bool UIMachineLogicFullscreen::checkAvailability()
    /* Temporary get a machine object: */
    const CMachine &machine = uisession()->session().GetMachine();

    /* Check if there is enough physical memory to enter fullscreen: */
    if (uisession()->isGuestAdditionsActive())
        quint64 availBits = machine.GetVRAMSize() /* VRAM */ * _1M /* MiB to bytes */ * 8 /* to bits */;
        quint64 usedBits = m_pScreenLayout->memoryRequirements();
        if (availBits < usedBits)
            if (!msgCenter().cannotEnterFullscreenMode(0, 0, 0, (((usedBits + 7) / 8 + _1M - 1) / _1M) * _1M))
                return false;

    /* Take the toggle hot key from the menu item.
     * Since VBoxGlobal::extractKeyFromActionText gets exactly
     * the linked key without the 'Host+' part we are adding it here. */
    QString hotKey = QString("Host+%1")

    /* Show the info message. */
    if (!msgCenter().confirmGoingFullscreen(hotKey))
        return false;

    return true;
void UIWizardNewVMPage3::ensureNewVirtualDiskDeleted()
    /* Make sure virtual-disk exists: */
    if (m_virtualDisk.isNull())

    /* Remember virtual-disk ID: */
    QString strId = m_virtualDisk.GetId();

    /* 1st step: start delete-storage progress: */
    CProgress progress = m_virtualDisk.DeleteStorage();
    /* Get initial state: */
    bool fSuccess = m_virtualDisk.isOk();

    /* 2nd step: show delete-storage progress: */
    if (fSuccess)
        msgCenter().showModalProgressDialog(progress, thisImp()->windowTitle(), ":/progress_media_delete_90px.png", thisImp(), true);
        fSuccess = progress.isOk() && progress.GetResultCode() == S_OK;

    /* 3rd step: notify GUI about virtual-disk was deleted or show error if any: */
    if (fSuccess)
        vboxGlobal().removeMedium(UIMediumType_HardDisk, strId);
        msgCenter().cannotDeleteHardDiskStorage(thisImp(), m_virtualDisk, progress);

    /* Detach virtual-disk finally: */
Example #3
/* Adds new network interface: */
void UIGlobalSettingsNetwork::sltAddInterface()
    /* Prepare useful variables: */
    CVirtualBox vbox = vboxGlobal().virtualBox();
    CHost host = vboxGlobal().host();

    /* Create new host-only interface: */
    CHostNetworkInterface iface;
    CProgress progress = host.CreateHostOnlyNetworkInterface(iface);
    if (host.isOk())
        msgCenter().showModalProgressDialog(progress, tr("Networking"),
                                              ":/nw_32px.png", this, true, 0);
        if (progress.GetResultCode() == 0)
            /* Create DHCP server: */
            CDHCPServer dhcp = vbox.FindDHCPServerByNetworkName(iface.GetNetworkName());
            if (dhcp.isNull())
                dhcp = vbox.FindDHCPServerByNetworkName(iface.GetNetworkName());
            AssertMsg(!dhcp.isNull(), ("DHCP server creation failed!\n"));

            /* Append cache with new item: */
            /* Append list with new item: */
            appendListItem(m_cache.m_items.last(), true);
            msgCenter().cannotCreateHostInterface(progress, this);
        msgCenter().cannotCreateHostInterface(host, this);
bool UIWizardExportApp::exportVMs(CAppliance &appliance)
    /* Write the appliance: */
    const QString strVersion = field("OVF09Selected").toBool() ? "ovf-0.9" : "ovf-1.0";
    CProgress progress = appliance.Write(strVersion, field("manifestSelected").toBool() /* fManifest */, uri());
    bool fResult = appliance.isOk();
    if (fResult)
        /* Show some progress, so the user know whats going on: */
        msgCenter().showModalProgressDialog(progress, QApplication::translate("UIWizardExportApp", "Exporting Appliance ..."),
                                            ":/progress_export_90px.png", this, true);
        if (progress.GetCanceled())
            return false;
        if (!progress.isOk() || progress.GetResultCode() != 0)
            msgCenter().cannotExportAppliance(progress, &appliance, this);
            return false;
            return true;
    if (!fResult)
        msgCenter().cannotExportAppliance(&appliance, this);
    return false;
bool UIMachineLogicSeamless::checkAvailability()
    /* Check if there is enough physical memory to enter seamless: */
    if (uisession()->isGuestSupportsSeamless())
        quint64 availBits = machine().GetVRAMSize() /* VRAM */ * _1M /* MiB to bytes */ * 8 /* to bits */;
        quint64 usedBits = m_pScreenLayout->memoryRequirements();
        if (availBits < usedBits)
            msgCenter().cannotEnterSeamlessMode(0, 0, 0,
                                                (((usedBits + 7) / 8 + _1M - 1) / _1M) * _1M);
            return false;

