Example #1
/* Accessor for helper variable.  */
static gcry_mpi_t
ec_get_two_inv_p (mpi_ec_t ec)
  if (!ec->t.valid.two_inv_p)
      ec->t.valid.two_inv_p = 1;
      if (!ec->t.two_inv_p)
        ec->t.two_inv_p = mpi_alloc (0);
      ec_invm (ec->t.two_inv_p, mpi_const (MPI_C_TWO), ec);
  return ec->t.two_inv_p;
Example #2
/* Scalar point multiplication - the main function for ECC.  If takes
   an integer SCALAR and a POINT as well as the usual context CTX.
   RESULT will be set to the resulting point. */
_gcry_mpi_ec_mul_point (mpi_point_t result,
                        gcry_mpi_t scalar, mpi_point_t point,
                        mpi_ec_t ctx)
#if 0
  /* Simple left to right binary method.  GECC Algorithm 3.27 */
  unsigned int nbits;
  int i;

  nbits = mpi_get_nbits (scalar);
  mpi_set_ui (result->x, 1);
  mpi_set_ui (result->y, 1);
  mpi_set_ui (result->z, 0);

  for (i=nbits-1; i >= 0; i--)
      _gcry_mpi_ec_dup_point (result, result, ctx);
      if (mpi_test_bit (scalar, i) == 1)
        _gcry_mpi_ec_add_points (result, result, point, ctx);

  gcry_mpi_t x1, y1, z1, k, h, yy;
  unsigned int i, loops;
  mpi_point_struct p1, p2, p1inv;

  x1 = mpi_alloc_like (ctx->p);
  y1 = mpi_alloc_like (ctx->p);
  h  = mpi_alloc_like (ctx->p);
  k  = mpi_copy (scalar);
  yy = mpi_copy (point->y);

  if ( mpi_is_neg (k) )
      k->sign = 0;
      ec_invm (yy, yy, ctx);

  if (!mpi_cmp_ui (point->z, 1))
      mpi_set (x1, point->x);
      mpi_set (y1, yy);
      gcry_mpi_t z2, z3;

      z2 = mpi_alloc_like (ctx->p);
      z3 = mpi_alloc_like (ctx->p);
      ec_mulm (z2, point->z, point->z, ctx);
      ec_mulm (z3, point->z, z2, ctx);
      ec_invm (z2, z2, ctx);
      ec_mulm (x1, point->x, z2, ctx);
      ec_invm (z3, z3, ctx);
      ec_mulm (y1, yy, z3, ctx);
      mpi_free (z2);
      mpi_free (z3);
  z1 = mpi_copy (mpi_const (MPI_C_ONE));

  mpi_mul (h, k, mpi_const (MPI_C_THREE)); /* h = 3k */
  loops = mpi_get_nbits (h);
  if (loops < 2)
      /* If SCALAR is zero, the above mpi_mul sets H to zero and thus
         LOOPs will be zero.  To avoid an underflow of I in the main
         loop we set LOOP to 2 and the result to (0,0,0).  */
      loops = 2;
      mpi_clear (result->x);
      mpi_clear (result->y);
      mpi_clear (result->z);
      mpi_set (result->x, point->x);
      mpi_set (result->y, yy);
      mpi_set (result->z, point->z);
  mpi_free (yy); yy = NULL;

  p1.x = x1; x1 = NULL;
  p1.y = y1; y1 = NULL;
  p1.z = z1; z1 = NULL;
  point_init (&p2);
  point_init (&p1inv);

  for (i=loops-2; i > 0; i--)
      _gcry_mpi_ec_dup_point (result, result, ctx);
      if (mpi_test_bit (h, i) == 1 && mpi_test_bit (k, i) == 0)
          point_set (&p2, result);
          _gcry_mpi_ec_add_points (result, &p2, &p1, ctx);
      if (mpi_test_bit (h, i) == 0 && mpi_test_bit (k, i) == 1)
          point_set (&p2, result);
          /* Invert point: y = p - y mod p  */
          point_set (&p1inv, &p1);
          ec_subm (p1inv.y, ctx->p, p1inv.y, ctx);
          _gcry_mpi_ec_add_points (result, &p2, &p1inv, ctx);

