Example #1
/* Interleave the columns of data, given nfirst groups of nint columns
 * (nfirst*nint = ny).  Return a new MRI_IMAGE (so we don't have to do
 * this in place.
 *     for ifirst = 0..nfirst
 *        for iint = 0..nint
 *           col[iint + ifirst*nint] <- col[ifirst + iint*nfirst]
 * Each of the ny columns will keep the same nx values, except that
 * they will be moved to a different column.       27 Jul 2009 [rickr]
MRI_IMAGE * mri_interleave_columns( MRI_IMAGE * oldim, int nint )
   MRI_IMAGE *newim=NULL;
   char      *dold, *dnew;
   int       ifirst, iint, nfirst, colsize;
ENTRY("mri_interleave_columns") ;

   /* check that the inputs seem good */
   if( !oldim ) RETURN(NULL);
   if( nint <= 0 || nint > oldim->ny ) {
      fprintf(stderr,"** interleave_cols: invalid nint=%d (ny=%d)\n",
              nint, oldim->ny);
   if( oldim->pixel_size <= 0 || oldim->pixel_size > 8 ) {
      fprintf(stderr,"** interleave_cols: invalid pixel_size %d\n",

   nfirst = oldim->ny / nint;
   if( nint * nfirst != oldim->ny ) {
      fprintf(stderr,"** interleave_cols: nint * nfirst != ny (%d,%d,%d)\n",
              nint, nfirst, oldim->ny);
   if( oldim->nx * oldim->ny != oldim->nvox ) {
      fprintf(stderr,"** interleave_cols: nx*ny != nvox (%d,%d,%lld)\n",
              oldim->nx, oldim->ny, oldim->nvox);

   /* all seems well, make a copy image and shuffle the data */
   newim = mri_copy(oldim) ;
   if( !newim ){
      fprintf(stderr,"** mri_interleave_columns: failed to copy old image\n");

   /* permute data, ignoring data type (except for pixel_size) */
   dold = (char *)oldim->im;
   dnew = (char *)newim->im;
   colsize = oldim->nx * oldim->pixel_size;
   for( ifirst=0; ifirst < nfirst; ifirst++ )
      for( iint=0; iint < nint; iint++ ) {
         memcpy(dnew + (iint   + ifirst * nint  )*colsize,
                dold + (ifirst + iint   * nfirst)*colsize,

   fprintf(stderr,"** mri_interleave_columns: need to process labels\n");

Example #2
int main( int argc , char * argv[] )
   int iarg=1 , dcode=0 , maxgap=2 , nftot=0 ;
   char * prefix="zfillin" , * dstr=NULL;
   THD_3dim_dataset * inset , * outset ;
   MRI_IMAGE * brim ;
   int verb=0 ;

   if( argc < 2 || strcmp(argv[1],"-help") == 0 ){
      printf("Usage: 3dZFillin [options] dataset\n"
             "Extracts 1D rows in the given direction from a 3D dataset,\n"
             "searches for zeros that are 'close' to nonzero values in the row,\n"
             "and replaces the zeros with the closest nonzero neighbor.\n"
             " -maxstep N  = set the maximum distance to a neighbor\n"
             "                [default=2].\n"
             " -dir D     = set the direction of fill to 'D', which can\n"
             "                be one of the following:\n"
             "                  A-P, P-A, I-S, S-I, L-R, R-L, x, y, z\n"
             "                The first 6 are anatomical directions;\n"
             "                the last 3 are reference to the dataset\n"
             "                internal axes [no default value].\n"
             " -prefix P  = set the prefix to 'P' for the output dataset.\n"
             "N.B.: * If the input dataset has more than one sub-brick,\n"
             "        only the first one will be processed.\n"
             "      * At this time, 3dZFillin only works on byte-valued datasets\n"
             "This program's only purpose is to fill up the Talairach Daemon\n"
             "bricks obtained from the UT San Antonio database.\n"
            ) ;
      PRINT_COMPILE_DATE ; exit(0) ;

   mainENTRY("3dZFillin main") ; machdep() ; AFNI_logger("3dZfillin",argc,argv) ;
   PRINT_VERSION(3dZFillin") ;

   /*-- scan args --*/

   while( iarg < argc && argv[iarg][0] == '-' ){

      if( strncmp(argv[iarg],"-verb",5) == 0 ){
         verb++ ; iarg++ ; continue ;

      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-prefix") == 0 ){
         prefix = argv[++iarg] ;
         if( !THD_filename_ok(prefix) ){
            fprintf(stderr,"*** Illegal string after -prefix!\n"); exit(1) ;
         iarg++ ; continue ;

      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-maxstep") == 0 ){
         maxgap = strtol( argv[++iarg] , NULL , 10 ) ;
         if( maxgap < 1 ){
            fprintf(stderr,"*** Illegal value after -maxgap!\n"); exit(1);
         iarg++ ; continue ;

      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-dir") == 0 ){
         dstr = argv[++iarg] ;
         iarg++ ; continue ;

      fprintf(stderr,"*** Illegal option: %s\n",argv[iarg]) ; exit(1) ;

   if( dstr == NULL ){
      fprintf(stderr,"*** No -dir option on command line!\n"); exit(1);
   if( iarg >= argc ){
      fprintf(stderr,"*** No input dataset on command line!\n"); exit(1);

   inset = THD_open_dataset( argv[iarg] ) ;
   if( inset == NULL ){
      fprintf(stderr,"*** Can't open dataset %s\n",argv[iarg]); exit(1);

   outset = EDIT_empty_copy( inset ) ;
   EDIT_dset_items( outset , ADN_prefix , prefix , ADN_none ) ;
   if( THD_deathcon() && THD_is_file( DSET_HEADNAME(outset) ) ){
      fprintf(stderr,"** Output file %s exists -- cannot overwrite!\n",
              DSET_HEADNAME(outset) ) ;
      exit(1) ;

   tross_Copy_History( inset , outset ) ;
   tross_Make_History( "3dZFillin" , argc,argv , outset ) ;

   if( DSET_NVALS(inset) > 1 ){
      fprintf(stderr,"++ WARNING: input dataset has more than one sub-brick!\n");
      EDIT_dset_items( outset ,
                         ADN_ntt   , 0 ,
                         ADN_nvals , 1 ,
                       ADN_none ) ;

   if( DSET_BRICK_TYPE(outset,0) != MRI_byte ){
      fprintf(stderr,"*** This program only works on byte datasets!\n");
      exit(1) ;

   switch( *dstr ){
      case 'x': dcode = 1 ; break ;
      case 'y': dcode = 2 ; break ;
      case 'z': dcode = 3 ; break ;

        if( *dstr == ORIENT_tinystr[outset->daxes->xxorient][0] ||
            *dstr == ORIENT_tinystr[outset->daxes->xxorient][1]   ) dcode = 1 ;

        if( *dstr == ORIENT_tinystr[outset->daxes->yyorient][0] ||
            *dstr == ORIENT_tinystr[outset->daxes->yyorient][1]   ) dcode = 2 ;

        if( *dstr == ORIENT_tinystr[outset->daxes->zzorient][0] ||
            *dstr == ORIENT_tinystr[outset->daxes->zzorient][1]   ) dcode = 3 ;
      break ;
   if( dcode == 0 ){
      fprintf(stderr,"*** Illegal -dir direction!\n") ; exit(1) ;
   if( verb )
      fprintf(stderr,"++ Direction = axis %d in dataset\n",dcode) ;

   DSET_load(inset) ; CHECK_LOAD_ERROR(inset) ;
   brim = mri_copy( DSET_BRICK(inset,0) ) ;
   DSET_unload(inset) ;
   EDIT_substitute_brick( outset , 0 , brim->kind , mri_data_pointer(brim) ) ;
   nftot = THD_dataset_zfillin( outset , 0 , dcode , maxgap ) ;
   fprintf(stderr,"++ Number of voxels filled = %d\n",nftot) ;
   if (DSET_write(outset) != False) {
      fprintf(stderr,"++ output dataset: %s\n",DSET_BRIKNAME(outset)) ;
      exit(0) ;
   } else {
         "** 3dZFillin: Failed to write output!\n" ) ;
      exit(1) ;
Example #3
int mri_warp3D_align_setup( MRI_warp3D_align_basis *bas )
   MRI_IMAGE *cim , *fitim ;
   int nx, ny, nz, nxy, nxyz , ii,jj,kk , nmap, *im ;
   float *wf , *wtar , clip , clip2 ;
   int   *ima , pp , wtproc , npar , nfree ;
   byte  *msk ;
   int ctstart ;

