Example #1
//----------------------- NFS ENTRY POINT ------------------------------------//
void nfs(fact_obj_t *fobj)
	//expect the input in fobj->nfs_obj.gmp_n
	char *input;
	msieve_obj *obj = NULL;
	char *nfs_args = NULL; // unused as yet
	enum cpu_type cpu = yafu_get_cpu_type();
	mp_t mpN;
	factor_list_t factor_list;
	uint32 flags = 0;
	nfs_job_t job;
	uint32 relations_needed = 1;
	uint32 last_specialq = 0;
	struct timeval stop;	// stop time of this job
	struct timeval start;	// start time of this job
	struct timeval bstop;	// stop time of sieving batch
	struct timeval bstart;	// start time of sieving batch
	TIME_DIFF *	difference;
	double t_time;
	uint32 pre_batch_rels = 0;
	char tmpstr[GSTR_MAXSIZE];
	int process_done;
	enum nfs_state_e nfs_state;

	// initialize some job parameters
	memset(&job, 0, sizeof(nfs_job_t));

	obj_ptr = NULL;

	//below a certain amount, revert to SIQS
	if (gmp_base10(fobj->nfs_obj.gmp_n) < fobj->nfs_obj.min_digits)
		mpz_set(fobj->qs_obj.gmp_n, fobj->nfs_obj.gmp_n);
		mpz_set(fobj->nfs_obj.gmp_n, fobj->qs_obj.gmp_n);

	if (mpz_probab_prime_p(fobj->nfs_obj.gmp_n, NUM_WITNESSES))
		add_to_factor_list(fobj, fobj->nfs_obj.gmp_n);
		if (VFLAG >= 0)
			gmp_printf("PRP%d = %Zd\n", gmp_base10(fobj->nfs_obj.gmp_n),
		logprint_oc(fobj->flogname, "a", "PRP%d = %s\n",
			mpz_conv2str(&gstr1.s, 10, fobj->nfs_obj.gmp_n));	

		mpz_set_ui(fobj->nfs_obj.gmp_n, 1);

	if (mpz_perfect_square_p(fobj->nfs_obj.gmp_n))
		mpz_sqrt(fobj->nfs_obj.gmp_n, fobj->nfs_obj.gmp_n);

		add_to_factor_list(fobj, fobj->nfs_obj.gmp_n);
		logprint_oc(fobj->flogname, "a", "prp%d = %s\n",
			mpz_conv2str(&gstr1.s, 10, fobj->nfs_obj.gmp_n));

		add_to_factor_list(fobj, fobj->nfs_obj.gmp_n);
		logprint_oc(fobj->flogname, "a", "prp%d = %s\n",
			mpz_conv2str(&gstr1.s, 10, fobj->nfs_obj.gmp_n));

		mpz_set_ui(fobj->nfs_obj.gmp_n, 1);

	if (mpz_perfect_power_p(fobj->nfs_obj.gmp_n))
		FILE *flog;
		uint32 j;

		if (VFLAG > 0)
			printf("input is a perfect power\n");
		factor_perfect_power(fobj, fobj->nfs_obj.gmp_n);

		flog = fopen(fobj->flogname, "a");
		if (flog == NULL)
			printf("fopen error: %s\n", strerror(errno));
			printf("could not open %s for appending\n", fobj->flogname);

		logprint(flog,"input is a perfect power\n");

		for (j=0; j<fobj->num_factors; j++)
			uint32 k;
			for (k=0; k<fobj->fobj_factors[j].count; k++)
				logprint(flog,"prp%d = %s\n",gmp_base10(fobj->fobj_factors[j].factor), 
					mpz_conv2str(&gstr1.s, 10, fobj->fobj_factors[j].factor));


	if (fobj->nfs_obj.filearg[0] != '\0')
		if (VFLAG > 0) printf("test: starting trial sieving\n");

	//initialize the flag to watch for interrupts, and set the
	//pointer to the function to call if we see a user interrupt

	//start a counter for the whole job
	gettimeofday(&start, NULL);

	//nfs state machine:
	input = (char *)malloc(GSTR_MAXSIZE * sizeof(char));
	nfs_state = NFS_STATE_INIT;
	process_done = 0;
	while (!process_done)
		switch (nfs_state)
			// write the input bigint as a string
			input = mpz_conv2str(&input, 10, fobj->nfs_obj.gmp_n);

			// create an msieve_obj
			// this will initialize the savefile to the outputfile name provided
			obj = msieve_obj_new(input, flags, fobj->nfs_obj.outputfile, fobj->nfs_obj.logfile,
				fobj->nfs_obj.fbfile, g_rand.low, g_rand.hi, (uint32)0, cpu,
				(uint32)L1CACHE, (uint32)L2CACHE, (uint32)THREADS, (uint32)0, nfs_args);
			fobj->nfs_obj.mobj = obj;

			// initialize these before checking existing files.  If poly
			// select is resumed they will be changed by check_existing_files.
			job.last_leading_coeff = 0;
			job.poly_time = 0;
			job.use_max_rels = 0;
			job.snfs = NULL;

			// determine what to do next based on the state of various files.
			// this will set job.current_rels if it finds any
			nfs_state = check_existing_files(fobj, &last_specialq, &job);

			// before we get started, check to make sure we can find ggnfs sievers
			// if we are going to be doing sieving
			if (check_for_sievers(fobj, 1) == 1)
				nfs_state = NFS_STATE_DONE;

			if (VFLAG >= 0 && nfs_state != NFS_STATE_DONE)
				gmp_printf("nfs: commencing nfs on c%d: %Zd\n",
					gmp_base10(fobj->nfs_obj.gmp_n), fobj->nfs_obj.gmp_n);

			if (nfs_state != NFS_STATE_DONE)
				logprint_oc(fobj->flogname, "a", "nfs: commencing nfs on c%d: %s\n",
					mpz_conv2str(&gstr1.s, 10, fobj->nfs_obj.gmp_n));