    /* Show the info message. */
    const UIShortcut &shortcut =
    const QString strHotKey = QString("Host+%1").arg(shortcut.toString());
    if (!msgCenter().confirmGoingSeamless(strHotKey))
        return false;

    return true;
void UIWizardNewVMPage3::ensureNewVirtualDiskDeleted()
    /* Make sure virtual-disk valid: */
    if (m_virtualDisk.isNull())

    /* Remember virtual-disk attributes: */
    QString strMediumID = m_virtualDisk.GetId();
    QString strLocation = m_virtualDisk.GetLocation();
    /* Prepare delete storage progress: */
    CProgress progress = m_virtualDisk.DeleteStorage();
    if (m_virtualDisk.isOk())
        /* Show delete storage progress: */
        msgCenter().showModalProgressDialog(progress, thisImp()->windowTitle(), ":/progress_media_delete_90px.png", thisImp());
        if (!progress.isOk() || progress.GetResultCode() != 0)
            msgCenter().cannotDeleteHardDiskStorage(progress, strLocation, thisImp());
        msgCenter().cannotDeleteHardDiskStorage(m_virtualDisk, strLocation, thisImp());

    /* Inform VBoxGlobal about it: */

    /* Detach virtual-disk anyway: */
void UIActionPool::prepareConnections()
    /* 'Application' menu connections: */
    connect(action(UIActionIndex_M_Application_S_About), SIGNAL(triggered()),
            &msgCenter(), SLOT(sltShowHelpAboutDialog()), Qt::UniqueConnection);
#endif /* RT_OS_DARWIN */
    connect(action(UIActionIndex_M_Application_S_NetworkAccessManager), SIGNAL(triggered()),
            gNetworkManager, SLOT(show()), Qt::UniqueConnection);
    connect(action(UIActionIndex_M_Application_S_CheckForUpdates), SIGNAL(triggered()),
            gUpdateManager, SLOT(sltForceCheck()), Qt::UniqueConnection);
    connect(action(UIActionIndex_M_Application_S_ResetWarnings), SIGNAL(triggered()),
            &msgCenter(), SLOT(sltResetSuppressedMessages()), Qt::UniqueConnection);

    /* 'Help' menu connections: */
    connect(action(UIActionIndex_Simple_Contents), SIGNAL(triggered()),
            &msgCenter(), SLOT(sltShowHelpHelpDialog()), Qt::UniqueConnection);
    connect(action(UIActionIndex_Simple_WebSite), SIGNAL(triggered()),
            &msgCenter(), SLOT(sltShowHelpWebDialog()), Qt::UniqueConnection);
#ifndef RT_OS_DARWIN
    connect(action(UIActionIndex_Simple_About), SIGNAL(triggered()),
            &msgCenter(), SLOT(sltShowHelpAboutDialog()), Qt::UniqueConnection);
#endif /* !RT_OS_DARWIN */
Example #8
int UIDnDHandler::retrieveDataInternal(      Qt::DropAction    dropAction,
                                       const QString          &strMIMEType,
                                             QVector<uint8_t> &vecData)
    LogFlowFunc(("Retrieving data as '%s', dropAction=%d\n", qPrintable(strMIMEType), dropAction));

    int rc = VINF_SUCCESS;

    /* Indicate to the guest that we have dropped the data on the host.
     * The guest then will initiate the actual "drop" operation into our proxy on the guest. */
    CProgress progress = m_dndSource.Drop(strMIMEType,
    LogFlowFunc(("Source: isOk=%RTbool\n", m_dndSource.isOk()));
    if (m_dndSource.isOk())
        /* Send a mouse event with released mouse buttons into the guest that triggers
         * the "drop" event in our proxy window on the guest. */
        m_pSession->mouse().PutMouseEvent(0, 0, 0, 0, 0);

                                            tr("Retrieving data ..."), ":/progress_dnd_gh_90px.png",

        LogFlowFunc(("Progress: fCanceled=%RTbool, fCompleted=%RTbool, isOk=%RTbool, hrc=%Rhrc\n",
                     progress.GetCanceled(), progress.GetCompleted(), progress.isOk(), progress.GetResultCode()));

        if (!progress.GetCanceled())
            rc =   (   progress.isOk()
                    && progress.GetResultCode() == 0)
                 ? VINF_SUCCESS : VERR_GENERAL_FAILURE; /** @todo Fudge; do a GetResultCode() to rc translation. */

            if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
                /* After we successfully retrieved data from the source we query it from Main. */
                vecData = m_dndSource.ReceiveData(); /** @todo QVector.size() is "int" only!? */
                if (vecData.isEmpty())
                    rc = VERR_NO_DATA;
                msgCenter().cannotDropDataToHost(progress, m_pParent);
        else /* Don't pop up a message. */
            rc = VERR_CANCELLED;
        msgCenter().cannotDropDataToHost(m_dndSource, m_pParent);
        rc = VERR_GENERAL_FAILURE; /** @todo Fudge; do a GetResultCode() to rc translation. */


    return rc;
Example #9
bool UIWizardCloneVD::copyVirtualDisk()
    /* Gather attributes: */
    CMedium sourceVirtualDisk = field("sourceVirtualDisk").value<CMedium>();
    CMediumFormat mediumFormat = field("mediumFormat").value<CMediumFormat>();
    qulonglong uVariant = field("mediumVariant").toULongLong();
    QString strMediumPath = field("mediumPath").toString();
    qulonglong uSize = field("mediumSize").toULongLong();
    /* Check attributes: */
    AssertReturn(!strMediumPath.isNull(), false);
    AssertReturn(uSize > 0, false);

