Example #1
void VRPhysics::setGravity(OSG::Vec3f v) { Lock lock(mtx()); if (body) body->setGravity(btVector3 (v.x(),v.y(),v.z())); }
Example #2
void LuaCore::setupRsFunctionsAndTw(QTreeWidget* tw)
    int top;
    std::string namespc; // namespace (with '.' at the end)

    // two namespaces

    // setup tree widget (after ColumnCount was set!)
    // no headers to not to confuse the user
    // make it big enough to show the full functionnames
    // second col is only a "container" for the paste value, therefore it needs no width

    // we need to mess around with lua
    RsStackMutex mtx(_mutex);   /******* LOCKED MUTEX *****/

    // rs namespace
    namespc = "rs.";
    QTreeWidgetItem* rs = new QTreeWidgetItem(tw);
    rs->setText(0, QString::fromStdString(namespc));
    rs->setText(1, QString::fromStdString(namespc));
    top = lua_gettop(L);

    addFunctionToLuaAndTw(top, namespc, rs, rs_clear,       "clear()",      QObject::tr("clears the output"));
    addFunctionToLuaAndTw(top, namespc, rs, rs_print,       "print()",      QObject::tr("prints to output"));
    addFunctionToLuaAndTw(top, namespc, rs, rs_luaFolder,   "luaFolder()",  QObject::tr("path to Lua4RS folder"));

    lua_setglobal(L, "rs");

    // peers namespace
    namespc = "peers.";
    QTreeWidgetItem* peers = new QTreeWidgetItem(tw);
    peers->setText(0, QString::fromStdString(namespc));
    peers->setText(1, QString::fromStdString(namespc));
    top = lua_gettop(L);

    addFunctionToLuaAndTw(top, namespc, peers, peers_getOwnId,          "getOwnId()",       QObject::tr("returns own SSL id (peer id)"));
    addFunctionToLuaAndTw(top, namespc, peers, peers_getOnlineList,     "getOnlineList()",  QObject::tr("returns list of online friends (SSL id)"));
    addFunctionToLuaAndTw(top, namespc, peers, peers_getFriendList,     "getFriendList()",  QObject::tr("returns list of all friends (SSL id)"));
    addFunctionToLuaAndTw(top, namespc, peers, peers_getPeerCount,      "getPeerCount()",   QObject::tr("returns number of all friends and online friends"));

    addFunctionToLuaAndTw(top, namespc, peers, peers_isFriend,          "isFriend()",       QObject::tr("returns if a peer is a friend"));
    addFunctionToLuaAndTw(top, namespc, peers, peers_isGPGAccepted,     "isGPGAccepted()",  QObject::tr("returns is a PGP key is accepted"));
    addFunctionToLuaAndTw(top, namespc, peers, peers_isOnline,          "isOnline()",       QObject::tr("returns if a peer is online"));
    addFunctionToLuaAndTw(top, namespc, peers, peers_getGPGName,        "getGPGName()",     QObject::tr("returns the PGP name for a given PGP id"));
    addFunctionToLuaAndTw(top, namespc, peers, peers_getPeerName,       "getPeerName()",    QObject::tr("returns the name for a given SSL/PGP id"));
    addFunctionToLuaAndTw(top, namespc, peers, peers_getPeerDetails,    "getPeerDetails()", QObject::tr("returns peer details as a table for a given SSL id"));

    addFunctionToLuaAndTw(top, namespc, peers, peers_getGPGOwnId,       "getGPGOwnId()",    QObject::tr("returns own PGP id"));
    addFunctionToLuaAndTw(top, namespc, peers, peers_getGPGId,          "getGPGId()",       QObject::tr("returns the PGP id for a given SSL/PGP id"));

    addFunctionToLuaAndTw(top, namespc, peers, peers_addGroup,          "addGroup()",           QObject::tr("creates a new group"));
    addFunctionToLuaAndTw(top, namespc, peers, peers_editGroup,         "editGroup()",          QObject::tr("edits an existing group"));
    addFunctionToLuaAndTw(top, namespc, peers, peers_removeGroup,       "removeGroup()",        QObject::tr("removes the group with the given groupd id"));
    addFunctionToLuaAndTw(top, namespc, peers, peers_getGroupInfo,      "getGroupInfo()",       QObject::tr("returns group info for a given group id"));
    addFunctionToLuaAndTw(top, namespc, peers, peers_getGroupInfoList,  "getGroupInfoList()",   QObject::tr("returns an array with all groups and their group infos"));
    addFunctionToLuaAndTw(top, namespc, peers, peers_assignPeerToGroup, "assignPeerToGroup()",  QObject::tr("returns the PGP id for a given SSL/PGP id"));

    lua_setglobal(L, "peers");