			// convert input to msieve bigint notation and initialize a list of factors

			if (fobj->nfs_obj.rangeq > 0)
				job.qrange = ceil((double)fobj->nfs_obj.rangeq / (double)THREADS);



			if ((fobj->nfs_obj.nfs_phases == NFS_DEFAULT_PHASES) ||
				(fobj->nfs_obj.nfs_phases & NFS_PHASE_POLY))
				// always check snfs forms (it is fast)
				snfs_choose_poly(fobj, &job);

				if( job.snfs == NULL )
					// either we never were doing snfs, or snfs form detect failed.
					// if the latter then bail with an error because the user 
					// explicitly wants to run snfs...
					if (fobj->nfs_obj.snfs)
						printf("nfs: failed to find snfs polynomial!\n");

					// init job.poly for gnfs
					job.poly = (mpz_polys_t*)malloc(sizeof(mpz_polys_t));
					if (job.poly == NULL)
						printf("nfs: couldn't allocate memory!\n");
					job.poly->rat.degree = 1; // maybe way off in the future this isn't true
					// assume gnfs for now
					job.poly->side = ALGEBRAIC_SPQ;

					do_msieve_polyselect(fobj, obj, &job, &mpN, &factor_list);
					fobj->nfs_obj.snfs = 1;
					mpz_set(fobj->nfs_obj.gmp_n, job.snfs->n);

			nfs_state = NFS_STATE_SIEVE;


			pre_batch_rels = job.current_rels;
			gettimeofday(&bstart, NULL);

			// sieve if the user has requested to (or by default).  else,
			// set the done sieving flag.  this will prevent some infinite loops,
			// for instance if we only want to post-process, but filtering 
			// doesn't produce a matrix.  if we don't want to sieve in that case,
			// then we're done.
			if (((fobj->nfs_obj.nfs_phases == NFS_DEFAULT_PHASES) ||
				(fobj->nfs_obj.nfs_phases & NFS_PHASE_SIEVE)) &&
				!(fobj->nfs_obj.nfs_phases & NFS_DONE_SIEVING))
				do_sieving(fobj, &job);
				fobj->nfs_obj.nfs_phases |= NFS_DONE_SIEVING;

			// if this has been previously marked, then go ahead and exit.
			if (fobj->nfs_obj.nfs_phases & NFS_DONE_SIEVING)
				process_done = 1;
			// if user specified -ns with a fixed start and range,
			// then mark that we're done sieving.  
			if (fobj->nfs_obj.rangeq > 0)
				// we're done sieving the requested range, but there may be
				// more phases to check, so don't exit yet
				fobj->nfs_obj.nfs_phases |= NFS_DONE_SIEVING;
			// then move on to the next phase
			nfs_state = NFS_STATE_FILTCHECK;



			// if we've flagged not to do filtering, then assume we have
			// enough relations and move on to linear algebra
			if ((fobj->nfs_obj.nfs_phases == NFS_DEFAULT_PHASES) ||
				(fobj->nfs_obj.nfs_phases & NFS_PHASE_FILTER))
				relations_needed = do_msieve_filtering(fobj, obj, &job);
				relations_needed = 0;

			if (relations_needed == 0)
				nfs_state = NFS_STATE_LINALG;
				// if we filtered, but didn't produce a matrix, raise the target
				// min rels by a few percent.  this will prevent too frequent
				// filtering attempts while allowing the q_batch size to remain small.
				if (job.current_rels > job.min_rels)
					job.min_rels = job.current_rels * fobj->nfs_obj.filter_min_rels_nudge;
					job.min_rels *= fobj->nfs_obj.filter_min_rels_nudge;

				if (VFLAG > 0)
					printf("nfs: raising min_rels by %1.2f percent to %u\n", 
					100*(fobj->nfs_obj.filter_min_rels_nudge-1), job.min_rels);

				nfs_state = NFS_STATE_SIEVE;



			if ((fobj->nfs_obj.nfs_phases == NFS_DEFAULT_PHASES) ||
				(fobj->nfs_obj.nfs_phases & NFS_PHASE_LA) ||
				(fobj->nfs_obj.nfs_phases & NFS_PHASE_LA_RESUME))
				// msieve: build matrix
				flags = 0;
				flags = flags | MSIEVE_FLAG_USE_LOGFILE;
				if (VFLAG > 0)
					flags = flags | MSIEVE_FLAG_LOG_TO_STDOUT;
				flags = flags | MSIEVE_FLAG_NFS_LA;

				// add restart flag if requested
				if (fobj->nfs_obj.nfs_phases & NFS_PHASE_LA_RESUME)

				obj->flags = flags;

				if (VFLAG >= 0)
					printf("nfs: commencing msieve linear algebra\n");

				logprint_oc(fobj->flogname, "a", "nfs: commencing msieve linear algebra\n");

				// use a different number of threads for the LA, if requested
				if (LATHREADS > 0)
					obj = msieve_obj_new(input, flags, fobj->nfs_obj.outputfile, fobj->nfs_obj.logfile,
						fobj->nfs_obj.fbfile, g_rand.low, g_rand.hi, (uint32)0, cpu,
						(uint32)L1CACHE, (uint32)L2CACHE, (uint32)LATHREADS, (uint32)0, nfs_args);