    /* Get VBox object: */
    CVirtualBox vbox = vboxGlobal().virtualBox();

    /* Create new virtual hard-disk: */
    CMedium virtualDisk = vbox.CreateHardDisk(mediumFormat.GetName(), strMediumPath);
    if (!vbox.isOk())
        msgCenter().cannotCreateHardDiskStorage(vbox, strMediumPath, this);
        return false;

    /* Compose medium-variant: */
    QVector<KMediumVariant> variants(sizeof(qulonglong)*8);
    for (int i = 0; i < variants.size(); ++i)
        qulonglong temp = uVariant;
        temp &= 1<<i;
        variants[i] = (KMediumVariant)temp;

    /* Copy existing virtual-disk to the new virtual-disk: */
    CProgress progress = sourceVirtualDisk.CloneTo(virtualDisk, variants, CMedium());
    if (!sourceVirtualDisk.isOk())
        msgCenter().cannotCreateHardDiskStorage(sourceVirtualDisk, strMediumPath, this);
        return false;

    /* Show creation progress: */
    msgCenter().showModalProgressDialog(progress, windowTitle(), ":/progress_media_create_90px.png", this);
    if (progress.GetCanceled())
        return false;
    if (!progress.isOk() || progress.GetResultCode() != 0)
        msgCenter().cannotCreateHardDiskStorage(progress, strMediumPath, this);
        return false;

    /* Remember created virtual-disk: */
    m_virtualDisk = virtualDisk;

    /* Just close the created medium, it is not necessary yet: */

    return true;
void UIHostNetworkManagerWidget::loadHostNetwork(const CHostNetworkInterface &comInterface, UIDataHostNetwork &data)
    /* Gather interface settings: */
    if (comInterface.isOk())
        data.m_interface.m_strName = comInterface.GetName();
    if (comInterface.isOk())
        data.m_interface.m_fDHCPEnabled = comInterface.GetDHCPEnabled();
    if (comInterface.isOk())
        data.m_interface.m_strAddress = comInterface.GetIPAddress();
    if (comInterface.isOk())
        data.m_interface.m_strMask = comInterface.GetNetworkMask();
    if (comInterface.isOk())
        data.m_interface.m_fSupportedIPv6 = comInterface.GetIPV6Supported();
    if (comInterface.isOk())
        data.m_interface.m_strAddress6 = comInterface.GetIPV6Address();
    if (comInterface.isOk())
        data.m_interface.m_strPrefixLength6 = QString::number(comInterface.GetIPV6NetworkMaskPrefixLength());

    /* Get host interface network name for further activities: */
    QString strNetworkName;
    if (comInterface.isOk())
        strNetworkName = comInterface.GetNetworkName();

    /* Show error message if necessary: */
    if (!comInterface.isOk())
        msgCenter().cannotAcquireHostNetworkInterfaceParameter(comInterface, this);

    /* Get VBox for further activities: */
    CVirtualBox comVBox = vboxGlobal().virtualBox();

    /* Find corresponding DHCP server (create if necessary): */
    CDHCPServer comServer = comVBox.FindDHCPServerByNetworkName(strNetworkName);
    if (!comVBox.isOk() || comServer.isNull())
        comServer = comVBox.CreateDHCPServer(strNetworkName);

    /* Show error message if necessary: */
    if (!comVBox.isOk() || comServer.isNull())
        msgCenter().cannotCreateDHCPServer(comVBox, strNetworkName, this);
        /* Gather DHCP server settings: */
        if (comServer.isOk())
            data.m_dhcpserver.m_fEnabled = comServer.GetEnabled();
        if (comServer.isOk())
            data.m_dhcpserver.m_strAddress = comServer.GetIPAddress();
        if (comServer.isOk())
            data.m_dhcpserver.m_strMask = comServer.GetNetworkMask();
        if (comServer.isOk())
            data.m_dhcpserver.m_strLowerAddress = comServer.GetLowerIP();
        if (comServer.isOk())
            data.m_dhcpserver.m_strUpperAddress = comServer.GetUpperIP();

        /* Show error message if necessary: */
        if (!comServer.isOk())
            return msgCenter().cannotAcquireDHCPServerParameter(comServer, this);
/* Package remove procedure: */
void UIGlobalSettingsExtension::sltRemovePackage()
    /* Get current item: */
    UIExtensionPackageItem *pItem = m_pPackagesTree &&
                                    m_pPackagesTree->currentItem() &&
                                    m_pPackagesTree->currentItem()->type() == UIExtensionPackageItem::UIItemType ?
                                    static_cast<UIExtensionPackageItem*>(m_pPackagesTree->currentItem()) : 0;