ENTRY("mri_warp3D_align_setup") ;

   ctstart = NI_clock_time() ;

   /*- check for good inputs -*/

   if( bas == NULL     || bas->imbase == NULL ) RETURN(1) ;
   if( bas->nparam < 1 || bas->param  == NULL ) RETURN(1) ;
   if( bas->vwfor == NULL ||
       bas->vwinv == NULL || bas->vwset == NULL ) RETURN(1) ;

   /*- set defaults in bas, if values weren't set by user -*/

   if( bas->scale_init <= 0.0f ) bas->scale_init = 1.0f ;
   if( bas->delfac     <= 0.0f ) bas->delfac     = 1.0f ;
   if( bas->regmode    <= 0    ) bas->regmode    = MRI_LINEAR ;
   if( bas->max_iter   <= 0    ) bas->max_iter   = 9 ;

   /* process the weight image? */

   wtproc = (bas->imwt == NULL) ? 1 : bas->wtproc ;
   npar   = bas->nparam ;

   nfree = npar ;
   for( pp=0 ; pp < npar ; pp++ )
     if( bas->param[pp].fixed ) nfree-- ;
   if( nfree <= 0 ) RETURN(1) ;
   bas->nfree = nfree ;

   /*- clean out anything from last call -*/

   mri_warp3D_align_cleanup( bas ) ;

   /*-- need local copy of input base image --*/

   cim = mri_to_float( bas->imbase ) ;
   nx=cim->nx ; ny=cim->ny ; nz=cim->nz ; nxy = nx*ny ; nxyz=nxy*nz ;

   /*-- make weight image up from the base image if it isn't supplied --*/

   if( bas->verb ) fprintf(stderr,"++ mri_warp3D_align_setup ENTRY\n") ;

   if( bas->imwt == NULL   ||
       bas->imwt->nx != nx ||
       bas->imwt->ny != ny ||
       bas->imwt->nz != nz   ) bas->imww = mri_copy( cim ) ;
   else                        bas->imww = mri_to_float( bas->imwt ) ;

   if( bas->twoblur > 0.0f ){
     float bmax = cbrt((double)nxyz) * 0.03 ;
     if( bmax < bas->twoblur ){
       if( bas->verb )
         fprintf(stderr,"+   shrink bas->twoblur from %.3f to %.3f\n",
                        bas->twoblur , bmax ) ;
       bas->twoblur = bmax ;

   if( bas->verb ) fprintf(stderr,"+   processing weight:") ;

   /* make sure weight is non-negative */

   wf = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(bas->imww) ;
   for( ii=0 ; ii < nxyz ; ii++ ) wf[ii] = fabs(wf[ii]) ;

   /* trim off edges of weight */

   if( wtproc ){
     int ff ;
     int xfade=bas->xedge , yfade=bas->yedge , zfade=bas->zedge ;

     if( xfade < 0 || yfade < 0 || zfade < 0 )
       mri_warp3D_align_edging_default(nx,ny,nz,&xfade,&yfade,&zfade) ;

     if( bas->twoblur > 0.0f ){
       xfade += (int)rint(1.5*bas->twoblur) ;
       yfade += (int)rint(1.5*bas->twoblur) ;
       zfade += (int)rint(1.5*bas->twoblur) ;

     if( 3*zfade >= nz ) zfade = (nz-1)/3 ;
     if( 3*xfade >= nx ) xfade = (nx-1)/3 ;
     if( 3*yfade >= ny ) yfade = (ny-1)/3 ;

     if( bas->verb ) fprintf(stderr," [edge(%d,%d,%d)]",xfade,yfade,zfade) ;

     for( jj=0 ; jj < ny ; jj++ )
      for( ii=0 ; ii < nx ; ii++ )
       for( ff=0 ; ff < zfade ; ff++ )
         WW(ii,jj,ff) = WW(ii,jj,nz-1-ff) = 0.0f ;

     for( kk=0 ; kk < nz ; kk++ )
      for( jj=0 ; jj < ny ; jj++ )
       for( ff=0 ; ff < xfade ; ff++ )
         WW(ff,jj,kk) = WW(nx-1-ff,jj,kk) = 0.0f ;

     for( kk=0 ; kk < nz ; kk++ )
      for( ii=0 ; ii < nx ; ii++ )
       for( ff=0 ; ff < yfade ; ff++ )
        WW(ii,ff,kk) = WW(ii,ny-1-ff,kk) = 0.0f ;


   /* spatially blur weight a little */

   if( wtproc ){
     float blur ;
     blur = 1.0f + MAX(1.5f,bas->twoblur) ;
     if( bas->verb ) fprintf(stderr," [blur(%.1f)]",blur) ;
     EDIT_blur_volume_3d( nx,ny,nz ,       1.0f,1.0f,1.0f ,
                          MRI_float , wf , blur,blur,blur  ) ;

   /* get rid of low-weight voxels */

   clip  = 0.035 * mri_max(bas->imww) ;
   clip2 = 0.5*THD_cliplevel(bas->imww,0.4) ;
   if( clip2 > clip ) clip = clip2 ;
   if( bas->verb ) fprintf(stderr," [clip(%.1f)]",clip) ;
   for( ii=0 ; ii < nxyz ; ii++ ) if( wf[ii] < clip ) wf[ii] = 0.0f ;

   /* keep only the largest cluster of nonzero voxels */

   { byte *mmm = (byte *)malloc( sizeof(byte)*nxyz ) ;
     for( ii=0 ; ii < nxyz ; ii++ ) mmm[ii] = (wf[ii] > 0.0f) ;
     THD_mask_clust( nx,ny,nz, mmm ) ;
     THD_mask_erode( nx,ny,nz, mmm, 1 ) ;  /* cf. thd_automask.c */
     THD_mask_clust( nx,ny,nz, mmm ) ;
     for( ii=0 ; ii < nxyz ; ii++ ) if( !mmm[ii] ) wf[ii] = 0.0f ;
     free((void *)mmm) ;

   if( bas->verb ) fprintf(stderr,"\n") ;

   /*-- make integer index map of weight > 0 voxels --*/

   nmap = 0 ;
   for( ii=0 ; ii < nxyz ; ii++ ) if( wf[ii] > 0.0f ) nmap++ ;

   if( bas->verb )
     fprintf(stderr,"+   using %d [%.3f%%] voxels\n",nmap,(100.0*nmap)/nxyz);

   if( nmap < 7*nfree+13 ){
     fprintf(stderr,"** mri_warp3D_align error: weight image too zero-ish!\n") ;
     mri_warp3D_align_cleanup( bas ) ; mri_free(cim) ;
     RETURN(1) ;

   bas->imap = mri_new( nmap , 1 , MRI_int ) ;
   ima       = MRI_INT_PTR(bas->imap) ;
   bas->imsk = mri_new_conforming( bas->imww , MRI_byte ) ;
   msk       = MRI_BYTE_PTR(bas->imsk) ;
   for( ii=jj=0 ; ii < nxyz ; ii++ ){
     if( wf[ii] > 0.0f ){ ima[jj++] = ii; msk[ii] = 1; }

   /* make copy of sqrt(weight), but only at mapped indexes */

   wtar = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*nmap) ;
   for( ii=0 ; ii < nmap ; ii++ ) wtar[ii] = sqrt(wf[ima[ii]]) ;