				// try this hack - store a pointer to the msieve obj so that
				// we can change a flag on abort in order to interrupt the LA.
				obj_ptr = obj;
				nfs_solve_linear_system(obj, fobj->nfs_obj.gmp_n);
				if (obj_ptr->flags & MSIEVE_FLAG_STOP_SIEVING)
					nfs_state = NFS_STATE_DONE;
					// check for a .dat.deps file.  if we don't have one, assume
					// its because the job was way oversieved and only trivial
					// dependencies were found.  try again from filtering with
					// 20% less relations.
					FILE *t;
					sprintf(tmpstr, "%s.dep", fobj->nfs_obj.outputfile);
					if ((t = fopen(tmpstr, "r")) == NULL)
						if (job.use_max_rels > 0)
							// we've already tried again with an attempted fix to the trivial
							// dependencies problem, so either that wasn't the problem or
							// it didn't work.  either way, give up.
							printf("nfs: no dependency file retry failed\n");
							fobj->flags |= FACTOR_INTERRUPT;
							nfs_state = NFS_STATE_DONE;
							// this should be sufficient to produce a matrix, but not too much
							// to trigger the assumed failure mode.							
							if (job.min_rels == 0)
								// if min_rels is not set, then we need to parse the .job file to compute it.
								parse_job_file(fobj, &job);
							job.use_max_rels = job.min_rels * 1.5;
							printf("nfs: no dependency file found - trying again with %u relations\n",
							nfs_state = NFS_STATE_FILTER;
						nfs_state = NFS_STATE_SQRT;

				// set the msieve threads back to where it was if we used
				// a different amount for linalg
				if (LATHREADS > 0)
					obj = msieve_obj_new(input, flags, fobj->nfs_obj.outputfile, fobj->nfs_obj.logfile,
						fobj->nfs_obj.fbfile, g_rand.low, g_rand.hi, (uint32)0, cpu,
						(uint32)L1CACHE, (uint32)L2CACHE, (uint32)THREADS, (uint32)0, nfs_args);

				obj_ptr = NULL;
			else // not doing linalg
				nfs_state = NFS_STATE_SQRT;



			if ((fobj->nfs_obj.nfs_phases == NFS_DEFAULT_PHASES) ||
				(fobj->nfs_obj.nfs_phases & NFS_PHASE_SQRT))
				uint32 retcode;

				// msieve: find factors
				flags = 0;
				flags = flags | MSIEVE_FLAG_USE_LOGFILE;
				if (VFLAG > 0)
					flags = flags | MSIEVE_FLAG_LOG_TO_STDOUT;
				flags = flags | MSIEVE_FLAG_NFS_SQRT;
				obj->flags = flags;

				if (VFLAG >= 0)
					printf("nfs: commencing msieve sqrt\n");

				logprint_oc(fobj->flogname, "a", "nfs: commencing msieve sqrt\n");

				// try this hack - store a pointer to the msieve obj so that
				// we can change a flag on abort in order to interrupt the sqrt.
				obj_ptr = obj;

				retcode = nfs_find_factors(obj, fobj->nfs_obj.gmp_n, &factor_list);

				obj_ptr = NULL;

				if (retcode)

					if (mpz_cmp_ui(fobj->nfs_obj.gmp_n, 1) == 0)
						nfs_state = NFS_STATE_CLEANUP;		//completely factored, clean up everything
						nfs_state = NFS_STATE_DONE;		//not factored completely, keep files and stop
					if (VFLAG >= 0)
						printf("nfs: failed to find factors... possibly no dependencies found\n");
						printf("nfs: continuing with sieving\n");

					logprint_oc(fobj->flogname, "a", "nfs: failed to find factors... "
						"possibly no dependencies found\n"
						"nfs: continuing with sieving\n");

					nfs_state = NFS_STATE_SIEVE;
				nfs_state = NFS_STATE_DONE;		//not factored completely, keep files and stop


			sprintf(tmpstr, "%s.p",fobj->nfs_obj.outputfile);	remove(tmpstr);			
			sprintf(tmpstr, "%s.br",fobj->nfs_obj.outputfile);	remove(tmpstr);
			sprintf(tmpstr, "%s.cyc",fobj->nfs_obj.outputfile);	remove(tmpstr);
			sprintf(tmpstr, "%s.dep",fobj->nfs_obj.outputfile);	remove(tmpstr);
			sprintf(tmpstr, "%s.hc",fobj->nfs_obj.outputfile);	remove(tmpstr);
			sprintf(tmpstr, "%s.mat",fobj->nfs_obj.outputfile);	remove(tmpstr);	
			sprintf(tmpstr, "%s.lp",fobj->nfs_obj.outputfile);	remove(tmpstr);
			sprintf(tmpstr, "%s.d",fobj->nfs_obj.outputfile);	remove(tmpstr);
			sprintf(tmpstr, "%s.mat.chk",fobj->nfs_obj.outputfile);	remove(tmpstr);

			gettimeofday(&stop, NULL);

			difference = my_difftime (&start, &stop);

			t_time = ((double)difference->secs + (double)difference->usecs / 1000000);

			if (VFLAG >= 0)
				printf("NFS elapsed time = %6.4f seconds.\n",t_time);

			logprint_oc(fobj->flogname, "a", "NFS elapsed time = %6.4f seconds.\n",t_time);
			logprint_oc(fobj->flogname, "a", "\n");
			logprint_oc(fobj->flogname, "a", "\n");

			// free stuff			
			nfs_state = NFS_STATE_DONE;

			process_done = 1;

			if (job.current_rels >= job.min_rels)
				if (VFLAG > 0)
					printf("nfs: found %u relations, need at least %u, proceeding with filtering ...\n",
					job.current_rels, job.min_rels);
				nfs_state = NFS_STATE_FILTER;
				// compute eta by dividing how many rels we have left to find
				// by the average time per relation.  we have average time
				// per relation because we've saved the time it took to do 
				// the last batch of sieving and we know how many relations we
				// found in that batch.
				uint32 est_time;

				gettimeofday(&bstop, NULL);
				difference = my_difftime (&bstart, &bstop);
				t_time = ((double)difference->secs + (double)difference->usecs / 1000000);

				est_time = (uint32)((job.min_rels - job.current_rels) * 
					(t_time / (job.current_rels - pre_batch_rels)));				

