Example #1
mono_debug_open_block (MonoCompile *cfg, MonoBasicBlock *bb, guint32 address)
	MiniDebugMethodInfo *info;
	MonoMethodHeader *header;
	guint32 offset;

	info = (MiniDebugMethodInfo *) cfg->debug_info;
	if (!info || !info->jit || !bb->cil_code)

	header = mono_method_get_header (cfg->method);
	g_assert (header);

	if ((bb->cil_code < header->code) ||
	    (bb->cil_code > header->code + header->code_size))

	offset = bb->cil_code - header->code;
	if (!info->has_line_numbers) {
		info->jit->prologue_end = address;
		info->has_line_numbers = TRUE;

	record_line_number (info, address, offset);
Example #2
mono_debug_close_method (MonoCompile *cfg)
	MiniDebugMethodInfo *info;
	MonoDebugMethodJitInfo *jit;
	MonoMethodHeader *header;
	MonoMethodSignature *sig;
	MonoDebugMethodAddress *debug_info;
	MonoMethod *method;
	int i;

	info = (MiniDebugMethodInfo *) cfg->debug_info;
	if (!info || !info->jit) {
		if (info)
			g_free (info);

	method = cfg->method;
	header = mono_method_get_header (method);
	sig = mono_method_signature (method);

	jit = info->jit;
	jit->code_start = cfg->native_code;
	jit->epilogue_begin = cfg->epilog_begin;
	jit->code_size = cfg->code_len;

	if (jit->epilogue_begin)
		   record_line_number (info, jit->epilogue_begin, header->code_size);

	jit->num_params = sig->param_count;
	jit->params = g_new0 (MonoDebugVarInfo, jit->num_params);

	for (i = 0; i < jit->num_locals; i++)
		write_variable (cfg->locals [i], &jit->locals [i]);

	if (sig->hasthis) {
		jit->this_var = g_new0 (MonoDebugVarInfo, 1);
		write_variable (cfg->args [0], jit->this_var);

	for (i = 0; i < jit->num_params; i++)
		write_variable (cfg->args [i + sig->hasthis], &jit->params [i]);

	jit->num_line_numbers = info->line_numbers->len;
	jit->line_numbers = g_new0 (MonoDebugLineNumberEntry, jit->num_line_numbers);

	for (i = 0; i < jit->num_line_numbers; i++)
		jit->line_numbers [i] = g_array_index (info->line_numbers, MonoDebugLineNumberEntry, i);

	debug_info = mono_debug_add_method (cfg->method_to_register, jit, cfg->domain);

	mono_debug_add_vg_method (method, jit);

	mono_debugger_check_breakpoints (method, debug_info);

	mono_debug_free_method_jit_info (jit);
	g_array_free (info->line_numbers, TRUE);
	g_free (info);
Example #3
void CPipeServer::DisassembleMethod()
	void *method=(void *)ReadQword();
	void *methodheader=mono_method_get_header(method);
	UINT32 codesize, maxstack;
	void *ilcode=mono_method_header_get_code(methodheader, &codesize, &maxstack);
	char *disassembly=mono_disasm_code(NULL, method, ilcode, (void *)((UINT_PTR)ilcode+codesize));

	Write(disassembly, strlen(disassembly));
Example #4
 * mono_profiler_coverage_get:
 * @prof: The profiler handle, installed with mono_profiler_install
 * @method: the method to gather information from.
 * @func: A routine that will be called back with the results
 * If the MONO_PROFILER_INS_COVERAGE flag was active during JIT compilation
 * it is posisble to obtain coverage information about a give method.
 * The function @func will be invoked repeatedly with instances of the
 * MonoProfileCoverageEntry structure.
mono_profiler_coverage_get (MonoProfiler *prof, MonoMethod *method, MonoProfileCoverageFunc func)
	MonoProfileCoverageInfo* info = NULL;
	int i, offset;
	guint32 code_size;
	const unsigned char *start, *end, *cil_code;
	MonoMethodHeader *header;
	MonoProfileCoverageEntry entry;
	MonoDebugMethodInfo *debug_minfo;

	mono_profiler_coverage_lock ();
	if (coverage_hash)
		info = g_hash_table_lookup (coverage_hash, method);
	mono_profiler_coverage_unlock ();

	if (!info)

	header = mono_method_get_header (method);
	start = mono_method_header_get_code (header, &code_size, NULL);
	debug_minfo = mono_debug_lookup_method (method);

	end = start + code_size;
	for (i = 0; i < info->entries; ++i) {
		cil_code = info->data [i].cil_code;
		if (cil_code && cil_code >= start && cil_code < end) {
			char *fname = NULL;
			offset = cil_code - start;
			entry.iloffset = offset;
			entry.method = method;
			entry.counter = info->data [i].count;
			entry.line = entry.col = 1;
			entry.filename = NULL;
			if (debug_minfo) {
				MonoDebugSourceLocation *location;

				location = mono_debug_symfile_lookup_location (debug_minfo, offset);
				if (location) {
					entry.line = location->row;
					entry.col = location->column;
					entry.filename = fname = g_strdup (location->source_file);
					mono_debug_free_source_location (location);

			func (prof, &entry);
			g_free (fname);
	mono_metadata_free_mh (header);
Example #5
 * mono_basic_block_split:
 * Return the list of basic blocks of method. Return NULL on failure and set @error.
mono_basic_block_split (MonoMethod *method, MonoError *error)
	MonoSimpleBasicBlock *bb, *root;
	const unsigned char *start, *end;
	MonoMethodHeader *header = mono_method_get_header (method);

	mono_error_init (error);

	if (!header) {
		mono_error_set_not_verifiable (error, method, "Could not decode header");
		return NULL;

	start = header->code;
	end = start + header->code_size;

	bb = g_new0 (MonoSimpleBasicBlock, 1);
	bb->start = 0;
	bb->end = end - start;
	bb->colour = BLACK;
	bb->dead = FALSE;

	root = bb;
	bb_formation_il_pass (start, end, bb, &root, method, error);
	if (!mono_error_ok (error))
		goto fail;
	bb_formation_eh_pass (header, bb, &root, method, error);
	if (!mono_error_ok (error))
		goto fail;

	bb_liveness (bb);

	dump_bb_list (bb, &root, g_strdup_printf("AFTER LIVENESS %s", mono_method_full_name (method, TRUE)));

	mono_metadata_free_mh (header);
	return bb;

	mono_metadata_free_mh (header);
	mono_basic_block_free (bb);
	return NULL;
Example #6
mono_debug_open_method (MonoCompile *cfg)
	MiniDebugMethodInfo *info;
	MonoDebugMethodJitInfo *jit;
	MonoMethodHeader *header;