   /*-- for parameters that don't come with a step size, find one --*/

   clip = bas->tolfac ; if( clip <= 0.0f ) clip = 0.03f ;

   for( ii=0 ; ii < npar ; ii++ ){
     if( bas->param[ii].fixed ) continue ; /* don't need this */
     if( bas->param[ii].delta <= 0.0f )
       mri_warp3D_get_delta( bas , ii ) ;  /* find step size */
     if( bas->param[ii].toler <= 0.0f ){   /* and set default tolerance */
       bas->param[ii].toler = clip * bas->param[ii].delta ;
       if( bas->verb )
         fprintf(stderr,"+   set toler param#%d [%s] = %f\n",
                 ii+1,bas->param[ii].name,bas->param[ii].toler) ;

   /* don't need the computed weight image anymore */

   mri_free(bas->imww) ; bas->imww = NULL ; wf = NULL ;

   /*-- create image containing basis columns, then pseudo-invert it --*/

   if( bas->verb ) fprintf(stderr,"+  Compute Derivatives of Base\n") ;
   fitim = mri_warp3D_align_fitim( bas , cim , bas->regmode , bas->delfac ) ;
   if( bas->verb ) fprintf(stderr,"+   calculate pseudo-inverse\n") ;
   bas->imps = mri_psinv( fitim , wtar ) ;
   mri_free(fitim) ;

   if( bas->imps == NULL ){  /* bad bad bad */
     fprintf(stderr,"** mri_warp3D_align error: can't invert Base matrix!\n") ;
     free((void *)wtar) ; mri_warp3D_align_cleanup( bas ) ; mri_free(cim) ;
     RETURN(1) ;

   /*--- twoblur? ---*/

   if( bas->twoblur > 0.0f ){
     float *car=MRI_FLOAT_PTR(cim) ;
     float blur = bas->twoblur ;
     float bfac = blur ;
          if( bfac < 1.1234f ) bfac = 1.1234f ;
     else if( bfac > 1.3456f ) bfac = 1.3456f ;

     if( bas->verb ) fprintf(stderr,"+  Compute Derivatives of Blurred Base\n") ;
     EDIT_blur_volume_3d( nx,ny,nz ,       1.0f,1.0f,1.0f ,
                          MRI_float , car, blur,blur,blur  ) ;
     fitim = mri_warp3D_align_fitim( bas , cim , MRI_LINEAR , bfac*bas->delfac ) ;
     if( bas->verb ) fprintf(stderr,"+   calculate pseudo-inverse\n") ;
     bas->imps_blur = mri_psinv( fitim , wtar ) ;
     mri_free(fitim) ;
     if( bas->imps_blur == NULL ){  /* bad */
       fprintf(stderr,"** mri_warp3D_align error: can't invert Blur matrix!\n") ;

   /*--- done ---*/

   mri_free(cim) ; free((void *)wtar) ;

   if( bas->verb ){
     double st = (NI_clock_time()-ctstart) * 0.001 ;
     fprintf(stderr,"++ mri_warp3D_align_setup EXIT: %.2f seconds elapsed\n",st);

Example #4
MRI_IMAGE * mri_flip3D( int outx, int outy, int outz, MRI_IMAGE *inim )
   MRI_IMAGE *outim ;
   int ii,jj,kk , dsiz , nxin,nyin,nzin , nxout,nyout,nzout ;
   int nxyin , nxyout , ijk_out , ijk_in ;
   int ax,bx,cx,dx , ay,by,cy,dy , az,bz,cz,dz , aa,bb,cc,dd ;
   char *inar , *outar ;
   float delx,dely,delz ;

ENTRY("mri_flip3D") ;

   /* check inputs for correctness */

   if( inim == NULL || outx == 0 || outy == 0 || outz == 0 ) RETURN( NULL );
   ii = abs(outx) ; jj = abs(outy) ; kk = abs(outz) ;
   if( ii > 3 || jj > 3 || kk > 3 )                          RETURN( NULL );
   if( ii == jj || ii == kk || jj == kk )                    RETURN( NULL );
   if( ii+jj+kk != 6 )                                       RETURN( NULL );

   if( outx==1 && outy==2 && outz==3 ) RETURN( mri_copy(inim) ); /* easy case */

   nxin = inim->nx ;
   nyin = inim->ny ; nxyin = nxin*nyin ;
   nzin = inim->nz ;

   /* setup so that i_out = ax + bx*i_in + cx*j_in + dx*k_in,
       for i_in=0..nxin-1, j_in=0..nyin-1, k_in=0..nzin-1,
      and then similarly for y and z axes                    */

   switch( outx ){
     case  1:  ax=0     ; bx= 1; cx= 0; dx= 0; nxout=nxin; delx=inim->dx; break;
     case -1:  ax=nxin-1; bx=-1; cx= 0; dx= 0; nxout=nxin; delx=inim->dx; break;
     case  2:  ax=0     ; bx= 0; cx= 1; dx= 0; nxout=nyin; delx=inim->dy; break;
     case -2:  ax=nyin-1; bx= 0; cx=-1; dx= 0; nxout=nyin; delx=inim->dy; break;
     case  3:  ax=0     ; bx= 0; cx= 0; dx= 1; nxout=nzin; delx=inim->dz; break;
     case -3:  ax=nzin-1; bx= 0; cx= 0; dx=-1; nxout=nzin; delx=inim->dz; break;
     default: RETURN( NULL );
   switch( outy ){
     case  1:  ay=0     ; by= 1; cy= 0; dy= 0; nyout=nxin; dely=inim->dx; break;
     case -1:  ay=nxin-1; by=-1; cy= 0; dy= 0; nyout=nxin; dely=inim->dx; break;
     case  2:  ay=0     ; by= 0; cy= 1; dy= 0; nyout=nyin; dely=inim->dy; break;
     case -2:  ay=nyin-1; by= 0; cy=-1; dy= 0; nyout=nyin; dely=inim->dy; break;
     case  3:  ay=0     ; by= 0; cy= 0; dy= 1; nyout=nzin; dely=inim->dz; break;
     case -3:  ay=nzin-1; by= 0; cy= 0; dy=-1; nyout=nzin; dely=inim->dz; break;
     default: RETURN( NULL );
   switch( outz ){
     case  1:  az=0     ; bz= 1; cz= 0; dz= 0; nzout=nxin; delz=inim->dx; break;
     case -1:  az=nxin-1; bz=-1; cz= 0; dz= 0; nzout=nxin; delz=inim->dx; break;
     case  2:  az=0     ; bz= 0; cz= 1; dz= 0; nzout=nyin; delz=inim->dy; break;
     case -2:  az=nyin-1; bz= 0; cz=-1; dz= 0; nzout=nyin; delz=inim->dy; break;
     case  3:  az=0     ; bz= 0; cz= 0; dz= 1; nzout=nzin; delz=inim->dz; break;
     case -3:  az=nzin-1; bz= 0; cz= 0; dz=-1; nzout=nzin; delz=inim->dz; break;
     default: RETURN( NULL );
   nxyout = nxout*nyout ;

   /* 3D index ijk_out = i_out + nxout*j_out + nxyout*k_out

                       = (ax + bx*i_in + cx*j_in + dx*k_in)
                        +(ay + by*i_in + cy*j_in + dy*k_in)*nxout
                        +(az + bz*i_in + cz*j_in + dz*k_in)*nxyout

                       = (ax+ay*nxout+az*nxyout)

                       = aa + bb*i_in + cc*j_in + dd*k_in  */

   inar  = mri_data_pointer( inim ) ;
   outim = mri_new_vol( nxout,nyout,nzout , inim->kind ) ;

   outim->dx = delx ; outim->dy = dely ; outim->dz = delz ;

   outar = mri_data_pointer( outim ) ;

   if( inar == NULL ){       /* empty input ==> empty output */
     free(outar) ; mri_fix_data_pointer(NULL,outim ); RETURN(outim);

   dsiz  = outim->pixel_size ;          /* size of each voxel in bytes */

   aa = (ax+ay*nxout+az*nxyout)*dsiz ;  /* same as aa, etc. in above */
   bb = (bx+by*nxout+bz*nxyout)*dsiz ;  /* comment, but scaled to be */
   cc = (cx+cy*nxout+cz*nxyout)*dsiz ;  /* address offset in bytes   */
   dd = (dx+dy*nxout+dz*nxyout)*dsiz ;

   for( ijk_in=kk=0 ; kk < nzin ; kk++ ){
     for( jj=0 ; jj < nyin ; jj++ ){
       for( ii=0 ; ii < nxin ; ii++,ijk_in+=dsiz ){
         ijk_out = aa + bb*ii + cc*jj + dd*kk ;
         memcpy( outar+ijk_out , inar+ijk_in , dsiz ) ;