				// if the user doesn't want to sieve, then we can't make progress.
				if ((fobj->nfs_obj.nfs_phases == NFS_DEFAULT_PHASES) ||
					(fobj->nfs_obj.nfs_phases & NFS_PHASE_SIEVE))
					if (VFLAG > 0)
						printf("nfs: found %u relations, need at least %u "
							"(filtering ETA: %uh %um), continuing with sieving ...\n", // uh... um... hmm... idk *shrug*
							job.current_rels, job.min_rels, est_time / 3600, 
							(est_time % 3600) / 60);

					nfs_state = NFS_STATE_SIEVE;
					if (VFLAG > 0)
						printf("nfs: found %u relations, need at least %u "
							"(filtering ETA: %uh %um), sieving not selected, finishing ...\n",
							job.current_rels, job.min_rels, est_time / 3600, 
							(est_time % 3600) / 60);

					nfs_state = NFS_STATE_DONE;


			nfs_state = NFS_STATE_POLY;		

			// create a new directory for this job 
//#ifdef _WIN32
//			sprintf(tmpstr, "%s\%s", fobj->nfs_obj.ggnfs_dir, 
//				mpz_conv2str(&gstr1.s, 10, fobj->nfs_obj.gmp_n));
//			mkdir(tmpstr);
//			sprintf(tmpstr, "%s/%s", fobj->nfs_obj.ggnfs_dir, 
//				mpz_conv2str(&gstr1.s, 10, fobj->nfs_obj.gmp_n));
//			mkdir(tmpstr, S_IRWXU);
			// point msieve and ggnfs to the new directory
//#ifdef _WIN32
//			sprintf(fobj->nfs_obj.outputfile, "%s\%s", 
//				tmpstr, fobj->nfs_obj.outputfile);
//			sprintf(fobj->nfs_obj.logfile, "%s\%s", 
//				tmpstr, fobj->nfs_obj.logfile);
//			sprintf(fobj->nfs_obj.fbfile, "%s\%s", 
//				tmpstr, fobj->nfs_obj.fbfile);
//			sprintf(fobj->nfs_obj.outputfile, "%s%s", 
//				tmpstr, fobj->nfs_obj.outputfile);
//			sprintf(fobj->nfs_obj.logfile, "%s%s", 
//				tmpstr, fobj->nfs_obj.logfile);
//			sprintf(fobj->nfs_obj.fbfile, "%s%s", 
//				tmpstr, fobj->nfs_obj.fbfile);
//			msieve_obj_free(fobj->nfs_obj.mobj);
//			obj = msieve_obj_new(input, flags, fobj->nfs_obj.outputfile, fobj->nfs_obj.logfile, 
//				fobj->nfs_obj.fbfile, g_rand.low, g_rand.hi, (uint32)0, nfs_lower, nfs_upper, cpu, 
//				(uint32)L1CACHE, (uint32)L2CACHE, (uint32)THREADS, (uint32)0, (uint32)0, 0.0);
//			fobj->nfs_obj.mobj = obj;
//			printf("output: %s\n", fobj->nfs_obj.mobj->savefile.name);
//			printf("log: %s\n", fobj->nfs_obj.mobj->logfile_name);
//			printf("fb: %s\n", fobj->nfs_obj.mobj->nfs_fbfile_name);


			// should really be "resume_job", since we do more than just resume sieving...

			// last_specialq == 0 if:
			// 1) user specifies -R and -ns with params
			// 2) user specifies post processing steps only
			// 3) user wants to resume sieving (either with a solo -ns or no arguements)
			//		but no data file or special-q was found
			// 4) -R was not specified (but then we won't be in this state, we'll be in DONE)
			// last_specialq > 1 if:
			// 5) user wants to resume sieving (either with a solo -ns or no arguements)
			//		and a data file and special-q was found
			// 6) it contains poly->time info (in which case we'll be in NFS_STATE_RESUMEPOLY)

			strcpy(tmpstr, "");
			if ((last_specialq == 0) &&
				((fobj->nfs_obj.nfs_phases == NFS_DEFAULT_PHASES) ||
				(fobj->nfs_obj.nfs_phases & NFS_PHASE_SIEVE)))
				// this if-block catches cases 1 and 3 from above
				uint32 missing_params = parse_job_file(fobj, &job);
				// set min_rels.  
				get_ggnfs_params(fobj, &job);
				fill_job_file(fobj, &job, missing_params);
				// if any ggnfs params are missing, fill them
				// this means the user can provide an SNFS poly or external GNFS poly, 
				// but let YAFU choose the other params
				// this won't override any params in the file.
				if (fobj->nfs_obj.startq > 0)
					job.startq = fobj->nfs_obj.startq;

					sprintf(tmpstr, "nfs: resuming with sieving at user specified special-q %u\n",
					// this is a guess, may be completely wrong
					job.startq = (job.poly->side == RATIONAL_SPQ ? job.rlim : job.alim) / 2;

					sprintf(tmpstr, "nfs: continuing with sieving - could not determine "
						"last special q; using default startq\n");