  point_free (&p1);
  point_free (&p2);
  point_free (&p1inv);
  mpi_free (h);
  mpi_free (k);
Example #3
/* RESULT = P1 + P2 */
_gcry_mpi_ec_add_points (mpi_point_t result,
                         mpi_point_t p1, mpi_point_t p2,
                         mpi_ec_t ctx)
#define x1 (p1->x    )
#define y1 (p1->y    )
#define z1 (p1->z    )
#define x2 (p2->x    )
#define y2 (p2->y    )
#define z2 (p2->z    )
#define x3 (result->x)
#define y3 (result->y)
#define z3 (result->z)
#define l1 (ctx->t.scratch[0])
#define l2 (ctx->t.scratch[1])
#define l3 (ctx->t.scratch[2])
#define l4 (ctx->t.scratch[3])
#define l5 (ctx->t.scratch[4])
#define l6 (ctx->t.scratch[5])
#define l7 (ctx->t.scratch[6])
#define l8 (ctx->t.scratch[7])
#define l9 (ctx->t.scratch[8])
#define t1 (ctx->t.scratch[9])
#define t2 (ctx->t.scratch[10])

  if ( (!mpi_cmp (x1, x2)) && (!mpi_cmp (y1, y2)) && (!mpi_cmp (z1, z2)) )
      /* Same point; need to call the duplicate function.  */
      _gcry_mpi_ec_dup_point (result, p1, ctx);
  else if (!mpi_cmp_ui (z1, 0))
      /* P1 is at infinity.  */
      mpi_set (x3, p2->x);
      mpi_set (y3, p2->y);
      mpi_set (z3, p2->z);
  else if (!mpi_cmp_ui (z2, 0))
      /* P2 is at infinity.  */
      mpi_set (x3, p1->x);
      mpi_set (y3, p1->y);
      mpi_set (z3, p1->z);
      int z1_is_one = !mpi_cmp_ui (z1, 1);
      int z2_is_one = !mpi_cmp_ui (z2, 1);

      /* l1 = x1 z2^2  */
      /* l2 = x2 z1^2  */
      if (z2_is_one)
        mpi_set (l1, x1);
          ec_powm (l1, z2, mpi_const (MPI_C_TWO), ctx);
          ec_mulm (l1, l1, x1, ctx);
      if (z1_is_one)
        mpi_set (l2, x2);
          ec_powm (l2, z1, mpi_const (MPI_C_TWO), ctx);
          ec_mulm (l2, l2, x2, ctx);
      /* l3 = l1 - l2 */
      ec_subm (l3, l1, l2, ctx);
      /* l4 = y1 z2^3  */
      ec_powm (l4, z2, mpi_const (MPI_C_THREE), ctx);
      ec_mulm (l4, l4, y1, ctx);
      /* l5 = y2 z1^3  */
      ec_powm (l5, z1, mpi_const (MPI_C_THREE), ctx);
      ec_mulm (l5, l5, y2, ctx);
      /* l6 = l4 - l5  */
      ec_subm (l6, l4, l5, ctx);

