/* * get quaternion and wait */ uint8_t mpu6050_getQuaternionWait(double *qw, double *qx, double *qy, double *qz) { while (!mpu6050_mpuInterrupt && mpu6050_fifoCount < MPU6050_DMP_dmpPacketSize); //reset interrupt mpu6050_mpuInterrupt = 0; //check for overflow mpu6050_mpuIntStatus = mpu6050_getIntStatus(); mpu6050_fifoCount = mpu6050_getFIFOCount(); if ((mpu6050_mpuIntStatus & 0x10) || mpu6050_fifoCount == 1024) { //reset mpu6050_resetFIFO(); } else if (mpu6050_mpuIntStatus & 0x02) { //wait for correct available data length, should be a VERY short wait while (mpu6050_fifoCount < MPU6050_DMP_dmpPacketSize) mpu6050_fifoCount = mpu6050_getFIFOCount(); //read a packet from FIFO mpu6050_getFIFOBytes(mpu6050_fifoBuffer, MPU6050_DMP_dmpPacketSize); mpu6050_fifoCount -= MPU6050_DMP_dmpPacketSize; //get quaternion mpu6050_getQuaternion(mpu6050_fifoBuffer, qw, qx, qy, qz); return 1; } return 0; }
int main(void) { //programowy pwm DDRC |= (1<<PC0)|(1<<PC1); PORTC |= (1<<PC0); PORTC |= (1<<PC1); TCCR2B |= (1<<WGM21); // tryb CTC TCCR2B |= (1<<CS20); // preskaler = 1 OCR2B = 199; // dodatkowy podzia³ czêsttotliwoœci przez 200 TIMSK2 |= (1<<OCIE2B); /*TCCR2 |= (1<<WGM21); // tryb CTC TCCR2 |= (1<<CS20); // preskaler = 1 OCR2 = 199; // dodatkowy podzia³ czêsttotliwoœci przez 200 TIMSK |= (1<<OCIE2);*/ #if MPU6050_GETATTITUDE == 0 int16_t ax = 0; int16_t ay = 0; int16_t az = 0; int16_t gx = 0; int16_t gy = 0; int16_t gz = 0; double axg = 0; double ayg = 0; double azg = 0; double gxds = 0; double gyds = 0; double gzds = 0; #endif #if MPU6050_GETATTITUDE == 1 || MPU6050_GETATTITUDE == 2 //long *ptr = 0; double qw = 1.0f; double qx = 0.0f; double qy = 0.0f; double qz = 0.0f; double roll = 0.0f; double pitch = 0.0f; double yaw = 0.0f; #endif //uart_init(UART_BAUD_SELECT(UART_BAUD_RATE,F_CPU)); sei(); mpu6050_init(); _delay_ms(50); int maxa=0,maxg=0,aax,pom; //init mpu6050 dmp processor #if MPU6050_GETATTITUDE == 2 mpu6050_dmpInitialize(); mpu6050_dmpEnable(); _delay_ms(10); #endif DDRD |= (1<<PD0); PORTD |= (1<<PD0); lcd_init(); int licz=1,suma=0,_ax,fi,bak; int i; int ii,jj; int sprawdz; //pid /*float wzmocnienieP=10; //Wzmocnienie float stalaI=0.4; //Sta³a czasowa ca³kowania float stalaD=12; //Sta³a czasowa ró¿niczkowania */ float wzmocnienieP=14; //Wzmocnienie float stalaI=0; //Sta³a czasowa ca³kowania float stalaD=0; float czas=0.15; //Czas zmian wielkoœci int predkosc=127; //Prêdkoœæ silników int predkosc_k=127; int sterowanie,uchyb,uchyb_pop=0; int calka=0; int lqr; //KF /*Matrix *x_post = matrix_alloc(4,1); for(ii=0;ii<4;ii++) { for(jj=0;jj<1;jj++) { x_post->matrix_entry[ii][jj]=0; } } Matrix *P_post = matrix_alloc(4,4); for(ii=0;ii<4;ii++) { for(jj=0;jj<4;jj++) { P_post->matrix_entry[ii][jj]=1; } } Matrix *V = matrix_alloc(4,4); for(ii=0;ii<4;ii++) { for(jj=0;jj<4;jj++) { if(ii==jj) V->matrix_entry[ii][ii]=0.8; else V->matrix_entry[ii][jj]=0; } } Matrix *W = matrix_alloc(2,2); W->matrix_entry[0][0]=0.02; W->matrix_entry[0][1]=0; W->matrix_entry[1][0]=0; W->matrix_entry[1][1]=4; //LQR Matrix *K_C = matrix_alloc(1,4); K_C->matrix_entry[0][0]=80; K_C->matrix_entry[0][1]=28.6388; K_C->matrix_entry[0][2]=-63.7184; K_C->matrix_entry[0][3]=-5.6401; */ for(;;) { lcd_cls(); #if MPU6050_GETATTITUDE == 0 mpu6050_getRawData(&ax, &ay, &az, &gx, &gy, &gz); mpu6050_getConvData(&axg, &ayg, &azg, &gxds, &gyds, &gzds); #endif #if MPU6050_GETATTITUDE == 1 mpu6050_getQuaternion(&qw, &qx, &qy, &qz); mpu6050_getRollPitchYaw(&roll, &pitch, &yaw); _delay_ms(10); #endif #if MPU6050_GETATTITUDE == 2 if(mpu6050_getQuaternionWait(&qw, &qx, &qy, &qz)) { mpu6050_getRollPitchYaw(qw, qx, qy, qz, &roll, &pitch, &yaw); } _delay_ms(10); #endif #if MPU6050_GETATTITUDE == 0 //char itmp[10]; /*ltoa(ax, itmp, 10); uart_putc(' '); uart_puts(itmp); uart_putc(' '); ltoa(ay, itmp, 10); uart_putc(' '); uart_puts(itmp); uart_putc(' '); ltoa(az, itmp, 10); uart_putc(' '); uart_puts(itmp); uart_putc(' '); ltoa(gx, itmp, 10); uart_putc(' '); uart_puts(itmp); uart_putc(' '); ltoa(gy, itmp, 10); uart_putc(' '); uart_puts(itmp); uart_putc(' '); ltoa(gz, itmp, 10); uart_putc(' '); uart_puts(itmp); uart_putc(' '); uart_puts("\r\n"); dtostrf(axg, 3, 5, itmp); uart_puts(itmp); uart_putc(' '); dtostrf(ayg, 3, 5, itmp); uart_puts(itmp); uart_putc(' '); dtostrf(azg, 3, 5, itmp); uart_puts(itmp); uart_putc(' '); dtostrf(gxds, 3, 5, itmp); uart_puts(itmp); uart_putc(' '); dtostrf(gyds, 3, 5, itmp); uart_puts(itmp); uart_putc(' '); dtostrf(gzds, 3, 5, itmp); uart_puts(itmp); uart_putc(' '); uart_puts("\r\n"); uart_puts("\r\n");*/ /*lcd_cls(); lcd_str("a=("); lcd_locate(0,3); lcd_int(axg); lcd_locate(0,6); lcd_str(","); lcd_locate(0,7); lcd_int(ayg); lcd_locate(0,10); lcd_str(","); lcd_locate(0,11); lcd_int(azg); lcd_locate(0,14); lcd_str(")"); lcd_locate(1,0); lcd_str("g=("); lcd_locate(1,3); lcd_int(gxds); lcd_locate(1,6); lcd_str(","); lcd_locate(1,7); lcd_int(gyds); lcd_locate(1,10); lcd_str(","); lcd_locate(1,11); lcd_int(gzds); lcd_locate(1,14); lcd_str(")"); _delay_ms(100);*/ /*if(ax<0) ax*=-1; if(gx<0) gx*=-1; if(ax>maxa) maxa=ax; if(gx>maxg) maxg=gx; lcd_int(maxa); lcd_locate(1,0); lcd_int(maxg); _delay_ms(100);*/ /* lcd_int(ax); lcd_locate(1,0); lcd_int(gx); _delay_ms(100);*/ //REGULATOR PROPORCJONALNY /*int K=26; ax/=100; if(ax<0) ax *= -1; pom=-K*ax+255; if(pom<0) pom = 0; pwm1=pom; if(ax>=0) PORTC &= ~(1<<PC1); else