Example #1
 *  rest_worm()
 *  Restore the worm information from the save file.  Called from restore.c
rest_worm(struct memfile *mf, struct level *lev)
    int i, j, count;
    struct wseg *curr, *temp;

    for (i = 1; i < MAX_NUM_WORMS; i++) {
        count = mread32(mf);
        if (!count)
            continue;   /* none */

        /* Get the segments. */
        for (curr = NULL, j = 0; j < count; j++) {
            temp = malloc(sizeof (struct wseg));
            temp->nseg = NULL;
            temp->wx = mread8(mf);
            temp->wy = mread8(mf);
            if (curr)
                curr->nseg = temp;
                lev->wtails[i] = temp;
            curr = temp;
        lev->wgrowtime[i] = mread32(mf);
        lev->wheads[i] = curr;
Example #2
void restore_oracles(struct memfile *mf)
	int i;
	oracle_cnt = mread32(mf);
	if (oracle_cnt) {
	    oracle_loc = malloc(oracle_cnt * sizeof(int));
	    for (i = 0; i < oracle_cnt; i++)
		oracle_loc[i] = mread32(mf);
	    oracle_flg = 1;	/* no need to call init_oracles() */
Example #3
/* this used to be based on file date and somewhat OS-dependant,
   but now examines the initial part of the file's contents */
boolean uptodate(struct memfile *mf, const char *name)
    struct version_info vers_info;
    boolean verbose = name ? TRUE : FALSE;

    vers_info.incarnation = mread32(mf);
    vers_info.feature_set = mread32(mf);
    vers_info.entity_count = mread32(mf);
    if (!check_version(&vers_info, name, verbose))
	return FALSE;
    return TRUE;
Example #4
restore_history(struct memfile *mf)
    int i, len;

    mfmagic_check(mf, HISTORY_MAGIC);
    histcount = mread32(mf);
    histevents = malloc(histcount * sizeof (struct histevent));
    for (i = 0; i < histcount; i++) {
        histevents[i].when = mread32(mf);
        histevents[i].hidden = mread32(mf);
        len = mread32(mf);
        mread(mf, histevents[i].what, len);
Example #5
 * Pull in the structures from disk, but don't recalculate the object
 * pointers.
restore_light_sources(struct memfile *mf, struct level *lev)
    int count;
    intptr_t id;
    /* we need to restore and preserve order *but* we don't need
     * to preserve the absolute order, only the relative orders of all
     * global lights and all local lights---this is because global
     * lights are for stored on the level and moved around as you do.
     * As a result, they are saved in different places, and consequently
     * it will *not* cause a desync as long as relative order is preserved.
     * So it doesn't actually matter that we retain relative order to other
     * light sources on the level, only that we restore the light sources here
     * in reverse order. Inserting immediately after the first light leads to
     * the simplest code.
    light_source *ls, *prev = lev->lev_lights, *rest = prev ? prev->next : NULL;

    /* restore elements */
    count = mread32(mf);

    while (count-- > 0) {
        ls = malloc(sizeof (light_source));
        ls->type = mread32(mf);
        ls->range = mread16(mf);
        ls->flags = mread16(mf);
        id = mread32(mf);
        ls->id = (void *)id;
        ls->x = mread8(mf);
        ls->y = mread8(mf);

        ls->next = rest;
        if (prev)
            prev->next = ls;
            lev->lev_lights = ls;
        prev = ls;
Example #6
 * Pull in the structures from disk, but don't recalculate the object
 * pointers.
void restore_light_sources(struct memfile *mf, struct level *lev)
    int count;
    long id;
    light_source *ls;

    /* restore elements */
    count = mread32(mf);

    while (count-- > 0) {
	ls = malloc(sizeof(light_source));
	ls->type = mread32(mf);
	ls->range = mread16(mf);
	ls->flags = mread16(mf);
	id = mread32(mf); /* prevent: "cast to pointer from integer of different size" */
	ls->id = (void*)id;
	ls->x = mread8(mf);
	ls->y = mread8(mf);
	ls->next = lev->lev_lights;
	lev->lev_lights = ls;
Example #7
 * rest_rooms : That's for restoring rooms. Read the rooms structure from
 * the disk.
rest_rooms(struct memfile *mf, struct level *lev)
    short i;

