num_state);
	if (ret != KERN_SUCCESS)
		return FALSE;

	mono_mach_arch_thread_state_to_mcontext (state, mctx);
	ctx.uc_mcontext = mctx;

	info->stopped_domain = mono_mach_arch_get_tls_value_from_thread ((pthread_t)info->id, mono_domain_get_tls_offset ());
	info->stopped_ip = (gpointer) mono_mach_arch_get_ip (state);
	stack_start = (char*) mono_mach_arch_get_sp (state) - REDZONE_SIZE;
	/* If stack_start is not within the limits, then don't set it in info and we will be restarted. */
	if (stack_start >= info->stack_start_limit && info->stack_start <= info->stack_end) {
		info->stack_start = stack_start;

		mono_sigctx_to_monoctx (&ctx, &info->ctx);
		info->monoctx = &info->ctx;
		ARCH_COPY_SIGCTX_REGS (&info->regs, &ctx);
		info->stopped_regs = &info->regs;
	} else {
		g_assert (!info->stack_start);

	/* Notify the JIT */
	if (mono_gc_get_gc_callbacks ()->thread_suspend_func)
		mono_gc_get_gc_callbacks ()->thread_suspend_func (info->runtime_data, &ctx);
	return TRUE;