int main(int argc, char **argv, char **envp) { char *bm = NULL; NEOERR *err; int cnt = 0; char *s = argv[1]; mtc_init("div", 7); #if 0 err = ediv_init_from_file(&bm, "/home/bigml/web/moon/eii/data/dict.txt", &cnt); DIE_NOK_MTL(err); mtc_foo("%u words seted\n", cnt); //mtc_foo("%u distinct word\n", ediv_word_distinct(bm)); ediv_word_split(bm, s, strlen(s), NULL, div_cbk, EDIV_SOPT_ONLY_MAXMATCH | EDIV_SOPT_SKIP_NUTF); free(bm); #endif return 0; }
int main() { MHASH *table; MERR *err; char str[101], *pstr[NODE_NUM]; mtc_init("load.log", MTC_DEBUG); for (int i = 0; i < NODE_NUM; i++) { //mstr_rand_string(str, 100); //mstr_rand_string_fixlen(str, 100); snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "%d", i); pstr[i] = strdup(str); } err = mhash_init(&table, mhash_str_hash, mhash_str_comp, mhash_str_free); TRACE_NOK(err); mtimer_start(); for (int i = 0; i < NODE_NUM; i++) { mhash_insert(table, pstr[i], NULL); } mtimer_stop("hash insert"); mtimer_start(); for (int i = 0; i < NODE_NUM; i++) { mhash_lookup(table, pstr[i]); } mtimer_stop("hash lookup"); mhash_destroy(&table); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { NEOERR *err = STATUS_OK; HASH *dbh, *evth; mtc_init(TC_ROOT"prestat"); err = lerr_init(); DIE_NOK_MTL(err); err = mconfig_parse_file(SITE_CONFIG, &g_cfg); DIE_NOK_MTL(err); err = ldb_init(&dbh); DIE_NOK_MTL(err); err = levt_init(&evth); DIE_NOK_MTL(err); err = fill_trackarea(evth, dbh); TRACE_NOK(err); levt_destroy(evth); ldb_destroy(dbh); mconfig_cleanup(&g_cfg); return 0; }
int main() { CGI *cgi; NEOERR *err; int ret; //sleep(20); mtc_init(TC_ROOT"login"); mconfig_parse_file(SITE_CONFIG, &g_cfg); err = cgi_init(&cgi, NULL); DIE_NOK_CGI(err); err = cgi_parse(cgi); DIE_NOK_CGI(err); mdb_conn *conn = NULL; ret = mdb_init(&conn, DB_DSN); mdb_opfinish_json(ret, cgi->hdf, conn); ret = login_get(cgi, conn); mdb_opfinish_json(ret, cgi->hdf, conn); mjson_output_hdf(cgi->hdf, 0); #ifdef DEBUG_HDF hdf_write_file(cgi->hdf, TC_ROOT"hdf.login"); #endif mdb_destroy(conn); cgi_destroy(&cgi); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv, char **envp) { CGI *cgi = NULL; NEOERR *err; mdb_conn *conn = NULL; char *s, *u, *p, *r, *jcbk; mtc_init("test"); mconfig_parse_file(SITE_CONFIG, &g_cfg); if (mdb_init(&conn, DB_DSN) != MDB_ERR_NONE) { mtc_err("init db error %s", mdb_get_errmsg(conn)); printf("Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8\r\n\r\n"); printf("{errcode: %d}", SAM_ERR_INIT); return 1; } err = cgi_init(&cgi, NULL); if (err != STATUS_OK) { mtc_err("init cgi error"); printf("Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8\r\n\r\n"); printf("初始化错误"); return 1; } err = cgi_parse(cgi); if (err != STATUS_OK) { mtc_err("parse cgi error"); hdf_set_value(cgi->hdf, PRE_OUTPUT".errmsg", "初始化出错"); goto finish; } u = hdf_get_value(cgi->hdf, PRE_COOKIE".samuser", NULL); s = hdf_get_value(cgi->hdf, PRE_COOKIE".samkey", NULL); if (s && u) { if (user_has_login(conn, u, s)) { hdf_set_copy(cgi->hdf, PRE_OUTPUT".samuser", PRE_COOKIE".samuser"); hdf_set_copy(cgi->hdf, PRE_OUTPUT".samkey", PRE_COOKIE".samkey"); hdf_set_value(cgi->hdf, PRE_OUTPUT".rcode", "1"); goto finish; } } hdf_set_value(cgi->hdf, PRE_OUTPUT".rcode", "2"); finish: cgi_display(cgi, F_TPL_TEST); cgi_destroy(&cgi); mdb_destroy(conn); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv, char **envp) { char key[10]; HDF *bignode; mtc_init("cshdf", 7); hdf_init(&bignode); for (int i = 0; i < 5003929; i++) { mstr_rand_string_with_len(key, 10); hdf_set_valuef(bignode, "", key); hdf_set_valuef(bignode, "%s.toweek=11", key); hdf_set_valuef(bignode, "%s.tomonth=12", key); hdf_set_valuef(bignode, "", key); if (i % 10000 == 0) printf("%d\n", i); } //hdf_dump(bignode, NULL); printf("child num %d\n", mcs_get_child_num(bignode, NULL)); int count = 0; mtimer_start(); HDF *cnode = hdf_obj_child(bignode); while (cnode) { char *name = hdf_obj_name(cnode); if (mcs_get_int_valuef(bignode, 0, "", name) != 10) printf("error\n"); if (mcs_get_int_valuef(bignode, 0, "%s.toweek", name) != 11) printf("error\n"); if (mcs_get_int_valuef(bignode, 0, "%s.tomonth", name) != 12) printf("error\n"); if (mcs_get_int_valuef(bignode, 0, "", name) != 234) printf("error\n"); count++; cnode = hdf_obj_next(cnode); } mtimer_stop("get time"); printf("get child count %d\n", count); hdf_destroy(&bignode); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv, char **envp) { mtc_init("multi_thread_log", 7); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { m_thread[i] = calloc(1, sizeof(pthread_t)); pthread_create(m_thread[i], NULL, log_routine, (void*)&m_num[i]); } m_thread[4] = calloc(1, sizeof(pthread_t)); pthread_create(m_thread[4], NULL, write_routine, (void*)&m_num[4]); for (int i = 0; i < m_thread_size; i++) { pthread_join(*m_thread[i], NULL); } return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv, char **envp) { CGI *cgi; NEOERR *err; int ret; HASH *dbh; HASH *tplh; session_t *session = NULL; char *requri, *jsoncb; int (*data_handler)(CGI *cgi, HASH *dbh, session_t *session); void *lib; //sleep(20); mconfig_parse_file(SITE_CONFIG, &g_cfg); mtc_init(TC_ROOT"viki"); ret = ltpl_init(&tplh); if (ret != RET_RBTOP_OK) { mtc_err("init templates error"); mutil_redirect("初始化模板失败", TGT_SELF, URL_CLOSE, true); return ret; } ret = ldb_init(&dbh); if (ret != RET_RBTOP_OK) { mtc_err("init db error"); mutil_redirect("初始化数据库失败", TGT_SELF, URL_CLOSE, true); return ret; } lib = dlopen(NULL, RTLD_NOW|RTLD_GLOBAL); if (lib == NULL) { mtc_err("possible? %s", dlerror()); mutil_redirect("初始化库函数失败", TGT_SELF, URL_CLOSE, true); return 1; } #ifndef DROP_FCGI cgiwrap_init_emu(NULL, &read_cb, &printf_cb, &write_cb, NULL, NULL, NULL); while (FCGI_Accept() >= 0) { #endif cgiwrap_init_std(argc, argv, environ); err = cgi_init(&cgi, NULL); JUMP_NOK_CGI(err, response); err = cgi_parse(cgi); JUMP_NOK_CGI(err, response); #ifdef NCGI_MODE hdf_set_value(cgi->hdf, PRE_REQ_URI_RW, "/csc/hc"); hdf_set_value(cgi->hdf, PRE_COOKIE".uin", "1001"); hdf_set_value(cgi->hdf, PRE_COOKIE".uname", "bigml"); hdf_set_value(cgi->hdf, PRE_COOKIE".musn", "8Y]u0|v=*MS]U3J"); #endif ret = session_init(cgi->hdf, dbh, &session); if (ret != RET_RBTOP_OK) { mtc_err("init session failure"); goto response; } requri = hdf_get_value(cgi->hdf, PRE_REQ_URI_RW, "NULL"); if (mutil_client_attack(cgi->hdf, requri, LMT_CLI_ATTACK, PERIOD_CLI_ATTACK)) { goto response; } ret = lfile_access_rewrited(cgi, dbh, session); if (ret != RET_RBTOP_OK) { goto response; } data_handler = lutil_get_data_handler(lib, cgi); if (data_handler == NULL) { mtc_err("get handler failure"); ret = RET_RBTOP_NEXIST; goto response; } ret = (*data_handler)(cgi, dbh, session); response: if (cgi != NULL && cgi->hdf != NULL) { #ifdef DEBUG_HDF hdf_write_file(cgi->hdf, TC_ROOT"hdf.viki"); #endif switch (CGI_REQ_TYPE(cgi)) { case CGI_REQ_HTML: if (CGI_REQ_METHOD(cgi) != CGI_REQ_GET) { goto resp_ajax; } if (ret != RET_RBTOP_OK && ret == RET_RBTOP_NEXIST) { cgi_redirect(cgi, "/404.html"); } else { ret = ltpl_render(cgi, tplh, session); if (ret != RET_RBTOP_OK) { if (ret == RET_RBTOP_NEXIST) cgi_redirect(cgi, "/404.html"); else cgi_redirect(cgi, "/503.html"); } } break; case CGI_REQ_AJAX: resp_ajax: ldb_opfinish_json(ret, cgi->hdf, NULL, 0); jsoncb = hdf_get_value(cgi->hdf, PRE_REQ_AJAX_FN, NULL); if (jsoncb != NULL) { mjson_execute_hdf(cgi->hdf, jsoncb, session->tm_cache_browser); } else { mjson_output_hdf(cgi->hdf, session->tm_cache_browser); } break; default: cgi_redirect(cgi, "/503.html"); break; } cgi_destroy(&cgi); session_destroy(&session); } #ifndef DROP_FCGI } #endif ldb_destroy(dbh); ltpl_destroy(tplh); mconfig_cleanup(&g_cfg); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv, char **envp) { CGI *cgi = NULL; NEOERR *err; mdb_conn *conn = NULL; /* skey, user, pass, return jsoncallback*/ char *s, *u, *p, *r, *jcbk; /* keeptime(hours) */ int t; char tm[LEN_TM_GMT]; //sleep(20); mtc_init("login"); mconfig_parse_file(SITE_CONFIG, &g_cfg); mutil_wrap_fcgi(argc, argv, envp); if (mdb_init(&conn, DB_DSN) != MDB_ERR_NONE) { mtc_err("init db error %s", mdb_get_errmsg(conn)); printf("Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8\r\n\r\n"); printf("{errcode: %d}", SAM_ERR_INIT); return 1; } #ifndef DROP_FCGI while (FCGI_Accept() >= 0) { #endif /* * cgi init */ err = cgi_init(&cgi, NULL); if (err != STATUS_OK) { mtc_err("init cgi error"); printf("Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8\r\n\r\n"); printf("{errcode: %d}", SAM_ERR_INIT); goto opfinish; } err = cgi_parse(cgi); if (err != STATUS_OK) { mtc_err("parse cgi error"); hdf_set_int_value(cgi->hdf, PRE_OUTPUT".errcode", SAM_ERR_PARSE); goto opfinish; } #if 0 if (mutil_client_attack_cookie(cgi->hdf, "login", 30, 60)) { mtc_err("client attack"); hdf_set_int_value(cgi->hdf, PRE_OUTPUT".errcode", SAM_ERR_NEEDREST); goto opfinish; } #endif u = hdf_get_value(cgi->hdf, PRE_COOKIE".samuser", NULL); s = hdf_get_value(cgi->hdf, PRE_COOKIE".samkey", NULL); if (s && u) { if (user_has_login(conn, u, s)) { hdf_set_copy(cgi->hdf, PRE_OUTPUT".samuser", PRE_COOKIE".samuser"); hdf_set_copy(cgi->hdf, PRE_OUTPUT".samkey", PRE_COOKIE".samkey"); goto done; } } u = hdf_get_value(cgi->hdf, PRE_QUERY".u", NULL); p = hdf_get_value(cgi->hdf, PRE_QUERY".p", NULL); if (!u || !p) { mtc_err("parameter miss %s %s", u, p); hdf_set_int_value(cgi->hdf, PRE_OUTPUT".errcode", SAM_ERR_NEEDINPUT); goto opfinish; } s = user_login_auth(conn, u, p); if (!s) { mtc_err("login error %s %s", u, p); hdf_set_int_value(cgi->hdf, PRE_OUTPUT".errcode", SAM_ERR_PASSW); goto opfinish; } cgiwrap_write(P3P_HEADER, strlen(P3P_HEADER)); cgi_cookie_set(cgi, "samuser", u, NULL, SITE_DOMAIN, NULL, 1, 0); cgi_cookie_set(cgi, "samkey", s, NULL, SITE_DOMAIN, NULL, 1, 0); #if 0 t = hdf_get_int_value(cgi->hdf, PRE_QUERY".t", 0); mmisc_getdatetime_gmt(tm, sizeof(tm), "%A, %d-%b-%Y %T GMT", 60*60*t); cgi_cookie_set(cgi, "samkey", s, NULL, SITE_DOMAIN, tm, 1, 0); #endif hdf_set_value(cgi->hdf, PRE_OUTPUT".samuser", u); hdf_set_value(cgi->hdf, PRE_OUTPUT".samkey", s); free(s); done: /* * TODO set samkey, samuser to app's domain * DONE this is done by jsonp */ hdf_set_value(cgi->hdf, PRE_OUTPUT".success", "1"); opfinish: if (cgi) { r = hdf_get_value(cgi->hdf, PRE_QUERY".r", NULL); if (r) { cgi_redirect(cgi, r); } else { jcbk = hdf_get_value(cgi->hdf, PRE_QUERY".jsoncallback", NULL); if (jcbk != NULL) { mjson_execute_hdf(cgi->hdf, jcbk, 0); } else { mjson_output_hdf(cgi->hdf, 0); } } #ifdef DEBUG_HDF hdf_write_file(cgi->hdf, HF_LOG_PATH"hdf.login"); #endif cgi_destroy(&cgi); } #ifndef DROP_FCGI } /* FCGI_Accept() */ #endif mdb_destroy(conn); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { HASH *tplh = NULL, *dbh = NULL; NEOERR *err; int c, bid = 0, indexid = -1, pgtt; bool dorecurse = false; mtc_init(TC_ROOT"blg"); err = mconfig_parse_file(SITE_CONFIG, &g_cfg); DIE_NOK_MTL(err); while ( (c=getopt(argc, argv, "b:i:r")) != -1 ) { switch(c) { case 'b': bid = atoi(optarg); break; case 'i': indexid = atoi(optarg); break; case 'r': dorecurse = true; break; default: useage(argv[0]); } } err = ldb_init(&dbh); DIE_NOK_MTL(err); err = hash_init(&tplh, hash_str_hash, hash_str_comp); DIE_NOK_MTL(err); err = ltpl_parse_file(dbh, NULL, PATH_PAGER, "blog.hdf", tplh); DIE_NOK_MTL(err); if (indexid >= 0) { err = rend_blog_index(dbh, tplh, indexid, &pgtt); TRACE_NOK(err); if (indexid > 0 && pgtt > indexid) pgtt = indexid; if (dorecurse) { while (pgtt-- > 0) { err = rend_blog_index(dbh, tplh, pgtt, NULL); TRACE_NOK(err); } } } if (bid > 0) { if (bid > 1) rend_blog(dbh, tplh, bid-1); rend_blog(dbh, tplh, bid); rend_blog(dbh, tplh, bid+1); } ldb_destroy(dbh); ltpl_destroy(tplh); mconfig_cleanup(&g_cfg); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv, char **envp) { CGI *cgi; NEOERR *err = STATUS_OK; HASH *dbh, *tplh, *evth; session_t *session = NULL; char *temps; int http_max_upload; NEOERR* (*data_handler)(CGI *cgi, HASH *dbh, HASH *evth, session_t *session); void *lib; //sleep(20); mutil_makesure_coredump(); mtc_init(TC_ROOT"viki"); err = lerr_init(); DIE_NOK_CGI(err); err = mcfg_parse_file(SITE_CONFIG, &g_cfg); DIE_NOK_CGI(err); err = mtpl_set_tplpath(PATH_TPL); DIE_NOK_CGI(err); err = mtpl_InConfigRend_init(PATH_TPL"/config/email", "email", &g_datah); DIE_NOK_CGI(err); err = mtpl_InConfigRend_init(PATH_TPL"/config/inbox", "inbox", &g_datah); DIE_NOK_CGI(err); err = ltpl_init(&tplh, NULL); DIE_NOK_CGI(err); err = hash_insert(g_datah, "runtime_templates", (void*)tplh); DIE_NOK_CGI(err); err = ldb_init(&dbh); DIE_NOK_CGI(err); err = levt_init(&evth); DIE_NOK_CGI(err); lib = dlopen(NULL, RTLD_NOW|RTLD_GLOBAL); if (!lib) { err = nerr_raise(NERR_SYSTEM, "dlopen %s", dlerror()); DIE_NOK_CGI(err); } #ifdef USE_FASTCGI cgiwrap_init_emu(NULL, &read_cb, &printf_cb, &write_cb, NULL, NULL, NULL); while (FCGI_Accept() >= 0) { #endif cgiwrap_init_std(argc, argv, environ); err = cgi_init(&cgi, NULL); if (err != STATUS_OK) goto response; http_max_upload = hdf_get_int_value(g_cfg, PRE_CONFIG".http_max_upload", 0); if (http_max_upload > 0) { err = mcs_register_upload_parse_cb(cgi, &http_max_upload); if (err != STATUS_OK) goto response; } err = cgi_parse(cgi); if (err != STATUS_OK) goto response; #ifdef NCGI_MODE hdf_set_value(cgi->hdf, PRE_REQ_URI_RW, "/image/member/pic"); hdf_set_value(cgi->hdf, PRE_COOKIE".uin", "1001"); hdf_set_value(cgi->hdf, PRE_COOKIE".uname", "bigml"); hdf_set_value(cgi->hdf, PRE_COOKIE".musn", "8Y]u0|v=*MS]U3J"); hdf_set_value(cgi->hdf, PRE_QUERY".ip", ""); hdf_set_value(cgi->hdf, PRE_QUERY".to", "cj_BXTSJ"); hdf_set_value(cgi->hdf, PRE_QUERY".s", "koldddd"); hdf_set_value(cgi->hdf, PRE_QUERY".JsonCallback", ""); hdf_set_value(cgi->hdf, PRE_QUERY".type", "phone"); hdf_set_value(cgi->hdf, PRE_QUERY".mid", "485010473"); #endif err = session_init(cgi, dbh, &session); if (err != STATUS_OK) goto response; if (lutil_client_attack(cgi->hdf, session, "lcs_uname")) { err = nerr_raise(LERR_ATTACK, "%s need a rest, babey!", session->dataer); goto response; } if ((data_handler = lutil_get_data_handler(lib, cgi, session)) == NULL) { err = nerr_raise(LERR_MISS_DATA, "dataer %s not found", session->dataer); goto