   RETURN(outim) ;
Example #5
MRI_IMAGE * mri_clusterize( float rmm , float vmul , MRI_IMAGE *bim ,
                            float thb , float tht  , MRI_IMAGE *tim ,
                            int posonly , byte *mask )
   float dx,dy,dz , dbot , vmin ;
   int   nx,ny,nz , ptmin,iclu , nkeep,nkill,ncgood , nbot,ntop , ii ;
   MRI_IMAGE *cim ; void *car ;
   MCW_cluster *cl , *dl ; MCW_cluster_array *clar ;
   int nnlev = 0 ;
   static char *cclev[3] = { "[faces touch]" ,
                             "[edges touch]" , "[corners touch]" } ;

ENTRY("mri_clusterize") ;

   if( report  != NULL ){ free((void *)report);  report  = NULL; }
   if( clarout != NULL ){ DESTROY_CLARR(clarout); }

   if( bim == NULL || mri_data_pointer(bim) == NULL ) RETURN(NULL) ;

   nx = bim->nx; ny = bim->ny; nz = bim->nz;
   dx = bim->dx; dy = bim->dy; dz = bim->dz;
   if( dx <= 0.0f ) dx = 1.0f ;
   if( dy <= 0.0f ) dy = 1.0f ;
   if( dz <= 0.0f ) dz = 1.0f ;
   dbot = MIN(dx,dy) ; dbot = MIN(dbot,dz) ;

   if( rmm < dbot ){
     int irr = (int)rintf(rmm) ;
     dx = dy = dz = 1.0f;
     switch( irr ){
       default:  rmm = 1.01f ; nnlev = 1 ;break ;   /* NN1 */
       case -2:  rmm = 1.44f ; nnlev = 2 ;break ;   /* NN2 */
       case -3:  rmm = 1.75f ; nnlev = 3 ;break ;   /* NN3 */
   vmin = 2.0f*dx*dy*dz ; if( vmul < vmin ) vmul = vmin ;

   /* create copy of input image (this will be edited below) */

   cim = mri_copy(bim) ; car = mri_data_pointer(cim) ;
   if( car == NULL ){ mri_free(cim) ; RETURN(NULL) ; }

   /* threshold it, if so ordered (note that tim==bim is legal) */

   if( tht > thb && tim != NULL )
     mri_threshold( thb , tht , tim , cim ) ;

   if( posonly )
     mri_threshold( -1.e9 , 0.0 , cim , cim ) ;

   mri_maskify( cim , mask ) ;  /* Jul 2010: mask it? */

   /* smallest cluster to keep */

   ptmin = (int)( vmul/(dx*dy*dz) + 0.99f ) ;

   /* find all clusters */

   clar = MCW_find_clusters( nx,ny,nz , dx,dy,dz , cim->kind,car , rmm ) ;

   /* put all big clusters back into the image */

   if( clar != NULL ){
     ncgood = nkeep = nkill = 0 ; nbot = 999999 ; ntop = 0 ;
     for( iclu=0 ; iclu < clar->num_clu ; iclu++ ){
       cl = clar->clar[iclu] ;
       if( cl->num_pt >= ptmin ){  /* put back into array, get some stats */

         MCW_cluster_to_vol( nx,ny,nz , cim->kind,car , cl ) ;

         nkeep += cl->num_pt ; ncgood++ ;
         nbot = MIN(nbot,cl->num_pt); ntop = MAX(ntop,cl->num_pt);

         if( clarout == NULL ) INIT_CLARR(clarout) ;
         COPY_CLUSTER(dl,cl) ; ADDTO_CLARR(clarout,dl) ;
       } else {
         nkill += cl->num_pt ;
     DESTROY_CLARR(clar) ;
     report = THD_zzprintf( report ,
                            " Voxels survived clustering =%6d\n"
                            " Voxels edited out          =%6d\n" ,
                            nkeep , nkill ) ;
#if 0
     if( ntop >= nbot )
       report = THD_zzprintf( report ,
                            " Min cluster size (voxels)  =%6d\n"
                            " Max cluster size           =%6d\n"
                            " Number of clusters kept    =%6d\n" ,
                            nbot , ntop , ncgood ) ;
     if( nnlev > 0 )
       report = THD_zzprintf( report ,
                            " NN clustering level        =%6d %s\n" ,
                            nnlev , cclev[nnlev-1] ) ;

   RETURN(cim) ;
Example #6
MRI_IMAGE * mri_bi_clusterize( float rmm , float vmul , MRI_IMAGE *bim ,
                               float thb , float tht  , MRI_IMAGE *tim ,
                               byte *mask )
   float dx,dy,dz , dbot , vmin ;
   int   nx,ny,nz , ptmin,iclu , nkeep=0,nkill=0,ncgood=0 ;
   int   nbot=9999999,ntop=0 , ii , pclust=0,nclust=0 ;
   MRI_IMAGE *cim , *dim ; void *car , *dar ;
   MCW_cluster *cl , *dl ; MCW_cluster_array *clar ;
   int nnlev = 0 ;
   static char *cclev[3] = { "[faces touch]" ,
                             "[edges touch]" , "[corners touch]" } ;

ENTRY("mri_bi_clusterize") ;

   if( report  != NULL ){ free((void *)report);  report  = NULL; }
   if( clarout != NULL ){ DESTROY_CLARR(clarout); }

   if( bim == NULL || mri_data_pointer(bim) == NULL ) RETURN(NULL) ;

   if( thb > 0.0f || tht < 0.0f || tim == NULL ) RETURN(NULL) ;

   nx = bim->nx; ny = bim->ny; nz = bim->nz;
   dx = bim->dx; dy = bim->dy; dz = bim->dz;
   if( dx <= 0.0f ) dx = 1.0f ;
   if( dy <= 0.0f ) dy = 1.0f ;
   if( dz <= 0.0f ) dz = 1.0f ;
   dbot = MIN(dx,dy) ; dbot = MIN(dbot,dz) ;

   if( rmm < dbot ){
     int irr = (int)rintf(rmm) ;
     dx = dy = dz = 1.0f;
     switch( irr ){
       default:  rmm = 1.01f ; nnlev = 1 ;break ;   /* NN1 */
       case -2:  rmm = 1.44f ; nnlev = 2 ;break ;   /* NN2 */
       case -3:  rmm = 1.75f ; nnlev = 3 ;break ;   /* NN3 */
   vmin  = 2.0f*dx*dy*dz ; if( vmul < vmin ) vmul = vmin ;
   ptmin = (int)( vmul/(dx*dy*dz) + 0.99f ) ; /* smallest cluster to keep */

   /* 0-filled copy of input == will be output image */

   dim = mri_new_conforming(bim,bim->kind) ; dar = mri_data_pointer(dim) ;

   /* create copy of input image to be edited below */

   cim = mri_copy(bim) ; car = mri_data_pointer(cim) ;
   mri_maskify( cim , mask ) ;  /* mask it? */

   /* threshold it on the positive side */

   mri_threshold( -1.e22 , tht , tim , cim ) ;

   /* find all positive clusters */

   clar = MCW_find_clusters( nx,ny,nz , dx,dy,dz , cim->kind,car , rmm ) ;
   mri_free(cim) ;

   /* put all big clusters into the output image */

   if( clar != NULL ){
     for( iclu=0 ; iclu < clar->num_clu ; iclu++ ){
       cl = clar->clar[iclu] ;
       if( cl->num_pt >= ptmin ){  /* put back into array, get some stats */