				// next step is sieving
				nfs_state = NFS_STATE_SIEVE;
			else if ((last_specialq == 0) &&
				((fobj->nfs_obj.nfs_phases & NFS_PHASE_FILTER) ||
				(fobj->nfs_obj.nfs_phases & NFS_PHASE_LA) ||
				(fobj->nfs_obj.nfs_phases & NFS_PHASE_LA_RESUME) ||
				(fobj->nfs_obj.nfs_phases & NFS_PHASE_SQRT)))
				// this if-block catches case 2 from above
				// with these options we don't check for the last special-q, so this isn't
				// really a new factorization
				if ((fobj->nfs_obj.nfs_phases & NFS_PHASE_FILTER))
					nfs_state = NFS_STATE_FILTCHECK;
					sprintf(tmpstr, "nfs: resuming with filtering\n");
				else if ((fobj->nfs_obj.nfs_phases & NFS_PHASE_LA) ||
					(fobj->nfs_obj.nfs_phases & NFS_PHASE_LA_RESUME))
					nfs_state = NFS_STATE_LINALG;
					sprintf(tmpstr, "nfs: resuming with linear algebra\n");
				else if (fobj->nfs_obj.nfs_phases & NFS_PHASE_SQRT)
					nfs_state = NFS_STATE_SQRT;
					sprintf(tmpstr, "nfs: resuming with sqrt\n");

			else // data file already exists
				// this if-block catches case 5 from above
				(void) parse_job_file(fobj, &job);
				// set min_rels.  
				get_ggnfs_params(fobj, &job);

				if (fobj->nfs_obj.startq > 0)
					// user wants to resume sieving.
					// i don't believe this case is ever executed... 
					// because if startq is > 0, then last_specialq will be 0...
					job.startq = fobj->nfs_obj.startq;
					nfs_state = NFS_STATE_SIEVE;
					job.startq = last_specialq;

					// we found some relations - find the appropriate state
					// given user input
					if ((fobj->nfs_obj.nfs_phases == NFS_DEFAULT_PHASES) ||
						(fobj->nfs_obj.nfs_phases & NFS_PHASE_FILTER))
						nfs_state = NFS_STATE_FILTCHECK;
						sprintf(tmpstr, "nfs: resuming with filtering\n");
					else if (fobj->nfs_obj.nfs_phases & NFS_PHASE_SIEVE)
						nfs_state = NFS_STATE_SIEVE;
						sprintf(tmpstr, "nfs: resuming with sieving at special-q = %u\n",
					else if ((fobj->nfs_obj.nfs_phases & NFS_PHASE_LA) ||
						(fobj->nfs_obj.nfs_phases & NFS_PHASE_LA_RESUME))
						nfs_state = NFS_STATE_LINALG;
						sprintf(tmpstr, "nfs: resuming with linear algebra\n");
					else if (fobj->nfs_obj.nfs_phases & NFS_PHASE_SQRT)
						nfs_state = NFS_STATE_SQRT;
						sprintf(tmpstr, "nfs: resuming with sqrt\n");


			if (VFLAG >= 0)
				printf("%s", tmpstr);

			logprint_oc(fobj->flogname, "a", "%s", tmpstr);

			// if there is a job file and the user has specified -np, print
			// this warning.
			if (fobj->nfs_obj.nfs_phases & NFS_PHASE_POLY)
				printf("WARNING: .job file exists!  If you really want to redo poly selection,"
					" delete the .job file.\n");
				// non ideal solution to infinite loop in factor() if we return without factors
				// (should return error code instead)
				NFS_ABORT = 1;
				process_done = 1;


			if (VFLAG > 1) printf("nfs: resuming poly select\n");
			fobj->nfs_obj.polystart = job.last_leading_coeff;

			nfs_state = NFS_STATE_POLY;


			printf("unknown state, bailing\n");
			// non ideal solution to infinite loop in factor() if we return without factors
			// (should return error code instead)
			NFS_ABORT = 1;


		//after every state, check elasped time against a specified timeout value
		gettimeofday(&stop, NULL);
		difference = my_difftime (&start, &stop);

		t_time = ((double)difference->secs + (double)difference->usecs / 1000000);
		if ((fobj->nfs_obj.timeout > 0) && (t_time > (double)fobj->nfs_obj.timeout))
			if (VFLAG >= 0)
				printf("NFS timeout after %6.4f seconds.\n",t_time);

			logprint_oc(fobj->flogname, "a", "NFS timeout after %6.4f seconds.\n",t_time);
			process_done = 1;

		if (NFS_ABORT)

	//reset signal handler to default (no handler).

	if (obj != NULL)
	if( job.snfs )
	else if( job.poly )

Example #2
void get_ggnfs_params(fact_obj_t *fobj, nfs_job_t *job)
	// based on the size/difficulty of the input number, determine "good" parameters
	// for the following: factor base limits, factor base large prime bound, trial
	// division fudge factors, trial division cutoffs, ggnfs lattice siever area, 
	// and expected number of relations needed.  linearly interpolate between table
	// entries.  keep last valid entry off the ends of the table.  This will produce
	// increasingly poor choices as one goes farther off the table, but you should be
	// doing things by hand by then anyway.
	uint32 i, d = gmp_base10(fobj->nfs_obj.gmp_n);
	double scale;
	int found = 0;
	uint32 lpb = 0, mfb = 0, fblim = 0, siever = 0;
	double lambda;

	if (job->snfs == N && job->size != 0 && job->size != d && VFLAG > 0)
		printf("nfs: warning: size param in job file does not match size of "
			"number, ignoring param\n");	*/

	if (job->snfs != NULL)
		if (job->snfs->sdifficulty == 0 && job->snfs->difficulty == 0)
			if (VFLAG > 0)
				printf("nfs: detected snfs job but no snfs difficulty; "
					"assuming size of number is the snfs difficulty\n");
			d = job->snfs->difficulty;