	info = (MiniDebugMethodInfo *) cfg->debug_info;
	if (!info)

	mono_class_init (cfg->method->klass);

	header = mono_method_get_header (cfg->method);
	g_assert (header);
	info->jit = jit = g_new0 (MonoDebugMethodJitInfo, 1);
	info->line_numbers = g_array_new (FALSE, TRUE, sizeof (MonoDebugLineNumberEntry));
	jit->num_locals = header->num_locals;
	jit->locals = g_new0 (MonoDebugVarInfo, jit->num_locals);
Example #7
static void
output_method (MonoMethod *method, gpointer dummy, MonoProfiler *prof)
	MonoMethodHeader *header;
	char *classname;
	char *tmpsig;
	char *tmpname;
	FILE *outfile;
	MonoClass *klass;
	MonoImage *image;

	outfile = prof->outfile;
	header = mono_method_get_header (method);

	tmpsig = mono_signature_get_desc (mono_method_signature (method), TRUE);
	tmpsig = g_markup_escape_text (tmpsig, strlen (tmpsig));

	klass = mono_method_get_class (method);
	classname = mono_type_get_name (mono_class_get_type (klass));
	image = mono_class_get_image (klass);

	tmpname = mono_method_get_name (method);
	tmpname = g_markup_escape_text (tmpname, strlen (tmpname));

	fprintf (outfile, "\t<method assembly=\"%s\" class=\"%s\" name=\"%s (%s)\" token=\"%d\">\n",
			 mono_image_get_name (image),
			 classname, tmpname,
			 tmpsig, mono_method_get_token (method));

	g_free (tmpsig);
	g_free (tmpname);
	fprintf (outfile, "\t\t");
	count = 0;
	prev_offset = 0;

	mono_profiler_coverage_get (prof, method, output_entry);

	fprintf (outfile, "\n");
	fprintf (outfile, "\t</method>\n");
Example #8
static void disasm_method (Package *pkg) {
    xmono::DisasmMethodReq req;
    xmono::DisasmMethodRsp rsp;
    std::string str((char*)pkg->body, pkg->all_len - sizeof (Package)); //Fixme : 修复头部all_len是总长的问题
    if (!req.ParseFromString (str)) {
        LOGD ("xmono::DisasmMethodReq ParseFromString err!");
    std::string err("");
    MonoMethod *method = get_method_with_token (req.image_name ().c_str (), req.method_token ());
    if (!method) err += helper_last_err ();
    MonoImage *image = mono_image_loaded (req.image_name ().c_str ());
    if (!image) err += "  image : " + req.image_name () + " can not be find!";
    if (image && method) {
        MemWriter writer(4096);
        char const *mname = mono_method_full_name (method, 1);
        if (mname) {
            writer.sprintf ("//[%s]%s[%08X]\n", get_method_image_name (method), mname, mono_method_get_token (method));
            g_free (mname);
        MonoMethodHeader *header = mono_method_get_header (method);
        disassemble_cil (image, header, &writer); /*Fixme : disassemble_cil需要在失败时返回更多信息*/
        rsp.set_err (true);
        LOGD ("writer : %s", writer.getBuffPtr ());
        std::string s((char*)writer.getBuffPtr (), writer.getBuffSize ());
        rsp.set_disasm_code (s);
        uint32_t asm_size = 0;
        uint8_t const *p = mono_method_header_get_code (header, &asm_size, 0);
        std::string asm_code ((char const*)p, asm_size);
        rsp.set_asm_code (asm_code);
    } else {
        rsp.set_err (false);
        rsp.set_err_str (err);
    std::string out;
    rsp.SerializeToString (&out);
    ecmd_send (XMONO_ID_DISASM_METHOD_RSP, (uint8_t const*)out.c_str (), out.size ());
Example #9
/* FIXME: Do this in the JIT, where specialized allocation sequences can be created
 * for each class. This is currently not easy to do, as it is hard to generate basic 
 * blocks + branches, but it is easy with the linear IL codebase.
 * For this to work we'd need to solve the TLAB race, first.  Now we
 * require the allocator to be in a few known methods to make sure
 * that they are executed atomically via the restart mechanism.
static MonoMethod*
create_allocator (int atype)
	int p_var, size_var;
	guint32 slowpath_branch, max_size_branch;
	MonoMethodBuilder *mb;
	MonoMethod *res;
	MonoMethodSignature *csig;
	static gboolean registered = FALSE;
	int tlab_next_addr_var, new_next_var;
	int num_params, i;
	const char *name = NULL;
	AllocatorWrapperInfo *info;

	int tlab_next_addr_offset = -1;
	int tlab_temp_end_offset = -1;

	MONO_THREAD_VAR_OFFSET (tlab_next_addr, tlab_next_addr_offset);
	MONO_THREAD_VAR_OFFSET (tlab_temp_end, tlab_temp_end_offset);

	g_assert (tlab_next_addr_offset != -1);
	g_assert (tlab_temp_end_offset != -1);

	if (!registered) {
		mono_register_jit_icall (mono_gc_alloc_obj, "mono_gc_alloc_obj", mono_create_icall_signature ("object ptr int"), FALSE);
		mono_register_jit_icall (mono_gc_alloc_vector, "mono_gc_alloc_vector", mono_create_icall_signature ("object ptr int int"), FALSE);
		registered = TRUE;

	if (atype == ATYPE_SMALL) {
		num_params = 1;
		name = "AllocSmall";
	} else if (atype == ATYPE_NORMAL) {
		num_params = 1;
		name = "Alloc";
	} else if (atype == ATYPE_VECTOR) {
		num_params = 2;
		name = "AllocVector";
	} else {
		g_assert_not_reached ();

	csig = mono_metadata_signature_alloc (mono_defaults.corlib, num_params);
	csig->ret = &mono_defaults.object_class->byval_arg;
	for (i = 0; i < num_params; ++i)
		csig->params [i] = &mono_defaults.int_class->byval_arg;

	mb = mono_mb_new (mono_defaults.object_class, name, MONO_WRAPPER_ALLOC);
	size_var = mono_mb_add_local (mb, &mono_defaults.int32_class->byval_arg);
	if (atype == ATYPE_NORMAL || atype == ATYPE_SMALL) {
		/* size = vtable->klass->instance_size; */
		mono_mb_emit_ldarg (mb, 0);
		mono_mb_emit_icon (mb, G_STRUCT_OFFSET (MonoVTable, klass));
		mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, CEE_ADD);
		mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, CEE_LDIND_I);
		mono_mb_emit_icon (mb, G_STRUCT_OFFSET (MonoClass, instance_size));
		mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, CEE_ADD);
		/* FIXME: assert instance_size stays a 4 byte integer */
		mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, CEE_LDIND_U4);
		mono_mb_emit_stloc (mb, size_var);
	} else if (atype == ATYPE_VECTOR) {
		MonoExceptionClause *clause;
		int pos, pos_leave;
		MonoClass *oom_exc_class;
		MonoMethod *ctor;