         MCW_cluster_to_vol( nx,ny,nz , dim->kind,dar , cl ) ;

         nkeep += cl->num_pt ; ncgood++ ; pclust++ ;
         nbot = MIN(nbot,cl->num_pt); ntop = MAX(ntop,cl->num_pt);

         if( clarout == NULL ) INIT_CLARR(clarout) ;
         COPY_CLUSTER(dl,cl) ; ADDTO_CLARR(clarout,dl) ;
       } else {
         nkill += cl->num_pt ;
     DESTROY_CLARR(clar) ;

   /* repeat for negative clusters */

   cim = mri_copy(bim) ; car = mri_data_pointer(cim) ;
   mri_maskify( cim , mask ) ;
   mri_threshold( thb , 1.e+22 , tim , cim ) ;
   clar = MCW_find_clusters( nx,ny,nz , dx,dy,dz , cim->kind,car , rmm ) ;
   mri_free(cim) ;

   if( clar != NULL ){
     for( iclu=0 ; iclu < clar->num_clu ; iclu++ ){
       cl = clar->clar[iclu] ;
       if( cl->num_pt >= ptmin ){  /* put back into array, get some stats */
         MCW_cluster_to_vol( nx,ny,nz , dim->kind,dar , cl ) ;
         nkeep += cl->num_pt ; ncgood++ ; nclust++ ;
         nbot = MIN(nbot,cl->num_pt); ntop = MAX(ntop,cl->num_pt);
         if( clarout == NULL ) INIT_CLARR(clarout) ;
         COPY_CLUSTER(dl,cl) ; ADDTO_CLARR(clarout,dl) ;
       } else {
         nkill += cl->num_pt ;
     DESTROY_CLARR(clar) ;

   if( nkeep > 0 ){
     report = THD_zzprintf( report ,
                            " Voxels survived clustering =%6d\n"
                            " Voxels edited out          =%6d\n"
                            " # Positive clusters        =%6d\n"
                            " # Negative clusters        =%6d\n" ,
                            nkeep , nkill , pclust,nclust ) ;
     if( nnlev > 0 )
       report = THD_zzprintf( report ,
                            " NN clustering level        =%6d %s\n" ,
                            nnlev , cclev[nnlev-1] ) ;

   RETURN(dim) ;
Example #7
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) 
   int CHECK = 0;
	int iarg;
   char *Fname_input = NULL;
   char *Fname_output = NULL;
   char *Fname_outputBV = NULL;
   char *Fname_bval = NULL;
   int opt;
   FILE *fin=NULL, *fout=NULL, *finbv=NULL, *foutBV=NULL;
   int i,j,k;
   int BZER=0,idx=0,idx2=0;

   MRI_IMAGE *flim=NULL;
   float *READIN=NULL;
   float *READBVAL=NULL;

   float OUT_MATR[MAXGRADS][7]; // b- or g-matrix
   float OUT_GRAD[MAXGRADS][4]; // b- or g-matrix

   int INV[3] = {1,1,1}; // if needing to switch
   float temp;
   int YES_B = 0;
   int EXTRA_ZEROS=0;
   int HAVE_BVAL = 0;
   int BVAL_OUT = 0; 
   int BVAL_OUT_SEP = 0; 
   float BMAX_REF = 1; // i.e., essentially zero
   int IN_FORM = 0; // 0 for row, 1 for col
   int OUT_FORM = 1; // 1 for col, 2 for bmatr 
   int HAVE_BMAX_REF=0 ; // referring to user input value
   int count_in=0, count_out=0;

	THD_3dim_dataset *dwset=NULL, *dwout=NULL; 
   int Nbrik = 0;
	char *prefix=NULL ;
   float **temp_arr=NULL, **temp_grad=NULL;
   int Ndwi = 0, dwi=0, Ndwout = 0, Ndwi_final = 0, Ndwout_final = 0;
   int Nvox = 0;
   int DWI_COMP_FAC = 0;
   int ct_dwi = 0;
   float MaxDP = 0;

	mainENTRY("1dDW_Grad_o_Mat"); machdep();
   if (argc == 1) { usage_1dDW_Grad_o_Mat(1); exit(0); }

   iarg = 1;
	while( iarg < argc && argv[iarg][0] == '-' ){
		if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-help") == 0 || 
			 strcmp(argv[iarg],"-h") == 0 ) {
         usage_1dDW_Grad_o_Mat(strlen(argv[iarg])>3 ? 2:1);
      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-flip_x") == 0) {
			INV[0] = -1;
			iarg++ ; continue ;
      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-flip_y") == 0) {
			INV[1] = -1;
			iarg++ ; continue ;
      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-flip_z") == 0) {
			INV[2] = -1;
			iarg++ ; continue ;
      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-keep_b0s") == 0) {
			YES_B = 1;
			iarg++ ; continue ;
      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-put_zeros_top") == 0) {
			iarg++ ; continue ;

      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-in_grad_rows") == 0 ){
			if( ++iarg >= argc ) 
				ERROR_exit("Need argument after '-in_grad_rows'\n") ;

         Fname_input = argv[iarg];

         iarg++ ; continue ;
      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-in_grad_cols") == 0 ){
			if( ++iarg >= argc ) 
				ERROR_exit("Need argument after '-in_grad_cols'\n") ;

         Fname_input = argv[iarg];
         IN_FORM = 1;

         iarg++ ; continue ;
      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-in_gmatT_cols") == 0 ){
			if( ++iarg >= argc ) 
				ERROR_exit("Need argument after '-in_matT_cols'\n") ;
         Fname_input = argv[iarg];
         IN_FORM = 2;
         iarg++ ; continue ;
      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-in_gmatA_cols") == 0 ){
			if( ++iarg >= argc ) 
				ERROR_exit("Need argument after '-in_matA_cols'\n") ;
         Fname_input = argv[iarg];
         IN_FORM = 3;
         iarg++ ; continue ;
      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-in_bmatT_cols") == 0 ){
			if( ++iarg >= argc ) 
				ERROR_exit("Need argument after '-in_matT_cols'\n") ;
         Fname_input = argv[iarg];
         IN_FORM = 4;
         iarg++ ; continue ;
      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-in_bmatA_cols") == 0 ){
			if( ++iarg >= argc ) 
				ERROR_exit("Need argument after '-in_matA_cols'\n") ;
         Fname_input = argv[iarg];
         IN_FORM = 5;
         iarg++ ; continue ;

      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-out_grad_rows") == 0 ){
			if( ++iarg >= argc ) 
				ERROR_exit("Need argument after '-out_grad_cols'\n") ;

         Fname_output = argv[iarg];
         OUT_FORM = 0;

         iarg++ ; continue ;
      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-out_grad_cols") == 0 ){
			if( ++iarg >= argc ) 
				ERROR_exit("Need argument after '-out_grad_cols'\n") ;

         Fname_output = argv[iarg];
         OUT_FORM = 1;

         iarg++ ; continue ;

      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-out_gmatT_cols") == 0 ){
			if( ++iarg >= argc ) 
				ERROR_exit("Need argument after '-out_gmatT_cols'\n") ;
         Fname_output = argv[iarg];
         OUT_FORM = 2;
         iarg++ ; continue ;
      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-out_gmatA_cols") == 0 ){
			if( ++iarg >= argc ) 
				ERROR_exit("Need argument after '-out_gmatA_cols'\n") ;
         Fname_output = argv[iarg];
         OUT_FORM = 3;
         iarg++ ; continue ;
      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-out_bmatT_cols") == 0 ){
			if( ++iarg >= argc ) 
				ERROR_exit("Need argument after '-out_bmatT_cols'\n") ;

         Fname_output = argv[iarg];
         OUT_FORM = 4;
         iarg++ ; continue ;
      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-out_bmatA_cols") == 0 ){
			if( ++iarg >= argc ) 
				ERROR_exit("Need argument after '-out_bmatA_cols'\n") ;

         Fname_output = argv[iarg];
         OUT_FORM = 5;
         iarg++ ; continue ;

      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-in_bvals") == 0 ){
			if( ++iarg >= argc ) 
				ERROR_exit("Need argument after '-in_bvals'\n") ;
         Fname_bval = argv[iarg];
         HAVE_BVAL = 1;

         iarg++ ; continue ;