    /* Uninstall chosen package: */
    if (pItem)
        /* Get name of current package: */
        QString strSelectedPackageName = pItem->name();
        /* Ask the user about package removing: */
        if (msgCenter().confirmRemovingPackage(strSelectedPackageName, this))
             * Uninstall the package.
            CExtPackManager manager = vboxGlobal().virtualBox().GetExtensionPackManager();
            /** @todo Refuse this if any VMs are running. */
            QString displayInfo;
            displayInfo.sprintf("hwnd=%#llx", (uint64_t)(uintptr_t)this->winId());
            CProgress progress = manager.Uninstall(strSelectedPackageName, false /* forced removal? */, displayInfo);
            if (manager.isOk())
                bool fOk = true;
                if (!progress.isNull())
                    msgCenter().showModalProgressDialog(progress, tr("Extensions"));
                    fOk = progress.isOk() && progress.GetResultCode() == 0;
                if (fOk)
                    /* Remove selected package from cache: */
                    for (int i = 0; i < m_cache.m_items.size(); ++i)
                        if (![i].m_strName, Qt::CaseInsensitive))

                    /* Remove selected package from tree: */
                    delete pItem;
                    msgCenter().cannotUninstallExtPack(strSelectedPackageName, manager, progress, this);
                msgCenter().cannotUninstallExtPack(strSelectedPackageName, manager, progress, this);
Example #12
bool UIWizardNewVD::createVirtualDisk()
    /* Gather attributes: */
    CMediumFormat mediumFormat = field("mediumFormat").value<CMediumFormat>();
    qulonglong uVariant = field("mediumVariant").toULongLong();
    QString strMediumPath = field("mediumPath").toString();
    qulonglong uSize = field("mediumSize").toULongLong();
    /* Check attributes: */
    AssertReturn(!strMediumPath.isNull(), false);
    AssertReturn(uSize > 0, false);

    /* Get VBox object: */
    CVirtualBox vbox = vboxGlobal().virtualBox();

    /* Create new virtual hard-disk: */
    CMedium virtualDisk = vbox.CreateMedium(mediumFormat.GetName(), strMediumPath, KAccessMode_ReadWrite, KDeviceType_HardDisk);
    if (!vbox.isOk())
        msgCenter().cannotCreateHardDiskStorage(vbox, strMediumPath, this);
        return false;

    /* Compose medium-variant: */
    QVector<KMediumVariant> variants(sizeof(qulonglong)*8);
    for (int i = 0; i < variants.size(); ++i)
        qulonglong temp = uVariant;
        temp &= UINT64_C(1)<<i;
        variants[i] = (KMediumVariant)temp;

    /* Create base storage for the new virtual-disk: */
    CProgress progress = virtualDisk.CreateBaseStorage(uSize, variants);
    if (!virtualDisk.isOk())
        msgCenter().cannotCreateHardDiskStorage(virtualDisk, strMediumPath, this);
        return false;

    /* Show creation progress: */
    msgCenter().showModalProgressDialog(progress, windowTitle(), ":/progress_media_create_90px.png", this);
    if (progress.GetCanceled())
        return false;
    if (!progress.isOk() || progress.GetResultCode() != 0)
        msgCenter().cannotCreateHardDiskStorage(progress, strMediumPath, this);
        return false;

    /* Remember created virtual-disk: */
    m_virtualDisk = virtualDisk;

    /* Inform VBoxGlobal about it: */
    vboxGlobal().createMedium(UIMedium(m_virtualDisk, UIMediumType_HardDisk, KMediumState_Created));

    return true;
void UIHostNetworkManagerWidget::sltCreateHostNetwork()
    /* Get host for further activities: */
    CHost comHost = vboxGlobal().host();

    /* Create interface: */
    CHostNetworkInterface comInterface;
    CProgress progress = comHost.CreateHostOnlyNetworkInterface(comInterface);

    /* Show error message if necessary: */
    if (!comHost.isOk() || progress.isNull())
        msgCenter().cannotCreateHostNetworkInterface(comHost, this);
        /* Show interface creation progress: */
        msgCenter().showModalProgressDialog(progress, UIHostNetworkManager::tr("Adding network..."), ":/progress_network_interface_90px.png", this, 0);

        /* Show error message if necessary: */
        if (!progress.isOk() || progress.GetResultCode() != 0)
            msgCenter().cannotCreateHostNetworkInterface(progress, this);
            /* Get network name for further activities: */
            const QString strNetworkName = comInterface.GetNetworkName();

            /* Show error message if necessary: */
            if (!comInterface.isOk())
                msgCenter().cannotAcquireHostNetworkInterfaceParameter(comInterface, this);
                /* Get VBox for further activities: */
                CVirtualBox comVBox = vboxGlobal().virtualBox();