		/* n > 	MONO_ARRAY_MAX_INDEX -> OverflowException */
		mono_mb_emit_ldarg (mb, 1);
		mono_mb_emit_icon (mb, MONO_ARRAY_MAX_INDEX);
		pos = mono_mb_emit_short_branch (mb, CEE_BLE_UN_S);
		mono_mb_emit_exception (mb, "OverflowException", NULL);
		mono_mb_patch_short_branch (mb, pos);

		clause = mono_image_alloc0 (mono_defaults.corlib, sizeof (MonoExceptionClause));
		clause->try_offset = mono_mb_get_label (mb);

		/* vtable->klass->sizes.element_size */
		mono_mb_emit_ldarg (mb, 0);
		mono_mb_emit_icon (mb, G_STRUCT_OFFSET (MonoVTable, klass));
		mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, CEE_ADD);
		mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, CEE_LDIND_I);
		mono_mb_emit_icon (mb, G_STRUCT_OFFSET (MonoClass, sizes.element_size));
		mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, CEE_ADD);
		mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, CEE_LDIND_U4);

		/* * n */
		mono_mb_emit_ldarg (mb, 1);
		mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, CEE_MUL_OVF_UN);
		/* + sizeof (MonoArray) */
		mono_mb_emit_icon (mb, sizeof (MonoArray));
		mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, CEE_ADD_OVF_UN);
		mono_mb_emit_stloc (mb, size_var);

		pos_leave = mono_mb_emit_branch (mb, CEE_LEAVE);

		/* catch */
		clause->try_len = mono_mb_get_pos (mb) - clause->try_offset;
		clause->data.catch_class = mono_class_from_name (mono_defaults.corlib,
				"System", "OverflowException");
		g_assert (clause->data.catch_class);
		clause->handler_offset = mono_mb_get_label (mb);

		oom_exc_class = mono_class_from_name (mono_defaults.corlib,
				"System", "OutOfMemoryException");
		g_assert (oom_exc_class);
		ctor = mono_class_get_method_from_name (oom_exc_class, ".ctor", 0);
		g_assert (ctor);

		mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, CEE_POP);
		mono_mb_emit_op (mb, CEE_NEWOBJ, ctor);
		mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, CEE_THROW);

		clause->handler_len = mono_mb_get_pos (mb) - clause->handler_offset;
		mono_mb_set_clauses (mb, 1, clause);
		mono_mb_patch_branch (mb, pos_leave);
		/* end catch */
	} else {
		g_assert_not_reached ();

	/* size += ALLOC_ALIGN - 1; */
	mono_mb_emit_ldloc (mb, size_var);
	mono_mb_emit_icon (mb, ALLOC_ALIGN - 1);
	mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, CEE_ADD);
	/* size &= ~(ALLOC_ALIGN - 1); */
	mono_mb_emit_icon (mb, ~(ALLOC_ALIGN - 1));
	mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, CEE_AND);
	mono_mb_emit_stloc (mb, size_var);

	/* if (size > MAX_SMALL_OBJ_SIZE) goto slowpath */
	if (atype != ATYPE_SMALL) {
		mono_mb_emit_ldloc (mb, size_var);
		mono_mb_emit_icon (mb, MAX_SMALL_OBJ_SIZE);
		max_size_branch = mono_mb_emit_short_branch (mb, MONO_CEE_BGT_UN_S);

	 * We need to modify tlab_next, but the JIT only supports reading, so we read
	 * another tls var holding its address instead.

	/* tlab_next_addr (local) = tlab_next_addr (TLS var) */
	tlab_next_addr_var = mono_mb_add_local (mb, &mono_defaults.int_class->byval_arg);
	EMIT_TLS_ACCESS (mb, tlab_next_addr, tlab_next_addr_offset);
	mono_mb_emit_stloc (mb, tlab_next_addr_var);

	/* p = (void**)tlab_next; */
	p_var = mono_mb_add_local (mb, &mono_defaults.int_class->byval_arg);
	mono_mb_emit_ldloc (mb, tlab_next_addr_var);
	mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, CEE_LDIND_I);
	mono_mb_emit_stloc (mb, p_var);
	/* new_next = (char*)p + size; */
	new_next_var = mono_mb_add_local (mb, &mono_defaults.int_class->byval_arg);
	mono_mb_emit_ldloc (mb, p_var);
	mono_mb_emit_ldloc (mb, size_var);
	mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, CEE_CONV_I);
	mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, CEE_ADD);
	mono_mb_emit_stloc (mb, new_next_var);

	/* if (G_LIKELY (new_next < tlab_temp_end)) */
	mono_mb_emit_ldloc (mb, new_next_var);
	EMIT_TLS_ACCESS (mb, tlab_temp_end, tlab_temp_end_offset);
	slowpath_branch = mono_mb_emit_short_branch (mb, MONO_CEE_BLT_UN_S);

	/* Slowpath */
	if (atype != ATYPE_SMALL)
		mono_mb_patch_short_branch (mb, max_size_branch);

	mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, MONO_CUSTOM_PREFIX);
	mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, CEE_MONO_NOT_TAKEN);

	/* FIXME: mono_gc_alloc_obj takes a 'size_t' as an argument, not an int32 */
	mono_mb_emit_ldarg (mb, 0);
	mono_mb_emit_ldloc (mb, size_var);
	if (atype == ATYPE_NORMAL || atype == ATYPE_SMALL) {
		mono_mb_emit_icall (mb, mono_gc_alloc_obj);
	} else if (atype == ATYPE_VECTOR) {
		mono_mb_emit_ldarg (mb, 1);
		mono_mb_emit_icall (mb, mono_gc_alloc_vector);
	} else {
		g_assert_not_reached ();
	mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, CEE_RET);

	/* Fastpath */
	mono_mb_patch_short_branch (mb, slowpath_branch);

	/* FIXME: Memory barrier */

	/* tlab_next = new_next */
	mono_mb_emit_ldloc (mb, tlab_next_addr_var);
	mono_mb_emit_ldloc (mb, new_next_var);
	mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, CEE_STIND_I);

	/*The tlab store must be visible before the the vtable store. This could be replaced with a DDS but doing it with IL would be tricky. */
	mono_mb_emit_byte ((mb), MONO_CUSTOM_PREFIX);
	mono_mb_emit_op (mb, CEE_MONO_MEMORY_BARRIER, StoreStoreBarrier);