      if (!mpi_cmp_ui (l3, 0))
          if (!mpi_cmp_ui (l6, 0))
              /* P1 and P2 are the same - use duplicate function.  */
              _gcry_mpi_ec_dup_point (result, p1, ctx);
              /* P1 is the inverse of P2.  */
              mpi_set_ui (x3, 1);
              mpi_set_ui (y3, 1);
              mpi_set_ui (z3, 0);
          /* l7 = l1 + l2  */
          ec_addm (l7, l1, l2, ctx);
          /* l8 = l4 + l5  */
          ec_addm (l8, l4, l5, ctx);
          /* z3 = z1 z2 l3  */
          ec_mulm (z3, z1, z2, ctx);
          ec_mulm (z3, z3, l3, ctx);
          /* x3 = l6^2 - l7 l3^2  */
          ec_powm (t1, l6, mpi_const (MPI_C_TWO), ctx);
          ec_powm (t2, l3, mpi_const (MPI_C_TWO), ctx);
          ec_mulm (t2, t2, l7, ctx);
          ec_subm (x3, t1, t2, ctx);
          /* l9 = l7 l3^2 - 2 x3  */
          ec_mulm (t1, x3, mpi_const (MPI_C_TWO), ctx);
          ec_subm (l9, t2, t1, ctx);
          /* y3 = (l9 l6 - l8 l3^3)/2  */
          ec_mulm (l9, l9, l6, ctx);
          ec_powm (t1, l3, mpi_const (MPI_C_THREE), ctx); /* fixme: Use saved value*/
          ec_mulm (t1, t1, l8, ctx);
          ec_subm (y3, l9, t1, ctx);
          ec_mulm (y3, y3, ec_get_two_inv_p (ctx), ctx);

#undef x1
#undef y1
#undef z1
#undef x2
#undef y2
#undef z2
#undef x3
#undef y3
#undef z3
#undef l1
#undef l2
#undef l3
#undef l4
#undef l5
#undef l6
#undef l7
#undef l8
#undef l9
#undef t1
#undef t2
Example #4
/*  RESULT = 2 * POINT  */
_gcry_mpi_ec_dup_point (mpi_point_t result, mpi_point_t point, mpi_ec_t ctx)
#define x3 (result->x)
#define y3 (result->y)
#define z3 (result->z)
#define t1 (ctx->t.scratch[0])
#define t2 (ctx->t.scratch[1])
#define t3 (ctx->t.scratch[2])
#define l1 (ctx->t.scratch[3])
#define l2 (ctx->t.scratch[4])
#define l3 (ctx->t.scratch[5])

  if (!mpi_cmp_ui (point->y, 0) || !mpi_cmp_ui (point->z, 0))
      /* P_y == 0 || P_z == 0 => [1:1:0] */
      mpi_set_ui (x3, 1);
      mpi_set_ui (y3, 1);
      mpi_set_ui (z3, 0);
      if (ec_get_a_is_pminus3 (ctx))  /* Use the faster case.  */
          /* L1 = 3(X - Z^2)(X + Z^2) */
          /*                          T1: used for Z^2. */
          /*                          T2: used for the right term.  */
          ec_powm (t1, point->z, mpi_const (MPI_C_TWO), ctx);
          ec_subm (l1, point->x, t1, ctx);
          ec_mulm (l1, l1, mpi_const (MPI_C_THREE), ctx);
          ec_addm (t2, point->x, t1, ctx);
          ec_mulm (l1, l1, t2, ctx);
      else /* Standard case. */
          /* L1 = 3X^2 + aZ^4 */
          /*                          T1: used for aZ^4. */
          ec_powm (l1, point->x, mpi_const (MPI_C_TWO), ctx);
          ec_mulm (l1, l1, mpi_const (MPI_C_THREE), ctx);
          ec_powm (t1, point->z, mpi_const (MPI_C_FOUR), ctx);
          ec_mulm (t1, t1, ctx->a, ctx);
          ec_addm (l1, l1, t1, ctx);
      /* Z3 = 2YZ */
      ec_mulm (z3, point->y, point->z, ctx);
      ec_mulm (z3, z3, mpi_const (MPI_C_TWO), ctx);

      /* L2 = 4XY^2 */
      /*                              T2: used for Y2; required later. */
      ec_powm (t2, point->y, mpi_const (MPI_C_TWO), ctx);
      ec_mulm (l2, t2, point->x, ctx);
      ec_mulm (l2, l2, mpi_const (MPI_C_FOUR), ctx);