response; } err = (*data_handler)(cgi, dbh, evth, session); response: if (cgi != NULL && cgi->hdf != NULL) { lerr_opfinish_json(err, cgi->hdf); if (!session) session = session_default(); switch (session->reqtype) { case CGI_REQ_HTML: err = ltpl_render(cgi, tplh, session); if (err != STATUS_OK) { SAFE_FREE(session->render); if (nerr_match(err, LERR_MISS_TPL)) { session->render = strdup("404"); } else { session->render = strdup("503"); } TRACE_NOK(err); err = ltpl_render(cgi, tplh, session); TRACE_NOK(err); } break; case CGI_REQ_AJAX: resp_ajax: temps = hdf_get_value(cgi->hdf, PRE_REQ_AJAX_FN, NULL); if (temps != NULL) { mjson_execute_hdf(cgi->hdf, temps, session->tm_cache_browser); } else { mjson_output_hdf(cgi->hdf, session->tm_cache_browser); } break; case CGI_REQ_IMAGE: temps = hdf_get_value(cgi->hdf, PRE_OUTPUT".302", NULL); if (temps) { cgi_redirect_uri(cgi, temps); } else if (session->data) { mimg_output(session->data); session->data = NULL; } else goto resp_ajax; break; default: cgi_redirect(cgi, "/503.html"); break; } #ifdef DEBUG_HDF hdf_write_file(cgi->hdf, TC_ROOT"hdf.viki"); #endif cgi_destroy(&cgi); session_destroy(&session); cgi = NULL; session = NULL; } #ifdef USE_FASTCGI } #endif levt_destroy(evth); ldb_destroy(dbh); ltpl_destroy(tplh); mtpl_InConfigRend_destroy(g_datah); mcfg_cleanup(&g_cfg); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv, char **envp) { struct json_object *jso; HDF *node; bson *doc; NEOERR *err; mtc_init("hdftest"); mtimer_start(); for (int i = 0; i < NUM_TOTAL_TEST; i++) { hdf_init(&node); //err = mjson_string_to_hdf(node, bdatam); OUTPUT_NOK(err); if (VERBERSE) hdf_dump(node, NULL); hdf_destroy(&node); } mtimer_stop("json => hdf"); mtc_foo("%d per second", (int)(NUM_TOTAL_TEST/(elapsed/1000000.0f))); mtimer_start(); for (int i = 0; i < NUM_TOTAL_TEST; i++) { doc = mbson_new_from_string(bdatam, true); if (!doc) printf("bson error"); if (VERBERSE) printf("%s\n", mbson_string(doc)); bson_free(doc); } mtimer_stop("json => bson"); mtc_foo("%d per second", (int)(NUM_TOTAL_TEST/(elapsed/1000000.0f))); hdf_init(&node); hdf_set_value(node, NULL, bdatam); //err = mjson_string_to_hdf(node, bdatam); OUTPUT_NOK(err); mtimer_start(); for (int i = 0; i < NUM_TOTAL_TEST; i++) { err = mjson_import_from_hdf(node, &jso); OUTPUT_NOK(err); if (VERBERSE) printf("%s\n", json_object_to_json_string(jso)); json_object_put(jso); } mtimer_stop("hdf => json"); mtc_foo("%d per second", (int)(NUM_TOTAL_TEST/(elapsed/1000000.0f))); mtimer_start(); for (int i = 0; i < NUM_TOTAL_TEST; i++) { err = mbson_import_from_hdf(node, &doc, true); OUTPUT_NOK(err); if (VERBERSE) printf("%s\n", mbson_string(doc)); bson_free(doc); } mtimer_stop("hdf => bson"); mtc_foo("%d per second", (int)(NUM_TOTAL_TEST/(elapsed/1000000.0f))); doc = mbson_new_from_string(bdatam, true); if (!doc) printf("bson error"); mtimer_start(); for (int i = 0; i < NUM_TOTAL_TEST; i++) { char *s = mbson_string(doc); if (!s) printf("bson->string error"); if (VERBERSE) printf("%s\n", s); free(s); } mtimer_stop("bson => json"); mtc_foo("%d per second", (int)(NUM_TOTAL_TEST/(elapsed/1000000.0f))); mtimer_start(); for (int i = 0; i < NUM_TOTAL_TEST; i++) { hdf_init(&node); //err = mbson_export_to_hdf(node, doc, false, false); OUTPUT_NOK(err); if (VERBERSE) hdf_dump(node, NULL); hdf_destroy(&node); } mtimer_stop("bson => hdf"); //mtc_foo("%d per second", (int)(NUM_TOTAL_TEST/(elapsed/1000000.0f))); bson_free(doc); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { mtc_init("planet", 7); if (SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_EVERYTHING) != 0) { mtc_err("sdl init error: %s", SDL_GetError()); return 1; } if (TTF_Init() == -1) { mtc_err("ttf init error: %s", TTF_GetError()); return 1; } SDL_Window *win = SDL_CreateWindow("Hello OpenGL!", 100, 100, WIN_WIDTH, WIN_HEIGHT, SDL_WINDOW_SHOWN); if (!win) { mtc_err("SDL_CreateWindow Error: %s", SDL_GetError()); return 1; } m_render = SDL_CreateRenderer(win, -1, SDL_RENDERER_ACCELERATED | SDL_RENDERER_PRESENTVSYNC); if (!m_render) { mtc_err("SDL_CreateRenderer Error: %s", SDL_GetError()); return 1; } set_glversion(); gl_info(); glLoadIdentity(); glOrtho(-10.0, 10.0, -10.0, 10.0, -10.0, 10.0); glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); glEnable( GL_TEXTURE_2D ); glDepthFunc(GL_LEQUAL); //glCullFace(GL_BACK); //glFrontFace(GL_CCW); //glEnable(GL_CULL_FACE); GLuint etex = LoadTextureRAW("earth.raw"); if (etex == 0) { mtc_err("Load texture failure"); return 1; } mutil_create_earth(5, 0, 0, 0); SDL_Event e; bool quit = false; while (!quit) { while (SDL_PollEvent(&e)) { if (e.type == SDL_KEYDOWN) { switch (e.key.keysym.sym) { case SDLK_ESCAPE: quit = true; break; } } } rend_sun(); mutil_rend_earth(etex); SDL_RenderPresent(m_render); } SDL_DestroyRenderer(m_render); SDL_DestroyWindow(win); SDL_Quit(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv, char **envp) { CGI *cgi = NULL; NEOERR *err; mdb_conn *conn = NULL; /* skey, user, pass, return jsoncallback*/ char *s, *u, *r, *jcbk; //sleep(20); mtc_init("logout"); mconfig_parse_file(SITE_CONFIG, &g_cfg); mutil_wrap_fcgi(argc, argv, envp); if (mdb_init(&conn, DB_DSN) != MDB_ERR_NONE) { mtc_err("init db error %s", mdb_get_errmsg(conn)); printf("Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8\r\n\r\n"); printf("{errcode: %d}", SAM_ERR_INIT); return 1; } #ifndef DROP_FCGI while (FCGI_Accept() >= 0) { #endif /* * cgi init */ err = cgi_init(&cgi, NULL); if (err != STATUS_OK) { mtc_err("init cgi error"); printf("Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8\r\n\r\n"); printf("{errcode: %d}", SAM_ERR_INIT); goto opfinish; } err = cgi_parse(cgi); if (err != STATUS_OK) { mtc_err("parse cgi error"); hdf_set_int_value(cgi->hdf, PRE_OUTPUT".errcode", SAM_ERR_PARSE); goto opfinish; } u = hdf_get_value(cgi->hdf, PRE_COOKIE".samuser", NULL); s = hdf_get_value(cgi->hdf, PRE_COOKIE".samkey", NULL); if (s && u) { if (user_has_login(conn, u, s)) { user_logout(conn, u); cgi_cookie_clear(cgi, "samuser", SITE_DOMAIN, NULL); cgi_cookie_clear(cgi, "samkey", SITE_DOMAIN, NULL); hdf_set_value(cgi->hdf, PRE_OUTPUT".success", "1"); goto opfinish; } } hdf_set_int_value(cgi->hdf, PRE_OUTPUT".errcode", SAM_ERR_NOTLOGIN); opfinish: if (cgi) { r = hdf_get_value(cgi->hdf, PRE_QUERY".r", NULL); if (r) { cgi_redirect(cgi, r); } else { jcbk = hdf_get_value(cgi->hdf, PRE_QUERY".jsoncallback", NULL); if (jcbk != NULL) { mjson_execute_hdf(cgi->hdf, jcbk, 0); } else { mjson_output_hdf(cgi->hdf, 0); } } #ifdef DEBUG_HDF hdf_write_file(cgi->hdf, HF_LOG_PATH"hdf.logout"); #endif cgi_destroy(&cgi); } #ifndef DROP_FCGI } /* FCGI_Accept() */ #endif mdb_destroy(conn); return 0; }
