Example #1
Search @list for element with key @key.
The nodes next, cur and prev are returned in @hp.
Returns true if a node with key @key was found.
This function cannot be called from a signal nor within interrupt context*.
XXX A variant that works within interrupted is possible if needed.

* interrupt context is when the current thread is reposible for another thread
been suspended at an arbritary point. This is a limitation of our SMR implementation.
mono_lls_find (MonoLinkedListSet *list, MonoThreadHazardPointers *hp, uintptr_t key)
	MonoLinkedListSetNode *cur, *next;
	MonoLinkedListSetNode **prev;
	uintptr_t cur_key;

	prev = &list->head;

	 * prev is not really a hazardous pointer, but we return prev
	 * in hazard pointer 2, so we set it here.  Note also that
	 * prev is not a pointer to a node.  We use here the fact that
	 * the first element in a node is the next pointer, so it
	 * works, but it's not pretty.
	mono_hazard_pointer_set (hp, 2, prev);

	cur = get_hazardous_pointer_with_mask ((gpointer*)prev, hp, 1);

	while (1) {
		if (cur == NULL)
			return FALSE;
		next = get_hazardous_pointer_with_mask ((gpointer*)&cur->next, hp, 0);
		cur_key = cur->key;

		 * We need to make sure that we dereference prev below
		 * after reading cur->next above, so we need a read
		 * barrier.
		mono_memory_read_barrier ();

		if (*prev != cur)
			goto try_again;

		if (!mono_lls_pointer_get_mark (next)) {
			if (cur_key >= key)
				return cur_key == key;

			prev = &cur->next;
			mono_hazard_pointer_set (hp, 2, cur);
		} else {
			next = mono_lls_pointer_unmask (next);
			if (InterlockedCompareExchangePointer ((volatile gpointer*)prev, next, cur) == cur) {
				/* The hazard pointer must be cleared after the CAS. */
				mono_memory_write_barrier ();
				mono_hazard_pointer_clear (hp, 1);
				if (list->free_node_func)
					mono_thread_hazardous_free_or_queue (cur, list->free_node_func);
			} else
				goto try_again;
		cur = mono_lls_pointer_unmask (next);
		mono_hazard_pointer_set (hp, 1, cur);
Example #2
/* Can be called with hp==NULL, in which case it acts as an ordinary
   pointer fetch.  It's used that way indirectly from
   mono_jit_info_table_add(), which doesn't have to care about hazards
   because it holds the respective domain lock. */
mono_get_hazardous_pointer (gpointer volatile *pp, MonoThreadHazardPointers *hp, int hazard_index)
	gpointer p;

	for (;;) {
		/* Get the pointer */
		p = *pp;
		/* If we don't have hazard pointers just return the
		   pointer. */
		if (!hp)
			return p;
		/* Make it hazardous */
		mono_hazard_pointer_set (hp, hazard_index, p);
		/* Check that it's still the same.  If not, try
		   again. */
		if (*pp != p) {
			mono_hazard_pointer_clear (hp, hazard_index);

	return p;
Example #3
mono_thread_info_safe_suspend_and_run (MonoNativeThreadId id, gboolean interrupt_kernel, MonoSuspendThreadCallback callback, gpointer user_data)
	int result;
	MonoThreadInfo *info = NULL;
	MonoThreadHazardPointers *hp = mono_hazard_pointer_get ();

	THREADS_SUSPEND_DEBUG ("SUSPENDING tid %p\n", (void*)id);
	/*FIXME: unify this with self-suspend*/
	g_assert (id != mono_native_thread_id_get ());

	mono_thread_info_suspend_lock ();
	mono_threads_begin_global_suspend ();

	info = suspend_sync_nolock (id, interrupt_kernel);
	if (!info)
		goto done;

	switch (result = callback (info, user_data)) {
	case MonoResumeThread:
		mono_hazard_pointer_set (hp, 1, info);
		mono_thread_info_core_resume (info);
		mono_threads_wait_pending_operations ();
	case KeepSuspended:
		g_error ("Invalid suspend_and_run callback return value %d", result);

	mono_hazard_pointer_clear (hp, 1);
	mono_threads_end_global_suspend ();
	mono_thread_info_suspend_unlock ();
Example #4
mono_thread_info_finish_suspend_and_resume (MonoThreadInfo *info)
	MonoThreadHazardPointers *hp = mono_hazard_pointer_get ();

	/*Resume can access info after the target has resumed, so we must ensure it won't touch freed memory. */
	mono_hazard_pointer_set (hp, 1, info);
	mono_thread_info_core_resume (info);
	mono_hazard_pointer_clear (hp, 1);

	mono_atomic_store_release (&mono_thread_info_current ()->inside_critical_region, FALSE);
Example #5
Insert @value into @list.
The nodes value, cur and prev are returned in @hp.
Return true if @value was inserted by this call. If it returns FALSE, it's the caller
resposibility to release memory.
This function cannot be called from a signal nor with the world stopped.
mono_lls_insert (MonoLinkedListSet *list, MonoThreadHazardPointers *hp, MonoLinkedListSetNode *value)
	MonoLinkedListSetNode *cur, **prev;
	/*We must do a store barrier before inserting 
	to make sure all values in @node are globally visible.*/
	mono_memory_barrier ();

	while (1) {
		if (mono_lls_find (list, hp, value->key))
			return FALSE;
		cur = mono_hazard_pointer_get_val (hp, 1);
		prev = mono_hazard_pointer_get_val (hp, 2);

		value->next = cur;
		mono_hazard_pointer_set (hp, 0, value);
		/* The CAS must happen after setting the hazard pointer. */
		mono_memory_write_barrier ();
		if (InterlockedCompareExchangePointer ((volatile gpointer*)prev, value, cur) == cur)
			return TRUE;