PORTC |= (1<<PC1); licz++;*/ //if((licz%10000)==0) //{ /*lcd_cls(); lcd_int(pwm1); _delay_ms(1000); //} * */ //############################33 ax /= 100; suma+=ax; licz++; if(licz == 20) { suma /= 20; fi=suma; //lcd_cls(); //lcd_int(fi); //_delay_ms(500); // if(fi>=0) { PORTC &= ~(1<<PC1); } if(fi<0) { PORTC |= (1<<PC1); fi *= -1; } //REGULATOR PROPORCJONALNY //int K=80; //pom=K*fi; //if(pom>255) pom = 255; //pwm1=pom; //PID if(fi<0) { uchyb = -1*fi; } else { uchyb = fi; } calka += stalaI*fi; sterowanie = (int)(wzmocnienieP*fi)/* - (int)(stalaD*((fi - uchyb_pop)))*/ + (int)(calka); sprawdz = predkosc - sterowanie; if(sterowanie>255) sterowanie = 255; if(sterowanie<0) sterowanie = 0-sterowanie; if(sterowanie<-255) sterowanie = 255; //lcd_int(sterowanie); //_delay_ms(1000); pwm1=sterowanie; uchyb_pop=fi; suma=0; licz=1; } //LQR //Wypelnianie macierzy A /*Matrix *A; A = matrix_alloc(4,4); for(ii=0;ii<4;ii++) { for(jj=0;jj<4;jj++) { A->matrix_entry[ii][jj]=0; } } A->matrix_entry[0][1]=1; A->matrix_entry[2][3]=1; A->matrix_entry[1][1]=-0.1192; A->matrix_entry[1][2]=6.7359; A->matrix_entry[3][1]=-1.2764; A->matrix_entry[3][2]=177.1575; //Wypelnianie macierzy B Matrix *B; B = matrix_alloc(4,1); for(ii=0;ii<4;ii++) { B->matrix_entry[ii][0]=0; } B->matrix_entry[1][0]=1.1923; B->matrix_entry[3][0]=12.7640; //Wypelnianie macierzy C Matrix *C; C = matrix_alloc(2,4); for(ii=0;ii<2;ii++) { for(jj=0;jj<4;jj++) { C->matrix_entry[ii][jj]=0; } } C->matrix_entry[0][0]=1; C->matrix_entry[1][2]=1; //u=pwm1 Matrix *x; x = matrix_alloc(4,1); x->matrix_entry[0][0]=0.000628*licznik; //m ################################# //x->matrix_entry[1][0]=6.28/(-0.0588*pwm1+20); //m/s x->matrix_entry[1][0]=3.1416/(5000*pwm1); //m/s x->matrix_entry[2][0]=(ax*9)/1600; //16000 - 90 stopni x->matrix_entry[3][0]=gy; // Matrix *y = matrix_alloc(2,1); y->matrix_entry[0][0]=x->matrix_entry[0][0]; y->matrix_entry[1][0]=x->matrix_entry[2][0]; //lcd_cls(); //lcd_int((int)x->matrix_entry[2][0]); //_delay_ms(500); //FILTR KALMANA Matrix *Ax = matrix_alloc(4,1); Matrix *Bu = matrix_alloc(4,1); Matrix *x_pri = matrix_alloc(4,1); Matrix *AP = matrix_alloc(4,4); Matrix *AT = matrix_alloc(4,4); Matrix *APAT = matrix_alloc(4,4); Matrix *P_pri = matrix_alloc(4,4); Matrix *eps = matrix_alloc(2,1); Matrix *CX = matrix_alloc(2,1); // x(t+1|t) = Ax(t|t) + Bu(t) Ax=matrix_multiply(A, x_post); Bu->matrix_entry[0][0]=0; Bu->matrix_entry[1][0]=pwm1*B->matrix_entry[1][0]; Bu->matrix_entry[2][0]=0; Bu->matrix_entry[3][0]=pwm1*B->matrix_entry[3][0]; matrix_add(x_pri, Ax, Bu); // P(t+1|t) = AP(t|t)A^T + V