void *pt_ecal(void *args) { ecal_t arg = *(ecal_t *) args; free(args); int i,j; int result; char ecal_id[250]; // now we can unlock our things, since nothing else should use them fd_set thread_fdset; FD_ZERO(&thread_fdset); for (i=0;i<19;i++){ if ((0x1<<i) & arg.crate_mask) FD_SET(rw_xl3_fd[i],&thread_fdset); } char comments[1000]; memset(comments,'\0',1000); char command_buffer[1000]; memset(command_buffer,'\0',1000); system("clear"); pt_printsend("------------------------------------------\n"); pt_printsend("Welcome to ECAL+!\n"); pt_printsend("------------------------------------------\n"); if (!arg.old_ecal){ // once this is set we can no longer send other commands running_ecal = 1; sbc_lock = 0; for (i=0;i<19;i++){ if ((0x1<<i) & arg.crate_mask) xl3_lock[i] = 0; } get_new_id(ecal_id); pt_printsend("\nYou have selected the following slots:\n\n"); for (i=0;i<19;i++){ if ((0x1<<(i)) & arg.crate_mask){ pt_printsend("crate %d: 0x%08x\n",i,arg.slot_mask[i]); } } pt_printsend("------------------------------------------\n"); pt_printsend("Hit enter to start, or type quit if anything is incorrect\n"); read_from_tut(comments); if (strncmp("quit",comments,4) == 0){ pt_printsend("Exiting ECAL\n"); running_ecal = 0; unthread_and_unlock(0,0x0,arg.thread_num); return; } pt_printsend("------------------------------------------\n"); time_t curtime = time(NULL); struct timeval moretime; gettimeofday(&moretime,0); struct tm *loctime = localtime(&curtime); char log_name[500] = {'\0'}; // random size, it's a pretty nice number though. strftime(log_name, 256, "ECAL_%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S_", loctime); sprintf(log_name+strlen(log_name), "%d.log", (int)moretime.tv_usec); start_logging_to_file(log_name); sbc_lock = 1; for (i=0;i<19;i++){ if ((0x1<<i) & arg.crate_mask) xl3_lock[i] = 1; } pt_printsend("Creating ECAL document...\n"); // post ecal doc post_ecal_doc(arg.crate_mask,arg.slot_mask,log_name,ecal_id,&thread_fdset); pt_printsend("Created! ECAL id: %s\n\n",ecal_id); pt_printsend("------------------------------------------\n"); sbc_lock = 0; for (i=0;i<19;i++){ if ((0x1<<i) & arg.crate_mask) xl3_lock[i] = 0; } // ok we are set up, time to start // initial CRATE_INIT for (i=0;i<19;i++){ if ((0x1<<i) & arg.crate_mask){ do { sprintf(command_buffer,"crate_init -c %d -s %04x -x -v",i,arg.slot_mask[i]); result = crate_init(command_buffer); if (result == -2 || result == -3){ running_ecal = 0; unthread_and_unlock(1,arg.crate_mask,arg.thread_num); return; } } while (result != 0); while (xl3_lock[i] != 0){} pt_printsend("------------------------------------------\n"); } } // FEC_TEST for (i=0;i<19;i++){ if ((0x1<<i) & arg.crate_mask){ do { sprintf(command_buffer,"fec_test -c %d -s %04x -d -E %s",i,arg.slot_mask[i],ecal_id); result = fec_test(command_buffer); if (result == -2 || result == -3){ running_ecal = 0; unthread_and_unlock(1,arg.crate_mask,arg.thread_num); return; } } while (result != 0); while (xl3_lock[i] != 0){} pt_printsend("-------------------------------------------\n"); } } // BOARD_ID for (i=0;i<19;i++){ if ((0x1<<i) & arg.crate_mask){ do { sprintf(command_buffer,"board_id -c %d -s %04x",i,arg.slot_mask[i]); result = board_id(command_buffer); if (result == -2 || result == -3){ running_ecal = 0; unthread_and_unlock(1,arg.crate_mask,arg.thread_num); return; } } while (result != 0); while (xl3_lock[i] != 0){} pt_printsend("-------------------------------------------\n"); } } // MTC_INIT do { sprintf(command_buffer,"mtc_init -x"); result = mtc_init(command_buffer); if (result == -2 || result == -3){ running_ecal = 0; unthread_and_unlock(1,arg.crate_mask,arg.thread_num); return; } } while (result != 0); while (sbc_lock != 0){} pt_printsend("-------------------------------------------\n"); // CGT_TEST for (i=0;i<19;i++){ if ((0x1<<i) & arg.crate_mask){ do { sprintf(command_buffer,"cgt_test_1 -c %d -s %04x -p FFFFFFFF -d -E %s",i,arg.slot_mask[i],ecal_id); result = cgt_test(command_buffer); if (result == -2 || result == -3){ running_ecal = 0; unthread_and_unlock(1,arg.crate_mask,arg.thread_num); return; } } while (result != 0); while (xl3_lock[i] != 0){} pt_printsend("-------------------------------------------\n"); } } // MTC_INIT do { sprintf(command_buffer,"mtc_init -x"); result = mtc_init(command_buffer); if (result == -2 || result == -3){ running_ecal = 0; unthread_and_unlock(1,arg.crate_mask,arg.thread_num); return; } } while (result != 0); while (sbc_lock != 0){} pt_printsend("-------------------------------------------\n"); // CRATE_INIT with default values for (i=0;i<19;i++){ if ((0x1<<i) & arg.crate_mask){ do { sprintf(command_buffer,"crate_init -c %d -s %04x",i,arg.slot_mask[i]); result = crate_init(command_buffer); if (result == -2 || result == -3){ running_ecal = 0; unthread_and_unlock(1,arg.crate_mask,arg.thread_num); return; } } while (result != 0); while (xl3_lock[i] != 0){} pt_printsend("------------------------------------------\n"); } } // CRATE_CBAL for (i=0;i<19;i++){ if ((0x1<<i) & arg.crate_mask){ do { sprintf(command_buffer,"crate_cbal -c %d -s %04x -d -E %s",i,arg.slot_mask[i],ecal_id); result = crate_cbal(command_buffer); if (result == -2 || result == -3){ running_ecal = 0; unthread_and_unlock(1,arg.crate_mask,arg.thread_num); return; } } while (result != 0); while (xl3_lock[i] != 0){} pt_printsend("------------------------------------------\n"); } } // CRATE_INIT with vbal values for (i=0;i<19;i++){ if ((0x1<<i) & arg.crate_mask){ do { sprintf(command_buffer,"crate_init -c %d -s %04x -B",i,arg.slot_mask[i]); result = crate_init(command_buffer); if (result == -2 || result == -3){ running_ecal = 0; unthread_and_unlock(1,arg.crate_mask,arg.thread_num); return; } } while (result != 0); while (xl3_lock[i] != 0){} pt_printsend("-------------------------------------------\n"); } } // PED_RUN for (i=0;i<19;i++){ if ((0x1<<i) & arg.crate_mask){ do { sprintf(command_buffer,"ped_run -c %d -s %04x -b -d -E %s",i,arg.slot_mask[i],ecal_id); result = ped_run(command_buffer); if (result == -2 || result == -3){ running_ecal = 0; unthread_and_unlock(1,arg.crate_mask,arg.thread_num); return; } } while (result != 0); while (xl3_lock[i] != 0){} pt_printsend("-------------------------------------------\n"); } } // pt_printsend("Time to do the cable business\n"); // pt_printsend("ECL output --> EXT PED (long cable)\n"); // pt_printsend("TTL input --> Global trigger)\n"); // pt_printsend("Hit enter when ready\n"); // read_from_tut(comments); // MTC_INIT do { sprintf(command_buffer,"mtc_init -x"); result = mtc_init(command_buffer); if (result == -2 || result == -3){ running_ecal = 0; unthread_and_unlock(1,arg.crate_mask,arg.thread_num); return; } } while (result != 0); while (sbc_lock != 0){} pt_printsend("-------------------------------------------\n"); // CRATE_INIT with default + vbal values for (i=0;i<19;i++){ if ((0x1<<i) & arg.crate_mask){ do { sprintf(command_buffer,"crate_init -c %d -s %04x -B",i,arg.slot_mask[i]); result = crate_init(command_buffer); if (result == -2 || result == -3){ running_ecal = 0; unthread_and_unlock(1,arg.crate_mask,arg.thread_num); return; } } while (result != 0); while (xl3_lock[i] != 0){} pt_printsend("------------------------------------------\n"); } } // SET_TTOT for (i=0;i<19;i++){ if ((0x1<<i) & arg.crate_mask){ do { sprintf(command_buffer,"set_ttot -c %d -s %04x -t 420 -d -E %s",i,arg.slot_mask[i],ecal_id); result = set_ttot(command_buffer); if (result == -2 || result == -3){ running_ecal = 0; unthread_and_unlock(1,arg.crate_mask,arg.thread_num); return; } } while (result != 0); while (xl3_lock[i] != 0){} pt_printsend("------------------------------------------\n"); } } // CRATE_INIT with default + vbal + tdisc values for (i=0;i<19;i++){ if ((0x1<<i) & arg.crate_mask){ do { sprintf(command_buffer,"crate_init -c %d -s %04x -B -D",i,arg.slot_mask[i]); result = crate_init(command_buffer); if (result == -2 || result == -3){ running_ecal = 0; unthread_and_unlock(1,arg.crate_mask,arg.thread_num); return; } } while (result != 0); while (xl3_lock[i] != 0){} pt_printsend("------------------------------------------\n"); } } // GET_TTOT for (i=0;i<19;i++){ if ((0x1<<i) & arg.crate_mask){ do { sprintf(command_buffer,"get_ttot -c %d -s %04x -t 400 -d -E %s",i,arg.slot_mask[i],ecal_id); result = get_ttot(command_buffer); if (result == -2 || result == -3){ running_ecal = 0; unthread_and_unlock(1,arg.crate_mask,arg.thread_num); return; } } while (result != 0); while (xl3_lock[i] != 0){} pt_printsend("------------------------------------------\n"); } } // pt_printsend("Time to remove cables\n"); // pt_printsend("Hit enter when ready\n"); // read_from_tut(comments); // CRATE_INIT with default + vbal + tdisc values for (i=0;i<19;i++){ if ((0x1<<i) & arg.crate_mask){ do { sprintf(command_buffer,"crate_init -c %d -s %04x -B -D",i,arg.slot_mask[i]); result = crate_init(command_buffer); if (result == -2 || result == -3){ running_ecal = 0; unthread_and_unlock(1,arg.crate_mask,arg.thread_num); return; } } while (result != 0); while (xl3_lock[i] != 0){} pt_printsend("------------------------------------------\n"); } } // DISC_CHECK for (i=0;i<19;i++){ if ((0x1<<i) & arg.crate_mask){ do { sprintf(command_buffer,"disc_check -c %d -s %04x -n 500000 -d -E %s",i,arg.slot_mask[i],ecal_id); result = disc_check(command_buffer); if (result == -2 || result == -3){ running_ecal = 0; unthread_and_unlock(1,arg.crate_mask,arg.thread_num); return; } } while (result != 0); while (xl3_lock[i] != 0){} pt_printsend("------------------------------------------\n"); } } // MTC_INIT do { sprintf(command_buffer,"mtc_init -x"); result = mtc_init(command_buffer); if (result == -2 || result == -3){ running_ecal = 0; unthread_and_unlock(1,arg.crate_mask,arg.thread_num); return; } } while (result != 0); while (sbc_lock != 0){} pt_printsend("-------------------------------------------\n"); // CRATE_INIT with default + vbal + tdisc values for (i=0;i<19;i++){ if ((0x1<<i) & arg.crate_mask){ do { sprintf(command_buffer,"crate_init -c %d -s %04x -B -D",i,arg.slot_mask[i]); result = crate_init(command_buffer); if (result == -2 || result == -3){ running_ecal = 0; unthread_and_unlock(1,arg.crate_mask,arg.thread_num); return; } } while (result != 0); while (xl3_lock[i] != 0){} pt_printsend("------------------------------------------\n"); } } // CMOS_M_GTVALID for (i=0;i<19;i++){ if ((0x1<<i) & arg.crate_mask){ do { sprintf(command_buffer,"cmos_m_gtvalid -c %d -s %04x -g 410 -n -d -E %s",i,arg.slot_mask[i],ecal_id); result = cmos_m_gtvalid(command_buffer); if (result == -2 || result == -3){ running_ecal = 0; unthread_and_unlock(1,arg.crate_mask,arg.thread_num); return; } } while (result != 0); while (xl3_lock[i] != 0){} pt_printsend("------------------------------------------\n"); } } // MTC_INIT do { sprintf(command_buffer,"mtc_init -x"); result = mtc_init(command_buffer); if (result == -2 || result == -3){ running_ecal = 0; unthread_and_unlock(1,arg.crate_mask,arg.thread_num); return; } } while (result != 0); while (sbc_lock != 0){} pt_printsend("-------------------------------------------\n"); // CRATE_INIT with default + vbal + tdisc + tcmos values for (i=0;i<19;i++){ if ((0x1<<i) & arg.crate_mask){ do { sprintf(command_buffer,"crate_init -c %d -s %04x -B -D -C",i,arg.slot_mask[i]); result = crate_init(command_buffer); if (result == -2 || result == -3){ running_ecal = 0; unthread_and_unlock(1,arg.crate_mask,arg.thread_num); return; } } while (result != 0); while (xl3_lock[i] != 0){} pt_printsend("------------------------------------------\n"); } } // ZDISC for (i=0;i<19;i++){ if ((0x1<<i) & arg.crate_mask){ do { sprintf(command_buffer,"zdisc -c %d -s %04x -o 0 -r 100 -d -E %s",i,arg.slot_mask[i],ecal_id); result = zdisc(command_buffer); if (result == -2 || result == -3){ running_ecal = 0; unthread_and_unlock(1,arg.crate_mask,arg.thread_num); return; } } while (result != 0); while (xl3_lock[i] != 0){} pt_printsend("------------------------------------------\n"); } } pt_printsend("-------------------------------------------\n"); pt_printsend("ECAL finished.\n"); sbc_lock = 1; for (i=0;i<19;i++){ if ((0x1<<i) & arg.crate_mask) xl3_lock[i] = 1; } }else{ sprintf(ecal_id,"%s",arg.ecal_id); } if (arg.update_hwdb){ pt_printsend("Now updating FEC database with test results\n"); // get the ecal document with the configuration char get_db_address[500]; sprintf(get_db_address,"%s/%s/%s",DB_SERVER,DB_BASE_NAME,ecal_id); pouch_request *ecaldoc_response = pr_init(); pr_set_method(ecaldoc_response, GET); pr_set_url(ecaldoc_response, get_db_address); pr_do(ecaldoc_response); if (ecaldoc_response->httpresponse != 200){ pt_printsend("Unable to connect to database. error code %d\n",(int)ecaldoc_response->httpresponse); running_ecal = 0; unthread_and_unlock(1,arg.crate_mask,arg.thread_num); return; } JsonNode *ecalconfig_doc = json_decode(ecaldoc_response->; // get all the ecal test results for all crates/slots sprintf(get_db_address,"%s/%s/%s/get_ecal?startkey=\"%s\"&endkey=\"%s\"",DB_SERVER,DB_BASE_NAME,DB_VIEWDOC,ecal_id,ecal_id); pouch_request *ecal_response = pr_init(); pr_set_method(ecal_response, GET); pr_set_url(ecal_response, get_db_address); pr_do(ecal_response); if (ecal_response->httpresponse != 200){ pt_printsend("Unable to connect to database. error code %d\n",(int)ecal_response->httpresponse); running_ecal = 0; unthread_and_unlock(1,arg.crate_mask,arg.thread_num); return; } JsonNode *ecalfull_doc = json_decode(ecal_response->; JsonNode *ecal_rows = json_find_member(ecalfull_doc,"rows"); int total_rows = json_get_num_mems(ecal_rows); if (total_rows == 0){ pt_printsend("No documents for this ECAL yet! (id %s)\n",ecal_id); running_ecal = 0; unthread_and_unlock(1,arg.crate_mask,arg.thread_num); return; } // loop over crates/slots, create a fec document for each for (i=0;i<19;i++){ if ((0x1<<i) & arg.crate_mask){ for (j=0;j<16;j++){ if ((0x1<<j) & arg.slot_mask[i]){ printf("crate %d slot %d\n",i,j); // lets generate the fec document JsonNode *doc; create_fec_db_doc(i,j,&doc,ecalconfig_doc,&thread_fdset); int k; for (k=0;k<total_rows;k++){ JsonNode *ecalone_row = json_find_element(ecal_rows,k); JsonNode *test_doc = json_find_member(ecalone_row,"value"); JsonNode *config = json_find_member(test_doc,"config"); if ((json_get_number(json_find_member(config,"crate_id")) == i) && (json_get_number(json_find_member(config,"slot")) == j)){ if (strcmp(json_get_string(json_find_member(test_doc,"type")),"find_noise") != 0){ printf("test type is %s\n",json_get_string(json_find_member(test_doc,"type"))); add_ecal_test_results(doc,test_doc); } } } post_fec_db_doc(i,j,doc); json_delete(doc); // only delete the head node } } } } json_delete(ecalfull_doc); pr_free(ecal_response); json_delete(ecalconfig_doc); pr_free(ecaldoc_response); } if (arg.noise_run){ // re lock everything down sbc_lock = 0; for (i=0;i<19;i++) if ((0x1<<i) & arg.crate_mask) xl3_lock[i] = 0; // FIND_NOISE int some_crate = 0; do{ sprintf(command_buffer,"find_noise -c %05x -d -E %s ",arg.crate_mask,ecal_id); for (i=0;i<19;i++){ if ((0x1<<i) & arg.crate_mask){ some_crate = i; } sprintf(command_buffer+strlen(command_buffer),"-%02d %04x ",i,arg.slot_mask[i]); } result = find_noise(command_buffer); if (result == -2 || result == -3){ printf("result was %d\n",result); running_ecal = 0; unthread_and_unlock(1,arg.crate_mask,arg.thread_num); return; } } while (result != 0); while (xl3_lock[some_crate] != 0){} pt_printsend("------------------------------------------\n"); } // now update again with noise run stuff if (arg.update_hwdb){ // re lock everything down sbc_lock = 0; for (i=0;i<19;i++) if ((0x1<<i) & arg.crate_mask) xl3_lock[i] = 0; pt_printsend("Updating hw db with find_noise results\n"); // get the find noise test results char get_db_address[500]; sprintf(get_db_address,"%s/%s/%s/get_ecal?startkey=\"%s\"&endkey=\"%s\"",DB_SERVER,DB_BASE_NAME,DB_VIEWDOC,ecal_id,ecal_id); pouch_request *ecal_response = pr_init(); pr_set_method(ecal_response, GET); pr_set_url(ecal_response, get_db_address); pr_do(ecal_response); if (ecal_response->httpresponse != 200){ pt_printsend("Unable to connect to database. error code %d\n",(int)ecal_response->httpresponse); running_ecal = 0; unthread_and_unlock(1,arg.crate_mask,arg.thread_num); return; } JsonNode *ecalfull_doc = json_decode(ecal_response->; JsonNode *ecal_rows = json_find_member(ecalfull_doc,"rows"); int total_rows = json_get_num_mems(ecal_rows); if (total_rows == 0){ pt_printsend("No documents for this ECAL yet! (id %s)\n",ecal_id); running_ecal = 0; unthread_and_unlock(1,arg.crate_mask,arg.thread_num); return; } // loop over crates/slots for (i=0;i<19;i++){ if ((0x1<<i) & arg.crate_mask){ for (j=0;j<16;j++){ if ((0x1<<j) & arg.slot_mask[i]){ printf("crate %d slot %d\n",i,j); // get the current fec document sprintf(get_db_address,"%s/%s/%s/get_fec?startkey=[%d,%d,\"\"]&endkey=[%d,%d]&descending=true",FECDB_SERVER,FECDB_BASE_NAME,FECDB_VIEWDOC,i,j+1,i,j); pouch_request *fec_response = pr_init(); pr_set_method(fec_response, GET); pr_set_url(fec_response, get_db_address); pr_do(fec_response); if (fec_response->httpresponse != 200){ pt_printsend("Unable to connect to database. error code %d\n",(int)fec_response->httpresponse); unthread_and_unlock(1,arg.crate_mask,arg.thread_num); return; } JsonNode *fecfull_doc = json_decode(fec_response->; JsonNode *fec_rows = json_find_member(fecfull_doc,"rows"); int total_rows2 = json_get_num_mems(fec_rows); if (total_rows2 == 0){ pt_printsend("No FEC documents for this crate/card yet! (crate %d card %d)\n",i,j); unthread_and_unlock(1,arg.crate_mask,arg.thread_num); return; } JsonNode *fecone_row = json_find_element(fec_rows,0); JsonNode *fec_doc = json_find_member(fecone_row,"value"); // now find the noise run document for this crate/slot and add it to the fec document int found_it = 0; int k; for (k=0;k<total_rows;k++){ JsonNode *ecalone_row = json_find_element(ecal_rows,k); JsonNode *test_doc = json_find_member(ecalone_row,"value"); JsonNode *config = json_find_member(test_doc,"config"); if ((json_get_number(json_find_member(config,"crate_id")) == i) && (json_get_number(json_find_member(config,"slot")) == j)){ if (strcmp(json_get_string(json_find_member(test_doc,"type")),"find_noise") == 0){ found_it = 1; printf("test type is %s\n",json_get_string(json_find_member(test_doc,"type"))); add_ecal_test_results(fec_doc,test_doc); break; } } } if (found_it == 0){ pt_printsend("Couldn't find noise run results!\n"); }else{ // push the updated fec document update_fec_db_doc(fec_doc); } json_delete(fecfull_doc); pr_free(fec_response); } } } } json_delete(ecalfull_doc); pr_free(ecal_response); } running_ecal = 0; unthread_and_unlock(1,arg.crate_mask,arg.thread_num); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { mtc_init("study", 7); if (SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_EVERYTHING) != 0) { mtc_err("sdl init error: %s", SDL_GetError()); return 1; } if (TTF_Init() == -1) { mtc_err("ttf init error: %s", TTF_GetError()); return 1; } SDL_Window *win = SDL_CreateWindow("Hello World!", 100, 100, WIN_WIDTH, WIN_HEIGHT, SDL_WINDOW_SHOWN); if (!win) { mtc_err("SDL_CreateWindow Error: %s", SDL_GetError()); return 1; } m_render = SDL_CreateRenderer(win, -1, SDL_RENDERER_ACCELERATED | SDL_RENDERER_PRESENTVSYNC); m_render2 = SDL_CreateRenderer(win, -1, SDL_RENDERER_ACCELERATED | SDL_RENDERER_PRESENTVSYNC); if (!m_render || !m_render2) { mtc_err("SDL_CreateRenderer Error: %s", SDL_GetError()); return 1; } SDL_Texture *texbg = create_texture("bg.png"); SDL_Texture *texsp = create_texture("sprite.png"); int iw = 100, ih = 100; SDL_Rect clips[4]; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { clips[i].x = i / 2 * iw; clips[i].y = i % 2 * ih; clips[i].w = iw; clips[i].h = ih; } SDL_Event e; bool quit = false; int curclip = 0, count = 0; while (!quit) { while (SDL_PollEvent(&e)) { if (e.type == SDL_QUIT) quit = true; if (e.type == SDL_KEYDOWN) { switch (e.key.keysym.sym) { case SDLK_ESCAPE: quit = true; break; case SDLK_UP: curclip = 0; break; case SDLK_DOWN: curclip = 1; break; case SDLK_LEFT: curclip = 2; break; case SDLK_RIGHT: curclip = 3; break; } } } SDL_Color color = {200, 200, 200}; char msg[1024]; snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), "hello, bigml, ESC to quit %d", count++); SDL_Texture *texfont = create_texture_str(msg, color, 48); SDL_RenderClear(m_render); SDL_RenderClear(m_render2); rend_texture(0, 0, texbg); rend2_texture(20, 20, texfont); rend_texture_clip(WIN_WIDTH/3, WIN_HEIGHT/3, texsp, &clips[curclip]); SDL_RenderPresent(m_render); SDL_RenderPresent(m_render2); SDL_DestroyTexture(texfont); } //Clean up our objects and quit SDL_DestroyTexture(texbg); SDL_DestroyTexture(texsp); SDL_DestroyRenderer(m_render); SDL_DestroyRenderer(m_render2); SDL_DestroyWindow(win); SDL_Quit(); return 0; }