                /* Find corresponding DHCP server (create if necessary): */
                CDHCPServer comServer = comVBox.FindDHCPServerByNetworkName(strNetworkName);
                if (!comVBox.isOk() || comServer.isNull())
                    comServer = comVBox.CreateDHCPServer(strNetworkName);

                /* Show error message if necessary: */
                if (!comVBox.isOk() || comServer.isNull())
                    msgCenter().cannotCreateDHCPServer(comVBox, strNetworkName, this);

            /* Add interface to the tree: */
            UIDataHostNetwork data;
            loadHostNetwork(comInterface, data);
            createItemForNetworkHost(data, true);

            /* Adjust tree-widget: */
/* static */
bool UIMachine::startMachine(const QString &strID)
    /* Some restrictions: */
    AssertMsgReturn(vboxGlobal().isValid(), ("VBoxGlobal is invalid.."), false);
    AssertMsgReturn(!vboxGlobal().virtualMachine(), ("Machine already started.."), false);

    /* Restore current snapshot if requested: */
    if (vboxGlobal().shouldRestoreCurrentSnapshot())
        /* Create temporary session: */
        CSession session = vboxGlobal().openSession(strID, KLockType_VM);
        if (session.isNull())
            return false;

        /* Which VM we operate on? */
        CMachine machine = session.GetMachine();
        /* Which snapshot we are restoring? */
        CSnapshot snapshot = machine.GetCurrentSnapshot();

        /* Prepare restore-snapshot progress: */
        CProgress progress = machine.RestoreSnapshot(snapshot);
        if (!machine.isOk())
            return msgCenter().cannotRestoreSnapshot(machine, snapshot.GetName(), machine.GetName());

        /* Show the snapshot-discarding progress: */
        msgCenter().showModalProgressDialog(progress, machine.GetName(), ":/progress_snapshot_discard_90px.png");
        if (progress.GetResultCode() != 0)
            return msgCenter().cannotRestoreSnapshot(progress, snapshot.GetName(), machine.GetName());

        /* Unlock session finally: */

        /* Clear snapshot-restoring request: */

    /* For separate process we should launch VM before UI: */
    if (vboxGlobal().isSeparateProcess())
        /* Get corresponding machine: */
        CMachine machine = vboxGlobal().virtualBox().FindMachine(vboxGlobal().managedVMUuid());
        AssertMsgReturn(!machine.isNull(), ("VBoxGlobal::managedVMUuid() should have filter that case before!\n"), false);

        /* Try to launch corresponding machine: */
        if (!vboxGlobal().launchMachine(machine, VBoxGlobal::LaunchMode_Separate))
            return false;

    /* Try to create machine UI: */
    return create();
Example #15
bool UIWizardNewVD::createVirtualDisk()
    /* Gather attributes: */
    CMediumFormat mediumFormat = field("mediumFormat").value<CMediumFormat>();
    qulonglong uVariant = field("mediumVariant").toULongLong();
    QString strMediumPath = field("mediumPath").toString();
    qulonglong uSize = field("mediumSize").toULongLong();
    /* Check attributes: */
    AssertReturn(!strMediumPath.isNull(), false);
    AssertReturn(uSize > 0, false);

    /* Get vbox object: */
    CVirtualBox vbox = vboxGlobal().virtualBox();

    /* Create new virtual disk: */
    CMedium virtualDisk = vbox.CreateHardDisk(mediumFormat.GetName(), strMediumPath);
    CProgress progress;
    if (!vbox.isOk())
        msgCenter().cannotCreateHardDiskStorage(this, vbox, strMediumPath, virtualDisk, progress);
        return false;

    /* Create base storage for the new hard disk: */
    progress = virtualDisk.CreateBaseStorage(uSize, uVariant);
    if (!virtualDisk.isOk())
        msgCenter().cannotCreateHardDiskStorage(this, vbox, strMediumPath, virtualDisk, progress);
        return false;

    /* Show creation progress: */
    msgCenter().showModalProgressDialog(progress, windowTitle(), ":/progress_media_create_90px.png", this, true);
    if (progress.GetCanceled())
        return false;
    if (!progress.isOk() || progress.GetResultCode() != 0)
        msgCenter().cannotCreateHardDiskStorage(this, vbox, strMediumPath, virtualDisk, progress);
        return false;

    /* Remember created virtual-disk: */
    m_virtualDisk = virtualDisk;

    /* Inform everybody there is a new medium: */
    vboxGlobal().addMedium(UIMedium(m_virtualDisk, UIMediumType_HardDisk, KMediumState_Created));

    return true;
Example #16
void VBoxSnapshotsWgt::sltRestoreSnapshot(bool fSuppressNonCriticalWarnings /* = false*/)
    /* Get currently chosen item: */
    SnapshotWgtItem *pItem = mTreeWidget->currentItem() ? static_cast<SnapshotWgtItem*>(mTreeWidget->currentItem()) : 0;
    AssertReturn(pItem, (void)0);
    /* Detemine snapshot id: */
    QString strSnapshotId = pItem->snapshotId();
    AssertReturn(!strSnapshotId.isNull(), (void)0);
    /* Get currently desired snapshot: */
    CSnapshot snapshot = mMachine.FindSnapshot(strSnapshotId);