    // server config
    namespc = "config.";
    QTreeWidgetItem* config = new QTreeWidgetItem(tw);
    config->setText(0, QString::fromStdString(namespc));
    config->setText(1, QString::fromStdString(namespc));
    top = lua_gettop(L);

    addFunctionToLuaAndTw(top, namespc, config, config_getOperatingMode,    "getOperatingMode()",   QObject::tr("returns the current operation mode as int and string"));
    addFunctionToLuaAndTw(top, namespc, config, config_setOperatingMode,    "setOperatingMode()",   QObject::tr("sets the openration mode (takes int or string)"));

    addFunctionToLuaAndTw(top, namespc, config, config_setMaxDataRates,     "setMaxDataRates()",    QObject::tr("sets max down-/upload bandwidth in kB"));
    addFunctionToLuaAndTw(top, namespc, config, config_getMaxDataRates,     "getMaxDataRates()",    QObject::tr("gets max down-/upload bandwidth in kB"));
    addFunctionToLuaAndTw(top, namespc, config, config_getCurrentDataRates, "getCurrentDataRates()",QObject::tr("gets current down-/upload bandwidth in kB"));

    lua_setglobal(L, "config");

    // discovery
    namespc = "disc.";
    QTreeWidgetItem* discovery = new QTreeWidgetItem(tw);
    discovery->setText(0, QString::fromStdString(namespc));
    discovery->setText(1, QString::fromStdString(namespc));
    top = lua_gettop(L);

    addFunctionToLuaAndTw(top, namespc, discovery, disc_getDiscFriends,     "getDiscFriends()",     QObject::tr("gets discovery infos for a SSLID"));
    addFunctionToLuaAndTw(top, namespc, discovery, disc_getDiscPgpFriends,  "getDiscPgpFriends()",  QObject::tr("gets discovery infos for a PGPID"));
    addFunctionToLuaAndTw(top, namespc, discovery, disc_getPeerVersion,     "getPeerVersion()",     QObject::tr("gets RS version from a given peer"));
    addFunctionToLuaAndTw(top, namespc, discovery, disc_getWaitingDiscCount,"getWaitingDiscCount()",QObject::tr("gets current pending discovery packets (down und up)"));

    lua_setglobal(L, "disc");

    // chat
    namespc = "chat.";
    QTreeWidgetItem* chat = new QTreeWidgetItem(tw);
    chat->setText(0, QString::fromStdString(namespc));
    chat->setText(1, QString::fromStdString(namespc));
    top = lua_gettop(L);

    addFunctionToLuaAndTw(top, namespc, chat, chat_sendChat, "sendChat()", QObject::tr("send a chat message (ChatId, msg)"));

    lua_setglobal(L, "chat");

    // files
    namespc = "files.";
    QTreeWidgetItem* files = new QTreeWidgetItem(tw);
    files->setText(0, QString::fromStdString(namespc));
    files->setText(1, QString::fromStdString(namespc));
    top = lua_gettop(L);

    addFunctionToLuaAndTw(top, namespc, files, file_fileRequest, "fileRequest()", QObject::tr("request a download (params: *name*, *hash*, *size*"));

    lua_setglobal(L, "files");
Example #3
btPairCachingGhostObject* VRPhysics::getGhostBody() { Lock lock(mtx()); return ghost_body; }
Example #4
btCollisionShape* VRPhysics::getCollisionShape() { Lock lock(mtx()); return shape; }
Example #5
btCollisionObject* VRPhysics::getCollisionObject() { Lock lock(mtx()); return ghost ? (btCollisionObject*)ghost_body : (btCollisionObject*)body; }
Example #6
btRigidBody* VRPhysics::getRigidBody() { Lock lock(mtx()); return body; }
Example #7
void VRPhysics::addConstantTorque(OSG::Vec3f i) { Lock lock(mtx()); constantTorque = toBtVector3(i); }
Example #8
void VRPhysics::setTransformation(btTransform t) {
    if (body == 0) return;
    Lock lock(mtx());
Example #9
void VRPhysics::addForce(OSG::Vec3f i) {
   if (body == 0 || mass == 0) return;
   Lock lock(mtx());
   body->applyForce(toBtVector3(i), btVector3(0.0,0.0,0.0));
Example #10
void VRPhysics::addTorque(OSG::Vec3f i) {
   if (body == 0 || mass == 0) return;
   Lock lock(mtx());
Example #11
void VRPhysics::applyImpulse(OSG::Vec3f i) {
    if (body == 0) return;
    if (mass == 0) return;
    Lock lock(mtx());
    body->setLinearVelocity(btVector3(i[0]/mass, i[1]/mass, i[2]/mass));
Example #12
void VRPhysics::update() {
    OSG::VRScene* scene = OSG::VRSceneManager::getCurrent();
    if (scene == 0) return;

    if (world == 0) world = scene->bltWorld();
    if (world == 0) return;