	/* *p = vtable; */
	mono_mb_emit_ldloc (mb, p_var);
	mono_mb_emit_ldarg (mb, 0);
	mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, CEE_STIND_I);

	if (atype == ATYPE_VECTOR) {
		/* arr->max_length = max_length; */
		mono_mb_emit_ldloc (mb, p_var);
		mono_mb_emit_ldflda (mb, G_STRUCT_OFFSET (MonoArray, max_length));
		mono_mb_emit_ldarg (mb, 1);
		mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, CEE_STIND_I);
		mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, CEE_STIND_I4);

	We must make sure both vtable and max_length are globaly visible before returning to managed land.
	mono_mb_emit_byte ((mb), MONO_CUSTOM_PREFIX);
	mono_mb_emit_op (mb, CEE_MONO_MEMORY_BARRIER, StoreStoreBarrier);

	/* return p */
	mono_mb_emit_ldloc (mb, p_var);
	mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, CEE_RET);

	res = mono_mb_create_method (mb, csig, 8);
	mono_mb_free (mb);
	mono_method_get_header (res)->init_locals = FALSE;

	info = mono_image_alloc0 (mono_defaults.corlib, sizeof (AllocatorWrapperInfo));
	info->gc_name = "sgen";
	info->alloc_type = atype;
	mono_marshal_set_wrapper_info (res, info);

	return res;
Example #10
static MonoMethod*
create_allocator (int atype, int offset)
	int index_var, bytes_var, my_fl_var, my_entry_var;
	guint32 no_freelist_branch, not_small_enough_branch = 0;
	guint32 size_overflow_branch = 0;
	MonoMethodBuilder *mb;
	MonoMethod *res;
	MonoMethodSignature *csig;
	AllocatorWrapperInfo *info;

	if (atype == ATYPE_STRING) {
		csig = mono_metadata_signature_alloc (mono_defaults.corlib, 2);
		csig->ret = &mono_defaults.string_class->byval_arg;
		csig->params [0] = &mono_defaults.int_class->byval_arg;
		csig->params [1] = &mono_defaults.int32_class->byval_arg;
	} else {
		csig = mono_metadata_signature_alloc (mono_defaults.corlib, 1);
		csig->ret = &mono_defaults.object_class->byval_arg;
		csig->params [0] = &mono_defaults.int_class->byval_arg;

	mb = mono_mb_new (mono_defaults.object_class, "Alloc", MONO_WRAPPER_ALLOC);
	bytes_var = mono_mb_add_local (mb, &mono_defaults.int32_class->byval_arg);
	if (atype == ATYPE_STRING) {
		/* a string alloator method takes the args: (vtable, len) */
		/* bytes = (sizeof (MonoString) + ((len + 1) * 2)); */
		mono_mb_emit_ldarg (mb, 1);
		mono_mb_emit_icon (mb, 1);
		mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, MONO_CEE_ADD);
		mono_mb_emit_icon (mb, 1);
		mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, MONO_CEE_SHL);
		// sizeof (MonoString) might include padding
		mono_mb_emit_icon (mb, G_STRUCT_OFFSET (MonoString, chars));
		mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, MONO_CEE_ADD);
		mono_mb_emit_stloc (mb, bytes_var);
	} else {
		/* bytes = vtable->klass->instance_size */
		mono_mb_emit_ldarg (mb, 0);
		mono_mb_emit_icon (mb, G_STRUCT_OFFSET (MonoVTable, klass));
		mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, MONO_CEE_ADD);
		mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, MONO_CEE_LDIND_I);
		mono_mb_emit_icon (mb, G_STRUCT_OFFSET (MonoClass, instance_size));
		mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, MONO_CEE_ADD);
		/* FIXME: assert instance_size stays a 4 byte integer */
		mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, MONO_CEE_LDIND_U4);
		mono_mb_emit_stloc (mb, bytes_var);

	/* this is needed for strings/arrays only as the other big types are never allocated with this method */
	if (atype == ATYPE_STRING) {
		/* check for size */
		/* if (!SMALL_ENOUGH (bytes)) jump slow_path;*/
		mono_mb_emit_ldloc (mb, bytes_var);
		mono_mb_emit_icon (mb, (NFREELISTS-1) * GRANULARITY);
		not_small_enough_branch = mono_mb_emit_short_branch (mb, MONO_CEE_BGT_UN_S);
		/* check for overflow */
		mono_mb_emit_ldloc (mb, bytes_var);
		mono_mb_emit_icon (mb, sizeof (MonoString));
		size_overflow_branch = mono_mb_emit_short_branch (mb, MONO_CEE_BLE_UN_S);

	/* int index = INDEX_FROM_BYTES(bytes); */
	index_var = mono_mb_add_local (mb, &mono_defaults.int32_class->byval_arg);
	mono_mb_emit_ldloc (mb, bytes_var);
	mono_mb_emit_icon (mb, GRANULARITY - 1);
	mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, MONO_CEE_ADD);
	mono_mb_emit_icon (mb, shift_amount (GRANULARITY));
	mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, MONO_CEE_SHR_UN);
	mono_mb_emit_icon (mb, shift_amount (sizeof (gpointer)));
	mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, MONO_CEE_SHL);
	/* index var is already adjusted into bytes */
	mono_mb_emit_stloc (mb, index_var);

	my_fl_var = mono_mb_add_local (mb, &mono_defaults.int_class->byval_arg);
	my_entry_var = mono_mb_add_local (mb, &mono_defaults.int_class->byval_arg);
	/* my_fl = ((GC_thread)tsd) -> ptrfree_freelists + index; */
	mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, MONO_CUSTOM_PREFIX);
	mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, 0x0D); /* CEE_MONO_TLS */
	mono_mb_emit_i4 (mb, offset);
	if (atype == ATYPE_FREEPTR || atype == ATYPE_FREEPTR_FOR_BOX || atype == ATYPE_STRING)
		mono_mb_emit_icon (mb, G_STRUCT_OFFSET (struct GC_Thread_Rep, ptrfree_freelists));
	else if (atype == ATYPE_NORMAL)
		mono_mb_emit_icon (mb, G_STRUCT_OFFSET (struct GC_Thread_Rep, normal_freelists));
	else if (atype == ATYPE_GCJ)
		mono_mb_emit_icon (mb, G_STRUCT_OFFSET (struct GC_Thread_Rep, gcj_freelists));
		g_assert_not_reached ();
	mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, MONO_CEE_ADD);
	mono_mb_emit_ldloc (mb, index_var);
	mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, MONO_CEE_ADD);
	mono_mb_emit_stloc (mb, my_fl_var);