      /* X3 = L1^2 - 2L2 */
      /*                              T1: used for L2^2. */
      ec_powm (x3, l1, mpi_const (MPI_C_TWO), ctx);
      ec_mulm (t1, l2, mpi_const (MPI_C_TWO), ctx);
      ec_subm (x3, x3, t1, ctx);

      /* L3 = 8Y^4 */
      /*                              T2: taken from above. */
      ec_powm (t2, t2, mpi_const (MPI_C_TWO), ctx);
      ec_mulm (l3, t2, mpi_const (MPI_C_EIGHT), ctx);

      /* Y3 = L1(L2 - X3) - L3 */
      ec_subm (y3, l2, x3, ctx);
      ec_mulm (y3, y3, l1, ctx);
      ec_subm (y3, y3, l3, ctx);

#undef x3
#undef y3
#undef z3
#undef t1
#undef t2
#undef t3
#undef l1
#undef l2
#undef l3
Example #5
/* Recover X from Y and SIGN (which actually is a parity bit).  */
_gcry_ecc_eddsa_recover_x (gcry_mpi_t x, gcry_mpi_t y, int sign, mpi_ec_t ec)
  gpg_err_code_t rc = 0;
  gcry_mpi_t u, v, v3, t;
  static gcry_mpi_t p58, seven;

  if (ec->dialect != ECC_DIALECT_ED25519)

  if (!p58)
  if (!seven)
    seven = mpi_set_ui (NULL, 7);

  u   = mpi_new (0);
  v   = mpi_new (0);
  v3  = mpi_new (0);
  t   = mpi_new (0);

  /* Compute u and v */
  /* u = y^2    */
  mpi_mulm (u, y, y, ec->p);
  /* v = b*y^2   */
  mpi_mulm (v, ec->b, u, ec->p);
  /* u = y^2-1  */
  mpi_sub_ui (u, u, 1);
  /* v = b*y^2+1 */
  mpi_add_ui (v, v, 1);

  /* Compute sqrt(u/v) */
  /* v3 = v^3 */
  mpi_powm (v3, v, mpi_const (MPI_C_THREE), ec->p);
  /* t = v3 * v3 * u * v = u * v^7 */
  mpi_powm (t, v, seven, ec->p);
  mpi_mulm (t, t, u, ec->p);
  /* t = t^((p-5)/8) = (u * v^7)^((p-5)/8)  */
  mpi_powm (t, t, p58, ec->p);
  /* x = t * u * v^3 = (u * v^3) * (u * v^7)^((p-5)/8) */
  mpi_mulm (t, t, u, ec->p);
  mpi_mulm (x, t, v3, ec->p);

  /* Adjust if needed.  */
  /* t = v * x^2  */
  mpi_mulm (t, x, x, ec->p);
  mpi_mulm (t, t, v, ec->p);
  /* -t == u ? x = x * sqrt(-1) */
  mpi_neg (t, t);
  if (!mpi_cmp (t, u))
      static gcry_mpi_t m1;  /* Fixme: this is not thread-safe.  */
      if (!m1)
        m1 = scanval ("2B8324804FC1DF0B2B4D00993DFBD7A7"
      mpi_mulm (x, x, m1, ec->p);
      /* t = v * x^2  */
      mpi_mulm (t, x, x, ec->p);
      mpi_mulm (t, t, v, ec->p);
      /* -t == u ? x = x * sqrt(-1) */
      mpi_neg (t, t);
      if (!mpi_cmp (t, u))
        rc = GPG_ERR_INV_OBJ;

  /* Choose the desired square root according to parity */
  if (mpi_test_bit (x, 0) != !!sign)
    mpi_sub (x, ec->p, x);

  mpi_free (t);
  mpi_free (v3);
  mpi_free (v);
  mpi_free (u);

  return rc;