		// http://www.mersenneforum.org/showpost.php?p=312701&postcount=2
		i = 0.56*d + 30;
		if (VFLAG > 0)
			printf("nfs: guessing snfs difficulty %d is roughly equal to "
				"gnfs difficulty %d\n", d, i);
		d = i;
	else if (fobj->nfs_obj.snfs)
		printf( "nfs: user passed snfs switch, but the job file does not specify snfs\n"
			"nfs: will continue as gnfs\n");

	if (job->poly == NULL)
	{ // always be sure we can choose which side to sieve
		if (job->snfs != NULL)
			job->poly = job->snfs->poly;
			job->poly = (mpz_polys_t*)malloc(sizeof(mpz_polys_t));
			if (job->poly == NULL)
				printf("nfs: couldn't allocate memory!\n");
			job->poly->rat.degree = 1;
			// if we got in here without a poly, then it's probably a standard
			// gnfs resume (any snfs job would have already been detected and poly
			// properly set before calling this func)
			job->poly->side = ALGEBRAIC_SPQ;
	else if (job->snfs != NULL && job->poly != job->snfs->poly)
	{ // *shrug* it could happen I suppose
		job->poly = job->snfs->poly;

	if (fobj->nfs_obj.sq_side != 0) // user override
		job->poly->side = fobj->nfs_obj.sq_side > 0 ? ALGEBRAIC_SPQ : RATIONAL_SPQ;

	for (i=0; i<GGNFS_TABLE_ROWS - 1; i++)
		if (d > ggnfs_table[i][0] && d <= ggnfs_table[i+1][0])
			scale = (double)(ggnfs_table[i+1][0] - d) /
				(double)(ggnfs_table[i+1][0] - ggnfs_table[i][0]);

			fblim = ggnfs_table[i+1][1] - 
				(uint32)(scale * (double)(ggnfs_table[i+1][1] - ggnfs_table[i][1]));
			if (job->rlim == 0) job->rlim = fblim;
			if (job->alim == 0) job->alim = fblim;

			//pick closest entry
			if ((d - ggnfs_table[i][0]) < (ggnfs_table[i+1][0] - d))
				lpb = ggnfs_table[i][2];
				lpb = ggnfs_table[i+1][2];
			if (job->lpbr == 0) job->lpbr = lpb;
			if (job->lpba == 0) job->lpba = lpb;

			//pick closest entry
			if ((d - ggnfs_table[i][0]) < (ggnfs_table[i+1][0] - d))
				mfb = ggnfs_table[i][3];
				mfb = ggnfs_table[i+1][3];
			if (job->mfbr == 0) job->mfbr = mfb;
			if (job->mfba == 0) job->mfba = mfb;

			//pick closest entry
			if ((d - ggnfs_table[i][0]) < (ggnfs_table[i+1][0] - d))
				lambda = ggnfs_table[i][4];
				lambda = ggnfs_table[i+1][4];
			if (job->rlambda == 0) job->rlambda = lambda;
			if (job->alambda == 0) job->alambda = lambda;

			//pick closest entry
			if ((d - ggnfs_table[i][0]) < (ggnfs_table[i+1][0] - d))
				siever = ggnfs_table[i][5];
				siever = ggnfs_table[i+1][5];
			// if no user specified siever - pick one from the table
			if (fobj->nfs_obj.siever == 0) fobj->nfs_obj.siever = siever;

			job->qrange = ggnfs_table[i+1][7] - 
				(uint32)(scale * (double)(ggnfs_table[i+1][7] - ggnfs_table[i][7]));

			found = 1;

	if (found == 0)
		//couldn't find a table entry
		if (d <= ggnfs_table[0][0])
			fblim = ggnfs_table[0][1];
			lpb = ggnfs_table[0][2];
			mfb = ggnfs_table[0][3];
			lambda = ggnfs_table[0][4];
			siever = ggnfs_table[0][5];
			if (job->rlim == 0) job->rlim = fblim;
			if (job->alim == 0) job->alim = fblim;
			if (job->lpbr == 0) job->lpbr = lpb;
			if (job->lpba == 0) job->lpba = lpb;
			if (job->mfbr == 0) job->mfbr = mfb;
			if (job->mfba == 0) job->mfba = mfb;
			if (job->rlambda == 0) job->rlambda = lambda;
			if (job->alambda == 0) job->alambda = lambda;
			if (fobj->nfs_obj.siever == 0) fobj->nfs_obj.siever = siever;
			job->qrange = ggnfs_table[0][7];
			fblim = ggnfs_table[GGNFS_TABLE_ROWS-1][1];
			lpb = ggnfs_table[GGNFS_TABLE_ROWS-1][2];
			mfb = ggnfs_table[GGNFS_TABLE_ROWS-1][3];
			lambda = ggnfs_table[GGNFS_TABLE_ROWS-1][4];
			siever = ggnfs_table[GGNFS_TABLE_ROWS-1][5];
			if (job->rlim == 0) job->rlim = fblim;
			if (job->alim == 0) job->alim = fblim;
			if (job->lpbr == 0) job->lpbr = lpb;
			if (job->lpba == 0) job->lpba = lpb;
			if (job->mfbr == 0) job->mfbr = mfb;
			if (job->mfba == 0) job->mfba = mfb;
			if (job->rlambda == 0) job->rlambda = lambda;
			if (job->alambda == 0) job->alambda = lambda;
			if (fobj->nfs_obj.siever == 0) fobj->nfs_obj.siever = siever;
			job->qrange = ggnfs_table[GGNFS_TABLE_ROWS-1][7];


	sprintf(job->sievername, "%sgnfs-lasieve4I%de", fobj->nfs_obj.ggnfs_dir, fobj->nfs_obj.siever);
#if defined(WIN32)
	sprintf(job->sievername, "%s.exe", job->sievername);