	/* my_entry = *my_fl; */
	mono_mb_emit_ldloc (mb, my_fl_var);
	mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, MONO_CEE_LDIND_I);
	mono_mb_emit_stloc (mb, my_entry_var);

	/* if (EXPECT((word)my_entry >= HBLKSIZE, 1)) { */
	mono_mb_emit_ldloc (mb, my_entry_var);
	mono_mb_emit_icon (mb, HBLKSIZE);
	no_freelist_branch = mono_mb_emit_short_branch (mb, MONO_CEE_BLT_UN_S);

	/* ptr_t next = obj_link(my_entry); *my_fl = next; */
	mono_mb_emit_ldloc (mb, my_fl_var);
	mono_mb_emit_ldloc (mb, my_entry_var);
	mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, MONO_CEE_LDIND_I);
	mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, MONO_CEE_STIND_I);

	/* set the vtable and clear the words in the object */
	mono_mb_emit_ldloc (mb, my_entry_var);
	mono_mb_emit_ldarg (mb, 0);
	mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, MONO_CEE_STIND_I);

	if (atype == ATYPE_FREEPTR) {
		int start_var, end_var, start_loop;
		/* end = my_entry + bytes; start = my_entry + sizeof (gpointer);
		start_var = mono_mb_add_local (mb, &mono_defaults.int_class->byval_arg);
		end_var = mono_mb_add_local (mb, &mono_defaults.int_class->byval_arg);
		mono_mb_emit_ldloc (mb, my_entry_var);
		mono_mb_emit_ldloc (mb, bytes_var);
		mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, MONO_CEE_ADD);
		mono_mb_emit_stloc (mb, end_var);
		mono_mb_emit_ldloc (mb, my_entry_var);
		mono_mb_emit_icon (mb, G_STRUCT_OFFSET (MonoObject, synchronisation));
		mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, MONO_CEE_ADD);
		mono_mb_emit_stloc (mb, start_var);
		 * do {
		 * 	*start++ = NULL;
		 * } while (start < end);
		start_loop = mono_mb_get_label (mb);
		mono_mb_emit_ldloc (mb, start_var);
		mono_mb_emit_icon (mb, 0);
		mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, MONO_CEE_STIND_I);
		mono_mb_emit_ldloc (mb, start_var);
		mono_mb_emit_icon (mb, sizeof (gpointer));
		mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, MONO_CEE_ADD);
		mono_mb_emit_stloc (mb, start_var);

		mono_mb_emit_ldloc (mb, start_var);
		mono_mb_emit_ldloc (mb, end_var);
		mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, MONO_CEE_BLT_UN_S);
		mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, start_loop - (mono_mb_get_label (mb) + 1));
	} else if (atype == ATYPE_FREEPTR_FOR_BOX || atype == ATYPE_STRING) {
		/* need to clear just the sync pointer */
		mono_mb_emit_ldloc (mb, my_entry_var);
		mono_mb_emit_icon (mb, G_STRUCT_OFFSET (MonoObject, synchronisation));
		mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, MONO_CEE_ADD);
		mono_mb_emit_icon (mb, 0);
		mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, MONO_CEE_STIND_I);

	if (atype == ATYPE_STRING) {
		/* need to set length and clear the last char */
		/* s->length = len; */
		mono_mb_emit_ldloc (mb, my_entry_var);
		mono_mb_emit_icon (mb, G_STRUCT_OFFSET (MonoString, length));
		mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, MONO_CEE_ADD);
		mono_mb_emit_ldarg (mb, 1);
		mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, MONO_CEE_STIND_I4);
		/* s->chars [len] = 0; */
		mono_mb_emit_ldloc (mb, my_entry_var);
		mono_mb_emit_ldloc (mb, bytes_var);
		mono_mb_emit_icon (mb, 2);
		mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, MONO_CEE_SUB);
		mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, MONO_CEE_ADD);
		mono_mb_emit_icon (mb, 0);
		mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, MONO_CEE_STIND_I2);

	/* return my_entry; */
	mono_mb_emit_ldloc (mb, my_entry_var);
	mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, MONO_CEE_RET);
	mono_mb_patch_short_branch (mb, no_freelist_branch);
	if (not_small_enough_branch > 0)
		mono_mb_patch_short_branch (mb, not_small_enough_branch);
	if (size_overflow_branch > 0)
		mono_mb_patch_short_branch (mb, size_overflow_branch);
	/* the slow path: we just call back into the runtime */
	if (atype == ATYPE_STRING) {
		mono_mb_emit_ldarg (mb, 1);
		mono_mb_emit_icall (mb, mono_string_alloc);
	} else {
		mono_mb_emit_ldarg (mb, 0);
		mono_mb_emit_icall (mb, mono_object_new_specific);

	mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, MONO_CEE_RET);

	res = mono_mb_create_method (mb, csig, 8);
	mono_mb_free (mb);
	mono_method_get_header (res)->init_locals = FALSE;

	info = mono_image_alloc0 (mono_defaults.corlib, sizeof (AllocatorWrapperInfo));
	info->gc_name = "boehm";
	info->alloc_type = atype;
	mono_marshal_set_wrapper_info (res, info);

	return res;
Example #11
static void
add_types_from_method (MonoMethod *method) {
	const MonoOpcode *opcode;
	MonoMethodHeader *header;
	const unsigned char *ip, *il_code_end;
	gpointer val = NULL, oldkey = NULL;
	int i, n;
	guint32 token;
	MonoClass *klass;
	MonoClassField *field;
	MonoCustomAttrInfo* cattrs;
	MonoType** locals;
	gpointer exc_iter;
	MonoExceptionClause clause;

	if (g_hash_table_lookup_extended (method_table, method, &oldkey, &val))
	g_hash_table_insert (method_table, method, NULL);

	g_assert (method->klass);

	if (verbose > 1)
		g_print ("#processing method: %s\n", mono_method_full_name (method, TRUE));
	mono_class_init (method->klass);
	cattrs = mono_custom_attrs_from_method (method);
	handle_cattrs (cattrs);
	add_type (method->klass);
	add_types_from_signature (mono_method_signature (method));
	for (i = 0; i < mono_method_signature (method)->param_count + 1; ++i) {
		cattrs = mono_custom_attrs_from_param (method, i);
		handle_cattrs (cattrs);

	if (method->flags & METHOD_ATTRIBUTE_VIRTUAL)
		virtual_methods = g_list_prepend (virtual_methods, method);