    /* Ask the user if he really wants to restore the snapshot: */
    int iResultCode = AlertButton_Ok;
    if (!fSuppressNonCriticalWarnings || mMachine.GetCurrentStateModified())
        iResultCode = msgCenter().confirmSnapshotRestoring(snapshot.GetName(), mMachine.GetCurrentStateModified());
        if (iResultCode & AlertButton_Cancel)

    /* If user also confirmed new snapshot creation: */
    if (iResultCode & AlertOption_CheckBox)
        /* Take snapshot of changed current state: */
        if (!takeSnapshot())

    /* Open a direct session (this call will handle all errors): */
    CSession session = vboxGlobal().openSession(mMachineId);
    if (session.isNull())

    /* Restore chosen snapshot: */
    CConsole console = session.GetConsole();
    CProgress progress = console.RestoreSnapshot(snapshot);
    if (console.isOk())
        msgCenter().showModalProgressDialog(progress, mMachine.GetName(), ":/progress_snapshot_restore_90px.png");
        if (progress.GetResultCode() != 0)
            msgCenter().cannotRestoreSnapshot(progress, snapshot.GetName(), mMachine.GetName());
        msgCenter().cannotRestoreSnapshot(console, snapshot.GetName(), mMachine.GetName());

    /* Unlock machine finally: */
Example #17
UIVMCloseDialog::UIVMCloseDialog(QWidget *pParent)
    : QIWithRetranslateUI<QIDialog>(pParent)
#ifdef Q_WS_MAC
    /* Check if Mac Sheet is allowed: */
    if (vboxGlobal().isSheetWindowAllowed(pParent))
        vboxGlobal().setSheetWindowUsed(pParent, true);
#endif /* Q_WS_MAC */

    /* Apply UI decorations */

#ifdef Q_WS_MAC
    /* Make some more space around the content */
    hboxLayout->setContentsMargins(40, 0, 40, 0);
    vboxLayout2->insertSpacing(1, 20);
    /* and more space between the radio buttons */
#endif /* Q_WS_MAC */
    /* Set fixed size */
    setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Fixed);

    connect(mButtonBox, SIGNAL(helpRequested()),
            &msgCenter(), SLOT(sltShowHelpHelpDialog()));
VBoxTakeSnapshotDlg::VBoxTakeSnapshotDlg(QWidget *pParent, const CMachine &machine)
    : QIWithRetranslateUI<QIDialog>(pParent)
    /* Apply UI decorations */

    /* Alt key filter */
    QIAltKeyFilter *altKeyFilter = new QIAltKeyFilter(this);

    /* Setup connections */
    connect (mButtonBox, SIGNAL(helpRequested()), &msgCenter(), SLOT(sltShowHelpHelpDialog()));
    connect (mLeName, SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString &)), this, SLOT(nameChanged(const QString &)));

    /* Check if machine have immutable attachments */
    int immutableMediums = 0;

    if (machine.GetState() == KMachineState_Paused)
        foreach (const CMediumAttachment &attachment, machine.GetMediumAttachments())
            CMedium medium = attachment.GetMedium();
            if (!medium.isNull() && !medium.GetParent().isNull() && medium.GetBase().GetType() == KMediumType_Immutable)
                ++ immutableMediums;
Example #19
bool UIWizardNewVDPageBasic3::validatePage()
    /* Initial result: */
    bool fResult = true;

    /* Make sure such file doesn't exists already: */
    QString strMediumPath(mediumPath());
    fResult = !QFileInfo(strMediumPath).exists();
    if (!fResult)
        msgCenter().cannotOverwriteHardDiskStorage(strMediumPath, this);

    if (fResult)
        /* Lock finish button: */

        /* Try to create virtual hard drive file: */
        fResult = qobject_cast<UIWizardNewVD*>(wizard())->createVirtualDisk();

        /* Unlock finish button: */

    /* Return result: */
    return fResult;
Example #20
Qt::DropAction UIDnDHandler::dragEnter(ulong screenID, int x, int y,
                                       Qt::DropAction proposedAction, Qt::DropActions possibleActions,
                                       const QMimeData *pMimeData)
    LogFlowFunc(("enmOpMode=%RU32, screenID=%RU32, x=%d, y=%d, action=%ld\n",
                 m_enmOpMode, screenID, x, y, toVBoxDnDAction(proposedAction)));

    if (   m_enmOpMode != DNDMODE_UNKNOWN
        && m_enmOpMode != DNDMODE_HOSTTOGUEST)
        return Qt::IgnoreAction;