      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-bmax_ref") == 0) { 
         iarg++ ; if( iarg >= argc ) 
                     ERROR_exit("Need argument after '-bmax_ref'\n");
         BMAX_REF = atof(argv[iarg]);
         HAVE_BMAX_REF = 1;
         iarg++ ; continue ;
      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-out_bval_col") == 0) {
			BVAL_OUT = 1;
			iarg++ ; continue ;

      // May,2015
      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-out_bval_row_sep") == 0) {
         if( ++iarg >= argc ) 
				ERROR_exit("Need argument after '-out_bval_row_sep'\n") ;
         Fname_outputBV = argv[iarg];
         BVAL_OUT_SEP = 1;
         iarg++ ; continue ;
		if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-proc_dset") == 0 ){ // in DWIs
			if( ++iarg >= argc ) 
				ERROR_exit("Need argument after '-proc_dset'") ;
			dwset = THD_open_dataset( argv[iarg] ) ;
			if( dwset == NULL ) 
				ERROR_exit("Can't open DWI dataset '%s'", argv[iarg]) ;
			DSET_load(dwset) ; CHECK_LOAD_ERROR(dwset) ;
			iarg++ ; continue ;
      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-pref_dset") == 0 ){ // will be output
			iarg++ ; if( iarg >= argc ) 
							ERROR_exit("Need argument after '-pref_dset'");
			prefix = strdup(argv[iarg]) ;
			if( !THD_filename_ok(prefix) ) 
				ERROR_exit("Illegal name after '-pref_dset'");
			iarg++ ; continue ;
      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-dwi_comp_fac") == 0) { 
         iarg++ ; if( iarg >= argc ) 
                     ERROR_exit("Need argument after '-dwi_comp_fac'\n");
         DWI_COMP_FAC = atoi(argv[iarg]);
         if (DWI_COMP_FAC <=1)
            ERROR_exit("The compression factor after '-dwi_comp_fac'"
                       "must be >1!");

         iarg++ ; continue ;

      ERROR_message("Bad option '%s'\n",argv[iarg]) ;
		suggest_best_prog_option(argv[0], argv[iarg]);

   //  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 

   if( (Fname_input == NULL) ) {
              "\n\tBad Command-lining!  Option '-in_*' requires argument.\n");
   if( (Fname_output == NULL) ) {
              "\n\tBad Command-lining!  Option '-out_*' requires arg.\n");

   if( count_in > 1 ) {
              "\n\tBad Command-lining!  Can't have >1 vec file input.\n");
   if( count_out > 1 ) {
              "\n\tBad Command-lining!  Can't have >1 output file opt.\n");

   if(YES_B && dwset) {
              "\n** Bad Command-lining! "
              "Can't have '-keep_b0s' and '-proc_dset' together.\n");
   if( !prefix && dwset) {
              "\n** Bad Command-lining! "
              "Need an output '-pref_dset' when using '-proc_dset'.\n");
   if(YES_B && DWI_COMP_FAC) {
              "\n** Bad Command-lining! "
              "Can't have '-keep_b0s' and '-dwi_comp_fac' together.\n");

              "\n** Bad Command-lining! "
              "Can't have ask for outputting bvals with no '-in_bvals FILE'.\n");

   // ********************************************************************
   // ************************* start reading ****************************
   // ********************************************************************

   flim = mri_read_1D (Fname_input);
   if (flim == NULL) {
         ERROR_exit("Error reading gradient vector file");
   if( IN_FORM )
      preREADIN = mri_transpose(flim); // effectively *undoes* autotranspose
      preREADIN = mri_copy(flim);
   idx = preREADIN->ny;

   if( HAVE_BVAL ) {
      flim = mri_read_1D (Fname_bval);
      if (flim == NULL) {
         ERROR_exit("Error reading b-value file");
      if( flim->ny == 1)
         preREADBVAL = mri_transpose(flim); // effectively *undoes* autotransp
         preREADBVAL = mri_copy(flim); 
      idx2 = preREADBVAL->ny;


   if(idx>= MAXGRADS ) {
      printf("Error, too many input grads.\n");
      mri_free (preREADIN);
      if( HAVE_BVAL ) mri_free (preREADBVAL);

   if( ( (preREADIN->nx != 3 ) && (preREADIN->ny != 3 )) &&
       (preREADIN->nx != 6 ) )
      printf("Probably an error, "
             "because there aren't 3 or 6 numbers in columns!\n");

   if( HAVE_BVAL && ( idx != idx2 ) ) {
      printf("Error, because the number of bvecs (%d)\n"
             "and bvals (%d) don't appear to match!\n", idx, idx2);
      mri_free (preREADIN);
      mri_free (preREADBVAL);

   if(dwset) {
      Nbrik = DSET_NVALS(dwset);

      if( idx != Nbrik ) {
                 "\n** ERROR: the number of bvecs (%d) does not match the "
                 "number of briks in '-proc_dset' (%d).\n", idx, Nbrik);

   if( HAVE_BVAL )

   // 0 is grad row;  
   // 1 is grad col;
   // 2 is gmatrRow col T;
   // 3 is gmatrDiag col A;
   // 4 is bmatrRow col T;
   // 5 is bmatrDiag col A;

   //if( IN_FORM == 0 ) // grad rows, no binfo
   // for( i=0; i<idx ; i++ ) 
   //    for ( j=0; j<3 ; j++ )
   //       OUT_GRAD[i][j+1] = *(READIN +j*idx +i) ;
   if ( IN_FORM <= 1 )  // grad cols, no binfo
      for( i=0; i<idx ; i++ ) 
         for ( j=0; j<3 ; j++ )
            OUT_GRAD[i][j+1] = *(READIN + 3*i+j);
   // A/row/3dDWItoDT: Bxx, Byy, Bzz, Bxy, Bxz, Byz
   // T/diag/TORTOISE:  b_xx 2b_xy 2b_xz b_yy 2b_yz b_zz
   else if ( (IN_FORM == 3) || (IN_FORM ==5 ) ) { // diag matr
      for( i=0; i<idx ; i++ ) { 
         for( j=0; j<3 ; j++ ) {
            OUT_MATR[i][j+1] = *(READIN+6*i+j);
            OUT_MATR[i][3+j+1] = *(READIN+6*i+3+j);

         for( j=0; j<3 ; j++ ) 
            if(OUT_MATR[i][j] < 0 )
      if(CHECK > 0)
         INFO_message("Warning: you *said* you input a mat'T',"
                      " but the matr diagonals don't appear to be uniformly"
                      " positive. If input cols 0, 3 and 5 are positive,"
                      " then you might have meant mat'A'?");
   else if ( (IN_FORM ==2 ) || (IN_FORM ==4 ) ) { // row matr
      CHECK = 0;
      for( i=0; i<idx ; i++ ) {
         OUT_MATR[i][1] = *(READIN +6*i);
         OUT_MATR[i][2] = *(READIN +6*i+3);
         OUT_MATR[i][3] = *(READIN +6*i+5);
         OUT_MATR[i][4] = *(READIN +6*i+1)/2.;
         OUT_MATR[i][5] = *(READIN +6*i+2)/2.;
         OUT_MATR[i][6] = *(READIN +6*i+4)/2.;
      for( i=0; i<idx ; i++ ) 
         for( j=0; j<3 ; j++ ) 
            if(OUT_MATR[i][j] < 0 )
      if(CHECK > 0)
         INFO_message("Warning: you *said* you input a mat'A',"
                      " but the matr diagonals don't appear to be uniformly"
                      " positive. If input cols 0, 1 and 2 are positive,"
                      " then you might have meant mat'T'?");
      fprintf(stderr, "Coding error with format number (%d), not allowed.\n",
   // get bval info
   if( ( (IN_FORM ==4 ) || (IN_FORM ==5 ) ) ) { //bval
      for( i=0; i<idx ; i++ ) {
         OUT_MATR[i][0] = OUT_GRAD[i][0] =
            OUT_MATR[i][1] + OUT_MATR[i][2] + OUT_MATR[i][3];
         if( OUT_MATR[i][0] > 0.000001)
            for( j=1 ; j<7 ; j++ )
               OUT_MATR[i][j]/= OUT_MATR[i][0];
   else if ( HAVE_BVAL )
      for( i=0; i<idx ; i++ ) {
         OUT_MATR[i][0] = OUT_GRAD[i][0] =  *(READBVAL + i);
   else if ( OUT_FORM > 3 || BVAL_OUT ||  BVAL_OUT_SEP || HAVE_BMAX_REF ) {
      fprintf(stderr, "ERROR:  you asked for b-value dependent output, "
              "but gave me no bvals to work with.\n");
   // * * *  ** * * * * * * * * ** ** * * ** * * ** * ** * ** * * *
   // at this point, all IN_FORM >1 cases which need bval have led to:
   //    + grad[0] has bval
   //    + matr[0] has bval
   //    + matr file normalized and in diagonal form
   // * * *  ** * * * * * * * * ** ** * * ** * * ** * ** * ** * * *