	/* if no IL code to parse, return */

	header = mono_method_get_header (method);

	locals = mono_method_header_get_locals (header, &n, NULL);
	for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
		klass = mono_class_from_mono_type (locals [i]);
		add_type (klass);
	for (exc_iter = NULL; mono_method_header_get_clauses (header, method, &exc_iter, &clause);) {
		if (clause.flags == MONO_EXCEPTION_CLAUSE_NONE)
			add_type (clause.data.catch_class);

	ip = mono_method_header_get_code (header, &n, NULL);
	il_code_end = ip + n;

	while (ip < il_code_end) {
		if (verbose > 2)
			g_print ("#%s", mono_disasm_code_one (NULL, method, ip, NULL));
		if (*ip == 0xfe) {
			i = *ip + 256;
		} else {
			i = *ip;

		opcode = &mono_opcodes [i];

		switch (opcode->argument) {
		case MonoInlineNone:
		case MonoInlineType:
			token = read32 (ip + 1);
			add_type (mono_class_get (method->klass->image, token));
			ip += 5;
		case MonoInlineField: {
			token = read32 (ip + 1);
			field = mono_field_from_token (method->klass->image, token, &klass, NULL);
			add_field (field);
			add_type (klass);
			ip += 5;
		case MonoInlineTok:
		case MonoInlineSig:
			/* FIXME */
		case MonoInlineString:
		case MonoShortInlineR:
		case MonoInlineBrTarget:
		case MonoInlineI:
			ip += 5;
		case MonoInlineVar:
			ip += 3;
		case MonoShortInlineVar:
		case MonoShortInlineI:
		case MonoShortInlineBrTarget:
			ip += 2;
		case MonoInlineSwitch:
			n = read32 (ip);
			ip += 4;
			ip += 4 * n;
		case MonoInlineI8:
		case MonoInlineR:
			ip += 9;
		case MonoInlineMethod:
				MonoMethod *cm = mono_get_method (method->klass->image, read32 (ip + 1), NULL);
				add_type (cm->klass);
				add_types_from_method (cm);
			ip += 5;
			g_assert_not_reached ();
Example #12
MonoDebugMethodAddress *
mono_debug_add_method (MonoMethod *method, MonoDebugMethodJitInfo *jit, MonoDomain *domain)
    MonoMethod *declaring;
    MonoDebugDataTable *table;
    MonoDebugMethodHeader *header;
    MonoDebugMethodAddress *address;
    MonoDebugMethodInfo *minfo;
    MonoDebugHandle *handle;
    guint8 buffer [BUFSIZ];
    guint8 *ptr, *oldptr;
    guint32 i, size, total_size, max_size;
    gboolean is_wrapper = FALSE;

    mono_debugger_lock ();

    table = lookup_data_table (domain);

    handle = _mono_debug_get_image (method->klass->image);
    minfo = _mono_debug_lookup_method (method);

    if (!minfo || (method->iflags & METHOD_IMPL_ATTRIBUTE_INTERNAL_CALL) ||
            (method->iflags & METHOD_IMPL_ATTRIBUTE_RUNTIME) ||
            (method->flags & METHOD_ATTRIBUTE_PINVOKE_IMPL) ||
            (method->flags & METHOD_ATTRIBUTE_ABSTRACT) ||
            (method->wrapper_type != MONO_WRAPPER_NONE)) {
        is_wrapper = TRUE;

    max_size = (5 * 5) + 1 + (10 * jit->num_line_numbers) +
               (25 + sizeof (gpointer)) * (1 + jit->num_params + jit->num_locals);

    if (max_size > BUFSIZ)
        ptr = oldptr = g_malloc (max_size);
        ptr = oldptr = buffer;

    write_leb128 (jit->prologue_end, ptr, &ptr);
    write_leb128 (jit->epilogue_begin, ptr, &ptr);

    write_leb128 (jit->num_line_numbers, ptr, &ptr);
    for (i = 0; i < jit->num_line_numbers; i++) {
        MonoDebugLineNumberEntry *lne = &jit->line_numbers [i];

        write_sleb128 (lne->il_offset, ptr, &ptr);
        write_sleb128 (lne->native_offset, ptr, &ptr);

    *ptr++ = jit->this_var ? 1 : 0;
    if (jit->this_var)
        write_variable (jit->this_var, ptr, &ptr);

    write_leb128 (jit->num_params, ptr, &ptr);
    for (i = 0; i < jit->num_params; i++)
        write_variable (&jit->params [i], ptr, &ptr);

    write_leb128 (jit->num_locals, ptr, &ptr);
    for (i = 0; i < jit->num_locals; i++)
        write_variable (&jit->locals [i], ptr, &ptr);

    size = ptr - oldptr;
    g_assert (size < max_size);
    total_size = size + sizeof (MonoDebugMethodAddress);

    address = (MonoDebugMethodAddress *) allocate_data_item (
                  table, MONO_DEBUG_DATA_ITEM_METHOD, total_size);

    address->header.size = total_size;
    address->header.symfile_id = handle ? handle->index : 0;
    address->header.domain_id = mono_domain_get_id (domain);
    address->header.method_id = is_wrapper ? 0 : minfo->index;
    address->header.method = method;

    address->code_start = jit->code_start;
    address->code_size = jit->code_size;

    memcpy (&address->data, oldptr, size);
    if (max_size > BUFSIZ)
        g_free (oldptr);

    declaring = method->is_inflated ? ((MonoMethodInflated *) method)->declaring : method;
    header = g_hash_table_lookup (table->method_hash, declaring);

    if (!header) {
        header = &address->header;
        g_hash_table_insert (table->method_hash, declaring, header);

        if (is_wrapper) {
            const unsigned char* il_code;
            MonoMethodHeader *mheader;
            MonoDebugWrapperData *wrapper;
            guint32 il_codesize;

            mheader = mono_method_get_header (declaring);
            il_code = mono_method_header_get_code (mheader, &il_codesize, NULL);

            header->wrapper_data = wrapper = g_new0 (MonoDebugWrapperData, 1);

            wrapper->wrapper_type = method->wrapper_type;
            wrapper->method_name = mono_method_full_name (declaring, TRUE);
            wrapper->cil_code = mono_disasm_code (
                                    NULL, declaring, il_code, il_code + il_codesize);
    } else {
        address->header.wrapper_data = header->wrapper_data;
        header->address_list = g_slist_prepend (header->address_list, address);

    g_hash_table_insert (table->method_address_hash, method, address);

    write_data_item (table, (guint8 *) address);

    mono_debugger_unlock ();
    return address;
Example #13
static gboolean
collect_coverage_for (MonoProfiler *prof, MonoMethod *method)
	int i;
	char *classname;
	char *fqn;
	MonoMethodHeader *header;
	gboolean has_positive, found;
	guint32 iflags, flags, code_size;
	MonoClass *klass;
	MonoImage *image;

	flags = mono_method_get_flags (method, &iflags);
	if ((iflags & 0x1000 /*METHOD_IMPL_ATTRIBUTE_INTERNAL_CALL*/) ||
	    (flags & 0x2000 /*METHOD_ATTRIBUTE_PINVOKE_IMPL*/))
		return FALSE;