    /* Ask the guest for starting a DnD event. */
    KDnDAction result = m_dndTarget.Enter(screenID,
    if (m_dndTarget.isOk())
        return toQtDnDAction(result);

    msgCenter().cannotDropDataToGuest(m_dndTarget, m_pParent);
    return Qt::IgnoreAction;
VBoxTakeSnapshotDlg::VBoxTakeSnapshotDlg(QWidget *pParent, const CMachine &machine)
    : QIWithRetranslateUI<QIDialog>(pParent)
#ifdef Q_WS_MAC
    /* No sheets in another mode than normal for now. Firstly it looks ugly and
     * secondly in some cases it is broken. */
    if (   vboxGlobal().isSheetWindowsAllowed(pParent)
        || qobject_cast<VBoxSnapshotsWgt*>(pParent))
#endif /* Q_WS_MAC */

    /* Apply UI decorations */

    /* Alt key filter */
    QIAltKeyFilter *altKeyFilter = new QIAltKeyFilter(this);

    /* Setup connections */
    connect (mButtonBox, SIGNAL(helpRequested()), &msgCenter(), SLOT(sltShowHelpHelpDialog()));
    connect (mLeName, SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString &)), this, SLOT(nameChanged(const QString &)));

    /* Check if machine have immutable attachments */
    int immutableMediums = 0;

    if (machine.GetState() == KMachineState_Paused)
        foreach (const CMediumAttachment &attachment, machine.GetMediumAttachments())
            CMedium medium = attachment.GetMedium();
            if (!medium.isNull() && !medium.GetParent().isNull() && medium.GetBase().GetType() == KMediumType_Immutable)
                ++ immutableMediums;
bool UIWizardNewVMPageBasic3::validatePage()
    /* Initial result: */
    bool fResult = true;

    /* Ensure unused virtual-disk is deleted: */
    if (m_pDiskSkip->isChecked() || m_pDiskCreate->isChecked() || (!m_virtualDisk.isNull() && m_strVirtualDiskId != m_virtualDisk.GetId()))

    if (m_pDiskSkip->isChecked())
        /* Ask user about disk-less machine: */
        fResult = msgCenter().confirmHardDisklessMachine(this);
    else if (m_pDiskCreate->isChecked())
        /* Show the New Virtual Hard Drive wizard: */
        fResult = getWithNewVirtualDiskWizard();

    if (fResult)
        /* Lock finish button: */

        /* Try to create VM: */
        fResult = qobject_cast<UIWizardNewVM*>(wizard())->createVM();

        /* Unlock finish button: */

    /* Return result: */
    return fResult;
void UIHostNetworkManagerWidget::loadHostNetworks()
    /* Clear tree first of all: */

    /* Get host for further activities: */
    const CHost comHost = vboxGlobal().host();

    /* Get interfaces for further activities: */
    const QVector<CHostNetworkInterface> interfaces = comHost.GetNetworkInterfaces();

    /* Show error message if necessary: */
    if (!comHost.isOk())
        msgCenter().cannotAcquireHostNetworkInterfaces(comHost, this);
        /* For each host-only interface => load it to the tree: */
        foreach (const CHostNetworkInterface &comInterface, interfaces)
            if (comInterface.GetInterfaceType() == KHostNetworkInterfaceType_HostOnly)
                UIDataHostNetwork data;
                loadHostNetwork(comInterface, data);
                createItemForNetworkHost(data, false);

        /* Choose the 1st item as current initially: */

        /* Adjust tree-widget: */
Example #24
void VBoxSnapshotsWgt::sltDeleteSnapshot()
    SnapshotWgtItem *item = !mTreeWidget->currentItem() ? 0 :
        static_cast <SnapshotWgtItem*> (mTreeWidget->currentItem());
    AssertReturn (item, (void) 0);

    QString snapId = item->snapshotId();
    AssertReturn (!snapId.isNull(), (void) 0);
    CSnapshot snapshot = mMachine.FindSnapshot(snapId);

    if (!msgCenter().confirmSnapshotRemoval(snapshot.GetName()))

    /** @todo check available space on the target filesystem etc etc. */
#if 0
    if (!msgCenter().warnAboutSnapshotRemovalFreeSpace(snapshot.GetName(),
                                                       "59 GiB",
                                                       "15 GiB"))

    /* Open a direct session (this call will handle all errors) */
    bool busy = mSessionState != KSessionState_Unlocked;
    CSession session;
    if (busy)
        session = vboxGlobal().openExistingSession(mMachineId);
        session = vboxGlobal().openSession(mMachineId);
    if (session.isNull())

    CConsole console = session.GetConsole();
    CProgress progress = console.DeleteSnapshot (snapId);
    if (console.isOk())
        /* Show the progress dialog */
        msgCenter().showModalProgressDialog(progress, mMachine.GetName(), ":/progress_snapshot_discard_90px.png");

        if (progress.GetResultCode() != 0)
            msgCenter().cannotRemoveSnapshot(progress,  snapshot.GetName(), mMachine.GetName());
        msgCenter().cannotRemoveSnapshot(console,  snapshot.GetName(), mMachine.GetName());

Example #25
void UIDownloaderExtensionPack::handleDownloadedObject(UINetworkReply *pReply)
    /* Read received data into the buffer: */
    QByteArray receivedData(pReply->readAll());
    /* Serialize that buffer into the file: */
    while (true)
        /* Try to open file for writing: */
        QFile file(target());
        if (
            /* Write buffer into the file: */