    mfmagic_check(mf, ROOMS_MAGIC);     /* "RDAT" */
    lev->nroom = mread32(mf);
    lev->nsubroom = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < lev->nroom; i++) {
        rest_room(mf, lev, &lev->rooms[i]);
        lev->rooms[i].resident = NULL;
    lev->rooms[lev->nroom].hx = -1;     /* restore ending flags */
    lev->subrooms[lev->nsubroom].hx = -1;
Example #8
void restore_steal(struct memfile *mf)
    stealoid = mread32(mf);
    stealmid = mread32(mf);
Example #9
struct obj *restore_obj(struct memfile *mf)
    unsigned int oflags;
    char namelen;
    struct obj *otmp;
    mfmagic_check(mf, OBJ_MAGIC);
    namelen = mread32(mf);
    otmp = newobj(namelen);
    memset(otmp, 0, namelen + sizeof(struct obj));
    otmp->o_id = mread32(mf);
    otmp->owt = mread32(mf);
    otmp->quan = mread32(mf);
    otmp->corpsenm = mread32(mf);
    otmp->oeaten = mread32(mf);
    otmp->age = mread32(mf);
    otmp->owornmask = mread32(mf);
    oflags = mread32(mf);
    otmp->otyp = mread16(mf);
    otmp->ox = mread8(mf);
    otmp->oy = mread8(mf);
    otmp->spe = mread8(mf);
    otmp->oclass = mread8(mf);
    otmp->invlet = mread8(mf);
    otmp->oartifact = mread8(mf);
    otmp->where = mread8(mf);
    otmp->timed = mread8(mf);
    otmp->cobj = mread8(mf) ? (void*)1 : NULL; /* set the pointer to 1 if there will be contents */
    otmp->onamelth = namelen;
    otmp->cursed	= (oflags >> 31) & 1;
    otmp->blessed	= (oflags >> 30) & 1;
    otmp->unpaid	= (oflags >> 29) & 1;
    otmp->no_charge	= (oflags >> 28) & 1;
    otmp->known 	= (oflags >> 27) & 1;
    otmp->dknown	= (oflags >> 26) & 1;
    otmp->bknown	= (oflags >> 25) & 1;
    otmp->rknown	= (oflags >> 24) & 1;
    otmp->oeroded	= (oflags >> 22) & 3;
    otmp->oeroded2	= (oflags >> 20) & 3;
    otmp->oerodeproof	= (oflags >> 19) & 1;
    otmp->olocked	= (oflags >> 18) & 1;
    otmp->obroken	= (oflags >> 17) & 1;
    otmp->otrapped	= (oflags >> 16) & 1;
    otmp->recharged	= (oflags >> 13) & 7;
    otmp->lamplit	= (oflags >> 12) & 1;
    otmp->greased	= (oflags >> 11) & 1;
    otmp->oattached	= (oflags >>  9) & 3;
    otmp->in_use	= (oflags >>  8) & 1;
    otmp->was_thrown	= (oflags >>  7) & 1;
    otmp->bypass	= (oflags >>  6) & 1;
    if (otmp->onamelth)
	mread(mf, ONAME(otmp), otmp->onamelth);
    if (otmp->oattached == OATTACHED_MONST) {
	struct monst *mtmp = restore_mon(mf);
	int monlen = sizeof(struct monst) + mtmp->mnamelth + mtmp->mxlth;
	otmp = realloc_obj(otmp, monlen, mtmp, otmp->onamelth, ONAME(otmp));
    } else if (otmp->oattached == OATTACHED_M_ID) {
	unsigned int mid = mread32(mf);
	otmp = obj_attach_mid(otmp, mid);
    return otmp;
Example #10
rest_regions(struct memfile *mf, struct level *lev, boolean ghostly)
{       /* If a bones file restore */
    int i, j;
    unsigned len1, len2;
    long tmstamp;
    char *msg_buf;
    struct region *r;

    free_regions(lev);  /* Just for security */
    mfmagic_check(mf, REGION_MAGIC);
    tmstamp = save_decode_32(mread32(mf), moves, moves);
    if (ghostly)
        tmstamp = 0;
        tmstamp = (moves - tmstamp);
    lev->n_regions = mread32(mf);
    lev->max_regions = lev->n_regions;
    if (lev->n_regions > 0)
        lev->regions = malloc(sizeof (struct region *) * lev->n_regions);

    for (i = 0; i < lev->n_regions; i++) {
        lev->regions[i] = malloc(sizeof (struct region));

        r = lev->regions[i];
        memset(r, 0, sizeof (struct region));

        r->lev = lev;

        restore_rect(mf, &r->bounding_box);
        r->attach_2_m = mread32(mf);
        r->effect_id = mread32(mf);
        r->arg = mread32(mf);
        r->nrects = mread16(mf);
        if (r->nrects > 0)
            r->rects = malloc(sizeof (struct nhrect) * r->nrects);
        for (j = 0; j < r->nrects; j++)
            restore_rect(mf, &r->rects[j]);
        r->ttl = mread16(mf);
        r->expire_f = mread16(mf);
        r->can_enter_f = mread16(mf);
        r->enter_f = mread16(mf);
        r->can_leave_f = mread16(mf);
        r->leave_f = mread16(mf);
        r->inside_f = mread16(mf);
        r->n_monst = mread16(mf);
        r->max_monst = r->n_monst;
        r->player_flags = mread8(mf);
        r->attach_2_u = mread8(mf);
        r->visible = mread8(mf);

        if (r->n_monst > 0)
            r->monsters = malloc(sizeof (unsigned) * r->n_monst);
        for (j = 0; j < r->n_monst; j++)
            r->monsters[j] = mread32(mf);

        len1 = mread16(mf);
        len2 = mread16(mf);

        if (len1 > 0) {
            msg_buf = malloc(len1);
            mread(mf, msg_buf, len1);
            msg_buf[len1 - 1] = '\0';
            r->enter_msg = msg_buf;

        if (len2 > 0) {
            msg_buf = malloc(len2);
            mread(mf, msg_buf, len2);
            msg_buf[len2 - 1] = '\0';
            r->leave_msg = msg_buf;

        /* check for expired region */
        if (r->ttl >= 0)
            r->ttl = (r->ttl > tmstamp) ? r->ttl - tmstamp : 0;

        if (ghostly) {  /* settings pertained to old player */
    for (i = lev->n_regions - 1; i >= 0; i--)
        if (ghostly && lev->regions[i]->n_monst > 0)