   for( i=0; i<idx ; i++ ) 
      if( IN_FORM > 1)
         j = GradConv_Gsign_from_BmatA( OUT_GRAD[i]+1, OUT_MATR[i]+1);
         j = GradConv_BmatA_from_Gsign( OUT_MATR[i]+1, OUT_GRAD[i]+1);

   // flip if necessary
   for( i=0 ; i<idx ; i++) {
      for( j=0 ; j<3 ; j++) 
         OUT_GRAD[i][j+1]*= INV[j];
      OUT_MATR[i][4]*= INV[0]*INV[1];
      OUT_MATR[i][5]*= INV[0]*INV[2];
      OUT_MATR[i][6]*= INV[1]*INV[2];
   for( i=0 ; i<idx ; i++) {
      if( HAVE_BVAL || (IN_FORM ==4) || (IN_FORM ==5) )
         if( OUT_GRAD[i][0] >= BMAX_REF ) 
            FLAG[i] = 1;
            if( YES_B ) 
               FLAG[i] = 1;
      else {
         temp = 0.;
         for( j=1 ; j<4 ; j++) 
            temp+= pow(OUT_GRAD[i][j],2);
         if( temp > 0.1 )
            FLAG[i] = 1;
            if( YES_B ) 
               FLAG[i] = 1;
   if(YES_B) {
      printf("\tChose to *keep* %d b0s,\tas well as  \t%d grads\n",
   else {
      printf("\tGetting rid of %d b0s,\tleaving the %d grads\n",
      Ndwi = idx-BZER;
   Ndwi_final = idx-BZER; // default:  all DWIs

   if( DWI_COMP_FAC ) {
      if( Ndwi % DWI_COMP_FAC != 0 ) {
         fprintf(stderr, "\n** ERROR can't compress: "
                 "Ndwi=%d, and %d/%d has a nonzero remainder (=%d).\n",
                 Ndwi,Ndwi,DWI_COMP_FAC, Ndwi % DWI_COMP_FAC );
      else {
         Ndwi_final = Ndwi/DWI_COMP_FAC;
         INFO_message("You have chosen a compression factor of %d, "
                      "with %d DWIs,\n"
                      "\tso that afterward there will be %d DWIs.",
                      DWI_COMP_FAC, Ndwi, Ndwi_final);

      if( (foutBV = fopen(Fname_outputBV, "w")) == NULL) {
         fprintf(stderr, "\n\nError opening file %s.\n",Fname_outputBV);

   if( (fout = fopen(Fname_output, "w")) == NULL) {
      fprintf(stderr, "\n\nError opening file %s.\n",Fname_output);

   // 0 is grad row;  
   // 1 is grad col;
   // 2 is gmatrRow col T;
   // 3 is gmatrDiag col A;
   // 4 is bmatrRow col T;
   // 5 is bmatrDiag col A;

   if( OUT_FORM>0) {
      if( EXTRA_ZEROS ) {
         if( BVAL_OUT )
            fprintf(fout,"%8d  ", 0);
         if( BVAL_OUT_SEP )
            fprintf(foutBV,"%8d  ", 0);

         if( OUT_FORM == 1 )
            for( k=1 ; k<4 ; k++ )
               fprintf(fout,"%11.5f  ", 0.0);
         else if ( OUT_FORM > 1 ) // bit superfluous at this point
            for( k=1 ; k<7 ; k++ )
               fprintf(fout,"%11.5f  ", 0.0);

      ct_dwi = 0;
      for(i=0 ; i<idx ; i++){ 
         if(FLAG[i]) {
            if( BVAL_OUT )
               fprintf(fout,"%8d  ", (int) OUT_GRAD[i][0]);
            if( BVAL_OUT_SEP )
               fprintf(foutBV,"%8d  ", (int) OUT_GRAD[i][0]);

            if( (OUT_FORM == 4) || (OUT_FORM ==5) )
               for( k=1 ; k<7 ; k++ )
                  OUT_MATR[i][k]*= OUT_MATR[i][0];
            if( OUT_FORM == 1 ) // grad col
               for( k=1 ; k<4 ; k++ )
                  fprintf(fout,"%11.5f  ", OUT_GRAD[i][k]);
            else if( (OUT_FORM == 3) || (OUT_FORM == 5) ) { // gmat
               for( k=1 ; k<6 ; k++ )
                  fprintf(fout,"%11.5f  ", OUT_MATR[i][k]);
               fprintf(fout,"%11.5f", OUT_MATR[i][k]);
            else if ( (OUT_FORM == 2 ) || (OUT_FORM ==4)) { // bmat
               fprintf(fout,"%11.5f  ", OUT_MATR[i][1]);
               fprintf(fout,"%11.5f  ", 2*OUT_MATR[i][4]);
               fprintf(fout,"%11.5f  ", 2*OUT_MATR[i][5]);
               fprintf(fout,"%11.5f  ", OUT_MATR[i][2]);
               fprintf(fout,"%11.5f  ", 2*OUT_MATR[i][6]);
               fprintf(fout,"%11.5f",   OUT_MATR[i][3]);
         if( (ct_dwi == Ndwi_final) && DWI_COMP_FAC ) {
            INFO_message("Reached compression level:  DWI number %d",
   else if(OUT_FORM ==0) {
         WARNING_message("Ignoring '-out_bval_col' option, since "
                         " you are outputting in rows.");
      for( k=1 ; k<4 ; k++ ) {
            fprintf(fout,"% -11.5f  ", 0.0);
            if( (k==1) && BVAL_OUT_SEP ) // only output 1 zeroin bval file
               fprintf(foutBV,"%8d  ", 0);
         ct_dwi = 0;
         for(i=0 ; i<idx ; i++) {
            if(FLAG[i]) {
               fprintf(fout,"% -11.5f  ", OUT_GRAD[i][k]);
               if( (k==1) && BVAL_OUT_SEP )// only output 1 zeroin bval file
                  fprintf(foutBV,"%8d  ", (int) OUT_GRAD[i][0]);
            if( (ct_dwi == Ndwi_final) && DWI_COMP_FAC ) {
               INFO_message("Reached compression level:  DWI number %d",

   if( BVAL_OUT_SEP ) {

   if(dwset) {
      INFO_message("Processing the B0+DWI file now.");
      if(!BZER) {
         fprintf(stderr, "\n** Error in processing data set: "
                 "no b=0 values from bvecs/bval info!\n");

      // FLAG marks where DWIs are if not using '-keep_b0s'!