AP=matrix_multiply(A, P_post); AT=matrix_transpose(A); APAT=matrix_multiply(AP, AT); matrix_add(P_pri, APAT, V); // eps(t) = y(t) - Cx(t|t-1) CX=matrix_multiply(C, x_pri); matrix_subtract(eps,y,CX); Matrix *CP = matrix_alloc(2,4); Matrix *CPCT = matrix_alloc(2,2); Matrix *CT = matrix_alloc(4,2); Matrix *S = matrix_alloc(2,2); Matrix *PCT = matrix_alloc(4,2); //Matrix *S1 = matrix_alloc(2,2); Matrix *K = matrix_alloc(4,2); Matrix *Keps = matrix_alloc(4,1); Matrix *KS = matrix_alloc(4,2); Matrix *KT = matrix_alloc(2,4); Matrix *KSKT = matrix_alloc(4,4); // S(t) = CP(t|t-1)C^T + W CP=matrix_multiply(C, P_pri); CT=matrix_transpose(C); CPCT=matrix_multiply(CP, CT); matrix_add(S, CPCT, W); // K(t) = P(t|t-1)C^TS(t)^-1 PCT=matrix_multiply(P_pri, CT); matrix_invert(S); K=matrix_multiply(PCT, S); //S^-1 // x(t|t) = x(t|t-1) + K(t)eps(t) Keps=matrix_multiply(K, eps); matrix_add(x_post, x_pri, Keps); // P(t|t) = P(t|t-1) - K(t)S(t)K(t)^T matrix_invert(S); KS=matrix_multiply(K, S);//S KT=matrix_transpose(K); KSKT=matrix_multiply(KS, KT); matrix_subtract(P_post, P_pri, KSKT); //LQR Matrix *KX = matrix_alloc(1,1); KX=matrix_multiply(K, x_post); lqr=(int)(KX->matrix_entry[0][0]); sprawdz=predkosc + lqr; if(sprawdz>255) sprawdz = 255; if(sprawdz<0) sprawdz = 0; pwm1=sprawdz; pwm1 = predkosc */ //############ //matrix_t *A = make_matrix( 4, 4 ); //put_entry_matrix( eqs, if1, if1, dx ); /*lcd_cls(); lcd_int(fi); lcd_locate(0,7); lcd_int(pwm1); _delay_ms(500);*/ //################################# /*for(i=255;i>=0;i--) { pwm1=i; _delay_ms(30); if((i%10)==0) { lcd_cls(); lcd_int(pwm1); } } for(i=0;i<=255;i++) { pwm1=i; _delay_ms(30); if((i%10)==0) { lcd_cls(); lcd_int(pwm1); } }*/ #endif #if MPU6050_GETATTITUDE == 1 || MPU6050_GETATTITUDE == 2 //quaternion /*ptr = (long *)(&qw); uart_putc(*ptr); uart_putc(*ptr>>8); uart_putc(*ptr>>16); uart_putc(*ptr>>24); ptr = (long *)(&qx); uart_putc(*ptr); uart_putc(*ptr>>8); uart_putc(*ptr>>16); uart_putc(*ptr>>24); ptr = (long *)(&qy); uart_putc(*ptr); uart_putc(*ptr>>8); uart_putc(*ptr>>16); uart_putc(*ptr>>24); ptr = (long *)(&qz); uart_putc(*ptr); uart_putc(*ptr>>8); uart_putc(*ptr>>16); uart_putc(*ptr>>24); //roll pitch yaw ptr = (long *)(&roll); uart_putc(*ptr); uart_putc(*ptr>>8); uart_putc(*ptr>>16); uart_putc(*ptr>>24); ptr = (long *)(&pitch); uart_putc(*ptr); uart_putc(*ptr>>8); uart_putc(*ptr>>16); uart_putc(*ptr>>24); ptr = (long *)(&yaw); uart_putc(*ptr); uart_putc(*ptr>>8); uart_putc(*ptr>>16); uart_putc(*ptr>>24); uart_putc('\n');*/ //lcd_int((int)qw); //_delay_ms(1000); #endif } }
