JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_com_axelby_mp3decoders_MPG123_getSeekFrameOffset
	(JNIEnv *env, jclass c, jlong mp3file, jfloat seconds)
    MP3File *mp3 = (MP3File *)mp3file;
	mpg123_handle *mh = mp3->handle;

	size_t fill;
	off_t step;
	off_t* offsets;
	mpg123_index(mh, &offsets, &step, &fill);

	int target_frame = (int) (seconds / mp3->secs_per_frame); // the frame number to seek to
	int target_index = target_frame / step; // the closest index to the target frame
	// say so if there aren't enough entries in the index
	if (target_index >= fill)
		return -1;
	return offsets[target_index];
Example #2
static int print_index(mpg123_handle *mh)
	int err;
	size_t c, fill;
	off_t *index;
	off_t  step;
	err = mpg123_index(mh, &index, &step, &fill);
	if(err == MPG123_ERR)
		fprintf(stderr, "Error accessing frame index: %s\n", mpg123_strerror(mh));
		return err;
	for(c=0; c < fill;++c) 
		fprintf(stderr, "[%lu] %lu: %li (+%li)\n",
		(unsigned long) c,
		(unsigned long) (c*step), 
		(long) index[c], 
		(long) (c ? index[c]-index[c-1] : 0));
	return MPG123_OK;