int test_sieve(fact_obj_t* fobj, void* args, int njobs, int are_files)
/* if(are_files), then treat args as a char** list of (external) polys
 * else args is a nfs_job_t* array of job structs
 * the latter is preferred */
// @ben: the idea is a new yafu function "testsieve(n, ...)" where args are
// an arbitrary list of files of external polys
	uint32 count;
	int i, minscore_id = 0;
	double* score = (double*)malloc(njobs * sizeof(double));
	double t_time, min_score = 999999999.;
	char orig_name[GSTR_MAXSIZE]; // don't clobber fobj->nfs_obj.job_infile
	char time[80];
	uint32 spq_range = 2000, actual_range;
	FILE *flog;
	char** filenames; // args
	nfs_job_t* jobs; // args
	struct timeval stop, stop2;	// stop time of this job
	struct timeval start, start2;	// start time of this job
	TIME_DIFF *	difference;

	if( score == NULL )
		printf("Couldn't alloc memory!\n");

	// check to make sure we can find ggnfs sievers
	if (check_for_sievers(fobj, 0) == 1)
		printf("test: can't find ggnfs lattice sievers - aborting test sieving\n");
		return -1;

	gettimeofday(&start2, NULL);

	strcpy(orig_name, fobj->nfs_obj.job_infile);
	// necessary because parse/fill_job_file() get filename from fobj
	if( are_files )
	{ // read files into job structs (get fblim)

		filenames = (char**) args;
		jobs = (nfs_job_t*)malloc(njobs * sizeof(nfs_job_t));
		if( jobs == NULL )
			printf("Couldn't alloc memory!\n");
		memset(jobs, 0, njobs*sizeof(nfs_job_t));

		for(i = 0; i < njobs; i++)
			uint32 missing_params;
			strcpy(fobj->nfs_obj.job_infile, filenames[i]);

			missing_params = parse_job_file(fobj, jobs+i); // get fblim
			get_ggnfs_params(fobj, jobs+i); // get siever
			if( missing_params )
				if( VFLAG >= 0 )
					printf("test: warning: \"%s\" is missing some paramters (%#X). filling them.\n",
						filenames[i], missing_params);
				fill_job_file(fobj, jobs+i, missing_params);
			// adjust a/rlim, lpbr/a, and mfbr/a if advantageous
			skew_snfs_params(fobj, jobs+i);
	{ // create poly files
		jobs = (nfs_job_t *) args;
		filenames = (char**)malloc(njobs*sizeof(char*));
		if( !filenames )
			printf("malloc derped it up!\n");
		for(i = 0; i < njobs; i++)
			FILE* out;
			filenames[i] = (char*)malloc(GSTR_MAXSIZE);
			if( !filenames[i] )
				printf("malloc failed\n");
			sprintf(filenames[i], "test-sieve-%d.poly", i);
			out = fopen(filenames[i], "w");
			if( !out )
				printf("test: couldn't open %s for writing, aborting test sieve\n", filenames[i]);
				return -1;
			if( jobs[i].snfs )
				print_snfs(jobs[i].snfs, out);
				gmp_fprintf(out, "n: %Zd\n", fobj->nfs_obj.gmp_n);
				print_poly(jobs[i].poly, out);
			strcpy(fobj->nfs_obj.job_infile, filenames[i]);
			fill_job_file(fobj, jobs+i, PARAM_FLAG_ALL);
		// that seems like a lot more code than it should be
	strcpy(fobj->nfs_obj.job_infile, orig_name);

	// now we can get to the actual testing
	for(i = 0; i < njobs; i++)
		char syscmd[GSTR_MAXSIZE], tmpbuf[GSTR_MAXSIZE], side[32];
		FILE* in;

		// should probably scale the range of special-q to test based
		// on input difficulty, but not sure how to do that easily...

		if( jobs[i].poly->side == RATIONAL_SPQ)
			sprintf(side, "rational");
			jobs[i].startq = jobs[i].rlim; // no reason to test sieve *inside* the fb
			sprintf(side, "algebraic");
			jobs[i].startq = jobs[i].alim; // ditto

		flog = fopen(fobj->flogname, "a");

		//create the afb/rfb - we don't want the time it takes to do this to
		//pollute the sieve timings		
		sprintf(syscmd, "%s -b %s -k -c 0 -F", jobs[i].sievername, filenames[i]);
		if (VFLAG > 0) printf("\ntest: generating factor bases\n");
		gettimeofday(&start, NULL);
		gettimeofday(&stop, NULL);
		difference = my_difftime (&start, &stop);
		t_time = ((double)difference->secs + (double)difference->usecs / 1000000);
		if (VFLAG > 0) printf("test: fb generation took %6.4f seconds\n", t_time);
		logprint(flog, "test: fb generation took %6.4f seconds\n", t_time);

		//start the test
		sprintf(syscmd,"%s%s -%c %s -f %u -c %u -o %s.out",
			jobs[i].sievername, VFLAG>0?" -v":"", side[0], filenames[i], jobs[i].startq, spq_range, filenames[i]);

		if (VFLAG > 0) printf("test: commencing test sieving of polynomial %d on the %s side over range %u-%u\n", i, 
			side, jobs[i].startq, jobs[i].startq + spq_range);
		logprint(flog, "test: commencing test sieving of polynomial %d on the %s side over range %u-%u\n", i, 
			side, jobs[i].startq, jobs[i].startq + spq_range);
		print_job(&jobs[i], flog);

		gettimeofday(&start, NULL);
		gettimeofday(&stop, NULL);
		difference = my_difftime (&start, &stop);
		t_time = ((double)difference->secs + (double)difference->usecs / 1000000);
		//count relations
		sprintf(tmpbuf, "%s.out", filenames[i]);
		in = fopen(tmpbuf, "r");
		actual_range = 0;
		count = 0;
		if( !in )
			score[i] = 999999999.;
			//est = 7*365*24*3600; // 7 years seems like a nice round number
			// scan the data file and
			// 1) count the relations
			// 2) save the last four relations to a buffer in order to extract the last processed
			//		special-q.
			// we need both 1) and 2) to compute yield correctly.