int main(void) { #if MPU6050_GETATTITUDE == 0 int16_t ax = 0; int16_t ay = 0; int16_t az = 0; int16_t gx = 0; int16_t gy = 0; int16_t gz = 0; double axg = 0; double ayg = 0; double azg = 0; double gxds = 0; double gyds = 0; double gzds = 0; #endif #if MPU6050_GETATTITUDE == 1 || MPU6050_GETATTITUDE == 2 long *ptr = 0; double qw = 1.0f; double qx = 0.0f; double qy = 0.0f; double qz = 0.0f; double roll = 0.0f; double pitch = 0.0f; double yaw = 0.0f; #endif //init uart uart_init(UART_BAUD_SELECT(UART_BAUD_RATE,F_CPU)); //init interrupt sei(); //init mpu6050 mpu6050_init(); _delay_ms(50); //init mpu6050 dmp processor #if MPU6050_GETATTITUDE == 2 mpu6050_dmpInitialize(); mpu6050_dmpEnable(); _delay_ms(10); #endif for(;;) { #if MPU6050_GETATTITUDE == 0 mpu6050_getRawData(&ax, &ay, &az, &gx, &gy, &gz); mpu6050_getConvData(&axg, &ayg, &azg, &gxds, &gyds, &gzds); #endif #if MPU6050_GETATTITUDE == 1 mpu6050_getQuaternion(&qw, &qx, &qy, &qz); mpu6050_getRollPitchYaw(&roll, &pitch, &yaw); _delay_ms(10); #endif #if MPU6050_GETATTITUDE == 2 if(mpu6050_getQuaternionWait(&qw, &qx, &qy, &qz)) { mpu6050_getRollPitchYaw(qw, qx, qy, qz, &roll, &pitch, &yaw); } _delay_ms(10); #endif #if MPU6050_GETATTITUDE == 0 char itmp[10]; ltoa(ax, itmp, 10); uart_putc(' '); uart_puts(itmp); uart_putc(' '); ltoa(ay, itmp, 10); uart_putc(' '); uart_puts(itmp); uart_putc(' '); ltoa(az, itmp, 10); uart_putc(' '); uart_puts(itmp); uart_putc(' '); ltoa(gx, itmp, 10); uart_putc(' '); uart_puts(itmp); uart_putc(' '); ltoa(gy, itmp, 10); uart_putc(' '); uart_puts(itmp); uart_putc(' '); ltoa(gz, itmp, 10); uart_putc(' '); uart_puts(itmp); uart_putc(' '); uart_puts("\r\n"); dtostrf(axg, 3, 5, itmp); uart_puts(itmp); uart_putc(' '); dtostrf(ayg, 3, 5, itmp); uart_puts(itmp); uart_putc(' '); dtostrf(azg, 3, 5, itmp); uart_puts(itmp); uart_putc(' '); dtostrf(gxds, 3, 5, itmp); uart_puts(itmp); uart_putc(' '); dtostrf(gyds, 3, 5, itmp); uart_puts(itmp); uart_putc(' '); dtostrf(gzds, 3, 5, itmp); uart_puts(itmp); uart_putc(' '); uart_puts("\r\n"); uart_puts("\r\n"); _delay_ms(1000); #endif #if MPU6050_GETATTITUDE == 1 || MPU6050_GETATTITUDE == 2 //quaternion ptr = (long *)(&qw); uart_putc(*ptr); uart_putc(*ptr>>8); uart_putc(*ptr>>16); uart_putc(*ptr>>24); ptr = (long *)(&qx); uart_putc(*ptr); uart_putc(*ptr>>8); uart_putc(*ptr>>16); uart_putc(*ptr>>24); ptr = (long *)(&qy); uart_putc(*ptr); uart_putc(*ptr>>8); uart_putc(*ptr>>16); uart_putc(*ptr>>24); ptr = (long *)(&qz); uart_putc(*ptr); uart_putc(*ptr>>8); uart_putc(*ptr>>16); uart_putc(*ptr>>24); //roll pitch yaw ptr = (long *)(&roll); uart_putc(*ptr); uart_putc(*ptr>>8); uart_putc(*ptr>>16); uart_putc(*ptr>>24); ptr = (long *)(&pitch); uart_putc(*ptr); uart_putc(*ptr>>8); uart_putc(*ptr>>16); uart_putc(*ptr>>24); ptr = (long *)(&yaw); uart_putc(*ptr); uart_putc(*ptr>>8); uart_putc(*ptr>>16); uart_putc(*ptr>>24); uart_putc('\n'); #endif } }