	//if (method->wrapper_type != MONO_WRAPPER_NONE)
	//	return FALSE;

	klass = mono_method_get_class (method);
	image = mono_class_get_image (klass);
	/* Hacky way of determining the executing assembly */
	if (! prof->outfile_name && (strcmp (mono_method_get_name (method), "Main") == 0)) {
		prof->outfile_name = g_strdup_printf ("%s.cov", mono_image_get_filename (image));

	/* Check filters */
	if (prof->filters) {
		/* Check already filtered classes first */
		if (g_hash_table_lookup (prof->filtered_classes, klass))
			return FALSE;

		classname = mono_type_get_name (mono_class_get_type (klass));

		fqn = g_strdup_printf ("[%s]%s", mono_image_get_name (image), classname);

		// Check positive filters first
		has_positive = FALSE;
		found = FALSE;
		for (i = 0; i < prof->filters->len; ++i) {
			char *filter = g_ptr_array_index (prof->filters_as_str, i);
			if (filter [0] == '+') {
				filter = &filter [1];
				if (strstr (fqn, filter) != NULL)
					found = TRUE;
				has_positive = TRUE;
		if (has_positive && !found)
			return FALSE;

		for (i = 0; i < prof->filters->len; ++i) {
			// Is substring search suffices ???
//			GPatternSpec *spec = g_ptr_array_index (filters, i);
//			if (g_pattern_match_string (spec, classname)) {
			char *filter = g_ptr_array_index (prof->filters_as_str, i);
			if (filter [0] == '+')

			// Skip '-'
			filter = &filter [1];
			if (strstr (fqn, filter) != NULL) {
				g_hash_table_insert (prof->filtered_classes, klass, klass);
				return FALSE;
		g_free (fqn);
		g_free (classname);

	header = mono_method_get_header (method);

	mono_method_header_get_code (header, &code_size, NULL);
	if (code_size > 20000) {
		exit (1);
		g_warning ("Unable to instrument method %s:%s since it is too complex.", mono_class_get_name (klass), mono_method_get_name (method));
		return FALSE;

	g_hash_table_insert (prof->methods, method, method);

	g_hash_table_insert (prof->classes, klass, klass);

	g_hash_table_insert (prof->assemblies, mono_image_get_assembly (image), mono_image_get_assembly (image));

	return TRUE;
Example #14
static void replace_method (Package *pkg) {
    xmono::ReplaceMethodReq req;
    xmono::ReplaceMethodRsp rsp;
    std::string str((char*)pkg->body, pkg->all_len - sizeof (Package));
    if (!req.ParseFromString (str)) {
        LOGD ("xmono::ReplaceMethodReq ParseFromString err!");
    std::string err;
    void *p, *old_p;
    uint8_t *code;
    int code_size;
    MonoMethodHeader *mh;
    MonoThread *thread;
    MonoMethod *new_method;
    MonoDomain *domain;
    MonoMethod * method = get_method_with_token (req.image_name ().c_str (), req.method_token ());
    if (!method) {
        rsp.set_err (false);
        rsp.set_msg (helper_last_err ());
        goto replace_method_end;
    domain = mono_domain_get_by_id (req.domain_id ());
    if (!domain) {
        rsp.set_err (false);
        rsp.set_msg ("can not get the domain from id");
        goto replace_method_end;
    mh = mono_method_get_header (method);
    if (req.ex_size () != mono_method_header_get_num_clauses (mh)) {
        rsp.set_err (false);
        rsp.set_msg ("ex size != mono_method_header_clauses size!");
        goto replace_method_end;
    for (int i = 0; i < req.ex_size (); i++) {
        xmono::ReplaceMethodReq_ExceptionClause const &e = req.ex (i);
        void *iter = 0;
        MonoExceptionClause *clauses = &mh->clauses[i];
        MonoExceptionClause *old_e = (MonoExceptionClause*)iter;
        old_e->try_offset = e.try_offset ();
        old_e->try_len = e.try_len ();
        old_e->handler_offset = e.handler_offset ();
        old_e->handler_len = e.handler_len ();
    code = new uint8_t[req.new_code ().size ()];
    memcpy (code, req.new_code ().c_str (), req.new_code ().size ());
    mh->code = code;
    mh->code_size = req.new_code ().size ();
    thread = mono_thread_attach (domain);
    /*128 是一个估计值, 在未来可能不稳定, 但当前只能如此*/
    new_method = (MonoMethod*)calloc (128, 1); /*这个地方用malloc优于用new*/
    memcpy (new_method, method, 128);

    pthread_mutex_lock (&replace_mutex);
    replace_method_dict[new_method] = true;
    pthread_mutex_unlock (&replace_mutex);

    p = mono_compile_method (new_method);
    memcpy (hooked_method_dict[method]->specific_hook + 4, &p, 4);

    pthread_mutex_lock (&hooked_mutex);
    old_p = mono_jit_info_get_code_start (hooked_method_dict[method]->jinfo);
    pthread_mutex_unlock (&hooked_mutex);

    mono_thread_detach (thread);
    LOGD ("compile method, new ptr : %p, old ptr : %p", p, old_p);
    rsp.set_err (true);
    rsp.set_msg ("replace_method successful.");
    std::string out;
    rsp.SerializeToString (&out);
    ecmd_send (XMONO_ID_REPLACE_METHOD_RSP, (uint8_t const*)out.c_str (), out.size ());
Example #15
static char const *disil_method (MonoMethod *method) {
    MonoMethodHeader *header = mono_method_get_header (method);
    uint32_t len = 0;
    uint8_t const *code = mono_method_header_get_code (header, &len, 0);
    return mono_disasm_code (0, method, code, code + len);
Example #16
static const unsigned char*
dis_one (GString *str, MonoDisHelper *dh, MonoMethod *method, const unsigned char *ip, const unsigned char *end)
	MonoMethodHeader *header = mono_method_get_header (method);
	const MonoOpcode *opcode;
	guint32 label, token;
	gint32 sval;
	int i;
	char *tmp;
	const unsigned char* il_code = mono_method_header_get_code (header, NULL, NULL);