void *pt_final_test(void *args) { final_test_t arg = *(final_test_t *) args; free(args); int i; int result; // once this is set we can no longer send other commands running_final_test = 1; // now we can unlock our things, since nothing else should use them sbc_lock = 0; xl3_lock[arg.crate_num] = 0; fd_set thread_fdset; FD_ZERO(&thread_fdset); FD_SET(rw_xl3_fd[arg.crate_num],&thread_fdset); char ft_ids[16][250]; char id_string[16*250]; JsonNode *ft_docs[16]; char comments[1000]; memset(comments,'\0',1000); char command_buffer[100]; system("clear"); pt_printsend("------------------------------------------\n"); pt_printsend("Welcome to final test!\nHit enter to start\n"); read_from_tut(comments); pt_printsend("------------------------------------------\n"); do { sprintf(command_buffer,"crate_init -c %d -s %04x -x -v",arg.crate_num,arg.slot_mask); result = crate_init(command_buffer); if (result == -2 || result == -3){ return; } } while (result != 0); while (xl3_lock[arg.crate_num] != 0){} pt_printsend("------------------------------------------\n"); while (rw_sbc_fd <= 0){ pt_printsend("Attempting to connecting to sbc\n"); do { sprintf(command_buffer,"sbc_control"); } while (sbc_control(command_buffer) != 0); while (sbc_lock != 0){} } pt_printsend("------------------------------------------\n"); do { sprintf(command_buffer,"mtc_init -x"); result = mtc_init(command_buffer); if (result == -2 || result == -3){ return; } } while (result != 0); while (sbc_lock != 0 || xl3_lock[arg.crate_num] != 0){} pt_printsend("------------------------------------------\n"); pt_printsend("If any boards could not initialize properly, type \"quit\" now " "to exit the test.\n Otherwise hit enter to continue.\n"); read_from_tut(comments); if (strncmp("quit",comments,4) == 0){ pt_printsend("Exiting final test\n"); running_final_test = 0; unthread_and_unlock(1,(0x1<<arg.crate_num),arg.thread_num); return; } // set up the final test documents for (i=0;i<16;i++){ if ((0x1<<i) & arg.slot_mask){ get_new_id(ft_ids[i]); ft_docs[i] = json_mkobject(); sprintf(id_string+strlen(id_string),"%s ",ft_ids[i]); pt_printsend(".%s.\n",id_string); } } pt_printsend("Now starting board_id\n"); do { sprintf(command_buffer,"board_id -c %d -s %04x",arg.crate_num,arg.slot_mask); result = board_id(command_buffer); if (result == -2 || result == -3){ return; } } while (result != 0); while (xl3_lock[arg.crate_num] != 0){} pt_printsend("-------------------------------------------\n"); if (arg.skip == 0){ for (i=0;i<16;i++){ if ((0x1<<i) & arg.slot_mask){ pt_printsend("Please enter any comments for slot %i motherboard now.\n",i); read_from_tut(comments); json_append_member(ft_docs[i],"fec_comments",json_mkstring(comments)); pt_printsend("Has this slot been refurbished? (y/n)\n",i); read_from_tut(comments); json_append_member(ft_docs[i],"refurbished",json_mkbool(comments[0] == 'y')); pt_printsend("Has this slot been cleaned? (y/n)\n",i); read_from_tut(comments); json_append_member(ft_docs[i],"cleaned",json_mkbool(comments[0] == 'y')); pt_printsend("Time to measure resistance across analog outs and cmos address lines. For the cmos address lines" "it's easier if you do it during the fifo mod\n"); read_from_tut(comments); json_append_member(ft_docs[i],"analog_out_res",json_mkstring(comments)); pt_printsend("Please enter any comments for slot %i db 0 now.\n",i); read_from_tut(comments); json_append_member(ft_docs[i],"db0_comments",json_mkstring(comments)); pt_printsend("Please enter any comments for slot %i db 1 now.\n",i); read_from_tut(comments); json_append_member(ft_docs[i],"db1_comments",json_mkstring(comments)); pt_printsend("Please enter any comments for slot %i db 2 now.\n",i); read_from_tut(comments); json_append_member(ft_docs[i],"db2_comments",json_mkstring(comments)); pt_printsend("Please enter any comments for slot %i db 3 now.\n",i); read_from_tut(comments); json_append_member(ft_docs[i],"db3_comments",json_mkstring(comments)); pt_printsend("Please enter dark matter measurements for slot %i db 0 now.\n",i); read_from_tut(comments); json_append_member(ft_docs[i],"db0_dark_matter",json_mkstring(comments)); pt_printsend("Please enter dark matter measurements for slot %i db 1 now.\n",i); read_from_tut(comments); json_append_member(ft_docs[i],"db1_dark_matter",json_mkstring(comments)); pt_printsend("Please enter dark matter measurements for slot %i db 2 now.\n",i); read_from_tut(comments); json_append_member(ft_docs[i],"db2_dark_matter",json_mkstring(comments)); pt_printsend("Please enter dark matter measurements for slot %i db 3 now.\n",i); read_from_tut(comments); json_append_member(ft_docs[i],"db3_dark_matter",json_mkstring(comments)); } } pt_printsend("Enter N100 DC offset\n"); read_from_tut(comments); for (i=0;i<16;i++){ if ((0x1<<i) & arg.slot_mask){ json_append_member(ft_docs[i],"dc_offset_n100",json_mkstring(comments)); } } pt_printsend("Enter N20 DC offset\n"); read_from_tut(comments); for (i=0;i<16;i++){ if ((0x1<<i) & arg.slot_mask){ json_append_member(ft_docs[i],"dc_offset_n20",json_mkstring(comments)); } } pt_printsend("Enter esum hi DC offset\n"); read_from_tut(comments); for (i=0;i<16;i++){ if ((0x1<<i) & arg.slot_mask){ json_append_member(ft_docs[i],"dc_offset_esumhi",json_mkstring(comments)); } } pt_printsend("Enter esum lo DC offset\n"); read_from_tut(comments); for (i=0;i<16;i++){ if ((0x1<<i) & arg.slot_mask){ json_append_member(ft_docs[i],"dc_offset_esumlo",json_mkstring(comments)); } } pt_printsend("Thank you. Please hit enter to continue with the rest of final test. This may take a while.\n"); read_from_tut(comments); } // starting the tests pt_printsend("-------------------------------------------\n"); do { sprintf(command_buffer,"fec_test -c %d -s %04x -d -# %s",arg.crate_num,arg.slot_mask,id_string); result = fec_test(command_buffer); if (result == -2 || result == -3){ return; } } while (result != 0); while (xl3_lock[arg.crate_num] != 0){} pt_printsend("-------------------------------------------\n"); do { sprintf(command_buffer,"vmon -c %d -s %04x -d -# %s",arg.crate_num,arg.slot_mask,id_string); result = vmon(command_buffer); if (result == -2 || result == -3){ return; } } while (result != 0); while (xl3_lock[arg.crate_num] != 0){} pt_printsend("-------------------------------------------\n"); do { sprintf(command_buffer,"cgt_test_1 -c %d -s %04x -d -# %s",arg.crate_num,arg.slot_mask,id_string); result = cgt_test(command_buffer); if (result == -2 || result == -3){ return; } } while (result != 0); while (xl3_lock[arg.crate_num] != 0){} ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // now gotta turn pulser on and off to get rid of garbage //sprintf(command_buffer,"readout_add_mtc -c %d -f 0",arg.crate_num); //readout_add_mtc(command_buffer); //sprintf(command_buffer,"stop_pulser"); //stop_pulser(command_buffer); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// pt_printsend("-------------------------------------------\n"); do { sprintf(command_buffer,"ped_run -c %d -s %04x -l 300 -u 1000 -d -# %s",arg.crate_num,arg.slot_mask,id_string); result = ped_run(command_buffer); if (result == -2 || result == -3){ return; } } while (result != 0); while (xl3_lock[arg.crate_num] != 0){} pt_printsend("-------------------------------------------\n"); do { sprintf(command_buffer,"crate_cbal -c %d -s %04x -d -# %s",arg.crate_num,arg.slot_mask,id_string); result = crate_cbal(command_buffer); if (result == -2 || result == -3){ return; } } while (result != 0); while (xl3_lock[arg.crate_num] != 0){} ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // now gotta turn pulser on and off to get rid of garbage //sprintf(command_buffer,"readout_add_mtc -c %d -f 0",arg.crate_num); //readout_add_mtc(command_buffer); //sprintf(command_buffer,"stop_pulser"); //stop_pulser(command_buffer); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// pt_printsend("-------------------------------------------\n"); do { sprintf(command_buffer,"crate_init -c %d -s %04x -B",arg.crate_num,arg.slot_mask); result = crate_init(command_buffer); if (result == -2 || result == -3){ return; } } while (result != 0); while (xl3_lock[arg.crate_num] != 0){} pt_printsend("-------------------------------------------\n"); do { sprintf(command_buffer,"ped_run -c %d -s %04x -b -d -# %s",arg.crate_num,arg.slot_mask,id_string); result = ped_run(command_buffer); if (result == -2 || result == -3){ return; } } while (result != 0); while (xl3_lock[arg.crate_num] != 0){} pt_printsend("-------------------------------------------\n"); do { sprintf(command_buffer,"chinj_scan -c %d -s %04x -l 400 -u 5000 -w 100 -n 10 -d -# %s",arg.crate_num,arg.slot_mask,id_string); result = chinj_scan(command_buffer); if (result == -2 || result == -3){ return; } } while (result != 0); while (xl3_lock[arg.crate_num] != 0){} pt_printsend("-------------------------------------------\n"); if (arg.tub_tests == 1){ pt_printsend("You should now connect the cable to ext_ped for ttot tests\nHit enter when ready\n"); read_from_tut(comments); do { sprintf(command_buffer,"set_ttot -c %d -s %04x -t 400 -d -# %s",arg.crate_num,arg.slot_mask,id_string); result = set_ttot(command_buffer); if (result == -2 || result == -3){ return; } } while (result != 0); while (xl3_lock[arg.crate_num] != 0){} } pt_printsend("-------------------------------------------\n"); do { sprintf(command_buffer,"crate_init -c %d -s %04x -B -D",arg.crate_num,arg.slot_mask); result = crate_init(command_buffer); if (result == -2 || result == -3){ return; } } while (result != 0); while (xl3_lock[arg.crate_num] != 0){} pt_printsend("-------------------------------------------\n"); if (arg.tub_tests == 1){ do { sprintf(command_buffer,"get_ttot -c %d -s %04x -t 390 -d -# %s",arg.crate_num,arg.slot_mask,id_string); result = get_ttot(command_buffer); if (result == -2 || result == -3){ return; } } while (result != 0); while (xl3_lock[arg.crate_num] != 0){} } pt_printsend("-------------------------------------------\n"); pt_printsend("You should now disconnect the cable to ext_ped\nHit enter when ready\n"); read_from_tut(comments); do { sprintf(command_buffer,"disc_check -c %d -s %04x -n 500000 -d -# %s",arg.crate_num,arg.slot_mask,id_string); result = disc_check(command_buffer); if (result == -2 || result == -3){ return; } } while (result != 0); while (xl3_lock[arg.crate_num] != 0){} pt_printsend("-------------------------------------------\n"); do { sprintf(command_buffer,"cmos_m_gtvalid -c %d -s %04x -g 400 -n -d -# %s",arg.crate_num,arg.slot_mask,id_string); result = cmos_m_gtvalid(command_buffer); if (result == -2 || result == -3){ return; } } while (result != 0); while (xl3_lock[arg.crate_num] != 0){} // would put see_reflections here pt_printsend("-------------------------------------------\n"); do { sprintf(command_buffer,"zdisc -c %d -s %04x -o 0 -r 100 -d -# %s",arg.crate_num,arg.slot_mask,id_string); result = zdisc(command_buffer); if (result == -2 || result == -3){ return; } } while (result != 0); while (xl3_lock[arg.crate_num] != 0){} pt_printsend("-------------------------------------------\n"); do { sprintf(command_buffer,"mtc_init"); result = mtc_init(command_buffer); if (result == -2 || result == -3){ return; } } while (result != 0); while (sbc_lock != 0){} pt_printsend("-------------------------------------------\n"); do { sprintf(command_buffer,"crate_init -c %d -s %04x -x",arg.crate_num,arg.slot_mask); result = crate_init(command_buffer); if (result == -2 || result == -3){ return; } } while (result != 0); while (xl3_lock[arg.crate_num] != 0){} pt_printsend("-------------------------------------------\n"); do{ sprintf(command_buffer,"mb_stability_test -c %d -s %04x -n 50 -d -# %s",arg.crate_num,arg.slot_mask,id_string); result = mb_stability_test(command_buffer); if (result == -2 || result == -3){ return; } } while (result != 0); while (xl3_lock[arg.crate_num] != 0){} pt_printsend("-------------------------------------------\n"); do { sprintf(command_buffer,"fifo_test -c %d -s %04x -d -# %s",arg.crate_num,arg.slot_mask,id_string); result = fifo_test(command_buffer); if (result == -2 || result == -3){ return; } } while (result != 0); while (xl3_lock[arg.crate_num] != 0){} pt_printsend("-------------------------------------------\n"); do { sprintf(command_buffer,"crate_init -c %d -s %04x -X",arg.crate_num,arg.slot_mask); result = crate_init(command_buffer); if (result == -2 || result == -3){ return; } } while (result != 0); while (xl3_lock[arg.crate_num] != 0){} pt_printsend("-------------------------------------------\n"); do { sprintf(command_buffer,"cald_test -c %d -s %04x -l 750 -u 3500 -n 200 -d -# %s",arg.crate_num,arg.slot_mask,id_string); result = cald_test(command_buffer); if (result == -2 || result == -3){ return; } } while (result != 0); while (xl3_lock[arg.crate_num] != 0){} for (i=0;i<16;i++){ if ((0x1<<i) & arg.slot_mask){ do { pt_printsend("-------------------------------------------\n"); do { sprintf(command_buffer,"crate_init -c %d -s %04x -x",arg.crate_num,arg.slot_mask); result = crate_init(command_buffer); if (result == -2 || result == -3){ return; } } while (result != 0); while (xl3_lock[arg.crate_num] != 0){} pt_printsend("-------------------------------------------\n"); sprintf(command_buffer,"mem_test -c %d -s %d -d -# %s",arg.crate_num,i,ft_ids[i]); result = mem_test(command_buffer); if (result == -2 || result == -3){ return; } } while (result != 0); while (xl3_lock[arg.crate_num] != 0){} } } pt_printsend("-------------------------------------------\n"); do { sprintf(command_buffer,"crate_init -c %d -s %04x -x",arg.crate_num,arg.slot_mask); result = crate_init(command_buffer); if (result == -2 || result == -3){ return; } } while (result != 0); while (xl3_lock[arg.crate_num] != 0){} pt_printsend("-------------------------------------------\n"); pt_printsend("Ready for see_refl test. Hit enter to begin or type \"skip\" to end the final test.\n"); read_from_tut(comments); if (strncmp("skip",comments,4) != 0){ do { sprintf(command_buffer,"see_refl -c %d -s %04x -d -# %s",arg.crate_num,arg.slot_mask,id_string); result = see_refl(command_buffer); if (result == -2 || result == -3){ return; } } while (result != 0); while (xl3_lock[arg.crate_num] != 0){} } pt_printsend("-------------------------------------------\n"); pt_printsend("Final test finished. Now updating the database.\n"); // update the database for (i=0;i<16;i++){ if ((0x1<<i) & arg.slot_mask){ json_append_member(ft_docs[i],"type",json_mkstring("final_test")); pthread_mutex_lock(&socket_lock); xl3_lock[arg.crate_num] = 1; // we gotta lock this shit down before we call post_doc pthread_mutex_unlock(&socket_lock); post_debug_doc_with_id(arg.crate_num, i, ft_ids[i], ft_docs[i],&thread_fdset); json_delete(ft_docs[i]); } } pt_printsend("-------------------------------------------\n"); running_final_test = 0; unthread_and_unlock(1,(0x1<<arg.crate_num),arg.thread_num); }