      Nvox = DSET_NVOX(dwset);
      Ndwout = Ndwi+1;

      temp_arr = calloc( Ndwout,sizeof(temp_arr));
      for( i=0 ; i<Ndwout ; i++) 
         temp_arr[i] = calloc( Nvox,sizeof(float)); 
      temp_grad = calloc( Ndwi,sizeof(temp_grad));
      for( i=0 ; i<Ndwi ; i++) 
         temp_grad[i] = calloc( 3,sizeof(float)); 

      if( (temp_arr == NULL) || (temp_grad == NULL) ) {
            fprintf(stderr, "\n\n MemAlloc failure.\n\n");

      dwi = 0; // keep track of DWI contraction
      for( i=0 ; i<Nbrik ; i++)
         if( !FLAG[i] ) // b=0
            for( j=0 ; j<Nvox ; j++)
               temp_arr[0][j]+= THD_get_voxel(dwset,j,i);
         else {
            for( j=0 ; j<3 ; j++)
               temp_grad[dwi][j]= OUT_GRAD[i][j+1];
            for( j=0 ; j<Nvox ; j++)
               temp_arr[dwi][j]+= THD_get_voxel(dwset,j,i);
      if( dwi != Ndwi ) {
         fprintf(stderr, "\n** Mismatch in internal DWI counting!\n");

      // average the values
      for( j=0 ; j<Nvox ; j++)
         temp_arr[0][j]/= BZER; // can't be zero here.
      if( DWI_COMP_FAC ) {
         INFO_message("Compressing DWI file");

         for( k=1 ; k<DWI_COMP_FAC ; k++)
            for( i=0 ; i<Ndwi_final ; i++)
               for( j=0 ; j<Nvox ; j++)
                  temp_arr[1+i][j]+= temp_arr[1+k*Ndwi_final+i][j];
         for( i=0 ; i<Ndwi_final ; i++)
            for( j=0 ; j<Nvox ; j++)
               temp_arr[1+i][j]/= DWI_COMP_FAC;

         INFO_message("Checking closeness of compressed gradient values");
         MaxDP = GradCloseness(temp_grad, Ndwi, DWI_COMP_FAC);

         INFO_message("The max angular difference between matched/compressed\n"
                      "\tgradients is: %f", MaxDP);
         if( MaxDP > 2)
            WARNING_message("The max angular difference seem kinda big-- you\n"
                            " sure about the compression factor?");

      Ndwout_final = Ndwi_final + 1;
      INFO_message("Writing the processed data set.");
      dwout = EDIT_empty_copy( dwset ); 
                      ADN_nvals, Ndwout_final,
                      ADN_ntt, 0,
                      ADN_datum_all, MRI_float , 
                      ADN_prefix, prefix,
                      ADN_none );

      for( i=0; i<Ndwout_final ; i++) {
         EDIT_substitute_brick(dwout, i, MRI_float, temp_arr[i]);

      // if necessary
      for( i=Ndwout_final ; i<Ndwout ; i++)

      THD_load_statistics( dwout );
      if( !THD_ok_overwrite() && THD_is_ondisk(DSET_HEADNAME(dwout)) )
         ERROR_exit("Can't overwrite existing dataset '%s'",
      tross_Make_History("1dDW_Grad_o_Mat", argc, argv, dwout);
      THD_write_3dim_dataset(NULL, NULL, dwout, True);

      for( i=0 ; i<Ndwout_final ; i++)

   if( HAVE_BVAL )


   printf("\n\tDone. Check output file '%s' for results",Fname_output);
   if(dwset) {
      printf("\n\t-> as well as the data_set '%s'",DSET_FILECODE(dwout));
      printf("\n\t-> and even the b-value rows '%s'",Fname_outputBV);

Example #8
MRI_IMAGE * mri_valpad_2D(  int nxbot , int nxtop ,
                            int nybot , int nytop , MRI_IMAGE *fim,
                            byte val)
   int nxold,nyold , nxnew,nynew , nx,ny ;
   int ii,jj , iibot,iitop , jjbot,jjtop ;
   MRI_IMAGE *vim ;

ENTRY("mri_valpad_2D") ;

   /*- check for user stupidity -*/

   if( fim == NULL ) RETURN(NULL) ;

   nx = fim->nx ; ny = fim->ny ;

   /*- special case: just copy input -*/

   if( nxbot == 0 && nybot == 0 &&
       nxtop == 0 && nytop == 0    ){

      vim = mri_copy( fim ) ;
      RETURN(vim) ;

   nxold = nx ; nxnew = nxold + nxbot + nxtop ;  /* dimensions */
   nyold = ny ; nynew = nyold + nybot + nytop ;

   iibot = MAX(0,-nxbot) ; iitop = MIN(nxold,nxold+nxtop) ;  /* range of data  */
   jjbot = MAX(0,-nybot) ; jjtop = MIN(nyold,nyold+nytop) ;  /* in old dataset */

   if( nxnew < 1 || iibot >= iitop ||   /* check for reasonable sizes */
       nynew < 1 || jjbot >= jjtop   ){ /* and ranges of dataset     */

      fprintf(stderr,"*** mri_zeropad: can't cut image down to nothing!\n") ;
      RETURN(NULL) ;

   vim = mri_new( nxnew , nynew , fim->kind ) ;
   MRI_COPY_AUX(vim,fim) ;
   memset( mri_data_pointer(vim) , val ,
           nxnew*nynew*mri_datum_size(vim->kind) ) ;

   /* macros for computing 1D subscripts from 2D indices */

#undef  SNEW  /* in case was defined in some stupid .h file */
#undef  SOLD
#define SNEW(i,j) ((i+nxbot)+(j+nybot)*nxnew)
#define SOLD(i,j) (i+j*nxold)

   switch( fim->kind ){  /* copy rows of old into new */

         fprintf(stderr,"*** mri_zeropad: unknown input datum=%d\n",fim->kind) ;
         mri_free(vim) ;
      RETURN(NULL) ;

      case MRI_byte:{
         byte *bnew = MRI_BYTE_PTR(vim), *bold = MRI_BYTE_PTR(fim) ;
         for( jj=jjbot ; jj < jjtop ; jj++ )
            for( ii=iibot ; ii < iitop ; ii++ )
               bnew[SNEW(ii,jj)] = bold[SOLD(ii,jj)] ;
      break ;

      case MRI_rgb:{
         byte *bnew = MRI_RGB_PTR(vim), *bold = MRI_RGB_PTR(fim) ;
         for( jj=jjbot ; jj < jjtop ; jj++ )
            for( ii=iibot ; ii < iitop ; ii++ ){
               bnew[3*SNEW(ii,jj)  ] = bold[3*SOLD(ii,jj)  ] ;
               bnew[3*SNEW(ii,jj)+1] = bold[3*SOLD(ii,jj)+1] ;
               bnew[3*SNEW(ii,jj)+2] = bold[3*SOLD(ii,jj)+2] ;
      break ;

      case MRI_short:{
         short *bnew = MRI_SHORT_PTR(vim), *bold = MRI_SHORT_PTR(fim) ;
         for( jj=jjbot ; jj < jjtop ; jj++ )
            for( ii=iibot ; ii < iitop ; ii++ )
               bnew[SNEW(ii,jj)] = bold[SOLD(ii,jj)] ;
      break ;

      case MRI_int:{
         int *bnew = MRI_INT_PTR(vim), *bold = MRI_INT_PTR(fim) ;
         for( jj=jjbot ; jj < jjtop ; jj++ )
            for( ii=iibot ; ii < iitop ; ii++ )
               bnew[SNEW(ii,jj)] = bold[SOLD(ii,jj)] ;
      break ;

      case MRI_float:{
         float *bnew = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(vim), *bold = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(fim) ;
         for( jj=jjbot ; jj < jjtop ; jj++ )
            for( ii=iibot ; ii < iitop ; ii++ )
               bnew[SNEW(ii,jj)] = bold[SOLD(ii,jj)] ;
      break ;

      case MRI_double:{
         double *bnew = MRI_DOUBLE_PTR(vim), *bold = MRI_DOUBLE_PTR(fim) ;
         for( jj=jjbot ; jj < jjtop ; jj++ )
            for( ii=iibot ; ii < iitop ; ii++ )
               bnew[SNEW(ii,jj)] = bold[SOLD(ii,jj)] ;
      break ;

      case MRI_complex:{
         complex *bnew = MRI_COMPLEX_PTR(vim), *bold = MRI_COMPLEX_PTR(fim) ;
         for( jj=jjbot ; jj < jjtop ; jj++ )
            for( ii=iibot ; ii < iitop ; ii++ )
               bnew[SNEW(ii,jj)] = bold[SOLD(ii,jj)] ;
      break ;

   } /* end of switch on datum type */

   RETURN(vim) ;