	label = ip - il_code;
	if (dh->indenter) {
		tmp = dh->indenter (dh, method, label);
		g_string_append (str, tmp);
		g_free (tmp);
	if (dh->label_format)
		g_string_append_printf (str, dh->label_format, label);
	i = mono_opcode_value (&ip, end);
	opcode = &mono_opcodes [i];
	g_string_append_printf (str, "%-10s", mono_opcode_name (i));

	switch (opcode->argument) {
	case MonoInlineNone:
	case MonoInlineType:
	case MonoInlineField:
	case MonoInlineMethod:
	case MonoInlineTok:
	case MonoInlineSig:
		token = read32 (ip);
		if (dh->tokener) {
			tmp = dh->tokener (dh, method, token);
			g_string_append (str, tmp);
			g_free (tmp);
		} else {
			g_string_append_printf (str, "0x%08x", token);
		ip += 4;
	case MonoInlineString: {
		const char *blob;
		char *s;
		size_t len2;
		char *blob2 = NULL;

		if (!image_is_dynamic (method->klass->image) && !method_is_dynamic (method)) {
			token = read32 (ip);
			blob = mono_metadata_user_string (method->klass->image, mono_metadata_token_index (token));

			len2 = mono_metadata_decode_blob_size (blob, &blob);
			len2 >>= 1;

			/* The blob might not be 2 byte aligned */
			blob2 = g_malloc ((len2 * 2) + 1);
			memcpy (blob2, blob, len2 * 2);
			blob2 = (char*)blob;

				guint16 *buf = g_new (guint16, len2 + 1);
				int i;

				for (i = 0; i < len2; ++i)
					buf [i] = GUINT16_FROM_LE (((guint16*)blob2) [i]);
				s = g_utf16_to_utf8 (buf, len2, NULL, NULL, NULL);
				g_free (buf);
				s = g_utf16_to_utf8 ((gunichar2*)blob2, len2, NULL, NULL, NULL);

			g_string_append_printf (str, "\"%s\"", s);
			g_free (s);
			if (blob != blob2)
				g_free (blob2);
		ip += 4;
	case MonoInlineVar:
		g_string_append_printf (str, "%d", read16 (ip));
		ip += 2;
	case MonoShortInlineVar:
		g_string_append_printf (str, "%d", (*ip));
		ip ++;
	case MonoInlineBrTarget:
		sval = read32 (ip);
		ip += 4;
		if (dh->label_target)
			g_string_append_printf (str, dh->label_target, ip + sval - il_code);
			g_string_append_printf (str, "%d", sval);
	case MonoShortInlineBrTarget:
		sval = *(const signed char*)ip;
		ip ++;
		if (dh->label_target)
			g_string_append_printf (str, dh->label_target, ip + sval - il_code);
			g_string_append_printf (str, "%d", sval);
	case MonoInlineSwitch: {
		const unsigned char *end;
		sval = read32 (ip);
		ip += 4;
		end = ip + sval * 4;
		g_string_append_c (str, '(');
		for (i = 0; i < sval; ++i) {
			if (i > 0)
				g_string_append (str, ", ");
			label = read32 (ip);
			if (dh->label_target)
				g_string_append_printf (str, dh->label_target, end + label - il_code);
				g_string_append_printf (str, "%d", label);
			ip += 4;
		g_string_append_c (str, ')');
	case MonoInlineR: {
		double r;
		readr8 (ip, &r);
		g_string_append_printf (str, "%g", r);
		ip += 8;
	case MonoShortInlineR: {
		float r;
		readr4 (ip, &r);
		g_string_append_printf (str, "%g", r);
		ip += 4;
	case MonoInlineI:
		g_string_append_printf (str, "%d", (gint32)read32 (ip));
		ip += 4;
	case MonoShortInlineI:
		g_string_append_printf (str, "%d", *(const signed char*)ip);
		ip ++;
	case MonoInlineI8:
		ip += 8;
		g_assert_not_reached ();
Example #17
 * mono_debug_add_vg_method:
 *  Register symbol information for the method with valgrind
static void 
mono_debug_add_vg_method (MonoMethod *method, MonoDebugMethodJitInfo *jit)
	MonoMethodHeader *header;
	MonoDebugMethodInfo *minfo;
	int i;
	char *filename = NULL;
	guint32 address, line_number;
	const char *full_name;
	guint32 *addresses;
	guint32 *lines;


	header = mono_method_get_header (method);

	full_name = mono_method_full_name (method, TRUE);

	addresses = g_new0 (guint32, header->code_size + 1);
	lines = g_new0 (guint32, header->code_size + 1);

	 * Very simple code to convert the addr->offset mappings that mono has
	 * into [addr-addr] ->line number mappings.

	minfo = mono_debug_lookup_method (method);
	if (minfo) {
		/* Create offset->line number mapping */
		for (i = 0; i < header->code_size; ++i) {
			MonoDebugSourceLocation *location;

			location = mono_debug_symfile_lookup_location (minfo, i);
			if (!location)

			lines [i] = location.row;
			if (!filename)
				filename = location.source_file;

			mono_debug_free_source_location (location);

	/* Create address->offset mapping */
	for (i = 0; i < jit->num_line_numbers; ++i) {
		MonoDebugLineNumberEntry *lne = jit->line_numbers [i];

		g_assert (lne->offset <= header->code_size);

		if ((addresses [lne->offset] == 0) || (lne->address < addresses [lne->offset]))
			addresses [lne->offset] = lne->address;
	/* Fill out missing addresses */
	address = 0;
	for (i = 0; i < header->code_size; ++i) {
		if (addresses [i] == 0)
			addresses [i] = address;
			address = addresses [i];
	address = 0;
	line_number = 0;
	i = 0;
	while (i < header->code_size) {
		if (lines [i] == line_number)
			i ++;
		else {
			if (line_number > 0) {
				//g_assert (addresses [i] - 1 >= address);
				if (addresses [i] - 1 >= address) {
					VALGRIND_ADD_LINE_INFO (jit->code_start + address, jit->code_start + addresses [i] - 1, filename, line_number);
					//printf ("[%d-%d] -> %d.\n", address, addresses [i] - 1, line_number);
			address = addresses [i];
			line_number = lines [i];

	if (line_number > 0) {
		VALGRIND_ADD_LINE_INFO (jit->code_start + address, jit->code_start + jit->code_size - 1, filename, line_number);
		//printf ("[%d-%d] -> %d.\n", address, jit->code_size - 1, line_number);

	VALGRIND_ADD_SYMBOL (jit->code_start, jit->code_size, full_name);

	g_free (addresses);
	g_free (lines);
	mono_metadata_free_mh (header);
Example #18
void CPipeServer::GetMethodHeader()
	void *method=(void *)ReadQword();
	void *result=mono_method_get_header(method);