            /* Calc the SHA-256 on the bytes, creating a string: */
            uint8_t abHash[RTSHA256_HASH_SIZE];
            RTSha256(receivedData.constData(), receivedData.length(), abHash);
            char szDigest[RTSHA256_DIGEST_LEN + 1];
            int rc = RTSha256ToString(abHash, szDigest, sizeof(szDigest));
            if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
                szDigest[0] = '\0';

            /* Warn the listener about extension-pack was downloaded: */
            emit sigDownloadFinished(source().toString(), target(), &szDigest[0]);

        /* Warn the user about extension-pack was downloaded but was NOT saved: */
        msgCenter().warnAboutExtentionPackCantBeSaved(GUI_ExtPackName, source().toString(), QDir::toNativeSeparators(target()));

        /* Ask the user for another location for the extension-pack file: */
        QString strTarget = QIFileDialog::getExistingDirectory(QFileInfo(target()).absolutePath(),
                                                               tr("Select folder to save %1 to").arg(GUI_ExtPackName), true);

        /* Check if user had really set a new target: */
        if (!strTarget.isNull())
void UISettingsSerializerProgress::sltHandleOperationProgressError(QString strErrorInfo)
    /* Mark the serialization process dirty: */
    m_fClean = false;

    /* Show the error message: */
    msgCenter().cannotSaveSettings(strErrorInfo, this);
void UIMachineSettingsPortForwardingDlg::reject()
    /* Ask user to discard table changes if necessary: */
    if (   m_pTable->isChanged()
        && !msgCenter().confirmCancelingPortForwardingDialog(window()))
    /* Call to base-class: */
Qt::DropAction UIDnDHandler::dragHGDrop(CGuest &guest, ulong screenId, int x, int y, Qt::DropAction proposedAction, Qt::DropActions possibleActions, const QMimeData *pMimeData, QWidget *pParent /* = 0 */)
    /* The format the guest requests. */
    QString format;
    /* Ask the guest for dropping data. */
    KDragAndDropAction result = guest.DragHGDrop(screenId,
                                                 pMimeData->formats().toVector(), format);
    /* Has the guest accepted the drop event? */
    if (result != KDragAndDropAction_Ignore)
        /* Get the actually data */
        const QByteArray &d = pMimeData->data(format);
        if (   !d.isEmpty()
            && !format.isEmpty())
            /* We need the data in the vector format. */
            QVector<uint8_t> dv(d.size());
            memcpy(, d.constData(), d.size());

            CProgress progress = guest.DragHGPutData(screenId, format, dv);
            if (guest.isOk())
                msgCenter().showModalProgressDialog(progress, tr("Dropping data ..."), ":/progress_dnd_hg_90px.png", pParent);
                if (!progress.GetCanceled() && (!progress.isOk() || progress.GetResultCode() != 0))
                    msgCenter().cannotDropData(progress, pParent);
                    result = KDragAndDropAction_Ignore;
                msgCenter().cannotDropData(guest, pParent);
                result = KDragAndDropAction_Ignore;

    return toQtDnDAction(result);
Example #29
/* Removes selected network interface: */
void UIGlobalSettingsNetwork::sltDelInterface()
    /* Get interface item: */
    UIHostInterfaceItem *pItem = static_cast<UIHostInterfaceItem*>(m_pInterfacesTree->currentItem());
    AssertMsg(pItem, ("Current item should present!\n"));
    /* Get interface name: */
    QString strInterfaceName(pItem->name());
    /* Asking user about deleting selected network interface: */
    if (msgCenter().confirmDeletingHostInterface(strInterfaceName, this) == QIMessageBox::Cancel)

    /* Prepare useful variables: */
    CVirtualBox vbox = vboxGlobal().virtualBox();
    CHost host = vboxGlobal().host();

    /* Find corresponding interface: */
    const CHostNetworkInterface &iface = host.FindHostNetworkInterfaceByName(strInterfaceName);

    /* Remove DHCP server first: */
    CDHCPServer dhcp = vboxGlobal().virtualBox().FindDHCPServerByNetworkName(iface.GetNetworkName());
    if (!dhcp.isNull())

    /* Remove interface finally: */
    CProgress progress = host.RemoveHostOnlyNetworkInterface(iface.GetId());
    if (host.isOk())
        msgCenter().showModalProgressDialog(progress, tr("Networking"),
                                              ":/nw_32px.png", this, true, 0);
        if (progress.GetResultCode() == 0)
            /* Remove list item: */
            /* Remove cache item: */
            msgCenter().cannotRemoveHostInterface(progress, iface, this);
        msgCenter().cannotRemoveHostInterface(host, iface, this);
bool UIMachineLogicScale::checkAvailability()
    /* Show the info message. */
    const UIShortcut &shortcut =
    const QString strHotKey = QString("Host+%1").arg(shortcut.toString());
    if (!msgCenter().confirmGoingScale(strHotKey))
        return false;

    return true;