    Lock lock(mtx());

    if (body != 0) {
        for (auto j : joints) {
            if (j.second->btJoint != 0) {
                VRPhysicsJoint* joint = j.second;
                delete joint->btJoint;
                joint->btJoint = 0;

        for (auto j : joints2) {
            if (j.first->joints.count(this) == 0) continue;
            VRPhysicsJoint* joint = j.first->joints[this];
            if (joint->btJoint != 0) {
                delete joint->btJoint;
                joint->btJoint = 0;

        delete body;
        body = 0;

    if (ghost_body != 0) {
        delete ghost_body;
        ghost_body = 0;

    if (shape != 0) { delete shape; shape = 0; }
    if (motionState != 0) { delete motionState; motionState = 0; }

    if (!physicalized) return;

    motionState = new btDefaultMotionState(fromVRTransform( vr_obj, scale ));

    if (physicsShape == "Box") shape = getBoxShape();
    if (physicsShape == "Sphere") shape = getSphereShape();
    if (physicsShape == "Convex") shape = getConvexShape();
    if (physicsShape == "Concave") shape = getConcaveShape();
    if (shape == 0) return;

    btVector3 inertiaVector(0,0,0);
    float _mass = mass;
    if (!dynamic) _mass = 0;

    if (_mass != 0) shape->calculateLocalInertia(_mass, inertiaVector);

    btRigidBody::btRigidBodyConstructionInfo rbInfo( _mass, motionState, shape, inertiaVector );
    if (ghost) {
        ghost_body = new btPairCachingGhostObject();
        ghost_body->setCollisionShape( shape );
        ghost_body->setUserPointer( vr_obj );
        ghost_body->setCollisionFlags( btCollisionObject::CF_KINEMATIC_OBJECT | btCollisionObject::CF_NO_CONTACT_RESPONSE );
        world->addCollisionObject(ghost_body, collisionGroup, collisionMask);
    } else {
        body = new btRigidBody(rbInfo);
        world->addRigidBody(body, collisionGroup, collisionMask);

Example #13
vector<VRCollision> VRPhysics::getCollisions() {
    Lock lock(mtx());
    vector<VRCollision> res;
    if (!physicalized) return res;
    if (!ghost) {
        int numManifolds = world->getDispatcher()->getNumManifolds();
        for (int i=0;i<numManifolds;i++) {
            btPersistentManifold* contactManifold =  world->getDispatcher()->getManifoldByIndexInternal(i);
            //btCollisionObject* obA = (btCollisionObject*)(contactManifold->getBody0());
            //btCollisionObject* obB = (btCollisionObject*)(contactManifold->getBody1());

            int numContacts = contactManifold->getNumContacts();
            for (int j=0;j<numContacts;j++) {
                btManifoldPoint& pt = contactManifold->getContactPoint(j);
                if (pt.getDistance()<0.f) {
                    VRCollision c;
                    c.obj1 = vr_obj;
                    // c.obj2 = // TODO
                    c.pos1 = toVec3f( pt.getPositionWorldOnA() );
                    c.pos2 = toVec3f( pt.getPositionWorldOnB() );
                    c.norm = toVec3f( pt.m_normalWorldOnB );
                    c.distance = pt.getDistance();
        return res;

    // --------- ghost object --------------
    btManifoldArray   manifoldArray;
    btBroadphasePairArray& pairArray = ghost_body->getOverlappingPairCache()->getOverlappingPairArray();
    int numPairs = pairArray.size();

    for (int i=0;i<numPairs;i++) {

        const btBroadphasePair& pair = pairArray[i];

        //unless we manually perform collision detection on this pair, the contacts are in the dynamics world paircache:
        btBroadphasePair* collisionPair = world->getPairCache()->findPair(pair.m_pProxy0,pair.m_pProxy1);
        if (!collisionPair)

        if (collisionPair->m_algorithm)

        for (int j=0;j<manifoldArray.size();j++) {
            btPersistentManifold* manifold = manifoldArray[j];
            btScalar directionSign = manifold->getBody0() == ghost_body ? btScalar(-1.0) : btScalar(1.0);
            for (int p=0;p<manifold->getNumContacts();p++) {
                const btManifoldPoint&pt = manifold->getContactPoint(p);
                if (pt.getDistance()<0.f) {
                    VRCollision c;
                    c.pos1 = toVec3f( pt.getPositionWorldOnA() );
                    c.pos2 = toVec3f( pt.getPositionWorldOnB() );
                    c.norm = toVec3f( pt.m_normalWorldOnB*directionSign );
                    c.distance = pt.getDistance();

    return res;
Example #14
OSG::Vec3f VRPhysics::getTorque() { Lock lock(mtx()); return toVec3f(body->getTotalTorque());}
Example #15
void VRPhysics::setDamping(float lin, float ang) { Lock lock(mtx()); body->setDamping(btScalar(lin),btScalar(ang)); }