			char **lines, *ptr, tmp[GSTR_MAXSIZE];
			int line;
			int j;

			lines = (char **)malloc(4 * sizeof(char *));
			for (j=0; j < 4; j++)
				lines[j] = (char *)malloc(GSTR_MAXSIZE * sizeof(char));

			line = 0;
			count = 0;
			while (1)
				// read a line into the next position of the circular buffer
				ptr = fgets(tmp, GSTR_MAXSIZE, in);
				if (ptr == NULL) 

				// quick check that it might be a valid line
				if (strlen(tmp) > 30)
					// wrap
					if (++line > 3) line = 0;
					// then copy
					strcpy(lines[line], tmp);


			line = get_spq(lines, line, fobj);
			actual_range = line - jobs[i].startq;
			if (VFLAG > 0)
				printf("test: found %u relations in a range of %u special-q\n", 
				count, actual_range);

			if (actual_range > spq_range) 
				actual_range = spq_range;

			for (j=0; j < 4; j++)

			score[i] = t_time / count;

			// use estimated sieving time to rank, not sec/rel, since the latter
			// is a function of parameterization and therefore not directly comparable
			// to each other.
			score[i] = (score[i] * jobs[i].min_rels * 1.25) / THREADS; 
			// be conservative about estimates

		flog = fopen(fobj->flogname, "a");

		if( score[i] < min_score )
			minscore_id = i;
			min_score = score[i];
			if (VFLAG > 0) printf("test: new best estimated total sieving time = %s (with %d threads)\n", 
				time_from_secs(time, (unsigned long)score[i]), THREADS); 
			logprint(flog, "test: new best estimated total sieving time = %s (with %d threads)\n", 
				time_from_secs(time, (unsigned long)score[i]), THREADS); 

			// edit lbpr/a depending on test results.  we target something around 2 rels/Q.
			// could also change siever version in more extreme cases.
			if (count > 4*actual_range)
				if (VFLAG > 0)
					printf("test: yield greater than 4x/spq, reducing lpbr/lpba\n");
				jobs[i].mfba -= 2;
				jobs[i].mfbr -= 2;

			if (count > 8*actual_range)
				char *pos;
				int siever;

				pos = strstr(jobs[i].sievername, "gnfs-lasieve4I");
				siever = (pos[14] - 48) * 10 + (pos[15] - 48);

				if (VFLAG > 0)
					printf("test: yield greater than 8x/spq, reducing siever version\n");

				switch (siever)
				case 11:
					if (VFLAG > 0) printf("test: siever version cannot be decreased further\n");
					jobs[i].snfs->siever = 11;

				case 12:
					pos[15] = '1';
					jobs[i].snfs->siever = 11;

				case 13:
					pos[15] = '2';
					jobs[i].snfs->siever = 12;

				case 14:
					pos[15] = '3';
					jobs[i].snfs->siever = 13;

				case 15:
					pos[15] = '4';
					jobs[i].snfs->siever = 14;

				case 16:
					pos[15] = '5';
					jobs[i].snfs->siever = 15;

			if (count < actual_range)
				if (VFLAG > 0)
					printf("test: yield less than 1x/spq, increasing lpbr/lpba\n");
				jobs[i].mfba += 2;
				jobs[i].mfbr += 2;

			if (count < (actual_range/2))
				char *pos;
				int siever;

				pos = strstr(jobs[i].sievername, "gnfs-lasieve4I");
				siever = (pos[14] - 48) * 10 + (pos[15] - 48);

				if (VFLAG > 0)
					printf("test: yield less than 1x/2*spq, increasing siever version\n");

				switch (siever)
				case 16:
					if (VFLAG > 0) printf("test: siever version cannot be increased further\n");
					jobs[i].snfs->siever = 16;

				case 15:
					pos[15] = '6';
					jobs[i].snfs->siever = 16;

				case 14:
					pos[15] = '5';
					jobs[i].snfs->siever = 15;

				case 13:
					pos[15] = '4';
					jobs[i].snfs->siever = 14;

				case 12:
					pos[15] = '3';
					jobs[i].snfs->siever = 13;

				case 11:
					pos[15] = '2';
					jobs[i].snfs->siever = 12;
			if (VFLAG > 0) printf("test: estimated total sieving time = %s (with %d threads)\n", 
				time_from_secs(time, (unsigned long)score[i]), THREADS);
			logprint(flog, "test: estimated total sieving time = %s (with %d threads)\n", 
				time_from_secs(time, (unsigned long)score[i]), THREADS);

		remove(tmpbuf); // clean up after ourselves
		sprintf(tmpbuf, "%s", filenames[i]);
		sprintf(tmpbuf, "%s.afb.0", filenames[i]);

	// clean up memory allocated
	if( are_files )
		for(i = 0; i < njobs; i++)
		for(i = 0; i < njobs; i++)

	flog = fopen(fobj->flogname, "a");
	gettimeofday(&stop2, NULL);
	difference = my_difftime (&start2, &stop2);
	t_time = ((double)difference->secs + (double)difference->usecs / 1000000);
	if (VFLAG > 0) printf("test: test sieving took %1.2f seconds\n", t_time);
	logprint(flog, "test: test sieving took %1.2f seconds\n", t_time);

	return minscore_id;